HAIR MAKEOVER at home! (Extensions & Box Dye!)

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hey everybody it's bunny from the future and we're getting like a double intro today but i just wanted to let you guys know a couple of things first of all you guys are gonna see like a bunch of splits down here in the video and i don't think enough people know about this feature yet it is honestly like the greatest feature in my opinion that youtube has created in probably the last four or five years but they let us do chapters now and you guys know that i tend to make really long videos and there might only be like one or two parts of this video that interest you and so down below if you like skim along or if you actually look in the info box it actually like tells you the time stamp for each chapter is what they're called as well so if just a certain part of the video sounds interesting and fun to you you can totally just like skip to that point and then you don't have to just like listen to me talk forever and ever like i'm doing right now also you guys you have to let me know how convincing is the color of my hair in the thumbnail i wanted to just try something really crazy for the thumbnail today i got this new editing software which i've only used one time for snapchat before and i'm still like figuring it out it's not facetune i do not know how to facetune to save my life but you can literally like color your hair pretty much any color in the world you want so i don't know i just kind of wanted to do that so that i could ask you guys right now like how cool does that hair color look do you guys like that color i got a lot of positive feedback for it on snapchat and should i dye a wig that color it's kind of like a different i don't know it's like a color i never thought that i would like want to do in my life like you guys i'm certainly never i don't think i'm ever gonna dye my hair a different kind of color scheme like i definitely plan on cutting it as soon as it's safe to go to hair salons again in my opinion as soon as like quarantine is over and so i am gonna drastically cut it but i don't think i'm ever gonna color it any other color scheme other than the black and the blonde i love it so much and i know it's something that's like maybe silly to be attached to but i feel like that is just a perfect expression of my personality in my hair i love the way that it looks and i've had it for so long now that you guys even if i just like take the black out and have it completely blonde i still feel really really different i don't know it just it makes me feel sassy what can i say oh yeah i just wanted to tell you guys those things in the beginning just in case you were gonna like sit the whole way through and think that i was gonna come out with like raspberry hair you guys i'm not that capable of doing amazing hair coloring services on myself at home but we are doing some fun hair coloring stuff today and i think it's an all-around fun video i had a lot of fun making it and i've been working on this video all week so stick around let me know what you guys think also let me know what y'all think about this like little titles and chapters function is it helpful to you guys i try and do it from every like i'm trying to do it for every video from here on out uh cause i think it's helpful i don't know i like it let me know anyway back to the main video i hope you guys enjoy i love y'all so much bye and also hello hey everybody it's bunny and tonight's video it is it is night it is in the or do you consider 2 44. is that technically the morning tonight we're gonna have a late night extension dying party because i have extensions they no longer really match my hair color that well can you tell what's real and what's fake i mean probably clearly now can you tell what's real and what's big you guys i don't know if any of y'all are like this lately but i have been referring to you know these twilight hours as like weirdo hours truly i am tired i am very tired right now and i should be sleeping but the existential dread just keeps me awake even if i lay there i just lay there like i'm not doing anything and then i feel like i'm being very wasteful with my time so i just hey um i've got a box of garnier nutrisse let's put the two together and make some really cool extensions at first i was not gonna film this which maybe that would make a lot of sense but i do get asked so many questions about i'm trying to like i have a pile of fake hair down here and i'm trying to talk about one specific piece right now but i get asked a lot of questions about this little toupee it is a bang piece sometimes i wear this and it looks so fake and then sometimes i use it in pictures or i mean even sometimes in videos and it does kind of look real so it just depends on like how much of a competent stylist i am that day a lot of you guys mentioned that maybe i should like trim the fringe but so far i'm not brave enough to do that i will try and link this to you guys i bought it on amazon pretty much everything i get is on amazon for better or worse this came in i'm gonna type it in here because i don't remember what it's called but it's like blonde number 630 or something which basically means you're gonna get like bleached blonde colored hair which i personally think is the best for dyeing oh granite i'm not a professional at anything in life you're not getting hairdressers advice right now that's for sure basically what i did