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yo yo subscribe and turn on notifications and I said I want a restaurant in My Yacht not a yacht in my restaurant classic I had a similar experience at the Four Seasons what a place I mean even the masses had masses oh tell me was it Belgium no that's the one my dog stays at of course I'm part owner of the SLS so I obligated to stay there contractually of course do you have any experiences yeah yeah I stayed at a hotel [Music] once I um I I I remember walking up to the mini bar and like grabbing a pack of M&M's they're like eight bucks you know I could have bought him across the street for like a dollar but I was like but then I was like why buy it when you own a mini bar chain across the country why didn't you lead with that yeah I just I just wanted to tell the story you must know my cousin Gustavo the founder yeah he he's a he's a great guy he's a great guy but he is quite arrogant true that is true so tell you what I think they need to install more helicopter pads because it was a nightmare getting here today tell me about it I second that how did you get here me how do I how did I get here yeah how'd you get here Uber pool Uber pool is is that like a pool inside of an Uber oh yeah yeah yeah there's a there's an infinity pool you know the ones that go over the edge out of the the Uber yes I thought those were only available in France oh I I have the uh beta version cuz I know the owner he must know my cousin Jeremy yeah yeah great guy he's a great guy but he's arogant there it is there it is I was waiting Exquisite the wine oh of course so get this I call him to make reservations the other night at velano and the hostess tells me sorry we're booked for the next 3 months and I go you're fired for the next 3 months I own it I've given up on making reservations entirely I just walk into a restaurant and if they have a line I buy it oh I fire people every day where do you eat at where do I eat yeah what's your favorite Cuisine well I I went to Applebee's the other day and the waiter walks up to me and she's like hey do you want the 2 for20 deal I'm like what am I a peasant so I I got each plate in individually yeah and it was like like 2670 like 70 something like that you know without tax and stuff um and uh and then I looked her in the eyes and I'm like you're fired because I own the place he must know my cousin Ron the founder yeah yeah I know he's great but he's arrogant you guessed it nailed it arrogant who are you wearing what who the designer what's their name who is that it's uh ilon MOSI from Target sounds like Target couldn't be Target my cousin owns it he's a great guy but he's arrogant he's my fiance he is the sweetest man I've ever had the privilege meeting he's raised billions for charity it was a joke so this new iPhone it's fine but three cameras I don't like to get out of bed for anything less than four I second that third that I fourth [Music] that take it come on I don't want to be rude I mean we're all business people here right no we understand go ahead I'm going to reach for my new iPhone that has three cameras right now go ahead yo what's up this is your Uber I've been outside forever I'm here $200 million no no thank you are you speaking to me right now what's going on here this is an iPhone 1 excuse me I'm the Uber driver I've been outside forever I'm here for it looks like anoir and there's one for Adam too and Uber pool you're broke too [Music] yeah so anyways I had to reduce my son's allowance to a million dollar a month oh Lord is he on punishment that is quite low well how else will he learn that we have consequences to our actions did you say a million dollar a month yes that's incredible incredibly low have you decided what we'll be having this evening uh mon I will have the uh wagu beef strips with a side of saffron rice excellent choice I'll have the lobster stuffed voni uh with 24 karat gold flakes sple on only the best and I'll have the brazed goose with the Almas caviar oh sir I I must remind you the Almos caviar is quite expensive expensive well that's not in my vocabulary and for you sir what was that thing he got the Almas caviar yeah how much is that $36,000 sir um you know what I'll just get the uh the bread with the uh hand turn um butter sir it's complimentary it's already on the table oh that was quite fast yeah I'll have that okay right I just wanted to also extend my apologies for being late today my flight was delayed oh please do tell well I took my private jet here and when I landed I forgot my keys so I took the private jet back and then I realized my keys were in my pocket so I took the jet back again do you ever have any issues with your flights uh I hate it when I'm flying economy and I have to wait till I everyone's boarded to see if I could upgrade to economy plus cuz you know it gives you like 6 in of like leg room did you say economy economy you you don't fly private it was for a TV show undercover bosses I own the [Laughter] airline I thought you said economy I would never economy that's not in my vocabulary oh love Mercy C for you ah I'm full welcome to the tableside auction we'll be beginning with a very rare painting it's from a small Bulgarian child we're going to start the bidding at $100,000 do I hear her 100 $150,000 $50 ,000 with the beautiful Ascot do I hear 200,000 250,000 250,000 to the man in the gorgeous Blazer $300,000 300,000 to the man who doesn't fit in his suit 300,000 going once going twice 31 to the man in the piano Dar it right everyone you know the name of the game card roulette as always what's card roulette oh it's where we all mix our cards in and the winner pays the check so you you