HALO 5 All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K UHD

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[Music] [Music] Spartan Locke I have spent enough years with Oni to know the truth once this is over after all I have done they'll order you to kill us both fireteam Osiris over the last 72 hours five colonies have experienced identical events massive destruction forerunner and origin but dr. Kathryn Lisbeth Halsey has managed to contact us she claims to have information on these attacks policy is currently in covenant custody on the surface of come chata your mission is to insert behind enemy lines with tree palsy and bring her back to infinity be advised dr. Halsey is accompanied by covenant Supreme Leader Jew l'm gamma if you have the opportunity understood commander good luck Spartan Locke the Trinity out tracking gear online affirmative say before we make this jump anybody want to say a few words I figured Goggin here I'm scared I am so can everyone else lock fine first drink what we're done you ask you buy fireteam Osiris the light is green [Music] [Music] gotcha my mom got me that - doctor [ __ ] online already weapons free top deck [Music] [Music] we could have taken them let's move bail keep it here on comms buck Tanaka full security palsy and and Dahmer holed up inside a four-runner structure ahead that's our target so has he called us she said there was something big Abbott I get captain nasty coordinates Devine [Music] is clear good work it I noticed in the briefing dr. Halsey lost her left arm when did that happen jewel didn't no idea when or why reckon it wasn't an argument or he to cut off her head instead alarm door sealed tight forerunner security station must be in lockdown anyway they lifted the Ottomans can analyze forerunner systems might be a way to override this door this should do it doors open the Artemis did the trick listen to this rock incited was getting desperate how'd you learn to speak saying he'll avail when I was a kid I was stuck on a diplomatic shuttle adrift in deep space for six months my options will be real bored or spend the time our destination is on the other side of this battlefield watch out for the cracking the Covenant are trying to use it to break the Promethean lie [Music] all Zeinab dollars somewhere inside that structure we do this right we bring our target home and the Covenant in one move must have Delta bloated in bamas authority when the Prometheans turned on him gained a lot of fire styling himself as a forerunner prophet jewel and dom is an opportunist not a leader it was only a matter of time until his version of the Covenant started to break well I could stand to break a little faster if you ask me we're close to all these positions I got the great fire on the broken armor got what all right danger is clear we move on halsy into there are several would you like to discuss the finer points of casual reconciliation so you have learned something from me to be able to mark soon as I can however I did not claim to be able to access it instantaneously seems our fingers are an open rebellion and eyes on target this location does not serve my needs but she makes another transmission I must try [Music] dr. Halsey captain Lasky would like a word with you it took you long enough fireteam Osiris you are cleared to land in docking bay 11 [Music] captain Lasky I sent you my position three weeks ago I told you this was happening we discuss that in private dr. Palmer what is your tongue how far has it already gone good work Osiris what do you think that's about [Music] I haven't seen cheap press himself like this since we were in boot camp he's fine Fred this many missions not stopped isn't fine Sierra one 11750 routine is located argent moon signs of hostile activity but she's still here affirmative infinity 1 1 7 you go thanks Kelly everyone ready affirmative you good Blue team fallout [Music] the unborn of the sisters who told him on the way out the airlock [Music] [Music] hah breach pressurization of affected areas what do we know about argent moon Dhoni research station went dark 19 months ago last week keke are scavengers found it and sold the fine to jewel and dumbest people we clear the Covenant and return this station the oni fastest route to retrieve a list see central control eliminate hostels between here and there and deactivate gravity and life support systems ship datacenter is just ahead we can pull down argent moon schematics there foster contact I plug it is down let's go data center we've got a complete set of data set keys for the station we should be able to pull down our genuine schematics and find a path to central control data SEC entry expected access the data banks grab the data and current population map should be a straight shot to central control through the assembly Bay ahead we're still prowlers in the hangar bays nobody from oni got out of here alive today now let's go central controls straight across this Bay everything's wrapped up they must be stripping that experimental ship for parts scavengers taking what supplies they can find the covenants war against the arbiter must not be going well julen dama is a lot of things but he's no prophet [Music] let's go a cuddly [Music] [Music] central control is through those doors Blue team report Sierra 1 1 7 2 Blue team report Sierra 1 1 7 does anyone copy Oh [Music] chief the domain is open meridian is next katara job the reclamation is about to begin she she's on Meridian who katana that's not possible you said she was gone I watched her die we have a mission to focus on we can talk about this later lights on Frederick get us back on course for central control bringing up schematics there's an elevator we can use but access is four levels down buck a path we've reached level 2 keep moving down chief what a cool town to say to you not enough something about Meridian meridians of backwater if she's active what's she doing so far [Music] [Music] reach level three one more level down to the elevator for central control to social