Half in the Bag Episode 64: The Wolf of Wall Street and 2013 Re-cap

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👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/stmfliant 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

Did he die?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Adamj1 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2016 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag a [ __ ] goat can review movies better than these [ __ ] so your sister called me yesterday I said stop calling me she's always calling she calls it the worst time she calls when I'm in the bathroom I gotta get up off the bathroom let me tell you a little something about the VCR repair business J's that's your name Jay tell me tell me I would love to hear what you have to say about the VCR repair in the street some people think this is a dying industry that we're wasting our [ __ ] time you know repairing obsolete electronics you know what let me tell you something you [ __ ] tell you something those pricks they're wrong they're [ __ ] wrong oh really you really think that yeah I think it I wouldn't have said it if I didn't think it's you [ __ ] [ __ ] I would think that too if I was a [ __ ] [ __ ] let me tell you something VHS is dead divid ism blowers they're on their way out to [ __ ] the future is streaming but streaming like a like fishing like fishing and a stream media lists entertainment your Roku's and your vogue sees [ __ ] the [ __ ] are you doing you [ __ ] mindless guinea [ __ ] cutting up vegetables a moment ago you was drinking out of a beer bottle oh you see I'm in a Martin Scorsese movie oh I get it hey speaking of Martin Scorsese have you seen mr. Plunkett lately yeah he's right over there oh hi guys oh hi mr. plink it oh you brought us lunch that's so nice of you what all no no this is all for me well gee mr. Plunkett that's an awfully big lunch even for you well here's the thing all right my doctor says I need a triple bypass surgery and also massive amounts of angioplasty only my new health insurance which starts January 1st isn't going to pay for the operation you do realize that it's December 31st right of course I know it's December 31st that's why for lunch today I'm going to eat 37 double bacon cheeseburgers in order to induce a massive heart attack if I have a heart attack today they'll have to give me the operation and my insurance will pay for it huh I guess that makes sense right well I'm gonna have my lunch and when I start having a massive heart attack you to call 911 mr. plinking you can count on us I always can speaking of eating massive amounts of cheeseburgers have you seen Jonah Hill's new film wolfing down Wall Street what is that a slide my name is Jordan Belfort at the tender age of 22 I headed to the only place that the fit my high-minded ambitions the name of the game move the money from your clients pocket into your pocket but if you can make clients money at the same time it's advantageous everyone correct no the wolf of Wall Street stars Leonardo DiCaprio as real-life Wall Street a-hole Jordan Belfort hey everybody Jordan Belfort here author of the wolf of Wall Street and creator of the straight line system the film is described as a biography crime comedy and it delivers all that hands a bag of chips under the masterful direction of Martin Scorsese was that was that sarcasm no actually this time it wasn't oh my god believe it or not it was not sarcasm what did you think of the wolf of Wall Street money Never Sleeps god I thought this movie was great because it featured the most realistic depiction of a gay orgy that have ever seen you've been to many I've seen a lot I mean I've never been to a gay orgy before what why is there telling texts that's just confirmed for gay oh my god how did how did but it's only on your side where it says confirmed for gay like I try to push it over to my side and it just slides right back to your side this is incredibly frustrating very weird but in all seriousness I thought this movie was great it's probably the best movie I've seen all year I think it's safe to say that everybody that likes movies likes Martin Scorsese right there's some directors that are divisive Quentin Tarantino or Christopher Nolan but I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone that just thinks that Scorsese is an [ __ ] or that his movies suck and so I was curious to see this because of that but I wasn't very interested in the subject matter I was worried it was gonna be sort of a heavy-handed preachy you know the anti capitalists hypocritical movie made by Hollywood which has never happened before but no that's what I was worried it would be and it was not bad at all it's not even really a movie about Wall Street it's a movie about addiction addiction to money addiction to success drugs and and it worked really well yeah I agree with you I wasn't expecting the heavy handed message of Wall Street is bad you know Occupy Wall Street all that stuff because it's it is Martin Scorsese um and he's a man that makes murderous gangsters sympathetic and and enjoys indulging in that and that's what this movie is it's it's three hours of visual and entertainment comedy-drama it's everything and it's at it's one of the best movies of the year for sure it's a one of the best movies I've seen in a long time and I guess if I were to have even the minors