Short Boyfriend Problems | Anwar Jibawi

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There are several variations in this video. First one is a short boyfriend meets his girlfriend’s family, and they laugh at him for being so short. Short guy pulls down his pants to show off his large penis size to make them stop laughing at him.

Second is when the couple goes to the bar together, and the guys were flirting the short guy’s girlfriend even though the short bf is there. Short bf got mad, took the chair and stood on the chair. He screamed at the top of his lungs because everybody was ignoring him there when he constantly said he was her boyfriend.

Third is when the short boyfriend got cut off from parking spot by a truck driver, and the short guy is driving his small Smart car. His girlfriend wants him to act tough by going to the truck driver and demand him to move to a different spot. Of course, he got beat by a bigger guy who’s a truck driver. Then short guy got run over by his girlfriend in a Smart car.

Fourth is just Chewbacca mating call at the restaurant, this part was just them being funny. The first three instances were not funny, though.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Artforsaken 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] it's gonna be okay all right hey hey hey what's going on what's wrong just a little nervous they're gonna love you are you kidding me yeah yeah they're gonna love me okay let's do this hey i love you i love you too babe oh thanks dude katie hi oh you're sweetie come on hey you guys kenny's home from college [Music] oh yeah yeah of course let me uh get something for you here you go assalamu alaikum thank you what is this what is this uh it's ten dollars for driving my katie home i'm not a cab driver sir uber he's my boy no i'm oh lift your lift this is a misunderstanding i'm i'm actually dating your daughter zipcar yours uh rideshare me and your daughter we are dating we're going out we're together boyfriend girlfriend he's my boyfriend you're you're with him yes you're together yes i'm here to meet you i got it katie you got me that's good that's good you were always a jokester that's hilarious i get it i get it it's a prank it's like ashton kutcher kind of punked thing or no you and and and katie are dating katie the who models uh in europe in the summers and used to date nick jonas nick jonas it was just for a month he's not a joke no you really you're dating him yes we're in love it's my boyfriend marilyn you got a committer you gotta meet katie's new boyfriend she brought home the smallest person i've ever seen where's my kitty cat kitty cat you look amazing you're so tall and beautiful oh hi gracias oh no no no no no i'm not i'm not a cab driver oh okay postmates no i'm actually dating your daughter i'm here to meet you you guys are too funny you're so good no no it's not a joke she's really dating him hey hey come down here you gotta see that dad hey what's up oh sh wait you're dating [Laughter] wait wait wait wait bro yo coach andy come look at it what's this i'm katie's boyfriend are you kidding with this guy he could be our football we could punt you across the field hey you come in here and see katie's new boyfriend [Laughter] even the robber thinks it's funny what's he doing it's massive coach looks like you got another player for the team uh it looks like we gained three yards have a good night what's going on man take it easy hey how you doing hey good what's going on whoa man you can't bring your kid here no this is my boyfriend i'm not a kid i'm a grown man i'm an adult just show them your id you got an id junior i'll show you my id come on california id right here where'd you get this from california adventures yo i have a full-on beard look at this take this we're all good junior is your problem tonight i ain't changing no diapers totally thank you so much what do you mean you didn't have to pay him what the babe what boy what i'll see you after that's cute somebody burped that boy what a douchebag i know that's you i hate it i think they're tough and stuff oh hang on now girl you know you can't come in here and not talk to nikki p baby and i am nikki p come on now let me see that boyfriend oh you got a boyfriend yeah me too i know what you're joking around me now that's cute girl no she's not interested bro oh you want to do that look girl we could say that for later right now i'm right here oh man come on who the hell are you i'm her boyfriend bro all right get back bro i'm a grown man look when you realize that you need somebody else you give nikki p a call all right girl come on now lisa mary oh my god babe it's been so long this goes to three we need ice on seven no hey i don't work here so many different things but you look great you look so good and i always said you look pretty in pink and now you're wearing pink cable actually i bought her that dress oh oh is this your your brother your little brother no no my boyfriend i'm her boyfriend like your boyfriend are you trying to avoid someone today like you brought your cousin boyfriend like we're we're like together oh a boy who's your friend no no no no no like we're in a relationship we're together yeah and like a male friend like no like her like her actual boy i'm her boyfriend boy boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend oh so good to see you okay did you see that what she didn't even acknowledge me babe you're way overthinking no your son i didn't even want to come here now it's like dance okay okay oh i love this song you're so cute thank you i love you hey what's up hey is it just me or is he dancing too close don't worry about it babe what's your name he's grinding up on me i'm okay okay no she said she's okay what is that french no i said i'm okay yeah you're more than okay she's okay uh i'm jay i have a boyfriend oh you wanna be friends she has a boyfriend dude no i said i have a boyfriend oh you came here with your friends he's right here oh i love this song what is going on [Music] turn off the music i'm a grown man a grown man i have a beard i may be standing on a chair but i'm still a grown man babe calm down don't tell me to calm down excuse me babe i got this you're acting crazy you're crazy you're a jerk whatever you're my type anyway hey do you want to dance sure i mean i guess i'm single now dave i'm sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look that guy's leaving oh there it is oh hell no what are you doing that's our spot find another oh [Music] oh my god [Music] okay look there's another spot stop i want this spot i'm hungry it's close to where i need to go there's another spot i don't care we could just no i want this spot okay okay i'm gonna get the spot okay we'll just let me get this i'm gonna go talk to him right yeah i got this hey um yeah i'm so sorry to bother you but we've been waiting on this spot for the last 20 minutes is it okay if you uh move yeah so yeah can you do me that favor just move your car over my fiance would really appreciate that i'm gonna cut you some slack get back in the car with you and find another spot yeah that sounds good cool see that's why i love you babe when is he leaving he said he would move but i i said you know i like that spot over there a little better oh yeah okay good idea i know and i might as well just cancel the wedding at this point right okay one thing please don't know one thing from you get me a parking spot you can't even do that how are you gonna how are you gonna take no family family you want a family with me right but you're not even gonna be look at me i'm gonna get that spot all right you know why cause i'm a man okay i'm gonna make sure we get that spot oh wait one thing hold on here take this okay just in case okay hey bad news buddy butt you're gonna have to move your truck i'm not moving big fella all right fun little spot babe he didn't want to move the car stand up come on come on come on get up what you doing bruh [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] this relationship will never work well you're crazy i'm crazy i'm done you're never a man all you do is play with your legos and do that dumbass chewbacca sound yeah yeah well guess what what this is exactly what i mean [Music] hmm what are you doing [Music] they're communicating [Music] [Music] i'm cool man [Music] after all [Music] [Applause] [Music] i thought you were taller why'd i even bother but i like short guys [Music] hey
Channel: Anwar Jibawi
Views: 12,510,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Short Boyfriend Problems | Anwar Jibawi, short boyfriend, tall girlfriend, anwar, anwar jibawi, anwar tiktok, anwar vines, hannah stocking, youre so cute, if classic movies were made in 2020, toughest boyfriend, awkward puppets, rudy mancuso, lele pons, se te nota, lele pons bubblegum, shots studios, delaney glazer, nelk boys, nelk, full send, nrg, nrg esports, i am athlete, jake paul, jake paul fight, jake paul music, lele pons music, bro code, lie detector, shots, jibawi
Id: z-WrP9M8yzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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