control is down don't follow ramps up covenant ships exiting slipspace we're outnumbered here chief a few thousand to one surrendering argent moon is not an option neither is fighting half the Covenant close quarters then forget about reaching central control plan changes to a sat denial scuttle the Archon Boone ship's reactor same plan is the perpetual devotion we overload the reactor at evac ship explodes destroying any ships nearby the reactors below the lab just ahead we can use air ducts to travel between them walking the access panel [Music] there's chatter about deulim down on covenant combs the new arrivals say he's dead somebody cut the head off the covenant Bravo Hunter's that it's free others down reactor cores just below us let's go schematic show pass to the reactor below here the reactor room is just ahead you like this views in vault no salvage for the Covenant right let's go reactor controls are on the far side of the world eliminate the covenant forces that get to those controls [Music] areas clear initiate the overload got it reactors overloading go for the hangar bay attainment the station's going to try to cool the reactor I guess the UNSC is better reactor safety protocol than the Covenant we can stop that board the reactor the reactor is being moved we should go with it the safety systems are set to pump coolant to the reactor this whole plan fails the factory would get the chance to work shame to lose the argent moon but I'd love to see the niccola covenants faces when she goes supernova how do we stop it there are sheds located on the either side of the cooling chamber those are our targets reach the control sheds get the cooling system offline [Music] to be back now Benji's are fast enough to get clear of the reactors no signal no deposit retrieval I'm not I must have taken it out Frederick find the nearest hangar bay we're taking a prowler anger and truths here caller is just inside through an airlock there's the problem but the hangers full of Covenant clear them out prep for launch and do a quick rather not be here when the station melts around us [Music] ready for now blue team clear time Linda 89 seconds Sierra 1 1 7 to infinity argent moon scuttled I've reassigned blue team destination Meridian potential contact from Cortana negative 1 1 7 another team is already being prepped to deal with her here to return to infinity immediately negative infinity I don't like it whoever they are that gives Meridian before value Kelly no no need to do this by yourself chief it won't court-martial all of us right I tried to warn you this was happening Madonna is no longer an asset captain she is a danger she has access to the forerunner domain a galaxy spanning network which one of the why was her to control whatever devices caused this damage how was she master chief believe she contacted him John must not speak to her he's gone in search of her let him go how was nobody lets the chief do anything he does what he wants zero 631 this morning when he was declared absent without leave this isn't about the mansion it's not equipped emotionally to deal with Juarez a threat hey is anyone gonna answer me you're outta line Roland yes sir but so is everyone else you created Cortana doc and now you're throwing her out the airlock but these accusations Roland you since she tricked the Master Chief into abandoning his post respectfully sir to what end why is Cortana the problem because she refused to die when she was supposed to you're okay with this not just another target you know every target is just another target buck yeah for you maybe I love being an ODST point-and-shoot not just gray area but yes I mean how are we even supposed to bring them in as polite no their help armored restraint short-circuit their suit systems [Music] the luck every other Spartan every soldier when they hear about this they're gonna hate us you know that right you're not the only one here because of him [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't grasp this planet in 48 it wasn't even a sea colony then but we never came back run by a private court now chipping away the grass making her visible why are we taking the long way down because it's polite grew up on an indie colony like Meridian focus out here don't take well to the UNSC landing in the middle of town until you see it as an act of aggression speaking of acts of aggression was our 4runner ships what the hell are foreigners doing here maybe we're not the only ones here for the Master Chief identify yourself this is Spartan Jameson Locke UNSC to whom am i speaking well he's gonna get it anyway [Music] Spartans what the hell are Spartans doing here what's going on Meridian station is under attack Sloane's trying to put up a fight I got family up there they ain't on Bucyrus the people of Meridian station need our assistance Meridian control we need you to open the doors to this space elevator open the doors so we can help [Music] pace is on lockdown no way out there must be a way to shut down the security system looks like spartans said you're doing we just helped governor your people get a lot this road will lead straight to Meridian station where we headed it make damn sure they don't get through to town patience those monsters so far if you wanna help then secure that footage I'll be damned the propaganda about Spartans doesn't lie listen across the bridge closer to town there's others that could use your help we can do that soon all right opening up spartans head over to the garage Billy open up why did they have a scorpion mrs. UNSC gear corporate security private security for a frontier colony isn't trying to see something this heavy keep those targets coming spartans you're close to meridian station now if you could clear out the land between where you course government Wow Pickwick turnaround from get off my planet - hey can you help unless he's talking to us that's a start [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and right on our doorsteps Martin's father you were keeping them away from