Half in the Bag: Mad Max: Fury Road

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It's been a bit since I've seen both Mike and Jay being that enthusiastic about a new movie.

👍︎︎ 106 👤︎︎ u/jocab_w 📅︎︎ May 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

I like what Jay said about the fact that as an action movie it's basically Miller showing everyone how it's done.

I think this film will be important, going forward, as an example of how to make an action movie in this day and age of bigger and better. The Fast And Furious films are sort of the reigning action kings at the moment, but even those films aren't particularly special when it comes to action. It's all just kind of shlocky and weightless. Fun, but not actually noteworthy.

The only other major film series I can think of doing action well right now is the Mission Impossible series. The action in those films actually drives the plot forward and has consequences. It's not treated like a chorus in a song. The action scenes are just story scenes where something exciting and physical happens - the plot keeps moving, and there are stakes and consequences, just like every other scene.

Miller has effectively shown now what you can do with scale in this age of hyperinflated budgets and sequels and remakes. No big films in recent years - not the Avengers, not the Fast And Furious films, not Transformers - have managed to actually do something worthwhile with the scale of their action. But Fury Road is just utterly enthralling and genuinely intense.

👍︎︎ 90 👤︎︎ u/JamesB312 📅︎︎ May 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

This movie was just an awesome masterpiece of pure action gold. I'm going to go see it atleast 2 more times. And it's been ages since a film has made me want to do that.

Listen to RLM. You won't be disappointed guys. This made me forget about the Avengers 2.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Leo-H-S 📅︎︎ May 18 2015 🗫︎ replies

Since they didn't talk about it would any of you recommend the movie in 3D or do you think it drags the movie down?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/MadeWithAlchemy 📅︎︎ May 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

I check them every day but I never see anything until I come here and there's a link. Shit sakes.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/DiabeticJimmy 📅︎︎ May 18 2015 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

