Halo 4 All Cutscenes in 4K 60fps

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tell me about the children dr. Halsey you already know everything you kidnapped them children's minds are more easily accepting of indoctrination their bodies more adaptable to augmentation the result was the ultimate soldier and because of our success when the Covenant invaded we were ready dr. Halsey upending history for your own favorite and you know it you developed the Spartans to crush human rebellion not to fight the government in one human world after another fell when my Spartans were all that stood between humanity and extinction nobody was concerned about why they were originally built so you feel in the end your choices were justified [Music] my work saved the human race do you think the Spartans lack of basic humanity helped what are you after the others before you were naval intelligence but you there's something else records show Spartans routinely exhibited mildly sociopathic tendencies difficulty with socialization for records show efficient behavior operating in hazardous situations I supplied the tools to maintain that efficiency do you believe the Master Chief succeeded because he was at his core broken what does John have to do with this you want to replace him [Music] the Master Chief is dead his file reads missing in action Catherine Spartans never die your mistake is seeing Spartans as military hardware my Spartans are humanity's next step our destiny as a species do not underestimate them but most of all do not underestimate him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wake up to I need you [Music] Hey been out for a while where are we we're still adrift on the dawn why did you wake me hang on bringing your systems online now I rewrote your firmware while you were out you've been busy activating the ship's gravity generators [Music] seems like old times ready to get back to work I thought you'd never ask how long was I out for years seven months ten days somebody should have found us by now what's that so we did the observation deck it's directly above us right what out terrier ate it so bad I thought we had a truce with the covenant a lot can happen in four years either way he's probably not alone we should be careful the good news is these covenant aren't outfitted like standard military it's possible we just came across a rogue salvage ship or we might have stumbled in maybe they haven't recognized us [Music] that's one possibility you'll have to prime the launch for ignition let's get to the launch glass doors jammed the missile won't fire until it's cleared get down there [Music] the one scaling us using a gravity well to pull up the inside the surface we've got to hurry secondly cross the domes event horizon the atmosphere is going to tear us apart or cottages remedy well can you track the escape pods [Music] [Applause] where are we checking coordinate impact data I'm sorry it's the crash I'm fine something was wrong even before we left the dawn chief really I'm fine Cortana I was put into service eight years ago eight years may I is deteriorate after seven chief Halsey chief we need to find Halsey chief please she made you she can fix you I won't recover from rampancy chief if we could just get back to earth and find Halsey she can fix this don't make a girl a promise you can't keep we need to move sentinels I wondered when they'd show up [Music] it's a localized site cartographer in service of forerunner shield world designate 'requiem 'requiem at least we know where we are now let's see if it can tell us what the Covenant are so interested in what happened I don't know it locked up the cartographer keeps acting like the transmission is coming from everywhere on the planet at once it doesn't want to triangulate infinity signal oh wait I got it that can't be right scan again we've already passed through one layer of the planet's surface it's not crazy to think that someone else made it deeper inside than we did you mean the planets Hollow let me see if I can figure out a way to reach these coordinates that doesn't involve us digging a really big hole there's a terminus on the far side of the complex we can portal to the planet's core from there what I don't know if we have a shot at getting you back to infinity we're taking it the Covenant Nets going crazy they're ordering all units to converge on the tower I guess we got their attention while you were busy I managed to clear up another transmission from infinity sounded like he said artifact I wonder if it's related to whatever the Covenant where's the terminus the map placed it at the top of the tower according to the Cathedral this terminus is just one node of a larger transit grid that spans the entire planet what when I tried to access the outlet closest to infinities transmissions the system responded with this what is it that's the kicker it's the forerunner symbol for reclaimer humanity that's got to be infinity can you get us to those coordinates let me try to open a portal [Music] Cortana I'm picking up on own energy signatures where this can't be right set a waypoint out of the tower Cortana how did quick into the portal jeez go what were those things some sort of advanced defense a is related to the sentinels I'm guessing but it's hard to say without a closer look come on let's figure out where that transit system dumped us where's infinity this is requiems core alright but infinity is definitely not here that satellite in the center is amplifying the ship's broadcasts like a relay maybe we can use it to respond perhaps those beams coming off that are creating the interference we've been experiencing we'd have to take them out to contact infinity can you get us they're opening a gate to the first beam pylon pull me and let's go wellhe's