HALO Full Movie (2023) 4K ULTRA HD Action Fantasy

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foreign tell me more about Rio what else did I miss oh man the place is a mess I mean too many Covenant Asylum Seekers all pinned up yeah DeMarco said it was crazy well it could have been worse I mean look what happened to New Phoenix we even caught this one single freak dude try to detonate a Havoc nuke oh yeah give it a rest we all know you were on the other side of town when they caught that hinge head yeah and where were you Demarco well Madison and me we were just making sure the ladies of Rio De Janeiro felt safe and secure that's right just fire team Majestic doing a little community outreach that's right you had people in New Phoenix didn't you I did I'm sorry I didn't mean to it's all right I'll get over it hey Thor just take a look at this there she is man Infinity [Music] foreign yeah that's us welcome aboard Spartans I'm Roland ships AI At Your Service on the line Spartans someone will be along to show you around shortly all right Majestic warm up [Music] oh make a look oh my all right I saw it first hi there well hello Spartan Paul DeMarco I lead fire team Majestic wow a whole fire team huh I didn't catch your name Sarah Palmer Commander Sarah Palmer I lead all the fire teams aboard Infinity fire team Majestic commander on Deck at ease Spartans follow me as deck is this way attention all hands lip space jump this is the latest second on Covenant Fleet locations Captain pretty standard positioning really Commander Palmer things get boring and Spartan Town Captain Lasky you know I come up here for my peace and quiet I'm not interrupting nap time am I on the contrary show starts at 0-500 we've waited six months we could spend another 48 Hours running the teams through the war games Navy disagrees with Spartans on this one they want you ready now [Music] ladies and other Spartans listen up your new workplace is a planet first discovered by Humanity six months ago called requiem he's here know what you're in for the rest of you you're due in education [Music] the Eggheads upstairs want to set up research spaces but before they can do that we need to fend off some Covenant squatters cubbies they believe this is the home of one of their gods the way I see it if those freaks want to meet God it's our duty them along [Music] mark [Music] s request s turbulence supposed to have been cleared already that was the idea yeah things just pop up whoever they want to don't they I mean how is that even fair huh but look out Majestic Hoya it's gonna take a lot more than this to kill me Commander hey Commander what happened to Hoya oh yeah followed orders fine armor Bay's waiting team leader Commander Palmer what's that Crimson team scored the first grab whatever it is it's got the Eggheads all tingling [Music] help rolling what's happening multiple decks reporting loss of power sir trying to Source it now hit the engine room on the line aye sir Dr Glassman Infinity's losing power so I've noticed Captain artificial gravity is offline as well sir big pull towards the planet I need answers you take engines built by aliens a hundred thousand years ago and hire a war criminal to vote them onto the ship ah you can't expect predictable Behavior Roland what is this damn thing unknown Spartan [Music] [Applause] instead of something Sarah further attempts at physical persuasion haven't had much effect damn things stuck fast she's all yours doc hey look at this amazing I've never seen anything like that Dr Glassman oh captain Lasky the captain of Aladdin of questions permission to bring the prisoner aboard last chance to change your mind it's too late for that Sarah we need to know what's going on should we locked up for a reason for Mission Grafton Roland [Music] Dr Halsey thank you for coming I'm not walking around the ship I built with my hands cuffed [Music] show me the artifact [Music] another dog for a proper investigation we have random fluctuations all over the ship doctor power's still completely out of ground zero I'll get additional lighting set up ASAP that would be good have there been any other reactions since since what happened to Dr Glassman yeah see careful I'm not Henry Glassman Captain trust me doctor I know who you are yes and I see you've decided I rate three of the new model Captain Laskey asked for the best and yet what is it done engine room why do they have us starting some old lady she's bad news man mad scientist stuff she created the original Spartans Master Chief no way yeah yeah story goes she kidnapped a bunch of kids what an old lady like her do with kids first we taught them how to be silent then we taught them how to be Spartans rolling engine room's on lockdown yeah all systems operating nominally you know Captain I can't fly Infinity without human Aid don't worry Roland we'll take her off your hands again shortly and now we're letting the war criminal touch things I could type for her if that'd make you feel better it would help she installed these engines no one in the UNSC understands them as well as she does hey the artifact Forerunner is talking to your engines also Forerunner but it is also communicating with these other systems as well some systems some electrical lower deck life support only the engines are Forerunner