I Spent 24 Hours In An Underwater Hotel

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(uptempo cheery music) - Hello, friends, and welcome to another video. This week, we're gonna be journeying to a completely underwater hotel, and staying there overnight. That's right, tonight, we're gonna be sleeping with the fishes. Now, it's been a while since we've been able to do any of our international travel trips, and in the meantime, I've been binge watching other people's travel content, basically making a bucket list of all of the cool places I want to see, and weird internet attractions I want to visit. And something that has really stuck out to me, or I suppose some things, are extreme hotel experiences, like staying in a pod on the side of a mountain in Peru or in the belly of a gutted 747 airplane in Sweden, or in the largest hotel in the world in Malaysia. Seriously, I need to go there, so I decided why not, when we can start a new series where we take on crazy hotel experiences around the country and the world. Well, I guess we'll see how this goes first, and then decide if we're actually gonna make it a series, or not, but hopefully a new series. And one thing that a lot of places like to boast about is an underwater hotel stay. You have your luxurious Maldives Undersea Honeymoon Suite, your room with a glass bottom in Bora Bora, and your shark eye level accommodation at this aquarium in Singapore. And while I do want to go to these places, I thought what could be more extreme than a completely underwater hotel? Not one that has a ground level entrance that you can walk into, but one that you actually have to dive down to with no contact with the surface, turns out that exists. It's called Jules' Undersea Lodge, and it's located right here in the good old US of A, granted at the very edge of it in Key Largo, Florida. So Tyler and I decided we had to go. Also shout out to Ryan Trahan, who conquered his fear of being completely underwater at this place a couple of months ago. Hopefully it can do the same for us. Also, also, a quick thank you to our partner on this video, NordVPN, because even fathoms below sea level, ISPs can still track your activity online. Now, if you don't know what NordVPN is, VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, emphasis on the private. Whenever, and wherever you access the internet, your ISP can see what you're up to, and can potentially do whatever they want with that data. Like sell it to advertisers. Incognito mode might hide your search history from your mom, but not from your ISP. Keep yourself and your online activity as camouflaged as this octopus with a VPN like Nord. Nord also lets you access the internet from proxy servers around the world. So you can access other country's versions of websites, and streaming services like Swiss Netflix. Yes, Swiss Netflix still has "Friends." (Joey speaking in a foreign language) - So if you're interested, make sure to go to nordvpn.com/safiya to get one month free off of a two-year plan, and other exclusive discounts. It's better for the environment than just throwing your computer into the ocean, and there's a 30-day money back guarantee. And with that, let's dive into the video. Now, as some of you guys might know, we did a bit of a Florabama trip this past May, and as the last leg of our expedition, we flew to Fort Lauderdale where we then proceeded to make the two-hour drive south, past Everglades National Park. The underwater hotel is in the alligator farm. Uh-oh. - That'd be a plot twist. - [Safiya] To the Florida Keys, a string of small islands off the tip of Florida that jut into the Gulf of Mexico. Okay, so we're here at our not-underwater hotel the night before. - Above land. - (laughs) Well, actually I don't know if this is above sea level, technically. - No. - We arrived the night before just to prepare ourselves for our descend. Enjoying the land while we still have it. Key Largo is a cute area with a definite scuba and Tiki bar kind of vibe. So we soaked it in as much as we could before heading to bed, so we could be up bright and early for our underwater sojourn. Do you think that like when the SpongeBob characters come above water, they turn into real objects. When we go down below, we'll become animated? - Get Dayana working on that. - Yeah, let's get Dayana working on that. Jules' Undersea Lodge is located at the end of a kind of unassuming residential street. - [Tyler Transylvania Avenue. I dunno if that's a good omen, or a bad one. - [Safiya] With an office gift shop