Abusing Unarmed Conscripts in Halo Wars 2

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Putting it on reddit before i've even released it? Cheeky...

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Valefisk 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh yeah there they are oh [ __ ] uh hell yeah my friends it is time it's finally time it's halo wars - hi my name is Vale Fisk and as you could probably tell from this video's title we're gonna be breaking some lovely Geneva Convention statues today don't worry about me though I'll I'll be fine I've got a friend in The Hague who's keeping my ever-growing file away from the eye of that annoying dredge the UN Criminal Court that stationed over there but anyway enough about my alleged crimes let's just let's just get on to the game now as you guys can probably tell from my rank I am already a professional Halo Wars 2 player and for that reason we're not gonna play ranked we're gonna play team more I just I know I'm not brave enough for ranked you'll also notice that my name is not quite spelled correctly and I swear that wasn't on purpose but I'm not spending another $10 to change it back all right now of course you have read the video title by now so you'll know full well what the plan here is and I like it now the interesting thing about yap-yap if you've not played this game before is that this is his his primary unit their unarmed infantry and they don't cost anything to make so if you'll just excuse me I'm just gonna queue up a few of them here just a few yeah that sounds about right and immediately we're gonna select all units and we're gonna rush behind the enemy base and we're gonna try and take this small base here all right boys here we go come on get behind go go go if we can get behind them without them realizing it they're totally [ __ ] come on come on oh [ __ ] they found us hidden voice smack em I got a [ __ ] zombie apocolypse surrounded by unarmed drugs there we go we got the base we got the base all right here let's lead them away from the base let's try and oh [ __ ] oh I'm surrounded oh well it's just it's just conscripts it's okay if they can die oh there we go we got the mini base all right raid camp it is let's go ah [ __ ] they found us they found us boys ah damn it I don't have any way of stopping them right now oh no my rush has definitely failed they got your roam out here there we go look at these [ __ ] things these are giant like grunt mix it doesn't make any sense this game is just whack I love it we're just gonna keep doing it we're just gonna keep spamming out cannon fodder who gives a [ __ ] their conscripts they're basically conscripts this is just Russia honestly it's just Russia look how many units I have we're 6 minutes in and I have this many grubs remember man if the man in front of you falls pick up his rifle wait a minute no none of them have guns it could probably be a bit aggressive here actually we have so many [ __ ] units all right let's see if we can't just like maybe poke the hornet's nest a little bit over here they've definitely got a base here though oh yeah there they are oh [ __ ] can't afford our lost cannon fodder loss just surround them come on they can't kill you all men I go look some of you may dive and that's a sacrifice that I'm willing to make holy [ __ ] look at all the dead grunts it's incredible oh [ __ ] they have a mantis oh they got a mantis all right cease fire cease fire you see this ability this ability is incredible if you activate it neither side can shoot at each other until the timers go on look at each other that's it I have this this is all I have left now well you know what that means voice you know what that means it looks like our ally is just over here I don't even know what he's doing but he's doing it all right let's fine we can just get more conscripts just get more of them come on let's go there we go I'm researching ankle-biter which increases their damage and slows enemies when they attack [ __ ] incredible I love that I have just I just have could throw unarmed free infantry at them it's great should we just charge I don't see any reason why not - they're just conscripts let's go oh oh [ __ ] oh here they come they're right here oh my god no oh oh my god what is even going on I can't see this too many explosions oh my god - move win we did we actually won we won the fight I can't believe that that's incredible we actually got out of that a lot oh oh I spoke too soon that's okay we got out with with that many men none no cannon father oh no this one one single Oscar survived only one oh yeah we only needed one that's fine all right well I call that a victory let's just let's just go back now oh all right refresh time keep going I don't know what they're doing they're not they're not doing anything they're just sitting over here in the somewhere Oh what's he doing is he going to attack are we alright I'm on my way we're gonna fight him I guess here we go oh this thing's still alive [ __ ] I didn't even realize oh oh alright I guess I guess it's that time of year let's go holy [ __ ] I can't fight those my guys are unarmed they don't have any guns I can't fight air units Hornets staggered line [ __ ] master they outnumber us three to one then it isn't even fight all grunts smack them it will burn their mongrel hides well just do this there are so many air units I can't even see it's just chaos it's just chaos are we winning I don't know all I see is everything dying oh [ __ ] they got a condor I don't know what to do should we just let's let's do this [ __ ] it we're gonna use please don't shoot and we're done there we go can't the party's over boys party's over isleta let's let our reinforcements get in and we'll just resume where we were get hit that hit the thing oh my god what is even going on I can't see anything it's all just fire and death are we winning are we I think we winning I think we're I think we're gonna win all we have there is that it we have six six grunts that's it what even is this what's going on they're retreating all right push forward push forward don't let the