Hairdresser Reacts To DIY Bobs Gone Wrong

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hi beautiful yo god today we're watching people give themselves long bobs but they just may not go right i've seen the thumbnails i've seen the titles it definitely seems like these bobs are not gonna be the cutest and there may be some disasters and we're going to watch them today wait what wait do not skip ahead hold on i have something for you for the holidays i'm going to be giving 1 000 of you 40 off any individual products at we don't do this this is not a thing i do in honor of the holidays coming up i thought why not just help you out give y'all a good deal i also just wanted to thank the ones that um you know watch my videos first you guys are the ogs you guys are the real ones and so is everybody else but like you you know me well we see eye to eye you know so if you would like it then um get on it make sure to use coda holiday 40 at checkout go go do it you're welcome let's watch some people pack up their hair and attempt to give themselves a bob and by the way bobs are really hard to do to yourself like they are hard for a hairstylist and they are especially hard when you can't stand in the back of your head and actually cut your own hair it's difficult let's just watch the videos [Music] first video is by jazz carn bandon let's watch the video i'm gonna be cutting my hair shorter like right at my chin that's like a lot of hair okay so wait she's doing like a chin length bob work it'll be interesting i do like her hair on the longer side i think it looks nice at this length i don't know how i will feel about shorter like a lot shorter like what she's planning i don't know it wouldn't be my first thing i would decide to do her hair oh i'm getting nervous already and then i'm going to take a comb and then split it down the middle okay i can see it in your eyes your eyes are no good girl and then i'm going to take all my hair and tie it off with a rubber band what are we doing are you putting a big tail in your hair what is that and i'm going to keep the rubber band a little higher because i'm going to cut under the brown instead of cutting over top so then when i cut it it's like comes out straight because usually when you cut it from the top it's like all curvy oh no i think that's about good i'm just gonna cut it from the bottom okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're putting a pigtail in and then cutting it like that i don't know man i don't know well actually i do know that that's gonna be a horrible idea i mean the worst idea you could possibly have really um the reason why is because you're over directing the hair from the back to here so the shortest piece is gonna be here and then it's gonna get longer and longer so it's gonna be like a u shape over the ear it's gonna be all sorts of bad don't ever put a ponytail in your hair and then try to cut it short that is where i draw the line okay it's fine doing a lot of different things but that one i don't know that's terrible i'm excited to see what happens though and now i'm just gonna cut it some doll scissors just gotta cut it fast think about it why are we cutting above the elastic you just told me you were going to cut below the elastic what happened to that idea you had a good idea and you didn't execute it girl you know those scissors are dull when it takes you 10 minutes to get through that much hair okay i cut it off oh oh my god [Music] i just ruined my hair i just messed up oh no no i was supposed to cut underneath the rubber band over top oh oh i forgot you forgot this is so short yeah the really sad part is that like really not fixable you can do one of two things so you can first get extensions right i guess there's three options you can get rid of the hair you can just shave it off three you could do like a really short haircut those are kind of your options because at this point you're gonna have to bring up the back short and something's gonna have to happen with the front and um it's yeah it's at a very awkward length yeah some things that i give here yeah she knows she knows she oh that's a cute little piece of it's getting very um berries and cream which i do like their haircut berries and cream berries and cream i just really messed up like really bad let's take a deep breath i'm very interested to see what she does do because there's not a lot she can do i'm gonna have a breakdown right now oh no no no don't cry we can do something to help it oh see that's better push it on the other side it looks better it looks fine if i put it on this side like i could just like blend it in with my hair okay on this side what do i do with this it's way too short what did i do shave it i don't know i'm just going to part it like that like a side part and then take this hair and i'm gonna blend it in with this hair so i'm just gonna like add some layers to this hair right and then this side i think i'm just gonna shave this side of my head off we are gonna shave and then this back part i don't know what i'm gonna do with it but i'm gonna try and blend it in with this hair so first i'm gonna try and blend these little hairs with this hair i'm gonna take it out like this pull it out and as i'm pulling i'm gonna take my scissors cut it and layer it down [Music] that's definitely one way of cutting layers an easier way would be to pick up like high sliced sections elevate them up to here and cut off the remaining and you will blend it better that way this is also a way there's multiple ways of doing things this might not be the most easiest or the most productive but we can do it and i will watch and take it all in [Music] yo she don't give off how are we gonna connect the back there has to be all sorts of things going on in order to fix this and it takes a very skilled professional to fix this type of haircut girl come on your little fall layers i don't think they're gonna help okay so i'm gonna grab all my hair and like tie it up into like a side part kind of thing and i'm gonna pull it all the way down to about there and then i just chop all this off what what was that i mean listen it was better than using the comb and doing the whole thing she did before however why does she keep putting her hair into like pigtails on random parts of her head and then chopping it off let's do not a giant section next time let's do multiple small sections it doesn't look the best but it looks okay now i'm going to shape this off i'm going to take it from like right here and go all the way down to my ear okay so since that's not off i'm just gonna shave this part of my head that noise makes me scared i'm gonna have nightmares tonight she's doing it she's going for it she's doing it i thought we were watching a bob tutorial but this has turned into a nightmare if she was happy i would be happy but she's clearly not happy she is struggling like i am in life oh i'm feeling a second breakdown coming on this is how much hair came off it doesn't look really bad but it looks bad i was just trying to give myself a trim and ended up cutting half my hair off listen she said it not me i might have said the same thing but she said it that makes me not a bad person right i thought i would be more scared to do this but i've been thinking about this for like past few days ever since i shaved this i think it's just the best thing to do now so i'm not that scared oh she's going for it