The Move That Makes Irons And Driver Really Easy

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all right guys in today's video if you're like most golfers that I work with you're really good with your short irons but you tend to struggle as the irons get longer and into your driver and in today's video I'm going to explain why that is how to fix it and what I did with a recent student with two simple drills that could really help you hit your driver and longer clubs much better let's dive in okay so one of the recent lessons that I gave a gentleman came in he said Eric you know I'm really good when I'm hitting my short irons like my pitching wedge 9 eight maybe even seven but once I get to my longer irons and into my Woods I really tend to struggle what's going on what's causing that and how do I fix it and what he struggled with is something that you may struggle with and I see a lot of times in my lessons I want to explain a simple concept and I'll give you some ways to fix this so the first thing I showed the gentleman I took my setup and I put my driver down on the ground next to the golf ball and and then I brought in my eight iron and I also put that in next to the ball and he was standing you know back behind where the camera is and I said what do you notice different about the eight iron versus the driver it said clearly the eight iron shaft is on a higher angle and the driver shaft is on a lower Angle now because of the way these clubs are designed and this 8 iron being on a higher angle players that are good with their irons and this is probably you if you fit in that boat tend to swing the club very much up and down so think of a swing plane that's very vertical okay that works well with the irons now the driver that sits on a lower angle that same very vertical swing plane is not going to work so if you go play and you hit maybe a pitching wedge nine or eight iron and you hit it pretty good you know you're up there by the green but then the driver you have a really hard time controlling very likely that's the scenario so how do we fix that well instead of having that swing plane be very vertical with the irons like I mentioned we have to go more around around so if we could kind of put those lines on the screen with an eight iron and a driver you can see the driver plane that's Set uh set up I need to work that club more around me on both sides okay so the first thing that I gave to the gentleman this is what I want you to try if you fit into that boat sort of a simple drill and feel and then after this I'll give you the the one that I send him home with I want you to take your driver out or a longer club and hold it up in front of you parallel to the ground now the easiest way to swing around you is to remove any of the vertical part of the Swing the easiest way to swing around you is to remove any of the vertical part of the Swing so we're starting with the club already set up in the air now here's what I want you to do on swing one I want you to swing this club around you imagine you're on a tabletop and there's no up or down motion it's purely around you so I said okay take the club swing it behind your right shoulder and then swing through behind your left shoulder we said okay that's fairly simple of a concept to get and then on swing two let's take that down about halfway down to the ground on like a 45 degree angle same concept let's swing this around behind my right shoulder behind my left shoulder he said hey this feels more like I'm swing like a baseball B I said yes baseball much more level which we want the longer clubs swing three I said let's take the club down just above the golf ball barely above it same thing behind me behind me now as I'm lowering the club closer to the ground there will be some amount of the up and down but it's still more around okay maybe 80% around 20% up and down if you struggle with driver you're probably 80% up and down only 20% around and then on swing four we hit okay swing one level to the ground swing two halfway down 45° swing three just above the ball and then swing four we hit I said just keep it simple to start with have the arms working more around your body much more level to the ground behind your right shoulder behind your left shoulder and he hit a drive very similar to that that was pretty good okay he didn't hit a perfect drive but it was much better than what his normal shot would be so it was better right he swung the club it was more around him than normal did we fix his swing in that one shot no okay but we got the general concept now we did that probably 20 to 25 times okay I stood behind him he stood here we went around around 45° around around now notice what you see when I'm doing this when I go around around am I turning my body back and through when I'm doing doing this yes or no yes right clearly I'm to get my arms around I have to turn my body back and get my arms around I have to turn my body through okay so the first thing we said is hey as you're going around around just make sure that your body is turning back sufficiently enough you know chest away from the target back towards the Target and then swing through around he said well aren't I supposed to be kind of tilted over to the ground I said no for this sort of drill don't worry about that just get arms and body around around very level just above the golf ball around around and then we went in and hit same sort of thing around around turn my body back turn my body through feel like the club is working much lower and around me on both sides okay keeping it simple lower swing plane around around and there again he hit a fairly solid shot okay quick caveat here guys when I was working with the gentleman I want you to know this as well when we're creating the depth he got very nervous as a lot of golfers do when I say hey swing it around you and he said well I thought I wasn't supposed to wrap it right away inside like this okay am I supposed to go inside during the takeaway I said good point let's review that just a quick review on that I put a club down the toe line here for him I said Len really I'd like to have the club go Fairly neutral during the takeaway and from the takeaway to the top the timing of this from the takeway to the top is really when the most amount of depth and around happens so if you're someone who struggles with the inside takeway and that makes you nervous all good keep it neutral early and then create the depth from there to the top now as we were hitting shots and he was going around around I gave him some simple cues to go along with it right and we said Hey to get the arms uh to get the arms and Club working more around like I mentioned you do have to have good body turns most golfers this gentleman included who swing well with the shorter clubs who have a lot of up and down don't have sufficient