museum and giant shark statue above water. Are you attempting to befriend? - I'm not saying I have an irrational fear of sharks, especially with this day, but like you gotta bring it up, like are there sharks, should I be concerned? - [Safiya] I mean, you know, they're one of the oldest, and most formidable predators, so. Adjoining a lagoon, which is where the underwater portion is. Yeah, I think like where the bubbles are. I can't see where I'm pointing, where the bubbles are. That's the hotel over there. - Home. - This lagoon is like a real salt water thing. Like there are fish here. I almost tripped and fell in the lagoon, but it's blocked off from the ocean. So we were assured there were no sharks or gators. Apparently one time there was a Manatee. All right, so we are here. There is literally an iguana crawling across that car. We should cut, and look at him, look at him. He's so crazy. Is this the key Largo version of a dumpster cat? A dumpster iguana. All right, so we are here decently bright and early at Jules' Undersea Lodge. We've signed some waivers. We are going to suit up, put our stuff into dry boxes. The stuff that we're gonna be taking down into the lodge. - [Tyler] That's got our retainers in it. - You need those. - Crushed cargo. - Learn a little bit about scuba diving, or learn a little bit how to scuba dive, since neither Tyler nor I have ever done it before. And then, we're gonna go down. Now, a few important things here. First off, this is Thane, one of the managers of the lodge, and he was gonna be basically supervising our descend and stay. - Okay, well, where we're at now is the command van. And whenever we have a mission, the mission director and that's me, is gonna stay here 24/7, and monitor the guests in the habitat. - [Safiya] And in addition to safety, he was also tasked with getting stuff down to the habitat, like our luggage. All right, this is our underwater skincare routine. The way they do luggage here is you pull out all of the stuff you need, and then they wrap it in towels, stick it in a special dry bag, and then into a plastic watertight box. - But our record is 53 trips to get gear down. That was a mission, so you guys are easy. - 53? We took just what we needed for one night. - First trip for the scuba diving bellboy. I'll be back in a little bit. - There he goes. - [Safiya] Including all of our valuable, non-waterproof electronics. Okay, that is our computer, huh? - Yeah. - And our drive with all of our stuff on it? - Yeah. - Bye. Now the lodge is only a little over 20 feet below the surface. So it's not really that extreme of a dive. I think that the hard part is gonna be being in the lodge for so long, and just accepting your fate that you're just underwater. You know what I'm saying? It's more philosophical, a philosophical dilemma. - [Tyler] It's more of an existential crisis. - Exactly. Yeah. So once all our stuff was sent down to the lodge, it was time for us to get suited up. - I feel like a member of the Fantastic Four. - Vacuum seat. I'm nervous. A little, right, just a little. - A little, I mean, I think you should be a little nervous. - Not like paralyzingly nervous, but like a little nervous. - I can only waddle when I walk in this thing, how you doing back there? - Nothing, I'm following you. Now, you don't have to be scuba certified to stay at Jules' Lodge. Instead, they basically give you a training session before you go down. - This is a question to you, are you okay? You answer it by telling me yes, I'm okay. - [Safiya] On basics, like how to breathe, clear your goggles, equalize, et cetera. - Move your jaw around little bit, wiggle your jaw, swallow, these can all help if you're having difficulty equalizing, - I have a lot of ear wax. - Oh, that's true. - Should I consider disclosing it at this point to everybody. - That is true. And they pair you with a scuba supervisor. Who's gonna basically hang onto you, and shepherd you down there. I was assigned as Thane's ward, and Tyler was assigned to this guy, Sharky. - Okay. - Yeah. We're just gonna shoot you right in there. - [Safiya] And after we had all of our equipment on, and a general idea of what we were doing, we set off. - Yeah, just breathe and equalize. That's all we need to worry about. - All right, bye (laughs). Let's see, let's see if I can do this. Now, Tyler's and my descends were sort of a tail of two dives. There's a rope a few feet below the surface that basically leads you straight into the lodge. So Tyler basically just grabbed on, and scooted his way on