we went from a bob to a shaved head way too quickly watching this back just shows me so much about myself now in the past i've struggled with a lot of things if you told me a few years ago that i'll be shaving my head and posting this video to youtube i would call you crazy oh whoa oh my god okay i'm seeing a transformation take place i'm excited to see more i'm interested i'm on the edge of my stool here i feel like this is the best decision to like throw my hair out thick and like wow again because my hair was really damaged and it was really thin so i think i really needed this i think i look ugly i do not like how i look i'm gonna be wearing hats all the time now i'm not gonna lie i was expecting like a happy outcome i think she looks so badass and amazing and i like the shaved head way better than i like her long hair personally but i wish she felt good about it too that makes me kind of sad i thought she was gonna like it well i hope she likes it now yeah there's always wigs you can always do wigs you have a shaved head now it's like you have free-for-all with wigs so damn okay wow that threw me for a loop let's go and watch another video monica jane what do you have for us this is my hair at its current length let's take a look-see shall we um [Music] it's beautiful it's very long and pretty i kind of like it right now but i'm not gonna let that discourage me i'm very interested to see what her hair looks like shorter i do really like the longer length on her kind of breaks my heart to see her not go to a hairstylist because her hair is just so pretty god if a good hairstylist got their hands on that head of hair it would turn out miraculous like it would be so stunning that you could do amazing things to her hair i know a lot of people who would die to cut your hair i wear it up every single day like i never have my hair down i never take the time to do it so why have it there's no stopping me should i part it in the middle right that's a good start yes i've been debating if i'm gonna do the little ponytail holders or not it looks really satisfying but also my hair is so thick i don't there's any way that's gonna work for me well i'm just gonna hold it and kind of like hack through and see how that goes no the ponytails are there to help you not to make things harder you're going to make it harder by not using the ponytails you're going to go like this shorts oh um fix it i don't know oh god don't pull it like that and cut it don't pull it like that god guys we need to stop over directing to the front you're gonna have long pieces down the back it's not gonna look good you gotta do multiple sections at least four and if you have thicker hair do like eight six i would take six i would you guys do know that hair bounces back right like there's wave pattern in your hair so when you're pulling it like this really tight and cutting it it's going to be a lot shorter when you let go of it does that make sense it springs back it goes back up [Music] it doesn't matter at this point if you cut up or down it's still not going to go well i love cutting when you can't see i'm just anticipating the time where she lets it go and it just looks terrible what is going on why are we like traveling with the scissors her face oh i saw the back it's not good i definitely messed that up yeah that's pretty decent for one cut you know right yeah i just need to i don't know how to trim that oh uh okay i'm gonna do the other side first and then great you know worry about uh whatever should i try to go longer so that it's definitely even try being the optimal word i would have probably just cut them the same length and not longer but that's just me also what you can do next time i mean hopefully there will be no next time honestly but you can just comb your hair forward from both sides and then use the guide from the side you already cut and cut the other side like an inch or the other side and then part it again and you'll have your guide and you'll know where to cut the other side exactly the same length i'm always thinking i got you oh this side's worse it's getting worse i honestly didn't think it would get worse but we found a way to make it at two inches longer on this side than the other side [Music] it's already flipping my dreams are coming true the part i love is that it like came out uneven and she goes like trying to make it even she's moving her head back and forth he's like if i move my head like this it's even so we'll just keep it like that i like this um i don't know how to even it out what does the back look like oh is it okay no the determination on that face though you could tell she's in this to win it i hope she just at least put some layers in here like it just is so blunt and so heavy if she got a really good haircut with some layering and some wispy texture some movement her hair would naturally dry in such a beautiful state and that is the real difference between a diy haircut and somebody who's really skilled you can get your hair to dry literally exactly how you want it if you get a professional haircut from a really great skilled hair cutter we're going for the bangs we had we couldn't stop there oh straight across no bevel and nothing oh perfect all of it this honestly feels like i'm watching a seven-year-old child cut their hair and she's a full-grown woman but i'm loving the adolescent vibes here it's a good time it's like at some point once you start cutting like who cares might as well cut more the back however is an animal i'll have to tackle probably a different day does she notice that one side is so much longer than the other oh okay i see it now it's yeah lopsided yeah yes oh we're doing some wiring did you see that elevation that was pretty oh just one just once though oh my gosh so much here i like it though it feels really nice yeah i'll probably fix it along the way if i notice weird spots but for now cute how does the back look not great no give it a like if it looks good and a dislike if it looks bad um i'll throw you a like okay i mean listen the end result you look beautiful it's a very cute cut on you however i i can't lie i would love to see it well done and this cup looks so good if it was like really well done it would look so good but good job monica i'm glad you like it those were some definitely um interesting attempts at a bob well one ended up actually being a bob the other one she shaved her head that was crazy i did not see that coming but thanks for making me laugh today guys that was good make sure you guys check out me everywhere else here on my social media handles if you want to shop my hair color or my hair care products you can do so right down below that's all for today thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life and i'll see you next time bye first [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,081,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To DIY Bobs Gone Wrong, DIY bobs, hair fail, hair stylist, hairdresser reacts, at home, gone wrong, fall off, video react, box dye, hair fails, 40 vol, how to cut your own hair, hair color, diy haircut, hair cut, funny fails, jenna marbles, curly hair, haircut fail, 30 vol, how to cut layers at home, hair tutorial, hair dye, how to cut hair at home, reaction video, bleaching hair at home, long bob
Id: zhNm2NNO_E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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