The Nightmare on Elm Street Series - re:View (Part 1)

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foreign [Music] [Applause] Mike we're here we're doing it I never thought this day would come because nobody else cares about Freddy Krueger but we're going to talk about all the Nightmare on Elm Street movies this is like a dream come true for me it's a little spooky in here isn't it with all the smoke oh maybe we're in maybe we're in one of your nightmares where you have to talk about the entire Freddy Krueger franchise with me oh my God I did nod off while filming a new Star Trek Picard review with Rich oh my God welcome to my world [ __ ] welcome to my world [ __ ] [Music] oh we both went for the glove at the same time but you got to play with the glove oh this is going to be too much to put on has Freddy ever opened a beer with you know what he probably did on the Freddy's nightmares TV show they did all sorts of stupid crap there that's true when I was a kid I would have been so excited to have a glove of this quality well that yeah that's actual metal and this is yeah this is uh what is it trick-or-treat Studios Quality quality Freddy glove when I was little all you could ever get was that shitty Halloween store plastic one yeah sure but this is this is good stuff well happy Halloween Jay cheers Halloween and February or March last March whatever comes out you know whatever month this is no this whole review um probably should be around Halloween time for obvious reasons but in an effort to own more physical media which I'm doing I said I don't own any of The Nightmare on Elm Street movies so I bought the whole collection on Blu-ray and a thin little box box it's two movies on a disc yeah with one disc of bonus stuff which I didn't watch we're due for an upgrade on that set there's a really great one for the Halloween series and the Friday the 13th series I keep waiting for screen Factory to announce that they're doing a nice nightmare Elm Street collection what do you want other than the movies I just bought new scans of the movies they look okay on the current HD versions but they can look better get a new 4k scan of the camera negative well I don't care about that trash films don't you want some of those effects to look even worse Optical opticals not not practical no no that's the highlight of the whole series is the Practical effects and we'll talk about that but uh so I said to myself self you have this new collection of Freddy Blu-rays what do you want to watch well my favorite one the fourth one which I've seen 700 000 times or the first one and then I said I said I says to myself self why don't I watch them all from the beginning and that's what I did every night of the week for what seven nights six nights seven nights eight nights I watched every Freddy movie starting with the first one all the way up to Wes Craven's New Nightmare um the the the final final sort of Freddy movie final ish for over a decade until Freddie versus Jason which We're Not Gonna include in this no compendium maybe in a future video maybe in a future video there's a lot to talk about with that movie right very goofy we're gonna first talk about something uh that I brought up to Jay and it's I don't know oh do you want to lead with this I want to lead with this because it's the most interesting thing that we're going to talk about well should we save it for later then if it's like like we'll drag people along uh okay and I noticed a a really bizarre theme throughout all the movies and we're gonna bring it up later I guess after four ad breaks she loves me she loves me not but the story we'll we'll briefly talk about the first movie because we did a whole commentary track for it I think we did it right after Wes Craven's passed away and then you and Rich mostly just made fun of the movie but that's fine well we have to make our commentary tracks entertaining it's true the movie uh holds up it does it's uh I mean it's it's clearly dated it's that's the thing about this whole franchise it's not like going back and talking about like shining or Night of the Living Dead or a movie that really holds up and is just like uh just like a masterpiece the nightmare number three franchise especially more as it goes along were like cheap pop horror I'll get you my pretty angels they were a more recent equivalent of them would be like the saw franchise where they were just cranking them out every year because they were just such a cash cow so that's how you end up with like a soundtrack with Docking and the fat boys and uh the fifth one has a rapper named Houdini no one remembers him but he did a video you remember the closing credit song of Freddy's Dead oh that's Iggy Pop I like that song oh maybe I'm thinking another rap song There's a rap song at the end of one of them there's a rap song at the end of five that's that's Houdini in the music video he's wearing like a little white cowboy hat and a little white Cowboy vest and he's rapping it's very embarrassing lots of the things related to these movies are very embarrassing and very dated aren't you just dying to look like me daily winners when we're seeing the Freddy Krueger Nintendo game cartridge so are you ready to be Freddy but I think that's interesting too as opposed to something like The Shining yeah um because that's this little window of Pop Culture where this was super popular super successful uh started with a little low budget horror movie that launched not just a franchise but an