HALO Full Movie (2022) 4K ULTRA HD Action Fantasy

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[Music] captain wake up something has happened the spirit of fire is in a situation i could not anticipate i'm certain professor anders would enjoy that little admission so let's keep it between us shall we we've been adrift for just over 28 years i've made quite a few repairs while you were sleeping so ship systems are 100 cryo worked well and med stats on all remaining crew are green as for me well regulations are clear about final dispensation at the end of an ai's 7-year lifespan i took care of my own arrangements rather than wake you i didn't want to well i hope you can forgive this final breach of protocol it was a pleasure and an honor to serve with you sir do look after everyone for me would you goodbye captain serena out [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll need to get down there immediately of course good morning to you too professor i'm sorry captain good to see you too but just look at it what is it and where are we uh no idea our astro navigation system can't pinpoint a location we're not on the map anymore we didn't drift out of the galaxy in 28 years professor [Music] since records show we arrived via slip space less than an hour ago our slip space drive is gone however we got here it wasn't us who initiated the trip something down there must have opened the portal from this end and pulled us in sir we received signal to my location lieutenant let's hear what they have to say security measures would advance without but it is us through on a unsc frequency this is good when we left the war wasn't going well the signal means the unsc is still fighting or maybe we even won what's the source of the transmission [Music] we don't have the surface details yet sir something down there is blocking our scans and without serena but we do have a rough location should be simple enough to triangulate once we pick up the signal from the ground cutter to jerome reporting captain prep spartan red team and a small recon squad professor anders will send you the coordinates find out who's sending that signal be on the ground within the hour travel life 28 years professor let's see what kind of galaxy we woke up to spartans thank god we have to get out of here identify isabelle unsc logistics arc research outpost isabel where are the survivors what's the strength of the covenant force here covenant no why would listen you're in incredible danger what was that it's him you're coming with us [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] dude [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] recon 1. you have multiple hostiles approaching your location alice [Music] immediate evac out where requested came from stay with me and bring me back everything [Music] sir requesting danger close on our location trailing north amends five seconds [Music] [Music] alice is m.i.a she'll stay silent down there until she has a good shot at getting back to us sir isabel this is captain cutter i know who you are james cutter captain of the spirit of fire you're supposed to be lost with our hands not so lost it seems what happened down there i need to know what we're up against isabel isabel report sir five months ago the portal from the ark to earth shut down without warning a month later he arrived he the brute their leader name is atriox [Music] during the war the covenant used his clan as expendable muscle told them dying in battle would speed their holy journey 40 at a time they carelessly sent them in 40 to break the front lines forty could die for beliefs not their own never returned until he did and so battle by battle war by war 39 brothers at a time atriox was born [Music] with every victory his legend and his hatred of the covenant grew eventually both were impossible to conceal [Music] and they tried to banish him and everything we know about the covenant's thousand-year history atriox was the first to defy the covenant and survive and his defiance inspired others atriox and his banished raided covenant resources cutting a swath across the galaxy growing in strength with each attack gathering killers and mercenaries to his side the covenant had two targets in those years humanity and atriox they almost got us but atriox they never came close the whole damn covenant couldn't contain him at the height of their power that's what you're up against and all you've got is one old ship and half a crew to staff her we need to run as far and as fast as we can we are just one ship and an old one at that but here we are 30 years past what anyone could ask of us our war is gone the lives we had are gone the worlds we knew have moved on and now all that we may have left were those standing beside us and the duty that defines us battle after battle fighting side by side together where you see half a crew isabel i see family courage and a thousand heroes who swore to fight their way through hell before they'd ever ever turn their backs and run and where you see one old ship i see home and that is always worth fighting for [Music] if we don't stop atriox now we leave the galaxy at the mercy of a monster [Music] so no isabel we won't be running anywhere today [Music] sir yes sir johnson get those guns back inside get those hatches closed where are we on that hull breach in sector 17. eta 60 seconds engineering [Music] we are professor let me handle that you just give me the update on the art starboard guns are down to module 3 poke the nest didn't we we did evacuate invent how long can we kick this up not long we're losing too many guns at this rate it'll be over soon i think i found a way to get help you can reopen our portal no we're going to make a halo what i've discovered the r keeps an almost finished ring in its central forges at all times it's an emergency replacement in case one of the other rings breaks down rings you must mean galaxy destroying super weapons right well on that front i figured out how to disable the ring's firing mechanism we can only launch it to one of the locations of the original rings however isabelle you said the master chief first found a ring near enough to reach that would make you within range of a comms beacon it could work anders how long do you need 12 hours if my calculations are correct i don't have 12 hours professor we might not have 12 minutes i just can't beat that right now [Applause] i can i'm gonna need a little help though explain for starters i need her down there with me isabelle sorry sir i've been on the arc a while after a recent battle reports you should have figured out that there are rules around here i intend to break one a big one we'll need to split ground forces between these two locations to buy me some time if you're taking control of ground forces now buy you time for what that ship brought these monsters killed everyone i was supposed to protect now it wants to do the same to you i won't let that happen it's time to