Halo 3 All Cutscenes in 4K 60fps

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they let me pick did I ever tell you that choose whichever Spartan I wanted you know me I did my research watched as you became the soldier we needed you to be like the others you are strong and Swift and brave a natural leader but you had something they didn't something no one saw but me [Music] can you guess look was I wrong [Music] this ain't good damn how far did he fall two kilometers easy stay sharp [Music] Gorman his armors locked up gel layer could have taken most of the impact I don't know sergeant major [Music] [Music] radio for Vuitton have you lived here we're not leaving them here yeah you're not shucks crazy fool why do you always junkman one of these days you're gonna land on something as stubborn as you are and I don't do bits and pieces [Music] where is she chief where's Cortana don't make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it she stayed behind Barbara make it quick sorry sir your armors still in partial lockdown look up here sir okay now down here good everything checks out sergeant major kick off the training wheels corporal he's good to go see wait they're arbiters with us we've got enough to worry about without you two trying to kill each other were it's so easy [Music] we must go the roots are all set and they must love the spell of green [Music] could you sacrifice me to complete your mission could you watch me die see how they beat the traffic I will have him spring iff confirm contacts his bellick and dropship kilo two three over sorry for the tight squeeze tell the commander her aces in the hole check it out no way a Spartan for real you better not be man he's here we're gonna where did you find him Navin out back I'll bet it's good to see you chief likewise ma'am let's get you up to speed [Music] the profit of sweet ships breached the lunar perimeter smashed what was left of the home fleet terrestrial casualties from the subsequent bombardment were extreme truth could have landed anywhere but he committed all his forces here East Africa the ruins of new Mombasa then they started digging what about halo we stopped it but only temporarily now the prophet of truth is looking for something called the ark where he'll be able to fire all the halo rings if he succeeds humanity the Covenant every sentient being in the galaxy the Rings will kill us all ma'am I have Lord hood patch him through good news commander Keyes good as it gets er so I see what's your status son green sir glad to hear command has come up with a good plan but without you I wasn't sure we could pull it off truth ships are clustered above the excavation site and his infantry has deployed anti-aircraft batteries around the perimeter but if we neutralize one of the batteries punch a hole in troops defenses I'll initiate a low-level strike hit him right where it hurts I only have a handful of ships Master Chief it's a big risk but I'm confident again emergency generators now shielding failed they're down and charging as soon as they're up reestablished contact with lord hood let him know all of you vermin carrying the dirt thinking what I wanna that you might escape the coming fire no [Applause] burn until it surfaces but glass not even your demon will lift creep blackened from its hole tomorrow reflection about the will of the gods and I I am their instrument cocky bastard just loves to run his mouth does he usually mention me give the order we're closing shop ma'am we're about to get hit all personnel hitch go to out forgetting all about it evacuation after carrying myself ma'am squad leaders are requesting a rally point where should they go to war you have been called upon to serve you will be the protectors of Earth and all her colonies kill those brutes there will be a great deal of hardship a road ahead you will become the best this place will become your home this place will become your tomb [Music] lord hood we made it to my ears commander what about the ark fully uncovered sir we don't have much time the prophet of truth doesn't know it yet but he's about to get kicked right off his throne you will take our city back and drive our enemy into the happily and what final effort is all that remains [Music] I have defied gods and demons I am your shield I [Music] [Music] [Music] all ships fire and wells [Music] this is the way in the world ends [Music] what a truce just do they activate the Rings no sir but he certainly did something backwards in regroup wherever truth wizard new contacts living in [Music] what is it bobrucz worse chief I can't it's not safe the brave line do not be afraid I am peace I am salvation I retired sparse joy your voice we mine and soon victory everlasting Court on a charity the prophets holy city is Cortana reclaimer quickly before your constructs suffers any further trauma Seifer alone if we do not take this device to a safe location somewhere I can make repairs on the halo you tried to kill Cortana you tried to kill me protocol dictated my response she had the activation index if you were going to destroy my installation you did destroy my installation now I have only one function to help you reclaim her as I always should have done [Music] will it live Oracle's Tennessee save uncertain this storage device has suffered considerable trouble its matrices are highly unstable perhaps one of our technician that will not be necessary success hi charity the profits holy city is on its way to earth with an army of flood I can't tell you everything it's not safe the brave mind knows I'm in the system it's just a message let it play where it leads on the other side there's a solution a way to stop the flood without firing the remaining halo rings the ark I'm sorry no matter horrible enough our fight is through the portal with the boots and the bastard truth [Music] we'll remain here all that as long as we can did you not hear a flood on a grave month as unisex barely survived the small contamination and you shipmaster just glassed half a continent maybe the flood isn't all I should be worried about one single flood spore can destroy a species will it not for the Arbutus Council I would have classed your entire planet Sir with respect Cortana has a solution for Tana did you see her condition how damaged she is she could be corrupted for all we know her solution could be a flood trap we should go through the portal find out for sure what we should do commander is understand clearly that this is humanity's final stand here at earth we go we risk everything every last man woman and child if we stand our ground we might just have a chance No if your construct is wrong when the flood is already won I'll find coach Anna's solution and I'll bring it back earth is all we have left you trust Cortana that much sir yes sir this is either the best decision you've ever made or the worst elevators chief I doubt I'll live long enough to find out which [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] which staggered line shipmaster they outnumber us three to one and it is an even fight all cruises file a twin nun a mongrel hides under than ma'am we're on him