Half in the Bag: Django Unchained and 2012 Re-cap

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This made me happy thank you.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/MrGameAmpersandWatch 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

And......sent to everyone I know. Thank you.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/derlich 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

speaking of New Years where is the RLM Streamathon?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

That's great, didn't remember that one.

Thanks, Ridley Scott.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Temias 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2018 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag where these guys think they are Rick Berman alright Mac and me on VHS I can't wait to not watch this yeah oh hi mr. blanket what are you doing well I'm getting ready for my New Year's Eve party of course I'm inviting 50 of my bestest friends ever over oh well we were gonna work on the VCR if it's not gonna get in the way the party that's fine I guess just make sure you're out of here by 8:00 we're gonna have a gay old time watching Dick Clark's rockin New Year Eve mr. blinken Dick Clark is dead oh my watch Bob Hope then whatever hurry up and get to work all right oh wow he's crazy oh Jesus would you sit on something the hell is this I don't know I oh that's one of my party favors you ought to make a lot of noise at midnight when the balls drop speaking of big balls have you seen Django Unchained I know I haven't what what you know what a bounty hunter is you kill people they give you data they are bigger the reward I'm looking for the parental promise however I don't know what they look like but you do I called my wife miss Alden but I'll know too Calvin Candie that's the repellant gentlemen well sir Django Unchained is the latest movie from auteur filmmaker and foot fetishist Quentin Tarantino the film takes place two years before the start of the Civil War and stars Jamie Foxx as a slave that teams up with Christoph Waltz to rescue Fox's wife from an evil plantation owner played by critters three star Leonardo DiCaprio the film is most notable for it's incredibly historically accurate depiction of slave era life in the south Mike what did you think of Django Unchained I really liked it I was based on a true story right it was yeah it was based on a book about a true story actually I think the original title was roots no but in all seriousness and Tina does everyone hate Quentin Tarantino - I think they did for a while after Pulp Fiction and he kind of had that rock star attitude I don't like him as a person I fight him incredibly obnoxious but he makes really good movies and he makes them in a way that it almost feels effortless you could say what you want about Quentin Tarantino he's he's he loves himself he's an [ __ ] he's crazy all that stuff but he makes really compelling movies they're not there they're really really well-made regardless of the subject matter yeah it's the way that he writes the dialogue it's the way that he directs the scenes there's a lot of inventive camera work that that you just kind of it's not just like shots typical yeah you know they're just the camera just will go [ __ ] and do this thing that you're not expecting and then the next thing it'll be doing this this kind of dolly shot and then the next thing it's shot completely differently there's almost like there's this whole feeling of not knowing what to expect like you know django unchained is gonna be a spaghetti western throwback a grindhouse kind of pulpy movie all this stuff is like that yeah but story wise I had no idea where it was going yeah I had no idea what to expect next especially the opening scene of inglorious basterds the scene where the girls hiding under the floor oh yeah I mean it's just thick the air is thick with tension he knows that the proper length of time is seen should be to really ratchet up the tension yeah and and all of his movies are sort of chunks of little stories with in it little vignettes there yeah it's almost like a series of short films that are maybe sometimes connected but yeah in this movie especially is really episodic yeah but but you feel you get that feeling in the theatre too it's not just people just munching popcorn like talking to each other and waiting for the movie to be over people actually engage their people are just it's like silent and everyone's just watching this scene they don't know what the heck is gonna happen next yeah and it's that mixed with just really really clever dialogue really good performances lots of tension and effective direction all everything in it is just great it's the whole package what you dig him up for twitches turn of events from Django and myself together move it womper tell about you you got me curious I'm curious what makes you so curious well what's interesting is is that he makes these movies with a lot of sort of typical kind of grindhouse elements or genre movie elements but he does it in such a clever way that even mainstream critics just praised his movies Oh like the fact that you could have a movie where Jamie Foxx is hiding behind a corpse is