RESIDENT EVIL 5 All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K Ultra HD

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[Music] [Music] am yay move move Captain dashad here we secured the underground route to the coordinates I should have seen it coming it didn't take long after the fall of the Umbrella Corporation for their bioweapons to end up in the hands of terrorists a new era of biot terrorism descended upon vulnerable countries Shifting the balance of power throughout the region people in the destabilized areas soon feared another incident like Raccoon City was inevitable as Panic spread governments of the world turned to the global pharmaceutical con sordium which formed the anti-terrorism unit bsaa operatives of the bsaa were sent to infiltrate and neutralized biot terrorist hotspots restoring safety and stability to various regions around the globe welcome to Africa my name is cheva Alamar Chris Redfield your reputation precedes you Mr Redfield it's honor just Chris thanks so you'll be accompanying me to the destination yes tensions are running High ever since the change in government I'll bet Intel says it's a Haven for terrorists now and I'm not going to be happy to see an American bsaa or not that's why I'm your partner help put them at ease well I'm sure you'll do just fine partner you okay yeah sorry it's nothing let's go casualties continue to mount over the long years I've struggled more and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for maybe one day I'll find out hey hey you haer you don't have to get touchy let's go there is one thing I do know I have a job to do and I'm going to see it [Music] through this is Kirk Chris Chev can you read me Chris here coming in loud and clear Kirk there's a black market weapons deal going down in kijuju that's where Irving will be Alpha team has already infiltrated the area and you will be going in as backup rev with your contact at the butcher shop you can gear up and get briefed on the mission there watch your backs Roger [Music] [Applause] that [Music] good you're both here come you too this way it may be because of the new government the people around here are a little on edge you should do what you came here to do and go home yeah they really roll out the red carpet for us Americans I have your weapons for you here Jack them gra your weapons the operations already started destination coordinates down squares up ahead go through there Alpha team's waiting at the deal location good what do you know about uro boros mostly just rumors something about visions of a doomsday project doomsday sounds about right and apparently it is no rumor you're kidding right you must find a man named Irving is our only lead and be careful out there remember we're a team whatever happens we stick together don't worry I may not be as good as you but I can still hold my own freeze are you okay [Music] what the hell just happened they didn't move like any zombies I've ever seen we should keep moving they'll find us [Applause] soon a I need ammo we need to get to that house we'll have a better chance of fighting them [Music] from come in Kirk the locals were hostile and we had to use Force we don't have any contingency plans for this situation do we Roger on the locals but your orders still stand what does that mean was HQ expecting this you don't know what you're talking about you can all go to hell wait a minute that's the keep now [Music] to [Applause] happen Dany what to Chris Chev how you holding up I'll be there shortly just here [Music] [Applause] this [Music] I owe you one sorry to keep you waiting I'm going to take out the door find some cover take cover Kirk we owe you one you can sank me later Chris cheva it's almost time for Alpha Team to go in hurry to the deal coordinates Roger that I'm going on ahead we'll meet up there good luck Captain here the route is blocked come in take it okay we can't get in from here W we've engaged the enemy and in trouble [ __ ] help get me Captain what is your status can you see the enemy no please mother I'm coming don't be Alpha Team come in Alpha Team the chant do you copy the chant I found a key wish I knew it was for help me help somebody help [Applause] me help thanks partner hey what's wrong be careful they may still be here are you okay yeah [Music] get [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] a what the hell happened in here hey who did this something attacked Us Irving he got away was a setup a setup what is this it's dead regarding the deal I downloaded it from their computer oh you got to get it h hey hey hang in there I saw someone but they ran away Kirk do you copy we got the data but Alpha team is down Movin Got Away Roger relay the data from the vehicle at the storage facility copy that I don't like the looks of this but we have to keep moving [Music] d he [Applause] what the hell is that I think that's what got Alpha [Applause] Team fall [Music] back what all this thing was responsible for the deaths of Alpha Team we need to report this to [Music] HP [Music] let's [Applause] go got it what was that thing B that scumbag Irving Left Behind to set us up considering what it did to Alpha Team I think we're lucky to still be breathing if only we could have gotten there sooner if we had we'd probably be dead too Chris to HQ do you copy this is HQ excellent work out there we'll analyze is the data immediately this Whole Town's gone to Hell the people here they're acting like those gonado detailed in the Kennedy report and aside from that there's something new something we've never encountered before our transportation has been taken out too requesting a mission update the mission stands capturing Irving is your top priority We believe We may have fled to the mines on the other side of the train station wait we're the only two left you want us to go in there alone Delta team have been dispatched and they're on their way they'll