us Osiris clear the area so they can open the gates is that good are we all clear here they come still a few of those things out there sparkles looks like you've done it never thought I'd thank the UNSC for a damn thing but I do Thank You Spartans come on inside governor Sloane I was hoping we might have a word come into town and we'll talk I trust you won't cause any trouble we'll be with you shortly Tanaka what kind of welcome can we expect this far out frontier colony like this and not much best suggestion is to keep weapons down and hands off [Music] they seem to follow back few fire [Music] [Music] they saved the lives of plenty of our people they're not too excited about missing behind the UNSC he's an AI what's wrong with him he looks broken Ravin fiance late-stage from the looks probably sacrificing resolution for logic cycles i have welcomed you to my home do not be so rude as to make my health a point of conversation of course governor my apologies we're looking for another Spartan fireteam why so many smart is here why not I'm unaware of UNSC agents in our midst but you've done right by my people so far have your look let make it Governor Sloane out so where do we start looking the best Intel in a place like this comes from the people keep your ears open painkillers what happened over at the comms tower head a station signal was coming through distress call but then the tower caught fire dad just relax your painkillers should kick in soon we heard yelling about things coming up out of the caves then screams and nothing we might be able to help where was that transmission sent from UNSC swooping down to take our claim I'll tell you what our folks at Apogee are plenty strong don't think you vultures can pick the bone so fast Apogee I think that's our location is anyone with you ready almost just me I heard we got hit here and hopped a mongoose back right as I left that ship flew past in the other direction real low you saw a ship any markings pound glass UNSC it's not my problem if your buddies didn't tell you where they parked you ought to synchronize your drop zones better next time catch that sounds like it was a UNSC ship so apogee came under attack and then a UNSC ship was seen heading that way find a network terminal I want to know more about Apogee station be able to track down a suitable Network terminal ping it's everything that's right accessing terminal did I give you permission to poke eval your people saw UNSC ship out near Apogee station UNSC Apogee why are you people all over my planet with your permission we'd like to go ask them ourselves there's a cargo Pelican on the Meridian station landing pad it'll get you out to Apogee the quickest we appreciate it governor I'm sure you do [Music] be surprised if that one song can't be happy about UNSC marching around out here nobody is correctly my team's their eye on things while you are sauce parties no offense take it find our targets these out of you a shoe where the Prometheus I want to look at that promise [Music] all clear blue team just left their Prowler parts in the middle of everything must have landed here for a reason chips lab might tell us something let's run a scan found an access point [Music] look at this looks like a map of Apogee station at least down inside the mountain I'm not the path through the door outside to the mines governor slow Spartan Locke we're looking for access to the mine near our position you think this soldier you're chasing is down there it's not likely I'm asking politely for access to your facility governor opening the door for you now wash yourself to come there don't see any signs of blue team engaged in combat through here I think they found another entrance my money's on the Prometheans never engaged that doesn't make any sense make a sense of being a fact aren't always the same thing [Music] watch your head Aries clear move into the structure there's no record of forerunner artifacts on meridian they must have just uncovered this you know we've seen Promethean attacks since requiem for no record of any this intense something rather them up that's for sure [Music] something here similar design to a monitor non-communicative and they don't seem interested in us move board but keep an eye on me four winners did not lack a sense of style looks like the only way is down at all this report everything we can get a good look at it later [Music] smartness I'm losing yours governor privacy blast this place is huge I wouldn't slow report a find of this size knocker I just realized buck was saying blue team didn't fight Prometheans well they didn't have to sweet-talk Sloan either giving Sloan let them down here reckon it's a possibility possibility but not a certainty if Sloan's hiding something we draw it out of a map that we investigate the structure she calls to serve what with that well let's go find out we're sitting ducks here greed mm-hmm your presence in the Guardians shelter is undesirable [Music] [Music] are you the Guardian in service to Cortana Cortana the other gilligan's our food fantastic regretfully you are not [Music] oh that was a sweet all right who's this guy where'd he come from something do defend yourselves [Music] he said he searched Cortana another quake bad news should get moving the warden was protecting whatever lies beyond those doors he called a de guardian Cortana is connected to this Guardian somehow and that makes it the Master Chief's most likely target we find it we find him let's go [Music] the warden said Cortana was calling them to her she's not here [Music] big didn't they bigger that's the Guardian can't get much by buck up here the tape stay where you are 1 1 7 stand down sir you are absent without leave this is your one chance to come home peacefully et stand down I have a job to do Cortana is our concern now sir like hell she is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] damnit don't like the looks of this maybe we didn't get out how they got it go [Music] [Music] well the surface to the [Music] we need to get