sister ray of sunshine isn't he from that peek under the hood I'd say these constructs must be mimetic in nature I've discovered something interesting about our new friends when the big ones explode that momentary flash receiver is actually a data purge can you tap into it so far I've pulled multiple strings referring to the big ones as Promethean nights what's that distortion that's me something about moving through those portals is increasing alert on my systems are you gonna be all right held off-ramp and see this long have a nice [Music] he's a Forward Unto Dawn they must have intercepted our distress beacon the beacon was pulled into Requiem with us they try to follow it they'll get caught in the gravity well I'll keep trying to warn them you just get that beam down it's working the signal from the relay is starting to clear up they have any of the gravity world yet there's still too much interference to warn them we've got to disable that other beam before they're pulled in like we were I was wondering why Infiniti hadn't encountered the Covenant yet what are they doing here they're heading to the second pilot as well that can't be a coincidence sounds like the Prometheus don't want the Covenant here either the battle Nets already lighting up with reports of resistance all around the pylon its core they know we're here infinity this is UNSC AI Cortana do not approach forerunner planet repeat do not approach the dog we're breaking up 27 damn they're negative infinity do not enter the planet if you can hear us T trans me no chief you've got to get that beam down now Cortana to infinite do you copy come in infinity transmitters not strong enough move us up to the relay satellite already done go once we're on the satellite there's bound to be a central control point the Covenant I'm moving towards the real a - this doesn't make any sense why would they care about a broadcast relay I'll handle them you just find us that control node infinity this is CRO one one seven of the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn do you copy the photos for infinity do you read chief she click of the contacts find us an exit don't wait around on my account [Music] so fades the great harvest of my betrayer [Music] even these beasts recognize what super abilities need your nobility has blinded you as ever the library is not little to chance didn't she turning my own Guardians my own world against me but what hubris believes you to detect her pets for me forever if you have it mastered even these religious and man has not attained the matter there are sentence may yet be prevented time was your ally human that now has abandoned you the foreigners have returned this food is now yours [Music] flips face rupture cheap chief please we've got to go that Didact he manipulated infinity signal to get us to release him what's happening leaving he's gotta find a portal out of here before the whole network collapses grab one of those ghosts whoa cowboy chief there this is the captain of the UNSC infinity unknown entity has seized control of our ship we're without power on a collision course with an unidentified foreigner planet track its descent marking impact predicted seventy seven point eight kilometers due north [Music] you know where he's heading same place we are stay low recon sortie heading this way the ship looks intact something tells me that's only because the Didact wanted it that way this is cro one one seven of the UNSC forward and a dawn were on station ready to assist signals bouncing in and out i can't clean it up light up there Friend or Foe tags we're gonna need something to zero in on [Music] afraid we're gonna have to give you an IOU on that welcome home party Tom Lasky first officer the affinity never thought I'd see you again sealer up I thought you'd be taller commander radius huh infinity this commander last Pelican Recon teams are down repeat all birds are down we've got numerous casualties that require immediate assistance over formatives server we're gonna need a bus out of here you were sent on a scouting run in the middle of an attack on the ship the captain thought Affinity could provide us cover and hold off the attack at the same time sir we'll never get the wounded back to the ship on foot I don't know if it's too soon to ask you for a favor but we're gonna run out of breathing room here real quick I was suppose here any good at clearing Aziz on occasion I'll send out an all-clear once the area is secured I'm sorry about back there that hatches security was more difficult than we expected it's all right it's not all right nothing about it is all right night wait what's he doing covenant they're working with the premises Master Chief captain Del Rio Lasky just radio you've picked a hell of a time to rejoin us sir what's our status that satellite took down the ship's defenses and is extracting data from the ship's mainframes as we speak can we break the connection main point of contacts on the ship's upper hull the fastest route is through the maintenance causeway there's a mantis stop inside the door take it you'll need the extra firepower [Music] the hatch to the maintenance causeway is jammed del Rio to infinity all hands we are conditioned you stand down section heads reported begin damage assessment [Music] what I want to know people is where the hell did those things come from it's possible that they're native to Requiem or whatever counts as native for a forerunner AI we've never seen this type of offensive reaction from any of the other installations other installations mr. Lasky Infinity's mission has been to locate the remaining halo rings and establish permanent basis to study them for decommission we got locations up and running around installations five and three but lately they've run into some setbacks