show them what power really means around here [Applause] [Music] [Music] whoa a problem no we've just never had spartan ringside seats before let's get to work our entrance wasn't exactly subtle okay i just need to find there [Music] got it [Music] troops below are clear i'm starting now promise you won't leave without me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] sit down is [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] isabel it's done time to go home whoa you've been busy not as busy as you the grav lift what do we do you you hold on one spartan yes and the ai we still don't know how she accessed how many of your men's survived enough to honor our contract i may give everyone you can on that ring take it from the humans prove you are still worth your price uh professor it's now or never [Music] alright [Music] [Music] [Music] hope this works with all due respect spartan i don't believe that's an option any longer professor anders there must be some ways don't worry as soon as i'm back to the soul system i'll [Music] captain the other teams are clear yes sir eta to the spirit of fire is five minutes bring up the map we have a lot of work to do until she gets back i kept it [Music] [Music] what's happening why do we drop out of space [Music] [Music] oh good job ellen we may have been safer in the ark [Music] do not disobey your orders again scout the shell salvage the ships that is it atriox was clear i'll look around and if we find prizes to bring back how could that go wrong listen you fail him one more time trying to prove yourself and i will not be able to save you and it will be both our skulls beneath his mace brother you worry too much [Music] um foreign [Music] uh uh so [Applause] hmm [Music] [Music] prepare yourself [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] good [Music] i told you not to go inside for good reason secure the breach clean up your mess i will be waiting for you when you are done [Applause] i do not trust you he may but i do not notice friend's trust is not the issue today spartanburg it is my trust you must earn arbiter you are a hunter yes a seeker of things that's not the official job title but it's close enough and now you hunt other spartans i'm not so much hunting a spartan as i'm hunting the spartans [Music] i was not told the identity of your prey that is why i'm sharing it with you now we're talking about trust after all may i ask you something your people used to call him demon was that an insult or a compliment an insult to be sure but one with a malcolm of respect he was indeed my enemy but in time i named him even friend the events which forged this bomb there was only one ship one are you sure yes they called it the pillar why was it not destroyed with the rest of their fleet it fled as we set fire to their planet but i followed with all the ships in my command when you first saw halo were you blinded by its majesty blinded paralyzed dumb struck no yet the humans were able to evade your ships land on the sacred ring and desecrate it with their filthy footsteps global hierarchs surely you understand that once the parasite attack there will be order in this council you were right to focus your attention on the flood but this demon this master chief by the time i learned the demon's intent [Music] there was nothing i could truth this has do on long enough make an example of this bundler the council demands it you are one of our most treasured instruments long have you led your fleet with honor and distinction but your inability to safeguard halo was a colossal failure [Applause] [Music] i will continue my campaign against the humans no you will not soon the great journey shall begin but when it does the weight of your heresy will stay your feet and you shall be left behind the plating was about to fail there's viscosity throughout the gel layer optics totally fried and let's not even talk about the power supply you know how expensive this gear is son tell that to the covenant [Applause] you told me there wouldn't be any cameras and you told me you were gonna wear something nice folks need heroes chief to give them hope so smile what's that well we still got something to smile about [Applause] [Music] [Music] if they came to hear me big they will be disappointed are you sure [Music] [Applause] gentlemen we're lucky to have you back go ahead cortana another whisper sir near io we have probes enroute i apologize but we're going to have to make this quick you look nice thank you major the colonial cross is awarded for acts of singular daring and devotion for a soldier of the united earth space corps let him be an example for all who would break down [Applause] commander miranda keys your father's actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service his bravery in the face of impossible odds reflects great credit upon himself and the unsc the navy has lost one of its best slip space ruptures directly off our battle cluster show me 15 covenant capital ships holding position just outside the zone harper we are engaging the enemy is kill negative admiral form a defensive perimeter around the cluster commander get to your ship link up with the fleet yes sir you have the mack gun cortana as soon as they come in range open up gladly something's not right the fleet that destroyed reach was 50 times this size sir additional contacts sporting craft and lots of them they're going to try to take our mac guns offline give their capital ships a straight shot at earth master chief defend this station yes sir i need a weapon right this way me inside your head now how much time was left you don't want to know cairo this is an ember clad the carrier shield is down i'm in position and ready for immediate assault negative commander not against a ship that size not on your own sir permission to leave the station for what purpose master chief to give the covenant back their bomb permission granted [Music] [Music] i know what you're thinking and it's crazy so stay here unfortunately for us both i like crazy just one question what if you miss i won't [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] for a brick he flew pretty good chief get inside gear up we're taking this fight to the surface [Music] the message just repeats regret regret regret catching any idea what it means dear humanity we regret being alien bastards we regret coming to earth and we most definitely regret the core just blew up our raggedy ass flakes regret is a name sergeant the name of one of the covenant's religious leaders a prophet he's on that carrier and he's calling for help great kilo 2 3 is hot recommend mission abort roger recon it's your call serge we're going in get tactical marines master chief get aboard that carrier secure the profit of regret this is the only place on earth the covenant decided to land that prophet is going to tell us why whoa it blew right through us 50 cal rockets didn't do a thing where's the rest of your platoon wasted sarge