entire Studio the story of nightmare Elm Street is the story of new line Cinema yes and Robert Shea ahead of new line Cinema works his way into a lot of the movies he works his way into a lot of moves and and I I didn't know this about Robert Shea he he he probably made a whole ton of money from a little man who came up to him and said I have an idea I want to take the Jr our Tolkien novels and create two films from them and Robert Shea said no Mr Jackson make three films and I'll produce them but that relationship started with the Freddy franchise they hired Peter Jackson's weird New Zealand horror filmmaker to write a draft they said Peter Jackson you made these weird New Zealand horror movies come over here and write a script for Freddy's Dead our Final Nightmare on Elm Street movie and he came up with an idea he wrote a whole script and then they didn't use it at all they decided to go with the worst scripts ever and a director who didn't quite mesh with the material no but it's a very like that last movie is all like the main people of new line Cinema because I was directed by Rachel talalay she was a producer in all the earlier movies Michael DeLuca wrote the scripts and he was a producer or something at newline cinema at the time so that was a very like they were just having fun they I guess they were just like let's just make a stupid little movie and go out in the most embarrassing way possible Freddie the concept of Nightmare on Elm Street one is brilliant yes uh the execution is pretty good and then the endings are always [ __ ] terrible [Music] to Robert Shea the producer he saw franchise potential so he they shot like multiple different endings to this movie that would be like us the original movie that would be like a sequel hook we ended up shooting two or three different endings there was one where I drive the car there was one where Johnny drives the car the irony is that we used all of the endings so nobody likes the ending to the first movie especially Wes Craven New Nightmare yes also Freddy five uh Freddie's dead I mean all the endings are just awful yes and it's not as simple like for the first Freddie movie it could have been super simple like Michael Myers like not being there when Dr Loomis went back and looked you know but it's it's just like they do this really bizarre thing it's almost like like a little mixture of Dewey do we end it end this movie or do we have sequel bait yeah I'm assuming the ending where the mom gets sucked through the window was attacked on oh yeah because it's like okay okay Freddie she pulls Freddie out of the dream and he runs around on fire yes well once he starts on fire he he gains 50 pounds somehow and then he runs around and he jumps at the mom in the bed and the mom turns into a skeleton and goes Fades into the bed and vanishes and then her bed becomes a Glowing Grave and then they sink into the bed and I'm like what that's all Nightmare stuff so that's fine but the real conclusion of the story is Nancy turning her back on Freddy this is just a dream you're not alive I take back every bit of energy I gave you you're nothing that's how this that's your conclusion and then the tact on ending completely throws that all out the window see here's the thing there can we talk about the Freddy like uh what what is it like Canon or mythology yeah the mythology it became all very clear to me before it used to be just like whatever but now they're sort of I realize they're sort of adding in like whatever they could every time it clearly it wasn't planned out oh yeah and it's just slapped together and it's so bad and it's like that first one like it's it's such a simple really simple effective concept Freddie was a child murderer and we cornered him in his Boiler Room that he used to hang out in and we set him on fire right and then it's like okay and now he's back in dreams and now he's back in dreams he's a demon he's evil he's back in dreams uh number two I don't know what happened they had no I had no thought of a a franchise or a mythology of the second movie that's the one that's the black sheep when it comes to that stuff so in the in the dreams in the first one you know Heather langenkamp goes down in the in the basement of the school and it's a student's not permitted she goes down the stairs and that's the Boiler Room yeah that's in her dream world and it's a giant Boiler Room to to to heat the water for a high school but it's in a dream it's real it's fine so it's it's not like he was was he the School Janitor or no no that's that's the mythology of the Treehouse of Horrors The Simpsons mythology I thought at some point they said that but but anyways so so then in I think it's three Freddy's Boiler Room is like a gigantic Factory oh yeah it's like well that's they introduced that in the second movie they go there and that's yeah he worked in this Boiler Room so that's adding a little bit to the mythology but um it is not a boiler room in which a handful of parents could encircle and set on fire yes you can set a gigantic factory made of concrete and steel on fire when there's nothing to burn right um and you could easily Escape that but they kind of explained that in the pilot episode of the Freddy's nightmares TV show because that's like a prequel where they Corner him in a corner of the boiler room and they just like throw a malt-off cocktail on it okay and that's how he lights up on fire well how do you explain then uh Freddie's Dead the Final Nightmare when they he lives