Half in the Bag: Evil Dead Rise

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half in the back [Music] oh this new computer has like a track pad is that what this is I I was gonna say it is the VCR shop seem different to you no oh why does it seem different to you it seems like somebody cleaned things are slightly different but not really different it's always been this clean Jay you know I was watching a program on the Science Channel about this and sometimes when people have like weird like memories that don't quite line up with the reality they theorize that different timelines might be like crossing over within a person's like super super subconscious oh okay like like you're somehow like picking up on like the aftershocks of a of a of a parallel timeline they think we you know string theory and all those ideas think that we are living in multiple multiple thousands millions of timelines that all Coexist on top of each other in a the same space in the space-time Continuum well that makes sense because for a second there I thought I saw a new Evil Dead movie in the movie theater you did Jay what it's called Evil Dead rise Evil Dead rise and there certainly must be an alternate timeline because we actually went to the movie theaters to watch this is this the first time we've been to the theater since Ghostbusters afterlife I think it is I guess that's the question is Evil Dead rise worth going back to the movie theater for well let's find out oh what's up sis with help from Princess Peach Mario gets ready to square off against the Evil Dead to stop his plans from Conquering the world and the new film The Super Mario Brothers Evil Dead rise movie rated X we were talking off camera about movies you know it seems like the new trend is what the old Trend was the pre-marvel trend of making modestly budgeted movies and just just reaping in all the money that they make they don't cost a lot to make these mid-budget movies they haven't existed for like 15 years but they're coming back yeah that's why you see uh 12 different horror movie trailers yeah horror that's the one consistent genre is horror you always have teenagers going to the theater or in our case today literal infants There's an actual baby they brought a baby to see Evil Dead the baby still had like the little wristband from the hospital they came right for the hospital I just see the latest Evil Dead yeah well we went on uh a cheapskate Tuesday yeah that was our mistake so the scene the seniors aplenty they come for the 50 off concession and the the discounted ticket price and they'll just watch anything to kill time before they die I bet someone even wandered into that Renfield movie that's a big old flop which is a shame Nicolas Cage is Dracula come on the two nicholases together at last I I mean and you can't beat that together again he played Nicholas Holt played Nicholas Cage's son in a movie called the weatherman like 15 years ago I've seen that when he's a little I saw that yeah yeah they're back wow nobody saw it but they're back I mean did it get good reviews or I think I got decent reviews and it's similar to from what I understand it's it's like more overtly comedic uh I guess it is pretty gory it's like Splat stick kind of old school uh Peter Jackson Style so I guess between like that and Evil Dead Rises and that terrifier sequel like Gore is back can we can we uh have a hybrid genre called gorer gorer has anybody ever thought of that because if not like I I'm just some kind of Genius gorer because that's what this movie was not the Segway because I know we're still talking about other things but uh start talking do the thing where you start talking oh oh are we gonna talk about the the film we saw Yes Evil Dead rise Evil Dead rise dead rise do you ask me what I think about it first or do I ask you this is my first time doing this oh oh this is yeah your first episode you want a contest so you got to be out the show yay yeah I think we're stalling because there's not a whole lot to say about it I have a whole lot to say about it oh okay uh this was the best Sizzle reel for a director and a cinematographer that I've ever seen okay I wasn't sure you were going but that makes sense well that's that's something that I thought about I thought the movie was fine overall I thought the first two Acts were kind of a slog and then it got sort of creative and fun in the third act but the first two acts felt like uh by the Numbers Evil Dead movie which is weird that that's even a thing that exists it's like well you got to do this you gotta hit this beat you gotta do this all the all the things you would expect except it's in an apartment instead of a cabin that's the difference but uh there was the 2013 Evil Dead movie which was directed by Fede Alvarez who Sam Remy Bruce Campbell Rob Tapper they produce all these and they picked him because he had a I think at that point he had only done like a like an internet short that went viral with like it's made for no money and it had like robots attacking a city and like hey this guy's got a vision let's hire him to make a new Evil Dead movie and then that's the same with this movie too Lee Cronin he did the Irish movie hole in the ground oh yeah it was pretty good but that was more like atmospheric very slow move very different from this but they saw that and they're like hey that guy made a good movie Let's have him make