HAIR EXTENSIONS: I-Link Micro Ring Extensions!

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hello my love's welcome back to my channel today's video is going to be all about hair extensions this will be the third video in my hair extension series I'll be showing you guys how I used hair extensions to transform my broken lifeless hair and how by just adding a few rows of hair extensions I was able to add volume brighten my color add length and get the best version of my hair possible so let's get started with how to achieve this look as always I will be using Donna Bella hair and all of the corresponding tools are from their company as well and my hair extensions today are going to be the 22 inch ombre rooted hair extensions in straight and the color is 1260 okay guys so I felt it was really important to show you the before on what my hair looks like currently without the extensions in so as you guys can see I do have a lot of breakage in the front these are pieces that I've been trying to grow out for the past several years and it does take a very long time so what I decided to do was cut them in the mean time so that they appear to be angles but you know I really just wanted to add something in these spots so that my front pieces were as long as the pieces in the back so that's what we're going to be doing today now when performing this service on clients I consider this to be a half a head of hair extensions because we're just focusing on certain areas we're not putting them throughout the back this is kind of just a filling in technique that I'm going to be showing you today and as you can see the extension start with a rooted ombre which is darker on top and lighter on the bottom which helps for blending purposes so I'm showing you guys the thickness of the slice of hair that I took this is where I'm going to be securing the extension on to and you want to make sure it's just thick enough where that it's able to support the weight of the extension so what I'm doing is I am pulling the bead through my loop tool once the bead is on my hair I am then sliding up and inserting the hair extension into the bead so now that the extension is secured into the bead we're sliding that up toward the root not all the way up to the tippy top and then we're going to secure it with our plier tool and that completes our very first strand as you can see it hangs very naturally it's not taut it's not pulling that's exactly the proper placement where the extension should be so as this video progresses I will be showing this process very close-up I know a lot of people had so many positive questions and comments and they really wanted to know about the process so I made sure to try and zoom in as close as possible so you guys can see again we're going to be repeating the same steps sliding it up the reason we're not going all the way to the tippy top of the root is because if you do the extension is going to pop out once it's secured onto the bead you have to take into account the movement and curvature of the scalp so that's very important throughout this entire process now the beads that I am using to secure these extensions are the Donna Bella silicone beads that means that there is an internal rim inside of the bead that is made with silicone this really helps the extension to grip onto the hair that it's being secured to so that there's minimal sliding and maximal grip so I'm stopping here because I want to take these thinner hairline hairs and pull them back to make sure that the extensions are not exposed I don't want to go too far superficial with the extensions and I wanted to make a point to show you guys that because that was one of the most common questions that I had received actually and people were concerned if they did get these extensions would they be popping out when they were their hair up and as long as the person installing the extensions takes this into consideration and stays away from the hairline you should not have any problems so now we are moving on to row two as you can see I did leave a little bit of space in between the row above it if you put the two rows too close to each other and two on top of each other you're going to risk creating a bump so it's almost gonna create this kind of shelf that causes the extensions to stick outward from a head so as long as they're spread far apart from each other and that they're not secured directly to the root you will have no problems in this area now this technique is honestly one of my favorite hair extension techniques ever I kind of refer to it as the filler technique because it's quicker than doing an entire head of hair extensions your hair appears to be fuller it appears to be brighter and it just gives you the best version of your hair possible anytime that I have an event a party I tend to do my filler technique and I just feel like the best version of myself so now that we have completed the two rows on my right side I want to show you what it looks like it does look a bit messy at this point but promise as we go deeper into this process you're going to see how beautiful this all blends now if I wanted to I could even have toned my extensions because my hair is a little bit more golden than the bottom pieces but I actually like that and I'm gonna keep it so what we're gonna do now is we're going to cut the extensions and this is super super important you do not want to take too much off you want to just go in and cut the extensions feather into them you never want to cut a straight blunt line because that makes the extensions look very dull like and not real so I just wanted to run the straightening iron over my hair so that I can blend everything together a bit to give you guys a better idea of what it's going to look like again this is still very unfinished later in the video I do show how to blend your hair to the extensions see the right side is just way more uniform looking it looks like it all flows together it's more one length it doesn't look like there's any breakage or in angles and as you notice the bottom of my hair has actually been brightened up by these extensions which is awesome you're not frying your hair trying to get the bottoms as blonde as you want which is a huge advantage rather you're just adding a couple of extensions and it's making a huge difference and now normally I would continue to go a little bit more backward so that there are more pieces blending the back of my hair with the front but just for you know a quick tutorial I wanted to show you guys the jist of it and what the results look like and if you did want to continue and bring more extensions toward the back so