assist you in locating an rending Irving but wait we can't I repat your mission stands we can't afford to let him get away proceed to the mines beyond the station over and out this is insane you ever get the feeling you're Expendable we can't let Anan get away we have to get to the station heading my for us shoot [Music] it who are [Music] me I'm getting a my [Music] [Applause] God something's coming watch out you grab it Roger he [Music] they surrounded [Music] over here I think we can use that [Music] key you two okay HQ sent me in to provide air support if going to get hot down there so watch out Roger thanks K wow I didn't think HQ actually cared stay frosty down there you're almost at the station what the [ __ ] are those massis an HQ I'm under attack by flying B's I'm losing engine power oh [ __ ] I'm out of control I'm going down mday mday Kirk what's going on come in Kirk this is HQ the helicopter's been down all nearby un proceed to the crash site repeat all nearby units proceed to the crash site cover you from up here I need backup there's too many of them y [Music] [Music] need got enough already work oh my God [Music] out a [Music] a [Applause] [Music] oh man am I glad to see you guys Delta team captain Stone Chris Redfield sha thanks Josh I owe you one you guys know each other I trained under Josh he taught me everything I know sha became little sister of the team now sha you must continue your search for Irving according to the data we retrieved from the hard drive we believe he has moved on to the mining area there's more info inside we will follow after taking care of business here and keep your radio handy just just in case thanks [Applause] Josh Jill Chris are you all right this picture it's forget it it's nothing let's move out cheva do you know where the mines are past the station not too far from here follow me h yeah hold on I'll open the gate with the crank over there a breathe oh [ __ ] so you must be Irving wow perceptive aren't you you think this is a joke you're just like all the other pieces of scum terrorists oh I'm not like them I'm a businessman with standards drop the weapon or how about you drop yours hurry suckers [ __ ] great looks like Irving has a partner there must be something here he didn't want us to see what is it look at this the oiled field that's in the Marshland Delta team Chris here we located Irving but he got away do you know where he went we think he's heading for an oil field in the marsh lands okay I'm sending someone after him now I need you two to head back this way Roger that it's too heavy you let me give you a [Music] hand [Music] yeah what is that I don't know what that thing is use this a get in I heard about Irving tough break yes but there will be other opportunities Chev to headquarters this is headquarters what's your situation there's a high probability that Irving is on his way to an oil field in the martial we're rejoining Delta team and heading there now understood ah we got company they don't let help do they do what you got to do to stop them but don't get too trigger happy or the guns will overheat if that happens we'll be an easy target till they cool down got some sharp curves up ahead Hold On Tight this is Captain stor Delta team I just received word from HQ based on the data you uploaded from that hard drive most of the tong people have been infected by parasites known as Las plat the data refers to the infected adma gen what does all this have to do with orboros you got me they didn't see it looks like the only way we're getting answers is from Irving got sharp curves up ahead hold on [Music] tight we're under attack there are too many of them to hun us reinforcements are on Route Hold Your Position until they arrive repeat Hold Your Position let's pick up the face hang on what could have done this [Applause] look out go go go get to the truck take this you other bastard look there's something coming out of it we should try aiming at those something's wrong with him watch out now where are you Josh cheva you don't have to do this you can still back out what about you I've got a personal stake in this a personal stake Chris look around we should both get the hell out of here I'm not here just for the mission what are you talking about a while back I received some Intel that my old partner was still alive at first I didn't know what to think but when I saw the data file from Delta team I knew for sure Jill is still alive that woman in a data file are you even sure it's the same person we were Partners I'm sure wait wait you're not going alone Chris wait I don't have much time I have to find her I'm going with you these are my people that are dying here are you sure about this a second ago you were ready to cut and run I can't just turned my back and walk away there are no more orders from here on in it's just us we are Partners to the end now let's get moving copy that [Music] what happened to your plot Jill and I were pursuing a man named Albert Wesker Wesker he was a top official with umbrella and the leader of Our Stars unit I met him again after the Raccoon City incident on Rockford Island since then we've been trying to track him down then a few years ago we got a tip from a reliable source the whereabouts of umbrella's founder Oswell e Spencer so we paid him a visit hoping he'd lead us to [Music] Wesker wer help [Music] no let's finish this chill Jill's body was never found and she was presumed dead the person I saw in that data looked like her I have to know if she's still alive you two were close we were partners what about you why'd you join the bsaa my parents were involved in an accident caused by a pharmaceutical company when I was young umbrella yes I only found out later that the accident was to cover up the manufacturing of biological weapons for terrorists we're using Africa as a test bed for their experiments bioweapons were responsible for the deaths of my parents and