Half in the Bag Episode 41: Skyfall

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half in the bag [ __ ] movies so did you hear George Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney Disney really it's not the company that makes pornos for children oh hey guys mr. Plunkett Oh huh how does he know we're here I don't know hi mr. Plunkett financee yeah I'd like to make a deposit my savings account I think he thinks he's in the bank play along hmm sure mr. Plunkett we can deposit that money for you over here is about about $500 sure thing let's posit that right away thank you for stopping it so in so bank financing Syria next month holy [ __ ] we just got a free $500 what oh he hasn't left yet oh I thought you were gone no no I'm just about to leave right now okay oh all right well Taylor well Jay we got 500 smackaroos here what do you say we go see a movie it's gone you best know what's at stake here there is a must better take a bloody shot Skyfall is the 37th James Bond film in the Bond franchise it stars Pierce Brosnan and Richard Burton Skyfall is the 47th James Bond film Skyfall is the 67th James Bond film Skyfall is the hundred and sixteenth Daniel Craig film in the series of very successful spy films about a character named Daniel Craig the film stars James Bond and Javier Bardem guy fall is the 568 James Bond film in a series of comical films for children Jay what did you think of Skyfall I thought this movie sucks I thought the opening action scene was completely over-the-top I demand the utmost realism in my James Bond films as do i I expect nothing but a film that makes complete and total sense logically and realistically I refer to this film as Skyy fail oh because it sucked the performances were bad it was unrealistic the main villain sucked everything he did was nonsensical and stupid the actors sucked in fact I like to also refer to him as Javier boredom oh because he's so boring on screen and I called Daniel Craig Daniel boredom because he's also boring on screen I don't know if you notice this or not J but in the opening of the movie there's a chase sequence and they end up on a train and a James Bond gets inside like a claw machine yes what's a call a cat a cat yeah the thing that digs up dirt yeah and and and he turns it on which doesn't make sense why would someone leave a key in it I know uhm and then he turns it and any he the bad guy disconnects the train and he uses the claw deck to hook the train though and and the guy shooting at him you know and the whole time you're thinking and why does that other guy just run away yeah I mean plot hole I mean sure it was exciting and and fun and clever and creative and exhilarating but why didn't the guy just run away he could have taken that opportunity to run away I mean who wrote this script that ruined the whole movie for it really did another thing is during that sequence there was a part where other cars start falling off of the Train yeah and and M goes what was that and and the girl that's chasing alongside him says it was a VW I think yeah like a comical line yeah why would you try and be funny during that particular moment and James Bond film yeah you'd think you'd be your heart would be racing and yeah yeah it was really unrealistic the killer's goal in the movie is to try and kill em he has a beef with her let's just say it that way yeah and he has all sort of computer knowledge and he can hack in stuff and he does this thing where he turns the gas on in the mi6 headquarters and he blows it up and and M is not in the building at the time why didn't he just wait till she came in the building he knew she wasn't there and and you know what why why would he even do all those things with exposing the agents why wouldn't he just walk into Emma's house I'm sure I could find out where she lives just shoot her in the head he's got so much computer access he could just kick open her front door and shoot her in the face James Bond got into her house do you remember yeah yeah he snuck in so they're I mean they're both secret agents Javier Bardem could have killed her in the first five minutes of the movie how is he getting power to that island where he has all his computers set up what internet service does he use wouldn't the internet service know like hey there's a guy on this deserted island you know checking his email and where did he get all those henchmen why would anyone want to be his henchman yeah yeah like where does he get his finances yeah just escaped from a prison you know he ate a cyanide capsule yeah and he certainly live yeah where does James Bond clean his suits I mean where does he get them like dry-cleaned it's such a quick amount of time there's a part where he's disguised at the airport as like a limo driver yeah where do you get the limo driver out yeah exactly well there's that scene where James Bond hunts down the guy from the opening of the movie who stole the hard drive and he's on a mission in Shanghai to do an assassination yeah so it goes through all this trouble and he goes inside this building he kills the guard goes up to the floor that's adjacent to the next building where this assassination target will be apparently the other people in the room with the