our new Evil Dead movie and so now and then I saw a blurb an interview blur but I think Bruce Campbell where he's saying like if this movie does well we want to crank out an evil dead movie every every two or three years I was like oh it's like they're they're basically turning the Evil Dead franchise into like Marvel where Marvel takes these young interesting filmmakers and they have them make a Marvel movie like the the 2013 Evil Dead in this one they're both fine movies but they feel like you snatch up a young filmmaker and you don't have to make his Evil Dead movie you just have to make an evil dead movie with all the Beats you're supposed to put in one of those movies I have some advice for them if you're gonna go that route sit down and come up with a very uh well planned out Canon and and storyline like they should have done with the Star Wars sequels right don't just make them because this has that potential of the Halloween movies where it's just the same thing um you can do an interesting thing where you have the I like the the the the bank vault hidden under the apartment complex and there's some neat stuff in there but really like the premises you find the Book of the Dead and you read from it in some Manner and evil comes out that's that's like the the limit of what the story is but if each film progresses and you have characters that continue on or some kind of storyline that continues on where the evil has to do this this this and this accomplish these goals to continue to like it's building towards building towards like a yeah an ultimate um giant evil Showdown where you fix this and this happens and just it's just like that's that was the only thing I actually didn't like this movie until I really did it was a gorgeous looking movie yes and the the well that's that's what I say he hires these directors that know what they're doing visually that's it yeah it was gorgeous without any kind of substance that's why I said it looked like a Show reel yeah and it was a great Show reel like the gore in this is just out of control it's just like one of the goriest wildest movies I've seen in a while probably since the 2013 Evil Dead I don't remember anything about the other that was Raining Blood at the end that's all I remember uh this I will will stick in my brain for a while because there was so much variety of violence yeah horrific bloody stomach churning violence uh to where like yeah yeah I mean if you just want to watch that you'll get your money's worth but I plot kind of by the books I I I think this is just me but when I when I sat down and started watching it I was just like I had a check check mark list of the setups and you can help me with that it's like okay uh well it's scissors under the under the door the green light red light gate door um uh I was talking about the thing in the vents the vent system old man mentions that cat living up there so yeah get into the vents yeah everybody getting the vents and then looking out the people people's coming back Danny the character Danny who who had the DJ and was doing the DJ things like okay the turntables like all these things were like lining up for me yeah I'm gonna gonna pay off later uh and then we introduce I'm not Juliet Lewis as the sister who is in a guitar technician for a rock band on tour she comes back to Los Angeles California where everybody has poorly concealed New Zealand access right anyone that isn't one of the main characters that was the first thing I noticed we started in the woods which is kind of clever we see the what looks like the evil dead shot and then it turns out it's a POV of a drone but the guy controlling the Drone was like immediately it's like oh yeah yeah when he starts talking like it was New Zealand redhead sister mother of the three kids that actual child is probably going to have to see a therapist in a couple of years yeah they I'm sure they had all the talks necessary she knew it was a movie this is Cherry Kool-Aid you're drenched it uh uh but yeah so so the very very very basics of characterizations uh are yeah they don't delve much deeper than that I guess there's a theme of motherhood the sister's pregnant yes their mothers having to take care of the kids are very simple [Music] uh so Beth is the prodigal sister was off doing the guitar technician stuff she returns she's irresponsible she doesn't keep in touch with her family yeah she's had tons of abortions and she comes back to hang out with her sister Ellie who's the responsible one raising her kids both had a bad upbringing with her mother uh Danny plays The Book of the Dead with the Book of the Dead finds records I don't know who pressed those records it's kind of a nice touch that it was like recorded at the wrong speed so he has to like speed it up so it has this wobbly creepy sound effect to it it's the equivalent of the old tape machine right because nobody has a tape machine Antiquated piece of uh technology I guess yeah and as an update on the um because they could have found a tape machine and plugged it in and played it but then I would use the cassette tape I mean that's ancient now too because I guess it depends on when they're digging this up when it's basically it says it's 1923. okay 26 23 something like that the year of all lowered 1923 so sure so a record would make sense and there was a mention and I think this is how it sort of ties in with the