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hey everybody eats bunny it's everybody's favorite day the week the day week when we ask ourselves does this thing really or and today we are finally gonna be testing wave formers a couple of weeks ago we retested well actually for the first time ever we tested proper curlformers like name-brand curlformers it was kind of an interesting adventure but this week we are gonna be testing wave formers now these are off-brand the branded curlformers actually makes a product called waiting for MERS but they don't look anything like this now my original intent for this video is I wanted to do a half of my head using these off-brand wave formers and I want to do the other half using the actual curlformers branded wave formers but they're out of stock right now so I don't know that might be a future video depending on how interested in all of this you guys are but I have always wanted to test these wave former things out I've seen them over the years everywhere online and you guys know I loved or I do love I am still alive and loving things he crimped like wave kind of look I style my hair like that all the time last week or couple weeks ago when we did curlformers it was still a very kind of like painful process I ended up loving the results that we got from the performers but it was still quite painful ease I bought on Amazon I believe you get a pack of 25 or 25 dollars so they're roughly a dollar a piece I did buy two packs now I don't really see anything different between these different colors of wave formers usually different colors like indicate for different hair linked or you know different styles but these literally just look all the same now the only thing I you have to say is obviously these are not gonna be long enough for my whole head of hair so this might be quite silly I was honestly going to cut my hair at home myself this week but obviously I chickened out will say right off the bat I think that I'm gonna have a much easier time putting these in my hair comfortably because you guys can see just in a natural like resting position just the opening where you thread your hair through is a lot looser than the actual curlformers they do come wow this is like a 3-piece one these honestly seem kind of like not that great quality if I'm being honest and they're also like as long as the other hook but I don't know why because they're longer they're like okay I got to get one properly assembled but it's not gonna be this one okay we're gonna try the other one I'm pushing with all of my might and I cannot get used to like I think you could just do the job with two pieces maybe not I don't is it cheating if I use the girl formers hook well my hair is freshly washed freshly conditioned sippy sippy let's get started I hope I pull less of my hair out this week go with this sassy Gator green one yeah see these are like so loose you guys like you don't even have to pinch them to open them up to get them on the hair hooker I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna take like approximately 1 inch sections of hair oh that's the other interesting thing to mention is these literally come with zero instructions so you just kind of have to do it yourself maybe look at a couple YouTube videos let's see yeah I mean these are painless like that was so much easier already oh I feel like it's like oh yeah what's going on there ah there we go okay I had to like loosen it up it's like the hair was pulled like really tightly in there and I know people are saying my hair is too long for this and I will acquiesce to that for this version clearly my hair is too long for this but my hair should not be too long for the curlformers we tried last week because they have a super long set which was supposedly specifically designed for my length of hair so I mean obviously I don't think they would make a product for a length of hair that is not intended to be able to use said product you know what I mean that would just be kind of silly I honestly maybe bought too many of these I don't know there we go alright that was easier so far so good I've gotten quite a few in there already three quite a few sometimes like the things that I think don't make any sense and yet I see them anyway I'm definitely having an easier time with these definitely less painful I am just gonna keep moving along and I will check in with you guys we're gonna do the 3 layer method again as if my hair is a three layer cake we're just gonna move layer by layer so I'm gonna check in with you guys again once I have layer one done alright guys level one done and it took about 12 minutes to put all of these in I feel like that is already far and away way faster than our previous curlformer experience I also just really looked at the packaging and notice that there are 28 curlformers in each package I have 17 in my hair right now I only have 11 left's when I first started this I was like looking down and I'm like okay maybe I did not need two packages but now I am very glad that we have two packages because I do like to just put one-inch sections of hair in there I feel like that really gives us like the actual you know style that we're trying to achieve I feel like if I just put like super thick chunks inside of each curlformer then would it really look like that much of a style I don't know you guys know that I don't really like the super loose styles like I don't like really loose curls or really loose waves or anything I love like the crimps and stuff I like for my hair to be like really you know big and crazy and all kinds of cool stuff like that it's time to begin section two so I mean I don't want to sit here and say like I didn't have like any oopsies along the way where I twisted the hair and then I couldn't get the hook through there definitely were some experiences like that but just on a whole it was far less frequent than last week's adventure overall I feel like I am pulling out less hair this week which is just always great see I feel like this time I might like look I mean there was a mishap right there I don't know why I felt like the hair was like nice and smoothly calm down whoa look at that that's not cute you guys we need the split in there now I feel like I literally should just cut that let's just find out what happens if I put something like that into the split ender look at that I hate when my hair does that anybody else's hair do that is that a split end I'm just gonna cut it but the split ender won't cut ball chunks off your hair all right let's try that again I did just cut that little piece of my hair out guys I really really