continually getting shot and just exploding with blood in the most comical way the fact that a movie like that is so well received not just critically but even like his movies are always big hits like with mainstream audiences which is sort of crazy when you think of some of the movies that are mainstream hit films you know yeah but then everyone everyone typically runs to all the cliched responses to his movies and glorifies violence why the need for so much gruesome graphic violence why not let us it happens it's so much fun chan get it there misogynistic there racist yeah I never uncover and tries to make heads or tails of them incredibly violent and soulless there's no soul in it and I wonder how he sees women being empowered when there's no soul all right thanks Jen okay well he's got a pretty impressive career as far as it just seems to do whatever he wants mm-hmm it's never like you know he doesn't cast someone because they're big at the moment or or he tells a story because it'll reach a wider audience he just makes whatever he feels like and that's that seems to be getting more and more rare honey black grapes or something up deist be here for that girl we gonna have us a Candyland talkin feathering in this house another thing we should probably mention is Tarantino's use of music oh yeah yeah that's another real strong indicator that these are his movies and not movies made by studios because he has his own original songs like 70s themed theme songs and then at one point he plays at Jim Croce song and then um then there's some rap music like it's very eclectic all these different musical like Pulp Fiction was famous for its soundtrack yeah like it had a really popular soundtrack I was just all sorts of weird stuff and I thought it worked better in this movie than it did in Inglourious Basterds - there was a couple parts in that where I was kind of taken out of the movie by some of the musical choices this one at all I thought blended together well and fit more appropriately then yeah some of the music and inglourious basterds mosu candy whenever you ready Oh Oh black do you what would you say Jay if the movie had were to have some problems what would you say cuz we shouldn't because everyone will say that we're sucking Tarantino's dick yeah and there we praise a guy that makes really great movies he makes really great movies yeah no I would say if I had any complaints one would be the jegos wife the broom-hilda character is pretty under written she really doesn't do much of anything yeah um which is surprising cuz Tarantino usually has really sort of interesting female characters in his movies that's one of his strengths and yeah she's just sort of there she doesn't really have any sort of character to her in those this should not be any kind of complaint because it's a Quentin Tarantino movie and you have to have the caveat that yeah but um for me there was a point I wouldn't complain that the movie was too long just because it looked great everything about it was great I just wanted to keep watching yeah but you can't you can't complain about I mean too much of a really great movie right yeah there was a point though when it felt like the natural ending of the movie and then it kept going yeah it did it did eventually ultimately pay off in the end yeah it would have been I know that the moment you're talking about there's a scene where it feels like the movies wrapping up and then it goes on for another I don't know half an hour maybe more and there'd be a bigger complaint if what happened after that wasn't great as well yeah but it it seals the deal at the end yeah and it's a really good performance movie yes especially oleate Leonardo DiCaprio um get them a little real not here I know you're not a fan of liénarde he's good at shouting and he does a really good job playing like an idiot [ __ ] this movie is used appropriately in this movie I don't think I dislike him as much as you do in general um I think he's very limited as far as what he can do he's always fine in a movie he's always used the way he should be used i I don't think he has a lot of range and in this movie it felt like Leonardo DiCaprio playing a character in a Quentin Tarantino movie as opposed to sort of embodying that character right I don't supervision is required I think I think the reason why I liked Leo in this movie was because of the fact that it's a Quentin Tarantino moving the dialogue and it's fun and he's playing this kind of comical villain who shouts a lot he's stupid but leo like he's like a Tom Cruise or you never forget that he's Tom Cruise yeah but Tom Cruise tends to stick to roles where he's Jack Reacher a Mission Impossible guy Leah leo takes on a lot of roles where he's j edgar Hoover Howard Hughes or now he's this southern plantation owned owner so it he's like it to me it always comes off comical like he's doing this little accent it's got this little face mask on he's like my mom I'm like it like a high school or in a play what it's late never again it's you never forget it he doesn't become that part in our DiCaprio doing a wacky voice that's it and in this it's you never forget it's leo yeah he's leo doing the southern accent yeah he does the material justice but he doesn't