other movies there's a mention of there being three volumes three books three books oh okay so that explains why it doesn't have the face yeah it's a different looking book and that's why the book in the 2013 movie looks different so okay original series book and then I guess these two books I don't know hold it nobody said anything about three books so there is something you kind of you don't need continuity with the Evil Dead movies but there's some kind of Cinematic Universe happening sure for whatever that's worth when it comes to Evil Dead remember an Army of Darkness when they're doing Three Stooges routines see that that's the thing that's missing is like the fun yeah like the the there there's some Hallmark lines also all your soul come come get some there's one moment that's right out of Evil Dead 2 and it stands out like a sore thumb because it's so goofy yeah or the eyeball flies out and lands in someone's mouth completely out of place with the tone of the rest of this movie but they put it in there right but that's the thing is like what is the evil dead as a franchise those first three movies they're all so different from each other tonally visually uh budget wise so the 2013 movie is this movie is certainly in the same kind of tone as the 2013 movie yes which to me gets boring like if you're gonna do another one make it even more different you know I think they're moving away from the Bruce Campbell Evil Dead kind of costume I mean you have to at some point yes he came back for Ash vs Evil Dead which was in between the 2013 movie and this one and that's just like pure broad comedy right that's completely different yeah um I mean you have the cult movies Evil Dead one and two and then Army of Darkness I think was a big flaw it was a huge flop um a medical following yeah that's why it's weird that they're now saying like oh we want to do a movie every two and three years because like this has never been a profitable franchise really the 2013 movie did okay Ash vs Evil Dead was like on the verge of being canceled constantly and then it finally was without any sort of wrap up I think smart people recognize the IP has a has some kind of draw and you can make these relatively cheaply yeah and then make profit as the police academy movies of Evil Dead horror and that's what that's what Bruce Campbell is sitting back and Sam Raimi are sitting back smiling and we're too old to make these ourselves anymore let's just collect all the checks yes collect the checks find Young filmmakers and who who have energy and enthusiasm and want to do a really great job to move on to something better yeah I mean yeah like what happened to the fetty Alvarez after his evil died and and this Lee Cronin uh I mean this movie is fantastic looking the cinematography in it the the sets is everything so gross looking like it's a great looking horror movie sound design oh everything the the makeup the the some of the inventiveness of there's a part where the young girl with the dark hair starts like bleeding out of her nose and out of her eyes and uh it looked so good and oh yeah I couldn't it like she starts growing like this with her mouth and it's getting everywhere and I couldn't tell if it was CGI or a practical effect yeah it looked practical to me but but you can't tell is it good like where was it coming from they could have like like make up small tubes and then like digitally smooth those out yeah sure and then it was like but and it was coming out of her nose I'm like how'd you get to come out of her nose unless you did like a like a digital cleanup of her face and actually had blood coming out of her nose yeah or was the blood coming out of her nose CGI effect it was very like seamless and nice looking you couldn't look so good mom nothing a big old kiss from you won't fix the movie was just like Bonkers in terms of like blood and gore but at no point was I ever like scared or like I know I'm too old to be scared of movies but sometimes movies can creep me out if you're engaged and you care about the characters and that's what this was lacking is for like I said for the first two thirds I wasn't particularly engaged by the story because it felt like they were hitting all the evil deadbeats yeah um the third act had a little more energy and was a lot a little more fun I think I liked when it got oh sure completely absurd uh spoilers I guess but yeah the new Wrinkle In The Evil Dead lore is for some reason all the deadites decide to squish into each other and form a bizarre Frank and a lot or monster that was crazy and that was great I love that ending and they utilized the parking garage that would be a complaint is we have a new location we're in an apartment building and they didn't really utilize that for a whole lot I'm thinking of like Poltergeist three yeah like and I think too you mentioned how like dingy and gross everything is I think it's a contrast it would have been nice it was like a new clean that's what I thought it was top of the line uh apartment building I skyrise apartment I agree with you I thought start splashing blood around there it was sort of like a art decoy 1930s gross run down apartment and like half the lights don't work so you can get creepy horror movie lighting right I know what you're doing it's the easy way to go instant uh atmosphere but modern apartment would have been cool yeah well and and utilize more areas