Harry Potter Polyjuice Problems

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(upbeat music) (mysterious music) (whispering) - Hello, professor. - Merlin's beard, Mr. Potter, don't sneak up on me like that and don't make me take away your invisibility cloak. - Wasn't wearing my cloak. I'm just short and somewhat forgettable. - What do you want? - I saw you trying to hide your Dark Mark. - No, I wasn't. I mean, no, I don't have one. Obliviate! - You're not holding a wand, and clearly, you have something to hide. - I do not. - I think you're working for the Dark Lord. - Ha, that's nonsense. I'm Snape, the lovable curmudgeon. I have no business with the Dark Lord. - I don't believe you. - You don't have to believe me, ask anyone. Ah, I hear someone now, so, I'll just go talk to them, and then, they'll come out, so, you just stay there. Ugh, confounded Polyjuice potion. Tastes like feet. Hello, Mr. Potter. It's me, Miss Granger, your girlfriend. - No. - I was joking. Obliviate. - You're still not holding a wand, Professor, and you're still wearing the same robes. - I'm not a professor. I'm just a student who knows for a fact that Professor Snape is a wizard of the highest regard. - Hmm, well, tell Professor Snape that I'm even more convinced that he's working for the Dark Lord. - 10 points from... I'll be right back. I love you. - You're still talking like yourself, by the way! - [Snape as Hermione] Okay Snape, you can do it. Snapey boy, just gonna have to use this hair I found in the loo. Hello, Harry. - Who are you? - Who am I? Well, who am I? - Are you Moaning Myrtle? - I've come back to life, and I'm your girlfriend? - No. - Do you date? - That is not your concern. Now drop this act, Snape! - Snape? No, I'm Megan. - Myrtle. - That's what I said. You know, I actually think I hear a very good character witness coming right up. - How did Snape do Myrtle's voice so well? - Harry Potter. - You think Voldemort is going to convince me you're not evil? - Who's evil? Definitely not Snape! I haven't spoken to him since before I died, years ago! - How many years? - Four? - Four years? - No, eight. - Eight? - How old are you? - [Harry] 15. - It's been 15 long years. And he looks just as good now as he did back then. - If you haven't seen each other in years, how do you know what he looks like now? - Harry, it's me, a trustable student and a boy this time! - You're me. - Yeah, I'm you from the future. - Oh yeah? Then who do I marry? - No one the rate you're going. - You're one to talk. - Anyway, I have important news. Snape is working for the Dark Lord. - He is? - I mean he isn't! You mean he isn't. I'm not. Not you you, me you. Me isn't. (groans in frustration) Obliviate! Off you go, and just shoo-shoo. That was a close one. (slow clapping) - Well done, Severus. But to be honest, I'm also concerned you're a double agent. - (nervous laughter) What? No. Obliviate! Where did my wand go? (makes sound) Hey guys, exciting news. We love Harry Potter so much, we helped create an interactive Harry Potter game just for you. - To play, download the famifi app on your phone and click the Harry Potter pack. Then add your friends and family, and you'll be wand-whipping in no time. - The app is 100% free, so click on the link in the description below, and play our Harry Potter pack right now. - And once you've played it, come back here and tell use what you thought. - And what other games you think we should make. - I knew it. You and the ghost girl have a thing. (sighs) - Do you really think we have a chance? - No. (whimpers) - He prefers girls with a pulse.
Channel: JK! Studios
Views: 877,769
Rating: 4.9523163 out of 5
Id: qJ5lOK7wsjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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