DHCP Explanation - Let's learn DHCP and Networking the RIGHT WAY. STORYTELLING.

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now let's talk about DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol and once again right the way that I'm asking you to go through these videos throughout this coaching program is how you're going to have a conversation about these topics so before you go in through this video you know go through I say Holloway welcome back and on this video I'm going to talk about DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol and then the previous videos throughout this coaching program I'm talking about DHCP right not in detail basically what I've been going through is how one computer one device is able to communicate with another computer another host device and the network and that's why they having an IP address if they don't have an IP address they're not going to be able to communicate with another devices and the network right now remember that when you're going to go through these video is how can I go through the ACP not for me to come up with a definition right so how can I come up with a conversation so I can talk to somebody else about DHCP in a based on a conversation right or presenting this information to somebody else or how can I sell DHCP to somebody else so once again how can I sell this information DHCP to somebody to somebody else that's exactly how you need to go through this information remember it's about how you're going to condition yourself how you're going to condition your subconcious line everything they will talk about in the previous videos for you to be really wondering at that point right when you're going to that job interview process for you to be completely different than everyone else from the other candidates because once again it really comes down to and how you're going to present that information right I mean they're going to ask you a few questions how you going to answer those questions right and remember true a sensation having some conversation with the other patient based and that topic or by telling a stories okay so let's talk about the HCP dynamic host configuration protocol okay now once again that computer the host right can get an IP address Baiju right let's say the network engineer go to that computer and put in the IP address yourself or true dynamic and that's just basically asking that the HCP hey I need an IP address can you provide an IP address and let me tell you because I haven't gone that far for that computer to complete to be able to fully communicate with another devices from the same and another network you need an IP address we talked about IP addresses you need a subnet mask I talked about some masks right and in the later videos upcoming videos I'm going to talk about DNS right and that default gateway so if you want to communicate with another computer from another network you need to have a default gateway and that's the IP address in this case for the router so it can route your information to the other network okay so once again that information that you're going to get from the DHCP is an IP address a subnet mask default gateway and that DNS information okay now probably are you at your own computer right okay I don't have a DHCP you know I mean I just got my computer I go to my house and boom you know I have access to the Internet well probably because a wireless router that you have at home I mean obviously it's already set up with that function with the HCP and I'm going to walk you through for you to see that settings and your own computer okay so once again a static IP address that means to you manually right someone has to put that information dynamic IP address but it has to come to you is DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol now you need to know this information now I'm going to talk about later in upcoming videos but remember just by now okay DHCP works on port 67 okay port 67 UDP so I'm going to write it right here for you to know you the P and the port number is 67 UDP port 67 okay and remember DHCP provides IP addresses okay to computers devices host on the network okay now that's a process so let's say we have a few computers and we have two servers obviously the bigger the company they have to have some type of for tolerance right some type of redundancy if that server goes down no problem we still have another DHCP server that can provide IP addresses to that client computers right and one option for you to set up DHCP it's with Windows Server 2008 r2 or 2012 r2 okay and that what most companies do Oh probably that's a small company they don't have the budget right to get a a Windows server operating system and they have a problem Cisco router they can probably or they can configure DHCP and that router so that can be through Windows so through the router itself okay just have that in mind once I walk you through that process and upcoming videos and that's another appliance device that a lot of companies use not the many profuse and that's called info blocks once again info blocks okay but now went back so what happens right so that computer as soon as you turn on the computer while soon as you plug in the network cable as soon as you connect to the Wi-Fi it to this process and this process is called Dora discover after request and acknowledge and underneath this video right and this coaching program and providing these are PDFs so you can have it in front of you so you can go through that information because remember right it's not just about you going through the video right and getting the information it's also by just going through reading that information and the most