Halo Wars Saga: All Cutscenes Movie (Halo Wars 1, 2 and Awakening the Nightmare DLC) 1080p HD

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is Spartan group Omega if they want war we'll give them war captain's report February 4th 25 31 five years five years [Music] [Applause] at first it was going well then setback after setback loss after loss [Music] made what was going to be a quick and decisive win into five years of hell [Music] of course that's all harvest is today it's hell down there but now it's ours again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Syrena status standard orbit achieved all systems normal prep for Bob launches bring weapon systems online expecting trouble captain harvest may be ours again but I don't think the Covenant appreciate that yet sergeant fourth report that complicates our mission Anders what have you got captain scans of the northern polar regions shows some interesting covenant activity on the surface there's some kind of structure down there what do you think they're looking for that's what we're here to find out we're to bring alpha base up to operational status and take control of that site sergeant Forge pull back to alpha base I'm sending you some backup so nothing too difficult then it might be the key to this whole war Sarina it's worth the risk captain Elvis code nothing for me to pull back now we need to turn that around sergeant Sarina what's our status so we've got a lot of troops retreating from Alpha base if Sergeant Forge can regroup them our numbers may be sufficient to retake the base Roger that well round up any and all survivors and get output back rolling up we got friendlies up ahead on the way we're getting down over here you boys from alpha we were the first down sir [Music] always behind me we're taking alphabet air support enroute sir they'll take out the armor the rest is yours all units a fire this is Forge area clear situation normal order alpha base is ours again sergeant Forge you may want to scout the area let's just take one last look see [Music] the higher-ups brewing patience we can delay no longer what if the infection defiles the relic I care not for your little life opened it [Music] Open Sesame [Music] [Music] what made you choose my observation deck as your lab professor I like the view it adds perspective to my work Forge doesn't think it's safe for you to go down there yet he's quite insistent I can be quite insistent too captain I can take care of myself any idea what it is we've got down there it's all theories right now and I'll know a lot more once I get down there I'm approving the mission but the slightest sign of danger and I'm fooling around is that understood understood captain the humans are closing in the soon be upon us no matter the information you have gathered here is most appetizing however we must protect what we have learned here set the charges and destroy this place destroy this whole actually a journey requires sacrifice [Music] Syrena we need to re-establish alpha base before we can proceed with the mission captain the base power system is offline and a lockdown protocol is in effect if we rebuild the lockdown will end and the doors will open if the Covenant detonate those explosives our mission here is over get to the detonator [Music] good work prepare for new organs alpha base this is Bravo 29 heavy inbound I've got the professor aboard sergeant is this what the aliens were after seems so ma'am they sure paid a price trying to defend it all quiet now Hey what are you doing nothing ventured nothing gained now that's not what I expected per se remove this filth [Music] these guys just don't know when to quit [Music] [Music] [Music] we need reinforcements now sergeant alpha base won't be able to respond in time we've got Grizzlies in bouncing spirit of fire hold on down there ah grizzly tanks Borges pet project oh I was down to my last clip Grizzly's well at least I know how to repair them I made a few improvements my own special [Music] cover me I'll pull it back with Anders [Music] so all it did was point here in the 30 seconds I had to examine the artifact yes all we did was point in a second star system arcadia colony to be precise population a little under 3 million largely unexplored but apparently equipped the vacation result there's something there captain I think it's important that we get to it before the Covenant do our orders are to investigate harvest we still don't know a lot about what's going on down there I understand that captain but everything I see here tells me that we need to get to Arcadia to figure this out very well professor I'll clear it with Admiral Cole Serena set course for Arcadia aye sir crazy mystery trip to Arcadia plotted in spinning up FTL drive Serena get out of my lab Serena situation update including to Covenant vessels came out to slipspace near Arcadia the Belfast pillar of autumn Texas and Armstrong engaged immediately and caught one with its shields down we lost the Texas in Belfast the Armstrong is venting atmosphere and autumn is badly damaged second vessel is engaged in surface activity what kind of surface activity getting visuals now captain [Music] Syrena lunch box bring the ship to alert [Music] there's a fire this is our agent control civilians entering the city are getting blocked by hostile forces we need to clear that area can you assist Arcadia ground control this is Forge we're inbound to aid an evacuation effort help is on the way up here we need some cover ground control commenter closing in emergency the transports are away sergeant Ford's pull back and regroup new orders are incoming we cannot lose our foothold on Arcadia gentlemen secure a defendable position and hold it until we can reinforce you I've scanned the area the best defendable location is an impact crater a few clicks south along the highway got it we this is Julie target employers [Music] targeted [Music] so maybe this sector is clear we're gone Sargent Ford's report to the bridge ASAP we've got a new problem so it's an energy shield that they can deploy on the planet yes captain we can't see through it the Covenant are up to something agreed we need to find out what that is can we use the ship's cannons and take it out directly we may destroy whatever's under there covenant shield technology is susceptible to superheated plasma aren't we field testing some plasma base rhino's pillar of ultram inventory shows they have some prototypes it may take some time to get the right power settings I'll need to be on the ground to do that professor sergeant Forge let's get that shield down babysitting again well this little field trip is a bus Anders is there anything out here except for that huge alien tone thing can aim clear shall we see what's inside looks like we only shut the Beehive we got multiple bogies coming [Music] all units rolling all units rolling rolling rolling any more bright ideas Anders the shelling plans were on the right time okay launched from multiple rhinos ready to fire firing rhinos in three two one the area's secure get a rhino in place not much effect but it looks like we're making some progress all units turret improve my calculations show that two more rhinos will be necessary to open a hole big enough the final two positions have been marked roster fingers firing all riders in three two one so don't power that slides overloaded we got it coming online single turret available all right the dome generators and air defenses are the main target light them up it meant oh wait damn interesting Abigail you are I'm usually quiet what troubles occupy your thoughts hierarch I do not wish to be impudent but you have charged me with the destruction of humanity our most noble cause for one with such answer about the past but I am thankful for my Tennyson but sire you have me stuck in ancient ruins and search empty temples how does this help me accomplish my goal the wall where these humans will require a great deal many more machines than we can currently muster are we take what we have and leave us defenseless know the ancients will provide for us this world shall be the birth place for an invasion fleet beyond imagining another to crush the humans quickly and with ease but this world lies dormant it is just a shell thus for me the key will be relations but perhaps there is a quicker way the human female from the ice rally she has some knowledge in this regard the new planet the relic has led us to has also led her capture that humor and bring her here it will be done you've advanced to where the force field stood take a look around the Scarab is incomplete but its head is operational its fields of fire prevents any chance of retreat or extraction you'll have to destroy it [Music] [Music] the Scarab is destroyed victory is ours today Hey one for the scrapbook professor if you don't mind sergeant I'm trying to document this area for study [Music] why don't we put the lady down and talk about this man to freak Bandar's get out of here come quietly if you let him live sir I'm okay spirit of fire this is Forge hi lost Anders what happened some massive Olli came out of nowhere captain I'm tracking a transponder it's heading away from the planet damn it sergeant get up here on the double [Music] we're all accounted for why have we left yet why aren't you in