Halo Wars is Definitely a Perfectly Balanced Masterpiece

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whoa Wow what kind of eu4 mod is this hey you boys and when I say boys I mean boys it's your local bleach salesman Vale Fisk here back at you again with another video of me being [ __ ] at strategy games today we've got Halo Wars the first now I'm gonna come clean and say right now I [ __ ] love this game don't know if I've ever mentioned it before but I am a massive fan of Halo well that is until Bungie left anyway so when they dropped this little RTS on consoles years ago I played the hell out of it and then a while back it dropped on Steam so here we are today we're going to play a 2v2 skirmish on the only acceptable map in the game against a pair of legendary AI because if I can play EU 4 with some degree of competence this can't be that hard right now you guys may be wondering why I consider this to be the only acceptable map in this game and that's because this map has two little bases here which are completely cut off except for this light bridge that turns off and on that has a base on here so the way I like to play is to just rush the base and then sit in turtle figure well the whole game the sad thing is I played this so many times I know exactly how many Marines I need to take that base all right there we go we have our little army here and the light bridge is on let's move in I got to do this fast cuz I have a feeling I'm gonna get bum-rushed movin boys quick quick get the grenades out go before you all die there we go boys easy peasy what the [ __ ] they have banshees already what is this let's get a Spartan and just steal one of those that'll work out fine oh my [ __ ] god it's Ben we're like five minutes into the game and this is what I have to deal with already there we go get on it get on it what if I could kill him alright we need to get a scorpion in here like now [ __ ] the light bridges on oh they're coming oh [ __ ] run away just run away sleep different circles around the base just hang in there scorpion please alright this is this is fine I can hold out I need to kill their leader no come on come on yes No oh my god we did it we survived [ __ ] hell oh thank you friend man this AI has been really helpful so far oh hello as the arbiter run away no run away just run away let him come to us all we're gonna get him here he's done for hell yeah alright good job Oh what the [ __ ] they built a base right next to my allies only base oh [ __ ] run away run away run away well I I think it's safe to say he's [ __ ] all up on my base despite having absolutely zero defenses not even turrets is perfectly fine while my poor allies getting totally shanked this place is just oh and my allies dead this is now a 2v1 [ __ ] we need to save up for ODS T's if we can get ODS T's we can start to cheese this game a little bit he's got a scarab are you are you serious he's a scarab already oh God okay well this base is dead it's safe to say this base is gonna be totally screwed scarab is gonna end the [ __ ] game already Hey Cobras run for your [ __ ] lives because you guys are gonna get killed he hasn't pushed yet though he hasn't pushed yet alright we need to protect the space a little bit now because it's kind of I think that one's gonna last longer than this one if I'm honest we're not gonna lose this fight hell yeah hell jumpers get in there amazingly we're still holding onto the space I have no idea how it's it's worryingly close though oh [ __ ] the Scarab is here I'll rest in pieces of space the space is screwed now yeah that's not much I can do against that I'm afraid all right it's at this point guys I'm going to enact ghost Protocol and basically start guerrilla fighting around the map by calling an odious season a hornet unless that Hornet gets killed by that no we're fine all right have they captured this base could I take this over no they haven't hell yeah army materializes out of nowhere completely destroys the base and there we go we have a new base site all right this is since this is our guerrilla base we're just gonna spam it full of money-making supply pads and just just leave it got the fact that I can just basically instantly spawn the best infantry unit in the game is just so broken they're not even more expensive either they cost the same and it's an instant spawn anywhere I can see on the map like football who thought that was a good idea for balancing [ __ ] okay the space is officially [ __ ] yeah that's good that's gone that's fine though cuz we still have the space for whatever reason and our new shitty base which basically only has supply pads that's how you're supposed to play this game see you're supposed to be fighting a guerrilla war the whole time using cheapskate tactics you know what I think it's time you guys see why the odious T's are so broken so here's my one Hornet right that I built like 10 minutes ago he's perfectly fine and using this Hornet we are going to destroy this entire base you know look an entire army materializes out of nowhere that can do that like what the [ __ ] is this alright and with our troops landed we will now withdraw the Hornet because his only real purpose is to give me vision so I can spawn in all these guys and fire another wave of rockets and oh look it's shield is almost entirely depleted oh and we can keep doing this like we can get more oh oh [ __ ] there's a scarab coming yeah yeah that might be a bit of an issue but uh not for me we're just gonna have to speed this up a bit oh [ __ ] Oh they've got two scarabs oh yeah that's that's totally fair alright we'll just come around the back here keep up the fight I don't know what the [ __ ] he thinks he's shooting at