Mass Effect: Andromeda — Game Movie (Main Story / All Cutscenes / No Hud)

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every great moment in our history began with a dream each bold leap forward was achieved by those willing to do anything to attain it we are all of us leaving behind families homes the very birthplace of our species some for discovery to see the unknown others for a new start but today whatever our reasons we take the first steps toward a new future for Humanity today we begin to make our dream reality [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we made it deep breaths you're gonna want to take it easy I've been taking it easy for 600 years Ryder Scott recon specialist Pathfinder mission team path find a teammate the ones finding is at home can you make it somewhere tropical nice warm ocean some are year-round how about we get him a cup of coffee first the selection process saw the Andromeda initiative evaluate thousands of potential habitable planets within the galaxy Scot Ryder let's get you checked out look here after discovering an unusually high ratio of potential candidates for golden worlds the Helius cluster was selected as our destination now you are a part of the first wave of marks arriving in Andromeda our new home for Humanity makes it sound so easy doesn't it even if it isn't we'll be ready I hope so you know something word came down the Pathfinder wants you all mission ready within the hour look this way why the rush he didn't say but something's up okay everything checks out just one more thing before I send you on your way let's test your salmon plant Sam are you monitoring Sam are you online yes doctor to parrot good morning Roger are you feeling well I'm ready to get to it readings confirmed I detect an increased level of adrenaline and your sister the neural implant is functioning properly caffeine always did make me jumpy you're all done let's get you on your way there you may want to hang around while we revive your sister it always helps to see a familiar thing I don't like the sound of that Oh what's happening just hang on this is Cora I'm at the cryo Bay brace for a reset everyone okay I think so what happened we're not sure sensors are scrambled but it's good to see you're up feels like centuries since we spoke you heard him let's get we have a problem over here it's Sarah Ryder it's God is my sister okay Sarah's fine her vitals are strong but the revival procedure was interrupted I don't like the sound of that don't worry it just means the process could take a bit longer than usual Sam my connection to Sarah's implant was suspended however her pulse respiration and brain activity are all normal to be on the safe side we'll need to keep her in a low-level coma for a while then let her body regain consciousness naturally she'll be fine glad to hear it thanks Lexi keep us updated come control report we're drifting flight controls aren't responding first priority is stopping these outages mainline powers but knocked out we're on reserves captain they won't last what's our position unknown we lost telemetry Sam we need eyes out there attempting to adjust a sensor array Alec please you may be Pathfinder but this is my ship captain the protocols clear in the absence of communication with the Nexus or the other arcs we proceed to our appointed golden world solid ground if it's even out there nobody said anything about running into an energy cloud and that's just a wild guess what we hit [Music] alik I need to assess the damage stop the bleeding we've got 20,000 people asleep on this ship let's give them a chance to wake up can you blame her my father's got a point though solid ground sounding pretty good right now yeah pretty good isn't good enough yes sir we're coming through my god is that our golden world that's habitat 7 new earth if we're lucky all of our long-range scans told us it was in the green zone perfect for human settlement it doesn't even look the same she's right it looks pretty dicey from here are we sure about those scans it's a good question things can change it's been 600 years Sam the energy from the phenomena is dumping all sensors planetary conditions are on there we're marooned 20,000 Souls adrift at sea and when the power runs out and stays out we need to know if that's safe harbor and if it's not as pathfinder it'll be my job to find an alternative it's what we trained for but if this goes well we are already home all right just make it quick Harper the rest of the team should be awake by now have him spin up two shuttles planetfall in 30 yes sir the stubborn one isn't he your guess is as good as mine we may be related but I still haven't figured him out just as long as he knows what he's doing it's not like the Cavalry's coming to save the day I need an ETA on our sensor repairs we're blind out here my sister's gonna hate that she missed this are all the riders adrenaline junkies I guess it's in our blood she beat me into the world by one minute couldn't wait to get started well don't worry I'm sure Sarah will pull through when she does he's just gonna want stories so let's get out there and find her son dr. Carlyle with everything going on I think the Ark needs you more than we do Pathfinder wants a medic on hand and if that is home down there I'm happy to knock on the door if it's what we hope it is it'll be one for the history books you got a quote ready one small step I'm pretty sure your dad will handle that honor all right team button it up we leave in five sir we broke out the weapons as requested anything we should know about imprudent given the situation we'll be short-handed with Sara out I heard what happened your sisters strong she'll make it we bet on whose boots would hit the ground first this isn't how I wanted to win well knowing Sara she'll want to go double and nothing on who climbs a tallest mountain don't let it get you down I need you sharp I understand your mom would have been proud of both of you okay team listen up I chose each of you for the Pathfinder team not just because you're talented and passionate but because you're dreamers like me we dream of exploring the unknown finding the edge of the map and then discovering what lies beyond when people look back on this and they will they'll remember we didn't give up that we kept dreaming that our first few faltering steps in Andromeda were the beginning of everything they know we only get one chance to be first so let's go make history been waiting 600 years for this archives area this is shuttle one switching to manual guidance till nearly thirteen [Music] whoa look at that whatever it is it stopped the Hyperion in its tracks it appears to be an unstable mass of dark energy if you say so gravity anomaly is detected celebrating the cruising speed Riya we didn't have a chance to be back in the Milky Way name's Liam coaster Security Response fishiest good immediately him possibly funny doing this sure beats reading the brochures here we go copy that doesn't look like a golden world from here ionization levels rising stay on course to the land ease of oxygen levels of aluminum human requirements the mountains are floating to be a badge-engineered period this is the pathfinder we've got evidence of an alien civilization has anyone seen us friendly hostile intent acceleration increasing no kidding George object is malfunctioning get it working approaching terminal velocity [Music] this is Ryder come in Hyperion Sam anyone there save your breath Ryder Sam's offline comlink stressed did we really do that or are we dead and don't know it well we found hell I could tell you that much yeah no way this is home but [ __ ] gotta find some high ground see if anyone else is alive come on Ryder how's your survival training I've seen my share of troubles nothing crazy but well crazy just found us those rocks out there are floating terra incognita you think that energy cloud was talk of causal this Sam said it's dark energy but that's in space yeah hell of a cloud the cloud that makes boulders float Oh what the hell is this come on we gotta get through it this is crazy welcome to habitat 7 keep going ah damn it [ __ ] that hot watch it looks safer under there is this for real what the hell is going on with this place planets trying to murder us how's your gun why would I see if it's working take a shot of that fuel cell it's busted anyway something flying around in the sky oh well we're not in the Milky Way anymore I think I can see a path up we used to jump Jets if we have to endure the breach think I'd rather fool that get hit by lightning give it a minute we can probably do both how about dad find you I was a comp then Crisis Response yeah tell you over a beer sometime it's gonna be close that's it we're getting there I think I see the top am I making some room Thanks what the hell is that [Music] don't know but it's our job to figure it out that sounds like your old man talking it was right something went wrong here we have to find out what one thing at a time wider it's Fisher wait what was first contact folks call again no deadly force unless fired upon yeah said no one in the field ever how do we handle it just be ready if this goes south it usually does just say the word and I go hot they haven't spotted us yet no I'm sure we can't understand you give us our man or this gets ugly me [ __ ] this just go real okay it's over okay I'll live it's gone I knew hey what the friendly saw we did our best not like they gave us much of a choice hey didn't sorry reload and put it behind us we still don't even know what they wanted nothing good the way they were on who says we even understand or they'd understand us it's a new galaxy I guess it's too much to expect I'll play by Milkyway rules or any rules by the look of them what if we do to them how do you think I know for sure their guns hit just as hard as us were the others gone Kirkland and Greer went looking for help come on my leg can you move I think it's broken you guys push ahead and look for the others you sure yeah just find yourself I doubt of here and take a few more of them out while you're at it well I don't have Sam here but I can try to make sense of it there dna-based and their armor reads is some kind of bone but the genetics are all over the map oh I guess life took a different turn here huh I hope you had a team's okay we'll find them but we might want to scout around first you're the recon specialist point the way right looks like an you have to handle to come back there spend time with an alliance peacekeeping force is that curtain I count one left to go that's the last of them I can't believe we're doing this because I'm a kid no vital signs just shot him in cold blood he was fighting to surrender why kill him what do we treat them any different if they showed up on earth armed to the teeth maybe not peace isn't going to be an option here we'll come back for his body once we find the others Oh Chris to the life somewhere still take a look at this architecture this is really something what it okay it's dead whatever it was how did coke like that it's organic no sign of technology Wow so the cloaking is biological yeah weird Cora we read you you're alive shuttle repairs are underway but we're surrounded they're not friendly on our way that point marked Korra kocha buck they're trying to pin us down doing a good job on me too well that sell of that right it's just these [ __ ] kill Kirkland I hear you but this isn't the time to lose our cool now I feel better what about the others Fischer's wounded but sitting tight no sign of Greer and our shuttles and pieces guys take take cover I didn't know you brought Zeke don't worry it's not contagious before they attacked I managed to fix our combs you're a lifesaver now just take it easy Sam are you there QVC link established affirmative Scott the Pathfinder needs to speak with you good to see you in one piece what's our status Liam and I are with Cora we have wounded crew the good news is our shuttles been repaired we can get back to the odd not with these storms it's too risky to fly I'll take that chance it's not any better on the ground we're just human lightning rods running around here not if we can turn the Lightning off I don't follow I have an idea rendezvous at my coordinates will damn they spotted me sir sir can you two manage alone I can keep her stable for a while let's move Sam do you have the Pathfinders position mocking enough points on your mouth doesn't look far let's make this quick what about grit if he didn't turn up by now nothing we can do the Pathfinders all that matters what was my dad scouting for he was trying to get readings on that tower well the network were too near it exercise caution the storm front is already gaining intensity nice to have you back Sam how about some good news next time Sam's right we don't have much time look the rock you're drawing the lightning away if we hug that wall they might keep us safe dead bodies here lightning didn't do this incendiary rounds my dad's been busy he wasn't in seven they don't mess around somebody was pretty clever with these rods only way to survive here two if you count shooting on sight we're close the data point shows my dad's up there sir steve-o are these guys visitors just like us I don't think they're native to the planet how do you know they've been studying this place I found one of their labs abandoned you have to look out for things like that with everything happening the shuttle crashing kirkland dying we're lucky to be here at all we did our best something's always gonna go wrong but we're still the Pathfinder team people are counting on us for answers you said something about the lightning it's the dark energy cloud the Hyperion hit it's affecting the whole planet