target know that he's going to get shot he goes through all this trouble to take up this device that cuts a hole in the glass so that he can have a shot I mean why not just kick the door open to his apartment and shoot him in the face or why didn't those other people assassinate him do they think this is some sort of spy movie it's like some sort of fantasy spy thing yeah we're one step leads to another and the villain has these complicated plans and everyone's trying to trick another I mean that's a spy movie and James Bond movies are not spy movie no well that's the worst part about that scene with the the assassin is that James Bond doesn't even stop him from assassinating the guy no you know he doesn't he doesn't even stop the guy no and then he tries to get information from the guy and he accidentally loses the guy's hand and he falls off the building and he doesn't get any information that he wanted from the guy right I mean how dumb can you be to drop him like you're supposed to ask him questions duh well I guess the James Bond accidentally letting the guy go and fall before I got information out of him was kind of showing that James Bond was slipping and his job as a secret agent who's getting older getting sloppy and I guess that was kind of the point of the whole movie right so Jay what did you really think about Skyfall oh I thought it [ __ ] sucks three months ago you lost the drive containing the identity of every agent embedded in terrorist organizations across the globe double-oh-seven reporting for duty but he'll of you been enjoying death no no in all seriousness I was thoroughly entertained by this movie I thought it was great yeah mm-hmm uh Daniel Craig runs funny yeah he runs up like a machine like like he has stiff like c-3po arms yeah yeah yeah I don't maybe it's running in a suit maybe I don't know he wears very very tight-fitting suits to show off that that Daniel Craig physique the rest Javier Bardem like so much right um but no I liked the movie a lot good it should be noted I guess up front that this is actually the first James Bond movie that I've ever seen ever which is strange for Jay it is it's weird especially you know James Bond is is such a big part of pop culture it's not even accidentally see one is odd you'd have to go out of your way to not see one but I haven't done that I just haven't seen one I don't know how to explain it you were too busy watching classic Sean Connery films like Zardoz oh man instead of the old James Bond films right the funny thing is for a number of years after scenes are das I thought that was a James Bond movie so going into this we'll see that it was horribly disorienting to not see Daniel Craig in a diaper and where's the giant floating stone head vomiting up guns I thought that was Q I have seen other James Bond movies more of the recent ones I haven't watched a lot of the older ones I've seen lots and lots of scenes from older ones I've seen the pierce brosnan ones I've seen all the Daniel Craig ones I actually kind of liked Quantum of Solace there's some neat scenes in it and I really like that one yeah not as good as Casino Royale and this one is better than both of them anyways I think after the negative kind of response to Quantum of Solace and then what happened with MGM not making a Bond film and going bankrupt don't let that happen and then they come back I think there was a concerted effort to make this one a little more back to the basics and I think we were all getting sick of the you know rich European euro villain well that's one of the things when you think of James Bond movies you think of sort of over-the-top filling memorable memorable villain yeah what I really liked about this one was as someone who hasn't seen James Bond movies but I'm very aware of all the staples of James Bond movies because it's such a part of our our pop culture that it starts off very much like a James Bond movie it's very James Bond II you have the opening action scene the opening credits sequence and and then at a certain point I guess sort of in the second act it kind of shifts gears a bit and it becomes more of a sort of modern kind of thriller like a Gorn type movie yeah and then towards the end it kind of shifts gears again and gets really stripped down where it is literally just a couple people in a house in the countryside like fending for themselves like fighting off bad guys and I liked the way it sort of kept stir of shifting gears like that way where it still James Bond but it feels sort of fresh there's no shame in saying you've lost a step well the problem is with these new James Bond movies and it's not really a problem I guess it's just something to note is that you can't really have a villain that's like the old-style villains a comical villain the guy with the metal teeth or the old man with the cat and not least comical super villains that James Bond is known for because it's been parodied so much you know Austin Powers and all those types of things and your villain in modern times has to almost always be a super genius who knows about computers and hacking and all that stuff because spy work today is all computers and Technology and all that so if your villain is not a super genius who