body rotation a big key of getting the arms around is having the body turn enough now the second key when we went around and around is I said hey what I want you to feel like is your hands get behind your shoulder this would be in front of the shoulder to be behind so he's like hey how far around should I be going and I said well specifically get the hands behind the shoulder okay behind the shoulder the other thing I really wanted him to feel and it was an exaggerated feel was that the arms don't get above the shoulder okay so they get behind them but not above now that's not quite reality but it served as a good feel for him and maybe you who was too vertical so now as he started going around and around we said get the hands behind the shoulder and keep the arms and hands from getting above the shoulder this would be above this would be below would to be about level same thing this side bring it down to 45 turn the body hands behind the shoulder and not above it same thing just above the golf ball turn the body hands behind the shoulder not above he said whoa those feel really low I said that's perfect it's exactly what you should feel very low very low now why do you need to feel low cuz you're coming from high that works with an iron with an iron you're going up and down and hitting down on the ball with a driver you're going around and hitting level to up on a ball level to up on a ball so we went back in okay this is probably ball like 15 at this point took our normal setup we said okay we're going to turn the arms feel lower and behind the shoulder so arms around arms around okay so we worked through this process again let's say 20 to 25 golf balls and we talked through a bunch of different things I answered a bunch of questions that he had but the general idea what we got to was that feeling of the body turning around balls stay on body turning around arms were lower and deeper okay at the top and the whole point of it getting more around here at the top of the back swing is so that it could get lower and more horizontal and more shallow at impact okay and iron at impact in terms of this swing plan let's just say like a seven iron the angle the club is on is about 60° 60° the driver angle is like only 45° so it's a much lower plane so if I need my driver to be much lower at impact it would serve to reason that it needs to come in from a much lower angle and if it needs to come in from a much lower angle angle it would also serve to reason that would be easier to do from back here versus way up here okay more around so we hit some shots with that body rotation arms around under the shoulder was his feel and he felt like the club through impact again was coming in very low so the club head was traveling very level to the ground and even slightly up compared to up and down so this was piece one once we started to talk about the club approaching the ball I said you know I'd really like for you to have something when you go home that you could practice to ensure that which led us to drill number two which I'll show you next okay so this is the drill that I gave to the gentleman as an atome drill another oldie but goody and this is the one that I'd like for you to do with your driver when you're at the range you take a range bucket and put an alignment Rod through the top rung of it now I've got it about parallel to the ground I've got it just under a grip length from the ground terms of like how high does it go and I've got the front edge of the stick about over the back edge of the golf ball now the point of this if we look from down the line is to accomplish the same thing we said to hit the driver well the plane wanted to be lower and more around more shallow so with this in the way our objective is to be able to miss that and have the club approach the golf ball from low and inside okay from low and inside so we want to keep it underneath that if we've got more of the iron plane more up and down we potentially run into that alignment Rod so right over the golf ball about a grip High just under that with the back Edge uh near the golf ball again the goal being underneath it so we went through our drills did the four swings level 45 just above the ball to the ball and then we added this in and did another 10 to 15 at the end just just to confirm that we did this well so same feels more around and he hit and that was my best one so far he hit very good drive that's what I anticipate for you now one simple little caveat here when you're doing this drill what I would do is do this at the end of your range sessions do maybe 10 or 20 reps one simple caveat if you're someone who's used to swinging the club from really high to low and out to in it's very likely it's very likely that your Club face is also a little too open so when you learn to swing from more low and inside which you have to do you might hit the first couple of shots a little to the right and you say Eric what the heck man I thought I was going to do this hit it good I'm hit to the right what's going on well because you used to swing over the top with the face open now you're swinging more from inside with the face open that doesn't work you might need to learn with this how to just let the club face close a little bit more a little bit sooner and by the way the best drivers in the world all do that they close the face a little bit more a little bit sooner and they swing from inside now listen do you need to do this with your driver watching this probably 98% of chance you do need to do this okay if you're good with those irons but struggle with driver your swing plane's likely too vertical needs to be more around utilize those two drills if you have any questions on any of this leave us a comment down below and please please please if you have issues with your swing that you've been struggling with you have to find a good coach to work with send your swings inorog let us analyze them say hey here are the two issues you need to do these are the drills to fix them these are the Reps you need to do and we'll keep you accountable along that process or find a good coach near you but goodness sakes find a coach again any questions leave a comment down below appreciate you guys watching
Channel: Eric Cogorno Golf
Views: 562,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eric cogorno, eric cogorno golf, golf, tips, drills, instruction, lessons, easy swing tips, easy swing drills, easy golf swing, golf tips, golf drills, downswing golf drills, backswing golf tips, impact position, effortless golf swing, driver swing tips, learn to strike your irons, improve driver strke, golf swing, how to hit a driver, how to hit irons, golf swing driver vs iron, pga tour, liv golf, ryder cup 2023, danny maude, rick shiels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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