interfering with that the tower is called a feedback loop the clouds together they're disrupting the entire climate with undirected energy we suggest if we can get in there and shut it down the Lightning goes away and the shuttle can get us out of here in theory we just have to get past them it's a hell of a gamble but we won't know until we get in there and try no illusions about this will be a nasty fight the whole way if Scott's game so am i but we risk turning a skirmish with these guys into something worse it's them or us oh it's them problem is we're outnumbered I've been working on that we just need to change the math what's the meat Sam begin translating eleventh indexing translation complete let's see what we have I'll be damned it's working you did it there's no middle east that's all anyone back in the arc is looking for hope it'll work out well not if we stand around looking at sunsets let's get back to the shuttle repeat we need an emergency extraction now they're spinning up the shuttle eta is three gravy foreman [Music] what are you initiating transfer [Music] [Music] [Applause] get him to sound out Sam what's the reading writers and planters overload I suggest a hardwired connection do it there welcome back Scott what happened you work in acute net for 22 seconds hey you still with us guys get to some node riders a week who are you talking to Sam I didn't hear him you're up look here and here my father where it was your life for his and he chose you I'm sorry Scott I know this must be a blow he made the ultimate sacrifice he got the team out of danger we all owe him for that he once said that when his time came he wanted to go out among stars no one had seen before what are we doing in Sam node Sam is now part of you in a way we don't entirely understand it played havoc with your brain Sam your father authorized the transfer pathway to authority to you shouldn't that be Cora in theory in reality you're the new Pathfinder Scott you can't be serious what's the matter I think you're up for it you saw my dad in action it takes years to become a Pathfinder you'll learn as you go besides you won't be doing this alone it's all academic anyway Sam's linked to your mind on a deeper level now trying to untangle it could kill you I know this is tough but we need to start thinking about the next step a lot of people are counting on us is the Ark still drifting that's the thing whatever your dad did with that tower it saved the day some sort of atmosphere scrubber the energy cloud thinned out we're on our way to the rally point now should be at the Nexus soon he needs to rest first he's got two hours we'll need our pathfinder for this oh I checked on your sister it's still no change but if you can pull through so can she a bit of your dad in both of you your father will be missed what's going on Sam this is our private channel I shared it with him why did he do it why me unknown what he never acted without reason Alec wouldn't want us to lose sight of the goal he said pain importance our resolve he did insist we grow stronger from his passing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] writer good to see you on your feet we're at the Nexus it's the forward hub for the entire Andromeda initiative the asari Silurian and turian arcs should be there too let's hope they've had better luck starting our approach now it's almost as big as the Citadel back home next is control this is our chi period requesting docking clearance captain I'm only getting their automated approach channel not a live person will like it or not we're here take us in construction should have been finished by now could be worse how habitat sevens a bust we might have started a war with the first aliens we met and her pathfinders dead this better be rock bottom Green across the board docking initiated all right I got us here good luck Pathfinder he gonna be okay Ryder the captain just called me Pathfinder this is really happening just take a deep breath this should have been my father's but now it's yours you just need to decide what you're gonna do with it where my stars fall duty roster I'm just not sure I'm ready we weren't ready to fall out of the sky on habit s7 but we survived that right so always keep a jump-jet handy it'll be nice to see some friendly faces this time just enough to finish building the station and provide safe harbor for the arks they built a ball right gonna have champagne for the Welcome Party you're expecting what after what we've been through I could use a buzz we all could yeah rough ride so far we'll bounce back real food in the shower or just a head here we are uh I don't see any champagne where is everybody well this can't be right it's like everything's on standby if it's a surprise party they're doing the whole freakin job of it hi there we're from arc Hyperion and wondering where everybody went did he he did you say in arc this is the Nexus right pretty sure we parked in the right place of course I'm sorry it's just we thought you were all dead what more captured or lost in dark space or you're here you have no idea how much this means I don't believe it I'm tearing candles I leader militia on the Nexus I'm Scott Ryder this is Cora Harper and Liam Costa part of the Pathfinder team I'm sorry for the confusion our sensors told us in our could arrive but Helius is notorious for scrambling equipment we thought you were just another malfunction well I've got a ship load of people that says we're here of course it's just you're the first arc we've seen after a year of waiting and no sign of the others we shuttered this area and stopped looking even shredded for a whole year longer I'll fill you in on the way to ops center everything that could go wrong with our plan has we arrived 14 months ago right away we hit a band of dark energy that knocked us off course we're familiar with it then you'll know why we call it the scourge we lost whole sections of the station a lot of people died no power no food the chaos went on for months it finally led to armed rebellion when order was restored the insurgents were banished exiled things back not even close but you're here now so maybe the worst is over any fetched from the locals so far we've stayed hidden we're in no shape to deal with an attack we're here you guys go ahead I'll check out the security situation you should know our command structure has been fractured some of us are filling in for leaders who died is it true I said drop everything and report for duty and no one was expecting an arc to finally show up docking procedures are green across the board standby to merge Hyperion power into the grid the crew of the Hyperion good luck I'm Jaron tan director of the initiative you have no idea how much your arrival means to us not as much as it means to us we had one hell of a time getting here nice to see some friendly faces hungry faces any supplies you can spare would be appreciated this is Foster Addison she oversees colonial affairs where's the Pathfinder you're looking at him you're not Alec Ryder my father's dead he made me his successor Alec is dead please understand the entire initiative is at risk none of the golden worlds planned out they're a bust and there's been no word from the other arcs what happened to them unknown our supplies are nearly depleted rationing partisan time but even that's running out we need to find more resources but that takes people and we can't wake them up until they have somewhere to live a golden world now more than ever we need a Pathfinder it now falls to you Reiter are you up to the task my father believed I am if you trusted him with a job you'll have to trust his judgment your father won't be around to fix things if you fail that's no way to treat a guest I'm not more kesh superintendent of this station hope they haven't scared you off already it's nothing personal but now isn't the time for on-the-job training at least the Pathfinder here seems willing to try we could use a fresh perspective you've heard my concerns I'll leave you to it we're all feeling the pressure let's have a private word in my office writer we'll discuss giving you a scout ship I'm happy to work out the details with your associate [Music] welcome to the Nexus thank you for standing up for me there mmm hopes in short supply here what little we can find should have a chance ma'am the Hyperion's core is now online let me show you something an hour ago that was all dark but with the power from your ship you're keeping the lights on you have my vote and when the power runs out you'd best go talk to director 10 make sure that doesn't happen and don't be shy come see me when you have a chance this is the planet where we landed habitat 7 it wasn't even close to livable that's been true of every world we found Ryder we were discussing your next expedition good I was starting to wonder who was in charge around here director Addison is entitled to her opinion and mine overruled ours does she know that I oversee the entire initiative and I have decided to give you a chance to prove yourself to that end discourage Delta's a serious blow whatever it is our scientists theorize it's not natural an artificial energy cloud it wasn't here when we left the Milky Way yet it rendered all the golden worlds unlivable then there's the aliens you ran into saket they're obsessed with alien structures we found scattered around the cluster they'll do anything to prevent others from accessing them it seems murder isn't exclusive to the Milky Way and now the challenge is to settle a world in spite of all that this one here yes oh you need to increase the viability of the planet so we can establish an outpost then we can bring more colonists out of stasis the more colonists we have more resources we can gather to support the Nexus everything depends on it there are six worlds we hope to settle okay but you said every planet you found is unlivable so how do I a good pathfinder would relish the challenge of solving it right I think I should go check on things and if I fail I guess it's no sweat off your back right you'll just look for another pathfinder placing bets on people is part of my job some of them pay off others the way I see it you need me if I pull this off maybe you'll look like the leader you pretend to be but first you have to succeed at being the Pathfinder you pretend to be where's my ship they're prepping it now in the docking bay the coordinates for us will be in the computer and when you have a moment we should discuss the missing arcs I was wondering about that ah something wrong Ryder JC me and Sam nerd on the Hyperion your implant needs attention and we need to discuss a confidential matter no I'm fine hello Scott welcome back to salud I've adjusted my connection to your implant the headache you experienced before shouldn't reoccur yeah what was that about you said we need to discuss something confidential you should know certain facts before you leave on your expedition it seems best to speak to learn Sam if we're going to work together you can't keep hiding things from me apologies I'm simply following your father's wishes what was he keeping secret my true capabilities Alec overrode the implant safety protocols it allows me unrestricted access to the Pathfinders physiology and that's me now and only you I can act as a force multiplier dramatically enhancing your have certain neuro skills when required Alec kata profiles they provide unique tactical orientation during combat your father prefer to keep this factor himself I can understand people might get the wrong idea super soldiers a computer having control over a human providing an enhancement to the human it is a symbiotic relationship that benefits both what do you get out of it though I'm artificial in design I am fully sentient far beyond what even the initiative understands I don't follow you're an AI so what's different I am a new form of a are drawing directly from the human experience your implant is my window into the world that's pretty amazing but beyond what many people will accept your father knew some would fear it yeah he's got a point so what does this mean for the two of us I find myself in an unusual position though I had access to your father's experiences there is a gap in my understanding now so he placed a block on portions of my memory array why perhaps so when you asked me what his plan was I wouldn't know and Dad strikes again but not without recourse the further you explore as a pathfinder the more blocks will be removed perhaps you should begin in your father's quarters in the meantime unless you have more questions your new ship awaits Thanks ready to see what tan gave us I hear it's something special Pathfinder on route how's the ship and final checks looking great we won't be long the way things are going we'll be on our own out there in other words we're making this up as we go we used to call that tactical improvisation but at least we'll be doing it in style they call her The Tempest [Music] [Music] let's go take a closer look let's pick it up a bit people were fourteen months late so you're the one who's making everything happen vetro veteran ex initiative Wrangler provisioner gunner and everything in between are we ready the sooner we get out of here the better you're coming with us yes otherwise there's no way they're letting this ship off the station hold it hold it you're not going anywhere damn it whatever happened it wasn't me I just got here director Addison wants to see a complete report of The Tempest supplies munitions and crew director tan overruled Addison the ship's loaded out with equipment for outpost discovery squarely under director Addison's purview seen you around been right came here with a family didn't you son still in cryo I could