is i had this extra bang piece and i wanted to instead of like dyeing it a fun color to match like a party wig i thought to myself hey why don't i just like try and diet my own natural blonde hair color and then i can just wear it all the time so that is what i did and i think that color wise even though i don't always like style it you know like a hundred percent to make it look natural i think color wise it is like a spot on color for my natural blonde i will plug a picture in that i posted on instagram a couple of months ago which i really liked how i styled it that day that's right after i made it and i think color wise it blends in really really well so if you think you have the same hair color as me the box dye that i use which i know like isn't box dye like a sin to hairdressers or something but i use garnier nutrisse color number 73 in honey dip i think i just selected this dye literally because it has a picture of an avocado in the box and i was like well i love to eat them so maybe i should dye my hair with them if this video was a book that would be the prologue right epilogue is the end send help the other day i waveformed my hair again because i can't stop i can't stop wave forming my hair i did it as a joke and that joke isn't funny anymore because now i can't stop doing it last week i just wanted to get super glam and i ended up like taking some glamour shots of myself that's like probably the best i've looked in the last like eight months i ended up wave forming not only my hair for that picture but also all my fake hair i freaking waveformed this too so stylistically once again it blended really well but the thing that's been driving me crazy about my extensions for the past couple of months is they don't 100 match my hair they look like this which is really unbrushed and nasty i hear when i last got it done i swear that i had like bleacher blonde parts and black put in and obviously the black is gonna fade over time it's like this really like i don't know what we call this color i mean i think it's kind of cool because i'm so used to it these used to match my hair even with like the super duper blonde parts and you guys for the life of me i don't understand like how does bleach come out of your hair like how what's going on here like how is there no like lighter bleachier parts anymore right i mean like maybe that but like that does not match that this used to match and it it doesn't anymore everything turned out really glamorous the other day except for i think it is becoming more and more obvious that i am clipping a bunch of extensions in my hair and i would just rather not do that anymore so i thought to myself i don't know how this is going to turn out because you know there is this darker portion still at the top i'm just going to dye the whole thing i'm going to try and dye the whole thing and no matter what i think it is going to blend in and look better than what we have going on right now let's deconstruct these extensions because i do clip black on top of blonde because i am desperately wishing to have black back in my hair ooh they're joined goodbye ew what do they say at weddings once joined never be separated or something like that that's what's going on here with this hair i'm at least gonna dye all of this i might dig through my little um rats nest treasure trove box of extensions and uh find some more extensions to die because now a die unboxing this is what you get in here ah nourishing color cream ew oh yeah because i remember you like twist the cap off and then there's like a cap with a needle inside and you put that in there and wow you also get the bottle which it's not a bottle it's the developer then you get the after color nourishing mask which i absolutely know that i didn't use and i don't think i use this either even though it does look really cool so i don't know why i didn't but it is a mineral fruit oil ampule amazing okay so what i'm gonna do really quick is wash all this hair because i'm sure it has like dry shampoo and um spiders and you know just other things that you might find in my hair at any given moment then we're gonna apply the dye which is so smelly that's the only big big big downside which i think was another reason that i was like oh i'm gonna get the avocado one because i thought it would like smell really good and i'm used to using like good smelling dye at this point because i feel like all the vibrant color hair dye always smells really good for hair dye but you guys this literally smells like if a skunk pees inside of your eyeballs it's so strong like i have to wear a mask to do the dye because if i don't it's like so pungent and so not good smelling that it literally brings tears to your eyeballs like an onion it's not it's not good but the color is really pretty so you win some you lose some i also have to remember how i did it too because i did some kind of weird stuff where i did it in really hot water because i felt like i had to fade out the color a little bit and also i think i washed it would like sell some blue because i know that that will just like strip any dye right out of your hair like i swear you dye your hair a color you don't like sell some blue i think i did that the first time that i either dyed my hair pink or black and it was like instant sell some blue regret i love stuff like that i love celsium blue because it just smells like men i guess men with dandruff i'll see you guys maybe in the shower tonight tomorrow