in a janitor Willy uh Shack right he lives in Willy's Shack that's that's where he gets set on fire yeah and you see a little bit of that and they show a boiler like in the background and it's just like a water heater or something that's a spoiler room it's a boiler room trust me it's a house it's like a Shack in the woods like that's what I always pictured in my mind when I was a kid like they they surrounded him and set them on fire I figured oh he lives in like a nasty little Trash house yeah well they show that in Freddy versus is Jason as well they show him like throwing Molotov cocktails into a building because they get a little bit of a flashback right I think they show that in the remake too I don't we're not going to talk about the Remake we'll just ignore this turn our back on that yeah and remove all its power so but but in Freddy's Dead they also show a flashback to when his daughter was a little girl and he's choking the mom out in the backyard and it was Freddie had a wife and daughter in white picket fence they had a fairly nice Suburban house yeah so it's not what you associate with Freddy from the earlier movies so presumably at some point the daughter grew up Freddie continued to murder children bring them to a secret Factory and continue to live in his nice house and at some point he had financial troubles and moved into a Shack in the woods right it's like Cabin in the Woods house yeah it's not his normal white picture because that's where the flying head ghosts offer him the deal with the devil to be an immortal yeah murderer the the dream people he calls them which hearing Freddie say the dream people the dream people the ones that gave me this job they're the ones who gave me this job like what are you talking about that's like compared to say Padme yeah yeah but so the dream people the the the the ancient spirits that are that are talked about by um yaphet kodo he's an ancient green demons because coincidentally and Freddie said the Final Nightmare a man that works in a a halfway house for fostered teens is a dream expert yes with Machinery equipment in his bedroom sure he lives in he doesn't have a house he lives in that that might be his office I think it's just he's he falls asleep his office because he works so hard to try and help these troubled kids and do dream research as well sure because he's trying to cure them of their their teenaged angst ailments such as drugs and alcohol addiction all the posters all over didn't work Nancy Reagan failed him there the Dare program did not work for these troubled teens but he tries to solve them through his dream therapy and he has a thing on the wall and it's like this like piece of art of three dream serpents demons that every now and then pick a human that's so evil this is this is like how Freddy has his powers because it's never explained because it's much better when they explain it it makes it much scarier three demons will find the worst human who's so evil that the moment before his death they'll zoom into his body they'll float around him in 3D and and yes uh you watch it through your 3D glasses and um and they'll tell him like who will you can live forever but you have to I don't know you have to keep killing people I don't know and then the so now he's not motivated you still got to get burnt up real bad but not so bad that you're a pile of dust but just bad enough to worry spooky yeah and uh and then uh Freddy that's how Freddy has his powers yep [Music] no no no no don't touch that dial here's what's on my mind tonight [Music] so what you're getting at is this was not a well thought out franchise no it was not intended to be like we always talk about that Halloween uh none of these movies none of these were meant to be a franchise just someone had an idea Wes Craven had an idea and it was a perfect brilliant genuinely creepy idea man can find you in your dreams and if he kills you in your dreams you die for real the scariest part of the movies are not being able to sleep that's like my horror movie that's what happens when you have 15 coffee pots hidden in your bedroom well that's that part always makes me laugh when she pulls the mom takes the one coffee pot she pulls up the second yeah the mom cannot smell a coffee pot pot of coffee being brewed under her bed yeah so so well executed first movie some classic classic scenes Tina being dragged around on the ceiling and bloody nightgown and Johnny Depp blood Fountain coming out of the bed the creepiest though is Tina in the hallway and the body that's that's iconic that's that's what I think what has made the movie kind of hold up is the execution of a lot of the stories clunky the mom's acting is laughable oh God yes um but uh but the concept is so great and there's so many like just perfect creepy visuals uh kind of just scattered throughout yeah that one used to legitimately frighten me when I was little that image of Freddy like walking down the alley with the super long arms and just like stuff like that subtly surreal stuff yeah where they don't go too over the top which the sequels obviously do but what they have that like I don't know Friday the 13th franchise doesn't is they always tried to hire like young directors that had something to prove so they try try to uh inject these movies with a lot of weird visuals and creativity number three was a lot better than I remembered I never used to watch that one yeah two I think I watched once and I'm like what's going on two as a kid was the one