the medbay sergeant the professor's signal has gone to Lightspeed headed for the border that puts it outside weapon range what we have to go after her sir I can only track that transponder a few more seconds captain sir Anders represents a significant security breach Serina get us underway immediately follow that signal aye aye sir so we left a note saying we're leaving right where the hell are we serenely in orbit around a planet in the middle of actually I'm still working on that sir Anderson the Covenant vessel we pursued appears to have taken cover on the planet's surface I have rough coordinates any sign of other covenant activity not that I can detect although this world is giving off some pretty crazy readings get Forge down there I believe he's already aboard a Pelican awaiting your word I'm going Oh echo is operational situation normal all is hold on something's pump it we've got movement all over all the way go echo signs are offline quite suddenly I might add sergeant take a team out there and find out what's happening India reporting in elephants unpacking oh wait over there what the hell with the bed all the way marry in India hey hey take it over India signs are offline as well how very ominous all the way Hank no flash we must be close all the way boys here I believe keeps echoing India are compromised over covenant I'm not reading any Brut signatures not covenant sir something else something worse juggling right away clear out that crap around the elephant we need to get it mobile right away well that's new and scary these organisms are interesting our database has nothing on their origins or well anything about them really at first glance they appear to be a species of virulent parasitic organisms that thrive by consuming other sentient life of sufficient biomass Karina you ever hear the phrase too much information spirit any closer on that transponder location I'm still trying to confirm professor and his orders I watched part and all that beautifier this is Ricky we're a hundred metres from Anders transponder signal meaning strong resistance seeing some pretty crazy stuff out here over hold your position red team reinforcements will come to you sergeant Forge rendezvous with red team and find Anders but be careful we don't know what these things are capable not sure what you cap it but the large ones look like it was hard yes when the colony was destroyed I registered the large creature weakening we noticed a few colony creatures on the way in we can weaken the big one by taking them out first uploading coordinates about time you guys showed up I've lost Enders transponder could the creature be jamming the signal [Music] Erica in the initial filing away all units [Music] I picked up a leaf signal just east of here [Applause] this is her yes her armor this is the one I observed such a frail thing you would hardly think them a threat I demand to know why I'm being held a human ship has arrived and is closing in on the entrance to intercept that human ship and destroy it at once nothing but ocean are you sure this is its arena fairly sure initiating a deep scan ducting cleansing that's not right captain you are not going to like this [Music] Syrena captain we've got company [Applause] [Music] All Hands engage Sabrina I've got troops out there still get them back on board now I can only hold this position a few minutes at the most now Serena recalling the surface squad so we can all die together aye sir this is all part of the plan right guys [Music] [Music] hard starboard [Music] battle stations cradle weapons online tell Forge he's not done out there yet and I'll do and freaked out by the fact way inside the planets captain we need damage control or the spirit of fire is going down Forge use cyclopses to repair the Power Core while you defend against covenant attacks all units all the way they're attacking our power core on the way parrot complete turret complete their attacking with both aircraft and ground troops the power core is fully repaired Syrena best speed away [Music] restraints your judgement has waited long enough just get it over with [Music] [Music] construction of artistic in the majesty of our new weekly Fionna [Music] nothing ventured surface hmm that worked out pretty well lady I haven't got all day you want to be rescued or not so I know thanks for rescuing me sergeant later the Covenant are assembling a huge sleep definitely this LC doesn't look so good spirit we're gonna need backup right away all units and another pelican let's get out of here I can teleport her over there all night I think I know how to stop the Covenant I need to get to my labs all the way all the way baby steps professor let's try not dying first right away captain area is locked out and er stuff with her skull session the professor's filled me in good work sergeant stand by for mission briefing is this really going to work professor this is our best hope the overloaded FTL reactor will cause a chain reaction in the Sun enough to destroy all the ships here before the Covenant could get a chance to make anything from them well put simply captain our reactor will cause the Sun to go supernova leaving nothing here but dust that's the weak part of this plan if you ask me we've no way home without that reactor one problem at a time Sarina if the Covenant get their hands on these ships it will mean the end of the war we'll take our chances here give humanity some hope I know it's been a tough call captain but it's the right one spirit of fire this is Forge she's buttoned up and ready to go safely sergeant keep the coffee hot be back before you know it I'll be monitoring you from here sergeant well it'll be pretty obvious if he succeeds seven stabilizers out we can't carrier going down through the area we are jumping cargo I don't want to take any more chances flying that core in we're changing this to a ground operation the core is a heavy son of a [ __ ] use elephants to drag it up those rats do the only vehicle with enough torque to pull that guys got it [Music] we have reached the target site orders sergeant engineers are on their way to rig the Corps we're nearly there [Music] gentlemen we're burning Sun here [Music] [Music] take care of those elites he's mine let's go [Music] [Music] like the rest of your race [Music] look me in the eye and say that my face will be the last thing and for the record I would have kicked your ass the first time if the lady hadn't stopped me sir it's already overheating I'll have to separate the core and align them manually when they need to blow son I have a feeling before this is over we'll need every last part in the fight I can do this report back to the ship good luck sir [Music] [Music] you the exit passage has been sealed our escape is blocked ground teams find a way to open that portal or we're all dead the portal has six doors you'll need to open them in the correct order based on andas observations the alien technology will only react to human touching any other alien life nearby will lock your system I'll get it covenant forces will be at forges position in approximately 10 minutes you heard Sarina wait ten minutes that didn't eat the core that's all the time I could give Roger that we can't let them leave with those ships good luck sergeant sergeant Forge all ground forces are evacuating to the spirit of fire copy that get our people out of here I'm blowing the core [Music] crews checked in then let's not outstay our welcome best speed away the gravity field from the Sun is expanding we're not going anywhere let's see if we can't turn that to our advantage Syrena plot a course that takes us into the Sun we're going to slingshot around it threading a needle while accelerating around an exploding star inside a planet that's falling apart sure why not Sarina can you do it it's done you might want to hold on to something [Music] your eyes might help to [Music] [Music] captain I would much rather stay awake to monitor this area professor there's been no sign of the Covenant for almost two weeks there's nothing to do a captain nothing professor you've got us all out of there alive get some rest not all of us not all of us [Music] captain wake up something has happened [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what happened down there [Music] Isabelle five months ago the portal from the ark to earth shut down without warning a month later he arrived he the preet their leader [Music] is a tree ox during the war the Covenant used his clan as expendable muscle told them dying in battle would speak their holy journey and none ever returned until he did and so battle by battle or by war a tree ox was born with every victory his Legend and his hatred grew eventually both were impossible to conceal and they tried to banish him in everything we know about the covenants thousand year history a tree ox was the first to defy the Covenant and his defiance inspired others the Covenant had two targets in those here they almost go to us but a tree ox never came close we don't stop them now we leave the galaxy at the mercy of a monster he told everyone I was supposed to protect and this rate it'll be over that is what you're up against James cutter we need to run as far and as fast as we can [Music] [Music] we've been here before Oh surprise [Music] Ronan's