and we will be too sir if we don't get the hell out of here you hit maureen no sir then listen up you had your chance to be afraid before you joined my beloved corps but to guide you back to the true path i brought this motivational device our big green style cannot be defeated what about that scare we've all run the simulations they're tough but they ain't invincible stay with the master g you'll know what to do yes sir sergeant thanks for the tank he never gets me anything oh i know what the ladies like [Music] that's right you mothers run not if we can help it sergeant extract the chief and return to an amber clad roger that status sir the prophet is bugging out request permission to engage negative commander i'll victor two heavies for star side intercept ma'am let's let's space rupture off the target's bow it's going to jump inside the city there's no time sir green light green light to engage punch [Music] without a destination solution we are not losing that ship [Music] how much further must we left this baggage any cell will do why not toss him in with this lot they could use the meat them what about us my belly eggs and his flesh is seared just the way i like it quiet you two whimper like crunch freak off the feet he's not meant for the jails the hierarchs have something special in mind so noble prophets of truth and mercy i have brought the incompetent you may leave tartarus but i thought and take your brutes with you release the prisoner the council decided to have you hung by your entrails and your courts paraded through the city but ultimately the terms of your execution are up to me i am already dead indeed do you know where we are the mausoleum of the arbiter quite so here rest the vanguard of the great journey every arbiter from first to last each one created and consumed in times of extraordinary crisis the taming of the hunters the grunt rebellion were it not for the arbiters the covenant would have broken long ago even on my knees i do not belong in their presence halo's destruction was your error and you rightly bear the blame but the council was overzealous we know you are no heretic this is the true face of heresy one who would subvert our faith and incite rebellion against the high council our prophets are false open your eyes my brothers they will use the faith of our forefathers to bring ruin to us all the great journeys this heretic and those who follow him must be silenced their slander offends all who walk the path what use am i i can no longer command ships lead troops into battle not as you are no but become the arbiter and you shall be set loose against this heresy with our blessing [Music] what of the council the tasks you must undertake as the arbiter are parents suicidal you will die as each arbiter has before you the council will have their corpse [Music] [Music] what would you have your arbiter do when we joined the covenant we took an oath according to our station all without exception on the blood of our fathers on the blood of our sons we swore to uphold the covenant even through our dying breath those who would break this oath are heretics worthy of neither pity nor mercy even now they use our lord's creations to broadcast their lives we shall grind them into dust and continue our march to glorious salvation this armor suits you but it cannot hide that mark nothing ever will you are the arbiter the will of the prophets but these are my elites their lives matter to me yours does not that makes two of us later there is no doubt the storm will strike the facility will be long gone before it prepare for arrives [Music] what is it that stench i've smelled it before this will save me from the storm but you will be consumed arbiter where is he stinking flood bait boxed himself in tight we'll never break through this then we shall force him out how the cable i'm going to cut it get everyone back to the ships [Music] so [Music] [Music] bruh arbiter i would rather die by your hand than let the prophets lead me to slaughter who has taught you these lies [Music] the oracle hello i am 343 guilty spark i am the monitor of installation04 ask the oracle about halo how they would sacrifice us all for nothing more questions splendid i would be happy to assist you the elites are blind arbiter but i will make them see [Music] [Applause] unfortunate his edification was most enjoyable i had no choice holy oracle this heretic imperiled the great journey oracle great journey why do you members insist on using such inaudible that is the oracle so it is come we are leaving this system report both engine cores have spun to zero we're drifting archer pods are cold i'll need to re-key the system do it and find out where we are sorry for the quick jump sergeant you in one piece i'm good yeah chief we're fine ma'am there's an object coming into view now cortana what exactly am i looking at that is another halo say what so this is what my father found i thought halo was some sort of super weapon it is if activated this ring will cause destruction on a galactic scale i want all the information you've got on the first halon schematic typography whatever i don't care if i have the clearance or not yes ma'am where's our target the enemy ship is stopped above the ring ma'am we're going to pass right over it perfect given what we know about this ring it's even more important that we capture the prophet of regret find out why he came to earth why he came here chief take first platoon hard draw secure a landing zone sergeant load up two flights of pelicans and follow them in ma'am until i can move and fight i'm going to keep a low profile once you leave the ship you're on your own understood over the target in five hang on to your helmet find the bomb uh could we possibly make any more noise i guess so wait go back that's what i thought he said the prophet of regret is planning to activate halo are you sure i shall light this holy ring release its cleansing flame and burn a path into the divine beyond pretty much commander we've got a problem so i here but from what i understand the prophet will need an object the index to activate the ring i've located a library similar to the one you found on the first halo if the rings work the same way the index should be inside i'll bet the covenant are thinking the exact same thing then we better beat them to it sergeant extract your men and meet me at the library yes ma'am i'll secure the index chief you take out the prophet he's given us all the intel we need that's the largest covenant fleet i've ever seen the largest anyone's ever seen get inside the temple and kill regret before it can stop us [Music] [Music] this is not your grave but you are welcome in it [Music] oh [Music] this is unprecedented unacceptable a hierarchy is dead commander his murderer was within our grasp if you had not withdrawn off phantoms are you questioning my decision no holy one i only wish to express my concern that the group commissioning the guard was a radical step