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what's going on guys welcome to today's video today we're going to be going over a gym shark clothing haul so I pretty much did one of my biggest gym shark Carter's of all time pretty much what I got was probably continuing a lot of different colors of some of my favorite things that Jim shark does have so we're gonna be starting this oberoi probably start with the bottoms and then we'll progressively get the more cut down fabric pieces but pretty much with this Jim charcoal I'm going to be talking about some of the things that because again this is a lot of reorders some of their products that are my all-time favorites and the ones that I do come back to and when I see new colors I do end up picking up so we're gonna start things off the first thing that I did get and this is actually something I haven't gotten before so some of my favorite gym shorts right now that I wear are the gym shark bold schwarz that wants to say Chimchar going across the back they're just super super stretchy I do tend to size down much for something like clouds look bigger so with those ones they're really good for performance my quads looking with them they're pretty short too but I went with mediums so those are like some of my favorites and they're just always sold out or they only have the black ones right now in like XL so I looked at the fabric it's 5% spandex and a couple other things so logically I just looked at whatever else has 5% spandex to the shorts and I came across the $25 these are I believe the Critical shorts yes I have the tiger here critical shorts I got some mediums I got the black red and grey so I'll just do show them all a back to back really excited about this this red actually so we'll try that one last making a mess in the office but let's put these on alright so right off the bat they are they're really really really soft so but really thin like it's very thin I don't know if I can show you that be a very very thin fabric so they again the insides very soft comfy they do have a good stretch I don't think that there is she as the bold Schwartz but all you have 360 and so these ones this is the gray I'm going to throw on the black one is kind of gonna be basic I want to try all the red ones so we make throw those on alright so we got the red one and I guess some of the details with these is the pockets there's no zipper to them it's just pretty simple one not super deep pocket what goes out so like here so I can fit my whole hand in pretty much to their overall again the really soft feel a really really thin squad zest there's minimal resistance but it feels like a little bit so they're not like super super stretchy but there's a good amount of stretch there is I think like 30 percent cotton so they made shrink a little bit but overall they look pretty good I like them the length these are mediums I'm six-two but they'll probably right up and anything for mine it's scare pictures I'll probably be pulling them up a little bit because that's how we roll so should probably have more of a neutral color for the rest of these trials but I'm just gonna keep on the red ones but I guess the main things to say also there's a little bit of branding on the left thigh I think that the word is embroidered looks like just so long they have 3d so they're pretty nice not too much like big branding the other ones that I like the bold ones there is a lot of branding there but the stretch on those is just unbeatable look for twenty-five dollars these are close to that kind of quality but more more I guess economy and like soft these ones I think are even better for like lounging so next up we're gonna go with will do the long sleeves next so another product that I really like from Jim shark I think they did a good job I think actually jewelry this hall I think it's the critical line so what I have next is the critical long sleeve shirt slate gray I got the red I got the red on red we got black red and gray I'm just gonna try on the gray but I think they did a good job with this because it is pretty stretchy fabric relatively stretchy I like to wear these when I go in so like warm up in the gym so before I get my actual like training started I just are these on gonna be keeping the tag on for now to chart does a good job with their refunds and if you have to only change sizes they're pretty accommodating with that because I've had to do that in the past so yeah this one pretty simple it is that's just like kind of printed on there so it's not really embroidered just like they printed some ink on there but um yeah stretch good stretch on this so let me put that all so this is the silver this is the slate gray so I'm pretty stuck on the arms but now like actually this one's pretty damp snow again there's a stretch to it so it'll be a little tight but you can definitely move this one as well it's a good length to it this is a large yeah the length here I like although I do run into a problem with folks you guys about that in a sec but here's the side the back and that side well with these one of some of the problems I do run into again I like going to the gym wearing this the first couple sets and then of course show a little bit more skin later in when I'm warmed up and have kind of a pump that I'll show my arms off but I like going in with these of course get my body temperature up cuz to find that works especially uh to have a better workout well the issue with these I sometimes run into is it's not like super super long look it's a good length stops right about yeah mid pocket for me ah miss quads position but the issue is sometimes I wear like a I'll show you the next shirt besides it pops out from underneath so someone's you have a longer shirt under this it's gonna pop out but you're gonna have that issue no matter what unless you get like an oversized long sleeve which probably isn't a bad idea then you may not get the snugness on the arm so it's really up to you I tried today I just tucked in the undershirt and then I had this one of these kinds of shirts long over that's something you can do to not look really weird cuz Nicole makes fun of me but on to the next set of clothes so we had the next set of clothes so we have red and black as well on the red it's kind of like this red - it's a I like it's like a what blood red or something I don't know it's a cool-looking red but next one of my favorite products probably my favorite it's not there's like actually it's probably number one product from Jim shark this would be the owner I hear the dogs no no don't do it there's silica gel and there's Buster stuff all over the floor sorry about that I don't want the dogs eating those little gel packets that come with it give dogs watch out for that not a good idea now you're gonna be up for the donors legacy drop arms sleeveless t-shirts so these are money and I get questions all the time about how I put my shirts usually I think we got lucky on one and came out good and we just use it as like a template cut around it these is this is probably one of the best ideas to do just get you one of these if you feel like twenty twenty-five dollars and then you just cut around the edges on your regular shirt and then you'll have a really good cut I'm gonna try on these colors and I'll show you how they look so we have the gravel blue and large that really matches my socks pretty well but um yeah good thing about these shirts really really really stretchy which is really good side for you know nip slip action it's actually kind of right there but it will roll looking a little bit I'll talk about that a bit and that here is the cut on the back that's the back cut so the I think this is a great shirt also as you kind of have it over time and may have roll in a little bit so