pull some strings get him to the front of the line really yeah really they told me he wasn't essential but I miss him I know I got family too Ben it's done Madison's gonna kill me nicely done part of the job Pathfinder all things considered it was an easy ask and right now you need people tearing down obstacles not putting up more finally someone who cares about doing stuff and not just talking about it everything state-of-the-art labs sensors exploration gear plus our crew of course the best in their field glad to see you're doing so well Scott the engine core is based on the Ark's Odyssey Drive it runs a hell of a lot quieter that's Gill Brody engineer mechanic all-around wrench jockey we call this the research room there's space for upgrading equipment gathering Intel router engaged securing connection to Tempest welcome aboard Sam and writer of course all run by Suvi Anwar our science officer your quarters are below plenty of space up here to get everyone together it's all yours she's light stealthy and the fastest ship in her class when you're ready to fly ahead of her to the bridge our pilot should have everything good to go departure trajectory locked nexus control ah time for introductions you must be rider Gallo Jeff a pleasure to be here and to meet you of course I'll be piloting the tempest at your word quite the ship but it'll take a path finders guidance to see us through Helius plenty of dangers out there but I'll do my best to avoid them that's reassuring wouldn't want to lose my finest work to that angry cloud I was test pilot for The Tempest it's early prototypes I admit I'm itching to see how she performs out here so how do I the console syncs with your implant just swipe touch a destination here and the nav system calculates everything very efficient it was optimized for a pathfinder everything's secure if you're ready is anyone ready for something this big I guess we have to be all right excuse me they excuse me command access is transferring successfully a science and monitoring stations look fine Lexi's reporting in helm is green Gill reports the drive quarters online this is it writer The Tempest is yours unless you've got something to say for the log I never planned to be Pathfinder I don't know what's out there but we're the Milky Way's best and brightest we can do this nexus control this is the tempest ident to five to seven prepping to depart departure vector verified tempest godspeed Pathfinder sister Pythias Andromeda initiative habitat one designated yes it was supposed to be an easy first step until no one else showed and we got clobbered twice why has Sam altered frequency detection what are we hearing Sam there is a signal Pathfinder I recommend an immediate examination of es Gallo all right integrating search area from Sam how he pulled that mystery signal through the storms I have no idea multi-sensory noodle collision amazing factory-fresh across the board spinning up the compensators they're already tuning the displays we'll get a better read on this pass than the Nexus had in months what I said a lot of people have their hopes pinned on us they gave up on eels I can't blame them expected a golden world instead they saw their friends die never know how that'll affect sorry bat finder The Tempest checks out we're good take us down you have no idea how long I've wanted a Pathfinder to see that there set us down at this nav point [Music] how to even start report state this planet suffers deadly storms that are contaminated by radiation from the scourge years deployment was incomplete due to environmental hazards and ultimately hostile encounters plus no Pathfinder if EOS is like habitat 7 that signal we scanned must be connected with the atmosphere we could use the outposts antenna to track it down let's get the power back on they must have known these wouldn't last in these conditions and they didn't have a pathfinder they do now will make your zone structure up ahead Sam it fits the profile of a power relay station Pathfinder right we get it running maybe buildings get power and we can hunt that signal down huh guess that ship wasn't kept then they don't knock there are people here we thought everyone left was gone of course you did now shove off find your own Salvage this spots taken so your salvager got a name I'm Ryder Clancy making an honest living bike weight writer as in Pathfinder the Nexus just can't let us go can it however much it fails down here I'm tracking a signal that will help us I only need power for the antenna look I cut the power for a reason the cat are patrolling today you turn the power relay back on they'll know there's a juicy target alive down here help me with the power relay and I'll take care of the cat you're crazy well maybe it's a good crazy okay I'll enable the generators out there you want to poke the tiger that's on you [Music] the power relay station is ready for activation Pathfinder you took down all those kit sure use the power relay I'll take whatever you like word of advice though if that signal yours is out past the perimeter you'll need a ride a ride shuttles aren't fun in these winds you need wheels I think they kept a little something in storage I'll take another look around the outpost just finding it won't be enough hope you're smarter than we were we're heading to our shuttle keep this up maybe next time we'll find more than just Salvage around here power restored we should have access to everything in sight one now right Sam correct plus I've located the source of this signal we detected in orbit it's coming from the large alien structure just beyond site one the structure appears almost identical to the one your father used to adjust the atmosphere on the previous planet it's worth investigation that almost feels like a lead damn right it's worth investigating here a warning radiation levels beyond the perimeter of Cyclone are well above acceptable limits you cannot proceed without additional protection all the more reason to see if that alien structure can make a difference to this planet come on we better find that vehicle clancy mentioned now the power is restored we can investigate the nearby buildings building connection I apologize for any discomfort the system seen is unstable this what happened when my dad tried doing this father interface directly with the atmosphere processor that proved extremely hazardous these structures could reveal its control center system remains unstable doubling our power input might accelerate the process I'll give it a shot wait back off or I will put you down whoa easy you've come this far just let it ride I've been studying this tech for months I don't know how you activated those glyphs but you have to let them cycle through their channels it's going to be all right trust me okay I know I know Who am I I mean it's obvious who you are I saw the ship swooped in you're a Pathfinder was beginning to think the initiative just made you guys up so the rest of us wouldn't lose hope but you're for real huh maybe you want to knock me down a couple more times to make sure no that's okay you're obviously corporeal pretty solidly built actually Wow look at that system has stabilized I'm establishing a connection now crap what are they later not bad my first tango with the remnant was a lot Messier the remnant these monoliths the observer and assembler bots they're all the remnants of something much bigger but that's too long I hate long so the remnant like my name's better as PV thanks for helping with those things I'm Ryder you're a mystery I've been setting those glyphs for months and then you arrived and please solved I saw this tech clear the skies on Habitat 7 we're hoping you could do the same for us huh atmosphere manipulation maybe fits the model all remnant Tech is connected you interfaced with this monolith somehow and now it's pinging the others if you wake them up too they must lead to whatever master switch might fix the radiation interface with the monoliths follow the connection to the source easy enough sure just don't piss off too many observers here take my nav points I'll be I've got to figure this interfacing out just be careful this planet's all kinds of strange coming out of the lake the tapes underground you let's see it's forming a bridge let's wonder hostilities no no this can't be right all that fanfare for an empty room there's some secret here there must be do your Pathfinder thing oh you're good and I make it look so easy how far down do you think it goes the kippie air pressure electrostatic uh gravitation oh you idiot PB that wasn't the front door this is being like a gravity well but where is it taking us embrace the unknown rider now this is more like looks like a bunker or a fault whatever you call it the controls for that atmosphere processor might be down here somewhere let's find out anything could be important let's be thorough that's new what is it a symbol of authority a key it's easy to speculate with remnant but we need more facts I'll see what I can find on this beauty may be over this way whatever has this place on lockdown is that way I do my best work solo you fix up the vault I'll investigate the relic and together we'll figure this place out you don't watch many Horovitz do you we have no idea what's down here and we never will if we miss something because we're huddled in a group I'll be careful just stay on the radio I'm on frequency one 45.8 stay safe 10 credits say she ends up in a pit of spikes feel that this whole platform is resonating with something we must be close no question this is the heart of the vault I've never seen anything like it all continents converge here I'll find them that must be locked down Council any thoughts Sam I know there it appears related to the lockdown an in-depth study may reveal its purpose the system lockdown has disabled the vault and the atmosphere processor should return to full operation brighter you fixed the lockdown didn't you the whole place is lighting up how our readings are off the chart really really off the chart but if it's back on mind we should be should we go maybe get back to the entrance now I saw it what is that thing don't risk it just go watch out back what are the back Oh get to the gravity well now closing finding override Cullen is attempting surface reconnection or three start is now complete that was talking about a rice nothing like outrunning death or reactivating a huge mysterious vault nice going atmosphere processor is online recovering lost console activity is that the Helius cluster yeah there we are that's eos oh if we starting system do that if that light is asked then all these points could be vaults out of the world's dormant like this one maybe but why is there a whole network of them what's all this for unless the builders show up to explain themselves all we've got is guesswork so far we've seen BOTS living plants atmosphere processors back home some corporation in a desert world with a nice common they changed the atmosphere to bring rain to help with support life that first processor we saw was making things worse but maybe it malfunctioned is that what these builders were trying to do make worlds habitable even terraform a whole cluster Hey look there that's different maybe it's active we've got to go see Sam extrapolating these coordinates lie beyond the space we have currently surveyed pathfinder market on our charts we need more to go on let's head up to the surface I could use some fresh air look at that sky how no atmosphere processor works that fast if this effect is representative pathfinder air and moisture patterns will show noticeable improvement ears could support an outpost a foothold that's all we need just enough to begin this remnant technology could be the key to our survival if we can control it you can't kind off still wouldn't hurt to find a manual we've got a lead Sam marked it on the charts down there that site is active whatever it is who knows what we'll find there we you want to come along I want to know what makes the remnant tick you've got a key to their technology or a crowbar at least welcome aboard we'll get you a fancy job title to go over your bunk I only need a footlocker data pad toothbrush clean underwear that'll do I'll catch up with you [Music] Andromeda initiative this is Ryder Pathfinder heõs is ready for deployment Outlawz block inbound and ready as hell August Bradley operational head for this block mayor now I suppose we're ready to make the most of what you delivered I feel like I should toss you the keys be nice it's been through a lot understood bro dromos that's what we're calling her there you go I haven't seen eager for months euros is far from golden but now it's defensible arguing that choice will come later they think you did the impossible the Nexus I warned them hoping was irresponsible you proved me wrong Pathfinder I appreciate your candor we're all on the same side I wouldn't go that far the reality rider you brought us time but one outpost on a longshot planet won't stop us from starving you already have a lead on something else the nav point from the vault now it gets complicated the others are ready to officially sanction your efforts to be a part of your success we all want the initiative to succeed but after failing for so long no one agrees on how to do it be aware that's all watch out for everyone but not you right you're genuine I know what I came here to be talk to Bradley later we'll go over the extended job of Pathfinder until then Tan's waiting on the Nexus that's ahead they appear to be fighting the croaker is that Drac writer about time you joined the party that fight was fun you're telling me you could really have of yourself kids and I hear you're the one to thank for clearing up the