CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 3 All Cutscenes (2023) Full Game Movie 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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[Music] is [Music] [Music] sh Alpha Team clear heading to [Music] surface all teams Eyes On Target phase one complete Charlie copies were set Roger bad moving to phase two Patrol boat 2:00 get under [Music] stay tight r no [Music] movement let's get up here good hook let's get up [Music] top all teams Alpha on the ax what's your status Bravo's over the DZ try standing by no on I STR on keep it quiet bravoo is inbound solid copy move the set moving interior all clear descending stairwell [Music] Southside all Shooters be advised enemies launching an attack Bird toy we heads up not off movement in the courtyard looks like a prisoner transfer not our guy on me we hold for Charlie to light the fire and head to the hatch in the courtyard move interior hold up here all teams Alpha's in position Bravo set charges hot Charlie good to go fire in the hle stand by 3 2 1 execute clear 21 RI the head for [Music] entry enemies incoming get under ground on me Bravo Alpha's in the tunnels what's your status outside the control room waiting on you copy at the air duct stand by [Applause] all teams let's roll thunder R blackout three 2 1 execute all teams Bravo's got the keys copy Target the guards only use the inmate for cover when we kick off the riot Roger guard clear more the cell blocks left side smoke them hold stay high kill those flashlights Bravo kick off the riot through clear check the next BL Alpha One to Bravo One open 55c Che Alpha moving to Su level X4 Alpha moving on suble level let's get our guy ready [Music] breach reach you [Music] up alas On Target standby flare step into the light all stations p on 627 copy opening [Applause] 627 your boy [Music] plan all teams we have him moving in 30 all stations this is your commander deir marar call sign SAR 90 actual I have the con move to phase three out on me van I trust the XO plan is intact we head up the elevator and walk out the front be position clear Alpha 21 to Charlie actual secure we're moving to xville Roger standing by alha one ascending an elevator actual secure prep for xfill H copy hold station top side hot top side is hot troops in contact C standby who holds power in this gong the guards or the prison the prisoners yes that's why the guards need guns well I F some all stations we got an mg Nest active on the wat Tower up requesting immediate fire on that gra inbound Raptor ground Target acquired danger close copy rain fire shots out shots out box two w Target destroyed get to the tunnel that dire leave go Charlie was supposed to handle that heilo if it was a problem you should have dealt with it follow the cliff side to the water our boat will provide covering fire shooter on the wall ignore them get to the I'm come on here no way the way no way we 30 seconds to the D [Music] easy Watcher one de Bravo six Watcher de Bravo over as well go for six John marov is out say again asell marov is out he's on the move John [ __ ] turn us around turn us around around [Music] [Music] now Shadow 2 kilo actual at the Port now we'll confirm when car goes in my possession stand by Roger that kilo we good to go so far this is a game changer let's hope we never have to use them in stay on comes [Music] [Applause] you y [Music] [Music] foree [Music] fore [Music] [Music] a [Music] tackle 31 troops in contact K vehicle is down I say again troops in the open take an effective fire from multiple locations copy that Hold Your Position Shadow 01 to kilo do you read me kilo up this is kilo we were ambushed Dina is Kia it's con they're everywhere Commander the missiles they're going for the missiles we can't let them do that Farah I need weapons look for containers with the shadow Insignia they'll have what you need to fight con you were shipping more than just missiles plenty more lucky for you I'm at the container copy that gear gives you an edge but they're still an arm a con between you and those missiles I will not allow con to steal these missiles whatever it takes we're going to need a contingency Commander I have GPS trackers on my ship you plant those on the missiles we'll never lose visual I still need to locate the containers Dina would have known where to find them shipping manifest will be in the harbor Master's office the tower affirmative copy that sighted your ship Graves you see any of my people negative not want to want to hear Ton's Coming For You Farah making my way to the tower thing of damn [Music] Beauty good take down moving to the bridge for The Trackers check the table probably right there after the dead arda's workers bakan was free of violence like this Con brought it back peace through strength there it's in your fault Graves I have the trackers great now get to the Tower and grab that manifest sounds like they found you [Music] on watch your ass Hunter kilo the Shadow Con found one of our containers they're taking it now damn it that's one missile gone for good only two left if the missiles are all headed to the same location I can still track them big if kilo hope you're right I found the Manifest Graves Graves sending you the info from the Manifest got it cross referencing with our container numbers okay got all three container numbers and locations only two right two God damn Ultra nationalist tell me where to go I'll plant The Trackers on the two remaining Roger that let's get to it check the cran they may be load one of those containers now cop I'll check high and low and find both think your made kilo containers up [Music] above all stations last track at on con is leaving with both the missiles Char cup you did what needed to be done bar make sure you do the rest go how copy loud and clear far Cody's pulling up sticks they got what they wanted we live to fight another day it's not over I go to kilo you clear all clear press up Roger coming your way [Music] Commander our missiles were meant to be a deterrent peace through strength R always finds its way back to this place it never left not sure wants this country they can't have it what's next tracking those containers not coming with you no take care of our Kia and a Lota forces tell them Russia's back in arstan Shadow company's got us get in the game they're going to want a piece of this true someone else I have to contact First [Music] this is my comrades We Stand real light for your efforts in my absence and our success today I offer you praise [Music] Andre my fellow Warriors I wasn't here but I was always with you since then our enemies have grown stronger the Ulf has stolen back control of rakhan the time has come for us to show them the meaning of true power this is a battle of perception a life flies while the truth only crows if you control what people believe you control the world this is our weapon and we will use it as a tool of War to restore glory to Russia the real Russia the West they love their choices they will have only one to respond on our [Music] terms one macarov escaped he mobilized his army on multiple fronts Cony group hit the ukhan port Before Sunrise far was there she H negative her team engaged took casualties left con with a kill count of her own good on you far what' they get from the port a shipment of American missiles con's got their own missiles what does Makarov want these for we need to find out I'm tracking them now once I get a fix we action it you said multiple fronts lwell give us a Target Cony forces are converging on a nuclear power plant in zakhan as we speak is the plant active abandoned when the Ulf beat barov no