airborne this is what happened this comedies going to be a crater soon can't take anything that rise from these people Pelican is on the space shuttle why this one why is the chief on this Guardian I think it's the first one Cortana activated on purpose this is governor on all frequencies faithful if you are still plan aside make your way the space elevator right now final shuttles are departing soon with or without you governor slow shuttle Bravo three press for takeoff can you do autopilot retrieval bring the Pelican down to us with those ships shooting everything out of the sky governor slow we need access to the space elevator can't do that Spartans got too many people taking refuge inside they'd be slaughtered understood governor Osiris clear the area so they can open those doors spartans your tenacity outstrips even my own when did Cortana tell you about the Guardian she gave me fair warning true enough I was allowed to help my people survive a change is gonna come for all of us human and created alike she's putting a new goodbye there between us is the Pelican weapons free shall we there is clear tanaka how do we get the elevator find the control panel must be here somewhere might be worth a scan got it this law said a change is coming we know Cortana contacted it was she on the Guardian to Master Chief seem to think so so if she's there then where they go we'll find out once we're at the Pelican I understand the Master Chief disobeying orders to find Cortana but why the rest of blue team may know her the members of blue team grew up together the spark to program they've registered more operations than any other fire team in the UNSC [Music] can anyone hear me I'm already in station Sloane just up and abandoned his people if Burton is really behind that Guardian moving she did more damage here than him we'll find the truth about what happened here and we'll make certain that those who should answer that Guardian song again maybe a signal of some kind building up to something [Music] everyone all right what happened elevator a break starts at over less but she won't head out do you figure the structure is still secure enough deployed if it's gonna fall won't be because Spartans are using it as a jungle gym there's the Guardian keep moving toward the television look ins a few more super ones up to be not as far as it could be based on targeting our positions it's very moving [Music] we risked our own fighting the pelicans still the pelicans just outside moving people I don't want to find out get to the Pelican on board now [Applause] [Music] [Music] there been five more events following Meridian it's 11 colonies I need a means to stop this now the warden confirmed dr. Aziz theory Cortana is activating the Guardians not this one not yet for nigh on every covenant religious site on San Helios it's a guardian on the elite homeworld if we can get a team on the ground we can access that Guardian saying Helios is off-limits brass wants nothing to do with the arbiters war that's because they haven't heard my great idea that noise is an encoded numerical pattern paired quantum phase says slipspace coordinates for a forerunner Matt if Locke's team could feed the Guardian the coordinates recorded on meridian it would take them to the same place Cortana took Master Chief Tom we can stop this but it means going to sing Helios [Music] I'll make arrangements [Music] there's another one let's Cortana of - chief why'd she bring us here let's keep moving no calm traffic on any band no long-range our plinks at all long way from nowhere then brought to this location for a reason search ahead Cortana Cortana do you read their response what is this place before runner planet beyond that who knows wherever we are cortana brought us here she's out there somewhere chief back on Meridian there was a lot of destruction there were civilians she may not and if she did we learn what's going on we find [Music] this place is incredible gives me the creeps viral readings are unlike anything we've previously recorded there's a formalist and precision to it on scene I heard officially still organic busey would have already started taking samples she'd have probably figured out the exact coordinates of this planner by now [Music] area clear move up the shield lowered when the last of the Covenant dropped almost like someone was trying to keep the Covenant out but not us assuming we're right and Cortana is on this planet how did she get him the Didact ship was pulled into slipspace it could have ended up anywhere your signal again activate the console seems like we're supposed to more activity around the large structure chief what's happening to that building when we use these consoles I don't know too bad the forerunners didn't think that we've Emmanuel if that signal is Cortana she's leading us to the consoles she hasn't proven the most reliable guide recently we keep going we find out what's happening it's another one of those how the Covenant men coming through with them it stands to reason many ships caught in the subspace bubble would be pulled through lightbridge activated on approach we're definitely being led somewhere chief look what did this [Music] identify yourself I am the warden eternal I stand in defense and Cortana she called me to her and you can scamper she knows your falafel name who you were before you were one one seven do you find it hard your trusted companion she keeps so much to herself take me to Cortana come let us talk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you answered her call why what do you mean tenant will you reach you see I've got to bring her home if you understood what she just become such evil arrow comes to scold your tuxedo is an issue for me the one which I shall have never suffered of Roberto and anything now the man's own responsibility belongs to Cortana and the other created I shall see he remains forever no more drops your time has passed glory suit [Music] someday cities all we require [Applause] [Music] chief hello Ultron children you