someone has to pay for that so you joined the bsaa there's only so much one person can do even a superhero like you Chris I'm no superhero but together we can end this then let's make a stand for our fallen Brothers hang on [Music] [Music] Josh sha you're alive are you okay what how did you get here we were at the Port when we were attacked and then well I ended up here where's the rest of the team [ __ ] it's just the three of us now why did you not Retreat I mean we are no mat for them I've got unfinished business the hard drive containing data on the B experiment had a picture inside the picture was of Chris's friend a friend I'm not leaving until I catch Irving and find out what the hell's going on here let's save the chitchat for later shipper cover me hurry cover me while I disable the elevator's lock this is going to be a pain in the ass but I will see what I can do ah no not this [ __ ] again you do engage those husters thanks partner okay got [Music] it are you okay yeah I think so I'm okay it looks like R is trying to blow up the place and make his Escape you must stop him before it is too late I'll try to find us a way out of here all right we'll go after Irving good okay now there's a talk up ahead that is probably where he's going to make his break copy that and Josh be careful let's hurry okay there he [Music] is wait isn't that Splendid timing you st are just in time for the fireworks show boom wait I hate that guy Chev do you read me I secured a boat I'm on the other side of the dock get here on the [Music] double hurry up you two we already now of time a are you okay get over here [Music] hurry quickly we must go are you all right what happened to Irvin we he can't have gone too far Josh thanks take me later we got comp I'm on it we got you Kevin here we go hang on tght oh [ __ ] [Music] they're going to sink us we've got to do something we got to get aboard that ship hold on get ready what are you going to do about them you're just one of excel's plate things it was your master who one more time what are you going to do all right I'll hand it use it this won't you too just die already you're making me look bad who do you think got this entire operation off the ground research like this doesn't f itself you know yet everyone looks down on me but not anymore don't do it it I'm far beyond anything you could ever hope to become [Music] [ __ ] I just had an Extreme Makeover a Chris status report what the hell is that thing just get out of here Josh it's too dangerous we'll try to stop it understood just try not to get yourselves killed shut up thanks partner tell me what you're planning to do damn Excel I guess I wasn't wor the good stuff Exel where is this facility answer me what is the oob boros project bsaa wow you to are just on top of everything aren't you the balance of the oil is changing and you're completely oblivious to it what's changing what are you talking about is it the UR BOS project is that it no one can stop it uro boros is about to change everything we've ever got to no Chris Chris you're Chris what's so funny how do you know about me oh your answer's a way ahe Chris in that cave if he can survive long enough to get them ding's not so bad but it's not going to change anything you still screwed we're wasting time here [Music] Chris [Music] poor bastard now what we keep going so this is the place he was talking about that's the boat the woman used to get away so you two are really going to go through with this yes this is not just about Jill but the uro boro's project as well I guess there's nothing I can do to stop you I will call HQ and try to get the withdraw order rescinded I will also try to get you back up try not to get yourselves killed said Excel you've heard it before that's the name of the director of tricel africanis do you think she could be connected to Irving it's possible but I don't have any proof try so if there is a connection what does that mean for Africa not sure but if we keep going we're bound to find out true let's move I never knew such a place existed here looks like there's been some recent activity I hope eving was telling the truth truth when he said we'd find answers in this [Music] place Chris [Music] [Music] a a come on [Music] okay [Applause] the preparations are almost complete then we can leave [Music] good you know I was surprised Las plagas was such a success when you first arrived I have my doubts and now uroboro is complete your position at tricel is secured oh I have my eyes set on something much bigger you'll be needing a partner right someone sural to join you in your new world I believe I've proven I'm worthy haven't I perhaps you have the B are here it appears your old friend Chris Redfield has come to pay a visit do I sense concern the plan is in its final stages I will not tolerate [Music] delays [Music] the new Superior Brea creating a new world gen virus you I was to become a God that right is now mine I believe I should thank you Spencer what is this [Music] place how can these survive [Music] underground these are no ordinary [Music] flowers wait umbrella what what was umbrella doing I don't know but it doesn't look like anyone's been around for a while you can be sure they wanted to keep this place a secret some of this equipment's got the tricol logo on it are they working together I wonder if this is what Irving meant by answers not sure sure but obviously there's a connection here with umbrella and that's never a good sign we can worry about this later first we need to find out about Jill you're right let's see what we can dig up what the [Music] hell this is in the pictures too wait that means Joe might be here [Music] huh [Music] what have they done [Music] chill there's so many they must be kidnapping people from all over the world to experiment on it stopped why oh that's why reload a [Music] damn it where is she Mr Redfield how nice to finally make your acquaintance