of it like Gremlins too yeah here's Gremlins too and um uh I think the clamp Tower got locked down sound alarm [Music] and so you could do something like that with this like this modern uh apartment building in Los Angeles this earthquake proof in fact if an earthquake happens the building locks down bars come up to secure the structure can't get out because you have to punch a code to unlock it but the Evil Dead Monsters the dead eyes [ __ ] with the the the keypad and you can unlock it someplace yes yes or once we're secure that there's no aftershocks happening your building is guaranteed collapse proof once these uh extra uh support beams come up to yeah because I'm like why don't they just go down the stairs like every building will have stairs no matter how old the elevator doesn't work but you can just go down the stairs yeah find some kind of side exit like there was like I don't know and I'm assuming this was a budgetary thing but it was so limited with the amount of people where what is everybody else in this apartment building doing what all this chaos is going on I want the girl on the first floor was sleeping yeah they say they try to cover it up with like because there was a thunderstorm like okay whatever that doesn't cover up shotgun blasts that was their excuse to yeah keep it so limited to to be a little cynical here I felt like the the opening and the ending were uh Studio notes tagged on like we can't have an evil dead movie without a cabin in the woods like that whole thing was felt wrong like they show the cabin the camera has to fly through the woods so and then they show the cabin and the lake and then the kids get killed and then they say one day earlier yeah that it ends with the evil moving out of the apartment building with the girl that felt that felt kind of like we got to have this because it's Evil Dead that's what people expect yeah that yeah there's a lot of like you got to have a chainsaw you gotta have a shotgun those all show up and and for a visual variety like your whole trailer is taking place in the ugly yellow and brown apartment building you wanna that's what I say yeah like if you had a like some apartment buildings have like a small gym you can shoot something down in the gym imagine the damage you could do with some of that equipment there I think in uh Poltergeist three I think there's a pool and then there's of course the parking garage all these different areas you could go to and you need tenants that are like collect Griswold's neighbors and Christmas Vacation Julie Louis-Dreyfus and and that guy and they're like Ultra yuppies yeah I hope he falls and breaks his neck that's real full but I don't think we're lucky enough to have him break his neck maybe they they just inherited some money and they you know they inherited their aunt Beatrice's apartment in New York City Central Park Central Park West uh you could just you could do that cool apartment building New York City there's that one building where it's like uh it's like a hundred square feet uh and it and it's like a thousand floors tall that'd be kind of a cool premise to do some something like that something Ultra Modern and weird yeah um and clean and clean not generic uh obvious dingy apartment building where the lights are flashing and yeah and why is the carpet all wet Todd I don't know Margo if you look at those original movies like I don't care about the Evil Dead Lord like none of that [ __ ] matters in those movies the appeal of those movies is the inventiveness of the filmmaking yeah doing everything I mean evil LED 2 I think is legitimately one of the best movies ever made it's so creative and fun and the scenes show and that kind of gets you in the mindset of the creative Spirit of the way it was made it's like oh I know how they did that that's clever so that that kind of anarchic spirit of those movies is is what I like more than the lore of the Necronomicon don't care The Exchange is it it trades out the fun the goofiness and the inventiveness for really well crafted great looking Gore and spookiness yeah and there's a couple of like fun creative set pieces like I like the sequence where you're just seeing through the people yeah and you just see what's going on in the hallway like actually I wish that was longer it goes by kind of quick but yeah all we're seeing there's this whole action scene happening in the hallway at all we're seeing is what you can see through the people like stuff like that is fun and them escaping uh the uh Beth and the little girl I got I had a little Vibe of aliens yeah and the elevator the Monster uh trying to get to the car yeah drop ship and of course the cutscene and Aliens is that uh Ripley had a child oh yeah you know that died and so this F character is pregnant it's motherhood Queen alien you know yeah kind of kind of similar uh parallel there I don't want to undersell this movie's technical wonders it it lacked in characters I liked or related to um but it excelled in the visuals the cinematography the look of it the gore the makeup what looked like practical effects when they lit the girl on fire like oh yeah it really looked like CG fire it doesn't look so cheap like a lot of things do it look like an actual person on fire although at this point it effects might have gotten so good I can't tell but um it didn't take me out yeah that's the point um stabbings knives scissors and