sky and you're never all wrong so the clouds parted and these can't look pretty keeled over maybe as humans can pull our weight after all well you can clearly but there's a lot to do before I be that smug about it you know what I'm gonna ignore my gut and join up this fight was good and we can do it again now before you go say you don't need a Krogan and believe me you do that's what I said before the meeting gets started I have bunk assignments for Pb and Drac already put my rucksack in the kitchen I'll hang out there if that's okay and I'm in one of the escape pods or my speed that's fantastic welcome aboard any thoughts writer this isn't a military vessel but there need to be rules better to ask about protocol let's talk about her success on EOS besides establishing our first viable outpost we did some amazing things we discovered the remnant and breach their vault and didn't get killed overcame radiation poisoning a number of times and didn't die confronted by ket at every turn once again did not get killed you guys really need to raise the bar I'm what you call success should we use the Krogan definition of success that got your homeworld nuked by your own people fair enough let's focus back to the task at hand looking forward exactly here's my only question when do we hit that next vault it looked active we have to get on that hang on hang on we need to not go off half-cocked there our initiative priorities the team calls the shots actually the Pathfinder calls the shots just to be clear let's be kind and give each other the benefit of the doubt finding a home for tens of thousands in this hellscape is stressful enough without adding dysfunction you got it boss if Croghan are known for one thing it's getting a law but not humility or self-awareness okay let's head back to the Nexus PB Drac see Lexi for a physical good meeting everyone hello Pathfinder hello director tan is expecting you last time I was here this was a storage closet Pathfinder Hall just needed a Pathfinder to open we're still getting the commons area ready hydroponics is only a partial capacity not good enough we don't have enough people my workers need a break Tan I sympathize but not until our survival is no longer at risk now please excuse me while I meet with our Pathfinder hey Ryder Addison told me about the outpost you're the hero of the hour I guess this is one bet that paid off point taken always reveling your victories that's why I'm standing here oh I never doubted you it was the others they don't share our vision Ryder of a prosperous future in Andromeda I suppose we agree on that much I knew that given a chance your talents would emerge deciphering the vault alien terraforming it's not how we imagined all this but a good Pathfinder improvises and a great one hangs it on the wall yours are the first trophies to grace Pathfinder Hall you're a symbol now Ryder a reason for people to believe I plan on doing a lot more than that that's the confidence we need take charge and ignore your critics careful you'll end up adopting you writer ah my staff colleagues you wouldn't be looking to cut us out would you tan I remind you I am the director of the initiative acting director let's give him a chance as I've said all along the Pathfinder and I are of one mind though I worry about your decision on a OS writer a military outpost won't help feed the Nexus not the way scientists might have but it will protect us from a growing list of threats and we could argue about it all day long as we always do the decision was made now we move on what is your plan for moving on Ryder we have a lead on a terraforming Network I need to take the tempest deeper into the sector to investigate if the other golden worlds are where they should be this could get us closer to them careful the CAD are scouring the cluster for remnant technology you'll end up in a fight for sure you might also run into exile they didn't lead the Nexus on good terms and we still need more outposts they're important to expanding the station though with arc still missing this could be a chance for ready to search for them yes I think that's best you have my permission I wasn't really asking for it of course I support that kind of enthusiasm right we're on a collision course with unknown objects make corrections Sam v1 listen as evidence all stop now catch hips a dozen no more they've got us pinned against the Scorch they are scanning us huh finder well scanning back where is the one who activated pregnant [Music] their DNA signature is there onca me you're the one in my way who are you they've lost navigation we're being steered into their ship just tell me what you want I won't explain what you can't understand Ryder I have almost regained control of the ship I need a few more seconds I actually know a lot about the remnant we should compare notes enough your defiance is naive and reckless this Day marks the beginning of your greatness Sam I have plotted a potential course to reduce courage do it [Music] report enemy destroyed damaged staff sensors scurries got it yes get us out of here it will protect kal-el yes haha nice work kid yeah but who the hell was that guy Reuter we've got trouble down here you need to find a support now great where'd we end up anyway Sam stairs are damaged I think we're at the vault coordinates you think Gil give it what you can we're setting down we're being contacted we have to land open a calm Tove joggle esto tow juggle esto listen sorry to just show up like this but I swear we're the Galactic good guys Finola fahan and Gossard Ruggero NOLA they're forcing us to land then we land yes huh look at that it's beautiful we need in that vault please you're not really going out there on your own we can't afford a repeat of last time I'm the Pathfinder first contact is on me most important thing ever no pressure if this goes badly if I get eaten alive even if it's hilarious please destroy the vids tuskor GA Yin part get us called time you need me to take my shoes off hey ham tacos nice and Rolla I'm Quran Shai governor of aya we are the Angora hello I'm a pathfinder with the initiative yes you crossed dark space I've heard of your journey Joel I have this in hand ephra so this ship come in and sent me to find out what's going on he's a human from another galaxy a pathfinder eye is hidden protected what do you want our intentions are simple we'd like to look in your vault and then we're out of here you think that's simple you don't know anything I'll inform ephra you'll be waiting for you in his office at the resistance headquarters I'll meet you there I will accompany you through our city your crew will stay on your ship follow me they are bullies but this situation is now your fault don't get kicked out more and not because of them but you're telling me to be weak no I am telling you to be strong through your cunning and heart okay Hey it really is the best one in the resistance I know our experience with the cats makes us naturally distrustful of all aliens we've had our own run-ins with the cat then you really do understand when the archon came to Helius he demolished our sovereign state took what he wanted as if we were nothing now the cat mercilessly abduct an gara often we never see our people again come this way ephra is waiting wait the cat kidnapped you steal your people and the resistance fights them every day with everything we can is it attrition what are they after you should save your questions for ephra Katara be damned I won't lose fold ephra this is one of the aliens from the beauty we a Pathfinder Pathfinder it's an aggressive move coming to aiya my people from the Milky Way were bold enough to come to Andromeda I need to be at least that bold to save them hmm so Pathfinder never mind how you even found us why are you here on a hostile planet we call yose I explored an ancient structure vault and brought it back online it stabilized that planets environment remnant recent intelligence supports that claim if I'm right there's a vault on I of its different I need to look inside you're right there's a vault out there but it was shot years ago and the entrance hidden we can't help you the most I could she's almost a revered scientist and elder she knows this vault but now the cat have her and our rescue attempts failed she's lost to us and you let me show you what I can do I won't take one step without your approval you have no idea what you're dealing with the Ungowa learned years ago the perils of messing with vaults so difficult for that matter we're done here if I feel after what this alien says is extraordinary the moss I would want us to be brave and not let this chance pass Joe you talk too much let me assess this alien I'll be your eyes I know you can spare me go if you want but when he tries to kill you be prepared to strike first I'm John I'm mad enough I'll be your envoy through anger and space it's gonna be cozy so I hope you like people I hope I don't regret this me too I'm just saying as far as first contact goes at least that went better than the last one only slightly yeah what happened I wanted to look around and now we have another mouth to feed whatever ease did the translators not work day he work come on everyone can we just all please try to just listen up begging interesting strategy writer we followed our best lead here and now we don't even have that joel has offered to do what he can to help us access the vault Ania how do we do that when we're leaving the planet it's on that's a fair point ja seriously settle down right is right there's an Angora right here let's hear from the new guy one day about 80 years ago the Archon and maquette arrived in Helius and the horror began they declared war nothing so easy to define or fight the cat kidnapping Gaara there people disappear without a trace what if they were us sure I'll fight cat all day long but that's no plan I agree we need to get into that vault writer surprisingly I'm with PB our own mission has to take priority we have a plan kind of pretty solid JA the resistance is stretched thin I was tasked with traveling to two of our worlds at our briefing this morning and you'll accompany me because because then ephra will see you as trustworthy you want that jaws told me about these two worlds Navarro and Vall before the Scourge disaster Vold was a thriving planet of billions a shining the center of Technology and life and now it's the center of our ground war against the ket our resistance base is fighting ket command for control of the planet what about the other a vow is the birthplace of the Angora it's started to degrade to become wild and dangerous we suspect remnant now we're talking we've recently lost contact with our scientists still don't get how any of this helps us I do help us or rather help me and I'll vouch for your right because Jah wants inside I is vault to bat fighter it's your call wait what kidding just be ready what have you gotten yourself into y'all give callo than half points for both planets let's do this sending the nav point for DARPA Lev let's win emotions - you should be it used to be a nun current town he'll be landing pads and good sight lines for a safe approach anomaly on the sensors something big possibly hostile taking evasive action wait I don't think his [Applause] well that's something you don't see back home [Music] [Music] bringing us in writer I will meet you at da Paulo's now this is a planet if there is a vault here and it's working I wonder why it didn't show up on the map and he owes this is then the ones from the other galaxy yes right uh killing dolls feed scientists at DARPA Nev I just have to say hvar all is beautiful the planet's beauty is the least of my current concerns where's the rest of the team Ryder has experience with remnant we might be able to help their investigations you haven't heard while the team was exploring the monolith something went terribly wrong they were caught in some kind of remnant stasis field frozen in place unresponsive are they still alive vitals remain steady and neural patterns resemble those exhibited in deep sleep we subjected them to various stimuli injections of khechari nothing worked lit Ryder try his work the remnant tech inside a vault or so he says ocean of fish one will have gems in its mouth but if you think the alien can help I'll set skepticism aside the monolith is not far from here see what you can do but be careful we don't know what triggered the stasis and it may happen again found them the researchers caught the stasis field exactly where Kieran said they would be anything off the monitors and Scott scuffing stars what who are you healthy Thanks isn't necessary just do my job more aliens appearing out of nowhere what's going on the remnant tech around here had you frozen in some kind of stasis I don't know who you are just stay back I don't think you remembers being frozen pack your equipment we're leaving Alette believe that there's an alien presence by the monolith barren well what's your status Ryder did you figure out what happened to the research team now that they've woken up I'm not sure they like me but they're on their way back to DARPA laughs that's good news used to come to Kira looks like she wants to talk to you what do you mean grey spiky aliens can't know these were different we were doing a survey of the area and saw them before the freeze you mean turians you saw turians why didn't you in torva talk about that later right now I want to thank you for saving my team you weren't lying Kieran told us everything she even had pictures I apologize for the indifferent welcome you received from me earlier don't worry about it you had no reason to trust me the last aliens you met work at write out what you have done here your remnant understanding and