artillery to get away come on don't let me get away don't let it get away oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay their whole thing is in the base everybody fall back let's just let's just get one of these I think we'll be okay all right well I guess we just begin the cycle of sitting around until we fight again they have so many air units holy [ __ ] how do I beat air units I don't know up there we go boys there we go boys he's giving me power oh okay thanks I mean I'm at max cap right now I don't know what you want me to do with this Pat with that power he's just he's just giving me resources I don't understand I have I think I'm okay okay I'm at max pop I don't know what to do all right we're going in we're going in boys all right we're just moving in everybody in here we go I think the Scarab died yeah yeah it did all right well the scarabs dead let's so let's just build another one of those I guess that uh that didn't go very well that that really didn't go very well god oh [ __ ] all right we're not nobody fire see fire just cease fire everybody just chill out we're not we're not playing this game right now oh [ __ ] here we go all right well I'm not ready but here we go ah [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we're getting overwhelmed oh they got a condor as well right well I guess I guess I'll just die then all right well they're not I don't understand why but they're not pressing that advantage they're they're not attacking us right now I guess I'll build another scarab then oh [ __ ] here they come we're not quite ready but here they come what are they doing why are they going this way they're gonna go around and attack me is that it right well I don't know what their plan is here but I don't these are just gonna sit here all right focus fire on the Spartan go oh it's not going well this is not going well Oh actually I think it's going okay scarab is still alive and well and this the scarabs gonna die that scarabs done how's the other scarab doing oh hello there perfect timing all [ __ ] he's got the Sentinel oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I think I think I might be done here you destroyed my base all right back up back up my Ally is also [ __ ] all right all right then it's only one thing for it for us now there's only one thing left actually if they're mostly err probably build these oh don't shoot leave me alone please leave me alone please leave me alone you're just gonna walk into my base now oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right everybody focused The Sentinel all right ready go it's just not working this isn't gonna work it's not working it's not working it's not working oh we got their sense at all though we got the Sentinel I think we're doing okay I think we might make it I can't afford another scarab though [ __ ] our ally ally might be okay [ __ ] is that oh my god oh no oh man they really killed my economy I don't have the resources anymore to fight back thank goodness my cannon fodder don't cost anything but they're not really that helpful because like all their [ __ ] or air units what the [ __ ] do I do with cannon fodder against air units let's send out some conscripts and see if we can't like bomb their base or something what if they got oh holy [ __ ] they've got all these air units I keep spamming out Reavers just keep going oh [ __ ] my allies in the move oh [ __ ] okay God we're going we're going we winning just keep focusing I got all this anti-air oh holy [ __ ] it's is just absolute chaos like you don't even know what's going on we're winning though I think we're winning can we actually turn this around holy [ __ ] Oh oh there is this issue over here I focus the enemy's super unit take it down take it down super fly it's working this is actually working all right take the base down take it back keep pump keep pumping out anti-air keep pumping out anti-air holy [ __ ] we did it we took back the base I thought we were done I thought that was the end of the game but no no no by the power of conscripts we are back in the game we need this base though we need the space right now alright so for whatever reason this guy has two air pads sitting over here so let's just deal with that right now just keep hitting this thing let's get rid of it oh [ __ ] are we fighting oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we are the yellow guys have come in look how much anti-air they have holy [ __ ] there's no no it's not working for you anymore buddy this is this is too much anti-air no escape don't let any of them get away kill them all kill the medic kill the medic all right we got the medic there we go boys take down all the air units oh look at this now we're doing it we're doing it we're gonna push him back up scurbs gone that's okay he's coming around from behind we're gonna we're gonna flank him we'll just we'll just start building another scare up there holy [ __ ] we did it we wiped out his army we're pulling this back from the brink we really really are alright alright alright we've we've taped retake in the middle we've retaken the middle this is nuts this is really nuts I thought we were done with this game like 20 minutes ago when we lost that battle but no we're back we're back there we go now we enter another period where we can just lick our wounds and RiRi organize ourselves here you know I don't think words can express how excited I am for the Master Chief collection to get to PC because oh dear God like I am I'm so ready I want Halo Reach on PC so badly and as I am recording this as I'm reading on Halo Waypoint here they think they're gonna put out the first stage of beta testing next week and I am I'm so ready please please just give me give me my reach there they are there's their army Oh awesome boys Burnham oh bro today that scarab is not gonna last much longer you have to speak of the devil right rebuild this rebuild the scarab immediately don't even wait let's take a peek in here and see what they have they have basically nothing I don't see anything there other than these turrets we go for it can we go