that you had more of an even flow you can absolutely do that too so yeah I mean you guys can see how short these pieces are these pieces are and I think that just by adding a couple of extensions it makes the site look completely more uniform and flowy compared to these broken ends it's hard for blondes to achieve that one length beautiful flowy hair because you know anytime you do highlight your hair you're going to risk breaking it at some point and that's exactly what this is from you know as careful as you are when you're bonding breakage is sometimes unavoidable now we are lucky enough to have certain things like : flex which really helped prevent it but when it's growing out there's really not what you can do so this is a great option if there's any of my fellow blondes out there who do have some breakage just so yeah so how quick that was I'm gonna do the other side and I'm gonna give you guys a close-up because I know in my video that I had posted where I did Meghan's extensions a lot of people were having a little bit of difficulty seeing the process really close up alright let's get started on this other side [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a little bit difficult to talk while doing this but I'm going to do my best piece of hair insert it now that it's inserted we're going to slide this up now you're not going all the way to the root because when you do sometimes the bond will kind of secure it weirdly and it winds up pulling and it makes the extension stick out which is what we want to avoid so you have to take into account the curvature of the scalp when doing this so now that it's just loosely flowing we're going to let that go now pick up our next piece I just want to make sure that the piece that you're picking up is not too thin where that it's not gonna be enough hair to secure the bond onto it because if the piece of hair that you're putting the bead onto is too thin it tends to slide down once you've secured the extension it's almost like the extension it's a little bit too heavy for the strand of hair that it's secured to so you just want to make sure that the piece that you're picking is thick enough but not too thick or else you'll be able to slide the extension through the bead so the perfect test is to just basically be able to see if you could fit the top of the extension if you can then you know you've got a pretty good amount of hair this Row is going to be a little bit further back then the other side so you'll get a better idea what it looks like if you were to continue a little bit further back with your extensions so I hope everybody out there is staying safe and taking all the precautions and trying to make the best of this situation a very crazy unique situation that I honestly can't believe that is happening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] another big question that people were asking was are be able to still wear our hair up and as long as the extensions are applied properly and within the correct parameters and areas it should not be a problem whatsoever if I did pull my hair back you know you could risk possibly showing an an extension if I were to do one more in this row so I'm just gonna leave it and we're gonna go to the next rep but yeah as you guys can see starting to build a little bit of thickness and we're getting the desired look that we had wanted so now I gotta go quarter of an inch down not too far but just far enough so it's actually really upsetting because this is the year that I was planning to get married and so everything's kind of pretty much up in the air at this point regarding the wedding you know with all the craziness that's going on honestly my helmet concern is just making sure that this gets better and that people are healthy and that's the number one I mean everything else is secondary it's just so unfortunate that this is something that we're all dealing with and I hope everyone out there is just taking the time to maybe recenter and refocus on the things that are truly important because I think that situations like this you know definitely put things into perspective [Music] so now let's go and do the same thing that we did for the other side now my extension cutting methods a little bit different than my normal cutting because in my opinion it's just like cutting a bag you never want to put tension on the extension because then it's going to be shorter than you're hoping for it to be and you kind of just want to let it flow as naturally as possible remember you could always take more off if you have to you cannot put it that dog okay so let's give this a quick curl yes I'm sitting on my floor I had wanted to show you guys the best way to curl the extensions so so I had started I just did a couple of curls on this side but I wanted to show you guys a huge part of blending the broken pieces so that it flows with the new extensions so a super important thing is when you are curling your hair let's say you want to take this piece and start it off you can form the hair in the way that you want it to flow but then pick up a piece of the extension and curl that with the shorter piece by doing this together it's gonna blend them even better because you're actually picking up the hair and it's going to flow exactly the way you want it with the extension [Applause] there you have it looks like all one piece one solid and here I present to you the finished look a half a head of hair extensions I used around 20 pieces total to achieve this look 25 pieces is a typical standard one pack of hair so this can be achieved with just one pack of ilink hair extensions I'd like to thank you guys so much for the positive comments and support I hope you guys enjoyed this video and please let me know if you have any questions related to hair extensions I try to answer every single question or comment that comes on to my page so please feel free to leave me a message below and if you guys enjoyed this content please be sure to hit that like and subscribe button so that you guys keep coming back for more thank you so much for tuning in today I love you all please stay safe and healthy thanks guys bye
Channel: Danielle Lisa
Views: 50,045
Rating: 4.8623066 out of 5
Keywords: hair extensions, micro link hair extensions, i link hair extensions, micro link, blonde hair extensions, blonde micro link hair extensions, ombre hair extensions, balayage hair extensions, blonde ombre, blonde balayage, blonde balayage hair extensions, i link, donna bella hair, donna bella hair extensions
Id: AtaXJ47UvkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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