of complaints in this movie which would just be that character I mean the whole movies about that character Jordan Belfort entrepreneurs business owners sales people of all types who of course is a real person who wrote the book which is the movies based on about all of his Wall Street excess and spending and chaotic adventures and drug use but you don't really get that that arc that origin where you know like Ray Liotta and Goodfellas though this movie reminded me a lot of good fellows because it's it's that especially the end oh sure Scorsese is just like ramping it up and it's just like we gotta go here we go the cocaine cocaine good falls in Scarface there's lots of similarities like that that character that starts off at the bottom and makes it to the top yeah that or Citizen Kane sure Charles Foster Kane there's that you see them as the innocence first before that the corruption starts in the chaos yeah and then the self-destruction and resolution but I really didn't get a good like feeling on who the jordan belfort character was before the destruction started a chaos so you don't you don't feel that sympathy towards the end yeah there's like like one line from Matthew McConaughey or he's talking to him and leo says something about like well if you you know make a lot of money for the client it's beneficial for everyone and and Mantha McConaughey just says no right he's like okay I know that's kind of it and that's it and the Matthew McConaughey over a lunch turns him into the Wall Street monster yeah it doesn't have that that gradual yeah increase in in craziness who am I to tell Martin Scorsese how to make a movie but it's like Ray Liotta Ray Liotta is a murderous gangster although they never show murder anyone in Goodfellas but he's he's involved in criminal activities that result in the murder of people so you're you're like you become attached to these characters and then they're they're really horrible people at heart but still there's a sympathy there well that's that's an interesting thing to bring out our friend rich Evans also saw this film he saw before we did and he made the comparison to pain and gain both based on true stories both turned into dark comedies about awful people an awful subject matter why does this one work when that one is for endorsing ask me again why does this director but what's the different director as far as the the movie ah Wow style intelligence humanity I think humanities the Vicki look at pain and gain and it's clearly Michael Bay is looking down on these characters it's very they even stop the movie at one point and have text come on screen that says remember this really happened like look at these idiots and this this movie you know it treats them as real people and it doesn't it doesn't it's not just constantly mocking them it makes you sort of understand them people say well that type person that's sort but I guess what that means is that they try to distance themselves from them it's someone else is not me but in actuality I feel it's not someone else it's it's us it's you and me and maybe if we have been born under different circumstances we maybe would have if it would end up making the same exactly the same mistakes and choices and doing exactly the same things you know it's like could these guys be bigger knuckleheads have you seen Wall Street I had what was they have I've seen both Wall Street films even the second one I did I was the one person why did you see it just curious yeah this is curious like after so much time going back to this you know this movie and revisiting it no so anyways wolf of wallstreet what was the message that you took away from from this movie I'm just curious because there is them you mentioned the speech there Leo kids and he's talking about their there's that the woman that's one of the wall street people and he's like she came in she only had she is she was poor and broke and she little kid she's a single mother she asked for an advance and I gave her an advance five times that and she's like I love you and and you almost yeah like wow he really is a good good guy but then you're thinking like at the same time that's money that they schemed essentially or stole from other people yeah that they they didn't earn that money in the most honorable way possible yeah and so it's like I it's like almost Scorsese's like challenging you whether or not to actually like this guy or I got that too from the will probably talk about a little bit later but the the extended quaaludes fight sequence where it's it's slapstick II it's incredibly funny but then just with one cut to a close-up of his daughter like peeking around the corner like it's like a punch in the gut the the quaaludes scene where he accidentally takes a whole not accidentally but he takes a whole bunch of quaaludes that they think are duds and they kick in and he's like like convulsing and dragging himself along the ground and yet they just it's just dragged out for so long and you're like hello why are they showing us this for so long what's the point of it well it goes along with the theme of excess I mean though the movie itself is excessive and that scene in particular it's like it starts off funny it's very lean ER DiCaprio turns out is very good at physical comedy yeah he's crawling along the ground he's trying to fall down the stairs to get to his car to get back to his house and