almost there all four of you as soon as you can R ghost and I'll wrecky the plant so and gas secure the perimeter if macaros go in nuclear we'll stop him in his tracks solid copy let's get after a Bravo one minute T gra good to go that's our gear on the ground if we need it we will rip 30 seconds right P altitude is 2000 AGL C it close that's how we do Roger up at a rally Point sh stand by go Target those Hilo six whatever con's after let's keep it on the ground ghost are you picking up radiation spikes negative all the hilos scan clear should be safe to use explosives on them copy six you've got multiple Cony near that Hilo copy what you visual on Hilo copy 6 that's your target we're our primary set points con ins sight working to secure perimeter work quietly until the captain kicks things off your promises LT going hot I keep things off C incoming take it out fire RPGs almost help all Targets destroyed good work s John got a mounted mg coming your way on an armored vehicle be advised Bravo 6 py has entered re you need to get down there it's hero still over con's ahead of you s possible entry point nearby making entry breaking signal you've got an enemy Hilo overhead it's at the reactor deployed ROP something bring that secondary extraction we have to stop them now most nation's colies extracting canisters from the reactor can you confirm the contact fire on that kilo bring it down get me taking the gas out on that he we're going to lose it Watcher can you track them on it ghost stand by this is six reactors sealed I'm locked in got the I Cony personel entering the reactor the CL stay up here there on cover need some [ __ ] cover the RO got it grab my hand got it fool we got you cap stay with us son come come stay with us sir [ __ ] 62 to watcho we need medac now we need now morning sir take it easy cap you beat the gas but you still need some time to recover I'm fine got headache nor always he's good was worried your face was going to melt all play those other poor bastards you ask me it be an improvement con got away with the chemicals affirmative ma Rob has been out of prison for 6 hours and he's already ahead of us the [ __ ] is in there that gas remnants of barkov's program s highly concentrated far more lethal one po contaminated the whole area they made off it enough to kill a whole country right now is in far's backyard we've got to find them lwell it was chemical weapons marov has highly concentrated sarin gas did you secure it negative Captain almost died trying where is he I'm here as well where are the missiles ATT tracked Fire's missiles to an abandoned bunker complex built during the Cold War we know those bunkers soers Farah why does con need a s out for portable missiles exactly we'll split up I'll oby with Farah just off the EG we'll spread out and sweep the complex get those missiles back good I'm heading to arof to me a contact who may be able to help us US covian military base how you getting in there alive carefully I'll report back when I'm able I see on the other side good hunting Bravo 6 to Coast at the valy point what's your status on target Charlie you got Alpha kilo Tes Bravo Roger stand by [ __ ] sake phah head on a swivel old man Russ is back in a contractors Cony group P static c c him up north yesterday stole my missiles at Sunrise all less than 24 hours after Vladimir marov walked himself out of a prison Works quickly he's making up for lost time in he let's move who sent you the missiles Shadow company Shadow company that that kind of Firepower they're Aaron boys with Tag vest they're allies They carried out a hit on my men Commander Graves did this yeah well he had his orders yeah from home General shepher did Shepherd sent you those missile my weapons are my business he's a very dangerous man Farah we are all Danger ous Captain look I never want to lie to you but I can't tell you everything what you call classified I call Secrets my country is under siege again my brother War us to go a lot deeper than her exan well then let's help each other like always I hope you trust me implicitly good I'll see you on the other side [Music] all stations well we see kilo Kil set copy your drones on station you and far have the con lot of Russians con's brought an army into his extent no missiles inside they're in the bunkers then I see an entry point marking now you'll need a key card to get in bar is right we you done a captain in our seor with a key card earlier had a red beret Roger red beret I spotted one near the steel buildings north of the entry red beret that's my target good track and get his key card use it on the door for entry and you I know another way in copy last St comes I'll see inside pushing down from the mountain side the field May conceal your movement right silent and violent [Music] 62 stations con's planting Ulf fingerprints on the base makarov's launching a false flag attack those missiles are American he's pinning it on far in the west he wants the W to think I'm the enemy we need to find out what the target is before it's too late minus [Music] one cleared the perimeter find the captain get his key card be advised soap and ghost are in spotty signals underground copy we find the missiles and relay when we can check up Cony Captain's down you need that key card for entry our key card secure Captain you have more Cony pushing on your location use the key card to get in the get through the door and find you inside pushing interior in watch your six old man they know we're here now affirmative let's find those [Music] [Music] missiles never [Music] [Applause] [Music] got your back Captain apprciate assist killer they know we're here don't hold back the launch platform is on the other side of this door copy it's locked I'll get it open stand by all St we located two missiles the WarHeads are C chemical I see again the missiles have chemical Warheads 71 repeat your last [ __ ] him door's open this way let's move clear the missile they're going to launch it Captain [ __ ] 06 come in Captain you copy go for six con's put makarov's chemicals into the WarHeads they're going to launch my missiles my flag's my country he wants the world to think you did this if these missiles launch they will chemicals this missile has them too Farah these are your Miss there has to be a way to disarm it there is get on the control box we can do this together I'm in ready stand by it's too late to disarm we have to let it launch what we close the blast door and detonate and sing the chemicals in a bunker yes get to the surface find the blast door controls and cl with Captain where will you be I'll get to a safe position and hold the launch as long as I can go now calling prep for [Music] contact I'll hold the launch as long as I can get to that Tower back enemy Dragon stations initi launch my location what is the Target AR base in covia oh no as well 2 minutes to launch kilo ascending now copy go to the tower get to the control cap visual on a Cony Hilo incoming on your position they're bringing in reinforcements you need to move con over the surface the got in the tower through them hold pushing into the control tower Farah 30 seconds to launch get on the controls and shut the blast door Captain kilo closing the blast doors [Music] now kiler Farah do you copy Farah can you hear me loud and clear Captain detonation complete missile is dead chemicals contained Ro Bravo give me sitre we're too late Captain calling surrounded the controls guys what does he mean two missiles launch him now from your Northwest no no Qui 6 to Watcher 6 to Watcher kite lwell are you there this is six in the blind we have two missiles incoming to the arclo base they have chemical