How to ANSWER TECHNICAL question in the JOB INTERVIEW process like a PRO!

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let's talk about the interview process and let's have a real conversation about this one topic and this is why because many people think you know that one's dead when i get a job in iet their first job in my team you know as soon as i get my associates a bachelor's degree well as soon as i get my two maybe three id certifications you know i'm gonna get my first job in my team and that's not how it works even though they end up going through the job interview process right they end up talking to a few companies they end up not getting the job and at that point they ask themselves what happened well i will tell you what happened throughout this video and what can you do about it so obviously go through this video if i were you not once twice because this is exactly what i teach my students inside a coaching program and now i'm going to teach it to you and same thing goes with everyone else that have a job in 19 and they probably been in iet you know working a few months maybe a few years and they think okay now that i have these two three ideatifications you know now that i have the experience now i can get a high paying job in iot and again they end up going through that job interview process but they end up not getting the job and again same question what happened you know end up talking to three four or five companies the last month or so but i haven't got any offer again what happened i will tell you what happened okay because going through a job interview process again there's a very specific way and how to go through it and how you get the job and not someone else not any other five seven or ten other candidates know how you can get that job and that's exactly what i'm gonna talk about in this video so again take notes and go through this video now once twice and if you have any questions again on the comments you know and let me know and i will get back to you now there are two things okay and again just hear me out okay and be open there are two things that you have to accomplish in a high level two things number one two things that you have to accomplish number one they have to like you what does that mean yeah they have to like you and what that means is when they like you they end up trusting you if they don't like you you may have the experience you may have that two three it traffickations you know you may have probably a bachelor's degree you know you probably have what it takes but if they don't like you you don't get the job and even in that position when we have a great candidate and what happens well i don't like them i don't think this guy i don't think this girl is gonna connect or be able to be part of what we have going on on our team our culture so even though it has what it takes to get this job done no we don't like that person and we don't see working with that one person and that's how you end up not getting the job so it's easy for someone to say oh yeah i get it okay yeah yeah they have to like me but do you know how to do that probably not and i will tell you how throughout this video now that's number one number two they have to see and think of you that you can get the job done oh that's obvious okay no it's not because i know the problem you don't do it i remember you know when i asked this question to many people by now like how can you position yourself in a way that they can think of you that you can get the job done you know and some say well obviously when they ask me the technical questions i have to answer all the questions correctly i'm like what does that mean answering the questions correctly you see when you think and proud of this happened to you because this happened to me a few times when i didn't know any better i go through that jumping through a process and they uh they end up asking me probably three maybe five technical questions and i know a hundred percent that i answer every question right right and i provided so much information you know that and that one topic and that one question they ask but i end up not getting the job and then at that point so what happened you know they asked me again three five questions all of them a hundred percent i know right so how is it anna i end up not getting the job because once again back then me and this is exactly what most people do they position themselves not for them to think of you that you can get that job done but you position yourself for them to think of you that you just know right so let's say that you go through that champion three process right let's say you're tony right and that's mean probably the other two guys right they we they in the we that you end up interviewing with right and i'm like with this other two guys right the manager and let's say the other engineer me the other engineer i'm like okay let's go through tony do you like tony yes man i mean he answered all the questions and i agree he knows man and he knows a lot yeah yeah yeah but what about this other guy who david oh man david yeah i like david too man and he knows too can answer all the questions right right and then the manager says yeah and what about you know um this guy you know uh simon so what about this guy well simon two simon answered all the questions all of them well yeah all of them know okay so now the question is who can get the job done oh man i don't know even though all of them answer all the questions but to get the job done i i didn't see that from no one i'm like okay let's move on and continue interview more people and that's exactly where you get stuck and be like why they haven't called me because even though you end up answering all the questions that they ask you that technical questions you position yourself as i no were you asking but you didn't position yourself as i can get that job done for you you see and it really comes down to and how you communicate now i'm gonna tell you something okay and i'm gonna go on another video and tell you more about it but in order for you to get the job based on my experience and based on the experience that i have worked with other students that end up getting the job in just a very few interviews they don't have to go through that many very few and a lot of them new in it and they end up getting that job compared to probably other candidates they may have more experience why because they're very effective and how they communicate and i'm gonna go in more detail in another video about this okay but there for you to become a very effective communicator there are five things that you need to accomplish five you need to know how to connect you need to know how to educate you need to know how to present the information that you know that you have learned maybe the experience that you have at that point number four you need to storytell if you're in storytelling you're done you're gonna be like everyone else number five you need to know how to influence and persuade that conversation to go your way based on the needs and wants of that company of that position no one does that no one again no one does that mayan students do and that's why my students end up getting the job you can be next sign up on the coaching program on the