How to Fix A Slice With A Driver (The Best Way!)

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are you sick and tired of slicing the ball you feel like you're putting everything into your t-shots and they just keep veering off into the trees well look no further this is the video you need to watch you're going to learn how to fix that slice with your driver once and for all I'm going to show you my three-step process to eliminate that slice and get you hitting those bombs off the tea that you're looking for let's get stuck in so first of all let's talk about what causes a slice a slice happens for one reason and that is the club face is open to the p half at the moment of impact so as I make this slow motion down towards the golf ball the club face for the rhander will be pointing out to the right of the target as the clubber moves anywhere left of that that is going to impart that clockwise spin that gets it veering off the more you do that the more the club face is open to the path the more likely you're going to get that big old banana slice which is hard to recover from so these are the two keys that we need to look at to fix but they are the outcomes what are the causes well first of all we're going to start off with your grip when we set up to the golf ball a player who generally slices the ball will tend to have the back of their front hand so their left hand for the right hander facing too much down towards the target we also see a lot of players do this with their backand so as a reference the majority of players who slice the golf ball will tend to have their hands in one way or another in a weak orientation which encourages all things being equal the club face to open at the moment of impact why does that happen well if I simply just bend over from my hips let my arms hang down you'll see they have a certain orientation a little bit of an inwards rotation to them and you can see it's on about a 45° angle so if I place my hand on the golf club as such well this will be a very traditional look to that lead hand that you would see with the best golfers and if we see the logo of my glove here facing too much towards the target well all things been equal as that Golf Club comes in the face is going to be open and we're going to be in in big trouble so the first thing to check is that the back of your front hand is facing more up towards the sky so here's how to get yourself into a position that you can ensure that both hands are in a stronger orientation to stop that slice I want you to hold the golf club out in front of you whatever feels comfortable like this now if we observe the back of my hand and I just hold my hands out in front we're going to see that it's facing more towards the targ in now if I simply just rotate that club face in my hands you can see it's slightly tipped down towards the ground and then rotate my forearms to get that club face straight well all of a sudden not only has it moved my left hand for the right hander into a stronger orientation but also my back hand as well the benefit of also doing this with a driver as as I go into this position it is also going to soften my trail arm it is also going to encourage some tilt so then as I bend down to the golf ball all things being equal that is going to put my body into an orientation in which I'm more likely to get the golf club returning from an inside path which is going to help us with the second variable that causes a slice shot so first of all let's fix that grip from a weak orientation to a stronger orientation close the club face slightly grip it comfortably however you like rotate your forearms until the face is straight and then get down into your position we'll get back to that video in just a second but I just want to tell you quickly about my online online training platform perform golf being a play myself and going through the struggles of working on my game all the way up to playing on tour I understand that nagging feeling that you're putting work in that's not actually making a difference to your swing and your golf game so that's why I've created an all-encompassing membership covering every aspect of the game to help you FasTrack your progress and get you shooting lower scores it's available on all the app stores and on the web the link is down below so sign up now experience the the difference yourself let's get back to the video so all things been equal that is going to help encourage this club face to come through squarer if not slightly close to the path now if I was simply just to make this adjustment I might hit the golf ball a little bit better however more than likely with this new change of grip I'm still going to have a swing path which comes from out to in and then before I know it the club face is now matching That Swing path and I'm straight to the trees around my ankle here so now we move on to the next stage which is club path we've got the grip how do we fix that path well for this one we're going to use a prop so right here I've got a head cover and we're going to place this in a very very specific position to encourage you as a player to stop that over-the-top movement which is contributing to that slice from the down the line view we're going to place this simply just outside where that golf ball is about a foot behind now I also like to use the angle of the head cover to encourage a visual of what it would be like to get that Golf Club working from more of an into out path now the best thing about this little exercise here is as I set up to the golf ball ensuring I got my new grip I can see number one this head cover is going to be in the way as soon as I get this over-the toop movement that would encourage that slice I'm going to crash into their head covers I've seen many of players destroy this even though they feel like they're going to miss it by a mile so it's a great drill gives you lots of feedback but as with anything we learn in golf we need to start off slow we need to start off controlled and then we build up speed so starting off here I've got my new grip position let's make sure that we're always going through that routine we're going to take the golf club comfortably whatever that feels like to me close the club face rotate our forearms down into position got a nice little tilt now from here I can see that head cover is in the way place yours in a very similar position now we're going to make a very slow swing ensuring that our golf club is going to miss that on the way down off we go now as we can see that ball start a little bit left my target but a very soft swing a baby little draw already okay so what I would do as a training drill is start off by doing three at a very slow speed once you've done that let's pick it up to mids speeed always going through the same little exercise so Club face down rotate the forearms get into position and suree that that head cover is in the same spot little bit of a rehearsal to get that feel off we go midp speeed see that one started bullet straight felt very good off the face Okay so we've done three soft we've done three mid after that move into one full shot relative to the outcome that you see and go back to the slow and keep moving through that process building up the speed slowly now we've got the face we've got the path what is the last little drill that will almost guarantee will encourage you to stop slicing that driver it's all BAS around your release we do see a lot of players after doing this for a long time have educated themselves on how to keep that club face open for as long as they can and they never get the feeling of that club head releasing and passing the face turning down to the ground so I did a video on this not long ago on my Instagram and it got a lot of traction purely because you can see how much that club face is turning over and it gives a great visual of what it would be like to get that Golf Club moving from an into toout path the face closing over very much like a Top Spin tennis forehand you swing up as the racket turns down and that gives it the power same principle here with the driver when we're striking this golf ball so what we're going to do to start off with is we're going to set up to where our golf ball would be let's go through our little grip every time making sure we're staying disciplined with the routine rotate the forearms get down into our setup now we don't need the head cover on this one cuz what we're about to do is we're going to place our left hand for the rander out in front of us like this you can see I'm holding it dead straight now your objective is to get a Fe feel of what it's like to keep that left arm in position and get the club head passing through the moment of impact you're going to see that the natural weight of the golf club the golf club is designed to turn over is going to get that release look that you see with the pros now we can actually start to build up a little bit of speed here keeping this front arm up back swing follow through and I'll tell you what straight through the ball I can feel that face turn over and that is going to guarantee with a combination of the grip and getting that path from the inside you'll be able to stop that slice and get a little bit of drawer so let's put it all together see how it comes off in a full shot so going through my routine I'm going to stand up straight club face turned down to the ground from there I'm going to rotate my forearms we can see the logo of the glove is facing more up towards the sky from there I'm going to get the Sensation that I'm going to avoid that head cover on the way down and then get that club face turning over through our little release feel off we go I'll tell you you want dead straight felt great off the club face low spin baby drawer if you guys are looking to fix your slice this is the exercise that you need to do so I hope you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe comment below if you got any questions or you'd like to see more videos like this answering anything that you guys need to improve your game don't forget to check out perform golf in the app store online a full premium library of videos there to help you improve your game we've got hundreds of members already enjoying it and shaving Strokes off their scoring average so if you've been working on your game for a while and you can't lower it there's plenty of great content in there to help you lower your scores see you next [Music] time
Channel: Kerrod Gray Golf
Views: 18,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Fix A Slice With A Driver, the best way to fix a slice, How to Fix A Slice, With A Driver, Fix A Slice With A Driver, driver swing lesson, the best way to fix a slice with a driver, consistent straight drives, Eliminate your slice, golf slice solutions, fix your golf slice, how to fix a slice, how to fix a slice off the tee, how to fix a slice with irons, reverse slice sequence, stop your slice, fix slice with driver, how to fix slice with driver, fix your slice
Id: kxZ2rIs0yNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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