reckless train [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] captain wake up something has happened the spirit of fire is in a situation I could not anticipate a certain professor Anders would enjoy that level admission so let's keep it between us shall we we've been adrift for just over 28 years I've made quite a few repairs while you were sleeping so ship systems are 100% cryo worked well and med staff from all remaining crew are green as for me well regulations are clear about final dispensation at the end of an AI 7 year lifespan I took care of my own arrangements rather than wake you and bond - well I hope you can forgive this final breach of protocol it was a pleasure and an honor to serve with you sir - look after everyone for me would you goodbye captain Serena out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll need to get down there immediately of course good morning to you too professor I'm sorry captain it's good to see you too but just look at it what is it and where are we uh no idea our astronomic asian system can't pinpoint a location we're not on the map anymore we didn't drift out as a galaxy in 28 years professor since record show we arrived via slipspace less than an hour ago Ursula's space drive is gone however we got here that isn't true something down there must have opened the portal from this end and pulled us in signal to my location lieutenant let's hear what they have to say security measures will advance without us this one a UNSC frequency this is good when we left the war wasn't going well the signal means the UNSC still fighting or maybe we even won what's the source of the transmission [Music] we don't have the surface details yet sir something down there is blocking our scans and without Sarina but we do have a rough location should be simple enough to triangulate once we pick up the signal from the ground color to drone prep Spartan red team in a small recon squad professor Anders will send you the coordinates find out who's sending that signal be on the ground within the hour travel light 28 years professor let's see what kind of galaxy we woke up to see her fire accident I'm approaching the drop zone with red team stand by for drop red team forward to shaking out some cobwebs sir ah feels good to have our feet back on real ground again doesn't it Alice you saw this place in the drop down Douglas nothing real about Alice right we don't know what's waiting for us down there keep your eyes out for trouble suit it up all the way you gonna one reporting sir set up charge to clear a path for you when you're ready I don't know what they were defending against but there's some heavy-duty barricades here everybody get clear right up those charges Alice man's gonna hurt him position Jerome these aren't military defenses no these were made in a hurry they must have been desperate why wouldn't they have defenses they must have expected to be a target for the Covenant these are research buildings no defenses the people here weren't soldiers they were scientists [Applause] it's one of our recon team sir we found them like this when we arrived didn't see what hit him looks like we may see some action after all recon team scouted out this portal will take you down to that signal I've ordered the rest of our forces to stay back and protect your exit while you investigate yes sir for [Music] professor we found some more portals there's something strange about them they look like they've been modified and those machines attached to them aren't UNSC tech keep an eye out for any more of them and my lab research outpost spirit of fire were outside base looks clear from out here let's see who's been calling all the table ten o'clock Spartans thank God we have to get out of here identify Isabel UNSC logistics Ark research outpost Isabel where are the survivors what's the strength of the covenant force here covenant no I would listen you're an incredible danger what was that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] sir requesting danger-close on our location trailing off commence five seconds Archer misses [Music] [Music] hang on what's happening out there where are we going get you out of here Isabel sit tight I tried to warn you you're lucky to be alive they're using the arcs portals portals why is the controls to the branch now is now on make it quick don't you believe it Isabelle let's go we have a medical team standing by for Douglas Jerome I want a full report from you and that AI as soon as you get back to the spirit of fire she has a good shot at getting back to us sir Isabelle this is captain cutter I know who you are James cutter captain of the spirit of fire they're supposed to be lost with all hands not so laughs it seems what happened down there I need to know what we're up against Isabelle Isabelle report sir five months ago the portal from the ark to earth shut down without warning a month later he arrived he the brute their leader his name is a tree ox during the war the Covenant used his clan as expendable muscle told them dying in battle would speed their holy journey forty at a time they carelessly sent them in forty to break the front lines Ford to-die-for beliefs not their own never returned until he did so battle by battle war by war 39 brothers at a time a tree ox was born with every victory his legend favourite of the Covenant grew eventually both were impossible to conceal [Music] and they tried to banish him and everything we know about the covenants thousand-year history patriarchs with the first to defy the covenant and survive and his defiance inspired others [Music] aatrox and his vanished raided covenant resources cutting a swath across the galaxy growing in strength with each attack gathering killers and mercenaries to his side the Covenant had two targets in those years humanity and atriums they almost got us at a tree ox they never came close the whole covenant contains power that's what you're up against and all you've got is one old ship and half a cream to staff her we need to run as far and as fast as we can we are just one ship and an old one at that but here we are 30 years past what anyone could ask of us our wars gone lives we had her gone the worlds we knew moved on and now all that we may have left those standing beside us and a duty that defines us battle after battle fighting side-by-side together where you see half a crew is a moment I see family courage and a thousand heroes who swore to fight their way through hell before they ever ever turn their backs and run and where you see one old ship I see and that is always worth fighting for [Music] if we don't stop a tree arcs now we leave the galaxies at the mercy of a Moscow so no is about we will be running anywhere today sir yes sir captain I appreciate a good rousing speech as much as the next AI but a tree ox has had months to set up his forces on the ark even if we could find him attacking him head-on would be suicide that's why we have to fight smart by hitting a tree axes chain-of-command first Isabelle you know the banished and their operations here where do we start Decimus he's one of a tree axes chief lieutenants and the one who led the attack on my outpost he oversees a banished salvage operation near the outpost we need to hit the banish with a surprise attack to put them on their back foot then move south and establish an HQ once we have a base we can begin our attack on Decimus captain visible said the portal her outpost was using to contact earth close without warning once we start this fight we have no way of calling for help if we'd need it that's what you'll be working on professor I need you to find us a way to get word back home in the meantime it's up to us to hold the line here let's show them what the spirit of fire can do listen up team the banished are dug in deep and dead set on controlling this installation and we cannot allow that to happen strike one her job is to establish a forward base expect resistance you heard the captain strike one hit them hard Marines or runner tower up ahead is generating an incredible energy signature if you can secure it we might be able to tap into that power got it professor capture that power no team fighting game looks like the Bannister using those notes to powers of the arc but now I can reconfigure them to supplier basis on the ground thanks professor I'll keep an eye out for more let's find a way to get across that Canyon sir from the last days of the covenant the banished are repurposing what's left to build new weapons scavengers picking from the bone local units spirit of fire actual we've destroyed the base awaiting new orders this is a good location to establish a base of our own it's the heart of your operation and once it's constructed you can call in more structures to build an army captain I'm picking up a broadcast to local banished channels can you intercept Isabel routing to you now salvage teams this is Tessa mas why have you ceased production that spread yourselves it sounds like we got his attention we won't have long before he realizes what's happened is about keep intercepting those transmissions and sending them through Jerome get that base up and running captain I'm detecting a significant energy buildup in orbit above our base plasma bombardment on the way take cover strike one last