BRO CODE 4 LIFE (Part 4) | Anwar Jibawi

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me too this is where we first met this is where i first told you i loved you and then i set it back you look amazing let's get to work wait on my queue [Music] that cloud kind of looks like a fish what cloud that's it that's a cue flower time sophie oh my god these are so nice let it fly boys and split [Music] cindy will you marry me [Music] but why it's because before you and i get married i need to know what you were doing august 13th between 7 and 11 pm uh that's a pretty specific time frame um how do you know i wasn't with you because i was in costa rica for my brother's wedding and my best friend saw you walk out of class and get into a pink jeep oh no i think he's in trouble have the book on standby right here sir oh august 13th duh i was uh i was confused because um uh yeah um anyway i was in um adam's talent show uh me and him yeah we uh we got second place and uh then we got we got pancakes after okay who picked you up in the pink jeep it was it was adam yeah his car was in the shop and that was the only rental they had hey stop moving i have an itch scratch it tomorrow okay then who's this that's uh adam's um that's adam's cousin oh really yeah she was our backup dancer oh so you dance now yeah i dance a little bit here and there you know hey you know what would make this more believable i mean uh helpful if i just called adam you know he can tell you himself yeah great idea he should be calling that's him hey bro stop moving [Music] sir sir let's just get out of here yeah hello adam hey how's it hanging bro how's what hanging hey i had a quack question i mean a quick question quack i don't know why i say quack all the time you know um where were we august 13th yo who is this it's me adam stop quacking around bro look man i don't know who you are thank you adam i don't know who he is either we used to wear shoulder pads together remember wait what come on dude should i write it for you in pencil i don't know what you're talking about quack quack what are you saying no look man i think we have the wrong number hey look i know this sounds right i should have never trusted you i don't want you i don't want anything to do with this anymore nope hey no please don't no don't go she said no no no no no just say yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] how's it hanging bro it's code how are you hey good to see you once you get married to my sister then we're gonna be real brothers yeah i mean brothers-in-law no no no no no like real for others cool cool yeah how's it hanging bro we only use that for code word we don't oh like if i'm in trouble or whatever you know what i mean i'm sorry what the hell he's taking oh whoa whoa babe i can't see you right now it's bad luck only when you're walking down the aisle okay so since when do you believe in luck that's so immature anwar and what are you wearing why do you look like a street magician you don't like it no what is this who helped you pick this out well your brother we were yesterday um it wasn't me i had nothing to do with all this so what that tells me is one of you is lying i wouldn't lie to you sis you know that come on okay you know what i've heard enough you have fun in your little halloween costume i will look better than all of you today yo you're supposed to have my back that's none of my business bro okay so tell me does this place bring back any memories no let me ask you a few questions know these kids no that that looks photoshopped these girls no are they single they're your sisters oh gross how about this guy what are you gonna tell me that's my firstborn son look i don't know any of these people i've never seen any of these pictures they all look photoshopped stop acting weird stop acting weird stop acting stop acting weird stop acting stop being weird start acting weird man stop being weird you've been my best friend for seven years baseball i said hang it keyboard nipple pikachu i remember i i remember everything where's anwar who's getting married today to sydney no to another girl nobody likes her what's the matter honey honey what's wrong you're what's wrong chloe what did chloe do chloe looks hotter than me but you told me to wear this dress okay what do you want me to do i want her out i'm your maid of honor get her out you're right dude okay your breath smells just do it sorry go go go you're too ugly you you go go wait where are you going she's gone okay it's okay you're really kicking her out that's your best friend and maid of honor yes i'm kicking her out this is my day i have been dreaming about this my entire life you are just a small little part of it get out just just go go walla you go okay go okay stop [Music] [Music] [Music] ew dad your hands are sweaty don't touch me [Music] [Music] and beatrice you may say your vows no thank you and why do you take beatrice to be your wife he does no he doesn't adam i'm sorry i forgot who you were but i remember now [Music] you remember yes who is this freak i'm not a freak i'm his bro whoa whoa whoa you're not his bro i'm his bro bro yeah he's his bro bro how is it happening bro it's hanging look marriage is about love and she's not his true love okay fine then who is his true love sitting right there no not not you behind you here [Music] it's true you're the one i love i mean all this was just to get over you wait really yes really okay then what were you actually doing the night of august 13th i think uh adam has to use the restroom i already memorized the restroom front through back really yeah everything everything violin pikachu long shared potato chips caesar salad brick wall shawn mendes toothbrush shoelace mendez tortilla okay then uh let's stop quacking around down tell her maybe you could tell her in pencil or in words you know because some people write some people use words right words cause that that's my preference instead of pencil writing yeah yeah sure say it in words tell her tell her we did that uh night of august ah 13th what the hell we drove my cousin's pig jeep yes who is there his cousin's who he picked up shoulder pads bro not mine it was my cousin yes and then what happened we picked her up in the cheep that was pink yes then we went to a show that was a talent one yes yes that's exactly what happened uh-huh the talent show okay and then she backed up dance for us i'm not even looking at him look and we got back in place yeah second place what else and then we did and then we ate our jeep but we ate pancakes i told you not the jeep i can't believe i doubted you for this long it's okay i'm i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i ever doubted you it's okay i knew you loved me i do i don't know why it took so long i'm sorry who are you oh i forgot to introduce myself i'll take it from here we are gathered here today animal baby oh look it's my cousin with the big jeep what about august 13th remember you said you love me [Music] won't you come around train don't care about the crowds
Channel: Anwar Jibawi
Views: 12,230,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anwar, anwar jibawi, aladdin, aladdin full movie, alladin, aladdin trailer, anwarjibawi, shots, shots studios, lele pons, hannah stocking, rudy mancuso, jasmine, vlog, how girls act in horror movies, Aladdin and Jasmine, Aladdin series, Cheating On Your Barber (Part 2), how to impress your boss, Squid Game (Arab Version), squid game, worst DJ, When Girls Get Their Nails Done, The Toughest Guy In The World, LAST TWO PEOPLE ON EARTH, juanpa zurita, aladdin songs
Id: E-E2nogpQHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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