elevates the material into something sort of more interesting the way some of the other actors do like Christoph Waltz who's like the perfect actor for a Tarantino movie that guy's great and Jamie Foxx - he's sort of very understated in this it's a lot of non-vocal acting but if facial reactions a lot of subtle work and he does that really well and I've never really felt one way or the other about Jamie Foxx like what did I think I saw ray I don't even remember who knows we're gonna happen y'all ain't gonna make it daddy laughing I thought it was interesting that the violence was used in a wave where when it was a good character or a slave character when violence was being inflicted on them it was done in a very sort of tasteful manner it was it was brutal as it would be in real life but it wasn't excessive uh-huh but the violence towards the the bad characters was completely over the top and ridiculous in the best possible way where it's sort of almost cathartic and it's sort of a celebration of movie violence which is not the same as a celebration of violence or yeah yeah and I I think that's I mean you're always gonna have those people that don't understand the difference oh really okay I'd like to see you walk down the street and get attacked by some kids who's just seen oh but you saw BC Jan you're all messed up because you're talking about real life oh I'm talking about the movie you gotta get right but I appreciate that Tarantino was just making what he wants and isn't going to water that down for fear that some people won't understand it if that makes sense what are you doing hey don't do that don't do that again well Jay let's talk about the humor in this film and whether or not you think it was appropriate given the very sensitive subject matter uh well I will say that this is the second funniest movie about slavery that I've ever seen the first being the Patriot oh right no this is a genuinely funny movie probably is funniest movie there's a lot of humor in this a lot more than in his other films and I would say the humor is used appropriately it's not like a haha slavery was funny know that subject matters treated as brutal and disgusting and horrible which it was um but I think it's impressive that he can make a movie that is also very funny in that world in that context yeah III don't think anything was in bad tastes as far as its portrayal of slavery or there's no humor in those segments you know if you want to take someone's power away you ridicule them uh-huh and and I think this movie does a good job of that as far as pointing out how ridiculous and ignorant these people are yeah anyone bring any extra bags no nobody brought an extra bag I'm just asking uh there was one sequence in the movie it's probably one of the most sort of emotional scenes in the film where Django is reunited with his wife finally and I was completely taken out of it for reasons that most people won't but Django opens the door and she sees him for the first time and however long they've been apart and the sound effect on the door was a sound that mr. plinkus door makes every time we walk into it and I completely ruin the emotional impact of the scene for me at least they didn't have this sound in the movie well by the way Jay I just wanted to say I'm I'm I don't know if I ever was against digital projections I think earlier on I was because they are seem dimmer and less interesting but but compared to our viewing experience of The Hobbit in 3d in 48 frames and an ultra screen looking at it for the fishbowl perspective we saw Django Unchained in a very big theater not not a ultra screen theater very big theater on the bottom level about 20 rows up on centered perfectly centered beautiful projection digital projection but still very bright and an Tarantino still insists on shooting on film hmm it does nothing from me I mean I actually think I'm getting gypped when I go to a movie and I realize it's either been shot on digital or being projected in digital because everyone thinks you can't help but think that when you're filming something on film that you're recording movement you're not recording movement you are just taking a series of still pictures there's no movement in movies at all they are still pictures but when shown at 24 frames a second through a light bulb it creates the illusion of movement so thus as opposed to a recording device when you're watching a movie a film print you are watching an illusion and to me that illusion is connected to the magic of movies but it was just a great cinematic experience I didn't have to wear the dim 3d glasses there's no ho Curie Pokkiri no doodling skedaddling no Shaz Meraz metas are there any other words you would like to use grandpa picker II dues Hickory dachshund dues what you're saying is the movie is more of an immersive experience than the [ __ ] Hobbit yes I was immersed in in the story and and being drawn in by the way the movie was made by the dialogue by the way it was shots by everything that the filmmaker intended other than cartoon blue elves running around and look at how many trees are flying past you in Pandora it's like yep [ __ ] you couldn't turn Tino's Django Unchained immersed me more than your hackery Zachary do 3d