Warheads if you want there get out [Music] nowwell M where travel fast fast only if he wants it to you think he's working for the Kremlin I wouldn't be surprised I have a contact you might know the answer I need transport where AR CL military base it's heavily guarded can you do it to stop mararo of course I need to get in and back out could go upside down quickly I specialize in upside down down was that's what I'm afraid of who's your contact Yuri vov Yuri's on the payroll Yuri never took a dime that's Yuri when do we leave how's [Music] now nice we need to fly low under the radar exactly we are a mile out don't get compromised now stop and go call you when I need you Roger go go go I clear [Music] copy watch you the Yankee eyes on the base approaching now copy Watcher shit's about to get real keep a low profile putting it away smart your ex12 withraw the wrong kind of attention you don't want to keep Yuri waiting Raj have to walk onto an enemy base without a gun ready but you know Yuri should have sent you his location by now affirmative Aram Administrative building near the hangar look for a satellite fish on the roof copy this Mo un delegation will looking for here you'll have to be quick quick and dirty neither of us can afford to be compromised I know work well I'll do my best to help you closing on the entrance Nick so far so good got a problem need a security key card to access good thing you're a spy snag a card from an officer anyone entering or exiting likely has one good call look for an officer leaving the building see a major leaving the entrance he's not alone wait till he's alone and do what needs to be done for his key [Music] card Major's breaking away heading upstairs towards an office could be a good place to catch him alone [Music] he's down Target eliminated key card secured should took one for the team had to be done that one's on marov not you y better make this worth our while I'm in Yuri said he'd be in the storage room down the hall to the right of the entrance down the hall right at the entrance copy that making entry Yuri Watcher I'm impressed but not surprised any issues several Collateral Damage I hope it's worth their sacrifice what do you have fsp files inaros research chemical weapons as a soldier Makarov was uh enamored with their potential can they be neutralized I'm giving you everything we know why Russia and the West face similar threats from within it is imperative we collaborate to control [Music] them [Music] n the kman is not behind these chemicals that doesn't mean macarov isn't working with Moscow there are extremists in both our governments come again Bravo last one there Bravo your signals weak come again in the blind we have two missiles incoming to the AR CL Bas they have K Group Warheads if you are there get out could be it's not there's another one coming see we have to go and cannot be seen together as well go that you [Music] watch come in on your eyes for now missile attack chemical Warheads get to The High Ground look for a way up to the roof for extraction coming up now Nick you here circling now people are dying down there is J with you negative we split up he's a Survivor like you climbing the ladder now hurry the cloud is rising I'm almost to you Nick the we last one CH it of course lwell just come quickly let sh you good yeah let's get Ahad of here [Music] a Russian delegation suffered massive T when they came under Fire an estimated 158 deaths at the covian base with more than 200 injured several explosions and an apparent chemical attack were seen by Witnesses from miles away the Kremlin blames fingan for what they call a brutal and unjustifiable attack they are asking world leaders to join them in denouncing the Ulf as a terrorist organization aakhan has been a terrorist hotspot for Years yet what has been done about it absolutely nothing it's clear the Ulf remains at large and for all we know they have weapons in Striking Distance of Moscow how do we know we're [Music] safe for sh n of bond andaro name aan yellow [Applause] [Music] [Music] me hello Samar you exceeded my expectations today what do you think you are this is about who you are Samara what is this history get this off me you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] you will be a hero for what you're doing here Samar no one will believe you I am not a terrorist no you're a Citizen Soldier inspired by farak Karim to find Russia you're a freedom fighter you're Russian this plane is full of Russians how could would you kill your own people no I'm not killing them you are you been that oh you sick bastard we can stop this you terrorist no you look [Music] like help me give me the let me go I need we need to update you on breaking news of a Russian passenger jet that crashed in the passengers and nine crew members may have been deliberately crashed un Rec voice recorder that is a crucial part of the investig video from Passenger cell phones could also shed after a missile attack on Arlo milit suffered massive casualties when theys to be a terrorist terrorist Moscow is investigating intentions haven't been got Mao written all over it he's done more damage in 72 hours than con did in 5 years without him that airliner went down in my country it was no accident I need to get to that crash site and prove it IO Data shows that it was a flight out of covia Bound for SOI they lost contact in this region that's all I need you'll have to get there before authorities arrive it's not the authorities I'm worried about good luck [Music] pH [Music] crash site over the ridge I see it shumak somebody beat us here Russian pmcs con group macarov they'll blame us for this too we need to find out what happened on that flight show the world it wasn't us I won't have them call us terrorists not again what are you doing going down there far there's at least 20 guns hold that area what do you need for me OverWatch take some high ground and Cover Me Yes Man you in position theer eyes on multiple Coney squads picking at the wreckage looks like they're securing the site the Ulf didn't do this we need to find anything we can to prove it mwell ran a tracer to lasso signals in the area we can locate passenger cell phones and track down the flight recorder copy on the move I see you got your six I'll relay what I see from here these men that not welcome in my country let him know I intend [Music] to Alex something we got something video is shaky passengers are scared some shelting in Arabic that's all that is makarov's men will die here with his victims getting what they deserve if only we could kill them all twice took control of a sentry gun con sending re enforcements in the another what do you see I see a woman with a gun Sam she's going to be a soldier yes she would never do this people change your brother this I hope so let's see what else you can find Eng place is picked apart crash scattered a lot of debris near you could be worth looking around Raj good [Music] eye I see my Soldier Sonata in a bom vest this doesn't make sense a gun now a vest she looks afraid she doesn't want to do this we both know the world won't see it that way marov wants this to see this we can't let them understood the flight recorder still somewhere on site we'll need that data too far serious firep power and a nearby signal might be guarding the flight recorder agreed eyes on the blackbox 31 found the flight recorder trying it I will not allow con to use it to frame the Ulf you sure far air you with me always kilo try it ass all we needed far think the sight's clean let's get off the X we link up at our infill Point sure be that Commander here yes Alex where are you 31 how copy Echo 31 