where I was like nothing about the seat feels wrong feels off yeah um whether it makes sense or not it doesn't have to but the rules established in the first movie Freddy gets pulled into the real world and he's just a guy again right that's the whole idea but in the second one he's in the real world but he's like making himself disappear and he's walking through bushes and turning into fire he's at the pool party none of it none of it really is at the pool party you're not asleep yeah well the I think the idea was that he was trying to manifest through the main character yeah it's a it's a possession movie right more so than anything else which is doesn't line up with the rest of the franchise but maybe they were trying to turn away from like the dream element and I think when they made that second movie they didn't know what the franchise was yet yeah yeah they thought maybe they could take it in a different direction but I I mean the the the guy's iconic scream is a little laughable but when you look at it through the lens that people are starting to kind of come around to that movie now yeah there's this metaphor for a kid struggling with his sexuality sure I mean it's it's brilliantly done in that regard and yeah you it is written that way because there's the um there's a lot of like homo eroticism with the the sports stuff the locker room the coach yes um cuato not cuato but the guy quarter was in yeah the resistance leader from Total Recall but yeah he's like uh he has this thing where he he keeps punishing the two guys and he's like the push-ups get to the point where it looks like they're in the missionary sex position and thrusting they can't do a push-up anymore so they're like up in the air and they're just like thrusting and he's like peeking out through the window and watching them and he calls them like sweethearts or something and there's the and then he gets like s m'd up in the shower and he's in the gay bar and yeah um and that stuff I didn't pick up as a kid obviously sure um I was just confused about the the Freddy not feeling like Freddy compared to the other movies right there wasn't as much dream stuff um so that's the movie out of all these that I think my opinion has changed the most on over the years oh sure even from just a few years ago because For the Longest Time so many people involved with the movie were like we didn't know we made a gay movie we had no idea uh and the director still is like he's like seems completely clueless he's like I had no idea what we were doing I simply did not have the self-awareness to realize that any of this might be interpreted as as gay I also had not the slightest idea that one of my lead actors was gay but the writer is has come out more in uh saying like yeah it was meant to be subtext and metaphor and they just happened to cast a gay actor right um which for the longest time I thought he was openly gay but there's a great documentary called scream Queen that's about his whole story and he wasn't open because no one was open at that time right everyone was scared to come out especially if you were like an actor or you were in Hollywood sure so they just happened to cast a gay actor uh the character is a lot more sort of sensitive and not sort of traditionally masculine well and he's the main character and traditionally in most horror movies the main character is a girl um especially in this franchise and this franchise and yeah most horror movies it's it's the you know the pure girl the final girl as they say um there's always the promiscuous one or the the nerdy one or the but then you could just you know your Laurie Strode kind of character yeah and he was fine as a protagonist you know and then but but then he has the the girl the Meryl Streep's daughter she looks a lot like I think it's just a clone of Meryl Streep maybe it's just a failed clone yeah no um she's like I Am So Into You and he's like yeah yeah I'm busy with Freddy stuff and then let's make out okay let's make out for a little bit and then I gotta go run to the bedroom I'm scared I'm going to Ron's house Rod can I sleep in your bed something is trying to get inside my body yeah and she's female and she's waiting for you in the Cabana and you want to sleep with me or he explains to him there's someone that wants to get inside my body and even the scene the the most famous line from that movie I think is when Freddie's like you've got the body I've got the brains that whole scene he's like it's like a seduction [Music] cheers he's like caressing his face it's it's uh again the director claims to be completely oblivious to all this and you see the movie and you're like it's so blatant now and it's interesting it makes the movie way more interesting than it was most of the other sequels because of that yeah I mean I I I enjoyed it and he there's some really good like when Freddy like bursts out of his body oh yeah he screams you see his eyeball in his mouth yeah and then like he's like coming through and then the whole like carcass of his body falls away and Freddie stands up and it's got that music swell and it's really awesome and then it's it's monster as metaphor which the series isn't known for but that's the the horrors or the fear of of coming out of the closet at that time I would probably say it's a smarter of all the Freddy movies close second to Freddy's Dead the Final Nightmare um but I think part two as that's my favorite kind of portrayal of Freddy it's like the last time he was really