Deedle dum Sukkot Peter Jackson Peter haxon James Cameroon you you you frauds can eat a dick this movie was great he also did all the the assuming most of the blood effects were all real I'm going to assume all of them yeah there might have been a couple little ones here and there that might not have been but there were real explosions of blood it was it was pretty impressive it was Paul Verhoeven turned up to 11 yeah really really impressive practical effects and I love that a movie came out this year that is doing very well critically and box office wise that features a man getting shot in the dick at point-blank range and you know I think I think he was going for historical accuracy mmm cuz cuz weapons back then were more brutal like weapons in the Civil War like like [ __ ] musket balls were just like this you know they were just musket balls and when they hit you it just blew you to pieces seriously and I can spot a digital blood splatter from a mile away and I just hate it I hate him too they always look bad so kudos to Quentin Tarantino yeah yeah he has a set of balls on him and and we appreciate that so does Jamie Foxx yes if you want to see Jamie Foxx is nuts go see Django Unchained look at me bullseye you so Jay what did you think of 2012 oh I hated that movie with John Cusack oh [ __ ] stupid you know I saw that whole movie and I thought that was Joan Cusack no I'm not talking about 2012 the movie I'm talking about the year in film so what you're saying is we're gonna do a recap now yes we're gonna do a recap so what's what's the film that you saw this year that we didn't discuss on half on the bag well on the the subject of comical films about slavery I saw Lincoln oh the the new Steven Spielberg comedy incorrectly titled film it should be called the Thirteenth Amendment hmm passing of the 13th amendment Spielberg's Lincoln was a good film based on some book with a really long title so it's not it's not a biopic movie about Lincoln's whole I know it's it's Lincoln's in it of course and and there are a lot of dramatic elements with Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln and his son and things of that nature but the movie really revolves around the process of passing the Thirteenth Amendment it's not like Lincoln doing the Log Cabin Lincoln he chopped down the cherry tree and he said he wouldn't lie about it that was George Washington a scene if you knew that um Lincoln he was a railroad guy he hit the railroad ties and then he became a lawyer in Illinois and then then he did some other things and you know Lincoln's life was not that it's just a very short period of time when he was trying to get the 13th amendment passed and and the the kind of moral moral quandary he was in with he had an opportunity to end the civil war earlier and because the south is kind of a verge of surrendering and if they surrendered they wouldn't get the 13th amendment passed they wouldn't end slavery the South they just surrendered Lincoln won it also in slavery so there's a political debate and is a very kind of dry movie if you like history you would enjoy it I kept my interest most of the time probably because you know Spielberg did it he's adept he knows how to shoot Dino's how to make movies and keep them keep them interesting but yeah there are no action scenes there are no great Civil War battles and all that stuff it's really all the things that happen behind the scenes in the White House and it's very interesting in that regard to see not really kind of glorified Hollywood silly the historical version but it's very detailed and we have to get these congressmen just to vote on the bill you have to try and get this to go through in other sense that's interesting is when I hear Lincoln directed by Steven Spielberg I already have the whole movie in my brain so it's nice to know but it's not that yeah then there's some cornball stuff there's some Spielberg II and saccharine ending but overall it's a good movie it's not for everyone there's like a get shot in the [ __ ] head in the movie there's no - it's just that brief period they show any no they they have the ending well they do that they do what they do up they do a little old bait-and-switch type stupid thing like they show um it's really dumb there's a scene there's a scene earlier on when they Lincoln and his wife are in the the box seats you know the the balcony seats where you get shot from and they show them they're talking and they're talking and the cameras going like this and Michael is just is he gonna get shot now Lincoln's in the theater and then and then it ends and then it's in those oh that was a different time they went to the theater and at the end they're like it's time to go to theater and then they go to the theater and you see a stage performance and Lola and then some guy runs out on stage and he goes the president's been shot at a different theater oh I see and then they cut to him on the deathbed and the doctors it sounds really lame it was it was it was a dumb uh switcheroo a dramatic switcheroo as it's called in the industry I see Spielberg yeah like oh you did that you're just should've just cut to him in the bed and of course I can't talk about Lincoln without not talking about Daniel