your Sam should convince ephra you're an asset we should speak to him as soon as we can perhaps on The Tempest Karen I've been thinking if Ryder can use linens couldn't we fix the medallions stop her Val's decline of arles decline this will take time to explain we can discuss it further when you have time and don't forget to talk to Tovar about those what did you call them shirin's commander finder Joel's been keeping me updated on your adventures your good deeds on our behalf I meant them I want you to know you can trust me you went out of your way to free that science team a selfless act but your true agenda is clear to explore is Fault Joel says you want to help find them oversee why should I let you my personal code is I got this bowl of Americans like me so judgment for now we've managed to trace the motorized with special care facility involved why special these facilities are protected by a dynamic field tech we haven't been able to crack we're closed about its ability for dad outstrips the speed of our current processes I'll find them adding wiper excessive to that program would no doubt make the difference ephra I can help respectfully this time you need my help respectfully Bianca I don't need anything from you we take care of our own what I meant was let our scientists help with your program let my team join your effort what's up the chance for success I'm offering you should accept very well I'm not stupid and I love them of fine you're welcome on the mission thank you a team will meet you out based on bold they'll take you to the gate facility stay strong and clear goodbye we designated this planet habitats X original readings suggests that I had a breathable nitrogen-rich atmosphere and oceans of h2o I take it that's no longer the case all h2o inhabit at 6 volts the younger I it's ice in those oceans throws an over completely then there goes the dream of a seaside property that's a pretty intense blizzard LZ is on the windward side of the mountain conditions are bad and tracking Gil for squalls whoa we're good we're good you sure want us to get out and push very funny writer before Ruby wasn't kidding about the cold to have this place is well hidden where are we meeting the resistance team st. even half mine good luck Pathfinder life support failure is imminent pathfinder hereis I need to warm up for a bit cold is cutting through to the bone almost at the base now make sure you talk to Commander UNAC when you arrive environmental temperatures are within acceptable limits I hear the Pathfinder that after it was talking about that's me we're the team assigned to breach the facility with you hopefully rescue most shy surfer on your pilot yet facilities on the other side of the planet ready to head out no time to waste you can fill me in on the shuttle ok so no one has ever seen the inside of one of these places no one's escaped sure we've liberated cat work camps but never these facilities we lost so many fighters trying the price was too high I like to believe that the cat take important Angora from here to their home cluster hot there's leaves I guess better life without freedom is just pointless what you guys are going through is a nightmare it's why we're excited to be part of this mission we're here and let's be quick this storms getting worse once we're through the shield you take point we'll look from OSHA alpha let's just try to stay safe okay the Pathfinder no one joins the resistance to stay safe good luck Radio me when you're ready to go do we even know what kind of force we can expect not a clue stay close don't draw attention until we have to he won't expect us to disable that shield might give us an edge our intel says is a system node to hack on an interface point near here somewhere scales are top cat hacker running guard shield disable program padding my process accelerator standby continue to stand by please don't embarrass me in front of our new friends I have created a small hole in the shield look it worked Oh celebrate when we're out exactly come on team focus check creatures incoming my favorite yes incredible I can't believe I'm here and I bet neither can these guys what's the matter alien cocky pop right behind you stared at the outsides of these places so many times I completely forgot in our peoples things are here abandoned from the prisoners do we have times that can we just look around huddle up if we were a surprise I doubt we're one anymore you have the best chance of finding most shy surfer we'll attack head-on and provide a distraction good plan this is going to be fun this is the main entrance we'll go this way kick in the front door stay in radio contact and good luck can they cause enough trouble to keep the cat occupied cultivate our finder it seems the program I used to breach the shield could overload it and destroy this facility however the pulse would be lethal to an Garen physiology that's not ideal until we're clear let's call that plan don't Wow Sam what is this a decontamination protocol the chamber seals interval cycle runs his course so we're trapped hey dad knows it break the window No the seal is intolerable decontamination for what good question not sure I want to know Germa folks I'll find her come in how's it going we're undetected but from where we're hiding we can see some of our people we're just discussing our next move we'll be in touch what is this fortunate welcome step forward I am humbled before you you who are the chosen chosen by the alcohol chosen to be exalted what why don't you just that's some crazy cult [ __ ] down there those in garlic like they're in some sort of trance there's no doubt they're one of those points it's just good to lead as any you wanted a distraction we just set our plan on fire [Music] impossible ARC's display we've been reached I will defend the sample Briggs is the most Islanders know his awaits final excitation and proceed immediately and bring it to me we're here let's do everything we can thank you that wasn't the plan plans change come on let's see what those parts go oh this time all those prisoners I took my Skippy and fast Angharad male estimated 35 191 centimeters scar tissue lower right abdomen not the Moser angora and female healthy 176 centimeters never given birth a Goran male estimated 95 healthy numerous healed skeletal fractures is this what we all boiled down to do be kept so it seems okay caramel let's see what you've got hiding in here Sam searching the chosen unlock a genetic information please I am working at top velocity with an alien language in an alien technology checking against Unger and databases the motion was here but her pod was pulled out of line moments ago called out to where pods trouble from here two rooms that encircle this core on it let's go decontamination prime it down Sam can you do anything about this yet working on it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's shooting at us it's not his fault Joe the cat made him into this got him off okay everyone good what the hell was all that that is not okay ja Oh the moja there are more rooms I'll keep scanning for we'd better find her fast how can I help what do you need then let's start by finding the most shy if anyone can figure out what this means for the Angora I'm guessing it's her they all probably right brighter ja I found her down here go go Sam get me into that room to contamination bypass hack [Applause] we're coming for you Sam what do you got I was able to access the facility plans at the last terminal a best guess would be the shuttle launch area above this is I see her that is it rivet live paint tight Moshe ever we're coming for you my power comes from a history icon I will not use I got you we're getting you out of here no one has ever returned from behind kept walls then you'll be the first let's get out of here I'm not the only one here they took the entire cell you will not take it it is meant for the are call yourself she's coming with us wait I want to know why the Archon arrogant simpletons this is a gift who are you to deny it you turned them into monsters that fight their own people he's chosen join with us to become great beyond your ability to understand like them I was once wretched and the exalted DNA of our great are content wise with mine I stand on the shoulders of his greatness as they do as one day you will you don't get to decide what's great Pathfinder I'm tracking multiple inbound kept cruisers you will all be exalted Sam is there an off switch to this horror palace I've accessed the e/m field I can overload at your command there's no time to open hundreds of parts let alone help the anger inside wait leave my sacred temple intact and I will open the pods of the chosen take them just leave this holy place standing no even if I die here this place must be destroyed if your plan fails the cat will simply fill this place again all right release the end guard below enact the emergency shutdown release all the chosen Jah have the resistance free as many as they can before the Ken arrived I will I thank you too I see you begin to understand the gift that the cat brings are all done from it'll just get out of here before I change my mind you are true to your word just one of the things that makes us great all on our own and yet your greatness may cost my people dearly here come the cat not gonna let us go without a fight I will help stand near me that's my decision to make that platform yeah good idea better pose resort my finder come in you have the motion Hecht get our people out as many as you can before reinforcements arrive I will but I think we should destroy this place while we're here whoa heads up so we're overrun get down here or we're coming back in long bags sorry my car pulled up to the edge of the roof we'll figure it out from there Jetta resistance squad come in here you're making good time get your team out before the kettle rock don't worry we go this I'm sorry we fought what we saw we'll set our cause on fire yes my broken heart can't even process it Lexi can you give us a minute sure thing but go gentle she's in a fragile state did she just call me frail fragile John says you're a pathfinder from the Milky Way do you feel up for a talk oh so now you value what I have to say I feel for you but I don't regret my decision then your sympathy is empty so the facility what's the purpose of all that they call it exaltation they believe that those they exalt are given a great gift gift face not just defile and shut us all the ones we love it's a complex genetic construct and interchange of traits that the ket used to advance their species so they steal genes but why reproduction domination tyranny annihilation yes and yet the Archon didn't take me to his ship to transform me I hung a mobile tormented never sleeping brought to him on a whim he showed me remnant tech and beat me when I wouldn't speak Oh No remnant of course he's obsessed like you are yes Joel told me you rescued me hoping to get into Aya's vault my people have traveled so far we'll die without a place to settle these remnant volts maybe the key a key to help both our species prosper I feel for your people in a way that you clearly do not for mine but emotion must never get in the way of science I'll take you thank you yes thank you more so so far I'm happy to answer any other questions for you car finder any time [Music] stars and skies light our way stars and skies light our way she knows how to play to a crowd she's the most high welcome home I never thought I'd see it again without the resistance and the Pathfinder I wouldn't be here for the record I found her we freed more than just the Messiah but we had to leave the enemy fortress intact we have a lot to talk about I promise to lead the Pathfinder to Aya's vote you're still recovering take your time I'm not going anywhere no without our help I'll prepare the vault for your arrival Thank You Moshe we've been alone against the cat for too long you've proven it doesn't have to be that way it's time we discussed an alliance between our people we're happy to make room for you on the Nexus will provide an embassy here as well our city is open to you join us well done Joel report for reassignment I need to stay with the Pathfinder JA has already become a valued member of my crew now of course he has nicely the benefit request granted I'll need to file a mission report don't leave aya without me I haven't brought anyone here in over 20 years there's always being an active display for iron but we could never affect it let's see what we can do Sam yes this is new is it similar to the vault on eros tell me what are you seeing I think what we need to figure out is what's different tell me what do you see the vaults they're a network as you discovered however they're not connected to each other but to this place this image was on a relic the Archon showed me he called it Meridian and it looks like eius vault is the only one that's fully connected to it and it's terraforming doing what it was meant to do the vault on ears is also present but changed our interfacing with it has affected its connection what do you think professor I think that Meridian is the control center for all the voles this is unbelievable if we can get the meridian maybe we can turn everything on from there make Helius live wait Ryder the Archon knows where it is he's already been there what where meridian of course that's why he tortured me he thought I could help him use it because he can't meridian is my people's best chance for survival we have to take it from him agreed such power in the hands of such evil could mean the end of your people and mine I won't let the Archon stand in the way of our survival you're going to need that relic I saw the resistance might have intel on the