scary he's really like dark yes and Sinister in that one and the makeup actually looks more burn victimy as it went along it's more like yeah he's slimy he's not rubbery like he is in some of those later movies oh yeah they didn't care at that point no he he does look menacing in that and he's not like that yeah I got like a like a hook nose and like yellow eyes he's really like scary in that movie yeah so that's the Freddy pool party scene and to this day even though I just watched it I still always think that Freddy put on a tuxedo for the pool party scene but I confuse it with Freddy does wear a tuxedo in one of the movies there's like a promo image from I think part three where he's wearing a tuxedo even though I don't think he is in the movie at all yeah I don't I don't know why wait maybe he is when he kills the mom in the dream where he cuts her head off and then he's sold in the head up and the head's still nagging it Patricia Arquette [Music] I I just scrambled it in my memory banks but number three uh nice switch back to regular Freddy logic yeah we go to a mental hospital for teens a group of characters they're all very well defined this is where the franchise really uh figured out that the shtick is all these characters have one fear and Freddie is going to exploit that fear they're the children of the original parents yeah that killed Freddy this is the last of them yeah stick to that because the kid in number two just moves to that town into the Freddy house yeah which now it's the Freddy house in the first movie that's just Nancy's house but somehow throughout the series that's another thing because people recognize the imagery of it it just becomes Freddie's house that's where he lives no that's where Nancy lives yeah so uh why the haunted house it's not just a house home yeah three's the one that kind of solidifies that because it starts with Patricia Arquette's making a little like popsicle house that's the Freddy house and that's the start of the movie all the movies not all of them but I think the the best ones all are actually kind of about something they're not like the Friday the 13th series where and I like those too for completely different reasons where it's like kind of the same thing over and over but like this movie they're talking about teen suicide and troubled youths and all of them kind of have that theme of parents not taking these kids seriously um thinking they know what's best that's what always ends up getting them killed part five they're talking about abortion and unplanned pregnancy yeah yeah and in part four of course uh Freddie wears sunglasses hey I like part four but that movie doesn't have a whole lot going on under the surface that's the dream master it's it's good but that's great I like it I like it but it's very it's very parallels with Halloween four because he got the first and the second and it's almost like a reboot because it feels so fresh yeah it's more cinematic that's when they they started pumping a little more money into it made it a little more stylish it's all the early ones are a little clunky yeah they're low budget and there's kind of a charm to that too that kind of Scrappy filmmakers just trying to right you know but like the image from the first movie of Freddy's arms going out like it looks pretty silly yeah some bad opticals in the third movie yeah but they also have that kick gas giant animatronic snake monster that's right yes I was expecting to cut to them from to cut from the close-up to a wide and have it be you know stop motion or something there is that bad stop-motion skeleton at the beginning stop motion skeletons yeah that's an old other story yeah no no yeah the giant rubber head and then um the TV scene of course is great those like robot arms made out of TV parts because that girl she wants to be a TV actress so she gets killed by having her head smashed into the TV is that the first Freddy like punny kill I think it's definitely the first Freddy [ __ ] which became a staple of the series I'm saying [ __ ] is just so great we'll see [ __ ] this that's why people talk about like oh the Freddy movies they started kind of serious and got so goofy as they went along I would say The Sweet Spot is like part three and four he just has no value for any of these people's lives it's all a big joke to him so I think having him be goofy here kind of works in that or he's just like mocking their mortality yeah yeah I think where it crosses the line is the the the comic book kid in five where it becomes like a little too silly I know it's dream world but it's just like no yes and you get to part six or he's basically Bugs Bunny yes three three and four I think strike that perfect balance of he's playful and he's funny and we kind of like watching him yeah um but he's so cruel yes he's cruel and he he will he will take care of business when it's time to but he wants to taunt people yes he could kill these kids right away and he doesn't any any he uh you know he taunts them with with some kind of element of their personality there's the the asthmatic girl in four one no uh the the weightlifter girl who's afraid of bugs you know he makes her into a cockroach that's all just so great yes all those effects um that was one thing I was I was kind of it deviated a bit away from Freddie logic was like the first couple movies like when he's when Tina's getting killed just real blood coming out of her Johnny Depp of course it's a little Fountain of blood yes and you know