Dear Plus Sized Community - My Response (Stella Williams)

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all right so what i wanted to talk about was this was a video that was sent into me on my discord so again if you haven't checked out the discord yet make sure you do that there will be a link down in the description it's like literally there's like we already have like 3 000 people in there if you have any questions about nutrition about food about exercise you just want to hang out we talk about video games sometimes i stream in there and play warzone very badly um but yeah seriously the discord is awesome and i'm super active in there but this was actually sent to me in my discord and the title of this video is called to the plus size community and it's from a a youtuber named stella williams now i haven't seen this but i am super kind of curious what it's about so we're gonna be uh watching it together and uh i'm gonna be sharing my thoughts on it so let's see let's see what this is let's see what this is all about i will not be a flat tummy tea [ __ ] i will not do your beach body fix i will not do your 21 day cleanse hi guys um this would 100 normally be a vlog channel video this uh started out pretty intense all right it's so important and i'm gonna lose it i have gone through so much and whether you saw it on my vlog channel or heard me mention it in stories or on my main channel whatever and this is me just being very transparent and open this year on youtube i've been pretty active i've been working but as you can tell i haven't let a lot of you guys in my personal life in my health journey this channel's been very fun and positive but real life happens just full transparency because i'm done just being spotty about it last april i took a birth control i want to say allergic to it but i had a really really bad reaction to it and within a week i should have went to the er and i was so dumb because i didn't want to pay er prices and i didn't go i got sick and i didn't correlate it from that i didn't pinpoint it to the birth control and i bled all year until december and december i finally had enough i said enough is enough went to my doctor and i told her i've been bleeding since june and so i'm done i was like put me on birth control to stop bleeding because that's what i'd done before she puts me on it i had a reaction after one day she kept me on it just to like see jeez man i i will say one thing i am very glad that i don't have to deal with that stuff because i know for a fact like birth control and like hormones and all that stuff makes things so much harder for women than men in that aspect and so i'm not even gonna sit here and act like i know what that's like because i don't so i'm just going to move on because i don't want to offend anyone and then at the end of the month on christmas eve i woke up and couldn't walk on my left leg two days later i was diagnosed with a small small small blood clot it was provoked by the birth control jeez man that's really sad that's really sad i'm gonna find out that i had a blood clot in my body since april of last year this is the part that i always can't get through from april to december i literally could have had a pulmonary embolism at any time a heart attack a stroke like a bigger clot in my body and passed away at any point because it was untreated for april may june july august september october november december eight nine months been on this like whole health thing since then so and that's so that's something that a lot of people they always assume like you hear a lot of people whenever someone is on a health journey people just automatically assume that they're just trying to lose weight to look better and i think that that is the wrong way to look at this stuff because there are so many reasons why someone will want to start to take care maybe better care of their health or might might just be like you know what i i i had something go on you know like this blood clot or like like anna right she had lipidemia lipedema and like there are so many reasons why someone might decide to go on a health journey or lose weight or whatever it might be but it seems like now anytime someone decides they want to do anything about their body they're labeled toxic they're labeled fatphobic they're they like it's crazy that because someone might want to change something about their lives and you don't even know why that might be you end up getting attacked for wanting to do that and i i really i really i don't use the word hate very often but i hate that that is something that is becoming more and more popular and it's it's happening more and more it's it like you see it with celebrities you see it with rebel wilson you saw it with adele like we don't know what really happened like it's just i really don't like that that is something that is happening i literally just got off the phone with my doctor we did a teleconference right now and i'm like at my breaking point for real but for real for real i had some other issues that were always fixed with weight loss i feel like that's always a doctor's go-to for when there's an issue and i started this whole journey since january and it's been very very stressful it's been stressful hearing from so many doctors your weight your weight your weight having to reintroduce these diet cultures that i've expelled from my life back into my life it's been a struggle for me emotionally to live my purpose while also needing to like in my private life just like diet culture i guess i get emotional about it because for so many years i've just been like you can be healthy at any size and i've genuinely felt that and i still do feel that i feel like you can be healthy at any size and just so we're clear right here yes my blood clot was provoked by birth control but it uncovered the hereditary issue i've always had i just wasn't provoked it wasn't present because nothing ever bothered it the birth control bothered it and it came to the forefront and now i deal with that every day it's like a lot it's a lot nothing that could fix it was hereditary that is what it is wow i mean so the thing is is that i've always said this and i've literally always said this from the beginning i do believe that you can be healthy at most sizes and i'm not even like uh this woman right here i'm not even looking at her thinking oh my gosh