critical part right for you to research that's good and it's going to make a lot of more sense to you so make sure you go through that process okay but you have this PDF underneath this video for you to have it in front of you and that's just basically the process that I'm walking you through okay and this is exactly the process that I'm going to explain to you right now but you have it in front of you okay so once again the process is discover offer request and acknowledge so as soon as you plug in your computer the laptop right and you plug in the cable you could all connect to a wireless access point it's going to send this request it's going to send a broadcast remember when we talked about in the previous video about broadcast right it's gonna gel out like to emulate a you know I need an IP address I need an IP address all the devices and the network they're gonna get write that message and most of them they're gonna drop it because they're gonna be well I'm not at the HCP so I don't care I'm just going to drop the message and only that the HCP is going to respond so let's say we have two DHCP servers right both are gonna reply with an IP address and that computer do not care which one it is the first one they get to it it's gonna say yes you know offer that uh that it's going to send a discover that they ship is gonna send an offer and then that computers going to be guest you know yes send me that IP address information and at that point that the issue piece can acknowledge and at that point that DHCP is not only gonna provide the IP address it's going to provide the IP address the something mass that default gateway remember the IP address of the router so you can get of your own network to talk to other devices from another network and that DNS okay and obviously the network engineer or the systems engineer needs to configure the router or the server the Windows Server 2012 box right with that information so it's exactly what you need to know you need to know this process somebody asked you right so what's the HCP wall you know most people will be like call dynamic host configuration protocol and they provide IP addresses most candidates more people in the IT they're going to provide that answer you don't need that right like oh they should be yeah you plug in that computer it's going to send a request right and it's asking hey it's going to send a broadcast asking a you know and if there's any a DHCP under network because I need an IP address and then the D ship is going to send right the request say I have this IP address from you do you want it or yes send it over you know and then boom you get IP address subnet mask default gateway and DNS server information okay so that's exactly what what happens now I told you right DHCP that can make configure and the router right that can be configured on one appliance let's say we have an appliance called Infoblox and that's basically what we're using on the company that I'm working at right now or what most companies do right they're going to set up a Windows Server 2008 or 2012 server and they're going to insult the feature the row DHCP okay so more likely that's what's going to happen and once again a static IP address equals manually dynamic IP address equals DHCP now going back before I forget let me go back here you know most of the client computers or more likely all client computers you know they have to be set up with a dynamic IP address meaning they have to request the IP address from the DHCP and you ascend the engineer you can configure right that the HDP appliance that router uh when this case is a Windows server saying you know after six days I need the IP address back so what I'm going to do I'm going to ping you meaning I'm going to send the messages saying hello and if you don't reply that means that you're not need the IP address anymore so I'm going to take it back so I can put it back in the pool of IP addresses that I have available for computers clients that need that IP address but let's say if I say hello and you'll say hey I'm still here you're going to keep I'm going to renew the IP address that you have so you can have it for another six days and I'm going to come back to you I'm going to list that IP address another six days and I'm going to come back to you in six days just to see if you still need that IP address okay now we have servers right here we have network devices right here and most of them or all of them okay they require an IP address it's not dynamic because remember our dynamic IP address that can change and in this case we're going to set up those devices those servers those network components with an aesthetic IP address so what I'm going to do I'm going to go to the router right I'm going to go to our router what I'm going to go to my DHCP Windows Server box and I'm going to be like look from IP address from this let's say from number one all the way to number 20 you do not give those IP addresses to nobody why because I already use this IP addresses and configure I feel the network components a few of the servers with an aesthetic IP address okay but from the number 21 all the way probably to 100 you can leave you can provide those IP addresses to client computers so what this means is when you go to a network all the client computers they're going to be set up as dynamic meaning they're going to request the IP address from the DHCP but any type of server right component a network component that provides services resources they are configure with an aesthetic IP address and that means Piedras you are going to go physically and configure the tcp/ip settings with the IP address the something that the default gateway and