You will Never Hit Driver Straight OR Long unless you Stop Doing This!

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[Music] foreign I'm going to show you a couple of really obvious quick fixes to hit better drives and it's got very little to do with technique I'm going to give you three checkpoints if you will steps that I want you to go through to ensure that you're either not doing it or doing it number one one of the biggest losses to your drives is where you hit it on the club face you see the club is designed to hit longer drives from the top of the club face here and actually favors hitting it out of the toe that may be all well and good but the problem is too many of you are hitting your drivers out of the heel you're setting up with your driver right behind the ball but what happens is during the swing because we're going on the upswing with the driver as we actually strike it we're hitting the driver in the worst possible spot if we don't allow for it which is sort of Outlook the neck lower on the club face and what that's going to do is create more spin lack of distance with that understanding we can make a tiny little adjustment before every single drive you hit I want you to actually set up your driver as if you're going to hit it out of the toe of the club and moving it back just about an inch or so behind the ball what this is going to do is encourage you to swing up and from inside to out okay if you're over here it's very unlikely that your swing is going to be pulled across this way but if we start to add the middle we're pulling across this way we're going to get that glancing blow out of the heel so set up out of the toe and an inch behind the ball and I wager you're going to be hitting the center of the club face a lot more frequently the next power leak is the way you're moving through impact not so much your body it's not about getting swing speed it is about delivering the club with the correct way it was designed to strike the ball all right and most of you have this big fault if we have a swing that early extends a little bit or tries to hit it a bit too hard and we've raised this handle up okay through impact and usually that's a consequence of some other things getting a bit sort of stuck on the downswing coming over the top here trying to compensate that way but instead of trying to fix several other things that potentially might be the cause the most optimal way to hit a driver is not with the club being dead flat it's not not with it being sort of heel off the ground where too many of you are it's actually designed for the toe to be a little bit higher through impact okay through that impact area we want that toe to be a little bit higher more speed it's going to help you hit the center of the club face more often but help your swing path especially the release through because we're not fighting ourselves without a club I need to get your thumbs we're going to take our setup observe where your thumbs are pointing we're not we're kind of replicating a grip if you will but the thumbs are kind of pointing a little bit further up I make my backswing thumbs pointing up I don't want my thumbs pointing down through the ball here I'm going to have a sensation that as you swing through your thumbs are actually pointing up through impact and on the through swing as well that's going to help a sort of draw pattern a little bit and help that swing move all the way around but it's going to help that driver glide through it's the most aerodynamic way rather than here okay so with that sensation a few practice swings of thumbs up let's just do a couple of little half swings okay feeling like those toe of the club is staying up Tommy Fleetwood does this very well and you see him practice swinging like here it's almost like the hands are lower those thumbs are pointing up I'm not trying to do this but it's a feeling of a little bit more hinge in this way through impact keeping those thumbs up and what you'll find is it gives you a nice shallow angle of attack because if we're trying if we're throwing those hands down that club gets steeper because the driver is so long and our swing is the fastest we've got a sort of control battle whatever you want to call it this drivers it's being pulled through we want to try and maintain it on its path we don't want it to be pulling us along so the feeling of the thumbs up through impact is going to give you much more shallow and solid stripes and I just want you to test it out with some little shots to begin with and notice how much more consistency if you want to take this a little bit further you can try it just hitting a few shots off the deck with the driver because it gets much harder if you're tipping the club up this way it becomes very hard but to hit a driver off the deck to have a smooth delivery a nice wide Arc we have those thumbs pointing up okay Point those thumbs up we get that contact and more distance isn't just about swinging faster and harder it's about getting the center of the club face using the driver to help you and having a sequence that helps but I'm going to give you one more step that's going to eliminate so many bad drives and give you that extra boost the next power leak that you're having with your driver is quite possibly the fact that you're trying so hard to swing fast you're doing two things you're either just using the hands and arms where you're not using the body enough or you're trying to force it you're trying to get the body into it and really sort of muscle the shots and what happens is as we muscle the shots you can see that my sort of low point if you will if the swing is a circle because we want to be hitting on the upswing with the driver if I'm suddenly over here just sort of around impact that's not going to help me at all so we need to have a very easy Visual and I love the visual of having a flagpole right going through your back out the top of your head and out of your spine and what we're going to do from here as we swing around we're trying to keep that flagpole in place and we are swinging around it this club is the extension of our arms it's and our arms are swinging around that Central flagpole and you can think of it like a catapult move all right so it's we swing back we're braced against our legs we're grounded with the feet and I can use propulsion to sling this club but I'm staying centered around this point and from here this is my launch pad this is my catapult sensation so even with short little swings if I stay centered the club just whips around but I'm not trying to swing hard I'm not trying to swing faster the only thing I have is that flagpole in my mind as I'm swinging when she practiced that a few times you can really start to get a feel of what it's like to catapult and a way to accentuate it a little bit further is to put your feet and knees together okay and we're going to apply the little tips we talked about earlier but we're going to stay centered imagine this flagpole and I'm going to catapult myself around it see how I'm staying stable I'm staying centered I'm not losing balance as soon as I lose balance I'm actually losing power because we're using propulsion to really garnish effortless speed effortless power and consistent power that hits it out of the middle of the face so try the feet and knees together okay to really accentuate that catapult feeling so there are three very easy quick tips you can do to hit longer drives and understand why you're not hitting it as far now if you want to have three steps to really simplify the entire golf swing check out this lesson like And subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Art of Simple Golf
Views: 961,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf tips, the art of simple golf, Alex Fortey, golf swing, simple golf, pxg, perfect golf swing, repeatable tachnique, golf lessons, start golf swing, driver long golf, hit it longer as you get older, US open longesst driver, how to hit driver, straighter
Id: Gu_jmIfdZVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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