membership tag it's up to you or just learn write this down and learn this on your own pronoun leads you know better okay so going back in this conversation okay they have to think of you that you can get the job done who is they obviously the people that you're gonna end up talking to that can be probably maybe one person that can probably be three that can probably be five people throughout that process that job interview process okay now we're gonna focus more on how to answer the technical questions you know we both know they're going to ask you technical questions and they're going to ask you other non-technical questions and there are other conversations in between well out of you going through that job interview process again i told you there's a very specific way on how to go through it but let's only focus on this one section and this one is big and how to answer that technical questions okay the tech questions and that's a first step process and i'm going to ask you for you to write it down and i'm going to go on doing another four videos and answering four questions that way you can compare but if you don't do this i can help you i really cannot help you why because you're not doing what i'm asking you to because your mind you know has to compare that where you do it compared to the way they has to get done so don't go on the next videos and how i answer the questions that i'm going to ask you you know just by going to the videos no you have to put yourself okay let me answer those questions first and then let me see how jorge answers these questions based on this process that way you can compare me like okay now i see that difference and i see how korky break this down for me now i see why i have to do it this way another way that i've been used to this is why i can many messages throughout the week jorge i don't know what i'm doing wrong i got my ccna i got this other it traffication i have the experience i have the bachelor's i end up going through that jumping through process i end up talking to a recruiter i end up going to the manager uh all the way to the manager you know and i cannot get a job i don't know what i'm doing wrong and it takes me a minute or two to have a conversation with them to say this is exactly why you are not getting the job every time every time that i predict something happens why because i'm in the game i know what's going on i'm helping people obviously to do the right way so again i know what's going on inside the game okay so it's a step for process framework okay now this is exactly the questions that i'm gonna answer myself in other videos okay so go through those videos so subscribe so that way you get access to those videos but again before you go on those videos what would you say what's dhp like i'm the manager right now i'm the i.t engineer right and you're going through that jumping through the processing you get to me and i ask you you know we need someone that knows about networking so i'm going to ask you a few questions just to get your point of view and see you know how much you know based on what you have learned or based on your experience okay so question number one what's the http what would you say what would you say again if you have to stop the video stop the video or when that one of the videos that i'm gonna do i'm gonna answer that question throughout this process okay now question number two what's the difference between a knight b address compared to another characteristic what would you say again during the same interview right what's the difference now the next one what's the difference between a layer 2 switch compared to a layer three switch now the other question okay why do we need a switch and a router in a network infrastructure these are four videos that i'm gonna go and do four why because there are four questions i'm gonna do a video on each question but i need you to do that first that way you can compare how you answer the questions i'm going to answer the questions based on that for process so once again right question number one what's dhcp question number two what's the difference between an ip address compared to a mac address and i know proud you're thinking right well mac addresses you know physical addresses 40 uh 48 uh bit extra decimal number they work on the layer 2 of the osmoto that's the link layer that's about the switches because they're blah blah blah blah ip addresses work in the layer three of those that's an upward layer you know they're 32 blah blah blah blah blah right that technical definition is probably going through your mind and that's the reason why you cannot get a job well dhcp right probably the http well dynamic host configuration protocol provides ip addresses on devices you know because send devices they get that tcpa pc agents through static or dynamic obviously if that's dynamic they're going to get that tcpa sentence from the dhcp is per 67 blah blah blah it goes through this process called laura blah blah blah blah that's exactly what everyone does man like really like that and then you ask why i'm not getting the job everyone else is answering that question the same way you did everyone else you know and i'm sorry but it's funny to me because i'm like bro like think about it man like you're not the only one going through that job interview process they are ordered probably five ten people and guess what more likely they're gonna be asked the same questions and everyone is gonna sound the same like really and then you ask why i'm not getting a job why didn't i call me where they call someone else you know my students don't have that problem they know how to answer right so the next one right difference between layer two switch compared to layer three switch and the last one why do we need to switch in a router in a network infrastructure you know what would you answer okay now let me give you some advice let me give you how to be like a really badass and how to answer those questions okay by following this process a four-step process number one connect and i hope you write it down and if you don't like me that's fine but go based on my advice because that's exactly how much students get the job they know what to do and they do it in a higher level and very effectively this is what i do on a one-on-one when i do that coaching i do this with one-on-one just with the oneness to it and i go through some questions i give them that balance and this is what you need to do next this is how you need to break it down okay let's meet up the next time and see if you can do this a lot better let's see that progress again this is something that's going to put you in the map and you're getting a high paying job sooner than later so connect what does that mean connect remember two things that you need to accomplish number one they have to watch like you if you cannot connect with someone they're not going to like you you know i ask you and again this i'm focused on the technical questions okay on that section so what's the htp all the http domain calls and first problem blah you didn't you didn't you didn't took a few seconds for you to connect with me as soon as you end up opening your mouth you were like blah blah blah blah blah like vomit sitting all over yourself like really like