it's a little closer to the nips but I haven't really had too many issues in terms of the nip slips with these sometimes with my like the ones that I cut on my own sometimes that happens also this goes down pretty low but like not to wear not to wear it's like too too weird I don't yeah I think that these were like very well done but with them if I do like work out and then I'm like walk it around especially if I have a backpack I'm a backpack or my messenger bag on it usually pulls one side and my nape is like hanging out a little bit so yeah I wash out with that but of course any kind of shirt works like really cut in that way you're gonna have to watch out for that so we also have like an army green stuff that was a pretty cool looking one it's the hunter green I'll just try it on real quick so here's the hunter green with a black logo I think that looks really good and of course darker colors are slimming so I mean if you want your arms really pop get like a black or a dark color and of course your arms are gonna like visually stick out more and your bottom I mean your your torso it's gonna look more slim down but let me show you this next one probably my favorite color and I usually don't like this color it's yellow I usually I don't think I have a single yellow shirt in my closet at all anymore but this one I think is a really nice yellow it's August like the third week of August but it's still kind of summer so it's summery I like this one look at probably I was most excited for of the new ones that I have and Nicole always tells me especially with these drop holes I'm sure they likes the color selection that Jim shark has with these colors specifically the I have a green one that she really likes and I guess it's pastel or I don't know when I would say this style of color is but they do a good job apparently according to Nicole and then so here's the yellow and I think this one looks pretty good it's really bright especially in my office where the lights coming at us so those are the drop holes and I said we're gonna progressively get more skimpy clothing we got a strainer and stress I don't really wear often at all I think I have kind like two more I do that for special occasions when I was at occasions was that outfit me Jim I got a stringer there and that was cool and also when I was at atilla's gym in new jersey double stringer there so sometimes if I'm doing a Brougham job like some bro work I'll throw on a stringer get some curls in and of course support the gyms that I'm visiting can also I feel that's polite to help their business this one critical stringer black so we can another critical line product as the stretch in it which is pretty sweet so we're going to see how this fits stringers really depends this is a large - so I'm trying out see if it's true to size see how this looks there's a nip slip so not too bad all right that's pretty close that's cutting it close that's kind of real close I just have wide nips well yeah so this is what that's looking like I like how it's so stretchy I think that the scoop we could run into some danger my areolas but overall pretty cool I'll just pull it on the back see from the side there's a side look the back the back and then of course this side so it's nice to get one of these that'd be a good phone now once mom's editing this so he's probably see if we can get a good thumbnail here yeah thumbnail I think but yeah so this is a stringer not a bad fit I do think of this computer for dangerous to probably depending on your body type for me right now it's kind of close I mean we're right here so we got like what does that got about an inch from what the center so I don't know it depends on you I don't know we don't think too deep into that but the next clothing that I did get also on this I forgot to mention there is the printed Jim shark logo that is printed so ink not I think the other word is embroidered yeah you good idea do you uh don't know the difference but do a trial hole but so the next one is the pink it's pronounced jacquard so ultra jacquard pullover I have this in black and honestly probably it's one of my favorite warm-ups I wear that to warm up it's a little bit thicker it's really stretchy at the black one because the white one was sold out but they did restock it I think it's still restocked if you guys are watching this video saying how long it takes us to get this one out but yeah this thing is just it's beautiful it's got a good stretch great warm up just don't get tomato sauce on it so we got it looking like that so we have the zipper it's like a bold like contrasting like Jim shark the black on the zippers black so it's like a cool contrast and throughout it's kind of like it's like Arctic camo almost it's got like it's just like different I don't know like you can say like there's gray like lines and dots and there's like more density less density so there's a really cool color to it so I think they did a really good job on this I'm gonna try it on for you guys all right so you got it's like a hoodie or pullover this one's a little tight ma'am just a little sweaty but yeah so good snug fit on the arms so we'll give you the 360 so here's it at the front the length is about there so we got fun we got side back the outside so good fit on the arms for me and then of course you can zip it up when you zip it up and get some real tight so I have the other one I pretty much never have it zipped up I just have it open I think that looks really good too because the contrast in design because you have like a lot of black here and then just a lot of like white and then lighter colors but yeah I really like this thing again it's pretty pretty stretchy I mean it's not redonkulous ly stretchy but there's a good there's some stretch to it there's one of my favorite products from them and I'm already feeling really warm so this is another good thing to wear going into the gym get your training done and then you can actually know get your warm-ups done and then go into a stringer or I probably prefer the the drop wools just because I think that really will cut and also the stretch of fabric feels really nice but yeah that is the hole that I that I got I hope you guys saw some that we got some value from this video you just see how things fit seeing the differences between the products and I just wanted to talk about like what my favorite ones are can you knit those bold shorts super stretchy great for performance I feel these critical ones they feel really comfy there's stretch I don't think it's as stretchy as the bold but there's still a good amount of stretch with that 5% spandex so I'll probably still be using them for leg days check my Instagram and we'll see like how those look and go with like use and then after that this thing I think is awesome if you can score yourself like the white one of these one of the nicest looking products that gym shorts ever came out with so Nicole got me a the black one because this one was sold out when it came came back she was like you better order that right now before it sells out again so got it even though it's August but and then also the drop holes I would say get yourself a couple colors of that if you want like good cut-offs snag one and then just use it to cut your shirts and you can have like a really good template but yeah that's gonna do it for today's video thank you guys so much for watching like home subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in the next one keep it flexible I'm out
Channel: Hejnasty
Views: 44,722
Rating: 4.8836365 out of 5
Keywords: gymshark, gymshark try on, gymshark blackout, gymshark blackout sale, gymshark pinnacle, gymshark tall
Id: 4t84RZ7tDl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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