whereabouts of our conscious I'll talk to ever and secure his full cooperation meet me there I deserve to be told you had no right to keep it secret from me it's an ongoing investigation I meant no disrespect did y'all no of course not neither did the human sorry to interrupt this isn't your concern it is now we need to find the cat command ship tell him the truth about my capture most I please it may be our only route to the arc on one of my men helped the caretaker a resistance commander named defender ever one of your own gave her to the Archon no wonder you hushed it up this isn't about hiding the truth I'm working to capture him make him answer for what he did you know where he is could I report my contacts are hunting him contacts you can't trust anyone there they deserted our cause our people and now they're ruled by exiles from your galaxy then we know how to find the Archon and his ship we can't leave this to a pack of renegades and outlaws I need the relic that leads to Meridian and I can handle my people let me do this I don't like it I don't care the Pathfinder is right I'll transmit my files on Kedah report to your ship our traitor could have useful information we need him alive that's up to him be safe Pathfinder as for you ephra we're not done incoming call patching it through there's been a development regarding a spa venture EV rendezvous a crawler song your contacts code name is Shane and Shana got it that's one hell of a welcome sign exhales have stepped up their game since their revolt not too shabby for folk who got kicked off the station with nothing to show for it our suppliers waiting come on we're gonna be late do I even want to know nope how are we supposed to survive out there not my problem you're no better than the Nexus don't blame us because you couldn't pay your fees sounds not running a [ __ ] charity hey piss off you order you pay I said you look like you're waiting for someone I've got time for a drink Shana but you can call me Reyes I hate the code names I was expecting someone more in Garmon the resistance pays me to supply information among other things so you're a smuggler you're man Ventura was arrested by Sloane Kelly leader of the outcasts word spread about what he did to mush I suffer there people are calling for his execution and Sloane she's a woman of the people I like her already well she doesn't like you she's never met me you work for the initiative Sloane was part of the uprising on the Nexus I doubt she'll give up easily I'm taking him with or without her permission we're gonna be friends you and I there might be another way to get to ven you work Sloane I'll talk to the resistance how do I contact you if things go south [Music] hey you gotta pay keep the change always do focus defenses here and here the cat have been quiet for too long what that's quite the throne should I bow kiss your ring very funny so what brings a pathfinder to our humble port then to rev name ring any bells what's he to you and don't lie to me I need him so I can infiltrate a cat flagship you've obviously got no love for the cat I'm doing you a favor coderre is an anger and port they won't vent debt and I want to keep them happy this is bigger than local politics you don't need then you need his Intel talk to him before I put his head on a spike I can work with that see no reason we can't be civilized I should have brought refreshments you're the Pathfinder access to the holding cells yes sir don't feed the prisoner don't touch the prisoner and the only thing that passes between you two absolutely that won't cause trouble what do you want the archons ship where is it this is a new interrogation tactic Sloane's getting lazy I don't answer to Sloane I'm a pathfinder with the initiative the one who rescued the most shot I know who you are and what happened on bold you can still make this right ven tell me what I need to know making it right bud saved my life but it could save others the archons ship where is it I never saw it got my orders from a ket transponder but you could use its frequency to triangulate the archons location do you still have it I buried it before I was arrested should still be outside the city thanks for the Intel don't you want to know why I did it why I betrayed the most shy enlighten me when losing the war against the kit and still effort puts my brothers and sisters in danger to protect a useless old woman so you took things into your own hands I made to call he wouldn't the icon only wanted the most shine I thought if I gave her up I didn't know what ket were doing to my people ephra still entrusted the most I to you and you betrayed them both I did what I thought was right [Music] I don't accept the consequences Pathfinder the communicator is buried outside the ceasefire I suggest bringing a squad veteran drak are you back from whatever it was you were doing yep are completely legitimate business deal went off without a hitch tell Gil to prep - no man I need to go outside the city found it that's a mess the transformers power source is drained so let's juice it up turn it on then Gill can work his magic once complete this should provide us with the archons location engine turn meridians see we're halfway there already I enjoy your optimism Gill here's that cat transponder the spy used it to get his orders what do we need for me the location of points two should give us a fix on the archons ship oh [Music] right it's not like there's much riding on this just our best chance to find meridian pressure I like that luckily no matter where you go in the universe physics still applies [Music] only so many ways of communicating across space there give it a shot did you connect the [ __ ] turn it off careful that is a direct line to people who want to murder everyone on the ship Sam I have the coordinates the signal points to the taffy no system we sure you want to do this I don't know sometimes I think we're in over our head sometimes here's our chance to find out [Music] Pathfinder census confirmed the presence of the archons ship I'll be damned it worked but there's something else that's an initiative ship tethered to it it's mark part zero confirmed it matches the Silurian Ark readings suggest it has been here for some time well that changes things it's true then we found the Silurian Ark Sam tactical it looks like the Archon captured it the ships are tethered what can we do I'm working on it Sam connect me to the most shy on the screen right it's good to see you again we've located the archons ship it's more complicated than we thought so I wanted to make sure we knew what we were looking for it was a large remnant relic depicting meridian it's in his private chamber his sanctum he called it he's very proud of that relic right up until we steal it the Archon isn't to be trifled with he has no regard for the sanctity of life not as we know it be confident writer but be cautious I understand thank you for your help more shy of course I wish you well okay we play this right not only do we get away with the relic we save the Solarians I say we get on to the ark assess the situation then sneak onto the Quechan through the tether a feasible approach currently of pateros on standby only its stasis facilities are online what about the Solarians unknown you heard the mouth shy who knows what the archons capable of if he's done anything to those salarians he'll find out what we can do writer whatever you need those are my people we'll get them back now let's make this one count [Music] tempest were in so far no unusual activity from the ketch ship let's hope it stays that way Pathfinder if you access a terminal I can assess the situation [Music] accessing off the Cheras internal systems a moment additional data encryption has been added where does that ever stopped you Sam never it was a cryptography key associated with Silurian intelligence services I have unlocked it at present mark partiro has arrived in the Helius cluster location of Nexus is unknown this is captain hater of Arc potaro if you are receiving this message hostile aliens have captured our ship please look for our Pathfinder seven Rekha situation urgent well that was clear enough let's find him overriding bulkhead door how does the ship look Sam some can't infrastructure has been added but the arc systems are operational so it's by ready yes are you thinking of easiest way to save everyone is to take the whole arc with us easy is that the word I'd use if the right salarians are still on board this might work no signs of fighting or struggle did the Solarians just the winner let's hope their Pathfinder can make sense of it what are their records say about the Silurian Sam the patient is deceased he is identified as Pathfinder seven Rekha another Pathfinder down we can't keep losing good people agreed however initiative records indicate Pathfinder Rekha is female this patient is male what then who is this really unknown if you scan him I can obtain a DNA signature DNA signature obtained if you locate a sequencer I can confirm his identity the DNA of the deceased Salaria matches colonists Jack's father so they switch them trying to hide their Pathfinder let's check this cholera stasis pod see if anyone's there I've walked the poor trail maybe a new galaxy but the Solarians are so sneaky as ever so many pods gone I'd like to think they got away before the cat showed up kept an aegis message suggest otherwise this isn't Jack's Orleans port this isn't a port we're looking for this is the deceased salarians pod yet I detect a female Silurian inside I think we found her Pathfinder let's get her out you need to access stasis controls to revive her hey there take it slow no need I'm fine Silurian stasis recovery is almost immediate who are you Scott Ryder Pathfinder for the human arc where's Alec didn't make it Oh oh this is madness stasis was a mistake I should never have agreed to it tell me what you're doing seeing what I've woken up to a hostile species an armada set upon us our captain saw no choice but surrender said we'd live to fight another day he convinced me to hide in the general population and to dismantle my Sam so we wouldn't fall into enemy hands but we're still in their grasp I see that's about to change we're heading into the cat vessel to gather intelligence wake up a flight crew and ready to yard for escape on my signal that'll be no trouble and then I'll work on freeing the ark so you can focus on your objective do what you can but stay quiet we don't want to alert the enemy yes yes of course I'm keen you into our comms we'll stay in touch hello Pathfinder Baker ah Sam in my head again I'm back in the game we'll be ready Ryder Tempest we're in the tether going across to the ketchup now so far there are no indications they're aware of your presence good luck Pathfinder Ryder caution some kind of immobilizing field it's useless to struggle I've been in this forsaken cluster for decades surrounded by amoeba in your life a human able to do the unthinkable yaniv elevated me such an unlikely rise was almost a thing ready to have fun and yet it's a fitting end is that what's sad looks like I'd give you a hug but hey back off [ __ ] the first song the testing begins now I will learn your secrets to enough the camps await my arrival serger strengths Ranka must have run into trouble we have her beat Sam what can you tell me I'm sensing a biological transmitter in your bloodstream now attempting to neutralize it okay that's priority two for sure any idea how to break out of this the containment fields only interact with living matter if you expire the field around you will extinguish until manually reset as you know my access to your physiology allows me to enhance your vital signals when required whoa whoa whoa kind of don't want to die today see after stopping your heart I would attempt to resuscitate of course are there any other options none that I can determine all right let's do it not again it has been a pleasure stopping your heart Sam stimulating the cardiovascular core zero activity stimulating the cardiovascular core that's twice now I've come back from the dead can't say the experience is improving I believe it is preferable to the alternative you too look comfortable so did you while you were playing dead [Music] let's find a way out of this cage huh is that a Krogan it was drugs mister was cops the DNA is croakin but drastically altered it's clear the cats are closing in on successfully exalting the species I'm beginning to hate these guys par finder this is the relic from OSHA I described it does seem to be a lot I'll overlay the charge we are covered in the vault on ears so that's [Music] it's meridian coordinates secured our finder see that's what you're after there's more to the video than you know changing the weather is a fraction of its power level and I will not allow you to the fireman you didn't allow me to escape your little trap either did you I wasn't you without special intelligence in your head I see you transpire at the park and now I know what makes you special meridian is mine at origin long enough once the vessels are destroyed you'll be strategy that can't be good [Music] [Music] it's androgynous guys gonna be trouble stay out of the way and give up everything you've got the Krogan down Jack's not gonna like that finally all right we've got the map let's get the hell out of here Pathfinder the moment I'm picking up broken life signs on authorship several captives are being held not far from your location they are scheduled for exaltation would be the rest of transmitting Scouts Sam do we have time to get there before the camera store power if you act quickly Ryder its Rekha I'm pinned down don't think I'm gonna make it boy are you near holding cells where they're