day-lewis oh god yeah who who is just tremendous he's really good I mean not just a look but the performance yeah you know but Tommy Lee Jones his face is also in the movie and you know if if I wanted to look at wrinkled stone I would visit Mount Rushmore hmm shall we stop this bleeding you well speaking of Tommy Lee Jones I saw just recently I didn't see it was in the theater men in black 3 mmm that's that's a movie you want to bring up sure why not it's a movie that came out in 2012 in 2012 ok well let's talk about men in black um I actually was surprised by how much I enjoyed men in black 3 it was very entertaining it's not a deep movie obviously it's it's a dumb summer blockbuster movie but it was very because that second movie was terrible the second men in black movie was just sort of like a just a bunch of [ __ ] shoved into him except the one where johnny Knoxville as a cartoon hub yes the second that's the second one and yeah that second movie is pretty awful but this one the it was very focused the storyline was very focused the narrative was very straightforward it wasn't just a bunch of crap shoved into a movie to make a sequel which second one felt like and Josh Brolin plays young Tommy Lee Jones in that movie and it's the the highlight of the film he's really great and doing his impression of Tommy Lee Jones that's more than just an impression it actually does feel like a character okay how do you know my name did do they still have Rip Taylor as the head of the the man black organization no no they they wrote out Rip Torn he's actually dead in this one and I I think they wanted to avoid working with Rip Torn because he likes to drink and gets confused and thinks that banks are his house right you know I've I've been there I I once thought a person was a parking space so J what else did you see this year I also saw the Paul Thomas Anderson film the master Oh why do you say that I don't know everyone says it sucked no it doesn't suck it's it's I want to watch it again because it was sort of a frustrating movie because it's a really great movie like it looks great it's well shot that Paul Thomas Anderson knows how to put together a movie really great performances and it's more of a character driven story than it is a narrative driven story and the relationship between Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix is really interesting and strong their performances are amazing but at a certain point in the movie it felt like I don't know I would say it felt almost like a shallow movie like you get their relationship like like show hell what do you mean by a shallow movie well I once you get once you understand their relationship it kind of feels like the movie doesn't do anything for a long period of time when we kind of flounders around a bit and I don't know I sort of it's a really obtuse movie but really great performances and amy adams is sort of the linchpin of the whole movie i think and that's sort of subtle the way that's handled as far as her character and her characters motivations so good movie just it felt really bloated well I of course cannot comment because I have not seen the master yeah I will say though that it's great to see a movie that is this well made and this smarts but also features a scene where walking Phoenix jerks off into the ocean and also tells people that he wants to fart in their face it's funny cuz the same thing happened in Lincoln oh really yes but speaking of films with good performances I very very recently saw this is 40 year old virgin oh yes yes so it's called then this is it's the movies called this is 40 hours long this is 40 first dates yeah this is 40 it's the new film from Wahb well what's the same Judge Reinhold Judge Reinhold no it's it's from Jerry Maguire no who's the guy that makes the comedies Adam Sandler no I'm Santa doesn't make comedy films that's true uh Judd Apatow that's his name yes junkets it's the Judd Apatow film I'm gonna go with an on recommendation on it stay far away from it but I enjoyed it a lot and I laughed a lot then why would you not recommend uh it's like it was like visiting it was ironic because I watch it on Christmas night it's like visiting your family you go you have some good times but most of the time you feel like you're being punched in the face over and over and over again and that's kind of what this movie was it was just a roller coaster ride of ups and downs of people yelling and screaming and then funny parts and then people fighting again and yelling and screaming and then some funny parts and some some interesting characters and the really good performance is all around everyone in the movies good totally some of the comedy stuff like goes from unrealistic stuff it's a very realistic to silly back to horribly unrealistic back to realistic fighting it's just like oh trying to get a headache oh so what you're saying is they probably shot a ton of footage a ton of improv and then tried to smolt something out of it let's jot a pizza I use my sir fish where's my sir sir so J I understand that you've seen a handful of smaller films that were not released the theatrically in theaters what are those films please share them with us look - J that piece of papers blank I also saw the