it goes on so long it starts out funny and then it gets sort of uncomfortable and depressing and then it comes back around to being funny by going on as long as it does yeah and there's a lot of other cuts in this movie too or I should say direction where the the people in this movie just it's almost like they act like animals like monsters and it's it's almost a caricature well look at Jonah Hill the goofy teeth and the glass yeah but I'm I keep thinking of like the scenes where he's rallying people and they cut to the guys in there just like [ __ ] yeah I don't know but they're foaming at the mouth and they're all yelling and it's like and then the parties that they throw and so I am sure there was excess in the 80s yeah cocaine and prostitution and all the stuff but I can't imagine these real people acted that crazy okay but everything's heightened it's very it's a very heightened reality in this movie and it's done for a purpose to show the the excess this show the greed but without the without the real slapped on message he assumes the audience is smart enough he he says an audience watching this movie is intelligent enough I'm not going to hand them the point of the movie on a silver platter and that's nice I like that oh my god blink it does not look good well remember if he starts to have a heart attack we have to call 9-1-1 right away oh I was just joking about that you weren't serious were you yes Mike we can't let him die this is the whole reason he's staying in the VCR repair shop remember oh the city tore down his house but they didn't realize it was a historic landmark so now he's gonna get a huge settlement from that oh yeah I remember now and because we're letting him stay in the VCR repair shop we're kind of hoping that if he does get a whole bunch of money he'll give us some but if he doesn't we'll just steal it from him it's a win-win for us I started my own firm out of an abandoned auto body shop we won't be targeting to be wealthiest 1% of Americans I love three things I love my country I love Jesus Christ and I love making people rich hello but I needed to mold him in my own image well as we've said this is Martin Scorsese movie and and god bless him that Martin Scorsese Thanks he's in his 70s and he's still you know there's more heart and passion and energy in his movies than movies made by filmmakers half his age or uh he's well ahead of his peers yeah if you look at the people you know he came from the 70s there's like De Palma and George Lucas and people like that and and they're all mansions Ford flop EULA Coppola they're all making crap now Francis Ford Coppola make one good movie and then he coasted for 78 years that one good movie you're talking about is Jack right yeah so yeah Martin Scorsese like Wow yeah still at the top of his game there's you know some movies I like if his more than others but I don't think he's ever made a movie that you would could say is just bad no I didn't care much for gangs in New York I loved Hugo I thought Hugo was great oh yeah it's unfortunate that he's so reliant on Leiner DiCaprio but leo is good in this great I would dare say better than most movies he's in but I pictured this movie with a different actor and I probably would have enjoyed it a little more um but he is very good in it and yeah you get Leo fatigue in Scorsese movies it's just like get some other actors yeah it has your leads because departed good good very good movie of Leo in his bad accents everyone in departed is good except for him but with this film with Scorsese yeah gangs in New York you know but this one was most like Goodfellas and that's my one of my favorite movies of all time where it's just that energy um do you think this movie should have been cut a little bit even you know I've seen a lot of people talking about the length and I was completely fine with it it flew by for me there was only one very minor sequence or I was like okay this can be trimmed down now and so when Jonah Hill is confronting the the guy he's given the money to and the parking lot and it's like okay a cop drove by I know where this is going and they just kind of keep arguing that's the only moment in the movie where I was kind of taken out of it that's something I wanted to ask you about or bring up was um I felt lots of improv yeah I don't know if that's just like the way it was written or if that was actual improv but there's a lot of sequences in this where it's just the two people talking yeah I think it might have been real improv because Jonah Hill seemed like he was throwing some stuff out and that didn't seem like it was in a script and then there was a moment where I'm Rob Reiner seems to be playing along and he says they're talking about women shaving oh yeah that felt like a Judd Apatow movie yeah yeah and then he goes he goes oh I was born too early like there was a slight pause yes brain was catching up like weren't you born too soon not too soon too early you know where he had to think about it for a moment yeah it seemed like a real ad-lib it almost feels like a lot of improv and I think that's probably why that joke that scene with Jonah Hill and the suitcase went on for so long cuz he's doing all these jokes and I don't know I don't know one of those scenes it should be on the out take real it's it certainly doesn't feel its length and it's three hours long because this I could have kept