what's gonna happen i don't know all right you guys i'm back it's the next day and i'm wearing a t-shirt equally as ridiculous as the one i was wearing last night so i was able to dig through my hair drawers and i found quite a few extra um hair extension pieces and you guys these look super ratty so let's hope that uh dyeing them today might bring them a little bit of improvement there's like a string in my extensions there's a string oh my god it's like a puppet now oh my god i made another discovery doesn't that just sound like i'm freaking isaac newton sitting under a tree i found even more extensions and let's also just try and dye this bang piece and i think we use this when i did the hair dyeing gadgets video and i had sprayed like purple stuff in it and so it's not perfect anymore it does sort of have this like grayish blonde wash to it but it's literally just been sitting up on our bathroom counter now for a couple of months so hey maybe we can dye it maybe i could like trim this one back to the original plan which was i should have been washing these 30 minutes ago guys this is why i have no time management you know what i'm saying because i'm like oh you know what i'm gonna get up i'm gonna get started i'm gonna wash all these extensions and then i end up just clipping them all in my head and dancing around for 45 minutes why it takes me six hours to get ready not because it actually takes me that long to you know do stuff but just because i have to have three and a half hours of singing and dancing in front of the mirror oh dang it i dropped that one on the floor josh dang it just a texas phrase do you say gosh dang it at home [Music] oh [Music] [Music] our entire bedroom is so stinky so i'm not sure because the lighting in here is like we have this brown tile in here so um it kind of gives everything like a brownish cast but oh you guys i don't remember if i dyed them while they were wet last time or if i dyed the bang piece rather while it was wet last time but i think i made a mistake the dye recommends that you leave it on for 25 minutes and i've honestly left the dye on probably for an hour because i came back in here and i checked it it it just didn't look like it was any or it didn't look like it was that different and i still don't have that much faith that we're really gonna get the kind of results that i'm hoping for i'm hoping it's gonna be a better match you guys when i figure out how i like diy do something from now on i think i'm gonna like write it down step by step what i do so that if it ends up working out like i can do the same thing next time but i just i don't know i don't i don't have like very high hopes for this right now at this point i'm gonna rinse it out with cold water i know for the bangs it it almost ended up looking up like more brown um and so for that i washed it with a salsa and blue in really hot water and i washed it about three times but this time i think i'm gonna just i don't think i'm gonna wash it with cold water but i think i'm gonna wash it with room temperature water so what i do is i keep everything in this fancy jack-o-lantern bucket and um i just fill it up with water several times before i start soaping so it doesn't like potentially stain our tile or anything wish me luck i'll give you guys an update very very soon this has been a long and tedious process that's for sure i don't think i'm ever gonna try and dye so much hair at once all over again unless it's like a really long wig or something i think this is basically an instructional video on what not to do i don't think that i dyed the bang piece wet last time and definitely don't try and dye this much hair with one box of hair dye that that's probably just like an obvious tip as i'm sure you guys can tell even though it's definitely gonna blend in with my crazy funky multi-colored hair at this point we definitely did not get like a consistent look as you guys can see like right here it definitely picked up you know darker in some spots lighter in others oh my god look at that dye job it's so messy it's so messy so this is what they look like straightened right now and oh my god that's why it took me a whole another day because you guys i have never had hair come out of the shower like after being dyed messier than these did oh my god they were so knotted and tangled like i literally thought that i had ruined them so it took like a whole nother day of brushing and straightening and combing it kind of turned out okay because like just my hair has lighter darker uneven sections so and i don't know why you guys ever since i've been filming with this camera a lot of you guys have asked if i have dyed my hair darker or something i don't know why my hair does look like it's a much almost like it's brown right but it's not it's like the same color that it's always been like i i obviously haven't had anything done to it um so i don't know why it's so it's such a weird thing it just seems like a lot of the dye just never got pulled to the ends of the hair which i thought i was pulling it all the way through so it is just kind of an odd experience also you guys comment down below and let me know if this is something that happens to y'all i can never really get extensions to fully straighten it doesn't matter like what kind of straightener i use on them it's just like they don't this is like as much as they'll straighten i guess that's why normally i use extensions if i'm like doing curls or