Halo 2 Anniversary All Cutscenes - Halo 2 Movie - Remastered by Blur Studios [1080p @ 60fps]
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Channel: Unyshek
Views: 10,833,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cutscenes, HaloMasterChiefCollection, Halo 2 Anniversary, Unyshek, Uny, H2ATips, H2ATricks, H2A, HaloTips, HaloTricks, HaloTactics, HaloGameplay, HaloMontage, HaloHighlights, HaloClips, Halo, Halo2Anniversary, Halo4, Halo3, Halo2A, HaloMCC, MasterChiefCollection, MCC, Halo 2 (Award-Winning Work), Halo (Video Game Series), Remaster, 1080p, Xbox, Remastered, Cinematics, RemasterdCutsenes, RemasteredCinematics, Halo2Cinematics, Halo2Cutscenes, H2ACutscenes
Id: 8F7OgOCzph4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 29sec (3029 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 10 2014
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On one hand I really want to see them, but on the other hand, I don't want to spoil the surprise. Damn...
I really wished they showed the ODST's dropping.
Blur should do all the cinematics from now on.
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The new heretic looks baller, everything is magnificent
Saw the first five minutes. Instantly convinced me to get an Xbox One.
Aww, they didn't keep the jump-shot of the ring on Truth's crown to the Moon. I always liked that... oh well.
Hmm interesting in my game the cinematic for Delta Halo is a little different. The jackal dangles a masterchief doll in front of the grunt
What is up with the Halo 5 cut scene at the beginning?