watching this movie yeah it's one of those movies where you're you're watching the scenes and you kind of forget that you're in a theater you're just watching it and you're caught up in it especially a lot of his his sort of rally speeches or they go on for a really long time and you're just wrapped up and watching them with this script I'm gonna teach each and every one of you to be the best I was becoming a legend aren't you married yeah but many people can't have friends enemies I was making so much money I didn't know what to do with it $26,000 who want dinner dad were not poor anymore tell about the side we were sorry sighs that your cancer besides did cure cancer that's the problem they were there that's why they were expensive so yeah Leonardo DiCaprio I still never completely got away from the fact that it's Leo cuz he does lots of shouting that's as his go-to emotion in movies is just shouting and that means intensity but he is good what surprised me the most was Jonah Hill I for me he kind of told the movie yeah yeah a lot of those scenes between Leo and him in this movie reminded me of the dynamic between Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro and the older Scorsese mm-hmm yeah Jonah hell's good and everyone's good and his Rob Reiner shows up and he's yelling everyone's yelling he reminded me of my dad and that scene where he's yelling about the phone ringing that would happen all the time when I was growing up I'd hear the phone ring and the other room I just hear my dad go goddamnit yeah top notch acting all across the board and the best thing too is they're all doing I am a sucker for vulgar East Coast accents too cartoony uh no like Daniel day-lewis and gangs in New York you know he's right oh he's got the mustache and there's some there's a weirdness weird quality to it but this like it's listed as comedy oh you have a sentence this is a comedy it's a dark comedy it but lately works as a dark comedy it does but there are those does like we're talking about there's some tonal shifts that kind of they're like a punch in the guy like when he's trying to steal his own daughter and get out of the house and yeah that is that was intense and that worked as a dramatic scene a tonal shift in a good way yeah not in a bad way and yeah there are just some sequences in this movie that it looks like one after the other every scene is just like a little mess stirpes mm-hmm the movies fun to watch it's it's like it's like you're watching a real movie so you're watching a real where you're intrigued and what's gonna happen in the story yeah you know it's gonna end up him going to prison that that's something to bring up to is that we've seen this type of story before we've seen this type of story from Scorsese before but it completely works because of the the execution and the performances and then lots of subtle little touches like they they keep cutting to like four by three video footage here and there then there's a couple moments where you hear characters inner monologues work especially the scene where he's talking to the Swiss banker and they both have a exchanged words in their minds yeah through looks and that's probably pulled right out of the book because it's a book but little touches like that in a movie just added to it and they just like put them in wherever well just put them in wherever I don't have to establish this I don't have to set a thing where every character is always we're always cutting to their you know thoughts but let's do it whenever I feel like and little little touches like that it's just um so much creativity so much energy it's great don't work for you man yeah my money take you goose technically they work for me what would Martin Scorsese say if you walked into this VCR repair shop right now he would say oh my god that's [ __ ] disgusting and he would leave over please tell me are you what the surgery anymore just kill me Oh anyway we saw the best film of 2013 and the last day of 2013 almost what were some other great films of 2013 or bad films of 2013 that you 2013 may have 2013 seen 2013 well I saw two movies I'm going to come together here because they're very similar theme Attica Lee one was borderline unwatchable and one was very watchable which was The Bling Ring and Spring Breakers The Bling Ring is my last straw with Sophia Coppola I think I hate her films mmm I like lost in translation it's a really good movie but everything else she's done is just long shots meandering on nothing in this Bling Ring movie it's about it's based on a true story it's about these young vapid girls living in Hollywood that break into celebrity homes and steal their [ __ ] and then that's the movie they break into houses and they steal stuff and then they get caught and then the movie ends I hate that Sophia Coppola she's the daughter of Francis Ford Coppola because that's a film I also saw this year called twixt which starred that bloated man Val Kilmer governor and and I guess Francis Ford Coppola is going through a phase where at age 84 he discovered that there's a green screen oh come on a background and that Francis Ford Coppola he doesn't give a [ __ ] anymore I really think he's like I directed Apocalypse Now I directed The Godfather I don't give no [ __ ] I'm gonna shoot this on a camcorder and I don't care I mean I can put a background in without going to the actual background do it