do you read contact they're on me far go get out of here now no Alex I'll find you [Music] go what's next we need to find where those con came from and where they're headed I want you to tr them do not engage unless absolutely necessary I'll keep my distance try not to get caught this time no promises [Music] a former Ulf Soldier wearing a suicide vest on a Russian airliner she was forced I'm sure of it Samara she was a good fighter joined my forces during the occupation left to raise her family what happened at the crash site they were planting evidence to frame us and collecting the rest we killed as many as we could and took the phones and the black box wiped it clean smart you stopped marov from controlling the narrative if Coney operatives were on that plane they got off somehow mov wouldn't leave that loose end some people will believe the Ulf was responsible thanks to you no one can prove it people will speculate but you beat marov at his own game it's not enough I sent Alex after con if they're in arikan he'll find them copy when I regroup with 141 whatever we know you'll know and far yes lwell I'm sorry about Samara me too hey hold up still here my brothers how you doing come right better now Captain [ __ ] Ultra nationalists security feed from the airport passenger had a boarding pass for flight 761 fake passport or inside job more likely no one stopped him walk in the bloody Park D marov far and Alex what they get not enough to prove anything sick bastards toing American missiles with chemical weapons and killing his own people he's killing civilians p in the blame of far and the United States he's playing with fire false flag operations he wants a war East versus West the tile fight there's the world for for this [Music] K we're on the brink boys had him right in our [ __ ] hands we should have killed him when we had the chance What stopped you [Music] Gold Eagle of Bravo 6 security confirms gunfire and at least one explosion in the stadium with multiple injuries over copy we're inbound now be advised marov and his men may still be inside if he's there you bring him him out alive Roger that where's medical First Responders will not enter until the scene is clear the third floor VIP lounge may be makarov's next Target Christ almighty you said it son ghost and I are 10 miks out let's bag this bastard out here macarov thre in the airport he head the stadium instead are everywhere I'll check your shots on inside marov you heard the order Ori still stand bre get out of here go Christ almighty close one St [Applause] please oh [ __ ] hell this is chaos that's where M off once he's up ahead they got kill cilian attack fire police they'd have access to the VIP area it's on the third floor let's move check shot in there contact front move Mo all police on target are considered hostile R it up keep moving through the put D it moving go get out the police are here police let's go let's go run go XR down third floor is our Target take points so moveing on stairwell ex locked on it executive level VIP area is close let's get in there eyes on the VIP area clear got movement inside stay sh on you sergeant Special Forces HS show your HS TR the SP don't shoot how did you get in here security security let us in who are you with please we are trying to save Liv [ __ ] I need help over here Soldier help please [ __ ] were in a circle good call then check it they had explosives this was the next Target Gold Eagle actual explosives located in the VIP area no sign of Makarov copy make it safe local set up a cordon so marov will have to xville fast we're five mics out don't let him Escape son go it that the garage affirm secure the explosives then get to the secondary xville copy here we'll use a lift p eyes peeled for Makarov get to safety go vehicle incoming maintain distance good to cover could be Makarov step out of the vehicle C it's no move to secure open it hands Ki leading Jesus there's him Vladimir marov get out of the vehicle now nice and easy that's far enough now don't [ __ ] move search him you're scared Captain you should be shut up get on your [ __ ] knees he's clean you're going to kill me Oh I thought about it yeah I recommend you do and I recommend you tell your men to stand down you're not trying to stand down that's more your strategy keep him close all stations we have maerov moving to the extract Roger that John they'll fight to get him back we're counting on it I take him left we clear these vehicles we move up Rog get going clear move move think you just walk me out of here I can drag you out as well capturing me it means nothing it means we beat you vad go don't be a fool contact return fire we clear air grab Mar open let's move so take him I'll take him it's not safe here we need to move you're not safe anywhere your luck's running dry marov I don't believe in luck I believe in planning bad luck it's just poor planning walk what part of your plan includes rting in a prison how the way through S move your ass move I bestow my blessings on your courage but curse your stupidity worry about yourself every man is the placeable home even me we need to hit extraction move Christ you're not a soldier you're a war criminal these people need medical what's stopping you from helping them Sergeant you that's your choice you did this not us the innocent people no one is innocent war is treachery enough of the [ __ ] it's through it's clear usual on the exit this way I said move time for you to meet some friends of mine oh where are they close so are mine you should know when you've lost you're still thinking about Victory think about success the wicked Prosper they always will peace is Invisible War incoming I've got marov clear them out we're clear r at the gate we're moving external on your knees don't [ __ ] move get on the gate Sergeant lift it other side Vladimir move Gold Eagle actual we're external east side of the stadium what's your status Bravo 6 we're on station be advised you have enemy Personnel moving in from the north ghost will provide snipers report copy we'll meet you with the primary xville 6 out I'll handle marov you clear a path Target elimin we're clear no visible threats over that with mov Bravo 6 we're inbound to the hlz now another copy we're moving let work let's work Simon Riley I expected you to stay at the airport and die there if you want to live do not threaten my men Vladimir are we on first name basis her so you know names anyone could read a bloody dossier watch the rest of your plan Ze what do you mean this amazing you're all dumber than you look I asked you a question and I have a question for you what time is it what the hell do you care what time it is timing is everything General I think we'll all remember this moment some more fondly than [Music] others the airport he pulled us off Target you [ __ ] son of a bit I'll blow your [ __ ] brains are you of you hear me swear God I'll do it come on you shut your mouth let me finish him John we have him he's in custody he's not going anywhere Stand Down [Music] Sergeant I thought you were the good guys you going to ride in hell for this you'll die in the good Lu with the rest of the Russian rats I'll be seeing you again again M davish I promise I shouldn't have stopped you was there right thing at the time captain at the time secure transmission Pentagon ID I will give a clearance I'll go no ST okay wa let's talk I've Been Looking For You John it's a family affair even better what do you want Vladimir marov same as you go on General I got a lead on makarov's bank roll we're not looking for money soap you find the money you find the man where are you getting inel without an army you got nothing