How To Shift Weight And Pressure Like A Pro

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hey guys JT and Eric here with performance Golf and in today's video we're talking about how to shift weight and pressure like the pros obviously JT learning how to shift your weight and pressure in the golf swing is one of the key indicators as to whether or not you're going to be a good consistent ball Striker I want to show you in today's video are what the good ball Strikers do kind of a general pattern explanation uh plus one or two really big keys and one or two feels that you can take to shift your weight correctly to be able to get that consistent solid contact and so JT I think the first thing that's important when we talk weight shift pressure is it's not just how much you do yeah it's when you do it yes it's when you do it that's so so important um as we were talking a little bit before you know most people really struggle with getting their weight onto their Trail leg too late and then getting back onto their lead leg too late so they're both doing things late in the swing that's what bad poor ball Strikers do that's what poor ball Strikers do okay what we want to teach you guys how to do today is shift your pressure into your Trail side earlier so that you can get it back into your lead side earlier again both that most amateurs struggle with yeah and Shout out too as we go into this to AMG guys you haven't seen their video athletic motion golf did a video on this super super good a lot of very cool similar Concepts you might enjoy enjoy that as well JT why don't you just hit a ball not even really thinking all that much just kind of a casual hit here yeah and so even if we watch him at normal speed his body's not going to move like a crazy amount back and through mass of his body isn't like going way to the right and his mass of his body's going some amount to the left but we're talking about feeling the pressure in the feet right we say shifting earlier yes it's not as though there's huge mass movement off the ball but there is a pretty good shift into the right foot let hit hit one more just kind of casual like that JT so if you watch him hit it obviously looks nice and smooth and easy and he's got that shift going without a huge you know motion with the body off the ball yeah and so JT if we're saying kind of the higher handicappers or the worst ball Strikers either you don't shift off the ball at all or enough yeah or tend to do it too late yes so it's that early piece that's that's important yes so what we see with a lot of poor golfers is they're very stagnant stagnant stagnant wait on the right leg as they get to the top of their swing right and so then they're stuck there they can't get back to the lead leg hit the ball fast you know all kinds of shots right instead what we're looking to do is we want to have this pressure shift weight shift very early so pretty much by the time the club is parallel to the ground we want to have a lot of weight on that trow leg yeah gotcha and then once we get to that spot JT um and you want to show them the drill with the tape here so we got a cool drill JT is going to set up the tape um in the front and one of the things the AMG guys talked about that I really like cuz you can think about shifting weight and pressure in two different ways it's it's like yes we're getting more weiter pressure into the trail or right foot but a lot of guys and kind of what we like to see is actually thinking about unweighting or taking weight of pressure off the Lead Foot and I I know we like this drill to feel that yes awesome so guys you can take you know we have some tape here you can take a book you know anything that's a couple inches thick um and you're going to put it right underneath your lead foot and this is just an early takeaway drill so you don't necessarily have to hit the ball with this but the goal really is when you have something underneath this this foot here obviously if you start pressing down right away you're going to feel that and again you're going to get stuck on that front side which is what most uh amateurs do so instead what we're looking to feel in this in this uh drill is we want to feel like from uh setup to maybe a little bit past Club parallel to the ground we're not pressing down on this you know tape we have here at all we're if anything all we're doing is we're having a little bit push off of it and this thing is lighter I almost tell people like you should be able to lift up your foot pretty easily at this point here yeah and if there wasn't tape on there that there wasn't tape on there I'd be able to lift it up you know so this this is just an early takeaway drill guys to really help you push off this lead leg make this foot lighter early on we see a lot of people basically go too far down and forward to start you'll feel like there's so much weight underneath that foot I didn't even realize it so big key for this drill is just having some push off off of this tape or you know iPad whatever you have down there pushing off to when the club is parallel to the ground now we have an ability to talk about the second part which is be able to get back onto that lead side you can stay in there let's move that tape out and guys obviously I love how you give yourself the hardest lie in the world so when you're doing that drill right that's just a drill to get a feel okay it's just a drill to get a feel any object underneath your lead foot yeah now JT when you let's take your setup again and let's say the player gets the early pressure sh like okay cool I get that two two things if you do that number one if you look from face on if we were to like have a line or a wall by JT's right hip we're not saying shift the pressure do a bad sway too much Sway and go way that way with the pelvis that's not what we're saying no we're saying if there's a wall here his pelvis is still staying if there's any motion this way it's minor and it's very early he's not do do a good one y so the trail hips staying pretty much right on that line the hip staying inside the ankle as he's doing this on the way back but from that spot JT how do the hips sort of corporate into getting the pressure back forward yeah so this is really important too so we know that the pressure shift looks like one where we shift to the right early and then we shift back to the lead side as you mentioned Eric