with computers we'll get Val Kilmer in front of the green screen make sure you get a big green screen though uh Wow like like terrible but you wanted to compare Bling Ring to a spring break Spring Breakers which is a movie that I'm glad I didn't see in the theater by myself or would felt like a pervert but it's it's a Harmony Korine film he sees I have a love/hate relationship with Harmony Korine I think he's a horrible fraud I think it's sort of an emperor has no clothes situation he's playing pretends avant-garde filmmaker but his movies always have these sequences and these images that really stick with you his movie Gummo there's a little little scrawny kid in a bathtub a filthy bath water eating spaghetti and it's like I don't know he's sort of like a like a pretentious John Waters without the humor just going for shock value and things like that and harmony Karine also directed a movie called mr. lonely which is about an item well it's about an island of celebrity impersonators and I'm have a feeling that's his most personal movie because he's impersonating an experimental filmmaker he likes to cast Werner Herzog and stuff and so it's clear whose influences are but his movies are completely Hollow and devoid of any sort of subtext and the springbreakers movie is no different but it's very gorgeous to look at visually all his other movies are intentionally ugly it's got a very sort of montages visual style the whole movie so it has sort of a dreamlike qualities so really good visually really keeps you engaged you're sort of hypnotized by the images and there's lots of neon lights and things like that and James Franco is actually really great in it he plays a white-trash rapper named alien and it's the type of part he should be playing Spring Break forever [ __ ] well speaking of characters with addiction problems and bad New Jersey accents I also saw a movie called Don John and it was the writing and directorial debut of Joseph gordon-levitt my body my pad my ride my family my church my boys my girls my porn ah this movie was a stinker oh whoa J let me ask you this what do you know about Don John I know it's directed by Joseph gordon-levitt and it's a and he's addicted to porn that's pretty much all I know okay well I'd also also I gathered from the trailer that Scarlett Johansson was doing the same voice she does in the marble columns commercials on sera Night Live be cute I like you what I've heard about the movie was that he spent a very long time making it or writing it getting it produced I guess sort of like his his project I want to call it a vanity piece or vanity project but it comes off like it's supposed to be more depth full thoughtful intelligent than it actually is you get this kind of vibe that it's he's trying to do this coming-of-age story this really smart movie about relationships and people and it comes off as a little juvenile in in the the intellectual department as far as how the story progresses she caught me watching porn that's it right hey how do you watch that how do you watch all the stupid movies are you watched is it funny because the trailers make it look like a comedy that's the thing it's not okay you get the impression that it's like a Seth Rogen Judd Apatow jerk-off comedy but it really isn't it and that's not really featured in the movie too um I get more of the he's trying to do like Saturday Night Fever rocky kind of movie one of the things that happens in the movie is he's befriended by Julianne Moore he gets caught watching the porno by Scarlett Johansson who turns in to her character turns into this like crazy [ __ ] the the porno thing to her it's like oh no this is cheating on me this is awful you're a monster you have a problem and then so he makes him take a college course so they could become something more than a bartender okay sort of grooming him she's very controlling and he's watching porno on his cell phone in the college classroom and before the lecture starts and Julianne Moore comes up to him she's like is that porno and he's like no crazy lady would and then she's like completely open and and you're like where's this going and then spoilers and then the arc of the movie surprisingly is they fall in love so the hot girl turned out to be a controlling crazy [ __ ] but the older woman turned out to be a little more sensitive and and more of an emotional connection to him that's it huh that that's exactly what my thoughts were at the end of it I was going oh that's it Wow we're on a roll with overly simplistic and beauties here aren't we so not a raunchy jerk-off comedy like people were thinking but not a heavy thoughtful character piece sort of just like a move I think jgl could be a fine director of actors but he should never write a script ever again well speaking of you mentioned coppola and twixt sand we've been talking about these seventies directors that have have lost some of their their their spark over the years I saw Brian De Palma's latest film called passion that's the title of the movie it's very memorable she's dangerous Isabelle things are so much more fun with Dirk around aren't they whatever she needs I supply I guess it was supposed to be his attempt to return to the kind of stuff he was doing in the 70s and 80s bonnie double dressed to kill movies like that really great movies I like Brian DePalma a lot the thing I like about Brian DePalma is this