a science team got zapped excavating a forerunner artifact this sensor data is all that was left interesting these symbols are a derivation of the forerunner glyph system and our geeks managed to pull some coordinates I'll give you three guesses where it led sir gypsy company is prepped and ready to roll on your orders Thank You Palmer mr. Lasky you take point I want boots on the ground in 60 captain this is the first contact scenario Master Chief priority is to free infinity from requiems gravity well and final a threat assessment back at fleet comm you mean we're leaving sir infinity drove the Didact back he's vulnerable he isn't the only one you know I think you of all people would appreciate the benefit of living to fight another day [Music] infinity teachers accompany the air corridor to the gravity well is blocked by a network of particle cannons infinity shields are still down open the lane for us to move up and provide air support captain what's force recons assessment of the terrain I know you've been off the field for a while Master Chief but this is a blow threw up sending in recon would just slow us down telemetry indicates the particle cannons are being controlled from a command post southwest of our position role on that target and neutralized those guns we'll meet on the other side you take the gravity well infinity out I don't know about you but I usually like a little more Intel with my Intel we'll make it work well someone's overcompensating chief unfortunately for us we've got to manually bring down a couple of particle cannons before we can get to the command post gypsy companies this is Captain Del Rio the bird is green honey see let's shake some nerd kids are in position near the particle cannons waiting for the Mammoth's mini lose some altitude you're inside the kill box just get to the crash site and receive that target designator [ __ ] you've got no chance of clearing those guns without it I can't hold it together okay chief do you even understand what rampancy is really we don't just shut down our cognitive processes begin dividing exponentially according to our total knowledge base we literally think ourselves to death you know I won't let that happen particle cannon Network must use these arrays for targeting and guidance it's an automated system so it won't technically allow me to redirect the cannons to fire on one another kirtana to infinity the guns should be offline how's it look from up there infinity rachana something's in here Cortana Cortana who are you I am what remains of the foreigner once known as the librarian my memories will retain to assist Humanity on their path to the mantle though sadly a plan is now at risk the Didact is leaving requiem soon you must not allow it leaving he seeks this the composer a device which will allow him to finally contain the greatest enemy ever faced by the foreigners you [Music] mankind spread into the stars with an unexpected desperate violence entire systems fell before the Didact warrior servants rose to halt the aggression [Applause] [Music] when the Didact finally exhausted the humans after a millennium [Music] sentence was severe we had no way of knowing that the forerunners were not your only enemy humanity hadn't been expanding they were running we confirm our conflict there were no match for the parasite which pursuit you the forerunners made plans for a final great journey but the dye that refused to yield our mantle of responsibility he would save all life in the galaxy at a cost in the 4runners quest for transcendence the composer had been intended to bridge the organic and digital realms would have made a scimitar but its result soured the stored personalities fragmented and our attempts to return them to biological states created only abominations such moral concerns faded from the dye tax attention the flood only assimilated living tissue the composer would provide the didactic solution and his revenge [Music] the Prometheans they're human they were only the beginning he would have encrypted your entire race if we had not removed the composer from his care and imprisoned him here reclaimer when I indexed mankind for repopulation I hid seeds from the Didact seeds which would lead to an eventual 'ti your physical evolution your combat skin even your ancilla Cortana you are the culmination of a thousand lifetimes of planning planning for what just found us even in death of methane continues [Music] reclaimer the gene saw i placed within you contains many gifts including an immunity to the composer but it must be unlocked how relinquish your contract essence your evolutionary journey must be accelerated can i defeat the die dad without it no then do it prepare [Music] [Music] how do we get out of here chief what happened your bio readings are all over the map it's a long story but I know what the died acts after I know that part the librarian filled me in when she snatched me from the system but what I don't know is what she did to you infinity we're at the gravity wells you heard it to light up the shot infinity cannot handle that kind of punishment not again this isn't about us or this ship anymore sir we've seen what the Didact is capable of if we let him leave this world humanity will be at risk look I understand what you think you saw with all due respect sir I know what I saw and with all due respect to you soldier I'm not willing to jeopardize my ship because of the hallucinations of an ageing Spartan and his malfunctioning a eyes sir what if he's right now as soon as we know we're airtight I want a course late into Carinae station come prepare a warning beacon I will not gonna commander Lasky pursuant article 55 of UNSC regulations 12:1 for 572 I'm ordering you to remove that a eyes dated ship and retired for final dispensation - you