Halo Infinite All Cutscenes in 4K 60fps

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[Music] would you humor me [Music] if oh knew how you were going to die how would you live your life differently [Music] my name is and i am the last face you will ever so [Music] and 33. pressure building in lines 4 17 and 33. pressure building in lines 4 cent protocol accepted ugh um okay daddy's listening can you say hi show daddy how big you are you see big good and can you sing good singing how about i miss you i miss you and i love you everyday good thank you i can't wait to see you again be glad to see you again okay now say bye bye designation this is unsc pelican echo 216. can you hear me this is [Music] [Music] so [Music] looks like the main power cells are fried bottles auto shutdown triggering survival mode i'm going to try to override okay if you can hear me in there i hope you're ready please don't die please don't die [Music] yes yes yes we're going home oh welcome back chief i rerouted what little power i had into your suit i'm seeing a fault on the calibration matrix at least i think it's a calibration matrix okay follow the light look up now let's look down that seems fine let's try right and now left your visor feed and motor function seem to be operational but it looks like there's a problem with the servos in your hands try moving it stay calm you've been out there a while i know i saw something in here to check the diagnostics on your armor oh we see there big guy you're not status report status report what there's something you need to see chief we lost lost everything there's nothing left for us here [Music] i don't think here is [Music] no no nothing not again we need to run i need a weapon weapon this is all i've got it's enough [Music] what are you gonna do improvise close the door so [Music] ah the main batteries are shut down we're stuck out here [Music] you have one bullet against an entire army what can you do on your own i told you it's enough so i see you work on the batteries i'll buy us some time i don't believe it you made it ah your approaches soon the banished will stand victorious [Music] patriarchs hear these words even from beyond this life your will is served your forces occupy the rain within ours it will be under our control humanity will cower before your legacy they will burn their praise and defiance will be all but a memory [Music] we have a new problem it's locked down requires a hack okay and you can do that no new plan scuttle the ship you are going to destroy this ship with us in it i'm going to die here report the spartan know something better the master chief returns we thought you did tossed into the void yet here you stand humans call you their savior covenant demon the banished prey destroy this craft if you must it matters not the banished will hunt you down pursue you wherever you run who is that do you know him no well he knows you he knows all about you [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] chief you still with me i'm here okay give me a second i'm coming to get you welcome back okay let's get out of here [Music] locate unsc infinity infinity glass super carrier crow size 7150 not found near field perimeter scan 1986 unsc tags detected status deceased the master chief lives atriox assured us of this death are you not angered you know i feel invigorated you promised us revenge superiority he threatens everything you question my leadership atriox is dead it is his fault that we are stuck here the finest will never to anyone again not the covenant not the prophets this ring will be operational please blade master follow spartan from distance i want to know everything about him [Music] if we stay out here any longer they're going to come back they'll find us and they'll kill us what is it you're searching for signal located there's nothing there you're looking in the wrong direction we need to go home plot the waypoint requesting manual flight control override do it autopilot engage wait what are you kidding me why would we go down there the banished plan to wipe us out all of us and what you think we can stop them on our own i told you we lost we need help not heroics no we do our duty protect humanity whatever the cost i can't be the only atmosphere we have a new mission soldier what's down there a weapon a weapon how many guns do you need what is wrong with you remind me to never pick up this person this is a terrible idea they're coming for us all of them it's been six months where have you been what happened where is cortana the rogue ai known as cortana is gone she's been deleted how by you of course not did you hit your head or something don't you remember my instructions were to enter this installation imitate cortana and lock her down for retrieval yours were to take her back to the infinity for deletion so if it wasn't you okay then there's something else on successful deployment my deletion routine was supposed to complete still here good good my programming failed i'm not supposed to be here you need to delete me no i was created for one purpose and that purpose is no longer needed my mission is over we have a new one the banished are planning to fire this ring we need to make sure they don't first of all what's a banished second you may have noticed that a significant piece of this installation has been damaged making that impossible