think I'm gonna cut my own hair or I might chicken out I don't know I kind of just am at that stage where like I don't care and honestly the only thing keeping me from not cutting my own hair is not the fear that I might totally screw it up but it's that all the magical black sections of my hair are so grown out that I feel like if I cut as much off as I would like to cut I will be cutting all of the black sections out of my hair and I'm definitely not gonna try and do it at home like black and blonde hair dye job that would just literally be that would not be good I hesitate because I like do not want just all blonde hair again but I don't know we'll see we'll see what happens see that that time was smooth so I mean it's definitely not like oh I'm not having a single problem with these but that is probably the third time maybe the fourth time that I've pulled my hair through and it got tangled up in there and I had to back the little hair hook out and try again I will check back in with you guys once section two is done I am this far in and I finally had to open up the next package of these things which seemed pretty well sealed but now I feel kind of like gross out because there is this bit of hair which is like in the bag do you guys see this I'm gonna touch what I'm assuming is another person's hair yum yum I am kind of grossed out if I'm being honest I'm like looking at these individual products and they don't seem used or anything I mean I'm gonna be honest if we weren't in the middle of the actual plague I wouldn't be so reserved by it by overreacting how would you guys feel about this thirty minutes later and I'm just gonna go ahead and confess you guys that I just individually shampooed and washed each of these wave form hers in the shower because Lee at me if you want but I'm just trying to be as careful as I possibly can I don't know if it's a return maybe there was a piece of hair in there like when they got packaged in the factory I'm hoping a long time ago I feel like I wouldn't be that concerned about it if they were like the bottom layer ones but last time when I was doing the top layer curlformers they kind of like occasionally hit me in the eye or hit me in the face or hit me in the mouth and I don't know I don't know you guys are just honestly gonna have to let me know would you find that gross like literally the hair was in the bottom of the package and it was double sealed like it's a ziploc bag inside of another Ziploc style bag and I mean there isn't like a there wasn't like a tape seal or anything on it so I mean it looked seals I don't know how Amazon returns truthfully work I know a couple of years ago I did that video where I bought I bought it from some other website I honestly don't remember what it was called but you guys remember when those videos were like super trendy where you buy like an Amazon return pallet but I don't know if like some amazon returns just get back in the mainstream Amazon shipping cycle does that make any sense I don't know I've never gotten another item on Amazon that previously looked used or returned or something maybe I'm making a bigger deal out of it I don't know you guys let me know it kind of grosses me out like a little bit worse than if I found like a hair in my food or something I don't know why it is kind of good to know that these things are washable they feel like dry already so I think we're good to go we're gonna we're gonna keep going there yeah number three now I'm not afraid to sometimes share my really terribly bad ideas with you guys so can you don't even believe that I sort of questioned that maybe this was a way that I could trim my hair is like just cut each piece like just cut this amount of hair off that's sticking out of these waveform apps which I now realize is a probably route possibly bad idea because like obviously I'm not able to place each one but like perfectly in at the scalp that I'm sure would be nightmarish but it definitely would be something that yours truly would do all right you guys my hair is covered you know I'm stuffed this look just like packing worms also I've a Glee remember there was a dog called like Betty spaghetti did she not have hair like this so I am definitely glad that I got two packages instead of one because it took every single one of these little wave formers so I have two times 28 which I'm almost sure is 50 something my math skills are not that great so I'm gonna go ahead and spin around it so you guys can see there is a lot there's a lot of things in my hair right now Oh sassy springy I think I said that I've spent an hour and a half drying my hair last time but I actually think it was more around two hours so that's what I'm gonna go do now I'm gonna get out and away from these super hot super bright lights and I'm gonna go sit under a bonnet dryer for probably about two hours and then I will be back to show you guys the big reveal all right you guys it's been I think at least two hours maybe more like two hours and 15 minutes and whereas I feel like the original curlformers were more difficult to put in my hair but the drying process was pretty easy these are like the exact opposite the drying process was a pretty challenging I could not for the life of me get all of these things to fit inside of the bonnet so for a majority of the time I had the bonnet like just sitting on the top of my head it covered about half of these things I stuck half the curlformers or the way of formers in and then like tighten the bonnet around it and dried one half and then dried the other half so I sort of had to dry it in three sections the wait is over let's popping these out of my hair I do feel like the removal process is also probably going to be a lot easier I'm gonna try and pinch the top and the base oh see like the removal process is still Oh whew kind of difficult if I'm being honest it's just like I think the silicone is just super grabby too hair and so it's kind of like what keeps it in ooh really just wants to you know hold on to the hair and not let it go so I don't know I don't know if these are gonna overall look as good ah there we go I feel like they just all tape you know it's a it's a learning curve oh and I do hear little like pulling again I don't like just I'm not sure this is like so healthy for hair to do all the time just sounds like there's a lot of ripping slash breakage all right you guys time for the big reveal I love how this looks even more than the wave formers we saw last time you guys know I just I honestly just love a wave now this is definitely not a crimped look but it is a nice wave look it sort of reminds me