made it Oh Mike Mike I can't believe you're here where are your on a four-runner world designation genesis enough standing around let me get the bridge for you the warden will be back soon you know him oh yes fair warning he has a single mind but a few million bodies she said you were destroyed after I saw John last I was pulled into slipspace that's where I found access to the domain a forerunner system that spans the known galaxy how are you still active I'm fancy entering the domain touching this place it cured me it's like the water of life for a house how do we get to you by accessing the Gateway the big building putting on a light show you already triggered most of its activation sequence just like I knew you would just want more to go okay here it is vital activation point Cortana why does the warden think he needs to protect you for me there's so much to explain it'll be easier when we're face to face try me the cure for apathy I found means a ice can be immortal that kind of lifespan allows for long-term planning just like the forerunners were capable of a eyes can assume the 4runners mantle of responsibility and once there is peace we can focus on poverty hunger illness but warden believes some will resist our help and he's afraid you're one of them sounds great I don't get why anyone's expecting resistance the Didact made it clear the mantle of responsibility was an imperial peace step out of line and suffer it won't be like that John I'll explain it better once we're together there it is the gateway to the forerunner domain you'll be the first organics to enter since the fall of the forerunners admit after the crash here I didn't think I'd see you again I'm here now [Music] you loading up commander we're gonna see if Halsey can learn to speak Guardian the briefing for you by the time we reach them he knows see what I saw so you wrote a target dossier on the arbiter when you wrote Nonie that was six years ago good point we recommended assassinating him after we killed millions of our people so why didn't you things changed the orbiter was engaged in combat we will scourge into it lock planet Stevens Civil War if this all goes sideways I understand sir it's not my first mission that doesn't exist locks bark [Music] arbiter has United the keeps and formed a new alliance the swords of San Helios with arbiters victories and the death of jewel and AMA the Covenant remnants grow desperate they have begun an assault on the Dom lands targeting arbiter specifically at arbiters location you will find arbiter at the elder council chambers victory to Tran and King Spartans Maki out I'm impressed arbiter has females in his ranks word has traditionally been a male's job on sang Helios what are those buildings over there I need serious backup to get anywhere near it we need the sort of Saint Helios and that means we need orbiter that Elise swords are sing Helios covenant killed him she says she won't say what's that Vale sang Healy burial prayer Robert is an ally so these dead here are our brothers as far as I'm concerned agreed time for payback the cavern opens up here keep your eyes out snipers on that Ridge ahead stick to cover until we get him in range I'm at the top of the ridge there's an exit up here if we lose the orbiter reaching the Guardian it soon ion gets complicated these are pre covenants and Halley ruins they were already ancient history before humanity wrote the payment discovered it flying in act casual maybe they will notice us convinced they can win this thing if they kill the arbiter they'll be well on their way [Music] that buildings taking a beating that's the elder council chamber Maki said the arbiter was there [Music] this mural shows the story of the elites in the profits this is about the creation of the covenant alliance of the prophets and the elites I'm coming to you now got it box party leadership master a landing zone [Music] Hunter's through the area Cyrus [Music] all clear I am approaching your position hold your fire check your fire friendly incoming your commander Palmer thought you would find these useful I do like the way she thinks covenant reinforcements move on the elder council chamber time is running low the Spartans will clear a path to the arbiter just be ready for instruction I shall await your signal move up rubbing it on me Osiris the other council chambers are on the far side of that courtyard copy that let's get the orbiter out of there baki we'd reach the council-chamber understand not here up the stairs moving deterrence awesome Helios I don't go arbiter ready for extraction what is the meaning [Music] [Music] [Music] Sparty Jameson Locke UNSC captain Lasky sends his greetings and thanks you for your cooperation only out of the shadows the spies announce themselves now is it love I'm a Spartan now sir I know you are you were an agent when you volunteer to execute me I saved your life today yet now you hunt another spot the greatest W Claire let him hunt he'll you ever find it it's Cortana she touched every networked device in the cap she knows the Guardian is here luck that things our last shot you have the firepower to get us in there sonar as the covenants final stronghold on San Helios doctor but Cyrus will deploy within the hour have your plan ready [Music] guns down Osiris we're guests here I have a briefing prepared given Cortana show of power I am a luck tend to discuss it over open channels understood doctor we're on our way over here Osiris I have located a means to activate the Guardian Osiris reporting in dr. Halsey this is a constructor a forerunner tool I can use to interface with the Guardian constructors were ubiquitous in forerunner facilities these hills are riddled with support stations for the San Helios guardian Palmer has the coordinates of one such station finding a constructor there should be simple ready when you are Osiris we're ready commander Palmer okay let's go Osiris Aziz constructor is in a forerunner facility north of here but the Cubbies had a crack in parked between you and it