7 Entry Level IT jobs that you NEED TO COMPLETELY AVOID. [BE AWARE]

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let's talk about the seven iet entry-level jobs that you need to completely avoid in your i.t career and i'm gonna tell you something that i'm gonna remind you again and again it matters it matters a lot the first job that you get in your iet career and i'm going to tell you something else they just you can do a lot better than getting any of that seven i.t entry-level jobs that i'm gonna go through right now and by the way i know exactly what's the conversation right now in the iet community or about the advice that guidance that you are probably getting about how to go through or how to approach your iet career and you probably have the idea the belief that well i'm new and i t so what that means obviously i need to get an entry level job because that's exactly what most people go through in their it career you know they get an entry level job you know that happened to me you know i end up getting two jobs out of that seven that i'm gonna go through right now but that's because i didn't know any better i was very closed mine you know so this is what i'm gonna ask you be open mind and obviously pay attention because i know this will help you a lot because once again let me now walk you through on the seven jobs but once again it matters a lot it really does the first job that you get in your it career let me tell you why how long do you wanna take for you to get to a job that's gonna pay you more than a hundred and twenty thousand dollars a job in id they will pay you more than and sixty thousand dollars how long do you wanna wait for you to get there ten years because let me tell you something that's that belief you know that's that thinking that a lot of people have around how long it will take me in order for me to get to my dream job and i t to a really high paying job in it and the average is about 10 to 12 years now it's not bad but why not get to your dream job in the next three no more than five years from right now even though probably you are completely new and i.t one of my students jeremy it took two and a half years two and a half years to go from zero no experience in iit no bachelor's degree to now earning a hundred and fifty thousand dollars senior network architect two and a half years why again because it matters a lot the first gap that you get in your i.t career and i will tell you more about it but let's get now on going through this um presentation so first job okay you better not get anything that will pay you between 35 up to 55 up to 50 000 if that's a job that will pay you about this much that means it's an entry level job don't get it you know i tell my students you know we're not going to settle for anything less than 60 thousand dollars and guess what happens every student they go through my process end up getting that much that once they end up going through the entire process now that per hour means about 17 to 22 dollars that's a job out there that will pay you this much run from that job that means don't even look at it why because you can do a lot better don't go through your i.t career like most people do like i did because once again i didn't know any better but this is why i'm walking you to this for you to have that thinking that belief that you know they are a better way and how i can go through my iet career that way i can get to a really high paying job in my iet career sooner than later now what's the first job out of the seven help test what does that mean help test and that means for you not to get any help desk support position help task a specialist position help desk um analyst position don't get any of those jobs please you know that was my first job and i t like help test computer tech that was my first job you know and yes i was earning about 35 37 k a year again i didn't know any better right i was going through my iet career by that guidance and advice that i got from the iet community and i know that you are probably getting the same advice and guidance and how to go through your iet career from here to tell you that you can do a lot better a lot of my students have done it so why not you okay now let me go on my computer and i'm gonna put a screenshot about some of the positions related to help desk okay so here i have one entry level help desk support technician 17 to 20 dollars per hour now let's go to the next one technical help desk engineer forty to forty five thousand dollars full time job okay so now let's go to the next one help desk support 13 to 15 dollars an hour and here's another one level one help desk technician 36 000 a year one more i.t health desk engineer about forty thousand dollars so again and i know i get it probably you're thinking i don't have a job right now of anything so if i end up getting a job that's gonna pay me about seventeen twenty dollars per hour you know forty thousand dollars a year i mean that's great you know and on top of that i can start my iet career and from that job i can move up yes i get it bro i'm gonna ask you a few questions and why am i doing this because i'm not here to tell you oh you better do it this way my way okay i'm not here to tell you that i'm here to give you a few things for you to think about and for you to decide what's the best thing for you because i know there are plenty of youtubers out there and you know them they're giving you a ton of content a ton of information for you to go through for you to learn that will keep you busy nah productive so basically that's exactly what's called need you probably back for you to get to that job that you want sooner than later and a good job that will pay you that 60 up to the 70 000 first job in nit and i will tell you at the end of this video three of those jobs that you need to look after even though you probably knew an id okay now let's go back on the second job okay so service desk so help desk service desk the same thing you're basically answering the phone right a user has an issue you know i cannot print you know i don't know where is this file i think i deleted it i move it i don't know can you help me or you know what i cannot connect to the network i'm working from home um my vpn connection is just i don't know what's going on can you help me out oh can you map my network drive you know it was there now it's not so can you help me can you reset my patreon my outlook it's not working you see you are basically helping the end user to resolve some very not critical issues so and this is what i need you to think about that value that you bring to the market if you focus to only learn skills related to low paying uh um jobs that's exactly what you're gonna get you need to focus on what's the value that's gonna pay you the most and that's exactly the skills that you need to learn and that's exactly what you need to focus on not on entry level skills they will not bring that much value and that means not much of a pay to you so again help desk don't look at it services the same thing you know you go through the description and you're going to notice it's the same thing it's just the title change now what's the other one obviously pc tech a computer technician you know jorge i like computers and that's good you know i used to like computers too i used to fix computers until i realized they didn't pay that much at all now let me go again on my computer and let me go to one of those jobs okay so this one service desk 15 an hour i'm like whoa 15 an hour you know might as well go and work at target you know walmart you know i