visual style he's very kind of throws everything in very stylish director very stylistic movies and there are elements of that this was stylistically designed to be it stylistically designed either way diminish those effects so wait.you he wants to diminish the effects of what was sigh listicle 'i designed to be then it sounds like backtracking to me that sounds like a big old contradiction so yeah the movie has some really good sequences really classics DePalma moments it's kind of like if you go to see like a band that used to be awesome and they play nothing but their new songs that all suck and then they play like one or two classic songs and you're like oh here we go it felt like that but the story and the script is so like underwritten and forgettable and they work in an advertising agency and they're backstabbing each other and that's the plot of the movie but Jay let me tell you while you're watching a thought-provoking films by classic directors such as Brian De Palma yes I saw bad grandpa and let me tell you Brian De Palma has nothing on bad grandpa who directed bad Graham did anybody direct that movie or did it just kind of is just a bunch of people at cameras and they shot some it made itself okay yeah we're gonna get in trouble for this they won't notice a thing that's how it looks most the time anyway I'm not a jackass fan and I mostly enjoyed the movies although to me the best parts of the movies are the hidden camera joke stuff I don't like to gross out stuff now and unlike the the puking or dumping feces on one's head or putting toy cars up a butt and getting x-rayed like all that stuff it's just like okay yeah I'm not laughing hysterically at it like they are in the movie but um when johnny Knoxville puts on his old man costume and Spike Jonze dresses up as an old lady and you hidden camera pranks I find the hidden camera stuff funnier and that's what this whole movie is the movies hung on a very loose plot of Grandpa taking a little kid across country to go to his real father and comedy and zoom and comedy ensues one location after the other where they set up or bad grandpa goes on does stuff I don't even need to talk about the movie but fun hidden camera pranks and that's all it is it's great I was johnny Knoxville in it what do you do with that character for a feature-length film because he works in those little doses where it's like always followed off grandpa I get it and is there any attempted characterization or edit is it just there there's like they stamp on the little sweet moment here and there okay but it's not overdone and that's that's another thing I liked about it too it has enough of a story to keep things moving forward it's not just one scene after the other but it's not Shmuel tea and shoving in this and that because it needs to because it feels like it needs to know it's done so it is what it should be a very thin plot gets them from scene to scene to scene I'm 86 years old well I did see a very good movie called maniac it's a remake maniac cup not maniac cop although maniac the original maniac and maniac cop were both directed by the same guy so he really likes the word cop please don't scream she's so beautiful but yeah it's a it's a remake of the I think 1980 oh good somewhat classic grindhouse splatter movie maniac starring Joe spinel really great Tom Savini effects it's a movie I can't say I like the original movie it's not a movie that's easy to like because it's so sleazy and you feel like you have to take a shower after watching it but it's effective in what it's trying to do and it's a movie I've always always been fond of um then people talk about like a lot of people really like that Evil Dead remake they say if you're gonna remake a classic horror movie like this is how you do it and I wasn't that sold on Evil Dead remake it is okay but it felt too much like a lot of it was trying to be the same sort of style as the original and this maniac remake is a perfect example of how to remake an older horror film it's it's a lot of the same elements same story elements it's this creepy guy that kills women scalps them and puts their scalps on mannequins and this movie takes that a lot of the same elements but it's done in such a drastically different style and a different tone that it feels like a completely different movie even though it has almost all the same story elements to it um really well-done it's told from a first-person point of view so you're literally in the eyes of the serial killer a really great score kind of a very 80s synth sounding score I don't know if you've seen these Star Wars reviews that are on YouTube no they're done by like a creepy old man and it's all from his point of view and there were there were elements in this maniac remake that felt like that there's one part when he pulls out a can of raid and he's spraying raid around and you killed women so uh yeah a lot of similarities to this this weird YouTube character is it that YouTube video come out before this was made it did well speaking of women killing sadistic maniacs I also saw the film about Walt Disney well speaking of porn addiction and jerking off I also saw saving mr. banks ladies and gentlemen we are beginning our descent into Los Angeles welcome mrs. P L Travers to the City of Angels it smells like jasmine Doreen and sweat Oh Oh is that that that Disney film about Disney making a Disney