who the hell are you exelo she works with tricep nice you've done your homework an officer in the global pharmaceutical Consortium why H as if I need to explain myself to you although weren't you too given orders to retreat so it was you where is Jill Jill even if I did know you think I would tell you cut the crap tell me where she is as soon as you two are done with your little vigilant Mission you should leave there's nothing here with throwing your lives away [Music] for she's lying she knows something it's time we get some answers so this was the facility Exel was talking about she's got us under surveillance I can almost guarantee she sent that b to eliminate us you can ask her about about that and about Joe once we find her all right let's find her then hased make sure to take care of it before we don't worry the res Supply is almost ready you know that voice it's aella nothing being handled Robert I'm looking forward Albert what why you holding up okay Albert [ __ ] Wesker I thought he was dead missiles why would they need these do you think maybe they're planning to start a war [Music] [Music] cheva [Music] well glad you could make it up here you two sella where's Jill Jill Jill Jill you like a broken record you know that just as single-minded as he said you've spent so long trying to track down oros well here and [Music] enjoy so uros is a new B and you're planning on selling it to terrorists good guess but no while it does resemble the BS based on the progenitor I have no intention of setting it's a terrorist then what are you using it [Music] for evolution it's a philosopher stone one that will choose through DNA who shall proceed to the next stage my vision and his combined now made a reality evolution what are you talking about a you'll find that soon enough everyone [Applause] win too bad looks like he wasn't worthy only the chosen ones are fit for the coming new [Applause] world still wait War bioh clean up personnel must incinerate all contaminated materials that's the same type of bow wiped out out yes but this one seems much more ferocious he you grab it [Music] okay flame threr is now full you may resume use when [Music] ready it's up to [Music] [Music] you that's it that's we spot [Music] what's all this norense about Evolution and being worthy what does she mean something about a philosopher stone and selecting DNA doesn't doesn't matter what she says she's just a terrorist end of story we can't risk uro boros's getting out of here and infecting people then let's go take care of business excelon stop right there brao damn it where is Jill Jill maybe I'll tell you maybe I won't stop playing around we want some answers you haven't changed Wesker you are alive this is Wesker [Music] we last met at the Spencer sting wasn't it well isn't this one big family reunion I would expect you to be happier to see us us so slow to catch [Music] up Jill Jill it's me Chris what are you sure that's her the one and [Music] [Music] only [Music] now let's finish this once and for all I think the odds aair two on two right Jill 7 Minutes 7 minutes is all I can spare to play I expected more of a challenge after all this time Chris how disappointing [Music] yes go Wesker stop [Music] J come on it's me Chris snap out of it nice move Chris but now that your partner has arrived I'll leave you two to catch up come on Jill get yourself together wake up Jill [Music] Valentine chill remarkable still resisting at such an advanced stage Commander B yet futi no more time for games Chris I've got work to do have fun watching Jill suffer wait what did you do to her [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that on her chest we have to get it off [Music] her if we can remove that on the chest return to normal all right then that's what we're going to do thanks [Music] partner chill chill are you all [Music] right Chris I'm so sorry it's okay you're cheva right yes I couldn't control my actions but God I was still aware oh forgive me it's all right thank [Music] you listen I'm going to be all right you do need to stop him we can't just leave you here you have to this is your only chance if Wesker succeeds uroboros will be spread across the globe Millions will die well yeah but I'm all right you need to stop him Chris you're the only one who can before it's too late don't you trust your [Music] partner all [Music] right take care of him you're our only hope to survive this Chris I'm all right over there [Music] it's time to put an end to this let's go [Applause] this ship is huge do you think they're planning BOS no using a ship like this would give away their position too soon must have another plan it won't be easy for that won't be a problem once he knows we're here he'll find us and how do you know that let's just say we have a history together and he's not the type to let grudges go you must have done something to really piss him off it goes a bit beyond just pissing him off so are you going maybe but not until until after we put an end to all this deal but I'm holding you to that freeze what's going on here nothing that concerns either of you we're not giving you an option now spit it out tell us what we want to know and you won't get hurt where's Wesker if you can behave yourselves maybe I'll tell you damn it she's tough I'll give her that much what's this Chris is this whatever it is Accel seem protective of it so you've made it this far too bad you won't make it much further a new Superior breed of humans given birth by the progenitor virus The Wesker children were entrusted with endless potential of them only one survived you are you saying I was manufactured I was to become a god creating a new world with an advanced race of human beings however all was lost with Raccoon City despite that setback your creation still holds great significance now my candle burns dimly ironic isn't it for one who has the right to be a God to face his old morality the