time that was a taste of our argument I can't turn down an invitation like that what's the damage nothing our restoration drones can't repair you were lucky this time that plasma beam came from the banished carrier ship the one that attacked my outpost the rest of Decimus is salvage operation is north of your position and marked on the map make him pay they'll be happy to deliver Isabel now let's get going let's go rolling out I'm detecting another energy buildup take cover everyone take cover [Music] [Music] moving out Group one I'm guessing that's Decimus he looks bigger than the last time I saw I'm there sir I'm a double all units disguise another circle Susanna's boys mr. positions in the carrier fall back all units is ours humans unknowable Stanley Hana by devil batters Oh I'm under fire sproutlets nice you got it let's do this all units what yeah you got now he's bobbing his own face monster killing his own as casually as he killed us decibels must be trying to hide something search what's love we found something captain uploading now Isabel can you decrypt this for us oh this isn't good I'm only recovering bits and pieces of data but it all points to a cartographer cartographer knows that not who what I'll debrief you when you're back on the ship this is gonna take a lot of explaining the intelligence we captured at desmos base indicates the Bannister using something called the cartographer what can you tell us Isabel the cartographer is a map of everything on the ark that means a tree ox could use it to locate key systems and weapons on this installation Isabel and I have been going over the data from Decimus base and we found a way into the cartographer but it's not going to be easy the cartographers defenses make it almost impenetrable the only way up to it is by a forerunner elevator if you can get access to the local forerunner control towers I can take control of the elevator and take us up it's our only chance of getting inside we'll have to take it we need to hit the banish'd again before they find out what we discovered at their base get to the cartographer and find out what a tree ox is planning be careful the banish'd may still have traffic moving along the route coming in down sir okay listen up team you've all been chosen for this mission because you've seen plenty of action we can't send a large force in without alerting a tree ox to our presence so I need the best scout the area the banish'd may still have troops moving along routes near the cartographer let's hustle the spirit of fire we found destroyed banished mining equipment wouldíve another team down here negative it sounds like we have another party annex the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend rolling out on my way I'm on it Isabel have you seen anything like this before it's a massacre anyone that could do this to the banished isn't someone we want to run into agreed whatever happened here we still have a job to do let's keep moving Slayer to fire we found out who's been attacking the banished mining operation here we'll only tolerate so much abuse before launching sentinels to defend itself this has to be related to the banished using the cartographer morning professor we've reached one of the control towers capture and hold it so I can start working on the elevator each tower you hope will increase the speed that I can take control all units Group three Oh enemy force I've unlocked the elevator why they have leader point that was the last one that will put a serious dent in their race production good work team we've got a clear route to the cartographer now and you heard the banished straight production at the same time it was good to have another winter it may be a bit early for celebrations Jerome let's wait until we find out what a tree ox has been planning at the cartographer start dog senior chief petty officer Alice won 3-0 and managed to make it out of the outpost and I've been tracking an enemy convoy one of their compounds they took some of our troops prisoner back there and I'm not gonna leave them behind I spotted another abandoned research post and I should be able to use it to send an encrypted message to the captain I don't think they're expecting trouble time for me to give them some and luck [Music] move into position I'm under attack from enemy infantry let's do this Oh knocked out all these here oh I felt that I'm getting you out of there hang on ready your weapons troops we're gonna get everyone back it's gonna be a ball a sight for sore eyes spot I thought we'd never see you again we're only gonna get one shot at a pickup so let's get everybody before we call for a ride home stay close to me I'll get out of here together let's go the spirit of fire actual this is Alice one-30 reporting in good to hear from you Alice how did you make it out commandeered an enemy vehicle sir I've rescued some of our troops and we're ready to get back in the fight Isabelle's got your signal and we're sending in pelicans to extract you she's also intercepted enemy chattering but banished are heading to your position now we'll hold the line until extraction sir it's too hot for a complete base drop but the spirit of fire is standing by to lend support Thanks we'll make do Alice out Alice I have turrets ready to deploy to help shore up your defenses yes sir no problemo receiving fire ground troops spirit of five actual not going everything at us Isabelle launched Archer missiles now that's not gonna hold them back sir close call where we had an excerpt I'm putting those fruits under your command so you can continue hit-and-run operations against the banished how would you like to cause them more trouble only one question sir who are the banished I'll get Isabelle to put a briefing package together things you can catch up good hunting professor once you arrive at the cartographer you need to find out what a tree ox is planning to use it for understood captain Isabelle gave me everything the UNSC already knows about the area and it looks like we'll need to reach the map room also I've been running scans as we get closer there seem to be large power signatures from the central chamber nearby it's unclear whether it's banished or forerunner in origin be careful professor there will be a strong banish'd presence and from what we've seen of the sentinel defenses you may have them to deal with - I'll let Jerome handle the former but as for the sentinels remember that special project we were talking about earlier I think it might be time for a test run it's not quite done yet but I'll give it a shot I'll wait for your word from down there good luck up ahead that's where we need to go come on oh great that was our way in spirit of fire actual we've got a problem round through to the map room is blocked by some kind of energy shield can you open it professor well we're in the right place those powers of interest I detected in the central chamber must be connected to this energy shield somehow spirit of fire we may be here a while let's find a way to open shield wait what's that sound on the run I'm under fire from ground troops [Music] professor some kind of forerunner structure here that's the conduit for the energy shields but the banished have locked it down as much as I'd like a more scientific solution I think you're just going to have to destroy it to force it to shut down one way to find out weapons for a team target that conduits you feel that Professor I'm there sir like they're here to stay professor any ideas what's the status of our special project is well it's ready professor you guys might want to hold on to something down there sentinels our weapons aren't making a dent is about we're going to be all units almost zero easy that did it open the energy shield to the central chamber professor what happens now let's find out professor wait nothing ventured nothing gained right she smells bad bad they must have been using these passages to avoid the sentence okay there are three more conduits in this area each of them are controlling the forerunner shield blocking our path to the backward so you need to shut down every one of them I never expected it to be easy professor watch out for the settlements they'll swarm in once you start attacking a conduits then we better work fast all units Moving's position there's another swarm blocking our entrance to the map power up the EMP back at the best power ready leader power backs cleared them out that looks like a did it professor it's only yours time to find out what aatrox has been up to incredible this is so much of the art food here weapon systems environmental controls bio research libraries and the are exported Network captain a traps has been using the cartographer to map and take over the arts portal notes there's thousands of them he's got coverage over the fall of the arc that's how his troops seem to be everywhere at once at least we know how he's doing it now professor I need to know how he's controlling that network so we can take it out do you have what you need I'd love to stand out but I'd say that's our cue to go spear to fire we're on our way back eight reales forces are too strong and too well entrenched for us to fight head-on but he spread his troops far and wide by abusing the arcs network of portals that's his biggest mistake thanks