has a supercomputer and is a super hacker he's kind of he'll get caught really quick yes um so I would be nice to see them write a clever villain that does not use computers but the last three James Bond villains have been euro villain supercomputer guy yeah who wants to manipulate the world's stock market and change this I think the last plot for Quantum of Solace was the villain wanted to steal water he I was something like that I can barely remember I remember the action scenes in quantum solace were pretty good and I liked that but the plot was kind of like what yeah and and this one incorporates that idea of technology well within this own isolated plot yeah and that's that's why I work for me because this is just I was just watching it not a James Bond fan just as an isolated movie yes like okay I get what they're going for here without the Judi Dench character and James Bond himself getting sort of older and and not quite used to this type of world that we are in now it's very it's very Star Trek to a very revenge oriented lead character is aging and realizes it and you know kind of has a rejuvenation at the end they weren't targeting her they wanted her to see it welcome to the new mi6 I'm your quartermaster you must be joking walther ppk/s magnet a meter short it's been coded to your palm prints only you can fire it I said a random killing machine more of a personal statement q 707 I have to say though um if I were to suggest a negative it kind of felt like okay now it ends okay now it ends okay we get that vibe from it know when they had a spoilers skip ahead to this year time code but when they went to the farmhouse you know like and they have the confrontation it's sort of like the confrontation is bond em and Javier Bardem yeah this will be solved you know but then he the bad guys show up first they fight the bad guys then he shows up in the helicopter yeah and I thought they're gonna have the confrontation in the house as the house was burning then they go to the lake okay then he sinks in the lake and then they go to the church and it was just like I'm just like concluded I don't know that all flowed well I guess cuz I like I like the action I like the actors I like the action I like the scenario I like everything and I wasn't bored I was just like you could really end this movie at any of these particular locations and still have it have the same conclusion you have it to have the same story arc you know they could have gone from the church to somewhere else after that you know it's just like okay we can end it now yeah yeah but like I said back to basics with this one there were a lot of which is good and bad in a certain way because I like the the previous to Daniel Craig movies because they kind of took James Bond in this you know new direction but in this one it was um it was more like all the winks and nods and stuff like the shaken not stirred martini yeah the the tuxedo and the casino bomb James Bond yeah he brings out the the original Aston Martin car which I think that's what it was well that's the other one icing simple yeah and the movie felt like sort of and it makes sense too because when you get to the end credits it's uh you know 50 years a mod yes so movie just feels like sort of a a celebration of James Bond as the character and as a franchise and really sort of a something like an institution at this point yeah I mean it's been around the bomb movies have been around for half the amount of time that cinema has been around like that's crazy yeah so a long time yeah keeping it fresh which this movie seems to do as someone who isn't familiar with James Bond movies being able to enjoy and appreciate it yeah mommy was very bad I guess we should discuss this is the first gay James Bond villain very very tastefully done and subtle yeah that was great it without making it funny yeah they didn't need to do that or without making it a big deal making it a big deal or making fun of it yeah you know I they didn't need to do that was perfectly done ya know is a good stuff yeah yeah whole pharmacy I'd like to fill some prescriptions he thinks were a pharmacy this time play along again mmm hi sir how can we help you here at the pharmacy okay I'll see today I got some vicodin oh I've got some rhythm all that's my heart medicine uh yeah and I've got some oxycontin oh I will get these filled for you right away sir just have a seat in our waiting room that's right okay um ah it's exhausting ah mr. plinkus your prescriptions are ready all right score again yeah senility is right how much do you know about fear or not that this it is the first movie I've ever seen with a sensual face shaving sequence oh yeah that's been in lots of movies Jane oh was it in like Mike starring Jonathan Lipnicki yes I think I like two different flavors of James Bond movies there there's part of me that likes lock chair and there's a James Bond movie with Pierce Brosnan called Die Another Day which is kind of considered a flop but James Bond is in it and there's a really great sword fight scene in it and then in the end it takes place in a Ice Hotel in the middle of Iceland okay and James Bond drives a car around that turns invisible oh let's don't know the invisible car