the dns for not to change because remember that's a lot of clients reliant and that server so if they know that IP address right because you got to at one point that they were they were able to contact for services I mean they have to I mean it doesn't have to change just put it that way it will not change okay that's why servers network components once again it's all about a static IP addresses and that's how you're going to configure that DHCP server or router hey from this number to this number to not do not do not list so I'm going to walk you really quick on the screen so I'm going to go right here okay and I'm going to open I just open my run command CMD right to open my command prompt I'm going to put IP config /au once again you can pause the video and I know some of you already know this information IP config forward slash out that's going to be another video I'm going to give you a lot of that commands are going to help you for troubleshooting okay so I'm going to click enter and right here I have that information that I want to show you okay and we talk about physical addresses MAC addresses under previous video and you see physical address and we have our MAC address right there but right now we're looking for DHCP DHCP test its enable and it says Jess so that means I'm getting an IP address from the DHCP if you will say DHCP enable and it will be saying no that means that I need to go to this laptop in this case and provide that tcp/ip settings IP address subnet mask default gateway and DNS okay now right here lease obtain Monday today October 17 at this time so that's when my computer send out the broadcast and it's going to expire tomorrow at the same time whoa no not at the same time but yes one day this IP address and once again the DCP is gonna say hello are you still there yes I'm still here okay good I'm just gonna renew your IP address but you can keep it I'm going to come back tomorrow in this case and ask you if you still need this IP address okay so that's exactly the information and right there DHCP server and that's the IP address and in this case it's my wireless router that I have at home okay so just basically the information that you have now you're probably thinking okay okay where can I go to for me to see like you know I don't want that DHCP to give me an IP address I want to put my own IP address so in this case if you take a look at the screen what I'm going to do I'm going to go right here and my wireless connection I'm going to open this is one way for you to do it and I'm going to go to change adapter settings and this one will be this one there's a one that I'm using I'm going to right click I'm going to go to properties and this is exactly one of the previous videos they already walk you through about IP version 4 IP addresses version 4 I'm going to click properties and that's where you're going to have the option right here it says obtain an IP address automatically that means from the DHCP or I can choose use the following IP address so when I do that right now I'm able right to putting the IP address the subnet mask default gateway and the DNS that I won and that's exactly what's going on with DHCP so I hope you get a lot of information out of it so this is exactly what I'm going to ask you to do because remember this coaching program it's all about result right so what I'm going to ask you to do is for you to go online and find a problem based on DHCP that's a lot of people with probably problems am unable to renew an IP address or I'm unable to get an IP address or how can I you know get an IP address from the DHCP server you know always try to do some research based on problems because you're gonna learn a lot more than just getting a definition ok so take a few minutes and go through the process before you jump to the next video and I do hope you get a lot of information about DHCP and how you can make this information about the topic DHCP your own ok remember once again you have one computer right and then that computer needs an IP address to communicate so for that computer to get an IP address is gonna send a broadcast asking that DHCP server to get an IP address for that to communicate and remember DHCP its UDP and it works on port 67 and I'm going to talk about port I'm going to talk about UDP TCP in annum and a upcoming video so once again go to the process go online is okay let me find a problem of DHCP let me see problems above DHCP one able to get an IP address from a DHCP server or how to configure a Windows Server 2008 DHCP server you know go through the process because that's the only way the things are really going to help you uh what I old what I would you just went through and this video because remember this coaching program it's all about results and it's how you're going to position yourself on the marketplace by creating conversations you know presenting this information to somebody else and once again go through this process by okay how can I sell DHCP to somebody else so it can be excited about it that's exactly what you need to do so go through the process and I'm going to talk to you in the next video
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 22,848
Rating: 4.8687091 out of 5
Keywords: dhcp, ccna, ccnp, network engineer, system engineer, ccna videos, ccna training, cisco academy, comptia, network+, A+ training, ccent, computer training, IT jobs, computer jobs, mcsa, mcse, 6-figure job, 6 figure job, jobs, degree, careers, college, Higher Education, student, University, dhcp explained, what's dhcp, dhcp explanation
Id: bEwS52CHbJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2016
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