Tech the rest is human the artifact is reaching out to them and it and your engines are transmitting to Requiem you came here to study the planet instead something on the planet is studying you Obama foreign foreign why the hell did you volunteer to babysit the Dragon Lady anyway I'm just curious that's all whatever man have fun Dr Halsey spartanthorne I'll be your escort for the day you knock at least most people don't looks like we better get you to work thank you doctor I understand the words of the original Spartans I'm afraid it's all still quite classified but the original Spartans were conscripted as children I did what was required well why children why do you think or could have given them an edge starting that young not knowing anything else there were many reasons behind the choices we had to make psychological and physiological psychological so you don't think we're capable of being Spartans perhaps some of you are closer than others fuel excuse me please Roland bring up req-153-n I presume you'd like to start it before the tragedy please Roland Castle team just got hit running supplies into Copernicus ernicus science base looking for the librarian AI the master chief encounter instead they found something else yeah because requiem wheels up enough oh Mr Thorne what interest is my research to you specifically I'm listening with the Spartans because I was in the Army a year before my family and friends were killed in New Phoenix I also thought the Spartans were special maybe I could have saved them does it help help your grief being here on Requiem shooting it what do they call them Prometheans doctor Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity I'm simply curious what gifts if any the Promethean life forms have to offer they're Forerunner robots hard light and battle armor ruthless brutal what can they offer us nothing but trouble doctor they're simply killing machines interesting Dr Halsey quiet please I'm working I love I keep telling you people I don't speak singularly [Music] I've got to have better equipment more materials you're giving me two sticks to rub together here technologically speaking okay okay no need for a translation there [Music] you're saying There's an actual living Forerunner inside of this thing huh I wonder what she can tell us [Music] [Music] Crimson has a situation on the ground covered Majestic get that package off Galileo basis back to Infinity Pronto so now we're crimson's delivery service how come we never get the interesting jobs with me Hoya moving out just had to open your big mouth again Madison We're Not Dead Yet regroup on me corn medicine move it and she ears down yes Thorn I noticed all right Spartans we're packing up this picnic everybody get to the Pelican let's move if we try to fly we're dead oh yeah yeah take this prep for liftoff I've got an idea uh Thorn get back here that's an order got this School travel solid taking a reading oh my doctor a moment please intriguing doc this thing was kind of familiar yes it's very similar to an AI Matrix that we expected that [Music] freeze all monitors pictures civilian life maybe a colony or something not pictures memories an alien A.I full of human ity that's new Phoenix I grew up there no well I can't be right you knew this didn't you you want to see is aware that Prometheans are ancient human that is not ancient that is the attack on Earth from six months ago I have no idea how the hell these memories got from Earth to here thorn what is it doctor I suspect we have misunderstood the artifact's true purpose and that is I'm working on it [Applause] it's amusing to see you not have the answer to everything for once enough has been kept from me I've decided to start questioning all my prior assumptions doctor this is as much a surprise to us as it is to you I suspect that's a lie captain [Music] because martial world librarian Marion doctor what are you really doing who are you talking to you're rude you are rude farmer tic doctor Halsey into custody well at least something worse why did those people see you what [Music] life is too short I will never learn all that exists in our own tiny Galaxy let alone the rest of the universe but they want to know everything but the UNSC acts like children at play in a sandbox mistaking its edges for the limits of the world I bet they keep you in something a lot smaller than a Sandbox from now on Catherine why I shared no information the intelligence already knew my name my task and offered data that might Advance our research by years this is a research mission after all even if you treat it like a live fire war game Commander Palmer Roland not now actually bit of an emergency Captain Spartan Thorne has been detected alive on requiem [Music] wow [Music] foreign I'm not entirely sure what I've done Surfer cover yourself I will get yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] can I ask you a question doc what were you hoping to achieve with your little subterfuge I mean Captain Lasky put a lot of faith in you yes his Hospitality speaks wonders come on Doc what is keeping secrets ever really gained you what is hidden can be useful such as such as the phrase undead iridium override instructions active Dr Catherine Halsey well then tell the guards outside that Captain alasky has requested my