wrong again boys oh [ __ ] believable so you missed me well technically you did didn't you lell if you're track in this let's call an air strike ghost that is not nice what you up to I'm up to doing my [ __ ] job kid you should try it sometime my [ __ ] job is to kill the enemy guess what you are let's keep this professional boys Captain let me paint you the bigger picture you need marov and a pine Bo box and I've got the nails in exchange for what a way back I'm not going out like this I want my name on a win check your inbox Kate I'll be in [Music] touch I got a name in a location I am not sending my men on a mission this isn't a mission John this is in he is a [ __ ] liar okay I'm CIA John I know all all about lies so do you Captain we do deals for inel all the time this is no different he's right Road to Hell are not Garrick's right boss we got this Johnny you with me you know LT you watch your backs right what did we get from shepher how much it came from graves they're partners in crime boys literally right now they're our part us I've added their Intel it's good they found macaro's Finance year she's an oligarch named Melena Romanova been doing marov biding behind the scenes for years where is she a private island isolated and remote it's a fortress in Paradise guess who runs security ready County group the Intel included Blueprints and the lay of the land what are we looking for we can't roll up molinaa not legally but we can roll up her money Island's got servers that can get us into her banking we need to get past her security proos someone out there has a fob key we find him I can get a live line and crack it we'll info from the war and split up I'll go for the fob key ghost secures the rear perimeter we need eyes I'll pilot a door and coordinate from the air I like War hearing let's go follow the money weapons hot Johnny storm's coming give me a sit rep Boys on target watch about to split up I got eyes in the sky let's go to work Bravo going on copy primary objective is Bob key Melena security officer has it he's our hbi right now so he'll be on your side of the island there unlucky day I'll track him tracking the location of our hbi signal isn't great but it location will update it yes moving to secure the perimeter I'll be on comms sweeping the beach when Shadow scouted the island they left supplies see what you can find copy that I come in handy 71 you got a hostile on the dock I see him be advised did some digging H's name is Nester Gustav Del's family won't be home for dinner all stations eyes High we got a Cony Hilo in the AO they're on higher all over the island right now just open the bunker doors copy get off to the hbii you once you're in copy H Stone get his key got it get to the open get to the open bunker you can access the terminal now I'm in the bunker clear it before accessing the terminal all perimeter assets are down no movement copy good work soap I see multiple accounts Banks routing numbers the start but it's all locked under biometric authentication sigin shows multiple calls from the main house Melena must be inside we need her face eyes Prince check soap rally at the Mansion we'll take Melena alive conal protect Melena to the death boys death it is let's do this [Music] LT was making calls from her office I intercepted the signal it's worth a listen stand by who is acting terminal find gustv now Gustav is no last be advised Molina spooked she loves that money good we'll weapon watch those drones main H moving interior copy be advised I'll lose visual check man hold up in our office third floor behind a secure lock door how do we breach it ghost if you cut power to the security system I can open the door remotely solid copy even if we do get to Roman NOA con won't stop they'll stop when they're dead good point so you know what to do Clean and Clear watcher my specialty all stations power is down right on time pop the lock on Molina's door lwell on it stand by door's open boys we're in see you inside Johnny Special Forces show your hands sit [ __ ] you sit down Molina where's your boss I don't have a boss no one tells me what to do how we doing boys she's not talking she's about to give me your hunt why or else you'll cut it off not my style he might why the mask to hide my face we're in nothing in my banking will get you any closer to Vladimir we'll see about that there's multiple Cony group accounts hiding in plain sight several recent transfers to zorda prison the goolag money from marov Escape we opens doors let's withdraw a few rupes from makarov's coffers then shall we done let me know if we hit a Nerf 85 million in macarov transferred to a CIA black fund Vladimir's York is already bought and paid for you're not very good at this neither are you all your men then and your accounts are wide open you're stealing from makarov's future not mine oh so do you hear that I did let's make this personal we need to get off the X make this happen or we take her with us swis National Bank this is your personal account huh money's hard been tched there will be they suck looks like we found our pressure point boys let's drain it don't don't you [ __ ] thereare something wrong Miss Romanov I don't know makarov's plans I am a finance here nothing more give him your print but tell us where to find marov [ __ ] you and that little birdie in your ear that account is my money I fought for it I earned it one more push and we got her last call or he takes over he'll know you were here I'm as good as dead without my money I need my money we need marov where is he B there's a v transfer to a stock capital in St Petersburg Vladimir buys old properties abandoned buildings I don't know how he uses them that's all I can tell you I see it that's all we need pleasure doing business with you good chat when you beg him for your lives he won't let you have them [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] foree we broke Romanova how enhanced Financial interrogation Shepherd's Intel paid off it's our Intel now what do we have this actionable one of Roman noa's many shell companies purchased an abandoned Apartment Complex in St Petersburg for the Coney group when recently probably a con Outpost that' be more bad Captain I located the building recent sad imagery shows a recovery balloon on the roof only good reason for that is quick removal of something you don't want found or someone the complex is a maze G sweep from the bottom up I'll OverWatch the rooftop with fire support how do we extract hilo's too risky you boys catch anything worth bringing home Nick will pull you out via fixed Wing the balloon Skyhook if makarov's there get him Bravo 6 to watch your drone is up you should have visual eyes on John got multiple Cony troops on the roof of the north building no sign of marov who's our boy holding Court he appears to be in charge I'll run it down see if we can identify him copy guys you in position affirmative good to go guys press up let me know you're at the elevator sha Ro on the move the Elevator Shaft got a ladder here copy use it Bravo got a hit on our hbi name is Andre Nolan goes back to the Inner Circle days with marov high up the con food chain sounds like a guy like to chat with me first copy how do we extract him alive I'll SEC exp will meet you out the enemy is located on the sixth floor find him and kill him n Lear to this team they know you're [Music] coming he's toasted light up everything that moves but we take Nolan alive check eyes on Nolan be advised Target is heavily arming care check shoot your incapacitate do not kill [Music] us guys Andre noan makarov's number two he's down guys move secure if he's still alive he's still dangerous