but it's it's not working Oh alright he's catching on to the fact that I've just gone around the back but you see I have now completely distracted them by going for the space right so now what I can do is go for another base so we're gonna send this guy we're gonna build a base here and we're gonna move over here and build a base there oh they got another base so now that we have a station here all we're gonna do is build some turrets on it I just use it to delay them from taking it themselves yeah that this basis the space is gone and they're gonna kill this one in a minute so we're gonna have to just keep moving on you see while they're busy killing my base I'm gonna be busy killing theirs oh look their main base doesn't even have a shield isn't that convenient so let's just materialize an army out of absolutely nowhere and he's not gonna do anything about it at all because he's too busy doing god knows what he's not here that's the point all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna run around the map and we're just gonna target the [ __ ] out of blue we're just gonna try and take out all of the blue AI spaces so that he gets knocked out of the game and then we only have the purple one left Oh looks like they finally caught on to what I was doing over here but too late oh hello mr. scarab okay everybody run run away to the hills run to the hills yeah these these guys are dead that's okay though cuz you know what we're gonna do we're gonna fly back to our original base and we're gonna drop a hell of a lot of ODS T's on it and retake it alright let's see if they built a base here they probably have yeah no yes oh it's a blue base as well a weak blue base yes please and there we go base is destroyed yep nothin wrong with this game whatsoever it's perfectly strategically balanced this is this is fine this is how it's meant to be played oh the blue scarab is here well [ __ ] oh my god he just said a scarab killed by the light bridge I love this game so much alright let's let's take out this other base of his alright let's destroy Purple's main base now let's just stack an entire army behind it oh we killed the blue AI okay he's out of the game oh I love this so much why is this so broken there we go that's his uh that's his main base destroyed I'd like to clarify I have not built anything except for supply pads and reactors in the last like 20 minutes all of my men have come from the ODST ability and that's it oh [ __ ] the arbiters here okay keep going we're almost there oh it's so close come on yes okay we got it Oh even the arbiter can't save him now come here you little [ __ ] let's just build a base right on top of his army I'm sure he won't have any problems with that looks like they are gonna push me back that's a shame right let's build a Hornet and we're gonna go for his next base which is the one we tried to kill earlier but kind of failed cuz they had two scarabs on it si has he tried to build a base on this yet no he hasn't why don't we do that while he's busy trying to take that base back let's just build one over here all right here we go we're going in boys drop tubes take him down supper fie he's finding to attack why would he attack y'all for [ __ ] sake I'm tired of trying to understand the AI it doesn't know what it's doing you know whatever happened to his scarab I haven't seen that thing in a long time all right next base let's go if we kill this one he basically has no income left I think so we should be good that did it though oh [ __ ] he is vampires why is he building anti-air when even if I had any air units oh there's a scarab it's I was protecting one of his bases there's a scarabs on the move apparently it's gonna come over here oh I hear scarab noise yep there he is let's get him full ODST army let's go okay I'll admit this this does appear to be a bit of a weak point in the ODST strat yeah this is uh this is problematic it's not really anything I can do to stop it though I'll hold on a minute his scarab is the only thing he really has left and it is here and he only has this base left I think I know what I need to do here and here comes the army there they are yeah all of those guys were stuck in one Pelican somehow let's move in and there we go that's his oh he might have retaken some bases actually hold on a minute he hasn't built a base here has he no so let's do that oh but it's carefully sitting on the site all right so we're just gonna keep sitting here with one ODST and we're gonna keep stealing this base site from him [ __ ] I'm leveling him up he's about to lose he has I have all the bases yep there we go ai player 2 defeated so let's have a little look at the the statistics now shall we military I had 200 and no I lost a hundred and sixty-three ODST squads which is the amount of troops like actual people you see on the screen now ouch and I only had two hundred and ten kills myself I built a hundred and fourteen buildings and lost half of them alright so with that out the way what have we learned guys what have we learned from this experience because if I'm honest I think I've learned that this game has absolutely no problems whatsoever and is ready to become an eSport thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Valefisk
Views: 651,936
Rating: 4.8802919 out of 5
Keywords: halo, halo 5, halo reach, halo wars, valefisk, valefisk speedchievement, halo 4, halo 6, halo infinite, halo infinite trailer, halo memes, eu4, hoi4, hoi4 memes, hoi4 multiplayer, eu4 memes, halo wars 2, halo wars meme, halo theme, halo soundtrack, halo 3, halo 2, memes, eu4 tutorial, halo theme song
Id: fgvVj1ZDmPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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