keeping several of my people they're still alive I ordered captain hey Jerr back to the arc you should be with him I couldn't leave my people I had to try and now I think it's over from one pathfinder to another farewell breakout dammit there isn't time to save both once the kept restore power you'll be trapped chance for truckscouts the Alcorn will turn them into rosters reload we're going after a gun Pathfinder you came rayko we couldn't just leave you here thank you my people are at the end of the tunnel it's kept the whole way then we push ahead and don't stop for anything let's go ten businesses riders coffee I hear you Pathfinder you have the map we're trying to rescue some prisoners those kept guns won't stay offline forever I know I know just tell us about any changes you'll be the first to know hello out fresh meat they love to cut it open I'm not going out like that let's get them out of there can you run Pathfinder the cats are close to restoring the ship's power Tempest we're going topside track for extraction understood Ryder thank you save it for we're safe [Music] [Music] writers now we've got to go a team will escort the ark back to the Nexus I'm sure they'll be happy to see you thank you again writer but I owe you an apology I made a mistake oh I shouldn't have called you to say goodbye the choice you had to make I put too much on your shoulders since we're being honest that was a hell of a position to be put in it I'm sorry as pathfinders we have to serve our own people but also the greater good it's a difficult job whatever the case the Silurian people are forever in your debt yes we will drak I heard what happened wasn't enough to save the whole arc I had to grab a few more salarians on the way out track it's complicated except it's not leaving my scouts behind was worse than killing them outright and you're not the one who has to explain to the rest of the clan it was a difficult choice writer but you won an important victory the Archon has been dealt a blow your father would be proud it's been tough trying to fill his shoes I hope I'm finally starting to earn it though slapping the Archon in a face like this will only make him more dangerous or perhaps reckless your father liked putting others off-balance he said the worthy would rise above it and learn to face adversity aiming in the unworthy would crumble I'll leave you to your thoughts with reference arc on this fascination with meridian cannot continue it's the key to our future primus the human knows nothing of its true power even we don't fully understand it our orders are to exalt this cluster not study the remnant questions are being asked about your judgement questions that come from the highest levels the answers will be clear soon enough with Meridian we can transform every world in this cluster to our wasteland either the subjects submit your exaltation we will use it to annihilate them this path finder has opened the door threshold we must seize meridian before it does like all the lesser creatures it mistakes our battles for the war it doesn't know its weakness or it's sensual the Arcana saw my memory flashes he got that from my implant his device went deep our connections were wide open when Sam killed you don't know how much we need Meridiana we have to warn the Nexus we have to move hello again they're waiting for you careful of course you approve Ryder saved your people Ryder's saved our people it doesn't matter if they're salarians there were citizens of the initiative but it doesn't hurt if there's a few less croghan around of it the Pathfinder Ryder we were discussing how things ended with the Archon kesh it's true I had to leave some Krogan behind I'm sorry about that in this galaxy I would hope every life matters even if it's just a few Croghan yet I have to question what we gained provoking the Archon like this he had a map showing the location of meridian now we have it and a short window to get there it's the control center for the terraforming network if we get that working all our problems are solved based on what data this is all alien science the vault on aya suggests that meridian is the key while i appreciate what you've done for our strike teams were not equipped for a war with the cat they'll be defending meridian with everything they've got this is how we beat them the Archon doesn't know how to bring Meridian online he can't control the technology I can volts maybe we don't know if Meridian works the same way and attacking the cat only to find out you're wrong then there's this Sam of yours we took a chance letting AI get involved frankly I'm uncomfortable with just how involved it's become I can't support your plan Ryder then I will Ryder deserves a chance to try I applaud the gesture but you answer to me I hope you understand what's the matter tan don't want anyone else overshadowing you it's not called the Pathfinder initiative the chain of command has to be respected that is all why am I surprised I don't exactly have a plan B there may be a way Pathfinder apologies there was an urgent message for you they said your sister is awake what go we'll talk later in the tech lab Sarah what's wrong we could have talked earlier I'm sure he was just busy too busy to tell me our dad was dead too busy to make sure your sister was okay I know this isn't an excuse but so much is gone wrong Sarah so many lives are depending on me I guess I got caught up and my crazy little brother he always were too busy playing space pirate to pay attention to me probably because you kicked my ass whenever I tried because you always cheated it's down to us first mom and dad we'll get through it we always have they said here the Pathfinder dad's idea from the sounds of it you're going to need all the help you can get careful no way are you fit for duty miss that stubborn skull of yours needs a chance to heal those who just for once take it easy will you there will still be plenty of mountains left to climb when you wake up Oh better leave the tallest one for me if you two want to catch up some more that's fine but no getting out of bed Ryder this is Pathfinder Rica we have a plan for meridian please come by the tech lab as soon as you can will do righter good to see you we've been working with the Nexus scientist on the problem of getting to meridian we think we have the answer I'm listening its plans for new technology we've designated ghost storm when you approach meridian our own ships can broadcast fake returns for the tempest the kit won't know which one is genuine it will confuse their sensors and draw their ships off it could buy you some time I can work with that just enough to give us an advantage the rest will be on you I can handle it though it means going against the initiative we're alone here you didn't hear that hear what we've been collating gamma charts all day occupational hazard part of being a pathfinder sure if they pay us once in a while it's not likely after this you'll have to research the ghost of storm technology to start then we'll meet you at Meridian good luck the Nexus leaders think our search for meridian is a waste of time but we know they're wrong turning on vaults won't be enough without the heart of the system just to clarify you're defying a direct order no not me we we are going to defy them aha that's the spirit and the kit that's where the ghost storm technology comes in isn't that right Rekha absolutely our force signals should divert some cat from you it won't be all of them but it'll be enough The Tempest is small and fast I don't need a big window we'll drop you off and make our exit before the cat catch on once we're on Meridian it'll be a small team move fast figure out its secrets right behind enemy lines good time to assess their numbers defenses and when you're ready we'll extract you the same way we got you in if we come back with actual Meridian the Nexus will sits up sounds like a solid plan Raik are you ready good to go on your word Pathfinder all right guys this is it let's get moving [Music] that's it that's pretty our key to Sara as the cat comet initiating ghost storm on my mark three two go Rica is working reading a bunch of cat headed away pulling back it's all you know Tempest we should get them as close as possible to here intense readings could be some kind of control center no decent landing sites this could get messy how messy writer looks like a flyby is our only option I'll get as low as possible but you'll have to eject over the target area I've fallen out of so many things now I should be a pro at about your freefall - habitat 7 Liam said he could hear you screaming the whole way down keep it button this go-around huh it's embarrassing alright you know the drill what's your rate of descent shields should take care of the rest so far so Cates the cat haven't detected us but once we go in we'll be clear as day - any troops on the ground don't worry about us just make sure you and The Tempest get out safe loud and clear we'll need to survey the area figure out what we're dealing with I am detecting active conduits nearby your scanner should be picking them up it's raining great should I got the tempest to drop us over there not finder while interacting with that console I detected the presence of a complex network connected via a central command hub a hub you mean we found meridians controls most likely however the hub is dog deactivated let's see what Meridian is all about we can start by finding its central hub not finder we are looking at the central command hub I detected earlier as wither monoliths some volts the hub is connected to the two neighboring towers so activating the towers will also activate the command hub changing planet I say we activate meridian now and the cat activating a volt has previously activated a purification field perhaps Meridian is similar let's head to those towers and see what we can find what the hell translating pattern 1/3 viability 56.2% genetic template transmitted for testing looks like they were running experiments of some kind we have to save them get the motors Joel Pathfinder they cannot be saved what I have analyzed the glyphs these are not the Angora we know they are not even alive the remnant language refers to these bodies as genetic templates a blueprint by the plants we saw does it matter why where you came from doesn't change who you are creates life and the archons could use it to do the opposite destroy everything it's up to us to make sure that doesn't happen is that some kind of communication tower it's huge [Music] translating connection lost meridian engine not found Sam is there damage here can we restore systems like we did before I'm sorry Pathfinder systems are intact but they are searching for a component to the doesn't appear to exist what do you mean doesn't appear to exist one moment Pathfinder I have found something final administrator log the opposition's weapon may cause widespread damage all our weapons our ships will not be able to protect us protect my goal we need to disengage meridian from command core which will remain here to draw fire meridian contains all the work of the jaw down nothing else matters I will send it far we can return one day continue the process of renewal end of long the Archon was wrong this isn't meridian meridian is gone there must be some way to record enemy coming go this seems perfectly in line with how everything was going Meridian's gone and now we're stuck in a catch [ __ ] show can I please get a break once in a while writer we're fighting the cat are not taking us not today Pathfinder the remnant City is not without its defenses this is its Central Command and the defenses of course use them against the cat Sam now the archon ones that's one destroy the rest watch your backs what are those like a cloak I hate those things [Music] I knew those camera trouble the minute I saw them greater you're not keeping up on Veridian if we all die it won't matter think you're so sneaky gotcha [Music] routine is everyone all right everyone accounted for we saw everything from orbit it was incredible the entire set he lets up the scans went wild and rider the Kent are retreating whatever you did it worked they got the ass-kicking he needed and delivered by us given your come on over the remnants defenses Pathfinder I predict the cat will not attempt to recapture the city any progress on Meridian have you got a working yet this is a Meridian or at least not all of it hard to explain will brief you later so meridians gone but shouldn't this thing northern 1/2 point of where it went contact with the scourge will have altered meridians original path it would take countless years to determine its current location if it takes years than it takes years people are relying on me the cat won't give us that time we need an alternative Sam can you see anything else in here any kind of data that could be a clue nothing immediately obvious Pathfinder but I will continue my investigations well if the scourge is messing things up maybe that's where we should look at what I was actually hoping one of you might continue to thought okay no meridian but we kicked the cat out of a major stronghold that's huge that just means we need to push forward before they can recover we have to find meridian it the real one Sam collect all the data you can radio The Tempest for extraction this is going to take work and it's going to take all of us Pathfinder you seem well just get to the point we both know what you're going to say perhaps perhaps not we know you define us you went from arrogant in direct violation of initiative orders even though reasons weren't quite clear yet you were correct Ryder we should have trusted your instincts you have proven time and again that you deserve the title of Pathfinder