to the information the professor got from the cartographer we know a tree axes key controller for the portal network is nearby if we destroy it it'll [ __ ] his ability to use that portal Network some of a tree axis troops will be stranded and the rest won't be able to redeploy as easily it'll give us a fighting chance the bad news is that we've detected mass deployment of banished forces in this area which means a tree ox knows of our plans the banish will do everything they can to defend that portal control hub you'll need to neutralize each of the portals on the approach to the control hub or we'll be overrun to make things worse our scouts believe Decimus arrived a few hours ago and he'll be looking for a rematch make sure he doesn't walk away from this one looking forward to it sir [Music] enemies on the way device now revised on the first portal and we're returning to base without a fight I've got no problem with that we can't prepare I've marked the first portal on your map thanks Isabel we've got our orders team neutralized every portal we see it too it reached the banished portal controller captain I'm still reading heavy energy traces over the area ahead I think it's trapped Decimus is setting up a kill zone Jerome you better use the portals to circumvent the area [Music] and our sticks around is it something we said one will be a walk in the park supporting cross the Romans like the insects they are come over here try Decimus saudi go walk in the park you got it it can't be sir taken out an enemy structure bye-bye we burn local units we destroyed an enemy structure willing it be careful to run Decimus has had time to prepare for this but banished have shown a surprising amount of control over the arc system so far there's no telling how he'll use that against you but with that control how long will it be before they figure out how to make a halo we won't give him the chance Isabelle all units all units keep going it's almost done come get it stop that's it all banished portal signatures are shutting down wait there's something to me true my heart bleeds as I said I've made some agreements looking for a second round with the ringmaster waving boil do justice party shall take great pleasure and doing the same is to leave me doc my baby I'll tell you apart with my own hands the ground lost dogmas stubborn you would know about that would you spirit of fire Decimus is down well done team step closer to leveling sir the fire is under attack from the banished fleet the turns of the ship now spear to fire to Alice one three zero we have to activated the banished portal network are you in position Isabel I wasn't expecting to hear from you where's the captain the spirit of fire is under heavy attack from the banished carrier so he's asked me to be your liaison while he deals with it you've made quite an impression on the banished down there we're showing signs of massive troop movement your way can you hold out while we're dealing with this attack don't worry Isabel I've got this one good to be working with you Alice out all right troops looks like the banish want to put an end to our fun the captain's a little busy upstairs so we're on our own you have man esteem coming already on it Isabelle push them back troops all units let me add those two castles they never learn do that vocalist all units leader power ready under fire from Grantham local units attack ground troops rally point set local units group to assigned that's it Alice they stopped wait no there's something else and it's very big I'm gonna be ready to go all units rallypoint set keep painting that scarab if we don't break it it's over for us here's a bell scarab is down repeat scarab and his down is that it are there more incoming negative Isabelle looks like they've given up doesn't look that way from here on the bridge we're still under attack from the banished carrier the captain recommends you keep a small base there to guard the portal but be ready to move out I think we're going to need your help down there again very soon is a bailout [Music] we are professor let me handle that you just give me the update on the arm hook the nest didn't you did if iq8 in fat how long can we kick this up not long for losing too many guns at this rate it'll be over soon I think I found a way to get help you can reopen our portal no we're going to make a halo what I've discovered the arc East and almost finished ring in its central forges at all times it's an emergency replacement in case one of the other ends breaks down please you must mean galaxy destroying super weapons right well on that front I figured out how to disable the Rings firing mechanism we can only launch it to one of the locations of the original Rings however visible you said the Master Chief first found a ring near enough to reach that would make it within range of a comms beacon it could work Anders how long do you need twelve hours if my calculations are correct I have 12 hours professor we might not have 12 minutes just can't beat that right now I can't I'm gonna need a little help though explain for starters I need her down there with me Isabelle sorry sir I've been on the ark a while after recent battle reports you should have figured out that there are rules around here I intend to break one big one we need to split ground forces between these two locations to buy me some time you're taking control of ground forces now buy you time for what that [ __ ] brought these monsters killed everyone I was supposed to protect now it wants to do the same to you I won't let that happen it's time to show them what power really means around here captain we're on side two the forerunner particle cannon we discovered at the cartographer we've targeted the banished carrier and we're ready to fire on your say-so do it the spirit of fire wasn't built to fight a carrier like the enduring conviction and we can't hold it off for long we're locked on Captain kanna's not large enough to destroy the carrier but it will immobilize it and punch a hole through its shields if we can stay alive long enough that's where the second part of Isabelle's plan comes in Jerome are you and Isabelle in place yes sir we're making our approach to the banished base beneath that carrier good be ready to get Isabelle inside the carrier once its shields are down Douglas patriarch's can't afford to lose that carrier so he'll be sending all his local forces at you to stop that cannon as a confirmed hit professor the enduring conviction is a mobile what's the ETA on full penetration of its shields some instructions I'll draw as much power as I can into the car we're going to make one heck of a TARDIS Douglas the banished carrier is a tree axes biggest weapon and only means of slipstream transport so you'll be sending everything he can to destroy that cannon now that we've crippled their portals the banish will have to make a traditional frontal assault using whatever local forces they have to reach the cannon the banished they'll have to pass through those choke points to the east and west so we set up UNSC barriers there to defend them we need to make sure they hold fast I've set up monitoring equipment along each of the possible routes so I don't alert Douglas as the banish'd arrives and with a tree ox redirecting all his forces your way he'll be leaving the base beneath the carrier relatively clear giving Jerome and Isabel a chance to infiltrate it they'll be standing by forward when you've broken through the carrier's shields hold the line team Jerome this is Douglas we got a confirmed hit on the carrier shield it's gonna take a while to punch through but it's working good to hear we're making our way now keep that carrier busy for us Douglas I'm starting to get early warning alerts on those monitors the banish'd will be here soon armored reconstructed thank you my way the tenants nearly broken through the carrier shields but just need a little bit longer sure thing professor think they've taken on a punishment yet apparently not I'm receiving an incoming communication it's not encrypted and it's not new in a seat I'm patching it through patriarchs forget him we need to focus on on the everything they're throwing at us good [Music] it worked the shields are down my chute and professor get ready for extraction back to the spirit of fire cirrhosis Douglas to heal this down and your ago Roger that Douglas I can see it's clear you don't wanna be down there when Isabelle gets Alice this is Jerome Isabelle and I are making our approach on the banished base beneath the carrier Roger that Jerome my team is standing by and ready to roll on your say-so good to hear once the carrier shield is down we'll only have a small window of time to board it via to grab lift I need your team on standby in case we run into any problems I've got your back Jerome you just worry about getting there good luck Rosie plz for the grab lift now wait we got hostiles under that grab lift isn't going to be as easy as we hoped Jerome I'm picking up chatter over comms the banister on their way sniper team this is sergeant O'Leary the banister sense has got the drop on us and crowded Drummond is the best Pelican on the way to the draft lift to the side loci - July day local units local units good to have you with us we're going to need your eyes to