in, surfacing through the bottom of the lodge like so. - Oh, you're in. - Oh yeah. That was awesome. - Uh-huh. - [Tyler] I had to dodge a jellyfish there, - [Safiya] Though he did not receive a fist bump from Sharky. - But those aren't bad ones either, so you're good. Not bad jellyfish. - [Safiya] I on the other hand was definitely the problem child. My main issue was equalizing, which is basically continually popping your ears, like so, as you descend, so you don't have ear pain from the changes in pressure. I couldn't really figure it out. My left ear was giving me some trouble, so even though the journey was only a 100 feet, I had to pause a couple of times, and even resurface, until I finally figured out the rhythm of breathe in, equalize, breathe out, made my way back down, and like a mother cat picks up its kitten. Thane grabbed me by my scruff, and shoved me in the door. - [Tyler] All right, you got it done. - That took me a while to figure out (laughs). Then we showered right away, because ideally and ironically, you're not supposed to track water around the inside of the lodge. We're here. Man, that took me awhile. You were here for at least 10, 15 minutes before I got here. - I was. - And it's like a one-minute trip. Now, I'm sure it's pretty clear that we had a fair amount of people helping us do this little expedition besides Sharky and Thane. - All right, guys, I'll be at my den. - All right, thank you, Thane. - Bye, Thane. We also had two people helping us shoot footage on land, Lana and Bryce, and two people helping us shoot footage underwater, Joe and Ozlem. - Bye guys. - [Safiya] Bye. So if you hear us mention any of them, that's who they are. - [Tyler] Oh yeah. - And once we were dropped off inside the lodge, we changed into our dry clothes. How crazy do I look right now? Oh, medium, medium - That's good, pretty good. I feel a little bit like I'm on a plane. Like my ears are perpetually unpopped-ish. - [Safiya] And inspected our luggage. Ah, here's the underwater skincare routine. Can you see. - Damn, yeah. - [Safiya] It's completely concave. So is the contact solution? - Oh damn. - As well as our surroundings. Now the Jules' Underwater Lodge is basically made up of three different rooms if you will. I'm in. - Very graceful. - Two totally tubular side rooms, and one kind of connecting room in the middle. All right, so this is the room you arrive in, our entryway, our wet room, if you will. - Our foyer. - Which is where the moon pool you surface through is. There's our hole. - It's a lovely hole. - [Safiya] There's only one security camera in the whole place, and it's pointing right at the moon pool here. - [Tyler] This is like our camera up to the mainland. Hello? - I'm gonna say hi to Thane. Just so they can monitor any exits or entrances. - [Tyler] Does it not seem theoretically possible in Florida that like an alligator can walk through there? - [Safiya] We've been assured that this has never happened before, but a girl can fear. In here, you also have your shower and your toilet. - [Tyler] Have you flushed that bad boy yet? - I've figured it out. - Yeah. - I texted Lana. - Lana told you? - Yeah. - Okay. - Overall, this room is the most utilitarian, and the least comfortable. It's pretty short, and it's loud. It's really loud. But you can close it off from the other rooms via these porthole sliders. All right, let's go to the common room first. - Cool. - Go through the porthole on the left. I did that better this time actually. And you'll be in the sort of living room. So this side is basically sort of the hangout/eating area, I guess you'd call this the left tube, I suppose. - Yeah. - Which is a long narrow room with a dining area/banquette couch on one side, and a kitchenette on the other. We are really not supposed to use the microwave for anything unauthorized. - We requested mug recipes. - Mug recipes were mixed. Mug recipes were ixnayed, not allowed at all. Preloaded with some snacks, utensils, and beverages. We have fruit. We have bottles of water, we have juice, milk, sodas, all that good stuff. - [Tyler] It's pretty well stocked honestly. - This is the only sink in the place, but it does have running water. There's also a media unit in the middle of the room, and a whole case of DVDs. It's been a while, huh? - [Tyler] Mostly underwater themed movies, except for "Sleepless in Seattle." I guess it rains there a lot. - They have have "Shark Tale?" - They have have "Shark Tale?" - As well as a phone on the wall. If I need to reach Thane, I can do so