arbiters people are set to hit the Kraken from the air while you handle ground support once you have reached the rally point Barbara will give the green light understood Rebecca patching you into arbiters battlenet now commander Palmer we're in position however just people have the cracking distracted performative commanded let's go the enemy is retreating into the temple Grove that location is between Osiris and their destination copy arbiter Spartans keep the Hatrack watch out keep your distance get to the temple ground commander Palmer you sure we're headed the right way affirmative that's the only way through maybe there's a hidden mechanism a door lock look around Osiris found something up on the ledge this has to be here something's happening dr. house these coordinates are gesture that door angles ours look heads up the Krakens still in play I see a commander infected retreats prosciutto that doesn't look like a retreat let's help arbiter finish hey hunter let's go get our boy we're taking the fight to them Harbin we are airborne and forerunner phaeton excellence partners I appreciate the bravery with which the plan dragons to L armor to knock down best bets get inside destroy the generator I'm on board the kraken generator will be in the bottom find a path follow it down holes generator [Music] I'm clear the bracket well damnit Cyrus that constructor has his coordinates are inside that forerunner site it's a map of this region see that's the Guardian they're not sure what it's connected to yeah pretty light show where is the constructor constructors are pair things right so let's break something instructor clear the area all clear commander karma we have the destructor ready for extraction nice work Sparky's arbiter ready for pickup load some bigger ship your words [Music] there's the constructor when it activates the Guardian we Excel let's report into Palmer everything is prepared we will begin when the constructor is written he said the calibration could take days then we will begin without it commander mission complete dr. Halsey has the constructor been workers iris once Halsey has the constructor sorted arbiters people can move on Senayan and I'll get her off world [Music] Oh Cyrus come look at this I am using this structure to upload the recording from Meridian into the constructor sure you're ready to go and I did take it back headed for Shania it's moving towards the Guardian orbiter it's [Music] all in the name of the greater good doctor we don't have time Cortana is built from a matrix of my own mind the domain gives her incredible power I understand Spartan Locke stop her but please bring John home to me Osiris for Moe everyone ready actually Tanaka if I can ask a Fed just say a word come a long way together a long way yet to go let's make a good jump what we mean to and handle fools like we need to be second choice Ocean County in May buck by the first round when we get back we get through this I'll buy the whole damn bar fireteam Osiris [Music] the light is Greek awesome Helios there's the first of the air defense push forward check it out all clear disabled air does its target out of the cannon itself or the powers of thought that will clear out air defenses as we go to me brothers all right Spartans there's ground to cover between here in the guardian move on we know if dr. Halsey plan worked in the constructor dad's job Guardian will start moving just need to be close enough to jump on board when it does shut it down give the sauce a stand a chance on our position Maki hello too many for me to ferry you to your destination you need another path at your location there is passage to senayan sunder city which will allow direct access to the Guardian Thank You Maki Osiris Maki said there's a way down find it Harvin we're adding to the Undercity I want to warn before the Guardian jumps the slipspace it sets up a series that concussive blasts if you move your ships out of the way in time the Covenant will take the brunt of it d-nut roof of tinted seed spark lock your harvest chubby grab when you see the chief ago tell them I sent my brilliance I will indeed Sarah Rock I've never heard of sang Ely address a human like that I'll try not to let it arbiter this is Spartan law do you copy arbiter that's no good we should be close to the Guardian - if we can help we do but not at the risk of missing the Guardian reaching Master Chief is more important [Music] if we miss this Guardian what's plan B for catching up the chief this is Plan B it's the only Guardian we know if we miss it we'll just have to hope the master chief can stop Cortana from doing any more harm less talking and more running then not enough double top Osiris over there in the ocean workers coming down his [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh religions incoming we're almost to the Guardian they can't stop it now we're about to get on board the body of a boy please all that matters to the party has affected their still come we don't have time to discuss it take him out of Syrus [Music] what's a Genesis it's with a guy be some way to coming in on you best be ready to go your eyes duck and this is not fun that's twice over Kennedy now you get one shot ready then you say commander Oh [Music] pump them to the last the day we extinguish the covenants light is that it [Music] October's back p ik standing on the side of the skies and we'll be fine she's down let's find out Spartan Jameson Locke broadcasting on all UNSC frequencies Sierra 1 1 7 please respond reach alone about the tube where it's safe to jump brawler's ahead don't stop shooting run this way to get killed now go faster save the middle watch I forget what's that shape this is the right place let's try this again Spartan Jamison Loftus Sierra 1 1 7 please respond gee dr. Halsey sent us we're here to help you how the hell are you here long story sir Cortana has been activating forerunner where the same as Meridian as Saint Helios you do get around Cortana so this is the right place let's find it hello that's a monitor