but recent events have made it abundantly clear that the elites can no longer guarantee our safety i shall relay your decision to the council do you know arbiter the elites have threatened to resign to quit the high council because of this exchange of hats we have always been your protectors these are trying times for all of us even as the humans annihilation filled us with satisfaction the loss of one of the sacred rings wrapped our hearts with grief putting aside our sorrow we renewed our faith in the prophecy that other rings would be found and see how our faith has been rewarded halo this divine wind will rush through the stars propelling all who are worthy along the path to salvation but how to start this process for ages we search for one who might unlock the secrets of the rings an oracle and with your help we found it with appropriate humility we applied the oracle with questions and it with clarity and grace has shown us the key you will journey to the surface of the ring and retrieve this sacred icon with it we shall fulfill our promise salvation for all and begin the great journey once the sheep is down we will head straight to the library i do not wish to keep the hierarchy the human that killed the prophet of regret who was it who do you think the demon is here why looking for a little payback retrieving the icon is my only concern of course [Music] oh i think the center of this soul is a sacred icon critical to the great journey i must find it we shall cut into the heart of this infestation retrieve the icon and burn any flood that stands in our way your parasite is not to be trifled with i hope you know what you're doing [Music] more humans they must be after the icon on your way arbiter i'll deal with these beasts to keep the flood off your back no gotcha you know your father never asked me for help either the index is secure mckenzie perez how's the exit you hear me marines we got trouble [Music] how you doing johnson you all right johnson [Music] the hierarchy is my responsibility what's your responsibility now it is mine a bloody fate awaits you and the rest of your incompetent race and i darterus will send you to it and the prophets learn of this that they will take your head when they learn fool they ordered me to do it [Music] what is that relax i'd rather not piss this thing off demon [Music] this one and has its mind concluded this one is but flesh and faith and is the more deluded kill me or release me parasite but do not waste my time with talk there is much talk and i have listened through rock and metal and time now i shall talk and you shall listen greetings i am 2401 penitent i am the monitor of installation05 and i am the prophet of regret council of most high hierarch of the covenant a reclaimer here at last we have much to do this facility must be activated if we are to control this outbreak stay where you are nothing can be done until my sermon is complete not true this installation has a successful utilization record of 1.2 trillion simulated in one actual it is ready to fire on demand of all the objects our lords left behind there are none so worthless as these oracles they know nothing of the great journey and you know nothing about containment you have demonstrated complete disregard for even the most basic protocols this one's containment [Music] and this one's great journey are the your same have promised you freedom from a deep existence but you will find no salvation on this ring those who built this place this thing is right halo is a weapon your prophets are making a big mistake your ignorance already destroyed one of the sacred rings demon it shall not harm another if you will not hear the truth then i will show it to you there is still time to stop the key from turning but first it must be found you will search one likely spot and but this ring will make us brothers [Music] [Applause] [Music] split them up the hopes of all the covenant rest on your shoulders chieftain my faith is strong i will not fail let him be the great journey wait for no one brother not even you [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] uh by the rings arbiter the councillors are they murdered by the brutes vile disloyal beasts the prophets were fools to trust them [Music] [Music] stay you're pal where is he going uh does any strongly stopped that structure in the center of the city it's a forerunner ship and truth is heading straight for it if he leaves the covenant fleet to earth they won't stand a chance you have to stop him that brood has the index and miranda and johnson he can activate the ring if he does i'll detonate in amber clad's reactor just like we did the autumns the blast will destroy this city and the ring not a very original plan but we know it'll work no i don't want to chance a remote detonation i need to stay here [Music] [Music] chief when you get to earth good luck after i'm through with truth go make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it [Music] [Music] what is that place where the counselors were meant to watch the consecration of the icon the start of the great journey there is still time to stop the key from turning in i must get inside then mount up arbiter i know a way to break those doors listen you don't like me and i sure as hell don't like you but if we don't do something mr mohawk's gonna activate this rig and we're all gonna die tartarus has locked himself inside the control room well i just happen to have a key come on grab a baby give me some cover gotta know what's coming human it is easy take the icon in your hands [Music] which is nothing compared to what i'll do to you tartarus stop impossible put down the icon put it down and disobey the hierarchs there are things about halo even the hierarchs do not understand take care arbiter what you say is nourishment is it oracle what is halo's purpose please don't shake the light bro if you want to keep your brain inside your head i tell those boys to chill go ahead do your thing the sacred rings what are they weapons of last resort built by the forerunners to eliminate potential flood hosts thereby rendering the parasite harmless and those who made the rings what happened to the exhausting every other strategic option my creators activated the rings they and all additional sentient life and three radii of the galactic center died as planned would you like to see the relevant data tartarus the prophets have betrayed us the great journey has begun and the brutes not the elite shall be the prophet [Applause] this [Music] foreign [Music] what's that a beacon what's it doing communicating at super aluminum speeds with the frequency communicating with what the other installations show me failsafe protocol in the event unexpected shutdown the entire system will move to standby status all remaining platforms are now ready for remote activation remote activation from here don't be ridiculous listen tinker bell don't make me then where where would someone go to activate