up the nose chainsaws on the head [ __ ] blood bath with a wood chipper I mean if you want if you're there for an hour and a half to get your money's worth of a violent spooky movie where you don't have to think too much this is that's a home run and it was better in terms of like one of the fun things about the original movies is how sort of playful and Goofy the demons are [Applause] [Music] and this has a little more of that than the 2013 movie did like when the the one daughter's possessed and she's just like chewing glass she's chewing that wine bottle and and I want to comment too about the the eyeballs so they have like the red like Palpatine eyes or you know and a lot of times you just can tell when it's just like contact that's thrown on there but this there were like the cameras moving around the girl the brown-haired girl had the like the Palpatine eyes the red fire eyes and and like real eyes are semi-translucent like a fish tank kind of effect where if you look at it from a different angle and that happened in this to where it wasn't just through you know like a Halloween store contact lens the camera moved and I saw the dimension underneath like the the front part and the eye and the you could see the the iris and the all the stuff in the eye was this in like I don't remember this was this in like an extreme it was close-ups yeah I could have been that could have been digital it could have been digital but it was flawlessly done and that's something they thought of it was something they thought of is it a deep attention to detail that they wanted where the eyeball looked like a real red evil eyeball but that's again that's something that he can now show look what I thought to do yeah I mean give me a job Marvel you get a better script give this Lee Cronin guy a really great script and you got a really solid horror movie because this the attention to detail in this and the gore and the way it looked it was just to me is Top Notch I haven't seen a horror movie like this impressive looking in a while but uh uh I don't know if I had anything else to say about this other than uh very bad Australian or New Zealand accents yeah has there ever been a movie where a bunch of Americans shot a movie in New Zealand and pretended it was like California or Chicago I want to go to New Zealand and make a movie set and well that's what this movie is it's New Zealand for California yes but I want to invert that I want to get a cast of American actors go to New Zealand to play new zealanders yes okay I see um yeah yes oh wait no we'll film it in Chicago or Milwaukee and bring in a bunch of New Zealand actors no oh my God I'm so confused here's the thing you have new zealanders in New Zealand pretending they're Americans in Los Angeles yes we have a bunch of actors from Milwaukee in Milwaukee pretending it's New Zealand okay okay and all doing New Zealand accents and then try to sell the movie over into New Zealand so I think that would be a fun experiment okay okay and just be like you know because there's those shots that really cool like wide-angle lens shot of that apartment building it's like raining and then you see like the Los Angeles Skyline like digitally inserted in the background yeah and it's like they make sure to get just a couple of close-ups of California license plates yes yes and that cabin wherever that cabin was oh yeah those those trees those were trees that are nowhere in the United States well that's yeah that first shot that looks like the Evil Dead Vision that turns out to be the Drone it's going through the woods doesn't look like an American Woods yeah maybe in Hawaii those trees exist but uh they they didn't look it it brought me out of it and then I started to hear the accents and I'm like is this take place in new zealanders uh not good but again those are the that's all the clunky opening stuff first like 50 of the movie is is me like being baffled by the the bad American accents kind of kind of figuring out where this was shot and not engaged by the story or the characters yeah and then then the girls like I I uh the first introduction she's like I'm going to the the Labor Day protest oh yeah and then she has a sign that it's like a a climate change sign yeah there's something about feminism on her door too yeah she's supposed that's I guess her character but it doesn't amount to anything but she's gonna hold up a climate change sign until Labor Day do people protest Labor Day that's generally considered a pretty good holiday yeah maybe it was just the the protest happened to be on Labor Day so they were just calling it the Labor Day protest yeah it's very confusing but yeah she's supposed to be like a young activist but it doesn't really matter no it doesn't really matter when you start cutting your own face off part of me even though it would have been schlock part of me hoped that I would have been a okay with schlock with the Evil Dead like the the end when All Is Lost and they're trapped in the elevator and there's blood and I just wanted like the door to bust through and we see that metal hand of Bruce Campbell and he opens up the door or or you have him backlit down the end of the hallway and he goes and it's just like it's like a 10 minute long fight with him and all the before they combined into the the Critter ball yeah that would have made more sense if they were in pieces and then all came back