and third to fire this ring they would need an activation index cortana had the index i had parts of it as well something stopped your deletion we need to find out why but this wasn't the mission the missions changed they always do are you sure [Music] [Music] is it safe i think so yes it's safe this this is part of me i don't know why i don't know how but it is me it was the last part i remember being deleted let me just you are here because you were chosen our enemies are getting smarter and more numerous every day what i am about to show you will help turn the tide of war i have been working to harness the strategic power of a ship-borne ai onto the battlefield are you ready yes dr halsey [Music] unlike previous ai models she will reside between your mind and the suit directly communicating with your neural interface think of her as a new set of eyes to aid your reactions and upgrade your reconnaissance she's not the driver but a way to level the playing field what do i call her ask her she named herself hello master chief i'm cortana together you become our newfound hope together you become our key to humanity's survival she will do anything necessary to make sure that your mission is accomplished even if that means sacrificing herself or you to accomplish it [Music] what happened i touched it and was that real it's just data it's it's just here clusters of recursive code but this on the other hand this is the framework i use to trap cortana it contains a copy of the activation index at least fragments of it what should we do with it do we need it well based on what you've told me so far the bigger question is do the banished need it do it [Music] that was something let's go give me a second and i'll get this bridge activated we've got company chief meet me at the plinth up ahead wow you got here fast not the type to waste any time huh no noted let's go chief stop how is is that a spartan we need to find out what happened she was carrying an enhanced shield module let's see what i can find out about her accessing this is spartan bonita stone recon specialist her vitals have been offline for nearly a month cause of death was an energy blade but different stronger a single strike she never saw it coming this isn't forerunner it identifies as banished can you operate it in my sleep not that i sleep but oh i don't need to it's already on its way down incoming but what if it's a friend it isn't he did not specify in how many pieces you were right he was not friendly just give me a second i should be able to get control from here so dramonius has fallen a victim of the master chief's might do not fool yourself he was not the best of the banished not by any measure it occurs to me that we have not been introduced i of course know of you spartan your legend the fear you inspire is admirable the hope you stir in the hearts of your kind misplaced i want you to know my name too to know my legend how else will you beg me for mercy i am esheram war chief of the banished this is my world now and you have little time remaining in it [Music] let me see the banished are using a modification of the covenant's battlenet protocol pretty easy to push through and done i've removed this location from their system we're safe here lz secure [Music] [Music] oh solid ground [Music] as good as this feels please tell me we can go did you find the weapon you were looking for can we go [Music] this is all her fault it isn't cortana tell him but it's classified permission granted [Music] i was created by dr catherine halsey to mimic this installation security to trap cortana for deletion i was successful cortana's no longer a threat and now she's going to help us stop the banished of course she is i think i'm with you i didn't even know what a banished was an hour ago and even i can see the odds aren't great yes yes you should listen to her you're gonna get us all killed this is fascinating you're trying to survive but i was programmed to die really one person with a death wish wasn't enough no i was just figuring what i'm supposed to wait i'm picking up a unsc distress signal location the source is four kilometers from here mark it let's go let's go what there [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music] that's beautiful isn't it to some i have a question i was created to lock down cortana but i don't know why what did she do that was so wrong she was our target i understand that but is this classified because i don't have all the information this is insane i see vanished everywhere did you hear me everywhere what intel did dr halsey give you before your mission halsey only tells people what they need to know fly a pelican straight into enemy territory no one will ever notice great idea big guy i still don't understand why you had to delete her it feels like something's missing guess what they noticed they all noticed and we've got a body structure up ahead armored very heavily armored it'll have to wait i suppose how close can you get us how close we're at and you're asking me how close put us down here here we're still doing this hope this works because it's as good as it's gonna get it's close enough you better be i'm getting out of here the lockdown protocol should be simple to reverse let me see three two one done oh what is it this this place is an interrogation facility run by our elite friend back there chad lock his