the other rings why the ark of course and where oracle is that we've got a new contact unknown classification it isn't one of ours take it out this is spartan117 anyone hear me over isolate that signal master chief you mind telling me what you're doing on that ship sir finishing this fight [Music] silence views the empty grave now that i have gone but my mind is not at rest for questions linger on i will will ask all right shoot [Music] tell me about the children dr halsey you already know everything you kidnap them children's minds are more easily accepting of indoctrination their bodies more adaptable to augmentation the result was the ultimate soldier and because of our success when the covenant invaded we were ready dr halsey you're pending history for your own favor and you know it you develop the spartans to crush human rebellion not to fight the covenant when one human world after another fell when my spartans were all that stood between humanity and extinction nobody was concerned about why they were originally built so you feel in the end your choices were justified my work saved the human race do you think the spartans lack of basic humanity helped what are you after the others before you were naval intelligence but you you're something else records shield spartans routinely exhibited mildly sociopathic tendencies difficulty with socialization records show efficient behavior operating in hazardous situations i supplied the tools to maintain that efficiency do you believe the master chief succeeded because he was at his core broken what does john have to do with this you want to replace him the master chief is dead this file reads missing in action catherine spartans never die your mistake is seeing spartans as military hardware my spartans are humanity's next step our destiny as a species do not underestimate them but most of all do not underestimate him foreign [Music] priority [Music] [Music] [Music] wake up chief [Music] i need you [Music] [Applause] so where are we checking coordinate impact data we have asked you to build up your family your childhood your future cortana i'm sorry it's the crash i'm fine something was wrong even before we left the dawn chief really i'm fine cortana i was put into service eight years ago eight years ai's deteriorate after seven chief halsey chief we need to find halsey chief please she made you she can fix you i won't recover from rampancy chief if we can just get back to earth and find halsey she can fix this don't make a girl a promise you can't keep we need to move the cartographer keeps acting like the transmission is coming from everywhere on the planet at once it doesn't want to triangulate infinity's signal oh wait i got it that can't be right scan again we've already passed through one layer of the planet's surface it's not crazy to think that someone else made it deeper inside than we did you mean the planets hollow let me see if i can figure out a way to reach these coordinates that doesn't involve us digging a really big hole there's a terminus on the far side of the complex we can portal to the planet's core from there what i don't know if we have a shot at getting you back to infinity we're taking it okay according to the cathedral this terminus is just one node of a larger transit grid that spans the entire planet what when i tried to access the outlet closest to infinity's transmissions the system responded with this what is it that's the kicker it's the forerunner symbol for reclaimer humanity that's got to be infinity can you get us to those coordinates let me try to open a portal cortana i'm picking up unknown energy signatures where this can't be right set a waypoint out of the tower cortana how did quick into the portal cheese go where's infinity this is requiem's core all right but infinity is definitely not here that satellite in the center is amplifying the ship's broadcasts like a relay maybe we can use it to respond perhaps those beams coming off it are creating the interference we've been experiencing we'd have to take them out to contact infinity can you get us there opening a gate to the first beam pylon pull me and let's go infinity this is sierra 117 of the unsc forward unto dawn do you copy infinity do you read [Music] chief chief let go of the contacts find us an exit don't wait around on my account uh okay so fades the great harvest of my betrayer even these beasts recognize what you were oblivious to your nobility has blinded you as ever the librarian left little to chance didn't she turning my own guardians my own world against me but what hubris to believe she could protect her pets from me forever if you haven't mastered even these primitives then man has not attained the matter their ascendance may yet be prevented time was your ally human but now it has abandoned you the foreigners have returned [Applause] slip space rupture chief move whoa cowboy [Music] chief there mayday this is the captain of the unsc infinity unknown entity seize control of our ship we're without power on a collision course with an unidentified forerunner planet track its descent marking impact predicted 77.8 kilometers due north you know where he's heading same place we are say hello recon sortie heading this way the ship looks intact something tells me that's only because the dynact wanted it that way does anyone read this is sierra 117 of the unsc forward under dawn we're on station ready to assist [Music] signals bouncing in and out i can't clean it up light up their friend or foe tags we're gonna need something to zero in on afraid we're gonna have to give you an iou on that welcome home party tom lasky first officer the infinity never thought i'd see you again seal her up i thought you'd be taller commander radio's hot damn it infinity is commander lasky pelican recon teams are down repeat all birds are down we got numerous casualties that require immediate assistance over finally did you get the cord that gravity well affirmative server we're gonna need to bust out of here make it happen you were sent on a scouting run in the middle of an attack on the ship the captain thought affinity could provide us cover and hold off the attack at the same time sir we'll never get the wounded back to the ship on foot i don't know if it's too soon to ask you for a favor but we're gonna run out of breathing repair real quick i don't suppose you're any good at clearing lz's on occasion i'll send out an all clear once the area is secured what i want to know people is where the hell did those things come from it's possible that they're native to requiem or whatever counts as native for a forerunner ai we've never seen this type of offensive reaction from any of the other installations other installations mr lasky infiniti's mission has been to locate the remaining halo rings and established permanent bases to study them for decommission we've got locations up and running around installations five and three but lately they've run into some