Shaved my head because I got tired of washing my hair after each COVID-19 ICU shift!

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i know what you're thinking she's being impulsive again yes i am we all know that i'm impulsive because i just recently quit my job of three years and then came over to new york to help out with coronavirus so why not do something else impulsive today i am going to shave my head as everybody knows i've been working with coronavirus patients we do have hair covers but i am just like so sick of having to cover my head it's so sweaty it gets itchy like it's hot and every day when i come home i have to wash my hair or i guess when i come back to the hotel i have to wash my hair like i'm running out of hair products it's annoying my hair is getting like dead obviously i'm from florida and my hair lady shout out to sarah sorry i'm doing this but not really but she's down there and i don't have anyone to do my hair everything is closed so i just like had a thought that why don't i just shave my head so that's what we're gonna do today i know it's crazy my hair grows back and my hair i mean i feel like it grows pretty fast i mean i just got these i just got my hair bleached and um i mean it's super yellow now because i haven't been taking care of it but i just got my hair bleached and cut in like february maybe february and it's so it's grown out so much yeah i just i really just um kind of want to get rid of it and just i'm sick of going to bed with it wet i'm sick of washing it every day as i said i'm sick of like wearing like the cap and then it gets like so sweaty under there like it's just so annoying there are other uh women that work at the hospital that i work at in new york and they have their um i mean there's a few that have their like hair really short or um i know one that even has it shaved i'm gonna be gone for three months you know i have 12 more weeks i'm sure that maybe like a little pixie cut will grow out or something but i can't i can't do this for 12 more weeks okay like i can't like this is annoying this is too much maintenance like i'm working a lot of shifts every night every week and i come home and i come back to the hotel and i am exhausted the last thing i want to do is wash my hair and then blow dry it and then go to sleep you've worked like 13 14 hours any little thing like any little step like even brushing your teeth so tiring working on night shift hits really different okay you get extra tired so i mean i have other things to be taken care of right now like doing my laundry um studying for my ccrn i just have like other things that i would rather spend my time on than my hair and i don't really have an attachment to it i think maybe other people do because i would tell like a few people i was doing it and they're like oh no don't cut your hair it's so pretty hair doesn't make you a pretty person i guess it can i mean i think if you're pretty inside you're pretty outside if you if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best if you can't handle me when i'm bald you don't deserve me when i have hair so this is gonna be an adventure i have to figure out what like thing to use i don't really know the difference i probably should have googled this i'm just gonna pick one this is three quarters okay spanish tables des montables universalis oh my god you guys let me tell you it was so freaking hard to find hair clippers okay so i had this thought when i was at work um a few nights ago like maybe like my second shift because i was like i can't do this anymore i can't it's too hot it's sweaty i hate washing my hair i like just decided to you know like mosey on amazon you know maybe look see you notice i was just kind of like you know thinking about it not really deciding you can't get hair clippers right now anywhere anywhere okay amazon is sold out indefinitely you can buy beer trimmers but that's not gonna get through your hair i mean i don't think i mean this is this is a beard trimmer um a beard trim groove detail trim groom detail and haircut okay so i looked at amazon nothing i look on target because you can be like what's in stores nothing look at walmart because you can view what's in stores nothing walgreens you can't view what's in stores on like i don't know if you can't just can't do that in new york or if you can't do that here because walgreens and cvs you couldn't view like what was in stores so i was talking to the lady who like has like the shaved head and she was like oh yeah well it's really worth you can't find clippers because you know i left my cadillac clippers back home but my but so because i didn't want to bring them here but i went to cvs across the street and i bought clippers like from like where her hotel is so i went to the cvs across the street from her hotel no clippers all right so then i go to walgreens and like i walked to walgreens and literally there was one left and that was this one but it was a mission to get these but i feel like the fact that i couldn't get them made me want to do this even more and maybe just like damn like now i just want to try to get some clippers but you know like everyone's buying the freaking clippers because everybody's doing their own haircuts in the pandemic and here's mine so we're gonna do it oh my god this is all spanish i keep hearing the standard size [Music] okay oil troubleshooting for household use only like i'm gonna go out and start my own head shaving business okay all right maybe maybe i don't know maybe i'll start a movement maybe a bunch of nurses at my job will want to shave their heads all right [Music] let's do this this is gonna be dope i'm excited i'm gonna do like small cuts because i don't know how much these scissors are going to cut through like these aren't like actual like whoops i'm just honestly like excited for my hair to go back to brown and i feel like why not start fresh i wish that this wasn't bleached so i could donate it all right in the trash this is kind of chic though oh i'm excited for my hair to grow back brown and be this be this length so i don't know what shaving my head is gonna do for me because i feel like i'm already pretty crazy and pretty impulsive but in a good way like i'm not like i'm not like end my life impulsive like you know mess up my life like i definitely like do well in life i think but look out even this is oh my gosh i love it all right but um i mean i definitely like when i have something i want to do i go and do it i'm pretty sure that like my boyfriend's family watch my youtube videos so don't think i'm crazy guys but um this is just what works for me right now so some questions look at this so much hair some questions that i've gotten are am i scared to look like a lesbian no because lesbians are awesome and what does a lesbian look like okay a lesbian can be anybody you guys are crazy um am i gonna miss my hair no it's gonna grow back and no one really sees it right now because i'm always wearing a freaking cap on my head because i'm always working with coronavirus patients and i'm like miles and miles and miles a couple seats away from my family and friends i could either like choose to tell them or choose not to tell them i mean i don't know if they watch my videos i don't really care all right let's continue this one's thick i might have to do two i'm just like so my at my old job a pca and i got um you know kind of tipsy after work and uh a