kick the door [Music] we got Hocus she's a little sergeant major she'll be all right my patch [Music] that's a galaxy were beyond the rim June to the 18 light-years from galactic center to be precise what is this place together this is the arc I had always assumed it was part of a shield installation but it seems I was mistaken that's a first finally heard a complete understanding of installation zero for my makers wisely limited my knowledge of all other strategic facilities compartmentalization in case I was ever captured can you tell me where we are exactly here and truth here what are the arcs superluminal communication our exam afraid unfortunate and meddler has triggered a barrier the defensive perimeter around the arms collar the barrier will be difficult to disable comprehensive defense around a single what is it phantom spiral blow we must get faster here or another destroy commander Johnson book sharp I got it no don't shoot oh yeah and what might that be [Music] our Mars right we have priorities too stop the rings from firing we hit these three generators and the barrier will fall a small section good enough Johnson drop the chief at the first generator then head to the third the elites will cut right down the middle Roger that Charlie Foxtrot power what approaches active triple life right find the tower controls and shut it down go to our chief that's one the arbiter should be just about that's true it's all up to Johnson's do you know get back outside chief wait for transport hit the switch chief and the barrier will fall [Music] now prophecy Quran has come by the gods please for impact [Music] it masked answered for a moment of safety by roost damnation are the stars faithful stand firm our enemies crowd around us we tread the blessed path the moment I will light the Rings and all who believe shall be saved how close are you not close enough that the best you got oh come on impress me stop you imbecile he wants you to kill him [Music] what's the matter big shot can't start your party I admit I need you but that semen [Music] [Music] Johnson sound off gotta get out of here not without you your delay the inevitable one of you will light rings you cannot hope to kill them all you're right do it [Music] and you now No [Music] [Music] your forefathers wisely set aside their compassionate steel themselves for what needed to be done I see now why they left you behind who God's must be strong [Music] - natsu blessing let me get you safely home what he has said in Wilson [Music] [Music] stop the race save the rest [Music] can you see orbital the moment of salvation is at hand will not last your kind never believed in the promise of the sacred ring makers four of these imbued entered I will have my revenge on a prophet not play my feet tread the path I shall become a god [Music] [Applause] [Music] the voice on the dominant vessel you must be silenced [Music] [Music] [Music] headstones pushed aside you must apply we trade one dealer for another I'm a thief what do you see [Music] replacement bring you destroyed when did you know just now but I what will you do fight it then we are agreed but tactical vows will completely eradicate the local infestation I will personally oversee the final preparations no one will take turn to that [Music] Pauline [Music] chief I'll round up our survivors and fall back to the dawn our burrows are the same when the elites go Thomas in there somewhere [Music] five of my enemy why have you come I offer no forgiveness the father's sins as to his son [Music] we exist together now two corpses in one grave stolen thoughts and memories has taught me recess I will know all that I possess submit earn turtleman's and my own you will show me what's a eyes over I shall feast upon your gums [Music] tonight you found me [Music] but so much of me is wrong out of place you might be too late you know me when I make a promise [Music] you keep it I dunno how to pick them lucky me do you still have it the activation index from the first halo ring a little souvenir I hung onto just in case escape plan thought I'd try shooting my way out mix things up alone [Music] just keep your head down there's two of us in here now chief get me out of this place at last our sea the secret is revealed I've got a friendly contact we would be crazy enough to come in here [Music] what else did you do [Music] [Music] we are humans Johnson do you have the frigate yes ma'am our lander is close to the control room as I can safe is better than close sergeant major Roger that [Music] chalo some new unfinished I'm not exactly sure what will happen when we fire it will head for the portal we'll all go home do I take life or get it who's they - and who is for it's trying to rebuild itself on this ring all right control wheels camps yank me chief I'm not gonna lose her too [Music] [Music] wonderful news the installation is almost complete terrific yes yes it did I have begun my simulations no promises but initial results indicate this facility should be ready to fire in just a few more days we don't have a few more days but a premature firing will destroy the Ark deal with it to destroy this installation protocol dictates action I see now than helping you was wrong you are the child of my makers inheritor will all be left behind you our forerunner but this ring is mine [Music] I'm getting you out of here no no you're not don't go ever [Music] send me out [Music] chief I'm so sorry [Music] [Music] hang on [Music] Jason [Music] [Music] [Music] for us the storm has passed the war is over but let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return for their decision required courage beyond measure sacrifice an unshakable conviction that their fight our fights was elsewhere [Music] as we start to rebuild this hillside will remain barren a memorial to heroes fall they ennoble all of us and they shall not be forgotten [Music] pre-shared parks [Music] I remember how this war started what your kind did to mine I can't forgive but you have my thanks for standing by him to the end particle lady's dead were it so easy [Music] [Music] things look different without the prophets lies I would like to see to know that it is safe fear not the limits take us home [Music] chief can you hear me I thought I'd lost you too [Music] [Applause] [Music] what happened I'm not sure when halo fired it shook itself to pieces did a number on the arc the portal couldn't sustain itself we made it through just as it collapsed some of us made it [Music] but you did it truth and the Covenant the flood finished it's finished [Music] I'll drop a beacon and it'll be a while before anyone finds us years even [Music] wait me when you need me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CrespoFTW
Views: 1,884,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo 3, Halo 3 4k cutscenes, 4k, all cutscenes, Halo Master Chief Collection, Halo MCC, xbox one x, all halo 3 cutscenes in 4k, johnson death, finish the fight, lengendary ending
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 15sec (2895 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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