presence in his ready room then block all further Communications yes foreign [Music] [Music] thank you gentlemen you may go [Music] Roland give me full access to this terminal yes Dr Catherine Halsey hey Doc's hand people would just share things with me I could solve all the world's problems send everything the UNSC has on the librarian to my data pad yes Dr Catherine Halsey this is all my own research I need new information anything that has been kept from me only one data point exists that is not your own research debriefing of Master Chief Petty officers spartan117 Post New Phoenix Incident John bye Roland prep a pelican for immediate large and Patch this terminal into the calm systems infiltrated by the artifact doc whatever you did to me yes Dr Catherine Halsey [Music] we have played your game quite long enough and we are both out of time in our previous conversation you mentioned assistance hand could offer me a Promethean soul but we both want to librarian powerful name for me as well as you librarian was very fond of humans did you know that that was a dirty trick doc my turn now stay right where you are doctor [Music] Halsey I've underestimated you long enough a cryo tube should hold you he was here on the ship nobody told live captain facing to the artifact too late there's here too [Music] thorn I'm not a Spartan I gotta Express please why are we walking anyway isn't your armor all full of calm here used to be how much further Galileo bases too two Eclipse that way another couple hours and we'll be home Dr Glasper get to safety let's go Captain the Promethean keep moving doctor found him Roland got to Halsey too still alive for now is there some concern maybe a little [Applause] thank you man we even look at absolutely everywhere for you Lieutenant James take us out of orbit move us far enough away from Requiem that those things can't get on board the control's not responding Captain Infinity's locked in position Captain look here the artifact is acting as a Slip space anchor holding us in place slip space isn't physical it can't there's still a great many things we don't know about slip space you quiet you were supposed to fix this whole thing days ago sorry captain Smash and grab they came here just for her some of these tags belong to Spartans with my thanks watch this [Music] you guys are getting all the cool stuff ah what's this oh Grace I got a map Captain Lasky Admiral Osmond you've seen the report on Dr Halsey I was advised to keep Catherine in the darkest deepest hole I could find or have her removed from the equation entirely regrettably I chose to do neither so captain today I shall follow my predecessor's advice you are hereby order to eliminate Dr Catherine Elizabeth Halsey eBay I think it is power you seek knowledge is power Glassman did this I wouldn't be so sure the protective shield is emanating from the structure itself and if I'm right success requires a more human touch she's only out here because of me I mean we're soldiers not hit men alsie knew what she was doing when she made friends with the bad guys I'm serious we shouldn't have to execute a civilian no but it has to be done and I don't trust anyone else to do it right there has to be another way I mean I know what you mean Tom and I won't see you court-martialed over that woman Sarah Stand Down orders are orders Tom this isn't my first rodeo I don't suppose it is [Music] Roland where's fire team Majestic right now right there [Music] fire team adjustment Dr Glassman glad to see everyone alive and well Captain Laskey wasn't expecting to see you here sir Majestic I have a personal favorite ask Dr Halsey has been abducted welcome [Music] you you are librarian wife of Didact there is a covenant occultist leader outside he thinks you have something valuable and he is correct but what I have is not for him it is for you you Catherine Catherine Majestic we got this you go get the old lady this is the Janus key it offers the real-time location of every piece of Forerunner technology in the galaxy every piece we did not create so much without a means to catalog it all this was meant for my husband to help your people and his meditation was complete [Applause] take this key to the absolute record use what you find to prepare humankind [Music] why give this to me requiem's time is at an end the key and what it details must not be lost [Music] Palmer [Music] no no what the hell are you guys doing here Captain Lasky sent us to rescue Dr Halsey oh the respect Commander she was on Jewel on his side then why was she so sure I needed to get this before he could [Music] die [Music] ah [Music] [Music] this projection devised The Majestic found shows two more artifacts down on Requiem just like the one in our Hangar now they are the Requiem end of a slip space conduit which is physically connecting Infinity to Requiem if deactivate them Infinity should be free to move Amanda Palmer we're sending down the necessary deactivation codes Majestic and I will take care of the first artifact Roland send fire team Crimson the second set of coordinates you got it Commander Commander station Captain they're not attacking they're entering flip space we're moving it's not us that's moving it's requiem the artifact conduits they're pulling Infinity with it straight into the sun if you have