movie yes mmm yes well let me just speak to that I haven't seen it I enjoyed this film quite a bit uh yes it's got schmutz in it Disney is not portrayed as a pro-nazi psychopath who has preserved his own head in a jar as everyone knows he was a belligerent fascist dictator a child rapist hmm murderer and loony no it's not about Disney Disney is in the film and he's a main character it's not about him movies about the author of the Mary Poppins books the films generally about Disney trying to get the Mary Poppins movie made and this woman is very attached to her characters to her books she's very specific she's very British very uptight and dizzy so come on out Walt Disney ain't come to California and she she actually absolutely despises what he does his cartoon characters he thinks it's all silly and it's a really interesting kind of character movie because she was a real person and and she lived it like her father was an alcoholic mr. banks is her father all right that's what I was gonna ask who the [ __ ] is mr. mr. banks is the character in Mary Poppins but in real life is he's based on her father okay and her father was like an alcoholic and drank himself to death and Mary Poppins was real so it's sort of like her psyche it's her coming to terms with stuff about her childhood and letting go of certain emotions and her feeling very guarded about her characters and mainly it's her having issues with her father so it's not a small T silly goofy Pro Disney movie is it's about other things and it's a good movie so when is Disney gonna make their film about the making of Song of the South oh my god oh I saw lastly jobs the the quickly rushed into production exploitation movie of the recently deceased Steve Jobs oh my god I saw it out of morbid curiosity I assumed it was going to be bad but I I am interested in Steve Jobs I think he was an interesting person living a helpful computer sees everything start up so I was curious to see a movie version of him and Ashton Kutcher is just the worst so I was curious to see him trying to portray a real human being and he is laughably bad in the movie really III would say it's almost worth seeing just to see his terrible performance almost the movie seems to be going out of its way to portray Steve Jobs as an [ __ ] yeah like it's one of those things or it's like oh he was a tough person but he was a genius I think is what they're going for but it's more just oh he was just a dick to everybody and then the movies over typeface it isn't a pressing issue get out so as far as Ashton Kutcher's acting would you say he did a bad performance yeah I would he was really bad okay yeah much like wolf of wallstreet was based on a book written by the guy himself I saw a different movie based on a book co-written by the guy himself called captain Phillips and also starring Tom Hanks who also portrayed mr. Disney lots of similarities here this is a mask Alabama we are an unarmed Frigga we have two skiffs approaching with armed intruders really good movie as far as the movie goes it's it's the paul greengrass right it's directed by paul greengrass who does a lot of really he did United 93 really kind of goofy visceral director like oh look at that this is great yeah um just real bare-bones this is what happened down down to brass tacks like great stuff very engaging movie great performance by Tom Hanks I would say watch it I don't know there were there was some controversy whether or not there was a clearly accurate yeah there's some talk about from like other crew members of the boat saying that the movies complete [ __ ] but well I mean I like certain elements maybe but like the ending really happened the like that really happened the asteroid hit the earth yeah captain Phillips can you hear me well we seems like the movies that we saw that we didn't talk about another half of the bags were mostly disappointments oh he said dr. dr. Caligari dr. Phillips saving well saving mr. county's hell up saving captain Phil so that was good saving mr. banks captain Phillips bad grandpa okay all approved yep but 2014 will bring us soon to be classics like I Frankenstein a haunted house - and the legend of Hercules don't forget the remake of that classic movie we all love I can't wait for 2014 mm-hmm Hey look mr. plinkus forwarding his [ __ ] mail here what an [ __ ] is it hey it's a letter from his lawyer they're saying that the city is ready to settle with him and they want to see him tomorrow morning oh that's great news hey mr. pling good oh no I think mr. plinkus died of a heart attack when we were talking about the movie [ __ ] we weren't even paying attention hmm I'll call 911 oh wait hold on a second I'm not so sure he's dead you know I've heard that when you die you lose control of your bowels hmm you
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,009,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Wolf Of Wall Street (Film), redlettermedia, red, letter, media, half in the bag, Episode, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, movie, review, leonardo dicaprio, martin scorsese, don jon, twixt, spring breakers, bling ring, Sofia Coppola (Author), captain phillips, saving mr. banks, maniac, remake
Id: UhtOdfjfNp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 8sec (2528 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2014
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