throwing up all over why because again you're not going through this process so connect what does that mean you need to connect with the person or the two three people that you have in front of you you have to connect with them because probably they don't like you they don't you are taking their time because of you they may they may not get launched not just you the other candidates and again because of you they may not end up getting lunch that day they may have to get in early the next morning because they couldn't finish everything they were supposed to do that day because there was you and another two candidates i'm going i'm taking that time that day so again they don't like you and if you don't take the time to connect with them you're dumb they're not gonna like you that much right so a way and how you answer a technical question is how can you connect with them first and that's a lot behind it okay that's what i'm gonna go through and answering those four questions and those four videos now number two educate you have to educate uh what does that mean well really quick right let's run an ip address okay an ip address okay someone asks you what's an ip address yes 32 bit right uh ip version 4 you know a decimal number divided by four active we have class a b c and obviously we have public private ip addresses and computers needed in order to communicate when any device in the network makes an ipad in order for them to communicate you know if that computer is trying to reach out the dhcp to get an ip address and other tcp settings if it's not able to do that it's going to get an ipad well i mean you can go on and on and on and saying so many things related to that right that's not educating and i need you to listen to this okay if i ask you a question and you give me like a really great technical definition a really good one you are not educating me at all why because if i'm asking you something i'm expecting for you to know if i ask you a question and you go based on answering that question even though you re it's a really great answer you are not educating me because again i'm expecting for you to know the answer i'm expecting for you to know the answer so how do you educate when you go and tell and say other things that i didn't ask you but they are related to that question that i ask you now you're probably confused uh yeah go back and go through this again so i ask you a question and obviously you have to answer that question by not only based on the question i ask you but that you mentioned saying other things that i didn't ask but they are related to it okay and i'm gonna demonstrate that on those four videos but just kept that in mind now that you know better how would you do that right if i ask you what's dhtp okay before i'm gonna open my mouth i need to think of i need to connect with them okay number two i need to educate them uh okay how am i supposed to do that think think and then i go and go through those four videos and i will break it down for you number three a story tell if you don't do this you're done just walk away because more likely you're not going to get the job a story tell that's going to allow you for you to position yourself as not only that i know because i end up educating you so at that point they think of you that you know right like this guy knows i i asked a few questions right this guy knows by educating that second part part number three now you position yourself as i i'm not only uh not only that i know but i can get a job done and you have to tell the story related to that question if you don't tell the story related to that question you're done just walk away because more likely you're not going to get the job and again i'm going to go and demonstrate you on those four videos on how to do that now the last one influence you need to know how to influence that means persuade that conversation to go your way based on what they need and based on what they want most people have no idea exactly what that is not even on what the company needs wants from that candidate based on that position no idea how did i know because again i've been doing this for the last three and a half years three and a half years working with students helping them to get a high paying job in iet and i've been very successful many of my students are able to get not only a first job in it a really good one but some of them already getting 120 160 and more because they know what to do so it's not all about the technical bs that everyone tells you you need to get this many i.t traffications you're like bs that's a lot more to it so don't go based on what the i.t community may tell you because they most of them wrong okay and a lot of those youtubers as well just giving you bs just for you to consume and have you all over the place don't listen to most of that crap okay so again implant and persuade that's step number four and think about this how you're gonna be able to go back and ask in a way that you can go towards that and having a conversation and exactly what they need and want and for you to have stories to tell that's gonna position yourself you know whether they cannot only think of you that you know not only for them to think of you that you can get that job done but for them to think of you this is exactly the person that we need that's step number four so when they ask you even three technical questions and you go through this process more likely you're gonna end up getting the job why because no one like really this is not some no no one no one let me repeat this no one does this at all okay so again don't forget to subscribe if you have any questions let me know and look out for those videos because i'm gonna want this for questions okay what's dhcp what's the difference between an ip address compared to a mac address what's the difference between a layer 2 switch compared to a layer 3 switch and why do we need a switch and a router in a network infrastructure and i know that probably you know all the answers but the way that you answer them i know i know that you don't do you answer those questions like everyone else this is why my advice for you to go and do that and again this is something i teach more inside a coaching program and one-on-one or just inside a membership site okay so again i'm here to help you for you to go to the next level not only in your iet career but in your personal life and obviously for you to really get a high paying job at 19 sooner than later so again uh any comments let me know like the video share this content and i will talk to you [Music] [Applause] soon
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 1,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to ANSWER TECHNICAL question in the JOB INTERVIEW process like a PRO!, technical questions, it technical, technical questions and answers, interview tips, job interview tips, it technical questions, technical interview, technical job interview, technical job interview questions and answers, it technical interview questions and answers, it technical interview questions, it company technical interview, how to answer technical questions, it career, network engineer academy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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