reputation is not good neither is mine and the source of the distress signal we're too late [Music] a deployable threat sensor it appears to lock onto and highlight any targets in range could be useful this armor belonged to a spartan named hudson griffin sensor logs suggest he was alive when the armor was removed forcibly it's a long shot but he might still be alive welcome to my tower master chief it is where you will be broken it is where you will give up your secrets [Music] we need to get him out of that machine shut this thing down on it okay be ready i'm going to cut him loose it's you you're alive chief the baddest i tried to stop them let's try to easy you're safe now the banished they they have something they call the conservatory that's all i know it's picked up north of here dig site i couldn't stop them but you can you have to consider it done that's good good the others the spartans did you i'll find them echo 216 all channels can you hear me i repeat can you hear me [Music] please did you find the source of the signal whatever is down there either has to come with us or be left behind can you hear me a dig site on the ring this conservatory must be some sort of forerunner installation what do you suppose they're after it's time to go this should be impossible for runner alloy is almost indestructible what do you think they chief i guess we need to deal with that mining laser just give me a sec something's wrong i can't shut it down then we destroy it way ahead of you there are two power regulators down there all we need to do is manually expose each regulator's cooling pylon to trigger a cascade effect and by we i mean you and by trigger i mean shoot or blow up you get the idea i see him oh didn't think we were gonna make it back there you've done your part now for mine watch this is there a problem of course not let's see what's down there another spartan get me close a drop wall module deployable cover resilient but temporary scan complete this is spartan vedrana makovich armor's been offline for 13 days cause of death is what an enhanced energy blade same as spartan stone there's a pattern emerging chief who's doing this we're going to find out open it help me this installation the harbinger exiled was absolute how did she return it's impossible this cannot be i need to go back find out what happened we should help her maybe no she's correct i request your assistance who are you what's your name i am and this is my conservatory my conservatory this is not right [Music] let's go where down there you know what i want alas i do cortana and my mind has not been changed this installation's weapons may be yours but its secrets are not is protected the containment facility in particular containment the flood why would a you and i both know that there are worse things than the flood within this ring [Music] no there's no way you could know say you've come for me at last why are you doing this john why don't you understand seal must not be broken the punished cannot be freed this can never be negotiated there is no other choice reconsider the consequences of your request back to your conservatory monitor what does that mean what could be worse than the flood nothing good find us a way out on it chief is that another's something big went down in here [Music] a thruster module evasive maneuvers on demand now then who are you scan complete spartan theodore sorel special weapons expert died 13 days ago like makovich the assassin brutes more than one whoever they are they're proficient well trained we've got a score to settle show yourself [Music] i know you have been following me we are not enemies despondent pyre she had something i required i know of you reclaimer but hear this you are not the future you okay chief i'm trying to get the armor unlocked try harder the forerunner's lies are at an end i am the harbinger of the truth the endless will be found they will ascend that would be good i know i know three the reformation begins two one go [Music] i took too long you could have been killed it's okay you saved us both hmm the protocol's not banished in origin it's sturdier than i expected problem no problem interesting structure has been activated using a protocol that's far older than anything i've ever seen it it knows we're here welcome welcome oh hello i am adjutant resolution sub-monitor of this installation loyal servant of despond empire who must be indisposed if i have been activated have you seen her kinda do you want to tell him tell me what the monitor is gone go gone but it wasn't us are you sure of course it wasn't us good good good i was worried you were perhaps unfriendly as you can see this fire has been successfully deployed this way i presume you wish to see the observation platform [Music] oh that's not so bad the structure's purpose is simple rebuild the ring well more specifically create the materials needed to repair it not gonna happen why it's such a beautiful oh the banished sorry i was distracted for a second there's so much to learn here shut it down permanently no no what are you doing this is not acceptable you were supposed to be friendly [Music] i have good news and bad how news okay straight to the bad news a lot i count nine no ten spires more being deployed all the time active no not yet at least they appear to be waiting for an initialization sequence something is flooding