spot any more banners surprises let's move out let's go those turrets are still active around the graph lift Jerome we're gonna need some heavy armor to destroy them that's what alice is here for one-30 do you copy we're ready captain Jerome it's about time - I was beginning to think you wanted to win this war wouldn't want to spoil your fun Alice banister defending their Gravlin with anti-air turrets I have Isabel with me so I can't risk a frontal assault and a pelican won't make it past those guns I need someone to flank them and take them out okay we can stationed Kodiaks at these three points so we can hit those turrets simultaneously you'll be able to get across before the vanished have even noticed setting up more defenses kodiak's target those generators and fire at will oh it's nice to have a rest getting going Group one I'll jump in if you get into any trouble let's protect those Kodiaks adjusting elevation group four aside that's the final location deploy the Kodiak and standby on my orders [Music] Jerome this is Douglas the carrier shield is down and you are good to go rather that Douglas now get your troops clear you know to be down there when Isabelle and I are finished that goes for you too Alice this is it Isabelle you ready as I'll ever be [Applause] [Music] no you just never had a Spartan ringside seats before let's get to work our entrance wasn't exactly subtle okay I just need to find there [Music] [Music] troops below are clear I'm starting now promise you won't leave without me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Isabelle it's done time to go home you've been busy not as busy as you the grav lift what do we do you you hold on yes yes and the a my it still don't know how she accessed our an idiot your baby survived enough to honor our contract opportunities about 30 minutes ago we lost contact with several of our landing parties on the new halo ring shortly thereafter we received confirmation of a large banished invasion when a new ring is launched the ark activates access points so sentinels can finalize preparations eight rocks must be using these points to send his troops up we have to stop the flow of banished reinforcements getting to this access point before our forces on the halo are overwhelmed once that's done we can send our forces up to help clean the banished off the ring and captain if I may please try to limit collateral damage while you're down there the foundry is literally the birthplace of the halos there's so much we could learn from it about subspace travel gravitational manipulation or building the biggest guns that galaxy has ever seen just don't blow it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] we don't have time to try and blast our way through every second we wait the Bennett's are moving more troops under the ring through that access point we've got to reach the foundry and stop the banished boarding the ring spirits plasma beam could easily destroy the banished fare case if we could capture it that is I know just the people for the job Alice Douglas fight your way through and capture that scarab it'll be a pleasure hold them back spirit a fire we need backup we can't hold out much longer it's on its way hang on what is down here violet Thanks margins we haven't been able to make much headway since we've been here we're here to change that all units not here you sir we've got new orders we're gonna capture a scarab so we can take down the bear kids this I gotta see you got our guns Alice won 3:0 red group three aside better hurry up they're moving more troops to that scarab nearly repaired if we don't get there before the banish'd repair it there will be no way for us to breach their defenses no Alice I've always wanted to drive one of those things okay you're up one of us should stay on the ground anyways don't say I never give you anything I'm under artillery assault the well those facilities and they'll have fewer troops to put on the halo ready hostiles got incoming shall not take our scarab demons [ __ ] master I have the human equation Spartans the banished have an honor guard overseeing the repair of the scarab excellent it's been a while since I tell someone an honor guard I'm receiving fire enemy birds can any one assist they ran it it's neater power ready won't leave me alone all units my entire picture Douglas you're up [Music] this year beats a warthog don't panic I'm here get it going making my way moving out all units think I just stepped in something sign that barrier that scarab is still vulnerable to air and anti-vehicle units make sure you have a support force to respond quickly to attacks copy that sir all units I'm receiving fire benefit birds can anyone assess fire base constructed the baddest have established basis at the edge of the sound REE they're sending troops up to the halo using the nearby access point it's vital you destroy those bases team if we don't stop the banished reinforcing that halo our troops there will have no chance to hold it anyway Motel redeploying take out those blister packs fast one of our buildings or bless their backs inbound I'd love to ready to be attacked our base is under attack for to under attack I think her ass playing these birds I'll get them they gonna be able to send any more of their troops I enjoyed that sir what our next doors we need you on the installation we may have stopped the banished flow of reinforcements but a tree ops already has a sizeable force on the ring use the access point to get yourself to the ring and set a charge to destroy it behind you Jerome is already on route report to him and you arrived we've stopped the tide of banished reinforcements arriving on the ring but a tree axe has already managed to gain a foothold near alpha base our troops have been trying to reach the rings control room but the routes are cut off by a banished shield we've got to get to that control room so I can deactivate the Halos firing systems and plant our signal beacon if I can't do that we won't be sending an SOS back home we'll be sending a very large and very live bomb if a tree ops gets control of this halo he'll be holding a gun to the head of all life across hundreds of light-years we have to clear the vanished off this ring it's up to you red team [Music] [Music] did you make the same offer to the people you slaughtered at that outpost we're not going anywhere we're only talking right now because you know I'm going to take this on from you [Music] [Music] stay down it's gonna show up enough [Music] spirit afire actual which secured the base but our horses are scattered reboot everyone you can but the priority is getting to that control room and disarming the halo before he heads towards human space we'll get it done sir we're halfway there troops stay the course group to read sheep we have hostiles at the barrier won't be able to hold it for long hold the line red team all units relatively easy and returning to base all units our base is under attack turret constructed what's that sound the installation has released a retriever there the arts most powerful sentinels didn't have enough going on heightened security protocols kicked in as soon as the artillery all units all units I got this all units I'm under fire from enemy birds all units that wasn't easy it's only retreated for repairs it'll be back soon I've marked three control towers if you can secure those I should be able to take control of the retriever until then keep out of its way you know just for once I'd like a straight-up fight there's the enemy shoot the enemy go home get to the shield generator red team at all clear the way on our way professor professor the retrievers back but this time it's under our control for now anyway keep the area clear for the professor let's see what our new friend can do this is it team get ready to defend the conform the professor has to go down deactivate its weapon systems and set up the comms beacon professor what's the update at the control room I'm in and I think I found the Halos weapon systems once I've deactivated them then I'll place the comm speaker keep us updated Jerome Patriots will be sending everything to stop us you need to hold the line and protect the professor in the control room until she's finished her work well let sit down sir the clock's ticking we don't have time to drop a base and build it up you're going to have to rely on turret defences so keep them up and running fresh troops will be sent in directly from the spirit of fire as soon as they're ready to deploy and I've got all the ship's weapons systems primed and ready so we'll help as much as we can from up here okay everyone let's get to work good luck [Music] [Music] Red Team you have to hold the banish back until the professor's done her work don't worry sir we got her and it looks like we've got company right now this control room has a defensive shields but it won't last long you just keep the wolves at bay the spirit of fires weapons are at your disposal Spartan get the ship in the fight turrets and restoration drones are online call in support when you need it the spirit of fire is standing by to assist Jerome use everything you can we have to keep the professor safe constructed local units all units nine Gallagher assault variety troops need support damnit vehicle down I'm