don't keep me waiting you [ __ ] [ __ ] well take him alive we finish what you started Soldier there he is kill me I'm going to help you that's what they all say I can see his mouth moving from here shut him up we got enemy Heroes converging on the roof Bravo to Watcher Target secure osar mik for extract copy that Yankee inbound two mics C for Skyhook copy let's hope we got enough mags to hold them up until ni gets in they really want their BX [Applause] back guys get noan hooked into the line and help me clear the area more hero inbound keep our h we're about to be overrun Yan coming on station stay near the xville point Skyhook came in and Bravo cook yourself in we's set up your well done Z hang ti What the state of play with Nolan it's less conversational than he was more of the silent type now they're a war with the world that's for sure he's got Blind Faith in marov marov needs him been contacting him nonstop he knows something's wrong you intercepted their comms affirmative Nolan got quiet but his radio and phone speak volumes what do we know they're delivering someone or something to an abandoned Soviet Prison Complex where Siberia when tomorrow this is all shot of macarov no guarantees he's there I'll take that chance I knew you would Nick can get you in and out I want everyone on this including Farah next to go she's the best sniper I know you can pick her up on the way I'll relay only need C4 and dry gear we're getting we so is marov watch your to 07 give me a sitre 07 in position with kilo Bravo's in the water copy where's our incoming Convoy approaching Southeast for vehicles any sign of macarov no P but high security on the Third vehicle ghost to all Bravo how [Music] copy [Music] solid here they come fire the all station good effect on target R go to work waiting them alive on the move so guys flag me check and clear all vehicles Target vehicle taken on water get the stun out Target a is got to be running s vehicle's clear no Macos got to move on target Captain before he drones vehicle cleared moving up actual love to let him Dr but we got to get him out now C we got a problem no ma just a prisoner pull him let's go r [Music] prisoner secure move to surface standing by six to Watcher no marov target was not in a convoy prisoner's been intercepted and secured can you ID stand by steon Jesus M terish the [ __ ] Captain [ __ ] is there a single [ __ ] show that you you are not a part of ghost you seeing this in more s let's smoke him and call it a day six who do you have gold [ __ ] Eagle actual Shepherd and the coold flesh holy [ __ ] C we're sitting ducks out here then let's move him why are you here they're hunting us John they found me first what did you trade for your not a goddamn thing I'm a fourstar United States General and they kept you alive let's toss this [ __ ] back in the lake I know makarov's next Target you didn't even know you a [ __ ] Target oh you were chasing your own tail before I stepped in give it to us then you get me out of here first all stations I'm tracking hilos inbound North templates out Ro what's the call Bravo you got into was solid even if he is lying now we can still use him we dump him we're walking away with nothing go far push to the xville Roger Watcher tell Nick we're plus one it's more like it now how about a jacket and a gun no no let's have the gun I could use your help rocking my th on the side on you stick with gas one wrong move and I'll p a hole through you 6 to Watcher send traffic Bravo plan is to hoop it to transport and drive to the LZ for extraction I think your guest may slow you down watch your back out here fog's rolling in good time for thermal 6 using thermal I'm freezing my ass [Music] off far is the transport sniper up take cover came from the trees Dead Ahead nothing on thermals using thermal camel guys watch Shepherd open I'll take the sniper that on me General ni Dr it down we're clear nice work Captain guys regroup on me Ro this is a [ __ ] [ __ ] sandwich your Intel better be good General my Intel's always good soap you'll get it when I'm out of here why isn't our truck ahead appears we do have some admirers a f assault team six to far and ghost the transports compromised ghost is securing the LV I'll meet you at the lumber mill cut through the ridge past the field on foot copy what I look before more visitors on the way transports go ammo and supplies we should grab them we could slip by if we out the the tree line there goes our transport [ __ ] compromised fire be snipers sply keep your head down speak got a sniper in the trees Cony sniper elimin L Bora what your St taking enemy fire far side of the mill could use the for copy Hold Your Position kilo we'll move to copy that con's everywhere Farah what's your position on the rooftop keep pushing in I'll cover you from here guys take shepher and find cover soap on me all I have ammo here [Applause] clear area secure good work Bravo you too kilo Circle up behind The Sawmill Cobe rear of the Sawmill check fire descending xville is just below this Cliffs side ghost is posted let's get to him you're a Long Way from Home kilo so are you gold Eagan I'm glad to see you Mara stay sharp and try not to slow us down I have always had there is a time and a place for everything General now is nether wind up looks like con dropped it on your he ghost wasn't in the mood for visitors got movement ahead likely an ambush no an ambush if we hear him first who call gas far and S keep left guys go right with shepher let's go General snow incoming crack in the ice could make for good cover somebody tap his M shot clear good guns Bravo solid shots Farah this isn't over until we're on that bird ghost we're coming to you open LZ near the boat now form up on my Mark theyo is hot spoy John want's the sitre Elie is hot get Nick inbound but hold him off until we're clear Gear Up there'll be more of them here soon Cony reinforcements heading our way clear all clear Nick watch's your ETI touching down in 30 LC is clear copy approaching now captain ready when you are all in the get her up 6 copy that by safe here the hell's this the crossroads might as well without the stars and bars you look like Groen [ __ ] General best of the best all in one place we won't glare an exception what is the agenda of this little powwow a choice do I have one no I'm all ears own up tell us everything you know everything Congress doesn't and I bet they'd be be old ear wouldn't they eh that's it no you clear my name tell them who I am what you gave me and why no one else had the balls to do what I did for you for all of you then do the right thing General all your Intel on Mao your boy Graves on a leash say yes you get a warm ride home or take a little me time and freeze the death that's the one I'm partial to keep the prisoner focused on their own self-preservation and eventually they will break good to see you remembered your training eh General you screw me on this John and you'll be sorry you kept me [Music] alive let move all right general what have you got marov aims to finish what he started in bans he's ordered con to strike the Gora Dam at nightfall he blows the dam it'll wash away the whole city countless lives will be lost if he follows the Playbook he'll pin it on Faron the West unless we stop it you handle the D Al and my soldiers tracked con to an air strip in Northern urzikstan we believe it's makarov's forward operating base I'll be heading up an assault there in the morning your forces can't go It Alone they won't Shadow will provide air support we can't let graine fire danger close to fire our troops I trust shadow overhead you told me to put Graves on a leash and that's what I'm