don't want me to remove the chip now commander give me that chip the Didact has to be stopped if you won't do that I will I am ordering you to surrender that AI no sir lieutenant arrest that man captain Oh listen captain get word to her that trouble is coming Cortana and I will do what we can back here I can give you over 40,000 reasons why I know that Sun isn't real I know it because the emitter Israeli effect is disproportionate to its suggested size I know it because it's stellar cycle is more symmetrical than that of an actual star but for all that I'll never actually know if it looks real if it feels real before this is all over promise me you'll figure out which one of us is the machine so what's your plan Infinity's track the Didact vessel to a docking structure south east of here we'll jump ship as infinity exits the roof you know are sent down here with orders to prevent you from leaving Casey had already gone I took the precaution of ordering a Pelican outfitted for full combat pursuit hope to god you're wrong about that forerunner or whatever he has chief but in the venue now [Music] chief good luck bother you [Music] come on chief take a girl for a ride the Didact used this composer to create the Prometheans from ancient humans if he wants to finish the job he'll have to find it first our best bet to stop him is keep him firmly on Requiem let's hope Lasky didn't skimp on that pillar it may be a while before we find another ride home we know that right it'll be okay Cortana where's this coming [Music] you try you're kinda teager's with the composer in the shattered me sugar than fire who disregard the welfare of the Jamison do you truly believe beasts the items can prevent my departure embrace yourself eat and retain your nobility by a more rich beyond he knows what we're trying to do if we try to get too close to that step we're dead I have an idea head for that Waypoint those defense spires we keep running into are being controlled from this tower get me to the control room and we might be able to reposition them to block the Didact ship from leaving you will relent human or you will perish all in life is choice and your day to shoot has come quick look at this fire controls tapping into this fire central net they're mine now to poison ivy what are you doing everything chief he ships on line they're leaving I'm sorry I don't know what track those Lich's we can go across them to get to the Didact ship weight across them yes there there are several niches moving in formation towards the Didact ship we're only going to have one shot at this [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] Cortana what's happening I don't know [Applause] [Music] they're jumping in his lips face get below that no time [Music] [Music] Cortana still here a halo installation three it's where Infiniti found the coordinates of Requiem then why are they bypassing it because the composer's not on the ring what are you waiting for that stations not gonna save itself [Music] into the console this is UNSC masterchief to base do you read yes I read you this is sandy Tilson of Ivanoff station we're under attack thereafter a forerunner artifact you took from the halo ring doctor I need you to protect that artifact until we arrive send whatever Cortana even I don't call it my name anymore [Music] correct your approach yes better alone I can see why you chose him Catherine Cortana I'm your greatest achievement come up now sorry I just can't stop them dr. Tilson are you there when your signal cut off eye doctor listen to me you have to issue the order to evacuate the state you've been trying the Covenant they've already taken over the send me your coordinates I'll see what I can do about clearing Andy back route on my way to you this is happening because to be honest my objectivity isn't doing me a whole lot of good right now hold on I'll start us down the device you recovered was a forerunner weapon the commander that ship wants it back wants it bad you don't think you can remove it can't leave the station you know that right we don't have any choice doctor it's not a matter of choice it took three months and and the biggest starship the UNSC could throw at it just to relocate it here unless you're a lot stronger than you look it's not going anywhere can you give Cortana access to the station's supply manifest what for if we can't move the composer we have to make sure that died dad can't either oh wait we have years of work invested here inventory lists seven excavation grade Havok mines just one of those would turn this base into a pinata I'm sorry doctor keep rounding your people to the evac centers once we take care of the composer you won't have much time ha make sure the nooks are prime so you can detonate them remotely maybe next time you rescue us you can give us more time to pack next time that's the main defense console dr. Tilson are you there I'm here any luck Cortana's bringing the Defense Grid online now okay I hear it will broadcast the final evac orders the nuke we're rigging it now meet us back on the upper platform and we'll help you get it to the artifact chief if hold this off and actually they found the composer the composer's locations compromised you've got to get that move down here ready or not I needed havock minds will begin one of the cargo bays start us up chief and that's Casimir we're building outside the atrium Cortana see if you can raise Tilson get me a status on the rest of the station or Tana I need that info think about the dinette don't think about the composure only focus on finding me Tilson Tilson Sandra Day female 51 years is aged doctor archaeology pegasi Institute [Applause] [Music] biosignature stable on 350 level B deck thank you Cortana if compromise the station's hold the Didact taken the composure get