here. - [Tyler] Emergency line. - Oh my God, it's actually calling. I was gonna do it for the bit. - [Tyler] The phone works. - Yeah, let's see who's calling. Hello, we did, because we thought that we were gonna do it for a shot, and I didn't realize we would actually immediately call you. Okay, sorry. Okay, thanks. Okay, bye. (phone thudding) - [Tyler] Was it Thane? Was he mad? - It might have been Sharky. Now, back through the wet room and over to the other side of the lodge. - I'm like Tobias Bluth. Catlike. (Safiya laughing) - Are the sleeping quarters, which can either be divided in half or kept as one long tube with a set of bunk beds on either side of the door, as well as matching corresponding reading nooks. In general, this room is just like super cozy. I think just a nice little bed, and this carpet on the wall is sort of just like a little sleeping cot. It's almost like a sensory deprivation chamber in a way. I mean, it's not, 'cause you're not like floating, but you are underwater. There's also another media unit, set of shelves for storage and phone. I dare not pick it up, because it's definitely gonna call the front desk immediately again. Overall, in both tubes, there's a heavy dose of nautical theming throughout, which makes sense. There's also a lot of dolphin heads sticking out of the wall. - Oh yeah, I know. - I think those might be covering some hardware. So you don't hit your head on them. And three large port hole shaped windows from which to view the lagoon. - Okay, hear me out. - Okay - Are we sort of like in a zoo for fish> - Right. - They're coming to like the human and its natural habitat. - I would say yes, except that there's barely any fish who come by. - No, it's not a popular zoo. - I feel like, "Yeah, I've seen a human before. Yeah, I don't care, screw that." It seems that most of the larger fish live on top of the lodge. So there weren't a ton just hanging around in view. A lot of the fish swim by fast, and it's hard to film them, you know, but it is sort of a nice, calming green color, a lot of jellyfish, two jellyfish in particular, that have been hanging around. - [Tyler] They're kinda like watching us. - kind of. - Observing. - Yeah. We did get a few spottings on camera. Theres a fish right there, there's a fish. - Oh. - Finally. Dude, he's pretty legit, is it a puffer fish? - It is a puffer fish. - All right. We have evidence, we're really zoomed in. We have evidence of at least one fish encounter. But we had plans to do a little more legit fish viewing the next morning on our way out of the pod. Thane says he'll take us out in the morning a little bit. Not like out, but in the little lagoon, maybe a little like, so I'm excited for that, because now that I have it figured I wanna be a little bit more competent. 'Cause I feel like right now on the underwater camera, I'm very much just like. But suddenly. - Oh (beeps), there's Thane. - There's Thane. - Hey. Oh. - [Safiya] Thane had arrived with lunch. - Did somebody order room service?. - It's Thane Dash. - After drying off. - Key West salad there. - That looks good. - [Tyler] A little coconut shrimp Saf. - Thane wanted to run through some basic safety facts, and protocols, and besides no mug recipes, the general idea is if there's an issue with the habitat, like you lose power or something like that, don't panic. - [Thane] Two people can live in here for nine days with no additional air being pumped in. - That is a fact that it's seared into my brain. I'm remember that one. There's plenty of air and therefore plenty of time for Thane to come and help, and the only urgent thing that could really happen is an electrical fire. - [Thane] And basically if that should occur. You just go down, and you know, start getting into the water, and getting out. - Swim away for the fire. - [Thane] Right, exactly. - Swim away. Swim away. The pod is only 20 feet down, so even though there is some difference in pressure, there's not enough to have to be worried about swimming up too quickly and getting the bends. Thane also played us a DVD about the history of Jules' Lodge, which was originally built in the 1970s for four scientists to live in and run experiments from on the ocean floor. - [Narrator] After working 8 to 10 hours in the water, it was comforting to swim back to the habitat, take a hot shower, and relax. - 8 to 10 hours? - [Safiya] These guys stayed down there for two weeks straight? - Oh, we can do it. - Yeah. - We can do it for one night. - We can do it. We're in peak physical fitness over here, yeah. - And