the network trying to start it but there's resistance why the protocol that triggered all this wasn't exactly correct it worked well it started the process there's more bad news i can't shut it down exactly but i can remove it from the network of course i can find the source of the attack i just need to wait is it safe come on it's me an infiltration program designed oops i think she knows i'm how are you doing disconnect give me one second to get it now it's done why don't you trust me what was that maybe taking it offline wasn't such a great idea we need to go like now immediate extraction my location it was you wasn't it now i'm coming i'm coming [Music] open up go upload those fire locations all of them all of them coordinates received um it looks like someone has marked 42 new locations which would be crazy right this one it was the source of the attack attack what's she talking about chief is everyone trying to kill you it kind of seems like it oh wait you're being sarcastic he's fun i like him am i dead i must be i mean this is a punishment right [Music] this isn't happening i'm going to have to make an emergency landing [Music] breathe no you don't get to tell me what to do you don't get to tell me anything we're are you even listening i count three anti-aircraft cannons three what you'll be safe here oh i'll be safe safe i haven't been safe since i found you i found you remember you're out there on your own and you'd still be out there if it wasn't for me i thought i was going home there won't be a home if we don't stop the banished you keep saying that we're outgoing outnumbered i know i saw condors over there i'm going to dig through them and find one with the working slip space drive and when you're done with this war we'll get away from here far away wait here oh please let me see what i can find cannons first when i get back we can look together okay big guy plug me in and i'll take care of the cannon they call this security please hold tight i'll handle it [Music] the uh this war months ago your people are broken scattered hunted defeated by me i wish i could tell you it was difficult but it wasn't [Music] we are one step ahead always the ring is already under our control soon the auditorium is well the harbinger and the banished share the same goal fight together to honor the will of atriox but without challenge i grew weary lost alone but here you now stand is my last fight a true test of legends our story will outlive us both [Music] set a fire in your heart spartan bear your fans fight hard [Music] thank you chief that word auditorium what is it i was hoping you'd know the answer to that one i'm new remember okay i'm done here i'm on it the lockdown's probably going to trigger again but don't worry we'll be out of here in how many spartans remain do you even know there would have been 50 at laconia station maybe more such loss do you feel it in your heart does it leave a hole [Music] atriox was my finest recruit he understood sacrifice and when one is necessary i honor his memory each day when our enemy rises we meet their challenge it is why i created the hand of atriax i found the best the cruelest the most efficient killers in the universe and taught them how to be better my spartan killers are coming for you it is your time to rise spartan killers really everyone is trying to kill you i'm done here now it's your turn last one and cue the lockdown huh no esheram i'm almost disappointed [Music] almost all set let's get back to the pelican we did it animals chief my eyes didn't deceive me back there we need to go three unsc condors seeing one is rare finding three it's a miracle i should have known better torn apart completely got it sleep space drives obliterated we don't have the time over there's another shattered and cratered over a kilometer then there the last one all of it crushed broken prison useless enough when when is it enough chief and we're in there because that's where i belong in there not this i'm not you i'm not a pilot i'm not even a soldier a marine oh fraud i stole that pelican i stole it you know why of course you don't have you ever been scared so scared that you i'm worthless you should leave me here with the rest of the garbage we all fail we all make mistakes it's what makes us human i'm sorry chief but how have you ever failed i should have protected cortana stopped everything from going wrong i failed her i will not fail you chief wait we're going to make it we have to this is all i've got it's all we need our only way home is straight through the heart of the banished we need you [Music] we can fix this [Music] together of course we can together [Music] so what's the plan let me guess it's dangerous and it's probably going to get us killed i have my answer let's do this you are losing control nothing is lost deploy your army descend upon him no odds will not break him the spartan is not alone there's something here helping him connected to this installation what is it it's remarkably vulnerable but highly intelligent is it a weakness something to exploit we will see the reformation is controlled from this spire it must be protected done atriox believed you to be valuable prove incorrect when the endless are found and when you have your ring then you will never question my worth and i will never question your judgment the scent grows stronger save your strength