Most Wanted Killer | Anwar Jibawi

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Wow, okay? All right, which one of us see whatever is on The man they call the bagger claims three more victims late last night His secret weapon a trash bag, if you recognize this man Please call the station or your local police department immediately the chief of police says that this triple homicide Babe? yeah? That looks a lot like you That Guy Has a mustache The only thing left of the scene was the killer's fake mustache I'm being told that you're now seeing an updated version of the sketch of the killer without his fake mustache The man is six four in height Wait how tall are you? like 5'4 I'm sorry apparently he's 5'4 for I said 6'4 because I didn't think men were 5'4 We have security footage of the killer leaving the scene blasting this song Oh My God, I hate that song even i know that that's all as well as everyone knows. I hate this song (Song Plays) She put this as my ring you put this on you put this oh Yeah You did put it on my mom my mom put it on I'm being told the coroner has Officially confirmed that the time of death is 6PM Yesterday evening Yesterday yesterday, where were we yesterday all [day]. [oh] yeah? We're at Disneyland, Disneyland all day, yeah this happened yesterday in the parking lot of Disneyland. It wasn't a happiest place on Earth for these three victims Hear me out no no no listen to me wait wait guys guys We're friends, right? Okay Just, hear me out Listen there are seven billion people on this earth right? this can be anyone. It's just a coincidence Witnesses said his last words were there are [seven] billion people on Earth right this could be anyone It's just a coincidence, [okay], okay? Wait, wait wait hear me out, but Nope, that's all the information we have Guys guys guys look look it wasn't me it's cool i didn't hear nothing i didn't see nothing are we good? I swear it wasn't me trying to show me If you have any information about who this man is you will be awarded three million dollars Three Million? Your'e not gonna get nothing because it's not me [That's a lot of money] Wrong guy, you guys want three million? Go look for him. Have taken a little bit of a turn Why are you walking like that? IT WASN'T ME THO GET THE #&#@ BACK NOW I SWEAR TO GOD IT WASN'T ME Okay, okay, okay? Okay? I look nothing like that picture Listen? i'm listening This is what were gonna do, were gonna watch a movie like real friends, ok? babe put on a movie. I mean not my babe not my babe that's your babe not my babe Sit down it's all good. look it's me it's me .Yeah (Gets hit with a pan and passes out) People you killed cops are on their way. We've got your gun now [Who's got the gun now] Untie me right now! Huh I wish I could babe I've got the gun now I've got the gun , babe. You're a killer i can't be with a killer what will my dad think? Brilliant a lot of money. I mean I did. breaking news the killer has been captured He was arrested and is currently in custody your families are now safe I'm being told the suspect is cooperating with the police and answering all of their questions. April Fool Guys Can You Help Me. give him this guy's good. Oh Okay, look at that. Oh, you're gonna listen [wow] You're sharing your night. Yeah, yeah You know what I'm a real friend I'm gonna show you guys what real friends all about. no amount of money will change the way I feel about you guys Okay, I'm gonna forgive you guys Bring it bring it in There is another update they caught the wrong man. The killer is still on the loose (Screams) GUYS COME BACK Our hearts go out the families of these victims who were taken too soon and before their time it is [fairly] Uncurly he is currently committing another murder IT WASN'T ME (Ending Music)
Channel: Anwar Jibawi
Views: 45,769,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most wanted killer, anwar, jibawi, most, wanted, killer, how girls act in horror movies, membership qa 3, bathroom buddies, thats my sister, How Girls Act in Horror Movies, lelepons, hannahstocking, rudymancuso, shots, shotsstudios, alesso, anitta, brazil
Id: h-DKrJ44SPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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