Thane's dad was actually one of the guys who helped build the original habitat. - My dad. - Oh, that's your dad? - Yeah. - Thane's dad. - [Safiya] Which initially was 10 miles off the coast of Puerto Rico and operated at a depth of a 100 feet, and then later moved to its current location to serve as a hotel room. But you don't have water beds anymore, do you? No, dude, I'm obsessed with waterbeds. I wanna stay in one so bad. You don't think so. - [Tyler] Thane is not a fan of the water bed. - [Safiya] After bidding farewell to Thane once again. - Alright, thanks Thane. - Ooh. - Thanks Thane. Can I have a fry. (uptempo cheery music) We dug into our undersea lunch. I got coconut shrimp for lunch, which is a little, it's little rude, not gonna lie. I'm being a little rude, right now, right here in front of everyone. I had my inconsiderate Key West salad. Sorry. And Tyler got chicken fingers. The fish of the sea, chicken. - Oh, it's so good. - And overall it felt really nice after a hectic morning to settle in for a warm meal. I'm very happy I got down here. I was a bundle of problems. First, I was lopsided. Then I couldn't figure out my ear thing. - Well, you have a hard time walking down hills. So I'm not surprised you had a hard time swimming on a slant down. . - Descending in general. - Yeah, exactly, Safiya and I had an excruciatingly slow third date on a hike together in Los Angeles. Took forever, and she just talked about Pygmalion the whole time. - Wait, we don't usually tell the third date story. - No, no. - We usually tell the first date story. - Hurry up. - I want to stab you in the roof of your mouth. I hooked you! - I'm like a manatee. - That's romantic. That's what Ozlem was saying that we should treat it like a honeymoon. I actually thought of this joke a long time ago, and I really apologize about it. We could join the Fathoms Below Club (laughs). - Inappropriate, It's definitely happened. I mean the original one, it was the '70s. Anything could happen. - I mean A, it was the '70s. B, both of the tables in here are etched with shirtless, hunky mermen. - Yeah. - So like, it already has a sort of erotic vibe. The whole place is a little erotic. Now, once we had done a thorough tour of the place, learned about general safety protocols, Jules' Lodge history, and been fed. It was time to figure out what we should do. All right, let's go into the common room, and like set up the computer and stuff, right? - Or take a nap. - Right? - I'm gonna get a muffin. - Tyler's gonna eat a muffin. Okay, snack first and then figure out what we should do. Nice muffin. Okay. How does the blueberry muffin taste? - Amazing! I'm ready to pass out any second. It was a good day. - Honestly, any existential dread that I had about feeling freaked out, about being underwater, never really manifested itself. It was kind of just like a nicely relaxing green outside my window the whole time. This is a "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea," if 1000 league meant one foot. - No, it's like 0.1 leagues under the sea. - It's like a 20,000 millimeters under the sea. (both laughing) We did try to film a time, lapse out the window to see if we could see anything exciting. - Do you want me to scrub through, see if we got anything? - Yeah. - I like how there's still a jellyfish just sitting there. There's some odd things that floated by. - [Safiya] No fish, though. I'm not really sure we got much. Oh (beeps), there's a big ass fish. - Get 'em, you got 'em, maybe? All right, Tyler's trying to film fish, but after a bit of this, it was time to accept our fate. People know that we are underwater, trapped, trapped underwater. So they keep sending us more work to do. Now, something we haven't really mentioned is that the underwater hotel actually has really good wifi. I think Thane live streams from down there sometimes. So we were reachable. Like everyone's like, okay, they're underwater, they can do it. - Yeah. - What else are they gonna do down there? - That's literally what's happening right now. People are giving us more work. So many Zoom calls were scheduled, and to-do lists were filled. - Dave can see us. - Whoa. - Besides the fact that this wasn't exactly the Fathoms Below Club I had in mind, the wifi is surprisingly good down here. - Hey. - Hi Lily. - How are you? - We're underwater. - Oh my God, what? (both laughing) - [Safiya] Take Lily to the yeah, exactly. - Oh whoa. (Safiya laughing) That's crazy. I was like, where are you guys? - [Safiya] Why are you late to this meeting? We're