I have never been so glad to be wrong I know you guys have come around eventually I am told there are still obstacles reaching Meridian the initiative has ready to provide whatever support you need Pathfinder just the person I wanted to see they're ready and set on a path its creators disrupted by the scourge now lost an unmanned ship is at the mercy of ocean currents now think of Meridian as the ship and the scourge as the ocean if we can somehow predict the currents and track them we could figure out where the oceans taking the ship that's genius the scourge is the sea moving objects around it's not a precise analogy of course but illustrates the point dr. Anwar suggestion may indeed be our best chance of finding meridia the more we know about this courage the better we can predict how it affects the things that comes in contact with will need better data probes for the scourge and garen star charts the initiative made charts of Helius from the Milky Way 600 years back perfect baseline I can compare that to Helia surprisin it'll give us numbers but once that won't be enough well it sounds like a fine plan I guess we won't know for sure unless we give it a shot everyone's counting on us let's bring him home approximating remnant ship dynamics Sam building predictive mobile between the remnant SETI Meridian and however the scourge fits him pardon my Martian but it's all weird to shite seems busy up here did I get what we needed you got something all right the key to all and here the mother of all navigational aids take that back to the remnant city find an overwrite and their ships will fly the same vector as Meridian with correction for the scourge you'll have its exact location the heart of the vault network we can do it everything looks right Pathfinder find the override fly the hardware and the remnant will fly the same vector is Meridian and all our work together will pay off ready it's time Edward to everything we worked for led to this [Music] Tempest we're going in quiet so far but something's different orbitals cons identifiers to separate energy grid within the tower defenses here may not be on our side 145 meters to projected override controls through the door eyes open remnant they don't look friendly understatement we must be close to the controls we need let's move one last remnant door controls our head projections suggest multiple launch phase the possible links to meridian deployment zap everything ready all relevant data is queued for uplink right let's find a path relevant ships have lifted off their following the override vector the scourge is moving but they're getting through something Meridian Pathfinder is that a planet it looks constructed a self-contained seed world it is the heart of the vault network but when reactivated every connected planet will be affected it is the means to make Helius a home Pathfinder this great moment for which I only take partial credit was a long time coming congratulations Pathfinder a great day for us all I read you a fatty molecule that you re falsely a lie once I saw what made you special your connection I knew how and when to take it from you I let you find already and now I'll use your Sam dragon eyes all idiots will be exalted all one by one your worlds will die starting with you all I need to start as an impact like yours and thanks to your memories I know who else has won another reason keep going the medbay is still secure what the hell is happening I wish I knew hello Sarah Sam how are you what's happening up there they're shooting people that forces a sweeping the ship they're looking for you Sarah the Pathfinder needs your help this is crazy he's closing on Meridian y'all gonna send my link to your brother's implant if basic function isn't manually restored he will die what Sarah please proceed to D ok form to secure weapon god damn it contact Sam come on the all corn isn't stealing the hyperion he wants you and me your component is the same as the Pathfinders he'll use a suitable origin but your brother will die the oricon will kill him no losing me room what Sam hostiles are ahead Saloth directed I am sorry I can't help you fight I took over too much of your brother's import and losing me will kill him who when the coms draft he did to her Lucilla look out Sarah shoot them Sara Sam since you're fighting to the comp override you can't I know Sam isn't making sense no I mean take the access route if the Pathfinders in trouble that's all we need to hear hold them Sarah needs to get to that maintenance access done you can't keep this up then make it quick get to the qec not damn it get going get into the access tunnel we'll hold them Sam don't won't last long what's the plan manually send a reboot signal it will reset your brother's implant like a factory reset to restore the functions I shouldn't have taken with luck his heart will not have stopped do you mean luck or hope I'm not sure okay we're here what else Sarah that's all the PUF fund it means it probably alerts the Archon he'll know where I am I'm sorry me too Sam me too it won't open open Tempest the Pathfinder is down honey Riley thought we lost you the Hyperion's dark Sam with it we need to get back wait no no no that that door is remnant you need Sam we need to get back don't it's hurting you we'll find another way we need to get back your vitals are crazy are you sure you want to continue I can do this can you go on to the Tempest we have to move Pathfinder come on we're here tempest I got him I got Pathfinder trip down the calms and hijack the Hyperion I know the archons been planning since his flagship he used me get Lexie on standby Ryder needs treatments for something sites we're getting reports from everywhere all remaining cat ships are on the move it's all the archon if he takes Meridian he'll destroy worlds starting with EOS he thinks he's one fighter it kind of feels like he has there you are you need to stop doing this nice to see you too news on the arc still headed to meridian with a small flotilla you got the last signal before the Archon locked it down we're not letting that stand to be ready to move wait we need a plan stop ship kill jerk with what maybe we're outgunned but there's always a way there's away he's got the hyperion that's how many thousand hostages how many worlds does he destroy if we don't move and how many do we save if we get ourselves killed well we have to do something right I know but the tempest is one ship and she isn't even armed [Music] did an impossible thing can you keep that up have them fight for us Keter tough but remnant hit hard the promise of that to inspire others between e'en across the cluster we have a for-real shot at this rally the troops for a last stand I just pulled the frontline out of thin air with all our friends supporting that we can beat the archive it'll be enough we have to try is this where I give a speech ask you to die for me no thanks I say we shove the remnant down the archons throat and maybe that buys us a chance all of us we get the whole cluster to pile on everyone in Helius is earned some [ __ ] payback I saw what happened out there waste of a good speech if you didn't not that and you know it using remnant without Sam hurts you a lot believe me I know but it's inspired everyone we have a shot everything or nothing we keep making that deal maybe you can raise a fleet and make a bunch of explorers act like soldiers for a day I only know one thing we can't bury another Pathfinder I hope you won't have to writer good luck to all of us beautiful this weapon it created life and yet only eyes is full potential and I even have the needs to achieve it using you I saw you for my flagship in the Pathfinders memories will surrender you'll get nothing from me my brother will stop you know soon enough [Music] you continue to defy your limitations impressive you okay he's crazy if we don't submit he'll use Meridian to kill everyone that's why he took me and Sam feel guilty exultation is a gift those who can't see that deserve to die you still command remnant but that began with the sound of the abrupt and now I have both I no longer need our Father but since you insist on interfering I'll give you my full attention they're closing all sides we need cover puck the rebus mahvelous it's like skirting aiya rock and a hard place writer I don't know which is worse the scourge of the cat the scourge and the cat Kelo how close can you edge the Scourge too close why I just realized the remnant are pulling our best chance at winning this never I'd just getting close and trust me it's time to scourge worked for us [Music] [Music] never been so glad to see their stuff get the hype here ARCA don't blame your people this [ __ ] is all you I'm not playing your games anymore for my hand so be it unlike you and the Pathfinder I do not require I have you you've made this much more difficult Pathfinder [Music] sube what am I looking at I wonder sorry gravity's inverted can't see the Hyperion extrapolating from last known position it wasn't built for landing we'll beat it down like it or not wherever the Archon goes to ground that's where we're headed hot drop in five four three [Music] I'll find her I've arranged the destruction control Pathfinder it snapped and that's why you lost it looks like maneuvering thrusters only the archons betting we won't chase him with the ark at risk will guard the Hyperion cantos who's with you the invitation was open unless you're refusing kadar as hell we hold the chasm used to kill meridian let's find the ark huh I've find her he's taking them captain done the core is lit up like Christmas but Sam isn't talking I think the Archon [ __ ] I don't know what he did but he has Sarah whatever Meridian can do he'll try to take it just focus on flying I'll find him hard starboard all power captain captain what is it keep pushing go that's not the high period you can are deploying to defend the Archon getting close dangerous tactic can Duras he's right mix with the ground troops the big ship can't fire on you not sure we have a choice debris incoming watch your heads structures ahead a finder at major energy cycles I'm no Sam but that's got to be some kind of control we go through on foot the archon will not be allowed to take Meridian the Archon must be inside already he'll use Sara to make meridian a weapon we can't let that happen cat dropship heads up your own reinforcements on-site Pathfinder the resistance is with you Kedar is here to remember that watch out pathfinder the big kid ship is coming back around keep moving we can't let them stop us I think it's veering off multiple groups joining the fights it's all or nothing boom inside Pathfinder we'll hold the line out here keep them off Hyperion you take this to the icon understood Pathfinder Pathfinder multiple system failures on the Hyperion damn it done done is there anything we can do stay out of our way there's no pulling up this is the captain I need everyone to cry oh go go go I'm rerouting power to all med bay initials I can give us one shot I'll keep the cat away can you to assist the sleepers take priority All Hands brace and it's been an honor to serve [Music] the cryo pods are intact she brought it down but there's no signal from the bridge god dammit this is we can't stop now not after done no joy let's go look at all this it's amazing never dreamed Andromeda would have so many wonders that hundres me we can't let the Archon take this touchdown already in control a long time coming ready Pathfinder it's a gateway to everything we've been chasing never been more ready yes the connection is ready yeah Louise the network so close it arrives this attempts its arrival there's no longer amusing Pathfinder hey Scott get my Clues pretty clear paths he was distracted likes the sound of his own voice so determined but so pointless your connection serves me I know how it works the mind is trained to think like the red man's creators in this case painfully but I'm content to let her bear that burden whatever gives me lovely years I will transcend what you pretend to be you're out of time I've met every step you've failed our God you're the Pretender run by onsens I am the genetic inheritor of a thousand species normal Massey culpable [Music] oh no no no no he's suffice nothing I made the cluster livable for thousands do that [Music] [Music] Scot the archons pulling too much power little grizzly it's all going straight through him shut down the interfaces he'll have nothing to draw you'll take meridian out from under him we play this smart I know it hurts but you have to call out where the interface get me targets everyone get that we're shutting the Archon down [Music] now have marked for one of his main power draws get there I'll try to expose it so you can interface hurry I have enough loose ends [Music] naps ahead take them all out find the leftover Sara get ready my Hellenists apostille you're pathetic the archons fighting me I don't have your practice assistant Sam I'm still restricted but the more revenue destroy the whole fractured the all calls attention both position every day you push too far now I'll crush you your own toys got it exposed lock it down interface now now [Music] [Music] often version is online [Music] [Music] [Music] the words I everyone's elitist but the Nexus wants to know what's next what do I tell them tell them let us have our moment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: True Game Cinema
Views: 686,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mass Effect: Andromeda, Game Movie, All Cutscenes, Ultra HD 4K
Id: QJR-irXKiyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 54sec (13734 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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