think a lot of the states already paying that much right about 15 per hour so again this is something that you need to think about like i want to give you that belief that you can do a lot better than an entry-level job okay now if you are in your early 20s in your early early 20s and you don't have that much let's say bills that you have to pay at the end of the month and that's probably because you live with your parents right uh they probably get you a car you know you're probably only paying your cell phone you know and a few things here and there so it's okay if that's you okay get an entry-level job that's fine you know if you want to take seven ten years for you to get to a really high-paying job in it okay get an entry-level job but i know there are a lot of people out there that money matters because they don't live with their parents right they probably live by themselves with some root mates they probably have a car payment insurance they have a lot more bills they have to pay and you think it's enough when when i com when a position will pay you about 17 20 per hour and today's economy of course not so what would you do that now because you have a ton of people telling you that that's how you need to go through your it career i'm getting an entry-level job that's totally and completely bs like i really care about students people people that watch my youtube channel that they can get to a higher paying job sooner than later and i'm focused on that okay so now let's go back on the next job the next app is an id technician same thing with computer check right so again don't get it run from these entry level jobs the other one field services now you're probably thinking jorge field services it's like desktop support you know and my understanding is it's not an entry-level job because now it's not like you're answering the phone now basically the help desk they couldn't fix that issue they couldn't figure that out and then they send that ticket that incident to field services for them to all desktop support for them to go to the end user physically and be okay what's going on how can i help you right well let me tell you something and this is the reality of it it's an entry-level job it's an entry-level job so me my first job in iit help test computer tech i didn't know any better my second job based on the advice i got from the it community was well you know my second uh me going up my it career has to be some type of desktop support and let me tell you that's exactly what i end up getting again i didn't know any better but let me tell you something again this desktop or service desk field services is an entry level job now let me show you some of those jobs how much they pay so let me go on a computer i'm going to put a screenshot like this one field service technician right 19 22 dollars an hour the next one field technician 1250 up to 17 an hour right field service technician right and here this one is uh in illinois right by where i live 20 to 24 per hour now again if you are in your early 20s you live with your parents you don't have that much bills to pay go ahead and do that but if money matters to you i'm gonna tell you for you to completely avoid any of these jobs because they're not gonna pay you that much you need to start changing the way that you think now right now okay if you agree with me let me know in the comments you know if you totally disagree with me let me know as well i want to see your point of view i want to see i want to know more about the stories that you tell yourself the beliefs that you have because i know probably some of them like it happened to me are holding you back because they hold me back for so many years one because i didn't know any better i was going through life through my i.t career in autopilot number two i listened to people that didn't have the results i wanted so i was listening to the wrong people and number three i never was open mind you see when i change those things i'm like whoa now i see our better ways on how to get that life that i always wanted so now let's go back and talk about the next one and that's basically id a specialist you know some jobs out there depending on that the job description they're not entry-level jobs some of them are some of them don't but that's the reason why i put it here you have to look at the job description and it looks basic like some type of help desk like some type of like very low i.t support that means it's an entry-level job again there are other jobs that are it specialists and they do more high-end okay now let's talk about those three jobs okay that you need to focus on and getting even though you are new in iet one of them is a network or system support a network system support okay the other one a network or system analyst it can be a network analyst system analyst the next one network admin or system admin those are the three jobs that you need to focus on now i know that you're probably thinking you know jorge like really can i get any of those jobs like even though i'm new well let me see let me think okay let me think about this of course all of my students that were new they already end up getting their first job and i did end up getting any of those positions any of these three positions you know it can be a not uh uh support again that's something you're looking for something that you're gonna do more hands-on related to a network infrastructure not a help desk an end-user problem to know more like a network infrastructure again remember it matters a lot the first job that you get in your iet career and this is why because once you end up getting any of these three jobs right network system admin or network or system uh support analyst that from there you can go to a engineer level position finally a position is going to pay you over ninety thousand dollars so first job at 90 make sure it's not an entry-level job and make sure it's that job is going to pay you between 60 to 70 000 let me remind you about i student named sarita okay early uh she's since the early 50s going to 90 totally knew i really want to change the things that she was doing and career-wise to i.t first job at 90 working from home 75 000 first job in 19 uh working from home seventy five thousand dollars not that many people can do that why again there are more things to it than just i.t certifications i really hope this gives you that a thinking or a few things for you to think about and realize that you're probably listening to the wrong people and number two there are better ways and how to get to your dream job and iet and that dream job just to be clear has to pay you a lot more than a hundred and twenty thousand dollars and you can make that happen in the next two no more than three years if you do things right so if you have a question let me know in the comments don't forget to subscribe and i will talk to you in the next video you
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 3,656
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Keywords: entry level it jobs, entry level it jobs with no experience, entry level jobs that pay well, how to get an entry level it job with no experience, how to get an entry level cyber security job, it entry level jobs, how to get a help desk job, how to get a help desk job with no experience, types of jobs in it, entry level position, network engineer academy, how to become a network engineer, how to become a cyber security, it career, help desk technician, help desk questions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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