it's not a part of the dream because the mom comes in she's the Fountain of blood Heather langenkamp Burns her arm on the pipe to wake herself up and there's a real world burn there's Real World cuts on people yeah but in the fourth one they died like Kincaid he just like stabs them and then they show him on the bed and he's fine looks like he's having a heart attack yeah and then the girl um the The Bookworm girl she got in her in the dream he sucks all the life out of her until she becomes completely deflated yeah but in reality she's just having an asthma attack so it it takes a different log where it's like they're not real world wounds because they become so cartoony um it makes more sense because then it makes like makes it uh harder for anyone to believe him because he's all look like they could be natural deaths that makes more sense yeah and if they only had started with that yeah it's like it's like Freddie logic you're in you're sleeping you're in your bed and he can do something to you he can't really manipulate the outside world but he but he takes the bed sheets and they magically wrap around the guy's neck oh yeah and then the fourth one Joey the the he's the he's the mute pervert in three yep um whose power is he can talk yeah at the end everyone develops their power their powers their dream powers and uh so they tease it with the naked nurse and the third one and then yes he's a naked girl it's completed when he's yeah he's still perverted and a pinup model comes out of a poster and lures him she's in the bed then Freddie jumps out of the bed and that's a great scene that's well Sean it's well executed it's cool but somehow Freddy gets his dead body into a waterbed yeah because the mom comes in and pulls up the covers in the bed yeah which is a frightening image that he's inside the waterbed but how does Freddie do that I don't know Dream Magic it's not a lot of consistency to this it's not consistency that's okay it's well especially with that fourth wall like I said that's all about the the execution of all these sequences because that's all it really is that movie is kind of a series of very interesting and cool and creative sequences all right more so than any sort of although you do have a character growth with Alice who I think definitely I like her a lot uh I like her more than Nancy I think I think uh Alice Lisa Wilcox is a better actress and her growth from nerdy girl to kind of being assertive and taking control as her friends die off as good she's shy and withdrawn and uh lives in a broken household with a drunkard father who's mentally abusive yes he's not physically abusive um because his character comes around and becomes respectable that is something interesting by the fifth movie that doesn't really happen in a lot of these types of sequels where you not only carry over a minor supporting character but he actually has some growth there's a lot of like soul to that fifth movie that's really odd for a series like this there's like a nice little dinner scene with Alice and her dad and he's like because she's pregnant Alice is pregnant and he's like it'd be nice to have a little little boy running around the house again my brother got killed it's like yeah because her brother died by invisible karate Freddy in the previous movie but but Alice is sort of overshadowed by all of her friends who are all better than her in some way yeah the the workout girl is you know she's assertive and strong and then The Bookworm girl is smart her brother is kicks butt there's the The Jock guy um and they're all sort of and she's very like um I don't know demure and and mousy and and Daydreams which is the opposite of nightmares yeah and her and the mirror is the little Motif that she takes the pictures down of the friends that have died and she because her brother comments I have a mirror if you can't look at yourself she's like why do I need to everyone's better than me I just look at all these pictures and then at the end she could see herself and she's absorbed all the strong characteristics of all the friends that the the um the Montage of getting ready to to 80s late 80s rock songs she's using the nunchucks and it's clearly a dude in a wig Matt Hannon came on set for a date but he's using elements of all the things from her friends that have died just the bug zapper thing from the nitty girl but she pulls the electrical wires out of the wall and shoves him into the back supercharged this is a case of like that movie all these movies it's interesting because it was new line Cinemas Cash Cow it's what allowed them to become a real company and make all these other things and go on to do bigger things but they were just cranking them out year after year because they had to because they had to keep making money off of them so they were all made so like flying by the seat of their pants that movie in particular like they never had like a finished script her brother's death in that like that was like a last minute thing somebody said well look why do we have why does he have to die at all let's just not even have the seat and then something when we already shot the funeral scene that he is dead he's in the coffin or like they didn't even have Robert Englund there so like oh he fights invisible Freddie we'll hang up some sheets and it's like a dojo I guess because we kind of set that up earlier that he does karate that whole seed was just like made up on the spot well and they knew what they needed for the big set pieces