these people to the evac centers take it take it house tap the flight deck find us something that can carry a payload wait something's happening Kitana can you access the station's defense systems they're not responding Cortana [Music] are you okay I monitored the data pulse I could hear them what's left of them we need to move these people are gone and more will follow if the die dad reaches earth they'll pair you with another AI baby even another Cortana model a palsy lets them that's not going to happen it won't be me you know that right spinning up a broadsword and hangar c11 whatever the librarian did to you obviously worked Cortana it's not over not yet not yet [Music] [Music] approaching the Didact ship in two hundred kilometers once we get on board we'll find the bridge he's on the move again the fighter shields aren't rated for slipspace no but the died acts are broadswords home integrity is table will be safe as long as we stay below the debt ceil where's the composure I should be able to guide us do it both out minutes 170 UNSC infinity formative sir where's the captain the dye dance got the composure Anna Bronson carrying a heavy grade halo on approach to deliver commander who wrecked all your ships to the composer this flicker effective against enemy it is the dank I just closed off our entrance to the composer we'll take care of the guns [Music] that's the last one infinity you're clear Roger that you might want to back up a little mean battery clean hit we're proceeding to insertion station if you need us I take it the Didact our regards now what do we do plan B I detected an energy signature ahead I think it's a transit system like on record find a way to access it I'll try to route us to the composer ponies in the system [Music] contact knows I'm in the system hurry go hurry I can't control what my processes are doing the stronger threats keep reprioritizing me what about the die dad I can't hide much longer I'll try to move you to the composer again where are you the digest locate the composer from b-but I don't know for how long how do we get over there conveyor enter their ramp if we time it right our momentum should carry us through the low gravity chief once that warhead is primed the window for getting out of here is going to be pretty slow activity significant slipspace event building under the composer he's powering it out the Didact seelman himself inside the composer a new quote do us any good unless we can disable a barrier by the internal I've got to do something you're not going to like [Music] [Applause] what did you just do ie ejected my rabbit if I do that it each of us because the copies get overwhelmed the composer's shielding [Music] it's working rage [Music] and yet still say for China [Music] [Music] you persist too long after your own [Music] come then warrior have your resolution so we misguided [Music] humanity's imprisonment kindness [Music] in that case you won't mind if you return the favor of compassion for mankind dismiss place I'm not doing this on hand-tied [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Cortana Cortana do you read Cortana come in how oh I'm the strangest thing you've seen all day but if we're here it worked you did it just like you always do so how do we get out of here I'm not coming with you this time what must be is down there I only held enough back to get you off the ship no that's not we go together it's already done I am NOT leaving you here John I've waited so long to do that [Music] it was my job to take care of you we were supposed to take care of each other have we did Oh Donna please [Music] wait [Music] welcome home John [Music] [Music] picture [Music] [Music] not if I join you of course not sir at ease chief feels kind of odd for you to call me sir beautiful isn't she I don't get to see her often enough I grew up in New Harmony tend to core Bulow Military Academy never saw her in person until I was an adult but I still think of her zone you don't talk much do you she found won't pretend to know how you feel and I've lost people I care about but never anything like your going through our duty as soldiers is to protect humanity whatever the cost they say that like soldiers and humanity are two different things and soldiers aren't machines we're just people I'll let you have the deck to yourself she said that to me once about being a machine you [Music] [Music] in this our victory we taste only defeat I asked why we our fallenness guardians of all that exists the roots of the galaxy have grown deep under our careful tendon where there is life the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil I was trained as a luminous Sun towards which all intelligence blossoms and the impervious shelter beneath which it has prospered [Music] I stand before you accused of the sin of ensuring foreigner ascendancy of attempting to save us from this fate where we are forced true received [Music] humanity stands as the greatest threat in the galaxy refusing to eradicate them is a fool's damnit we swanda eons in the darkness while they cease our triumph for their own the mantle of responsibility for all things belongs to foreigners although [Music] because my axe as you will but do not doubt the reality the reclamation has already begun and we are hopeless to stop it
Channel: CrespoFTW
Views: 1,791,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo 4, Halo: MCC, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, most emotional moment, didact, halo 4 story, halo 4 cutscenes, xbox one x, halo 4 in 4k, legendary ending, cortana, ending, final boss, intro, give me that chip
Id: Bht5RVjPmCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 3sec (4983 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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