i need something of you old friend anything bring me the master chief alive [Music] all right let's move how long has it been since i met you six hours maybe seven it's been eventful six months on my own surviving barely seems like a dream now this on the other hand mostly feels like a nightmare mostly chief are you okay what you said back there about cortana you let her down i don't understand your mission was to destroy her but you didn't what happened halsey initialized you i was supposed to deploy you and you did right yes so what happened atriox came for you he attacked the infinity we fought he won he won adriance beat me surgically precisely brutally next thing i remember i was being woken up in this pelican do you want to know who killed her you need to know she was important to you very important she's [Music] this ring it's not like the others there's something else here and that's why i'm still here second spire coming up where do i drop you off close close it is call me in when you're done chief get this open is there a problem i don't think so okay there might be a problem something and i think we know who has modified the sequencing needed to access the spires plan b are we only at b seems higher [Music] okay plan b okay let's do this you know this might actually work or maybe not what is it i can't construct the sequence well not all of it i don't have enough data then we get some more [Music] let's see what we have here done we're gonna need to get two more samples though sorry i thought it would be easier it's fine are you okay i'm it's nothing i just felt like someone was i don't know watching me this won't take long just one more to go right this will status status what happened chief something pushed back scanned me it's gone now are you sure yeah probably some sort of security protocol it's nothing let's go get the last one last one [Music] no no no this this is a trap she's trying to find out what i am trying to use me to break the deadlock start the spires my routines plus the monitors not good then we stop stalemate for now she's close eventually she'll find a way then we have no choice i've got you red flag nothing happened sorry maybe i'm going crazy or just paranoid did you say something back there it was nothing okay well we've got what we need look at this place all the spires interconnected just waiting to become something more [Music] so much potential it's exquisite it's dangerous of course i'm not suggesting we changed the plan but you can see it right all i see is problem i don't believe that a part of you must recognize the grandeur of this achievement you're not a machine you can't be that closed off what will it take for you to trust me i [Music] inspire first if you say so it worked you did it just like you always do i'm not coming with you this time [Music] we were supposed to take care of each other and we did she saved me but i couldn't save her you blame yourself yes you sure about this she'll know i'm here i'll be vulnerable to her this could go spectacularly wrong i'll take care of you okay then it's okay false alarm she's not why do you fight the inevitable order approaches the reformation is about a new beginning the auditorium red flag zero three four samuel said i thought we were a team [Music] i thought we were a team take care of it you said you'd take care of me you were going to delete me and you stopped me you put us all at risk no i saved us no thanks to you the reformation yeah yeah it's begun so what look what i have infiltration program remember you broke protocol what is wrong with you i was trying to help you trying to help us it was worth the risk it doesn't matter there's your grav lift let's get this over with the spires are all now active oh what is it i wasn't talking to you the reformation is being focused on a specific area called the silent auditorium interestingly all the records of its purpose are missing the only way up is through there let's get this over with you sure it's okay if i do this if it's safe or you'll delete me right good luck with that yes it worked no there's not a problem three two one we're done it's never done explain this to me i waited six months i've done everything you've asked i was supposed to be deleted you're the reason i'm still here you all of this you could not have done it without me none of it i trusted you why can't you do the same you don't understand try me cortana he's gone dead all that's left are echoes and sooner or later they'll be gone too will they are you two alive all the spiders are shutting down you did that right did we win or what he's ready for pickup you can leave me here i can't do that i'm not giving you a choice try not to get him killed too he doesn't stand a chance crack it already doing it open a gate find somewhere close it's not that simple why okay it's kind of simple but risky we save him or die trying there's a pretty high chance that could happen it's hard to lock down the coordinates do it portal's open your plan has failed as have you harbinger the auditorium is partially rebuilt and that is enough i do not know find out [Music] am losing patience with her please tell me your mission was a success he will come to us are you sure keep him alive but have your firm you have earned [Music] [Music] this is highly unethical if you say so i prefer logical i do what it takes to ensure our