little more than tipsy and we decided to bleach my hair it was great not really turned out orange um so i had to go get it fixed because i really need to note this self next time i shave my head get better scissors i mean i don't know if i'll ever do this again but damn okay um it's all ratty look at that start fresh oh i'm gonna love when i have short hair this is kind of a chic look too look like one don't people do this with like half short and half long anyways um so yeah ever since then i've been having to get a bleach i mean i don't have to i could have just tied it back to brown but i'm getting it bleached because i actually like liked it and my lady sarah does a really good job but um now i'm just sick of it and i feel like this is just a really good time right now because i mean i'm like pushed to the edge like i'm going 07 britney right now that's okay my life is good i'm happy oh god i'm shaking hair everywhere why am i doing that this doesn't even like look like my hair look i don't know if you guys can see it in there looks like a doll's hair i'm excited to have like my natural color back let's see i don't know if i should cut it like shorter should i do a mushroom cut i do [Music] because i really want to try to avoid getting like as much hair on the ground as possible while i'm here i might as well just see what i would look like with bangs so yeah am i scared what people will think no because no one's gonna see my hair really when i'm at work like i work with so many nurses every single day and i have no idea what they look like from here down or from here up like because we're wearing so much stuff to protect us which is awesome like anybody that says in new york has no ppe i mean they used to not have pee-pee but right now we have a ton of pee-pee oh my god i love it this is so much fun ah look at this i'm like joe dirt i feel like one of those does anybody ever see that video where the mom lets her daughter cut her bangs like her teenage daughter and then they come out like super [ __ ] short all right i'm gonna do like a bowl cut real quick um my mama's gonna love this i didn't tell my family that i was doing this because i wanted to just like you know surprise them but i mean i also don't really have time to talk to them right now kind of i don't really have time to talk to them right now because literally i go to work i go to work and then i come home or to the hotel you guys know i come to the hotel and i go straight to sleep like i'm exhausted and then i wake up in time to eat a meal go back to work so like i rarely have time to wake up and eat like why the heck maybe i should just leave it like this why the heck what why the heck why the heck would i um wanna freaking keep washing my hair every day especially when it's something that like is a convenience like it's gonna like it's gonna be more convenient for me you know like it's gonna grow back my hair grows super fast i mean maybe not though we'll see this will be the true test of how long my hair grows [Music] the only person that i talk to about this that whose opinion i actually care about is my boyfriend and as always since he's awesome he's 100 supportive of anything that i do and so but i mean even if he wasn't i would still do this he would just have to choose to love me no matter what i mean he already does though but i feel like this isn't that impulsive since i thought of it like two nights ago and now i'm doing it tonight so i sat on it for like a good like four days people are gonna think that i lost my [ __ ] and i don't really care oh seven brittany y'all [Music] all right who knows maybe i'll really like short hair i can't see myself wanting like to have my head shaved forever but i mean you never know one of the people i was talking to at work like who has a shaved head she was like yeah you know like i got a i got like a bob cut but then when when i came home and like looked at it and like my daughter looked at it she was like damn mom she [ __ ] you up and then and then um so we went to the store we bought clippers and we shaved it off and she was like i loved it so much i can't take myself jersey she's like i love this so much i just been doing it ever since but i mean i don't really see myself like wanting to do that because like i do love having long hair but um i do see myself like enjoying it you know but i just i really enjoy change in hairstyles and i think that it is a good thing to change every now and then this is kind of a drastic change i've never done this before but i'm open to it [Music] okay getting lower and lower this looks like a 90s haircut or something like a rockstar 90s haircut oh god i'm really dreading all the hair that i'm gonna get everywhere when i shave this that's why i'm trying to get as much as i can off oh god it's gonna feel so good though to have all this like just gone and just start fresh like i'm finally ending my hair saga trying to cut my finger off getting to the brown too am i scared i'm gonna look like a boy no boys are awesome but i'm a girl i'm comfortable in that honestly though i could go to work with my cap on every day and nobody would know and if i didn't post this video nobody would know but i'm open about my life so i don't really care all right i think i got like a lot of the long stuff gone this is crazy look at the back oh my god i think the only thing that i'm probably dreading is like the phase where it's gonna be like growing out and like all fluffy like a newborn puppy look at this ah okay this is awesome i hope that i'm gonna look like one of those like badass girls that's like don't mess with me even though i'm like totally like soft and like scared of everything but how do i do this like this oh that hurts oh i didn't turn it on i forgot which way to go just oh my god hair is going to be everywhere i'm trying to get it in the sink i can't believe i'm doing this in my hotel room [Music] [Music] this looks awesome [Music] it's funny because before doing this i didn't have anxiety about shaving my head what i had anxiety about was all the hair everywhere and it was valid there's hair everywhere i'm happy that i took everything out of the bathroom [Music] [Music] [Music] do so [Music] [Music] oh i shouldn't have done that there's hair everywhere i think i got it all i feel like a new woman this is great you know my boyfriend had told me i gotta see if i have any in the back though let me see my boyfriend told me he was like i'll support whatever you want to do he's like i just hope that you're not upset after you do it because i'm so far away from you that i can't you know support you and like coddle you and whatever and so when he said that and like when other people were saying like oh you know you'll probably regret it like i was like oh you know like what if i do this and i'm sad after but this is awesome thanks for watching you guys this is great god all right i got a shower there's stuff all over me bye
Channel: Alyssa Gray
Views: 3,541,532
Rating: 4.9090624 out of 5
Keywords: registerednurse, covid19, rnicu, icuregisterednurse, youtuber, youtubers, youtubevlog, vlogger, shavingmyhead, girlswithshavedheads, impulsive, youtubenewyork, youtuberegisterednurse, youtubecovid19, fromblondetobald, pandemichaircuts, athomehaircut, athomehairstyles, crisisresponsenurse, newyorkcity, bradmondo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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