Gayle taking fire I'm not built for combat local units tank upgraded under itself from enemy ground forces turret upgraded turret upgraded turn it up graded turret upgraded the banished have warlords on the field overseeing their troops illuminating them will disrupt the venice's chain of command Roger sir nothing like so in a little chaos local units we've got reinforcements for your now red team all units all units I'm under attack boss destroy every structure Oh we delimited on local units what's the status professor so many protocols I'm probably halfway there I need more time make it fast professor leader powered ready all units ready Scarabus down professor how we doing just finishing up hang on the communications really is in place well that's a little more complicated have to go down into the ring to set it up I need more time the control room at all costs when she's done I'm not moving anybody behind copy that sir game faces team group 3 group 3 local units by their group one side leader power ready [Music] for [Music] what am i water sir triangulating targets running estimates if you can see it I could shoot will do grizzly under fire from enemy air units team leader power under aerosol Oh I need assistance together with our units read and understood ready for your now red team the manage that Senate artillery [Music] we're going our styles sit back and let the drones do their work we're being assaulted by enemy vehicles sir we won't be able to hold them off indefinitely time's running out PTT since array is ready captain the city and to the Bannister gone I found something down here at that never it is it better work professor don't feel [Music] [Music] troops in over we lost an infantry unit over enemy ground troops no sorry sir captain is back there power ready but itself here's your notice a free ox the Ark is our home now and it's under our protection come invisible I've heard I didn't think you could make him any matter but spotting some tankers over the trend has been the ulema gun on the ropes captain but it's only a matter of time before they sent more professor what's the plan I've gained control of the Halos gravity anchors captain get our troops clear and get ready for look alive it [Music] the ground [Music] anyone wanna take care of those enemy mounts three natalie is one of our buildings Group three [Music] leader power ready I saw an enemy leading our troops or clear professor whatever local units professor it's now or never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with all due respect --n the other teams are clear yes sir eta did the spirit of fire is five minutes bring out the meth got a lot of work to do in Sochi get it back I kept [Music] [Music] [Music] what's happening why don't we drove out of subspace [Music] [Music] we've been safe from the arc [Music] do not disobey your orders again start the shell salvage the ships that is lit et oxwas clear I'll look around and if we find prize right back how could that go raw Voridis listen you failed him one more time trying to prove yourself and I will not be able to save you and it will be both our skulls beneath his mace relax brother you worried too have you we are ready to move to hi charity my men are impatient for glory put unleash on them for this the terrain here is unsuitable for our power extractors I am still working on a solution and your men would do well to remember that whatever we find here belongs to eat routes this war has tamed me brother where is your jihad a lust for adventure that relic is ripe for plunder this war has taught me Lourdes stay your hand once we reach high charity we need to move quickly to avoid the wrath of the sins of those defending it yes yes I am well aware of what we face here hurry your preparations old one I already have troops on the ground floor it is out this boy world's there's weapons to be salvaged from all eternity and borders commands us to return to base for new orders [Music] bornus there are many sentinels a massive here near the salvage site they may be guarding rather than protecting something I can handle the Sentinels near you and let me deal with the ones here we'll have what we need in no time our air forces are engaging sentinels Nearline charity light bridge Oh bad yes so what else we'll have to do of those sentinels cowards I shall puck you into the void Reavers reactivate the light friends walking barrage of bad news troops are you said to get a Lukas to clear the path you can return with Salvage gods or or the flatterers meat for their real soldiers your choice the Sentinels are attacking our vase portas the orbital designators knows they're coming from a nearby Monkey Bay they're not mafia wouldn't mind you - I should handle them fire a disruption emitter at the launching Bay the enemy's air units picked up off target now hit them while they are defenseless poorness the EMP feel from that emitter is fluctuating I made a few improvements and now it affects a much larger area your improvements have shortened the duration of the EMP field you will need to replace it [Music] for this you're going to be facing more signals than we ever have stalking my prey there's still so much wreckage lying around hi charity it's going to take me a while to calm fruit let's sign the Covenant loser war I hope they clean up after themselves we have proceed with caution for this there are strange readings from inside the wreckage you know the nails of the grapevine and the Caribbean is spread inside high acuity if true then it could be a greater threat than even the Covenant were more lies from the prophets even if there was want such a threat any monsters would be long dead by now we have ium we have encountered a new forerunner defense system pirates the area around high curious or fortified these new girls it is clear we are trying to manage to go where they want to destroy any who oppose this peach reactors rise not proof of this Nelson studied as well mysteries a wise warriors not Rico fight the humans are here they will not stop us from taking what we want fight them out have you the humans are here what if they dropped beneath our scans their forces must be small simply a reconnaissance mission then I'll make sure they don't report anything back in our fourth back to the mission from the size of the shell it appears large portions of High Charity remain intact which means there are more weapons for us to blender aatrox wanders not to get too high tyranny mortis this one solid yet what remains accountants I am broke bornus I can run into problems in the salvage crews the power that runs under the surface here is surprisingly unstable what's the problem take it all I'm not sure for an extract is good handling in this unrefined form I'm sure you'll figure it out brother that's why I keep you around possession I found some kind of forerunner interface and there are more systems near behind be careful for this there is still much we don't understand about the four brothers and their machines brother I can handle it I'm going to investigate scarab commander continue smashing through that wreckage protect the Scarab while I try and deactivate the Sentinel defenses the seasons I'm doing your work destroy them I'm not finished here yet here's the disruption emitters nothing must stop our scary every time I think I've solved it wait this looks promising do I have to tell you again protect your leader mysteries are what kept the Covenant a third and weak rescinding gorgeousness they're getting desperate I must be close to completely shutting them down they're approached by charity now mortis I hope your pack is ready to transport the riches we find nearby their interference use this date to deactivate the system defenses what's it for not doing any damage get those accessories how will this doctor retrievers still attackers you must yeah arrogance Hardwell shoulder wrong target this internal defenses have been deactivated they won't interfere no longer our waters are truly the cell of High Charity intact Mississippi enough leads for us around so you said many times I can handle myself Florida South it's time we got inside to take what's ours [Music] [Music] prepare yourselves [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] pavía launchers are are we to perform Salvage extraction from the nearby ships good before this is listen to me he'll be doing the same from outside of hi charity have you had word from him no no further communications says he and his brutes approached a charity unsurprising no doubt she's picked a fight with some sentinels there I want us to be ready for extraction as soon as possible let's get to work we need those barriers down so I can clear a path for the salvage unit auratus this is valium and he found anything outside the shell respond engineers Jesus calms me back now vitality is the same tone they are no longer your allies in this Santa will concede your body in mind my orbital designator shows a massive wave of blood coming soon gather supplies and build defenses to be ready for them bye-bye let's trust Alliance [Music] and ready and offenses Timaeus covers is the fallback Lucas this problem are you my father your holiness long as we can silence stand to attention your little designated shows you have a little time before the next flight