together as well but instead it's just the the sister character like her leg and her arm get blown off and she combines them all but if Bruce Campbell fought them all and chopped them all up into pieces and then said we gotta get out of here where'd you come from don't worry about that just don't explain it that's fine my car's not working don't worry I brought one oh hero shot the car while we're in the while while we're in the world of fan service let's just go all the way but then all the all the cut up parts that Bruce Campbell chomped up with his chainsaw I'm all come back together into a like a weird spider creature sure sure and then then they have to blow that up I was hoping that they they tripped a gas line or something and they mentioned early on that the building's on the verge of being condemned and so I was like oh by the end of this movie this apartment's gonna be Rubble right that's crazy yeah but that didn't happen yeah big explosion and the apartment building capes in but we had to set up that character to leave to go to her friend's cabinet yeah that's true because that's that's at the mom Mommy's with the maggots now so Mike would you this is the first thing we've seen in theaters forever would you recommend if you're someone like us that is sick of movie theaters and the theater going experience going back to the theater to see Evil Dead rise no or would you recommend just waiting one week for to show up on streaming yeah watch it on streaming we we unfortunately we went on a cheapskate Tuesday terrible Tuesday terrible um and uh there's a lot of crunching in babies and and people constantly coming in and out of the theater yeah there's those there's the halfway markers I call them they're people that go watch the full movie and then just go into anything even if it's halfway through just to watch watch the movies playing y'all know what I'm talking about you've seen it it's like oh are they an hour late no they're the halfway markers they come in and they just like get a free half of a movie like what what is wrong with you like you know you have to watch a whole movie to get the full experience you can just watch like you're just passing time yeah but um it wasn't it wasn't a horrible experience it wasn't the worst theater experience I've ever had but there's lots of popcorn eating and distractions and and not that I needed to pay attention to this movie it was a very fine movie I wouldn't even care if people were talking like I didn't need to hear any dialogue in this movie it was 90 visuals yeah it was just Gore and violence and and so it you know it's not like I struggled to like follow the story um but not necessarily um but as far as recommending the movie uh yeah oddly enough it's something I I my gut tells me I shouldn't really like but I was very impressed with just the the way it was put together Jay light recommendation like I said I I don't know if the right plan now is to make the Evil Dead franchise basically like an anthology series which sounds like it kind of is this one's in an apartment the next one will be an unrelated story somewhere else if that's the idea then I hope in future ones they go in drastically different directions right because this one felt a little tired with the story and the the Evil Dead elements get Goofy with it get weird with it go in a different tonal Direction something with the next one they need to set the next one at an automotive distribution car parts convention at the Showboat Casino Hotel where it's a bunch of like middle-aged men with beer bellies trying to set up their booths to sell their automotive parts and the deadites show up someone has the Book of the Dead on accident in their briefcase and then the whole the Showboat Casino Hotel the riverboat casino the convention hall uh becomes unmoored from the dock and floats off down the river you're just stuck on that boat then out to sea sure and dudites are are they lock themselves in the convention hall they have to use all the car parts to build a giant giant machine to fight the deadites meanwhile the boat giant suit like the the bear suit the guy that doesn't want to get attacked by bears yes and hurt you bees is convinced this 150 pound suit will protect anyone from a Grizzly's deadly assault the riverboat casino starts sinking the deadites are playing slot machines will be well check it out or don't wait three days till it's on streaming but I'm looking forward to seeing whatever Lee Cronin does next yeah I liked hole in the ground on the ground was good very different totally than this that was super slow burn atmospheric stuff so yeah he's uh good good he just needs a good script a good horror script and uh I don't know if he'd be into the whole uh Auto Parts convention on the Showboat casino hotel but we'll give him a call and see how do I don't know I don't know it's in New Zealand so I'm assuming it's more numbers it is a lot of numbers oh no he's Irish he's not using oh yeah [Music] hello top of the morning to you Lee I got no idea for your next film is this your audition for the lead in our movie where we have I'm from New Zealand let's go look at The Hobbit town foreign [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 857,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: 0d-kj8z2t8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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