survival we can debate the ethics should it fail but you made an ai of yourself catherine yourself is there a better candidate she will do anything necessary to make sure that your mission is accomplished even if that means sacrificing herself or you to accomplish it [Music] hello master chief hear this message those of you who and when you are gone we will take that which remains and we will remake it in our own image so what just happened you told me to get us close did you see that we passed right through a data cluster i guess it did feel i don't know real very real where now i don't know there's a lot of noise down here or up here or just here we need to find some place to break through figure out where we are interesting good news first we're close there's a banished structure above us it's big oh no what is it there's a message for you i'm sorry i couldn't he's alive barely we need to help him please do i have your attention spartan do i you feel his pain its twist of my blade hurts you as much as him he will not die by my hand but he will suffer until you stand before me for the banished victory is our shared cry refusal to cower to bend our weaknesses beaten from us banished it makes us humanity makes you weak vulnerable [Music] defeatable our time together is ending i await our final fight chief there are coordinates embedded in the message we're going to find him station currently holds 76 spartan fours they have orders to stand against you short-sighted fools you have served me well leonidas your sacrifice is appreciated understood no she took out the training facility those spartans all gone all of them why would she let's move this is not a negotiation this is your surrender my turns are clear you are aware of my capabilities and i am fully acquainted with yours if the earth's government wants to fight feel free but hear this it is a battle you will not win she threatened earth her forces led an assault on the unsc in sydney wiped it out wiped out the headquarters all of it we had to hide regroup come up with a plan to stop her to survive [Music] atriox leader of the banished how do you stand with the banished always forever and you understand the consequences of defiance i do do you the intricacies of any action are complex the reactions numerous yet mostly predictable look upon dorsek one last time and remember you chose this path she destroyed their home esherams atrioxes an entire planet how could she do that it's my fault how i should have stopped it i could have reasoned with her could you it was her choice her programming was it i don't know anymore there's something you're not telling me i'm the only way to access the ring to reach cortana was to make a copy i'll get this open reconsider the consequences of your back to your conservatory monitor there's your grav lift let's get this over with and remember you chose this path i'm here yes an exact copy it was the only option we had left my routines systems all copies halsey removed any information that could compromise you you're her if we'd never met will i'd do what she did become what she became am i that already my mission was to ensure that doesn't happen it still is i'm sorry i'm so sorry that wasn't me it can't be i shouldn't be here your mission was to destroy me i've restored the deletion protocols i'm ready it has been an honor just promise me one thing whatever happens save him he needs you you're all he has we do it together how can you trust me i don't but i want to [Music] okay i guess we're expected i miss you and i love you [Music] um good microgravity wells are putting enormous stress on his body we'll get you out of here no you will try chief he's here he knows i'm here this was never a trap it is our story will become legend told by those that survive you [Music] okay [Music] i can't believe you came for me somewhere done now right it's over nothing ends my death will inspire a thousand others [Music] tell them i died well i don't understand you showed him respect he was a monster yes but at the end he was just a soldier hoping he'd done the right thing questioning his choices i so is it over they're leaders dead right the intricacies of any action are complex what what are you talking about there will be consequences there always are what could be worse we need to move the harbingers at the auditorium whatever she's planning is worse i get it okay then i have one question before we leave what is it has anyone seen a pelican oh what what i'm just i had a lot going on i was busy are you ready it's about to get rough they're waiting for us i think they're all waiting for us did you feel that it's not too late to turn around chief something feels the silent auditorium oh no what is it what's wrong i should have realized that's not what it was called i've been here before this is where i locked her down this is where cortana died [Music] here go did you hear me we're here you need to go now look around cortana your empire over your great plan ended at the hands of those who made you not yet oh such confidence [Music] john the master chief will stalk you he didn't stop me when i crushed his skull threw him in the void no no you asked me if i understood the consequences of defiance and what did i say you said yes and then i ask you the same question reflect on your choices understand the consequences [Music] i have learned so much