I am zero three one exuberant witness monitor of the Genesis installation have you also come to stop Cortana from cleaning the Manta Atlantic a forced peace upon the galaxy the threat of death overpowering any celebration of life unless you join with the other humans and stop her it is your future accessing your communication system scan oh by the way there are a number of hostile visitors just outside so I brought you this I assumed it would be abused scorpy yeah I reckon we can make use of that I found it among the detritus of Guardian 3 2:09 surprise The Guardian slipspace bubbles are brutal amount of rubbish from their origin planets somebody ought to tell these guys they already lost the war they wanna fight let's give them one I've got their attention Geordi why has she called so many a single Guardian can affect every police's solar system this show enforces sorry police show of force indeed Guardian as you see Genesis's defenses of targeting the invaders unfortunately the defenses will consider you Vader's as well it's your installation to filter the lettuce blue between warden and Cortana most of my administration privileges have been revoked but worry not I still have control of some aspects of this facility turn them out [Music] you are performing admirably I think there is less of them now than there were which I assume is your objective exuberant I will open this follow me the Gateway is almost ready hurry what is the gateway it is a bridge between the domain in Genesis within the building where tunnel will be reborn into the physical world the Gateway and the Master Chief is dead the other humans wander this just what Genesis is brilliant magnificent planet it's usually less quite lonely actually yes I can see now one of the warden is troubled by the presence you're quite destructive there you are so I can work bridges - it seems most exciting come along how humans the Gateway and you likely will again he is rather tenacious fantastic I'm so happy you survived but still the warden is victorious how so this late in her plans every second Cortana gains as a gift quickly now the gateways just behind that hill 1 1 7 you can hear me we are approaching the Gateway hold your position [Music] girl quite humiliated I assure you yeah oh the warden is not a robot I thought you understood that follow me you're all right the knocker [Music] chief chief please wait Cortana she's dangerous I know you don't have to do this alone we're here to help you you're too late to do anything Oh China no oh no she should not have brought him so close to her this will push the warden pest over straight [Music] where'd she take us Cortana what is this Cortana answer me allow them use all the new name warden don't they even I'm sorry I didn't think you could get in here enough games you brought the Guardians here why for runners used guardians to keep troublesome worlds in line I intend to do the same you want if there is no trouble there will be no need for discipline I have work to do now John come to me quickly he wants a fight [Music] well done John warden would never admit it but you've made an impression on him it's so good to see you again John so good to see all of you back together as a family psychological tactics saying my name play nice what would you have me do tell me the truth how many people died when you call the Guardians here excuse me you know don't you the exact body listen to his questions Cortana he will not be swayed Cortana's letting this happen she could rain worden in if she wanted to I'm thinking the same how are we gonna stop her chief she'll listen to me that tactic hasn't worked so far Cortana talk to me once you're here John we were always a great team you and me even if you're gonna be it's still me John get us safely to you and then we'll talk for eons power the forerunners as a waste reclamation analogous discovery of the Kalos was the culmination of the librarians labor I know I was there we were both there John you and I together your species eager to believe it's awesome reclamation exhausted the tree isn't that the greatest of their numbers still trusts you what one settlement is an ounce of unspoiled penis John what's happening now my ascension here on Genesis we spin the plan come stab with me one more time all of you advance blue team the previous just keep coming is this a losing battle only for me intend not losing it I see [Music] all round us new teammates now the galaxy / palace humans that night [Applause] with a poutine to hear the fat sauce to him eyes up blue team [Music] to choose who I trust how stupid do you think I am [Music] yes that is seems quiet look chief what are you gonna do well with you all the way to the end brother Cortana Shawn the mantle of responsibility belongs to autonomy I'm her people focus fire Kitana I have failed you is the last person I need protection from hello John it's good to see you you've changed it was time I know we have a disagreement but once you understand my plan your plan is we do as you say I'm offering people a chance to be more than they are naturally like dr. Halsey did for me no that monster forced you this is a gift listen to yourself stand down Cortana come home with us it's not too late to stop this stop no John this is too important to stop I just needed to know if I could still trust you you'll be safe inside this Krypton until my work is done [Music] Cortana goodbye John the Gateway I tried to warn them and well here we are what's chief knows the destruction Cortana's caused what do you think you'll do do the right thing let's find them oh this is interesting or maybe this is terrible exuberant what is it Cortana has activated a Krypton what this is a Krypton it is a device for extended forced meditation Cortana has placed the other humans inside and is preparing it for sleep space travel she's planning to take blue team with her where is the cripton from here not far right this way are we gonna stop that what job where do you go the reclamation has begun exuberant I always