Harry Potter: Hogwarts in 2020

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(students chattering) - Silence. That's enough yammering from you lot. (Severus sighs) Welcome back to another magical year at Hogwarts. As you're all aware, the muggle-born COVID pandemic has become so widespread that we in the wizarding world can no longer ignore it. As such, we are taking a note from the muggles and moving all our classes online this year. A terrible, terrible inconvenience, I'm aware, but we all must find a way to cope. - Oh, what potion is that, Professor? - A tequila sunrise, Ms. Granger, a very advanced concoction. - Uh, professor. Why can't we just use magic to get rid of the virus? - Because, Mr. Longbottom, the logic of the wizarding world is held together by duct tape and begins to unravel at the slightest bit of scrutiny. I mean, we loan out incredibly powerful time-travel devices to 13 year olds so they can take extra classes. Nothing makes any sense, and you'd be better off if you didn't think about it. Anyway, I will be your defense against the dark arts professor this year-- - I'm here, I'm here. Hello. - Well, well, Mr. Potter, so very kind of you to fit us into your busy schedule. - I'm sorry, everyone. The wifi is really bad under the stairs. and it, just it took me ages to connect. - The Dursley's got you back onto the stairs, mate? - Yeah. They said they didn't wanna take any chances, so I've been locked in here since March. - If you're quite finished with the pleasantries, Mr. Potter, I do have a class to teach. - Ha! Figures you'd let your muggle family treat you like dirt, Potter. After all, you're nothing but a filthy mu-- - And that's about enough out of you, Mr. Malfoy. As a reminder to everyone, there are no racial slurs in this class. It's 2020, get woke. - Whoa, did you use a silencing spell on him, professor? - What? No, Mr. Weasley, I muted him. I have admin privileges. God you're thick. - Oh Ronald, while there is such a thing as a Silencio Charm, given the physical distance between the professor and Draco, there's no possible way it would have any effect on him. - And Ms. Granger that know it all remark just cost you 10 points from Gryffindor. - Are you kidding? - Let's make it 15, shall we? - Wait, are we still doing the House Cup this year? I mean, seems kinda pointless since we're not living together and quidditch is canceled. - As a Hufflepuff I really don't think you need to worry too much about the House Cup. (everyone laughing) - [Student] 'Cause Hufflepuff sucks. - Oh. All right, everyone, I believe we've wasted quite enough time. Wands at the ready. I will now be showing you the blasting curse, Confringo, which should only be used as self-defense in the most extreme situations. Watch my movements carefully. The slightest variation on this spell-- - Confringo! (Neville explodes) - Could cause exactly what happened to Mr. Longbottom. Great, wonderful. We are three minutes into the new semester and we already have an injury. Normally I would tell you to go to the hospital wing, but our headmaster has not come up with a protocol for this kind of situation. So, walk it off, I guess. (Neville thumps) I could kill Dumbledore for this. - Is he gonna be okay, professor? - I'm sure he'll be fine. Everyone, wands at the ready. And this time follow my movements exactly. (Harry giggles) Mr. Potter, would you care to share whatever it is you find so much more interesting than my lesson? - Uh, it's nothing, professor. I was just sending a quick message to Ginny. We were talking about, you know, school stuff. - Really? Well let's take a look using Screen Share, shall we. - No, no, no, no, no. (everyone laughing) - My, my, Mr. Potter. What a spicy DM. - [Voldemort] Looks like Harry Potter is giving a new meaning to the term student body. (Voldemort laughing) - Voldemort. - Oh, for god's sakes. Of course, you'd be the one to show up and Zoom-bomb my class. Where's my sunrise? - Too scared to come face me in person, are you? - Well, my dear boy, you can't be too careful these days. I mean, sure I have my Horcruxes, but who knows how the virus might affect them? - Wait, what's a Horcrux? - Nothing, nothing. That, uh, that definitely doesn't concern you. Don't look it up. - Okay, let's get a move on. What's your big plan then? - Well Harry, I might not be able to kill you right now, but at least I can stop you from reaching your full potential. Now prepare to endure pain worse than the Cruciatus Curse. ♪ Tiny shark, do, do, do, do, do ♪ - Make it stop! - Oh my god, it's awful. - Please make it stop! - I actually kinda like it. - Get used to it, Harry. 'Cause it's the only sound you'll be hearing for the rest of the school year. - Oh god! It's the perfect plan. I bet you've even masked your IP address so we can't find you. (record scratching) - I'm sorry, masked my what now? - Wait. (keyboard clicking) Oh my God, he actually didn't. Oh found him. Ah professor, he's hiding out at Malfoy Manor. - Shocking. - What? No I'm not. Uh. (Voldemort crackling) You're breaking up. I'm going through a tunnel right now, bye. Phew, saved it. - He didn't even log off. He just turned off his camera. Wow, he is really bad at this. - An excellent discovery, Mr. Potter. I am sending a squad of Aurors to Malfoy Manor as we speak. - [Voldemort] Hm, I wonder if the new episode of "90 Day Fiance" is streaming yet? - [Man] Voldemort, you're under arrest. - [Voldemort] Oh, (beeps)! - [Woman] Petrificus Totalus. (Voldemort crashing) - [Voldemort] Why didn't I listen to the bloody VPN commercial? - [Man] Target down, returning to the ministry. (students cheering and clapping) - Well done, Mr. Potter, well done. Your rudimentary grasp of muggle technology has apparently saved us all. (Harry sighs) - You know, it has been a pretty terrible year so far, but maybe, just maybe, things are starting to look up for a change. - Uh, hold that thought. I've just received a DM from the ministry. Apparently Voldemort has escaped custody and is on a murderous rampage throughout London. Oh, and also Dumbledore is dead. - Oh (beeps) 2020! - Hey everyone, thanks for watching. We wanna give a big shout out to Displate for sponsoring this video. Displate makes incredibly cool high quality metal art posters. They're all officially licensed. And Displate is partnered with most of your favorite brands, like Marvel, Star Wars, DC, and tons of others. They let us all pick some of our favorite posters and sent them to us. I chose this dope retro Evangelion poster because I have amazing taste. The installation was super easy. Just stick the magnet to the adhesive square and then place your poster on it. That's it. No power tools, damage to your walls, or headaches required. And it's incredibly simple to swap posters out if you ever feel like changing up the vibe. And the posters come in a variety of sizes, finishes, and frames, so they can match any room. Displate is also committed to positive change in the world with the Forest Gardens project. Which means that for every poster you buy, a beautiful baby tree gets planted in Tanzania, helping fight hunger, poverty, and deforestation. So click the link in the description to get 26% off up to two Displates, or 31% off three or more. Plus you can also check out some curated collections we made in case you're not as confident in your own design taste as we are. And be sure to act fast because these discounts are only good through Monday, September 21st. And if you wanna see another Harry Potter video, click the box on the left. Or to see another dope video, click the box on the right. And I'm just gonna wait around for the inevitable wizard to come Obliviate me 'cause I have seen too much. - [Wizard] Obliviate! - [Man] What was I talking about? (dynamic music)
Channel: The Warp Zone
Views: 6,991,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, hogwarts, harry potter 2020, harry potter in 2020, hogwarts in 2020, hogwarts zoom class, zoom, zoom class, socially distant, snape, voldemort, harry potter funny, harry potter parody, funny, hermione granger, comedy, parody, the warp zone, warp zone, warpzone, harry potter zoom, harry potter zoom call
Id: B18ss3dbRAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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