yes yes he drives it around the ice castle and then the villains plot is a giant space laser and he's gonna shoot a space laser down on earth and and I haven't seen moon rancor I might like Moonraker that's James Bond on the moon no yes so there's certain part of me that likes the schlocky stuff and on the other half the other half of my brain really likes the realistic Daniel Craig kind of gritty grittier Bourne Identity type James Bond yeah um I both work to me the two survivors this is what she made us everybody needs to all be so what's yours resurrection yeah I don't know where they're gonna go next and I'm excited to see but I you know I whenever I think of James Bond I was really happy to see James Bond running around London running through the tube and trying to save London from some sort of disaster well that was neat to see yeah like this this elongated foot chase in a subway car because you think a James Bond you think of big exotic location yes and sexy ladies and he's just like in this cramped subway oh yeah that was a nice nice change of pace yeah because there's lots of different action set pieces and types of ideas that you can apply to the Daniel Craig Bond movies and still have them work the Pierce Brosnan one's got a little silly and yeah some of the Daniel Craig stuff is a little more smaller-scale yeah dirtier like him run through a subway well it starts pretty over-the-top with that whole yeah train chase sequence and then it's sort of as the movie goes on it progressively gets more and more yes subdued well the one thing that this one started off with that Quantum of Solace [ __ ] up Quantum of Solace also as a car chase opening I think everyone does but um Quantum of Solace is cars chasing each other James Bond chasing other cars and you have no idea what's going on you have no idea who's chasing who or why ok and this one is just like their radioing back to headquarters and I'm like we've got to get that hard drive he's got the hard drive you have to get it back it's important it's very important that we don't lose that got it got it mum and then these drive in and you're like okay understood and in the other movie it was just like what's happening and it was to like everything was this dissection and I hate that and um yeah this is a little more classic yeah that very very well directed characters well directed actors and really kind of tight mature action scenes yeah less some Michael Bay shaky-cam craziness well yeah I remember seeing I don't know where it fits in the second in Quantum of Solace but I remember the trailer and there was an action scene where everything was clearly green-screen and this one was I mean there's a couple bits like during the opening where they're on motorcycles and it's clear they're green screened into the background but for the most part you know this parts were like oh look real stunts yeah looks real people punching each other real people driving cars most of it felt real yeah and um yeah and you can't this this is one of those movies that gets a pass as far as like really over analyzing the plot well yes it's just a it's a James Bond movie and um there-there are certain things you look for in a James Bond movie and I think a really tight story is not one of them yeah there is a story and and the action scenes service the story quite well yeah well then they actually bothered to showcase James Bond as a character a little more on this one it has it had a mother-son relationship a parental theme going on em and and his James Bond's parents and there's the old man there and they're sort of like um moving on growing up eternal maternal kind of themes going on which you don't usually get in a James Bond movie so Jay would you recommend Skyy fail absolutely as someone that's not familiar with the James Bond series and honestly never had much interest in the James Bond series just as its own action movie I was thoroughly entertained yeah and someone with a slightly more than passing a familiarity with the James Bond movies I also enjoyed it I to give it a critique I would say it ran a little long uh the ending kind of was a bit redundant with with finding the conclusion but good characters good Direction good acting good scripts it may not be the most believable series of events in reality but again as we said it gets a pass because it's a movie about a fictional super spy I just wish the Daniel Craig didn't run so funny prescription drugs and beer alright you lousy gas station attendants this is a stick-up the bank can't find any of my money and all of my heart medicine turned into candy mr. blinky you don't think that we're gonna shut up Hajim I mean business now give me all your money whoa just give him money okay okay okay I need it I need it I need an idea oh yeah once you never saw me J did we just get robbed by mr. blanket here I'll hi Nancy I'd like to make a deposit
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 821,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red, letter, media, half, in, the, bag, mr., plinkett, mike, stoklasa, jay, bauman, skyfall, daniel, craig, james, bond
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2012
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