I've always been a massive fan of Half in the Bag. Does anyone know of any other good reviewers that have a satirical element to them?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Silcar 📅︎︎ May 18 2015 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag [ __ ] movies [Music] landl calrissian nintendron controller [Music] previously played video game repair shop we put the gay in gaming how can i help you you'd like your pokemon machine fixed now tell me why would a grown man need a pokemon machine you play it to relieve stress how much stress can you have living in your mom's basement what which one am i the fat one or the bald one i'm neither i'm their son yeah that's right [ __ ] you come on down to the shop i'll show you where to stick your game boy [Laughter] did you just say you're their son what does that even mean hey jay why are you even answering their phone we just snuck in while they're out on their lunch break so i could pick up some movies i left behind oh what movies oh uh mom can i keep her [Music] 500 pounds of furry fun uh black spring break the movie that's a good one that's a good one you've seen that one yeah okay uh my uncle the alien also a good one also a classic oh and the road warrior i guess hey speaking of post-apocalyptic looking women crashing cars have you seen oh the bruce jenner interview what the [ __ ] is wrong with you that's not funny then why'd you write it i didn't in this wasteland i am the one who runs from both the living and the dead a man reduced to a single instinct survive tom brady stars as mad max in the director of happy feet's new film mad max fury road oh did i say tom brady i meant tom hardy if it was tom brady that road warrior wouldn't have enough air in his tires in this new film mad max sort of helps a bunch of women escape from a white darth vader watch this movie or you could watch paul blart mall cop too watch something well jay what did you think of mad max fury road uh well we're not even halfway through 2015 and i feel pretty confident in saying that this will be my favorite movie of the year i i loved pretty much everything about it uh it's not supposed to work this way george miller is a grandpa he's 70 years old and he's coming back to a series that he's been away from for 30 years uh it's the best mad max movie it's the best action movie and i don't know how many years a decade maybe and it's my favorite movie of the year wow high praise yes i i loved every second of it uh yeah i i also felt the the power of cinema yes not just in the visuals but emotional connections the uh the excitement of hey a chase sequence means something yeah there's something happening there's weight to it both physically and emotionally yeah yeah there's some there's some there's some nice moments there there's connection and i actually enjoyed the the costumes and the the look of all the vehicles and and the look of the citadel and all that stuff actually more than the action sequences um the action sequences were not nauseating or anything like that but they were a little like confusing at times towards the end but really i mean 95 quality if if i had to say anything negative about this but really like uh it's a great movie george miller you know it's like he's standing in front of all these like modern action movie directors and being like guys you're [ __ ] it up like uh action has to mean something let me show you how it's done yeah it is like back in my day have you seen my film babe [Laughter] that that i will say babe had better uh uh driving sequences in this movie you had a better car chase that part when babe is running and jumps over the little fence yeah [ __ ] amazing uh but yeah baby the movie where they say squeal like a piggy no that's deliverance that's oh okay i get those two confused so often well babe the pig looks a lot like ned beatty it's understandable just we're just hitting home runs today [Laughter] we are not things we are not thinks where is she taking them okay a little backstory you're a big mad max guy you love post-apocalyptic movies yes i'm a real big fan of pre-apocalyptic movies movies that take place in modern day okay which is every movie um but i i've seen mad max goes to the thunderdome mad max ghost thunderdome yeah for the first half of the movie and then he meets up with kids that's what it should be that should be the full title for the movie and i've seen that one numerous times as a child that was the one that i think every that was like the hollywood mad max movie that's the bigger one the tina turner songs yeah i i i two men enter one man leaves yeah that's what tina turner says as she makes mel gibson fight a [ __ ] in a clown suit that's all i remember and and then he has sympathy on the [ __ ] once he breaks the mask off no it's not a [ __ ] it's master blaster master blaster master is the [ __ ] blaster is his big muscle body and he's like like slow or he turns out to be mentally challenged is ned beatty in thunderdome because i remember them collecting pig farts folks we're hitting home runs like no one's business i haven't seen the other ones so my knowledge of this series is limited and and is this is this a complete re-scratch remake and they're they're the continuity in these movies george miller doesn't seem to really care that much about that they're all pretty much stand-alone movies he has a character in the second movie in the road warrior that uh flies a little plane i think they call it like the gyro plane and then that same actor shows up and beyond thunderdome also flying a plane but playing a different character okay george miller doesn't give any [ __ ] about that kind of stuff he just is making stories in this universe with this character that's sort of uh the vessel to enter this world which is what max has been in uh aside from the first movie that's a good revenge story and he's the center of that but uh the other movies he's sort of yeah the character you follow along this this larger story um because i'm asking that because there's a little little tiny man and and he resembled the master blaster character was that supposed to be him or just i think i think george miller just likes little people he's like a george lucas where he likes little little people and he just thinks the little deformed people make good for post-apocalyptic world i suppose like radiation because there's one guy with the big ugly legs oh yeah his big uh cankles i guess they're beyond cancer it's post-apocalyptic cankles yeah but the main bad guy in this movie mad max beyond cankles the the bad guy in this movie whose name is joe uh is played by the same actor that played the main villain in the first movie but not playing the same character is that the white darth vader that's the white darth vader that guy's so awesome he's great when you can understand what he's saying they they made it so you could understand what tom hardy was saying in this movie but not the other character yeah it's the opposite it's the flip of uh the dark knight rises right yeah yeah bane meets dwight darth vader meets tom hardy meets shinzon yes i want them back from my property oh what a day what a lovely day want to get through this let's go uh okay what do you this is going to be the shortest episode of half in the bag ever it's the best movie ever and everyone should see it that's it no it does a good job of balancing uh like because it's almost constant action i mean the movie is just constantly moving forward it's just one long chasing and it does a really great job of incorporating lots of great characters and character development through visuals not through like clunky expository dialogue like things don't come to a standstill to learn about these characters you you learn about them through their actions and it's like it's it's just it's so refreshing to see a movie like this where like everything matters and everything is paid attention to yeah and they don't go that's that's one thing that i like that they didn't get into too much detail with it's like he has all these weird flashbacks that are happening and you know he's had some kind of trouble passing i don't know if it's related to those movies that's pretty much the first movie he's all about man gets his family killed and then is alone or slash vengeance man yeah and he used to be a cop he dedicated his life to law and order now he's in a world without any law or order okay see that makes sense yeah my only gripe with this uh is is that it is les mad max centric than it is uh charlize theron more it's more her story yeah as opposed to a mad max movie well if you're like because you haven't seen the other mad max movies if you're less familiar with them and i