underwater, sorry. Now, as we sort of showed you guys before, the way you get hot meals down here is basically having someone pack it up in a dry box, and swim it down to you. All right, so Tyler just got a text. Dinner has arrived, Thane is coming down momentarily. - That's verbatim. - Lana and Bryce had grabbed us dinner from a local restaurant and were able to watch how Thane wrapped it up for its aquatic journey. - Gotta keep the hot stuff hot and the cool stuff cool. - [Safiya] Which is a combination of stuffing towels in the boxes to take up any loose space, and also putting weights on to keep them upright in the water. - Yeah, we deliver a lot of pizza. So nobody wants all their topping slid to one side. - [Safiya] Tyler had ordered a pretty decadent meal of baby back ribs and conch chowder, you know, surf and turf vibes. ♪ I want my baby back, baby back ♪ - Hello Thane. - Hey guys, room service. This is the hot stuff right here. - Oh yeah. - Somebody got the baby back ribs. Making me pretty hungry. - Oh, that's me. - And once we had chowed down a bit, and posed for some aggressive underwater feasting B-roll. We're just gonna get like an extreme sports shot of Tyler eating baby back ribs through the window. - [Tyler] You subscribed to this channel for rib content. - They really didn't actually. No, not that they subscribed for anti rib content, but. We turned our attention to the key lime pie that producer Lana had sent down for us. - [Thane] KLP or as we call it key lime pie. - Oh, hell yeah, underwater key lime pie. It's hard to beat that. - Is it good? - Hard to beat that lime? - Oh. Yeah, right? That's pretty decadent. That is pretty decadent. It was a great surprise on top of an already excellent meal. - The KLP is the tits. (both laughing) I didn't text that. - No text that. - We'll see how that goes. - Lana ghosts. - To Mike. - So after dinner, the sun had mostly set. It's kinda like camping, like during the day everything's chilled, and then at night, you're like, is there something out there, you know? - Instead of coyotes it's manatees. - Well, manatees are decidedly less scary than coyotes. - You don't know that. - And in the darkness we sort of had three things left to do. Thane's gonna come hang out? - Come by? He's in the command van. - Okay. So yeah, come by whenever. All right, thank you, bye. Great guy. - See that time, Thane called us. - Thane likes us, okay. - [Safiya] Come hell or high water, we will make Thane like us. Thane swung by for a bit. Oh, that's him. Hi. Oh my God, that's Thane. And we tried to do some late night creature viewing. I saw one big fish swim by, and besides that nothing. Apparently if you shine a light right outside the porthole, though, plankton come a flocking. - [Tyler] Oh damn, dude, that's gnarly. - [Safiya] He was saying that the barnacles would reach out and try and eat 'em. Oh yeah, I literally just saw it happen. - Holy (beeps). - Can you see it? - [Safiya] Kind of yeah. Oh my (beeps), sorry. - Welcome to our wildlife show where you'll see maybe one fish and a bunch of plankton, subscribe for more plankton content. And we did also have a shrimp try and invade our pod through the moon pool. - He's coming for revenge, Safiya. - Wow, he literally is. I don't like his- - Demeanor? - [Safiya] Yeah. And finally we needed to watch "Shark Tale." - [Tyler] It keeps coming up in our videos. - How many millennials does it take to remember how to use a DVD player. One, but it's gonna take a while. After eventually getting it to start playing. All right, so the DVD works. We just have to watch a five-minute commercial for "Madagascar' first. - [Tyler] "Madagascar One" - We put on our PJs, and applied our underwater skincare routine. - Where do we put our retainers. - In the kitchen, since that's where the sink is, because I figured if I made Thane drag it all the way down here, we better use it. Thane says these used to be water beds. I kinda wish they still were, I'd love to sleep in a water bed. I feel like that is a video. I actually forgot most of what happens in "Shark Tale." And I fell asleep in the middle of it. That's Angelina Jolie. That's a sexy fish. So I guess we'll never really know what happens. - [Tyler] It's morning. It looks pretty outside, look at that strobing, sunlight. Hello. - We slept in separate bunk beds (laughs). Honestly, the night's sleep was pretty good. I wouldn't say it was the softest mattress I've ever felt. But we were both pretty tired. And the general white noise and sloshing sounds really puts you