she's like a ticking time mom no i don't believe that at all uh but like when we talk about health at every size i think it's important and something that a lot of people miss and something that i missed in the past as well is that health at every size is still about health like health is still in that health is still in that um in that word in that phrase and so if you're not actually taking care of yourself how can you possibly claim how can you possibly claim that you are health at every size again i'm not saying that this is about this woman i'm just you know kind of thinking out loud but i think that that's something that is missed a lot when people say health at every size they think that they can be any size do anything they want and they can still be healthy but in reality it's like okay but but we still have to focus on health and for a lot of people for a lot of people a lot of people if you actually start focusing on your health your weight will follow that that's just the natural reflection of what you're doing right if you start having healthier habits and you're at a very high weight for the most part maybe not for everyone but for the most part people will probably start to lose weight because of those things that you're doing and i think that's something that a lot of people miss when they hear health at every size or healthy at every size or whatever whatever word you want to use there getting tested for that and retested and today as of today i brought up another hereditary something this is the first time through all my doctor's appointments through although you have this you might have this you like literally five months ago i was crying my eyes on every night thinking i had lupus like this year has been such a roller coaster just all the tests and the blood work the adjustments to my life and my lifestyle and now on a lifelong treatment for what happened with my blood clot which i expected i felt that coming right just because i've been dealing with this for eight nine months now i kind of knew that was inevitable that i was going to eventually have to just stay on treatment life term for like my life the second thing i didn't even know i was being tested for and it's not that bad now but he told me three months died an exercise regimen if that doesn't work we're not to put you on medication i'm not sure if you guys know but i like hate medication i'm so against like big pharma like yeah same here i'm not a um not a huge fan of medications but i do think that i do think that they should serve a purpose i'm not one of those people that's like only diet exercise is the only way to cure all diseases like i i don't believe that i do think that there's a reason that you know medicine exists but i do think that if you can't avoid it i would you know if you could avoid it through diet and exercise then obviously go that route before you uh go straight into medicine so it is cool that her doctor was like um let's do we're gonna do diet and exercise for three months before we just put you on the medication because a lot of doctors will just put you right on the medication first right and so i'm glad that you know at least that was a thing right i hate it i'm i used to take a really natural and holistic approach to my medicine and for me that's where i'm struggling this has always been my fear everything else that's happened this year it's like okay well it's hereditary okay so like yeah your weight probably played a part in it but it's not because of it and this is like the one thing now where he's like people fix this with weight loss and so now i feel like damn it i don't know i'll say it right all right let's do it i want to be open about this on my channel because you guys have seen my weight loss in the last year you've seen it you've been there the last time i think i talked about weight loss on this channel was when i did my water fast again which is another reason i think things were brought up because i reset my body so in my body my doctor had told me my body had become so sensitive for not eating for 21 days that any issue i had which is why i developed a developed allergies afterward he's like you've always had the allergies but your body had built itself to protect yourself from these things so when you did a water fast you completely stripped your body to like a new body and he said when you do oh man oh so so this is this is one of the reasons why like when people talk about diet culture i mean i would say a water fast is like smack dab right in the epicenter of diet culture like and i know every single time i talk about this people that like fasting get so upset but if you are not doing it properly and you're not being having medical supervision and like seriously having people make sure you're doing it correctly it is very dangerous like there's no if answer but what's about it like it's dangerous only drinking water for 21 days like especially i don't know how she was eating but if she was eating a typical western diet before that like that is so extreme and like it's not necessary like it's not necessary especially if all you want to do is lose weight like you don't have to do these crazy things like that's the point of the videos i make is like you don't have to go from zero to a hundred you don't need to do that you can make small steps and like oh man okay i'm sorry i'm not gonna rant on that too long do that you're much more sensitive to things being plus size being bigger is a huge part of my identity it's not who i am if you've known anything from watching my channel i try not to put plus size and everything i try not to make it all about my size and my shape ever since the jump of my channel five years ago now four years ago four years ago it's always been about it doesn't matter what you look like it doesn't matter who you are you as a person are what matters it just so happens to be that the people that can relate to me first are the bigger girls and i don't think there's anything wrong with that i really don't i think that's totally fine like if you want if your size is part of your identity that's that makes sense right fit people the fact that they're fit is part of their identity so if you're bigger and it's part of your identity of course that's fine but once it becomes your entire identity and especially i'm not saying this is what this girl is doing but for other