comedy starring Tim Heidecker and was it funny no that's the irony of the whole movie Oh the title is well what an ironic what's it about uh it's it's a difficult movie it's definitely difficult movie to recommend because it's aimless it's a very aimless movie but it's aimless by design because it's about a character and his friends that are also aimless and they're all horrible people so it's it's a directionless movie about awful people it's it's what they call a feel bad movie and I like a good feel bad movie it's it's sort of just an examination of these people these characters is specifically Tim Heidegger and what you would call aging hipsters the people that are sort of detached from everything and everything's a joke they don't take anything seriously and how sort of pathetic that is when you're in your mid to late 30s and you never sort of learn to grow up and it was interesting because you don't I've never seen a movie that deals with those type of people this accurately I know people like this um was in our movie with something something with green and the title Greenberg yeah Greenberg Greenberg yeah there's there's Greenbury with Ben Stiller and that's comparable but it's not exactly the same this is a movie that it felt more realistic yeah this movie felt very real in a way that makes you uncomfortable while watching it so it's it's a movie that kind of makes you squirm but if you're you're into something like that it's worth checking out and lastly I saw a film just recently called excision mmm which I enjoyed so much it was almost depressing because it's the type of movie that I would like to make or the kind of movie I should probably focus more and try to get made it's it's one of those movies and I think we all have those that sort of almost feels like it's tailor-made specifically for you have you ever seen any movies like that and yeah showgirls okay that makes sense yeah and it's about a because I have a horrible fear and disgust of the human body I think we've mentioned that before and of disease and hospitals and the movies about an awkward high school girl that is fascinated by an obsessed with medical procedures and she has these fantasy sequences about surgery or she sort of fetishizes or sexualizes surgeries dry-humping corpses and the like and but it's not a horror film I I thought I was gonna watch a horror film and it turned out to be more of sort of a satirical kind of family drama black comedy yeah yeah a sort of dark John Waters has a cameo as a priest so I should tell you something right there Traci Lords placed the mom she's very sort of over the top she's a little hammy compared to the tone of the rest of the movie but the main actress in hood was completely unfamiliar with but she's genuinely unattractive in the movie greasy hair the way she sort of carries herself for posture and I looked her up afterwards because I had no idea who she was and she's apparently on the 90210 reboots she's a good-looking girl a very attractive girl but she's genuinely unattractive in the movie will you have a shout out what's her name yeah Anna something oh it's not a perfect movie it's a little unfocused but her performance that lead actresses performance really sort of drives the whole the whole movie so it's another one that I would call a feel bad movie if you like movies that make you feel like [ __ ] and you just want to take a shower afterwards the comedy and excision are both excellent examples of that I realize it's not all about me anymore well J let's look forward to 2013 them I do understand that there's a lot of movies to look forward to in 2013 yeah and and those movies are oh there's Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3d a good day to die hard the Carrie remake another one yep the Croods computer animated movie about cavemen GI Joe retaliation pain and gain after earth directed by M night Shyamalan uh The Fast and the Furious 6 Hangover Part 3 grownups - Paranormal Activity 5 Thor 2 The Smurfs - Star Trek 2 scary movie 5 holy cow we were talking about movies for so long I lost track of time yeah it's like 11 o'clock my god 11 yeah it's almost midnight mr. Plunkett where all of your guests I don't know nobody's shown up to my party yet who'd you invite let's see I got Jack Palance Charles Durning Ricardo Montalban richard dawson Jack Klugman glorious Stewart Larry Hagman mr. Plunkett all those people are dead you mean all of my friends are dead well no wonder nobody's coming to my party I guess I'm spending New Year's alone this is kind of sad yeah we should uh we should get out of here well I'll see you later mr. blinken yep happy new year this isn't right J no you can't let mr. plinkus spend New Year's all by himself no no he can't we have to stay it's the Christian thing to do mr. plank yep half a million
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 956,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red, letter, media, mr, plinkett, mr. plinkett, mike, stoklasa, jay, bauman, rich, evans, django, unchained, django unchained, movie, review, quentin, tarantino, jamie, fox, christoph, waltz
Id: oBe9z7XbyAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2013
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