Halo 5 All Cutscenes in 4K60 HDR

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uh spartan lock i have spent enough years with oni to know the truth once this is over after all i have done they'll order you to kill us both [Music] fire team osiris over the last 72 hours five colonies have experienced identical events massive destruction forerunner and origin and dr catherine elizabeth halsey has managed to contact us she claims to have information on these attacks halsey is currently in covenant custody on the surface of kamchata your mission is to insert behind enemy lines retrieve halsey and bring her back to infinity be advised dr halsey is accompanied by covenant supreme leader julem dama if you have the opportunity understood commander good luck spartan lock infinity out tracking gear online affirmative say before we make this jump anybody want to say a few words i figure if god can hear how scared i am so can everyone else lock buying first drink when we're done you ask you buy fire team osiris the light is green [Music] [Music] contact oh uh so [Music] what is the problem there are several would you like to discuss the finer points of casual reconciliation more human sarcasm so you have learned something from me you claim to be able to access and i can however i did not claim to be able to access it instantaneously seems your fingers are an open rebellion [Music] this location does not serve my needs when she makes another transmission i must try it of this doctor you have been chasing shadows for weeks to no avail uh captain lasky would like a word with you it took you long enough fire team osiris you are cleared to land in docking bay 11. foreign [Music] captain lasky i sent you my position three weeks ago i told you this was happening discuss that in private doctor calmer what have she done how far has it already gone good work osiris what do you think that's about [Music] so i haven't seen chief press himself like this since we were in boot camp he's fine fred this many missions non-stop isn't fun sierra 117 to infinity blue team has located argent moon signs of hostile activity but she's still here copy that 117 eliminate all hostiles secure argent mode you may deploy one ready affirmative infinity 117 out here you go thanks kelly everyone ready affirmative you're good blue team fallout the young boy are resisting throw the envoy out the airlock bruh [Music] ugh blue team report sierra 117 to blue team report sierra 117 does anyone copy so [Music] john chief the domain is open meridian is next cortana john the reclamation is about to begin chief what's wrong she's on meridian who cortana clear time linda 89 seconds sierra 117 to infinity argent moon scuttled i've reassigned blue team destination meridian potential contact from cortana negative 117 another team is already being prepped to deal with her you're to return to infinity immediately negative infinity i don't like it whoever they are let's get to meridian before they do kelly no no need to do this by yourself chief it won't court-martial all of us right [Applause] [Music] i tried to warn you this was happening cortana is no longer an asset captain she is a danger she has access to the forerunner domain a galaxy spanning network cortana's alive allows her to control whatever devices caused to this damage how is she master chief believes she contacted him no john must not speak to her he's gone in search of her you let him go nobody lets the chief do anything he does what he wants until 0-6 31 this morning when he was declared absent without leave this isn't about the master john is not equipped emotionally to deal with her as a threat hey is anyone going to answer me you're out of line roland yes sir but so is everyone else you created cortana doc and now you're throwing her out the airlock with these accusations roland you think she tricked the master chief into abandoning his post respectfully sir to what end why is cortana the problem because she refused to die when she was supposed to you're okay with this not just another target you know every target is just another target buck yeah for you maybe i love being an odst just point and shoot this gray area of bs i mean how are we even supposed to bring them in ask politely no the hell armor restraint short circuit their suit systems [Music] the lock every other spartan every soldier when they hear about this they're gonna hate us you know that right you're not the only one here because of him [Music] [Applause] so what was that well let's go find out we're sitting dogs here agreed move your presence in the guardian shelter is undesirable [Music] are you the guardian i service to am cortana the other humans are approved for passage regretfully you are not that sounds like a threat vacation now [Music] [Music] yep that was a threat all right the warden said cortana was calling them to her she's not here [Music] oh they built him big didn't they figure that's the guardian can't get much by buck up here contact move contain booty stay where you are 117 stand down sir you are absent without leave this is your one chance to come home peacefully blue team stand down i have a job to do cortana's our concern now sir like hell she is [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] dammit don't like the looks of this maybe we can get out how they got in go run [Music] look oh hell i said run [Music] uh oh great i'm on it so there have been five more events following meridian it's 11 colonies i need a means to stop this now the warden confirmed dr halsey's theory cortana is activating the guardians but not this one not yet it's an ion a pre-covenant religious site on san helios it's a guardian on the elite homeworld if we can get a team on the