to find those artifacts with four Infinity can leave then let's get moving Spartans Sarah how's it going on Requiem it's getting awful warm out here Crimson got the Shore as far as it's proving slightly more difficult anybody tell these goons or buddies left them behind but Justice move up coming through here it is almost there let's move it Majestic artifacts offline let's get out of here Dr Glassman it's off the floor Captain try now Lieutenant James it's working free whatever extra speed you got we gotta leave now we're almost home Crimson are Dead Ahead Commander punch it foreign LT get us the hell out of here I sir emergency jump complete Captain injuries reported on multiple decks but no major casualties Captain Lasky to All crew we made it [Applause] thank you you sent them to stop me sent them to rescue Dr Halsey you see a different difference doctor what have you got well the first test showed that it is inert but this part's really weird on a molecular level it's incomplete it just it makes no sense it's like it's like we're only seeing half of it that was before I knew my compatriots were a hit squad not a rescue team not that I've fared much better in your care ER the UNSC just tried to execute me so you'll need to offer something other than idle threats if you want me to help you foreign I want revenge Captain wake up something has happened the spirit of fire is in a situation I could not anticipate I'm certain Professor Anders would enjoy that little admission so let's keep it between us shall we we've been adrift for just over 28 years I've made quite a few repairs while you were sleeping so ship systems are 100 percent cryo worked well and Med stats on all remaining crew are green as for me well regulations are clear about final dispensation at the end of an ai's seven-year lifespan I took care of my own Arrangements rather than wake you I didn't want to well I hope you can forgive this final breach of protocol it was a pleasure and an honor to serve with you sir to look after everyone for me would you goodbye captain Serena out [Music] [Music] [Music] only to get down there immediately of course good morning to you too professor sorry captain it's good to see you too but just look at it what is it and where are we uh no idea our Astro navigation system kept pinpoint a location we're not on the map anymore we didn't drift out of the Galaxy in 28 years professor [Music] since the record show we arrived via slip space less than an hour ago our slope space Drive is gone however we got here it wasn't us who initiated the trip and down there must have opened the portal from this end and pulled us in signal to my location Lieutenant let's hear what they have to say hello security measures would Advance without us I just come through on a UNSC frequency this is good when we left the war wasn't going well the signal means the UNSC is still fighting or maybe we even won what's the source of the transmission [Music] we don't have the surface details yet sir something down there is blocking our scans and without Serena but we do have a rough location should be simple enough to triangulate once we pick up the signal from the ground cut her to Jerome prep Spartan red team in a small Recon Squad Professor Anders will send you the coordinates find out who's sending that signal be on the ground within the hour travel life 28 years professor see what kind of Galaxy we woke up to thank you how's the table 10 o'clock Spartans thank God we have to get out of here identify Isabel UNSC Logistics Arc research Outpost Isabel we're the survivors what's the strength of the Covenant Force here Covenant no but listen you're an incredible Danger what was that it's him you're coming with us [Music] foreign shut up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as I suspected [Applause] nothing but a man [Music] team leader this is approaching your location Alice we're leaving [Music] one little demon command this is red team we have a Spartan casualty immediate Evac requested find out where they came from now go stay with me and bring me back anything [Music] sir requesting danger close on our location trailing North the next five seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] she'll stay silent down there until she has a good shot at getting back to us sir Isabelle this is Captain cutter I Know Who You Are James cutter captain of the spirit of Fire supposed to be lost with all hands not so lost it seems what happened down there I need to know what we're up against Isabelle Isabelle report sir five months ago the portal from the ark to Earth shut down without warning a month later he arrived he Brute their leader his name is atriox [Music] during the war the Covenant used his clan as Expendable muscle [Music] told them dying in battle would speed their holy Journey 40 at a time they carelessly sent them in 40. break the front lines 40 could die for beliefs not their own and I'll never returned till he did and so battle by battle War by War 39 Brothers at a time atriox was born [Music] with every Victory his Legend and his hatred of the Covenant grew eventually both were impossible to conceal [Music] tried to banish him and everything we know about the covenant's Thousand Year history triox with the first to defy the Covenant and survive science