people once it becomes like this is everything all i talk about is weight and how it's totally okay to be my size if things start to happen that aren't ideal and weight loss is maybe something that you should look into you have extra stress and i'm assuming that she's gonna go into it because it seems like you know um but you are scared to even talk about it because you feel like the people that are following you now are gonna turn against you because you're trying to take care of yourself and that sucks like it really sucks and i really hope that her community takes care of her and from the likes of dislike ratio and stuff it doesn't seem like people are too upset at her which i is so good and it makes me so happy um but i i really hope that that doesn't happen to her because it's very clear that she is struggling you know my whole audience is not bigger girls my whole audience are people of all shapes and sizes who understand the basic concept of like you as a person should win no matter what you look like but that's not to negate that i am a bigger girl and that's not to not remember i've come this far my audience the people i inspire i struggle with this but when i look at my future and i look at myself and i look at what i want who i want to be children longevity clean bill of health when i look at these things after all the diagnoses i got this year all of them you know what i had a doctor appointment a month ago and i literally got another diagnosis so i was like whatever i literally said that i said okay i don't feel like anyone should ever have to get to that point well all i'm really trying to say right now is like i'm about to start a weight loss journey i'm not gonna document it on youtube if anything i might mention it on a vlog channel i'm still against diet culture i do not believe in it it's [ __ ] me up i do not promote it i will not be a flat tummy tea [ __ ] i will not do your beach body fix i will not do your 21 day cleanse i'm not gonna do it and i'm not gonna promote it so if you're watching this as a company thinking i'm gonna do that it's not gonna happen i'm not gonna take your weight loss pill i'm not doing it but i do wanna be very open right now for the next three months i have to be on a super super aggressive weight loss plan and i feel like a lot of things that i feel about who i am as a person are going to be tested if i really don't hold this much weight and how i look in my appearance then it really shouldn't matter at the end of the day if i lose a couple pounds if i look different um it's like a test on my own character will i be able to stay true to who i am but man it's it's really it's really interesting because i mean i i don't think anyone is gonna like force her to share her um her weight loss journey like she doesn't you know she doesn't have to it's kind of crazy because it seems like um it seems like because she knows obviously weight loss is going to happen i don't know how aggressive this plan is that she's going on but it seems like she knows that people like she's like preemptively kind of letting people know that weight loss is going to happen because she's literally afraid of people being upset that she is losing weight like that it's just it just really is kind of sad um especially because it's like something that she needs to do i don't know it's just it really really bums me out guys life has never been more real than this year and i'm just gonna do it my doctor's way after everything i've been through this year after the fighting back i don't want to be nonchalant about my health all you have in this world are health and integrity and i don't want to be nonchalant about it i want to be more proactive i love that and i agree like that i mean health is the first thing right if you don't have health you don't you you don't have anything and so it just scares me because like i imagine someone else that was maybe even more entrenched in um health at every size maybe even more entrenched in um or healthy at every size i guess or even more entrenched in um like kind of being like doctors or fat phobic kind of stuff is like could you imagine hearing that stuff and then being like well they're just fat phobic and you know i'm fine like when you obviously aren't right that that right there is what scares me and it i just hope that there are not that many people that are going through that because that's not like if the the you know health at every size or body positivity movement really cares about you know the people that are in the movement they would obviously want them to be around as long as possible right i want to be ahead of things i don't want any more diagnosis i i i'm seriously at the point i just got another one 20 minutes ago i'm literally like okay but at the end of all the okays and then at the end of the night when i put my head on my pillow i'm like how long do i really have i mean no i'm not dying right it all feels kind of over and that's so sad to say it's not over every little like every diagnosis i get it feels like that it feels like i'm just like one step closer to being gone and i hate this feeling i really hate this feeling i'm so young i have so much to live for i think it was my mentor who just told me that she's like stella not a lot of people have figured it out not a lot of people have something to live for not a lot of people know their purpose but you do you have something to live for she wasn't even talking about weight loss at all it was not even about weight loss which is about something like where i was mentally she's like just care and you know she talked to me about that like a month ago and ever since then i'm like you're right i do have so much to live for now so many people to live for and it doesn't feel selfish and self-motivated i want to give myself that shot to live a life positively unimaginable and i feel like i owe that to myself to not protect my brand or protect my feelings protect my thoughts i've made in my head but to explore right to explore different ideas and ways of living i have to do that i've already like gone essentially plant-based i was until i got in a relationship but just committing to myself in new ways but guys like for real for real i'm scared that i'm gonna like fall into this new thought of just like health is power and i mean of course health is power but there's so many negative stigmas