This Grip Mistake WRECKS 97% of Swings (But Nobody Knows About It!)

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guys I I almost didn't make today's episode because it's so controversial I see almost every amateur golfer when they go online they've got the slice problem the ball's going off the planet go on the right and it's going to the woods they are taught to grip the club more strong I guess so turning their their lead hand more clockwise on the grip if you're right-handed player the stronger the script gets in theory that should fix your slice at least that's what every YouTube video says but I'm here to tell you this is causing a ton of problems for your golf game one it's causing you to have bad impact with the ball so you're not going to feel crispy contact two you're not able to control the club face as well as you'd like three it's encouraging your slice so we're going to look at why a strong grip attachment is hurting your game let's start with impact and this was mind-blowing for me because I used to teach this group Style say you know strong grip neutral grip weak grip it's what's preference for you doesn't really matter my thoughts changed in instant when I saw this if I want to have good contact with the golf ball your hands must be leading the club head at a dress but if I want to hit my target the club face also should be pointing at the Target so when you look at impact it's something like this hands ahead and the club face much more Square not open and not too closed now this is how grip affects your impact if I've got a very strong grip meaning I'm seeing three Knuckles or more with this lead hand and I'm trying to get the hands ahead this is what it looks like if I'm trying to get Knuckles down hands ahead I've de-lofted my club so I'm not going to hit it very high and the club face starts pointing left so the ball is going to go left so for me to get a good impact position from this this grip this ball is going left I'm going to hit one just slowly without hurting myself oh my God oh hit the pole that was really low really left and that's because if I have to create good impact which I'm going to do that I'm going to try and do that I have to get in that position but unfortunately the face is there even though my hands are head the face is left so what happens golfers recognize this and they try and get their hands ahead but they say you know what I hit it lap so I'm just going to swing for you to keep the club face Square pointing at the Target instead of being Knuckles down here you're going to try and flip and scoop your hands into impact like this because when I flip and scoop it keeps the club from doing this it keeps the club Square in your case with your strong grip so think about it this way strong grip is going to lead to a flip if you want to hit it straight so here's me with a strong grip try and hit it straight I'm going to have to scoop a little bit through impact here that's the only way I can hit it straight and I even chunked that a little bit there's a big disadvantage to doing that because as the hands go back that's when I start hitting behind the ball so you have to get in this weird situation this grip is putting you in such a weird situation you're saying well either I try and get the hands ahead or I flip and keep the face Square and that's why you're not sure where the ball is going off the tee the second thing that this grip is doing is it's encouraging your slice the ball is going off the planet when you get a really strong grip that address there's a lot of cupping in this wrist when I go to the top of back swing it's going to lead to more cupping look at anybody like Fred Couples is a great example he's got a stronger grip or Zach Johnson the best example very strong grip when he gets to the top you see these trying to keep the face the club face Square and he has a lot of cupping at the top and even has a lot of cupping swinging into impact now he's developed a way to make this work for him but a lot of amateur golfers what they do with this cupping is it forces them this way it forces you to swing down and across and the ball goes away and it's never coming back it's like Wilson and Castaway it's just never come back so the second thing it's doing there it's causing your slice another big problem that having a really strong grip is going to do is as you swing the club back it naturally causes the club face to point more down now I like to have it down but it starts to do something like this where the club goes more and more down like that and I'll see a lot of golfers saying Tom I'm hitting it left or I'm hitting it right and I'm struggling with this problem because they'll start off with such a closed Club face it's pointing so much at the ground when they get halfway back it's pointing back there at the camera away from the Target and when you get to impact it's pointing way left no wonder you're not finding the Fairway the only way to find the Fairway from there is to scoop and flip like this and I'm standing up that's the only way it's quite hopeless so as you swing back if you wanted to make this work for you'd have to rotate your hands that's just a lot of variables so what I'm going to recommend that you do and grip does matter don't just grip and say oh I feel like gripping is strong because I've done it my whole life now I used to be a really strong grip guy but once I learned this about impact I switched immediately to a much weaker grip because when I get my thumb closer down the middle of the shaft just a little bit off the side here more neutral when I get into a good impact position I'm okay my Knuckles are down and the face is square I could never do that with a strong grip look at that this is not going to happen so weakening your grip will lead to better impact weakening your grip will allow the club face to be squarer in the golf swing so it's not pointing down the ground too much it's in the right spot you won't have this cupped wrist at the top it'll be much flatter and that's going to help you get the club on the proper path into the ball so it goes down the middle instead of slicing or hooking like we've got all this Fairway to here to use why aren't we using it I think if you think if you think about grip a little bit differently and you get out of what everybody's telling you stop doing the strong grip start doing something that's much weaker weaker will allow you to control the face better so now that ball is laser straight I could never do that predictably with a strong grip and the only way I could is if I did a little bit of flipping now I'm going to come back to Zach Johnson because he's a pro golfer who has a really strong grip he makes it work when you watch him through impact though as he's coming into the ball he does a little bit of flipping he has to to keep the face Square so it's a subtle flip he's got great impact but he has to do a little flip right there the only way you can make it work a little flip I'm trying to flip through impact that keeps the club from closing so much and the ball is able to go straight but I hate having to rely on that because I feel like impact is hard from there it feels like just one giant scoop through impact I'd rather feel that I'm driving this club down through the ball like a hammer into a nail so weakening the grip face square and then I swing the ball goes straight so just like that it's the same spot again instead of all over the place so I hope this helps you think about the grip a little bit differently and I'll be looking forward to seeing you in a future episode
Channel: SagutoGolf
Views: 338,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf swing, golf tips, golf tips golf swing, golf swing tips, the golf swing, golf ball striking tips, golf tips ball striking, ball striking golf, golf ball striking, golf tips irons, golf tips driver, golf tips straight, ball striking tips, golf swing ball striking tips, improve ball striking golf, golf improve ball striking, golf, saguto golf, sagutogolf, easy golf tips, golf tricks, golf tips and tricks, simple golf tips, golf tips that work
Id: 3aMdJ5XLxqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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