going to do keep it real short General you really do want to win you're damn right I do c and I deploy with so and ghost take the dam R Nick will provide transport I'll put a predator up for eyes don't get compromised we won't sir keep your guard up and stay sharp good luck everyone what your one Bravo s our primary set points be advised Cony Personnel are grouping near multiple locations below you security for the demolition teams likely protecting the target areas affirmative find the charges and get them disarmed too many lives are at stake to fail watch her out I'm moving on the reservoir good hunting down there LT same [Music] Johnny visual on Cony at the base of the dam Watcher copy got a visual searching the gate housee 07 I'll have no Vis what want the bomb's inside copy that get it disarmed [Music] diffuse the charge Gate House secure into the bloody abys Bravo 71 to Watcher one go for Watcher we've got a problem up here got gas canisters in the water still intact makarov's going to poison the water supply makarov's not just flooding the sea he's leasing the water 0 Mo on the bomb time is not on our side here there's a charge on the catwalk copy one stand by cat walks [Music] dis 07 we picked up enemy radio traffic con has four active demolition four team SC bombs means we got two more to locate ghost you've got Con on the bridge nor South guarding something got to be a charge nearby let's step it up ghost they blow these charges we're in trouble bridge controls the water flow they blow it it'll put a billion gallons into verdansk you the whole sea and kill everyone in here the bridge could be a Target ghost search the area charge diffused bridge is good three bombs are down only one left watch a one Bravo 71 up with you the reservoir multiple cisters collected copy 71 good work make sure you get them all count on it watch out to G everying on De we're clear copy lifting off mission accomplished you two took down an army and saved lives tonight back up will out take this clim safe check what we unv ghost and soap prevented a disaster at the dam they stopped marov you need to do the same with far and Alex we will you and graves are on the same team John don't forget that oh I don't forget anything looking good boys we are a go for pre-check we're go for [Music] pre-check [Music] yeah we ready to rumble this is a joint operation Ulf 141 and Shadow together as one [Music] guys together as one you sure if we don't we lose ready for start clear moving dance check check Good Start Shadow is load control clear for shadow r that let's fide Shadow to Gold Eagle Candle is lit go get him shadow Gold Eagle actual Shadow one is on station Shadow one ground team is at Rally Point Bone Yard you'll provide air cover while they locate the chemicals and hunt down macarov copy actual Shadow one ground team is holding at RP Boneyard to the West we're marked with iast roads call Visual copy stand back Gunner confirm visual on the ground team copy visual marking ground team we have visual on you copy our targets are the two hangers we move on your signal marking threats in the Boneyard ground hold position we'll clear the area Gunner lay down cover fire take out those threats on the trigger time to get to work Shadows firing onlyy knows we're here good attack contact shadow in contact fire now Shadow cop we're on it baby that dude smoked ground team you're clear to move copy that we're moving Shadow copy X look at him they don't know what hit him crew let's get on it he gets Airborne we got good problems J taking off enemy jet destroyed air superiority Shadows enemy pushing across the tarmac ground multiple cing on the tarmac get to cover we'll clear your path good impact copy ground team is holding Southwest keep that ground team secure do not fire on the hangers ground you're clear to move copy ground team is pushing to hanger one gun cover them into the target build do not fire on the hangers until the chemicals are located we want to hand back wi actual the ground team give me a h drive all actual no chemicals our intels solid Ma's entire Chemical stock pile is on that base if they're not in that hanger they'll be the next one just be sure before you push on copy we'll keep searching the hanger Shadow one keep us covered we're not going anywhere kilo Gunner Target those mortars take them out Che out their mortar team [ __ ] macarov he destroy his whole base to keep those chemicals they'll be in the next hanger he might be too RG Fire coming from east of the hanger good shot welcome to ö stand Shadow one be advised door's opening on a building to the West End of the runway near the Boneyard en CH coming from the West End of the runway crew let's get on it you get airb we got big problems that's right mother [ __ ] jet number two is down enem pushing into the hanger [Music] above enemy Hilo incoming from the Northeast that's marov Shadow gun that son of a [ __ ] down copy that he's not going anywhere time to finish this Shadows copy that guns ready Hilo try to take out the hang up we need close that enyo coming down we got your ass Hook Line and [ __ ] Saker all stations enemy bird is down Vladimir marov is ekia copy that chemicals rendered safe pushing out of the hang now Graves once ground is clear have your man drop a missile on that hanger Barry marov and his [ __ ] chemicals copy that shadow one ground team is clear level The Hanger Gunner good effect hanger down that's how we get her done Shadows so be done you [Music] Vladimir three things you cannot outrun in this world folks death taxes and me pleasure doing business with you boys and girls actual mrtb out here Roger that shadow that's some big league work out there blose guys son appreciate the assist Shadow six to all stations that kill is not confirmed I say again that kill is not confirmed we need to search the site for p on macarov Gold Eagle actual to all stations your orders are to stand down we got nothing but fire and brimstone out there and have all the confirmation we need six go to one go for six it's over John we nailed that bastard to hell and gone yeah that's what we said about your little Shadow Graves yeah makarov's dead Captain don't let him live inside your head eagle out shepher only sees what he wants his name on a win another medal on his chest what do you see it's what I don't see that worries me if he's alive he'll let us know where and when that's the [Music] question we owe a debt of gratitude to our task force and to the Ulf for our success against Vladimir marov and his private Army much has been said about the Ulf are Farah kareim and her soldiers a terror Organization no Farah kareim is and always has been an ally to the United States and our Western Partners in the region how did uh Commander Kareem obtain American Armament for nearly a decade I sent weapons to Commander Kareem to support her missions against alcat and Russian incursions into ekhan were those shipments legal no in order to save lives I commissioned illegal shipments with funds I approved myself quiet quiet please General Shephard in October of 2022 did you authoriz Shadow company to fire on a task force under your command in lasas Mexico no I did not Mr Graves were you given orders to use lethal Force against TF 141 yes I was why why in this chamber who gave you those orders General hsel Shepard did you act on those orders Mr Graves no absolutely not sir quiet quiet [ __ ] me they stabbed each other in the back still saving their own skins every man for himself that's a difference between us and then we're going to let this stand boss the best way to end the war is to win it no prisoners hunting Commander you too Captain Nick