inspired others atriox and his banished rated Covenant resources cutting a swath across the Galaxy growing in strength with each attack Gathering killers and mercenaries to his side the Covenant had two Targets in those years humanity and atriax almost got us they never came close the whole damn Covenant couldn't contain him at the height of their power that's what you're up against and all you've got is one Old Ship and half a crew to staff her we need to run as far and as fast as we can we are just one ship and an old one at that but here we are 30 years past what anyone could ask of us our war is gone the lives we had are gone the worlds we knew that moved on and now all that we may have left for those standing beside us and the duty that defines us battle after battle fighting side by side together where you see half a crew Isabel I see family courage and a thousand Heroes who swore to fight their way through hell before they'd ever ever turn their backs and run and where you see one Old Ship I see home and that is always worth fighting for [Music] thank you if we don't stop Patriarchs now we leave the Galaxy at the mercy of a monster [Music] so no Isabel we won't be running anywhere today [Music] sir yes sir foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] how long can we keep this up not long for losing too many guns at this rate it'll be over soon I think I found a way to get help you can reopen our portal no we're going to make a Halo what I've discovered the r keys and almost finished ring in essential forges at all times it's an emergency replacement in case one of the other Rings breaks down rigs you must mean Galaxy destroying super weapons right well on that front I figured out how to disable the Rings firing mechanism we can only launch it to one of the locations of the original Rings however Isabel you said the Master's Chief first found a ring near enough to reach that would make it within range of a calm speaker Anders how long do you need 12 hours of my calculations are correct it's 12 hours Professor we might not have 12 minutes [Music] that right now [Applause] I'm gonna need a little help though explain why for starters I need her down there with me Isabel sorry sir I've been on the ark a while after recent battle reports you should have figured out that there are rules around here I intend to break one big one we'll need to split Ground Forces between these two locations to buy me some time if you're taking control of ground forces now buy you time for what brought these monsters killed everyone I was supposed to now it wants to do the same to you I won't let that happen time to show them what power really means around here foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] ringside seats before let's get to work our entrance wasn't exactly subtle okay I just need to find their [Music] got it [Music] troops below are clear I'm starting now I promise you won't leave without me foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my vessel Isabel what do we do [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Isabel it's done time to go home you've been busy not as busy as you grab lift what do we do you you hold on hey what is yes and the AI we still don't know how she accessed our own survived enough to honor our contract yeah [Music] but hello give everyone you can of them take it from the humans foreign [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] with all due respect Spartan I don't believe that's an option any longer officer Anders there must be some ways as soon as I'm back to the soul system I'll get that beat out it should only be a few weeks Professor because I can figure out how to get back to you [Music] captain the other teams are clear yes sir ETA to the spirit of fire is five minutes bring up the map we had a lot of work to do until she gets back I kept it [Music] [Music] what's happening why do we drop out of Subspace thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] good job Ellen we may have been safer in the ark [Music] not to disobey your orders again start the shell to salvage the ships that is it atriax was clear I'll look around and if we find prizes to bring back how could that go wrong avoid us listen failed him one more time trying to prove yourself and I will not be able to save you and it will be both our skulls beneath his mace relax brother you worry too much [Music] before [Music] back up [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] prepare yourself [Music] [Applause] thank you okay [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] for good reason secure the bridge clean up your mess I will be waiting for you when you are done [Applause]
Channel: GameClips
Views: 1,644,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Master Chief, Halo Full Movie, Halo Movie, Halo 2023 Full Movie, Halo Cinematic, Halo Cinematic Movie, Halo All Cinematics, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Cinematics, Halo Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2023, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, Fantasy, Fantasy Movie, 2023 Movie
Id: AcxZzSSPVzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 50sec (4850 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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