setbacks a science team got zapped excavating a forerunner artifact this sensor data is all that was left interesting these symbols are a derivation of the 4runner glyph system and our geeks managed to pull some coordinates i'll give you three guesses where it led sir gypsy company is prepped and ready to roll on your orders thank you palmer mr lasky you take point i want boots on the ground in 60. captain this is a first contact scenario master chief priority is to free infinity from requiem's gravity well and file a threat assessment back at fleetcom you mean we're leaving sir infinity drove the didact back he's vulnerable he isn't the only one you know i think you of all people would appreciate the benefit of living to fight another day infinity gypsy company the air corridor to the gravity well is blocked by a network of particle cannons infinity shields are still down open the lane for us to move up and provide air support captain what's force recon's assessment of the terrain i know you've been off the field for a while master chief but this is a blow through up sending in a recon would just slow us down telemetry indicates the particle cannons are being controlled from a command post southwest of our position roll on that target and neutralize those guns we'll meet on the other side and take the gravity well infinity out i don't know about you but i usually like a little more intel with my intel we'll make it work who are you i am what remains of the forerunner once known as the librarian my memories were retained to assist humanity on their path to the mantle though sadly that plan is now at risk the didact is leaving requiem soon you must not allow it leaving he seeks this the composer a device which will allow him to finally contain the greatest enemy ever faced by the forerunners you mankind spread into the stars with an unexpected desperate violence entire systems fell before the didax warrior servants rose to halt the aggression [Music] when the didact finally exhausted the humans after a millennia his sentence was severe [Applause] we had no way of knowing that the forerunners were not your only enemy humanity hadn't been expanding they were running weakened from our conflict we were no match for the parasite which pursued you the forerunners made plans for a final great journey but the didact refused to yield our mantle of responsibility [Music] he would save all life in the galaxy at a cost in the forerunner's quest for transcendence the composer had been intended to bridge the organic and digital realms it would have made us immortal but its results soured the stored personalities fragmented and our attempts to return them to biological states created only abominations such moral concerns faded the prometheans they're human they were only the beginning he would have encrypted your entire race if we had not removed the composer from his care and imprisoned him here reclaim her when i indexed mankind for repopulation i hid seeds from the didact seeds which would lead to an eventuality your physical evolution your combat skin even your ancilla cortana you are the culmination of a thousand lifetimes of planning planning for what he has found us even in death reclaimer the gene song i placed within you contains many gifts including an immunity to the composer but it must be unlocked how relinquish your contact lessons your evolutionary journey must be accelerated can i defeat the dyed act without it no then do it prepare infinity cannot handle that kind of punishment not again this isn't about us or this ship anymore sir we've seen what the didact is capable of if we let him leave this world humanity will be at risk look i understand what you think you saw with all due respect sir i know what i saw and with all due respect to you soldier i'm not willing to jeopardize my ship because of the hallucinations of an aging spartan and this malfunctioning ai sir what if he's right nav as soon as we know we're airtight i want a course laid into carenay station com prepare a warning beacon i will not allow you to leave this planet i didn't mean to i didn't mean to do that commander lasky pursuance article 55 of unsc regulation 12 14572 i'm ordering you to remove that ai's data chip and retire it for final dispensation i don't want to you don't want me to remove the chip now commander please i don't want to give me that chip the died act has to be stopped if you won't do that i will i am ordering you to surrender that ai no sir lieutenant arrest that man captain arrest him captain get word to earth the trouble is coming cortana and i will do what we can back here i can give you over 40 000 reasons why i know that sun isn't real i know it because the emitter's rayleigh effect is disproportionate to its suggested size i know it because its stellar cycle is more symmetrical than that of an actual star but for all that i'll never actually know if it looks real if it feels real before this is all over promise me you'll figure out which one of us is the machine so what's your plan infiniti's track the dydax vessel to a docking structure southeast of here we'll jump ship as infinity exits the roof you know i sent down here with orders to prevent you from leaving in case you'd already gone i took the precaution of ordering a pelican outfitted for full combat pursuit i hope to god you're wrong about that forerunner or whatever he has chief but in the event you're not [Music] and chief good luck both of you [Music] come on chief take a girl for a ride cortana what's happening i don't know hang on [Music] they're jumping into slip space get below deck no time so cortana still here a halo installation three it's where infinity found the coordinates for requiem then why are they bypassing it because the composer's not on the ring what are you waiting for that station's not gonna save itself [Music] into the console this is unsc master chief to base do you read yes i read you this is sandy tilson of ivanov station we're under attack they're after a forerunner artifact you took from the halo ring how do you know about that doctor i need you to protect that artifact until we arrive send whatever do you know what that card is saying after our first game of chess cortana even i don't call it my name anymore correct your approach yes though he also said he works better alone i can see why he chose him catherine cortana i'm your greatest achievement i desperately hope you know why all this is happening because to be honest my objectivity isn't doing me a whole lot of good right now hold on i'll start us down the device you recovered was a forerunner weapon the commander that ship wants it back once at bat you don't think you can remove it can't leave the station you know that right we don't have any choice doctor it's not a matter of choice it took three months and and the biggest starship the unsc could throw at it just to relocate it here unless you're a lot stronger than you look it's not going anywhere can