crimps or something like that but usually not ever if i'm doing like a straight hairstyle these two little clip pieces see this is the color ideally that i would like to get even though on camera i feel like this one looks like it matches so much better so weird this is still such a mess this looks like i just like snatched andy warhol's wig that is kind of the luck of the draw with buying real human hair wigs or hair pieces to dye for whatever reason i will have some wigs and bang pieces and extensions that seem to just take the dye perfectly and it looks like beautiful and you know exactly as i was expecting and then sometimes i try and die like real hair pieces and sometimes it'll be the same like i oh my gosh i'll show you guys this guy you guys remember when i dyed this green wig which i have styled in like this weird like mrs lovett thing right now i have bought this same wig over and over and over again on amazon and um i mean it's like always the quality of the actual hair seems the same but some of them have definitely been easier to die than others like um the first one i did was like an orangey red kind of wig and that one was like a dream and then this one i tried and like i had to buy certain sections of this wig like two and three times over because it's like even certain strands of this wig we're not accepting the dye the same as other sections of the wig this little front hair piece i don't know what i'm gonna do with it we're gonna see what kind of like hair makeover we can still get out of it today i am gonna show you guys one of my favorite hair styling tools that i cannot live without and i get this on amazon as well it's called hair works and it's a suction cup extension styler place your little extensions in there like that and it's got these magnet clips so it holds really securely in there and it's really great to like suction cup to the shower you know if you're just washing your extensions you know normally they really stay in place and i use this if i'm styling my extensions as well like um you know if i am straightening them or curling them which is what i'm about to do uh because i thought that this would actually be quicker and easier than wave forming them all i'm gonna use this which oh my god i don't recommend this styler normally this is a brand that i love which is so cheap at sally beauty supply it's like hot and gold or something and i have so many of their crimpers and other stylers because they are so inexpensive they're great they're like 20 but you guys i had two of these and look at what i had to do i had to literally like cover the handle in a piece of paper and tape it's actually the instructions from the box die we just did the handle is like falling apart like everywhere where there's this like silicone sort of material it's so sticky like you literally can't even touch it and i had two of them and like i just keep them in a drawer so it's not like they're being exposed to a lot of like light or heat or anything else so i don't know why but it's like they're almost like melting they're like falling apart so i'm gonna do this video and then i think i have to throw this guy away but i thought it would be easier than trying to waveform all of these extensions and then i thought i could use this little thing to fix like these sad frumplicious flat sections of my hair as well so you guys that's what i'm gonna do also i've been testing out these new scrunchies and they are miraculous i'm gonna pick out the extension pieces that i think is gonna blend best with my hair i'm gonna wave them and the next time you guys see me hopefully my hair will be in some sort of style that's not this one you guys it's once again a whole another i never know if other it's a whole other day it's a whole nother day also if my makeup looks crazy don't worry all will be revealed in probably my next video so i couldn't resist and i thought my hair was looking like a little sad and droopy so guess what i did i washed it i dried it and i waveformed it again because my strange addiction waveformers i also said i wasn't gonna do this but i did i also waveformed some of my extensions so i'm gonna go ahead and remove the waveformers and then i'll show you guys side by side the difference between the pieces of hair that i wave formed and the pieces of hair that i used this little weird hot tool on this hair is way deformed this hair is done with the hot tool maybe i just ended up wave forming more hair but i think that the waveforms are like deeper waves because they take some length off of the extensions and i do just feel like they look thicker like more voluminous so you guys i feel like i have spent more time the past couple of days like wave forming my hair waving my hair doing these extensions than any human being has ever spent on my real hair what i'm gonna do now is literally see how big how full how many extensions i can clip into my hair i want to have big texas hair i'll see you guys when i have it in some sort of style i literally am about to do something i don't even know what i'm gonna do so it's not like there's like a tutorial for it i really liked the other day when i clipped everything in as like a joke and i had this like huge hair but um it was like really it was done really messily and it was very goofy so i don't think i should do that anymore but i am trying to like separate like uh the three clip extensions from the four clip extensions and we'll see oh and i have some