can see people seeing the you know title the movies mad max they assume it's gonna be about this character oh i like tom hardy yeah i'll go see that but if you've seen the other movies it's right in line with beyond thunderdome and uh and the road warrior which like i said he's more of a vessel to explore this world more of a vehicle no pun intended what do you do [Music] as the world fell each of us in our own way was broken it was hard to know who was more crazy me or everyone else a lot of attention to detail and that's that's what i like about uh especially the road warrior and then this one too is just the uh the look of the world the idea that everything is made up of like found items both the uh the vehicles and their costumes charlie's theorem i noticed her robot arm has like a wrench on it and just like uh the way everything is is uh found objects and the way they put stuff together the cab of her car has all these hidden guns and knives and there's there's an altar the uh the war boys like uh they go to this altar made up of steering wheels and like all these great details like it's this completely lived in universe as a man who loves post-apocalyptic movies how did you feel about spoilers [Music] uh what essentially is a happy ending uh well it's it's a happy ending in a world that is still a post-apocalyptic world so it i'm i was fine with the ending of the movie you know you don't want everything to just be miserable in a movie like this it's about hope it's about kind of overtaking these these oppressive uh evil people is it so yeah are the other ones like that george miller has a little soft heart there well no this one they're they're smaller in scale than this one this one is definitely has more heart and and emotion behind it than the other films do uh which i was fine with because i liked the story so much i thought it worked splendidly i i enjoyed that element of it um and and my particular mood at the moment was i don't i don't want everyone just to die and some sort of miserable ending i like a happy ending well it has to feel earned and this certainly feels like i feel earned sort of because the the beginning is is brutal yeah it's it's brutal he's he's a prisoner awful things happen to him they strap him to the front of a car he survives this horrible action scene and then we're asked to believe that that grandmas can also survive these kind of situations and then then it became a little hokey well the the whole movie is over the top i mean it's ridiculous to begin with i'm looking at this with a microscope okay like uh finding little cracks on the on the on the beautiful painting canvas okay but really like so i was like but you know overall the story and the characters and really everything that you're asked to to invest and and follow along with and believe all works perfectly and and and it is a little uh uh i wouldn't say tongue-in-cheek but a little fun at times you know there's this scene where there's a just the whole world like um it's it's just like there there's a lot there's an old like car with a train tank treads on it there's like a guy playing like electric guitar like on these like bungee cords yeah he's on a truck with speakers yeah he's strapped to it with this guitar that also shoots flames out like which is equivalent to completely impractical in a world that has a limited supply of gasoline and and uh resources well you know it's like a fairy tale that's what i like i mean and that's why the the the ending worked for me is that this feels like a fairy tale yeah retaking the kingdom from the evil king it's it's like a fairy tale retold and post-apocalyptic environment but yeah uh all that stuff's great let's talk politics okay presidential election 2016. i think you're going to talk about the politics of this movie and how men are upset that vagina ladies are taking over i saw that apparently george miller uh consulted the writer of the vagina monologues yeah well people are blowing that way out of proportion he he brought her on to to consult the the wives so they understand what it's like to be like a sex slave basically but she wasn't like a consultant on the script or anything well the sex slaves look like victoria's secret models that's the point though like they're supposed to be these these perfect specimens in a world full of people with like horrible tumors and missing teeth or no eyeballs just the way they're dressed if if you were an evil monster and had sex slaves that's how you would dress them i guess they couldn't they didn't change their clothes and they snuck out they snuck out right away that's fine it's people reading in to stuff way too much yeah well this movie i read a lot about it beforehand that it was using mostly practical effects lots of actual stunts uh lots of cars crashing into other cars flipping over and there is a lot of that some some digital stuff later on that i thought was slightly distracting mainly during the the final chase scene where the characters are like running along the tops of their vehicles and stuff some parts there that were a little questionable i don't remember it it's minor enough remember some of the flame spurts looking like they were added in post i i don't think they were though i mean i guess that's a sign when you can't tell the difference between you know what's phony and what's not but still i mean i know they have the there's parts where the the guys are on their uh they're vaulting from one car to another and like that was all real you know the whole time you were talking i kept thinking is there a porno parody of the road warrior called the road head warrior i don't know let's ask the internet i'm sure there is but let's find out the answer is i think i know the answer to this but would you recommend mad max furry road no oh the movie where people in furry costumes all travel down a post-apocalyptic highway maybe that'll be the porn parody of this mad max movie furry porn let's see is there mad max furry porn so is there furry post-apocalyptic erotic fan fiction or pornos internet button go [Applause] [Music] uh yes i would absolutely recommend this movie it's it's the best movie that i'm certain i'm going to see all year uh one of my favorite movies probably the last five years it might be my favorite if it wasn't for the fact that under the skin and uh blue ruin exist but uh really really entertaining you can tell there's a lot of passion put into the movie a lot of hearts a lot of practical stunt work all these things that i think we used to take for granted that have been taken away from us in the last couple decades and i hope that this movie inspires a new generation of italian hack filmmakers to rip it off well said i agree would recommend this 100 wholeheartedly solid two-hour running time not only was it even that long it felt it felt like it was like an hour the thing just flew by exactly two hours um it didn't it wasn't two hours and 40 minutes uh positives no nauseating long pointless action scenes long action scenes but not pointless or nauseating yes quality likable characters um heart that makes you feel like you're invested in what you're seeing it's not it's not a transformers or man of steel noise noise factory you feel part of the movie you feel like you're in the world yeah well even something like we've given positive reviews to like you know the avengers and stuff like that but there's still that that separation you're like just watching a superhero movie but this is the first time in a long time i remember being this sort of engaged in the action of what was happening yeah the wall is down i have not felt like immersed in a movie or like i was in the movies world where i felt the stakes and and the tension the emotions and everything since i don't know hollywood homicide with harrison ford and josh hartnett hey what's your name so mike now that you've watched uh and enjoyed mad max fury road do you want to watch the original mad max no it's probably old and boring we should probably get out of here before they come back yeah yeah there's nothing else that you need here no just my movies well i think i'm going to take a little souvenir something i've had my eye on ever since we came in here the little pig riding a twinkie [Music] all right let's go now [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,340,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, half in the bag, plinkett, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, Mad Max: Fury Road (Film), Mad Max (Award-Winning Work), george miller, tom hardy, charlize theron, mad max
Id: KP-6ewtJcdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2015
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