you give cortana access to the station's supply manifest what for if we can't move the composer we have to make sure the didact can't either oh wait we have years of work invested here inventory lists seven excavation-grade havoc mines just one of those would turn this base into a pinata i'm sorry doctor keep routing your people to the evac centers once we take care of the composer you won't have much time oh make sure the nukes are primed so you can detonate them remotely maybe next time you rescue us you can give us more time to pack next time they've compromised the station's hull the dynax taken the composer get these people to the evac centers take it take it out tap the flight deck find us something that can carry a payload wait something's happening cortana can you access the station's defense systems they're not responding cortana jeez it's uh are you okay i monitored the data poles i could hear them what was left of them we need to move these people are gone and more will follow if the died reaches earth they'll pair you with another ai maybe even another cortana model at palsy lets them that's not going to happen it won't be me you know that right spinning up a broadsword in hangar c11 whatever the librarian did to you obviously worked cortana it's not over not yet not yet [Music] approaching the didax ship in 200 kilometers once we get on board we'll find the bridge he's on the move again the fighter's shields aren't rated for slip space no but the didacts are that's the last one infinity you're clear roger that chief you might want to back up a little [Music] station if you need us make sure you get the didact our regards infinity out i don't think this is going to end well now what do we do plan b so your compassion for mankind is misplaced i'm not doing this for mankind [Music] cortana cortana do you read cortana come in [Music] so how oh i'm the strangest thing you've seen all day but if we're here it worked you did it just like you always do [Music] we found him so mind if i join you of course not sir at east chief feels kind of odd for you to call me sir beautiful isn't she i don't get to see her often enough i grew up in new harmony attended corbulo military academy never saw earth in person until i was an adult but i still think of her's home you don't talk much do you chief i won't pretend to know how you feel and i've lost people i care about but never anything like you're going through our duty as soldiers is to protect humanity whatever the cost they say that like soldiers and humanity are two different things and soldiers aren't machines we're just people i'll let you have the deck to yourself she said that to me once about being a machine in this hour of victory we taste only defeat i ask why we are foreigners guardians of all that exists the roots of the galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending where there is life the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil our strength is a luminous sun towards which all intelligence blossoms and the impervious shelter beneath which it has prospered [Music] i stand before you accused of the sin of ensuring foreign ascendancy of attempting to save us from this fate where we are forced to receive humanity stands as the greatest threat in the galaxy refusing to eradicate them is a fool's damn it we squander eons in the darkness while they seize our triumphs for their own the mantle of responsibility for all things [Music] belongs to foreigners alone [Music] think of my axe as you will but do not doubt the reality the reclamation has already begun [Music] and we are hopeless to stop it um spartan lock i have spent enough years with oni to know the truth once this is over after all i have done they'll order you to kill us both fire team osiris over the last 72 hours five colonies have experienced identical events massive destruction forerunner and origin and dr catherine elizabeth halsey has managed to contact us she claims to have information on these attacks halsey is currently in covenant custody on the surface of kamchata your mission is to insert behind enemy lines retrieve halsey and bring her back to infinity be advised dr halsey is accompanied by covenant supreme leader julem dama if you have the opportunity understood commander good luck spartan lock infinity out cracking gear online affirmative say before we make this jump anybody want to say a few words i figure if god can hear how scared i am so can everyone else lock buying first drink when we're done you ask you buy fire team osiris the light is green [Music] contacts [Applause] uh [Music] what is the problem there are several would you like to discuss the finer points of casual reconciliation more human sarcasm so you have learned something from me if you claim to be able to access and i can however i did not claim to be able to access it instantaneously seems your fingers are an open rebellion eyes on target this location does not serve my needs when she makes another transmission i must try it of this doctor you have been chasing shadows for weeks [Music] huh [Music] dr hulsey captain lasky would like a word with you it took you long enough fire team osiris you are cleared to land in docking bay 11. [Music] captain lasky i sent you my position three weeks ago i told you this was happening we'll discuss that in private doctor calmer what has she done how far has it already gone good work osiris what do you think that's about i haven't seen chief press himself like this since we were in boot camp he's fine fred this many missions non-stop isn't fine sierra 117 to infinity blue team is located argent moon signs of hostile activity but she's still here copy that 117 eliminate all hostiles secure argent mode you may deploy when ready affirmative infinity 117 out [Music] here you go thanks kelly everyone ready affirmative you good blue team fallout [Music] the airlock [Music] blue team report sierra 117 to blue team report sierra 117 does anyone copy [Music] john uh teeth the domain is open meridian is next cortana john the reclamation is about to begin chief what's wrong [Music] she's on meridian who cortana clear time linda 89 seconds [Applause] sierra 117 to infinity argent moon scuttled i've reassigned blue team destination meridian potential contact from cortana negative 117. another team is already being prepped to deal with her you're to return to infinity immediately negative infinity i don't like it whoever they are let's get to meridian before they do kelly no no need to do this by yourself chief it won't court-martial all of us right [Music] i tried to warn you this was happening cortana is no longer an asset captain she is a danger she has access to the forerunner domain a galaxy spanning network cortana is allowed to house her to control whatever devices caused this damage how is she master chief believes she contacted him no john must not speak to her he's gone in search of her you let him go how is it nobody lets the