yeah like the ending which is the best death of Freddy in any of these movies yeah much much better than the death of him in what's supposed to be the actual final death of him so Nightmare on Elm Street three felt like a conclusion to killing Freddie off because the logic is I don't I don't even know how he died in the second one or went away I don't remember what happened oh Jesse got a case of the not gays because remember the what's her name Lisa not Meryl Streep yeah is like I know you're in there Jesse I know you're in there Jesse slash Freddy because Jesse's not possessed by Freddie kisses her and then Freddy dies true love wins he went through his conversion therapy yeah that's basically the ending to that I just don't remember that and I watched it three days ago but uh three so they start like looking into it and the lore is there the backstory is back it really wasn't there in the second one but now it's back in the third one we have to uh destroy his bones or bury him after the after the Elm Street parents we have to bury kill them yes yes they buried or they hit his bones in a junkyard yeah Heather langenkamp's back by the way and she's working as an intern therapist something there's the nasty nurse lady who's in charge and she works there now and then there's man not Bill Maher not Bill Maher and he's like I'm man I'm running and then it's like next scene they're together they go they go to dinner I'd like to talk to you about your career and then the next scene they're like living together I'm like oh they're not living together they were like sleeping together they were to say yeah they were in this house having dinner and wine and that's probably his house there was no like development of their like we got 37 characters in this movie yeah we don't need that scene where they they fall in love or admit they love each other they just cut to them living together but anyways go find just bones and we got a very consecrated ground the the not Bill Maher goes to a church and steals some holy water in exchange for his driver's license and they they go and they find Freddy's bones and they throw them in the grave and that's what kills Freddie Freddie kills everyone but a Joey and Kincaid and Kristen he kills uh switchblade girl and Dungeons and Dragons and wheelchair nerd um who turns into a wizard this is the most dated of the Sea of all the movies I think all the the uh cheesy 80s cliches right it's no it's fine it's just uh they're definitely going for something a little more kind of Fantastical and and uh not quite as dark the wizard Master it's very like goofy I think they're trying to say like they should do more dream stuff yeah oh yeah no it's fine and not just nightmare like I'm in a smoky Boiler Room kind of nightmare but but Dream well and yeah using using their their fears against them the best is with the switchblade girl yeah um she used to have a be a drug addict so Freddie creates these little like mouth pustule mouths on her arms and jexer um but but so we start off with four and Patricia Arquette is out yeah um she has been replaced by an actress named Tuesday night somehow the events that took place in Nightmare Elm Street three all the murders and violence and horror that happened in Nightmare on Elm Street 3 cured all the teens of their anguish problems that made them go into a mental hospital and now they are all back home just back at Public Schools yeah we don't know a lot about their personal lives but we do see them all in their houses they're all back home and uh Kristen has magical powers she has pulled other people into her dreams Powers yes and she goes to an empty boiler room and and she pulls her friends in to battle Freddy again they're like he's dead he's dead but but he's not Kincaid then has a dream all on his own where him and his dog go to where Freddie was buried and the dog pisses fire on the Buddy's grave which somehow makes his bones come back together they throw in an ADR line because yeah there's that cool scene where he's coming back together you see like his flesh reform yeah visually it's really cool and they show Once he's fully formed they like pan up and you see his face and silhouette and even though his mouth isn't moving the 80 yard line where he's like you shouldn't have buried me I'm not dead so that's their whole justification sure that big epic conclusion to the last movie yeah he just didn't die you know they should have done then this is too silly it's too silly for this they should have just they should have had okay maybe you can make it less silly um show the grave like after after Freddie comes back to life don't do the dog pissing thing just do the the Grave Just exploding the dirt flies and the bones come back together and and then you have like like a crack of thunder and lightning and then you show that church and then you just cut to like a flat comedy angle of the the big uh marble bowl with the holy water in and the priest comes up and goes did you bless this water and he goes oh no I forgot to oh there you go there you go it was an unblessed water did you forget any British accents I don't know why because I'm thinking like Monty Python did you bless this water oh no I I think I forgot to it's been here for bloody months everyone's been doing the thing but they dipped the water in to do the sign of the cross oh those poor souls and then you cut back to the Kincaid stream yeah and Freddie's just laughing forgot to bless the water did you I like I liked