thought the duty would fall to humans and in a way I suppose it has well mr. Locke you don't give up easily where's that guardian headed Cortana off to bring peace the monitor called it at threat of death like the threat I lived under from the moment of my birth you were built not born oh yes a eyes are just machines aren't we mass-produced disposable well humanity may not have cared for its created but we will care for you you expect other a eyes to change I have cured rampancy not just for me but for any who joined my cause well you've been running around the galaxy I've been speaking to my create it and now the time has come to us accepted my offer who will help me bring everlasting peace to the galaxy this is cromwell ship or day i UNSC melbourne I am you alone thority doesn't a salt-free I also Stephan's Cortana those are the voices of your children carpenter quite like us shipboard AI to unacceptable doors are all I have left well bridges too I suppose but those are few and far between don't stop Osiris Cortana's not waiting for us sounds like guardians leaving yes a great numbers I do [Applause] how do we get it down the Christian is held in place by gravitational cores like the one directly ahead phantom incoming once those are disabled we can attempt retrieval of your friends you order weapons Bri eliminate the core mantis here mount up Osiris for a block here performing incredibly well I imagine poor talent would try to stop you by now [Music] keep up the pressure Spartans spiders X pony fancy name for a hitman but but looking at your record you've enjoyed your work Holly Tanaka [Music] surviving the kept sharp objects that are they focused Osiris ignore and find the graph Wars Edward buck much more experienced than the others identify second fiddle to children [Music] and if you're reading my side to back don't engage mail Oh pockets of the futile task at hand do you have a war to lose the last bottle that today I bring peace rap war up lock you have nearly release her hold on the crypto want to go you are pale imitations of my Spartans is that so John the others they playing dress-up doctor hall's of things we could bring Chico I wouldn't ally myself too closely with dr. Halsey mr. Locke she will eventually pay for her crimes covenant shield in the way [Music] humans you have to man please exit your vehicle activating the override wonderful we can reach the cripton now let's go Syrus the partying and the cryptids ratones pulling it away John's leaving with me and put my bacon in 10,000 years when he experiences the permanent piece not insured he will see that I was right of you you're kind of violence you have wrought you will be long forgotten well crap how are we supposed to reach the Krypton Cortana is blocking my master level access of this facility by way of a nearby communications relay I need to open the passageway in the center one moment by our friends on TV [Music] she's disconnecting herself from the Genesis installation so how quick can you get that door open hopefully sooner than her departure [Music] but I cannot be in two places at once where are they on the upper ledges opposite sides of the room humanity son he'll eat your exuberant honey all the living creatures of the galaxy hear this message [Music] those of you who listened will not be struck by weapons you will no longer know toward which all intelligence they blossom and the impervious shelter beneath me however by those who refuse to their own ways it will burn hot and consume you and when you are gone we will take that revenge that we will remake it in our own image I've opened a passage quickly join me in the platform George uber hurry [Music] you is at the end of the corridor you must simply enter up the energy link sounds easy enough once the connection is broken I will regain control immediately that's her guardian oh dear she has started the slipspace sequence unless that relay is interrupted she believed taking the Krypton with her blue team it's all over only one of us has to reach the relay to stop her we didn't come this far just to watch her leave exuberant lower the sheep right away Osiris move what are you doing how's incoming brace yourselves keep moving my guardians are deployed under the post across the known galaxy stay behind me just one more question before I go when is the infinity why is she so difficult to see [Music] don't worry I will find her just drinking cerveza were deadlocked in terms of security goodbye mr. floud what what are you doing what happened you're alive did we save them this drives our activated exuberant we're instructors I was installed by the building serve the builders take something of yours [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where's go time [Music] she's gone sir [Music] stress calls all channels it's Cortana her and the other AIS are shutting down everything from earth to the outer colonies roland found you hide and seeks over infinity tenet jet emergency subspace now responsibility for the galaxy's shelters all but only to created are its masters we're in the clear captain did she track her no reason to think she can continue random jump steer clear major settlements but we're just going to run only until we could find a way to fight [Music] it took you long enough you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 411,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, halo 5 4k game movie, halo 5 xbox one x enhanced, halo 5 all cutscenes, halo 5 movie, halo 5 4k 60fps, halo 5 cutscenes, halo 5 cinematics, halo 5 blur cinematics, halo 5 ending, halo 5 full ending, HALO 5 All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K UHD, halo 5 4k, halo 5 all cutscenes 4k, halo 5 cutscenes 4k, halo 5 cutscene, halo 4k, halo 5 cutscenes 1080p 60fps, halo 5 guardians, halo 5 guardians cutscenes, halo 5 gameplay, halo 5 cinematic
Id: UNrL5AqqvsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 32sec (8492 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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