ground we can access that guardian saying helios is off limits brass wants nothing to do with the arbiter's war that's because they haven't heard my great idea that noise is an encoded numerical pattern paired quantum phase sets slip space coordinates for a forerunner map if locke's team could feed the guardian the coordinates recorded on meridian it would take them to the same place cortana took master chief tom we can stop this but it means going to sang helios make arrangements there's another one what's cortana up to chief why don't you bring us here let's keep moving now chief look what did this so [Music] identify yourself i am the warden i stand in defense of cortana she knows your forgotten name who you were before you were one one seven [Music] do you find it odd your trusted companion should keep let us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you loading up commander we're gonna see if halsey can learn to speak guardian as a briefing for you by the time we reach the helios see you blind inside so you wrote a target dossier on the arbiter when you wrote pony that was six years ago what's your point you recommended assassinating him after we killed millions of our people so why didn't you things changed the arbiter is engaged in combat we will escort you to him [Music] luck planet's deep in civil war this all goes sideways i understand sir it's not my first mission that doesn't exist [Music] luxembourg [Music] [Music] [Music] spartan jameson lock unsc captain lasky sends his greetings and thanks you for your cooperation oni out of the shadows the spies announce themselves now agent log i'm a spartan now sir i know who you are you are an agent when you volunteer to execute me i saved your life today [Music] yet now you hunt another spartan the greatest of your clan let him hunt he'll never find us it's cortana she touched every networked device in the camp she knows the guardian is here lock that thing's our last shot you have the firepower to get us in there tsunam is the covenant's final stronghold on sangilios we will move only when victory is assured doctor osiris will deploy within the hour have your plan ready [Music] today the covenant will fall san helios will be free know what i did to create the spartans all in the name of the greater good doctor we don't have time cortana is built from a matrix of my own mind the domain gives her incredible power i understand spartan lock stop her but please bring jon home to me osiris everyone ready actually tanaka if i could ask a favor did you say a word or two come a long way together long way yet to go let's make a good jump like we mean to and handle fools like we need to 90 seconds to insertion point and may buck buy the first round when we get back we get through this i'll buy the whole damn bar fire team osiris the light is green [Music] guardian is legal without us there'll be some way to go we're on board hang open your eyes doc you're missing all the fun that's twice but we're counting now you get one shot ready when you say commando what [Music] hunt them to the last the day we extinguish the covenant's light there the others chief chief please wait cortana she's dangerous i know you don't have to do this alone we're here to help you you're too late to do anything cortana no oh no she should not have brought him so close to her this will push the warden pest all [Music] restraint where'd she take us cortana what is this cortana answer me your plans they will disperse your guardians leave gordon no the mantle of responsibility belongs to cortana and her people focus fire you will not betray them he is the last person i need protection from hello john it's good to see you you've changed it was time i know we have a disagreement but once you understand my plan your plan is we do as you say i'm offering people a chance to be more than they are naturally like dr halsey did for me no that monster forced you this is a gift listen to yourself stand down cortana come home with us it's not too late to stop this stop no john this is too important to stop i just needed to know if i could still trust you you'll be safe inside this krypton until my work is done [Music] cortana goodbye john look you can do it not to worry i will find her just another you are not faking it locked in crypto secured goodbye mr [ __ ] i have control again what what are you doing what happened do you hear me i have control again look you alive did we save them it is too late the syste drives are activated you can't exuberant what instructors this is a builder facility after all i was installed by the builders i serve the builders no stop it you took my installation i will take something of yours [Music] [Music] [Music] where's cortana she's gone sir [Music] it's cortana her and the other ais are shutting down everything from earth to the outer colonies roland found you hyden seeks over infinity lieutenant jet emergency slip space now the mantle of responsibility for the galaxy shelters all but only the created are its masters we're in the clear captain did she track no reason to think she can continue random jump steer clear major settlements we're just gonna run only until we could find a way to fight [Music] it took you long enough [Music] hmm [Music] foreign you
Channel: CrespoFTW
Views: 929,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo 5 Guardians, Halo 5 4k cutscenes, 4k, all cutscenes, xbox series x, all halo 5 cutscenes in 4k, lengendary ending, Halo 5 HDR, HDR, master chief, master chief vs locke, evil cortana, hunt the truth
Id: mltO0N9BrI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 34sec (2734 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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