of honestly sometimes after I wash my hair I will braid it to fall asleep so that I don't wake up with like a lot of tangles in my hair and it sort of reminds me of the same effect that I get with that you know what let me just pull it back really quick but I just wanted to show you guys what it looked like before I do anything to it I'm back with my infamous two bobby pin hairstyle that I do for all of these videos once again my only complaint with these things maybe it's just me I don't know I do tend to see quite a bit of air loss hair breakage I'm not sure if it's like pulling my hair out or just breaking little bits of my hair off maybe you guys can see it more on the tops of these oops I mean it's kind of atrocious honestly the reason is the silicon is just super grabby like if you guys ever put anything that is silicon up to your hair I don't know if it is just me but it will like rip my hair out and that is with any of these kind of styling tools that I've ever had or like you know sometimes the ends of hair straighteners and stuff are silicone tipped if ever my hair touches that portion of a hair straightener or hair styler or whatever it always just rips my hair out I don't know maybe that's just me but that is kind of the only thing that dissuades me from committing to saying I would use these products regularly is even though I figured out like I think the mechanics a little bit better of all the wave former straight make sure you like really pinch both of the silicone ends open like just trying to make it as easy to remove as possible it's still just like grabbing other pieces of my hair and pulling them out like these were a lot easier to put in and take out but I was still just like finding myself grimacing a lot like I said in the last video I am very tender headed but it is just very like pulley grabby the whole like in and out process I think that my hair turned out great I did end up like straightening the very ends where I'm sure you guys can see they were longer than the wave formers but I don't know I mean I do that style a lot even when I am sometimes like waving my hair or something I won't do all the way to the bottom like if I'm just trying to save the ends of my hair from like further damaging them so I mean I do this style often and I like the way it looks I always get so many comments that are like split 50-50 like people will always like love my hair and compliment it and never want me to cut it and really love it long and then the other half of people are like cutting your hair it looks so nasty like bow okay wait like personal preference but I don't know I mean it is what it is it's my hair my hair is what it is right now am I gonna cut it on my own I don't know I probably shouldn't if I'm being honest but I just might do it but I don't know I don't think there's like very many like just middle-of-the-road people it's like they either love my hair or hate it people are like oh it makes you look so young it makes me look so old you're too old to have hair that long like I don't know that one honestly throws me for a loop I didn't realize it was like a certain age you hit and then you have to just like cut your hair super short or have it super long like I don't know do you you know me you know me if you know me like I'm just like let everybody just like express themselves however they want like if you want to have long hair have long hair if you want to have short hair have short hair for me personally like I don't associate with a certain age with like a certain hair length I feel like I'm just like super attached to very long hair because I have past life regression it could it could be shorter than this but I'm never gonna have my hair like super short but honestly if I could just go out in the world right now and have my hair cut I probably would have it cut shoulder length just cuz it grows so fast I know everybody thinks its extensions it is literally not extensions but my hair I think the length of it is definitely making it look a lot thinner than what it normally is or maybe it's gonna just keep ripping my hair out with these like these things every other week how I'm just digressing into all kinds of other subject matters know what I honestly feel like I need to blast this with just a little bit I don't even know what this could really be considered oh it is called hair spray but it's this stuff I use all the time of Veda it's called air control and it's a very very lightweight like it doesn't give you any of that crispy feeling um I'm not sure if I would say this is gonna like last very long it is like oh it's like 3:00 in the morning right now so I'm hoping I can wake up tomorrow and my hair will somewhat be reasonably styled but I unfortunately think after I sleep on it it's gonna be old BOTS flattered and this just from you know the length and weight of my hair and it's just not as like high heat styling tools set my hair in a certain style better that might just be like a Captain Obvious statement but I feel like the less heat that I apply to a certain style the more likely it is to fall out quicker anyway I need to stop playing with it I feel like I do this every single time I style my like a little just touching touching touching and then I'm like why isn't my hair and stayed perfectly styled thank you guys so much for hanging out today and for watching um be sure and let me know what y'all think in the comments down below do you think that these worked better than the curlformers do you like the way that this style turned out better or worse than the curlformers and honestly let me know if you guys would like for me to attempt to get the real wave formers and do like the half and half kind of what I intended for this one I don't know when they're gonna be back in stock I looked on Amazon and they're normal like hair flare website they were out of stock everywhere I couldn't find them anywhere so let me know anyway if you're not already and you'd like to be in the bun town below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator its wings I love you guys so so much and I will see y'all again very very soon
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 647,223
Rating: 4.9346142 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, hair, long hair, infomercials, infomercial, work, does it work, curl, curly, hair tool, hairdryer, easy, fast, curls, curly hair, straight hair, commercial, crazy, weird, funny, strange, grav3yardgirl, curlformer, do curlformers work, experiment
Id: 6X868TyMhEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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