right to be a God that right is now mine the right to be a god you arrogant even until the end only one TR capable of being a god deserves that [Music] right the right with uroboros I have that right they'll be [Music] W what the hell happened [Music] here exella what's going on why when I've done so much all for you Chris how nice of you to join us Wesker don't worry your mission is at its end uroboros is on the eve of its appearance 6 billion cries of Agony will birth a new balance sorry Wesker but not on my watch Albert you said we change his world together why I thought they were Partners Wesker doesn't give a damn about anybody but himself soon even you will understand Chris one glimpse of my new world and it will all make perfect sense show yourself unfortunately it's too late for you you will not live to see the dawn sorry Excel but it appears goros has rejected you though you have been an excellent asset I have one last task for you Albert what the hell farewell old friend there [Music] no this way persistence son of a [ __ ] you think our weapons can I don't know we got to get the hell out of here before it destroys this place it's tearing through the [Applause] ship thing is huge do you really think we could kill it watch out it's firing off some s of projectile he so that's uroboros I feel for the world if that ever gets out God damn it Wesker he's actually serious about destroying the entire planet warning seing off area secondary buad Evacuate the are immediately Waring off immedately Assa when Jill said Wesker was planning to spread udas throughout the world he's planning to use this to spread it Weser there he is come on let's go Evacuate the Jill are you all right I'm fine don't worry about me just listen carefully there's something I need to tell you Wesker superhuman strength it comes from a virus but the virus is unstable in order to maintain a balance he must inject himself regularly with a serum so if he cut the supply of serum he loses his strength affirmative but he just took a dose so it's going to be a while before he needs another one damn listen Excel said that the amount administered has to be precise so if he injects too much it should act like a poison I think she used a serum labeled PG 678 W PG 678 W I'm going to try to find a way to escape you need to find that serum Excel always kept it with her in an atachi case Jill come in Jill [Music] [ __ ] Chris this is it [Music] let's give it a shot Obama equipped with missiles he can't fly around in that without getting shot down exactly the plane can't get shot down if it does it'll initiate a biohazard it's just like Jill said he's planning to spread this virus worldwide looks that way things are worse than I thought we have to stop him here and now your plans are finished Wesker there's no way out this time don't you too ever Tire of failing in your mission you've really become quite an inconvenience for [Music] [Music] [Music] me why are you doing this what do you accomplish by unleashing Ora boros every day humans come one step closer to self-destruction I'm not destroying the world I'm saving it this guy's a lost it this may be our only chance do it things are really getting interesting now a Chris do you actually think you can defeat me either way I'm not going to stop until until I'm dead well then I'll just have to kill you quickly I got you now do it now do shot did it work I think so [Applause] [Music] this isn't over Chris sh he's getting away hurry chba come on come on grab on it seems I may have underestimated you Chris save it Wesker there's no one left to help you now I don't need anyone else I have Ora B oros in less than 5 minutes we'll reach the optimal altitude for missile deployment oroboros will be released into the atmosphere ensuring complete Global [Music] saturation your feeble attempts only delay the inevitable the entire world will be [Music] infected a new genesis is at hand and I will be the Creator I've had enough of your [Applause] [ __ ] you're just another one of umbrella's leftovers you know what we have to do all right I'll go for the override lever cover me you'll pay for that hang on [Music] [Applause] [Music] no protocol activated I'm taking the two of you with me like you [Music] will [Music] I should have killed you years ago crap yes your mistake it's over Wesker over I'm just getting started [Music] time to die Cris why can't you understand Chris do you really believe the world is World Save [Music] Me Chris get to High Ground [Music] this win a far too long I've got him Chris [Music] damn [Music] you war and pestilence wherever you go everywhere nothing but loome humans just hold on cheva shoot him [Music] watch [Music] out [Music] the human race requires judgment you're going to judge us you get all your ideas from comic book villains [Music] [Music] Cris [Music] grab on yeah hang on Chris cheva use those ready partner locked and loaded suck on this Wesker what time's up you son of a [ __ ] that was for our fallen Brothers it's over yes finally more and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for for a future without fear yeah it's worth it [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 9,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, full, gameplay, no commentary, full gameplay, resident evil 5 all cutscenes movie, resident evil 5 all cutscenes, resdient evil 5 movie all cutscenes, resident evil 4 (video game), resident evil 5 game movie, resident evil 5 gameplay, video game (industry), cutscene, resident evil 5 full story, cutscenes, resident evil, resident evil 5 story, resident evil 5 ending, movie, resident evil 5, gamers little playground, RESIDENT EVIL 5 All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K Ultra HD
Id: 6yJRHevqW94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 13sec (7273 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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