attached to that meaning like there's so many ideas of diet culture attached to health that make it so hard to preach health i know so many bigger girls and they're perfectly healthy it's just so odd to me like what i'm about to go through i was hoping to never have to really it's not to say i i don't know like i never was like okay in 20 years am i gonna still be a big girl because it wasn't it didn't matter it wasn't a conversation but it's strange like i when we talk about like the the health at every size and stuff again like i said it's it's about health first health is the first word in that you know and so if you're not actually treating your body with respect and like trying to be have it be healthy but you have adopted this way of thinking of health at every size but you haven't actually placed the tenets of health at every size in your life which is about being healthy and making proper decisions and treating your body with respect in regards to nutrition and in regards to exercise and movement like if you're not actually doing those things but then you are now also claiming that you are healthy every size that's very dangerous because you're not even doing what the this book you know healthy health at every size claims that it should you should be doing and so i think that it's dangerous because a lot of people have started to hurt hear the words and they've just attached themselves to it without actually placing like actually doing the work to become healthy because again it's health first and then what your sizes will will happen and for most people like i said earlier for most people if health is first and you are massively overweight your size will drop like it just will right and i think that that's something that a lot of people are missing those are things i've been starting to think about like okay well if this is how it's going now like how's it gonna affect me in 20 years and these ideas are obviously starting to like swirl in my head you gotta just do what's best for me what's always been best for me is just being authentically me and right now i can't be authentically me right now i need to try something new and i'm gonna try something new but i just want to say that a lot might change and i'm gonna do my best to stay stella well the thing is that's that's sad to hear because i mean you can be authentically you and maybe and like change up your habits and change up what you're doing and change up some things about yourself like like just because you are pursuing something different than maybe you were in the past i don't think that completely changes who you are you know and it's i don't know that that's kind of i that's sad that she she feels like if if if she changes anything about herself she's no longer being authentic to who she is like everyone changes over time like we all have we all change you know and like we all try and hopefully you're always trying to improve right and to say like oh you know i'm trying to improve but now i'm not authentically being myself like no like you can you can be yourself and still try and do different things you know there's nothing wrong with that do my best to save me with my same thoughts beliefs ideas and belief like my my virtues what i hold true what are my morals what are my values i don't want to lose any of that thanks for listening i want to be around for a long time you know and i don't want to ignore life as it happens to me i just want to like care of it respect it and be grateful for it there was a time in life where i was literally a preteen wishing it was all over like that's horrible and now i feel like i finally live a life that i would be proud of back then that i would be like wow like if i could tell myself at 12 years old what i was gonna do at 24 25 it would have still just been a dream because i'm i'm literally living the dreams i used to dream about at 12 years old i just want to respect this space in life right now and honor my life and not give up really i think that's what the base of it is not giving up thanks for watching thanks for watching my update i'm just really happy for the people here for me as a person and like anything i don't care what you want to do you're so much more than your size you're so much more than how you look and your weight and everything it doesn't matter i don't care if you're a pear shape or an apple shape i don't care okay you're a human you're a beautiful human and you can do whatever you want in this world with a little bit of hard work okay all right bye guys i will not be a flat wow well i mean i i really do wish her wish her the best and i think that it's very uh it's a very interesting it's a very interesting kind of position that you end up being in like i've talked about this a lot before when you a lot of your brand or who you are gets wrapped up in in your size trying to lose weight becomes much more difficult you know um it becomes you have to you have to deal with not just how difficult it might be to lose the weight or whatever uh way you're doing that but you have to deal with people um one thing people that are losing weight that have people that are supporting them you have to deal with people that are going to give you a ton of opinions on you should do it this way you should do it that way you should do it this way you should do it this way right so that's already annoying but then now you're dealing with people that are literally saying that you're toxic or you're a bad person because you are trying to pursue um you know health and maybe part of that is weight loss um there's a lot like that's a lot of angles that have to deal with and it's like it really bums me out that there are people that are in that this position and i mean we've talked about it many times it's not a place i would ever want to be um and so i just i only wish the best for her and i really hope that you know it works out and i hope that all of her you know medical conditions get sorted out because that would be [Music] awesome obey the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig wags don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 206,847
Rating: 4.8888483 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, stella williams, fat loss, weight loss, plus sized
Id: 8MbOoMJV07Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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