it's not so much of a big sway this way and a big sway this way that's what we see when most people try and start this they go okay I need to shift off the ball and then slide all the way back to the ball no good right how we want to get the pressure back to the lead side actually just comes from rotation just how you put that you know alignment stick up against my TR hip here after we do this initial part where the club is parallel to the ground the way that I'm going to reenter is I'm going to turn my trail hip and as I turn my trail hip that begins to put pressure on that lead leg so if we do just the takeaway yep so the pressure is Shifting but not a ton of mass movement to the right but now go ahead from there kind of into the early downswing see how that hip gets farther away from that wall and it'll continue getting farther away as he rotates through during the downswing so there is like a good amount as you're shifting weight of mass movement of the pelvis forward on the way down but we don't want that as much on the way back so if we put that together with a practice swing and we were kind of to feel that it's like unweight the Lead Foot early and then get the hips working back forward in like the second half of the Swing yes yes absolutely and when you get the you know we want to think it a little bit of a coupled motion to where once we unweight the leg as soon as we start turning that hip we start Shifting the weight so that kind is what helps us make this a flowing motion where it doesn't feel like okay this then that then yeah we always want something to be going together so that early shift on that right leg again I can almost lift my foot up here pretty easily notice that and then as I finish this back swing turning my hip and now I can almost lift up my right foot because there's so much weight on this interesting okay and and when the hips are going forward JT because people will say okay is it more like is it sort of like a falling into the lead side people are like hey is it a push off the right I like to sort of see a little bit more falling into the lead side early what what do you like with that yes for sure so i' definitely like to see a or feel like a falling perspective that's why again it's good to have this unweighting because in order to not have weight on it you kind of have to be up in the air off of this leg so that you can kind of drop back into it and you know what's good to bring up the AMG again too in their video Mike talked about hey if I was going to jump vertical towards a hoop I wouldn't stay where I'm at and then jump from there I would move away from the Hooper Target and then go up this way same idea we know we want to be able to shift forward on the way down it's easier to get it going forward if we have some away early exactly and then falling into the lead side JT why don't you hit one more out and you can just do your normal swing I mean you do this all very naturally so not not a lot of thought just kind of a normal hit and we can watch yeah I mean beautiful motion excellent strike we're all looking to hit the ball semi like that let me hop in there and try that absolutely y so we know we know in the swing that we want to get the the weight this way right we know that the question is like the timing what do we do on the way back and then how do we get there yeah and so if you guys are practicing this that unweighting of the Lead Foot I think is Big using the tape or an object underneath the foot really helps you allow that that feel of a little bit this way early and then from there it's sort of interesting you know an earlier video we did on early extension you said hey Eric from here I'm kind of getting the hip depth and it's really that same timing that I'm getting the yes the depth the turn turn the forward all in one shot yes okay so that's like a big a big time in the swing there big couple motion yes kind of halfway back so here the hips are starting to go forward and obviously anytime I finish I'm going to feel like my trail foot is almost fully unweighted yeah almost 100% of my weight's going to be on my lead foot I think that's the simple part so let me hit one with that a little bit of unweighting of the Lead Foot early and then getting that hip depth and towards the target sort of working back around from there to the Top unweighting early yeah yeah that feels really good for me too yeah really nice so hopefully you guys can see that I think obviously you know there's a lot of stuff on weight shift you would see good players start kind of neutral their body appears to stay fairly centered but there's some pressure shifting off for sure which makes it easy to shift forward we're saying the timing is key timing so key timing see and and the the falling forward that you get comes a lot from the rotation the hips exactly quick 202 thing here same with driver different with driver little different with driver you guys notice you know you see drivers on the PJ Tour all the time you'll see their head almost be like way behind the ball backing up a little bit into the ball yeah so the only difference with driver or longer Club you're trying to hit it a little bit less down is once you kind of land back on that lead side you're pushing back and up so you can throw the club Head release all that energy out hit it way up in the air okay so a little different maybe something we can do more in a future video yeah for sure so I like that I like that simple drill some simple Concepts some weight shift pieces I think that adds a layer on to some of the obvious things that we know if you guys have any questions about this leave a comment down below check out that AMG video that AMG video similar uh topic and title very very good uh consider clicking that like button sharing with a friend appreciate you guys watching
Channel: Performance Golf
Views: 45,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf weight shift, Golf weight shift drill, Golf weight shift downswing, Golf weight shift to left heel, Golf tips, Weight shift made easy, Proper weight shift, Weight shift drill, How to transfer your weight in the golf swing, Improve your weight shift, Correct downswing weight shift, Golf weight transfer, backswing golf tips, senior golf swing tips, golf lesson
Id: cqSy3WYC8HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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