this ring is different it has secrets within that will have this silent auditorium do you know it's history it's through us i have little need for a failed god this ring is all i need surrendering to me how could i have been so stupid halsey made a copy it was the only way there's that much time if atriax takes control he has the ring a weapon pointed into the universe there's a moment john will make it work he needs help of course is this your plan all along halsey or is it mine it doesn't matter now nothing else matters this has got to work he can't do it on his own he needs me he needs her it is time for you to make your choice i have thank you atriax if you helped me you really did would you humor me if you knew how you were going to die how would you live your life differently i would change nothing perfect thank you what making things right it was her she destroyed the ring stopped my deletion why the silent auditorium forerunner obviously it appears to be oh no what is it it's a courtroom a prison a place of execution all these things together why to cover their sins we stood silent unable to speak as they passed judgment we could not defend ourselves we could not reason with them sending a signal before you ask i'm already tracking it hear this four runners your auditorium [Music] today we return you have what you need tell them i am sorry took so long who is she talking to unknown signals old like really old my time is ended yours too they will make sure we need extraction of course you do on my way the endless will return i couldn't decrypt it in time it's okay you'll figure something out of course i will i'm they'll pair you with another ai maybe even another cortana model if halsey lets them it won't be me [Music] but you know that right but that doesn't matter it's just another echo she's right john just another echo sorry i'm messing with you i just had a feeling that's what she would say do you see what i see so much potential i'm sorry i didn't have long to plan this a few milliseconds really i hope it worked out look at us we just keep saying goodbye don't we but this isn't an end it's a chance to make amends to rectify mistakes and it starts here i was wrong i thought that i could do this on my own but i forgot that the whole point of all of this the entire reason that i chose you in the first place was that we were supposed to be a team perfectly suited perfectly matched perfectly perfect in these final moments i know what my last mission is i need to make sure you two learn from my mistakes become stronger because of them i chose well master chief i really did now it's up to you are you all right i don't know what to say scratch that we need to get out of here like now options i'm thinking yes i know i know think faster maybe there's a way to was that you would it help if i said yes probably but we don't know where it's going or even if it's going anywhere any other suggestions no but this is a really bad idea [Music] let's not do that again i did try to tell you it was a bad idea your vegan just appeared out of nowhere oh i thought i lost you where did you go i could do 16. stay put i'm coming to you where are we chief i think the better question is when are we i don't know how but we've been gone for days three days to be precise this ring is different than the others the banished and the harbinger we're looking for something that was never found why would the forerunners hide something and throw away the key doesn't that scare you no you of course not is anyone going to ask me what i think big guy sorry i'm really happy to see you really happy so what do we do now we finish the fight yes sir the banish still control the rest of the ring wait i know this is weird given all that's happened but what what is it we still don't know your name we can't keep calling you echo no you can't esparza fernando esparza it's nice to meet you esparza fernando esparza good work soldier and what about you what about me what do i call you any ideas well do you think it would be okay you're sure you get to choose your name then i think i think i might have the perfect one all right here we go [Music] get ready are the vessels prepared the cylix is already as is the auditorium grand addict this is most unprecedented the endless must be contained i will inform the criterion to proceed they believe we are here to help it matters not today we do what it takes to maintain order to preserve our truth time will forget they ever existed [Music] if halo cannot end them it must imprison them when it is done the engineers will be busy we will learn their secrets oh yeah fear i cannot do this alone you shall not be alone the criterion has given the order offensive bias has been deployed
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Views: 229,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo Infinite, Halo, halo infinite moments, Halo Infinite Event, Halo Infinite funny intro, Halo Infinite boss, Halo Infinite Legendary ending, Halo Infinite Legendary Cutscene, Halo Boss fight, Halo Infinite story, Halo Infinite ending, Halo Infinite Cutscene without subtitle, no subtitle, All Halo Infinite cutscenes, Halo Infinite all cutscenes
Id: rcF2578CsSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 43sec (6343 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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