take fire back will you straight away Captain right just prep for xville we're going on Watcher to Bravo send traffic Watcher MI6 is relaying waves of Coney chatter to us bottom line at Kate where are they con's in London steam in hell is maerov alive there's comms from AAR 90 that's his cool sign what are they doing in London as well signals intelligence shows con's meeting with a known black hat tomorrow in greensbury park a hacker that's our Mark what's Cory want access to we need to find that out and stop it that hacker can lead us to marov corny's in London he can't be far behind we get solid Intel we'll have to move quickly I'll coordinate with London metro and get us up first standing By Gast you plug into London CCTV Network bris the rest of us tail the mark on the ground marov could be in our backyard we got wind of where he is we'll move on it for now let's follow our Mark and find him Bravo 07 to watch her CCTV is online copy visual radio check check six in position so load and clear airm eyes on the mark black hoodie good check let's go to work bravo r get ready to move soap keep a low profile we lose her we lose marov solid copy BR lazy Cony may be watching this too all I'll stay under the radar solid now now press up to gas soap you're good to go got light smoking Johnny blend it in LT you say so targets moving sergeants stay with her soap just don't get too close on it wait she's Tiner sh likely checking if she's being followed good doggy yeah she's cautious she's in over her head with marov Mark's moving keep on her our phone's ringing get close and listen in hey I got the payment drop the flash drive behind the rubbish yeah between b43 in t cafe pleasure doing business what's the word she made a dead drop for a buyer flash drive Alley between B 43 and te Cafe we need eyes ghost take point on cctvs R eyes on the Alley exit no sign of Cony must have already left good scrub the footage for anyone leaving the alley 07 they'll likely be the buyer found him stay on him ghost whatever he's got we need bio went interior lost visual switch to a different camera reacquired I see him airm fire exit at be 43 Target's crossing the street he's Crossing to asley Street or Bravo Target's heading into The Pedestrian tunnel tunnels a dead end good place for con to hide I'm mov we have Metro and SFO ready to mobilize I say we call them in copy all stations Gear Up and prepare to breach G six on Route cing off the perimeter the rest of you with me tunnel's clear there is a lock door leading to the old train station at the door prepping for breach breach is up on your signal Captain ready let's get this done breaching through 3 2 1 ex pushing in sweeping left sweeping right clear that's where we're in copy find that buyer and get that drive John team one push downstairs with us copy contacts in the hallway guys move to flag Ro moving right side see all the turret Hing smoke om meas lavatory side clear Watcher con bu is down find that flash drive flash drive laptop whatever was on it uploaded into the station's train Network troan horse con has control of the trains there's more face recognition found this they boarded 10 minutes ago marov want Train full of civilians hostages victims that tunn 500 ft deep and 30 m long there's thousands of people down there at any given time bravel he's going to trap the trains and destroy the tunnel we have no proof of that not yet makarov's trainer stopped at a crossover platform 20 m in all others have first dispatch a second team we need all the help we can get we'll take the service tunnel let's move we we may already be too late boys Captain Price that's your Serv I need half of your man with my lieutenant the rest of you are me right stay close follow my orders let's get on those doors yeah six to watch you we are on the X going for Makarov solid copy go get him John this bastard won't go down easy yeah well neither will we sunshine hey come on SFO team in position on you sir Watcher if makarov's controlling the trains can we regain access attempting to breach their firewall that hacker was good good to help but I'm mind bastard for money on the Move cap Good Hunter Bravo con spotted ahead they don't see us let's keep it that way yeah all Bravo 07 take an effective fire Tony has hostages secure them seven we're working on it six Watcher we're seeing dead civilians they may be the first of many Bravo unless we stop macarov hostages in the Next Room watch your fire Roger [Music] that fire garage clear securing the hostages no casualties get are safing here so let's move we don't rest until macaro's in the dirt get life this gas six Cody's pressing hard we're pinned down means makarov's still here what he's got in the bomb I see it SFO secure a perimeter yes sir soap get on that b hi 2 minutes sir all Bravo bomb located in crossover platform I need cover here now run pushing your way [ __ ] you get to work so Captain I need you with me on the bombs now losing time I can't do this alone can we disarm it air I'll take both of us get a snake cam on that great safe I'm in talk to me son bomb's dirty Captain C4 and radi P them PL the tunnel and hit Europe how do we dis hel it I need the manufacturer logo on the large circuit board give me something sir the logo on the logo is a bear copy bear cutting the wire go I bought some T price be advised marov is in the channel he's heading your way soap you hear that I'm F I'm not leaving this B Captain soap here you got off need suppressive fire here now we're pinned down C Tony [ __ ] in the tunnel push through him down we're clear the police are K need you back that sneak C Captain 07 to6 we're punching through now get here what's next open Locate the blasting cab bottom left hand [Music] corner copy lasting C test to the se4 hi there's a serial number on it give me the third number third number third number is uh nine copy good work this bomb has two fuses we need to cut both at the same time red wire red wire got it you take this to hell with you Captain never better your enemies alive no en there good G blood H Johny Captain the bom how do we stop it the red red shall we cut together on three copy r on three 1 2 3 disarmed thearmed we're clear all stations this is Bravo in the blind threat neutralized bomb is Safe 1 Kia [Music] [Music] the [Music] here was the best of us the toughest he'd have fought the world barehanded who dares wins sleep easy Soldier see them range brother we'll take it from him rest in peace [Music] Johnny [Music] oh John General how did you get in here mut your friend last as [Music] well you're better than escap we both will this job is about making sacrifices for the greater good agre you got a body count of your own John it'll come back to haunt you oh I am not going to beg for my life not from you or anybody else Captain wouldn't do you any good [Music] he
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 501,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, full, gameplay, no commentary, full gameplay, CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 3 All Cutscenes (2023) Full Game Movie 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, modern warfare 3, call of duty modern warfare 3 cutscenes, call of duty modern warfare 3 all cutscenes, modern warfare 3 movie full, modern warfare 3 movie, modern warfare 3 remastered movie, modern warfare 3 remake, modern warfare 3 full campaign, call of duty, 4k, 60fps, ultra hd, call of duty modern warfare 3 2023 cutscenes, cod, mw3
Id: LNVn10tCO9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 23sec (8003 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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