to sleep fast. Very like rhythmic, and rocking. - [Tyler] It's like a washing machine going at all times. - [Safiya] It is. After packing up our things pretty quickly, we signed their guest book, made ourselves some coffee in their coffee maker. - Under-sea adventure, a check. - And prepared ourselves for our journey back up to the surface. Oh. - We might have gotten it, we might have gotten it. - So what we're gonna do now is we are going to change into our wetsuits, get suited up, send our luggage before us, and then we're gonna scuba dive around a little bit. - Oh, giving me the fist bump. - I think I'll do better than last time. We're already far down. - We're already equalized, so. - We're already equalized, so it's all good. It's all uphill from here as they say. As Thane promised, he and Sharky took us out on a little fish viewing jaunt right on top of the lodge. And there were tons of fish up here. So this is where they were all hiding. Apparently this little lagoon is where a lot of fish lay their eggs. So there are a lot of baby fish around here, like this baby goliath grouper, who's gonna get a lot bigger than this, and all of this stuff growing on top of the habitat seems to be a great little spot for them to live. We also got some cool shots from inside the habitat like this, hello Ozlem. And after doing just a little bit of exploring, we were ready to resurface. What's up! (water babbling) - What's up surface world. - [Safiya] It had been a long 24 hours, and we were ready to be back on dry land. - Hi, we're from underwater. - Tyler's actually, that's like the fifth time you've said that, this is the first time it makes sense. So that was our stay at the completely underwater hotel. That's where we were. Overall, it was quite the whirlwind of an experience. In 24 hours, we went from never having scuba dived before to full on overnight aquanauts. All right, so we are showered. We did it, we slept overnight at a completely underwater hotel. - Yes. - And though it wasn't exactly a luxury affair. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime, bucket list adventure. To be fair, we were only 8,000 millimeters under the sea. My favorite parts were definitely the calming tranquil vibes that the whole place had with the sunlight streaming in through the water and the '70s shag carpet on the wall. And I did really enjoy the scuba diving once I figured out my ear situation. The only thing I didn't really like about the lodge was the toilet, it does have vague porta potty vibes. Obviously, I have no idea what it takes to have a working toilet, literally under the water, but that's the only part that I felt like was a little more rough, especially for the price of the stay. Now, after rinsing off and getting our items from the dry boxes back into our bags. I don't know where my shoes are. - I don't know where anything is right now actually. - I don't know, Thane help us. We got our Aquanaut Certificates from the Jules' Lodge office. This is pretty legit. And the only other thing of note is that, though, you don't have to worry about serious diving sickness because of the relatively shallow depth of the pod. Your bloodstream is still saturated with nitrogen after the dive. Yeah, we can't fly for 24 hours after surfacing. - Yes. - So everyone else is going home, and Tyler and I are gonna hang out in Fort Lauderdale for the night. Though, Lana did have one more surprise for us as she had gotten us tickets to a slightly different kind of undersea adventure, A Merman burlesque show, we're gonna go check it out, which if you're a little too nervous to join the Fathoms Below club, might be a good compromise. This is awesome. I like that one of 'em is just wearing jeans. - We came, we saw, they thrusted. (Safiya laughing) - Thank you guys so much for watching, and a big thank you to NordVPN for sponsoring this video. If you like that video, make sure to sha-mash that Like button and if you wanna see more videos like this. Make sure to sha-mash that subscribe button. Here are our various short form and social media handles, and here's our merch website, and with that, I will see you guys a next time.
Channel: Safiya Nygaard
Views: 6,057,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i stayed overnight in an underwater hotel, underwater hotel, undersea lodge, travel vlog, florida, safiya travel, safiya hotel, safiya and tyler, sophia, safia, safiya nygaard
Id: Uhh_An7FGek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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