take them out I don't know it's a risky it's a risky proposition but we might we might be able to do it but if I put my blister backs like here well now that's an idea hang on a minute here what if we put the blister backs like here oh look is artillery just sitting there I can't see us take it down voice take it down he doesn't even notice he's not even trying to move yet there we go easy I'll have a scarab just it's just trying to position itself and it's like oh excuse me sorry I let me just let me just weasel it sorry right so what now are we just gonna wait drive any cannon fodder left no no it's mostly air units now oh where do you think you're going mister hold on a minute I don't know what he was doing with those hornets but I don't like that idea we're gonna we're gonna put some turrets up fast nope I just got your room sitting there for some reason he doesn't have anything here let's go let's go let's get his base Oh what the [ __ ] is this alright screw it we're going for their base while they're doing that [ __ ] it come on break the base destroy the base while they attack this base for whatever reason we're gonna just destroy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay I see how it is there's a bunch of them just at this base we're gonna bring in we're gonna bring in reinforcements hah delay we got it by time we got to buy time we're gonna destroy their main base like the moment I can do it it's gonna die two one go go kill it our base is under attack okay that giant ridiculous Sentinel army is on its way 27 seconds I can get a cloak in there my allies falling back I'm gonna try and hold here and see if I can't destroy his base oh [ __ ] he's here quick please cloaking generator please haha he doesn't have any cooking units he's [ __ ] he can't see my base he's done there we go I destroyed yellow space Rio my god are we gonna pull this destroy the red destroy the red base come on go go go go that's it yellows out yellow doesn't have anymore faces he's done there we go this base is cloaked he can't do anything the base is cloaked it's working it's working oh my god it's working oh my god were actually gonna pull this off I think we're gonna pull it off oh [ __ ] oh no he used an ability he's not done he's not done all right [ __ ] it we're building two scarabs - scarabs go go go all right well we mate we basically just eliminated yellow from the game he doesn't have any resources he's completely [ __ ] I think we got this guy's we got this all we got to do now is rebuild the scarabs and we'll be good all right there we go boys we've got a scarab let's get back in there now [ __ ] me this is ridiculously intense I can't believe we've managed to not die and are now in the lead all right let's push forward boys come on we get we can't let them repair and rebuild now not while yellow is so weak destroy the base oh [ __ ] that's a condor though there we go base destroy destroy the red Condor all right push push push push let's go let's go come on come on we're gonna do this we're gonna do this we're gonna do it we're gonna do we're gonna win we're gonna win this game there it is destroy the base Alex giving me supplies I don't care I really don't care about supplies right now this is it he's probably only got one base left I think we're actually we pulled this back I cannot believe we pulled this back look at this look at this absolute mayhem I think we've done it I think he's only got one base left I think we've done it I find if you keep giving me power I'm gonna give you power take my power [ __ ] take it back here it is here's the last base this is probably the last space they might have a base over here I don't think yellow has been eliminated yet so they must have won this is it that's it that's all the red base is gone they can only have one base left now ally has just gone around and he's plopping bases and all their old sites so they can't build any new ones I think yellows out yeah he's not here anymore he must be out it's gotta just be this base now he's got to have nothing left yeah here we go oh oh [ __ ] he's got an army though all right just keep them occupied I'm gonna get the base let's just fire some methane I guess keep going just destroy the base keep him distracted come on we got it we've got it we've got the space we've got it holy [ __ ] we did it we actually did it did we win I'd say he's only got his leader left this is it this is it we did unbelievable I cannot believe I cannot believe we pulled that back holy [ __ ] he was ranked 57 god oh my god oh look at though clearly I pulled all the weight I mean look at that it's very cliquey bassist bill look at look at the enemy that's clearly was all me oh man Sue's shout out to normal track eight 301 wherever the hell you are thank you holy [ __ ] I cannot believe we managed to pull that back oh [ __ ] oh dear God okay if we did it we've done it we did it look at the stats oh my god oh Jesus he generated like double everything I did but look I used the most hero powers I built the most units ignore the fact that most of them were free I built the most units yeah I was last blast and everything I I may or may not have gotten a little carried there but no no I helped look I I was there I helped right well that was halo wars - I've been meaning to play this game for a long time and now I have it's pretty good it's funky you can't tell what's going on in the fights but it's it's really it's fun I like it thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Valefisk
Views: 306,297
Rating: 4.9531569 out of 5
Keywords: halo wars, halo wars 2, csgo funny moments, thespiffingbrit, gaming montage, age of mythology, skyrim, skyrim together, fallout, xcom 2, xcom 2 gameplay, ck2 perfectly balanced masterpiece, ck2 incest, ck2 incest only challenge, eu4, eu4 memes, hoi4, hoi4 memes, halo wars 2 cutscenes, halo wars 2 gameplay, halo wars 2 review, halo wars 2 awakening the nightmare, halo wars 2 flood, halo wars 2 memes, zanny, zannyvids, skyrim fork only
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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