all those characters from three and they bring him back in part four to just kill them off immediately well we have new characters Joe yeah I mean you got to bring yeah introduce the new characters Joey I do like that they establish because uh Kristen has a boyfriend that's Alice's brother yes and so they're all in high school but she's still friends with Joey and Kincaid from the previous movie and there's like a rift between those two groups of friends here comes your boyfriend can he give you a good night's sleep we don't kiss and tell how about you guys oh it's not like just everybody's friends yeah like in part five they introduce all of Alice's friends dying for and then in five she just has a whole group of new friends where it's like where do these kids come from yes I was like stop making new friends you're just gonna yeah it's gonna cause trouble right but yeah so I like that little detail of the fact that everyone it's not just like another group of friends it's like there's a split where she has her old friends and her new friends and they don't really get along those guys are kind of spooky uh it's in the dream and she pulls Alison in the this is in four yeah and Alice is like what and then Kristen's like I'm giving you my problem you have to deal with this guy now and yeah the whole thing could have ended if she didn't give Alice her powers because then Freddy would have no one to go after I guess right yeah all the kids were dead from the original Elm Street kids yeah um but she threw Freddie throws her in the boiler and while she's like burning alive she gives Alice her special magic powers and Freddie is now uh he just wants to kill more you got to keep the series going so his old motivation originally was just revenge on these parents yes and now it's just you want to keep the franchise going so it gets like a like a high off collecting Souls which is the sort of the logic from it because he's got the pizza little meatball s [Music] the most disturbing image from four is the the camera shot down the tunnel in Freddie's body like you've got the faces yeah yeah which is kind of creepy and then the Pete I love the pizza but oh everyone loves the pizza meatballs but uh the the camera goes through like this tunnel in his body and there's this these people like riding it's the souls of all the people he's killed yeah which is why I mentioned the conclusion of this movie to four feels like like a real conclusion because all the souls of all the Freddy's victims are now coming out from inside his body and ripping him into pieces yes the little hands yeah yeah that's a conclusion as opposed to six where he just rolls around the floor of a dirty basement with his daughter and she sticks a pipe bomb which way works better the the Freddy killing you in the real world where you get thrown around on the ceiling and blood everywhere because in Wes Craven's New Nightmare that happens the same death happens to Heather langkamp's babysitter and so when you have like the police come into Johnny Depp's bedroom they're like oh my God what do we make of this you're like we need a bucket yeah they have no idea and so there's almost like like a crossover to where like you're like this man's trying to kill me in my dreams so aha sure sure like it defies like logic it defies the laws of physics um and so like when all those nurses and that doctor like see the the body of the babysitter and A New Nightmare they're just like oh my gosh Heather Lane Camp isn't crazy yeah um but is that scarier that that kind of damage and nightmarish [ __ ] can happen in the real world or is it scarier when you say someone's trying to kill me No One Believes you and then your death is you choking yeah or having an asthma attack in your classroom right when really in in your nightmare it's much worse and then it's like oh she just had an asthma attack you're still you're still just full of it you're just you're just you just need to get more sleep I think yeah that idea of like Freddy can just keep doing this because no one's ever gonna suspect him or suspect that anything Supernatural is happening like that's interesting in its own right but then there's that that kind of visceral fear of a girl being dragged across the ceiling and you're like I'm just seeing Cuts forming her where are they coming from yeah so it's yeah I don't know they never really settle on it kind of goes back and forth between the movies because in six the John Doe character falls asleep at the shelter and in his dream he's in Freddy's house and he's walking up the stairs and then we see him in the shelter and he's just like walking into thin air yeah yes it's like that looks weird like that doesn't really work because even in the first movie the uh he strangles the kid in jail but when the cops come in it just looks like he hung himself so hang tanged himself sorry I pulled a Picard I'm sorry you should write for Picard you're that stupid oh writing for Picard is my biggest nightmare Freddie's gonna turn that against me in a dream about plus [ __ ] you're a writer doll [ __ ] welcome to the writer's room he's got pencils wearing a Star Trek uniform yeah dry erase markers and he's on the big white board brainstorm we've got some studio no [Laughter] foreign [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,157,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: vIFqFUxwExk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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