put a card in and you pick one out and you pay for the whole thing like everything correct about 80 80,000 990,000 plus tip of course yeah I'll um sorry just a sec um I have so many [Laughter] cards here you go all right everyone and the winner oh no looking is a Starbucks $4 gift card from Mommy to anoa oh oh no no it's it's it's m it's my uh French friend um uh we are the biggest shareholders in Starbucks and um we're thinking of new design for the gift card cuz we're rich I was about to say $4 that's not in my [Laughter] vocabulary oh then I'll give this back to you oh yeah thank you yeah your your card oh my actual card okay yeah yeah yeah I'll do that I have a lot of money in here and the winner is Raina thank god oh well shall we my driver said he'll take about 5 minutes so yeah I forgot my coat are you taking home leftovers leftovers that's not in my vocabulary and of course the last building this is the baby's guest house this is where the babies will congregate did you did you say the baby's Guest House mhm when we have child this will be where the babies come to congregate and do their stupid little things they do my goodness this is a beautiful watch do tell where you got this from it is an heirloom okay from my late great great uncle Bon DUIs it is unfortunately only $300,000 though so it's really nothing 300,000 you know the other day I was looking at Lamborghinis I want one for every day of the week I feel you but then I stumbled upon this necklace and I had to get it it was only 1.2 what 1.2 what I mean million what else would it be I would never say thousand I'm not much of a jewelry person myself I go straight to the source 20 karat emerald cut diamond 7 .8 mil wow and so what jewelry have you acquired in the last few years um I have this like really cool ring has like schools on it and stuff see I was shopping at the mall mall and uh you know those quarter machines with the knot you turn it and then um like a little plastic bubble comes out and then um and that you own the machine or I own the patent to the machine so anytime the machine makes money I make money because I love money that's wonderful I recently traveled with my Polo partner Elon Musk um we chartered his shuttle to Mars and checked out some properties and the views were nice but I'm looking for something more out of this world if you will so we'll check out Neptune oh wow I traveled as well where through time through time yeah I was with my tennis instructor who was an astrophysicist and I asked him like can you build me a time machine and he did so I travel time today in fact there I am right now hello Evan from 20 minutes ago hey there are you still Rich I'm richer now we have more Network I love being rich 20 minutes ago all right I'm going to go do 10-minute ab workout how did it turn out it look good I was funny then I'm even funnier now it's why all right byebye now onoir where have you traveled to recently me yeah I I traveled once once I drove from Bakersfield to uh Los Angeles um because um I called a radio station and I was caller number seven they gave us fre Lakers tickets and um we went to the Lakers game and it was pretty cool the seats were cool um we weren't that close but um it was like a pretty cool experience go on and then I bought the Lakers it was you you were the one who out bid me I knew it yeah that was me yeah I was going to place a very strong bid because I love yellow oh no way so I think I'll try for the LA Kings they're only 4.2 billion right now and I don't need your help investing I got this one are you sure cuz I can next venture I'll talk to you oh Humphrey I'm not really hungry but I think I can little tip appreciate it thank you very much yes oh yeah I I what is this what is this that's a dollar where are the zeros U I think there might have been a misprint at the the factory i' so it's vintage yeah it's it's from the 1700s oh like a rarity don't overp Humphrey is not worth that like please take your vintage artifact put in a special golden C I'm so sorry I have a phone call I have to make I I had an interview for a cleaning person they're supposed to be here by now but they're not I'm I really I apologize and while you can take yours as well I'll just talk loud are are you sure mhm I just have to do hello hello sir yes we had an interview where are you I'm right over here anir I'm sorry could you please talk somewhere else I'm on the phone it's me young man this is not a circus where are you I'm right here next to you then how come I don't see you how about that how about that question look behind you uh anir can you check behind you think someone's behind both of us right now I'm tapping on your shoulder young man it's it's me I am done with this Tom Foolery do you understand if you want a job you show up to the job interview you don't mess around you clown if you want if you want it to show up to no I really need this job job it's a need oh no are you telling me that dollar bill was only worth a dollar yeah just go go I'm forg him a m get him Humphrey get him a m oh sir what did you want me to clean I have no idea who you are you just hired me oh that was me 20 minutes from now oh yeah what do you do get to work what are you doing
Channel: Anwar Jibawi
Views: 652,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anwar, anwar jibawi, shots studios, Hannah stocking, rudy mansuco, Lele pons, anwar videos, anwar jibawi videos, comedy videos, funny videos, funny clips, anwar compilation, comedy videos compilation, awkward puppets, hanging out with rich friends, new comedy videos
Id: MNPNjh3YoNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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