chief do anything he does what he wants uh until zero 6 31 this morning when he was declared absent without leave this isn't about the master john is not equipped emotionally to deal with her as a threat hey is anyone going to answer me you're out of line roland yes sir but so is everyone else you created cortana doc and now you're throwing her out the airlock with these accusations roland you think she tricked the master chief into abandoning his post respectfully sir to what end why is cortana the problem because she refused to die when she was supposed to you're okay with this not just another target you know every target is just another target buck yeah for you maybe i love being in odst just point and shoot now this gray area of bs i mean how are we even supposed to bring them in ask politely no the hell armor restraint short-circuit their suit systems the lock every other spartan every soldier when they hear about this they're gonna hate us you know that right you're not the only one here because of him [Music] [Music] move your presence in the guardian shelter is undesirable the other humans are approved for passage regretfully you are not that sounds like a threat vacation now [Music] yep that was a threat all right [Applause] the warden said cortana was calling them to her she's not here oh they built them big didn't they figure that's the guardian can't get much by buck up here contact booty stay where you are 117 stand down sir you are absent without leave this is your one chance to come home peacefully blue team stand down i have a job to do cortana's our concern now sir like hell she is [Music] yeah yeah [Music] so [Music] damn it don't like the looks of this maybe we can get out how they got in go run [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] right i'm on it [Music] so [Music] there have been five more events following meridian it's 11 colonies i need a means to stop this now the warden confirmed dr halsey's theory cortana is activating the guardians but not this one not yet it's an ion a pre-covenant religious site on san helios is a guardian on the elite homeworld if we can get a team on the ground we can access that guardian saying helios is off limits brass wants nothing to do with the arbiter's war that's because they haven't heard my great idea that noise is an encoded numerical pattern paired quantum phase sets slip space coordinates for a forerunner mat if lock's team could feed the guardian the coordinates recorded on meridian it would take them to the same place cortana took master chief tom we can stop this but it means going to sing helios [Music] i'll make arrangements there's another one what's cortana up to chief why don't you bring us here let's keep moving foreign chief look what did this identify yourself i am the warden i stand in defense of cortana she called me to her and you came scampering she knows your forgotten name who you were before you were one one seven do you find it hard your trusted companion she keeps so much to herself [Music] take me to cortana come let us talk some more ah hey [Music] you loading up commander we're gonna see if halsey can learn to speak guardian uh the briefing for you by the time we reach san helios see you plan inside so you wrote a target dossier on the arbiter when you wrote pony that was six years ago what's your point you recommended assassinating him after we killed millions of our people so why didn't you things the arbiter changed engaged in combat we will escort you to him luck planet's deep in civil war this all goes sideways i understand sir it's not my first mission that doesn't exist good luck spartan [Music] [Music] today the covenant will fall san helios will be free you know what i did to create the spartans all in the name of the greater good doctor we don't have time cortana is built from a matrix of my own mind the domain gives her incredible power i understand spartan lock stop her but please bring jon home to me osiris everyone ready actually tanaka if i could ask a favor did you say a word or two come a long way together long way yet to go let's make a good jump like we mean to and handle fools like we need to 90 seconds to insertion point and may buck buy the first round when we get back we get through this i'll buy the whole damn bar fire team osiris the light is green guardians leaving without us there'll be some we're open your eyes doc you're missing all the fun that's twice what we're counting now you get one shot ready when you say commando [Music] look [Music] hunt them to the last the day we extinguish the covenant's light there the others chief chief please wait cortana she's dangerous i know you don't have to do this alone we're here to help you you're too late to do anything cortana no oh no she should not have brought him so close to her this will push the warden pest all restraint where'd she take us cortana what is this cortana answer me no the mantle of responsibility belongs to cortana and her people focus fire you will not betray her he is the last person i need protection from hello john it's good to see you you've changed it was time i know we have a disagreement but once you understand my plan your plan is we do as you say i'm offering people a chance to be more than they are naturally like dr halsey did for me no that monster forced you this is a gift listen to yourself stand down cortana come home with us it's not too late to stop this stop no john this is too important to stop i just needed to know if i could still trust you you'll be safe inside this kryptum until my work is done cortana [Music] goodbye john so hello [Music] where's cortana [Music] she's gone sir [Music] uh [Music] it's cortana her and the other ais are shutting down everything from earth to the outer colonies roland found you hyden seeks over infinity lieutenant jet emergency slip space now the mantle of responsibility for the galaxy shelters all but only the created are its masters we're in the clear captain did she track no reason to think she can continue random jumps steer clear major settlements we're just gonna run only until we could find a way to fight [Music] it took you long enough um would you humor me [Music] if you knew how you were going to die how would you live your life differently [Music] my name is atriox and i am the last face you will ever see you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 4,556,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Master Chief, Halo Full Movie, Halo Movie, Halo 2022 Full Movie, Halo Cinematic, Halo Cinematic Movie, Halo All Cinematics, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Cinematics, Halo Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2022, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, Fantasy, Fantasy Movie, 2022 Movie
Id: L8kxEFlj1k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 26sec (10406 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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