search start preparing our defenses the flood are adapting new laws to combat us quickly but nothing's are made to detect you destroy the flood we taking that brothers we make our final stand here and left to any chiral Hani on the battlefield during the Covenant war I will not abandon Voridis if boys were one of his pack contact us I want to know of it immediately have announced blister packs we will need their power of leer to hold even briefly be able to support us by packet I barely escaped I charity did not believe the tales they appeared from nowhere it forced us back during a retreat mr. Burton's entrance to a forerunner structure below ground my engineers believe it is connected to the defense's I shut down earlier we cannot break through the flood to reach it we are at the power support site you established earlier but have already lost MIDI to the parasite the face [Music] long enough boardís my troops and i are nearly a you position at the southeast rose have you reached the forerunner defense station some kind of flood forms blocked the entrance to the station it's as if they understand it's a threat to them we barely even had time to establish a base before they besieged us we must reach that station if we can't reactivate the forerunner defenses we will have no chance against the parasites and we haven't the numbers have iam each time we kill one another appears the flood is everywhere to scattered across every surface every crime invasion the fishes that the whole area is honeycombed with explosive power if we can start the salvage can use them to cause a chain reaction and burn the parasite away I will start our extractors up immediately to start stockpiling power start the extractors we'll need all the power we can to start the south the powers too unstable for extractors there are many small eruptions where the power has crystallised collect them in that state very well I've set up my own operation we'll start gathering the power we need for the selfish needs the liquid form of that energy has crystallized when it's broken through the surface we can use those crystals to start the drones again what is one of those things decimate a squad of my troops earlier they're everywhere here they seem to a corona cycle monitor them as best you can I'll need to know when they're about to burst the principle suit for staff at Buster's better [Music] crystallized power breaking through the ground around that thing take you for the Thrones Season ten Mercer is close to releasing the flood bursters just needs protect them until they reach the surface and ignited the linguist beneath okay have you the flood reinforcements are accelerating they must recognize the threat those drills pose to them [Music] the spire honors [Music] it's fortified so we can safely collect the rest to the power here it's working is clear I can reach the forerunner station I will stay here with the rest of our team to guard your exit by the way to reactivate the sensibilities down below I will not return in July how far down is this facility the lifts still hasn't reached the bottom it is in this I told you I will face this path iam the means to reactivate the Sentinel flood defences should lie below as does the flood this area will be rotted with flood forms be sure to make use of your incendiary gels the enclosed spaces will work to your advantage the lift slows it seems I have arrived hold the line up there I'll be back soon [Music] stinks of death down here the enemies everywhere we will stop the flood together Fortis my troops and I will guard the entrance up here but you must be activate those defenses quickly this facility is fitted with mini chasms jump ropes be ready the flood has already started to choke this place watch your step [Music] let's move fast before the fog completely engulfs this place jump routes investigate the console on that pillar we need to find a way forward I smell new victims Spaniel the way forward is not clear we have many full rudder beam defenses and retracted like bridges a good sign it means the facility is still partly functional we may still be able to restore the defenses we note impressive Pavia the forerunner beams make swift work of the flood here as they will you fooled us can't you get past them they are more agile than those shuffling monstrosities I'll send one of my squad through to deactivate them from the other side he surprised me for this I thought you would want to test through my key reflex against the beans [Music] and add this clear continue on we found a teleporter down here it appears to be connected to the one near you I need reinforcements scout ahead while I get it working there's a forerunner turno ahead and a large chamber but it's surrounded by blisters we should investigate it then I suggest using an honor guard their cloaking abilities will enable them to reach the terminal undetected you have reinforcements ready for me then yes the teleporters working but I can't spare many fighters if the flood return here I will need everyone to hold them back trust my instincts that investor was part of an ambush destroy those spotters the units my French controls aren't working the flood is corrupting everything we must move fast before the whole facility is a lost cause the pack enemies Florida's they come and destroy them I will not fall to these aberrations it's done shut down behind us at least it should buy us some time that looks like the last castle jump roots you will have to measure your worth and kills now I think we found it it resembles the system I shut down before strange it's almost as if the flood understands its importance the largest are blocked with their filth there is cunning in their chaos mortis the flood seems to be growing and intelligence you must clean those logs and deactivate the defenses now double units are you worse what does our mind sending my finest warriors for you for this I have also outfitted simply with new equipment inspired by your experiments fight will and you brother I will see this done the power is increasing once this device is at full power I should be able to re-enable the defense's the system is at full power I'm reactivating it now then we activate the defenses the flood is almost here yes this is familiar time to fight such a toast destroy the defense system is back on the sentinel cleansing operation should commit soon it seems the flood are aware of the threat they rush the stuff assume it is done the defense system is working [Music] we will fix this in drugs we only thought it wise to inform you of the threat we thought it was the flood is the very thing this installation was created to destroy if we don't send every soldier we have right now to stop its spread everything we thought all the digits and we've already reactivated the Sentinels we will help them fix this you have our word over accents but most over 40% of our food saved us the blood is red quickly in the area near high tyranny do not be irate reacts with the Sentinel defences up and running we will crush the flood threat the arrogance and cost is enormous he will have this fixed like that do not nothing destroy our face the numbers are infinite [Music] we must find the source Disney flood outbreak mr. mayor greatest battle Pavia we will be legends [Music] there will be nobody left to recount our folly do not underestimate the greatness of this equation for this read constructed my seats to carve this [ __ ] there's a point nearby that will provide the necessary firings I did once we destroy it and we can join the Sentinels and pushing the rest of the flood back turret complete they destroyed our building bird constructed something Oh spiral dreams desperation brother it is finally beginning to no fear there seems to be some kind of arm or shielding the things hide [Music] it's releasing more flux oh man it is not wasteful straddling those blackboards my smart new potential location for an extra turret he was instructed now we must reach back out again about several locations will be to build the turret to force it out at least when its tentacles retracted we can move about more freely gives us more sights I wish to build the turret quickly have you that Biggs groans is strong our turrets aren't enough anymore we need more firepower I was afraid of this but I think I have the answer I detected the damaged section a lot nearby every cleansing of the flood Mills and she'd call in sectional reinforcements we did it we beaten it back brother patriarchs will be pleased I don't think pleased is the right word brother 80 knots will arrive soon he may not be as merciful as the flood I told you not to go inside some good reason secure the breach scene up your mass and we'll be waiting for you [Music] [Applause] you you
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Views: 501,406
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Keywords: machinima, halo wars saga, halo wars saga movie all cutscenes, halo wars 1, halo wars 2, halo wars 2 awakening the nightmare, halo wars dlc, halo wars 1 ending, halo wars 2 ending, halo wars 2 awakening the nightmare dlc ending
Id: BHnQshwC3EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 13sec (11953 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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