of these shorter ones i'm gonna try and like probably put those on the top how silly is it gonna be oh this is like a whole head of hair literally so i'm gonna start with that one first okay i will see you guys in an hour who knows oh my gosh you guys i have all the extensions that i made in how how silly is this see i feel like i can only get away with something like this like when i'm taking pictures or when i'm filming videos because i know that you could see the clips what in the back maybe they're kind of covered i don't know i literally never know how anything looks until i'm editing the videos so sometimes i say things in videos like oh yeah this looks great so natural and then watching what i filmed it looks terrible and then sometimes i'm like oh yeah i bet it looks really bad and then i watch it back and it looks fine so i don't know i don't know what it looks like right now but i definitely can feel i can feel the clips so that's what it looks like in the back probably a hot mess but i am happy with my big texas hair and you guys i had even more plans for this video i was gonna try hair makeup because honestly the one thing that i have going on right now that does drive me crazy is these freaking bald patches that i have created myself by years and years of sassy buns and i feel like i commit the cardinal hair sin which is sometimes i literally will even fall asleep with my hair in a bun and i feel like that's the hair equivalent to falling asleep with your makeup on it's just like literally something you should not do if you value your hair or your skin but clearly i'm an idiot i was gonna try hair makeup which is this stuff that i bought called l'oreal magic root cover up but honestly what i wanted to try and do was spray this like on an in section of my hair or maybe like an extension or something because my hair is very very porous like it will keep synths like infused in my hair a lot longer than like normal here like i know i tell you guys um in the 10th grade like the summer in between the 9th and the 10th grade i thought it would be a great idea to get a perm and the rotten egg perm smell did not leave my hair for like a year and a half times that i've sprayed like temporary hair chalk or something in my hair like i get scared it's gonna stain like i've had a lot of products like this that say they wash out in one wash and it's meant to just be like makeup but it will stay in my hair like for instance when we tried the amazon thing and i sprayed in like a uh temporary purple hair dye thing it did not wash out i swear it did not wash out i also intended on like cutting hair in some capacity cutting the extensions for practice cutting the ends of my own hair but i don't know you guys i feel like this video has been so long already i have honestly been working on this video all week so even though it's kind of a little one and it's kind of silly hopefully you guys enjoyed it y'all are gonna have to let me know i honestly am way more impressed with the results of these extensions than i even thought i would be just like looking at them and now i kind of feel stupid for ordering all of that dye because like do i even need to dye these again i mean i feel like there is like still some super blonde highlighty streaks in here but i feel like somehow it does balance okay i don't know if this is real hair or fake hair anymore but i guess that's a good sign right because it's like blending in so well i literally i'm like it's it's also like so attached okay this is real tugging on santa's beard i don't know what's real and i don't know what's fake anymore but um yeah i mean overall it looked like really goofy and streaky and bad when i got done with them in the beginning of this video i'm sure well that wasn't the beginning that was the middle after i dyed them i'm sure you could tell they looked streaky they looked funky but i think now that i have waved them it's almost like the light just catches in it in different ways i don't know it just it doesn't look jacked in my opinion anymore i'm actually quite pleased with my handiwork so you guys are gonna have to let me know in the comments down below what do you think do you think this is too much hair do you think that this is reasonable would you guys like a hair makeup video you know what i've been wanting to do something for a really long time where i try a bunch of other like weird hair products and hair gadgets so maybe it will include hair makeup in that because i thought i could just like spray right here and then like maybe like not look like i've got this big bald patch here i wonder how noticeable that is honestly we all have flaws we all have things we wish we could change so anyway i hope you guys enjoyed it today's video thank you all so so much for hanging out today and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the small family and give an alligator its wings i love you guys so so much and i will see y'all again very very soon bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 337,091
Rating: 4.7861519 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, hair, long hair, infomercials, infomercial, work, does it work, curl, curly, hair tool, hairdryer, easy, fast, curls, curly hair, straight hair, commercial, crazy, weird, funny, strange, grav3yardgirl, curlformer, do curlformers work, experiment
Id: T3pcZNN3leE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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