Therapist TELLS ALL About "Body Positivity" (Hijacked?)

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okay so i wanted to talk today about there is a video that was posted in my discord again if you haven't joined my discord make sure you go do that there will be a link in the description there's over 5000 people in there now uh but i wanted to uh kind of watch this video and see what i thought the the title of it really kind of piqued my interest i haven't watched any of this but the the title of the video is therapist on therapist on weight loss journey reacts to body positivity community and then they say what happened so i'm really kind of curious i've never watched any of this uh this lady's videos but her name here i'll show you guys her name is laura lynn and again i've never seen this video at all and so i'm kind of uh curious to see what she has to say as a therapist uh kind of seeing what the body positivity community is all about so let's see and guess what i still love myself do they sell that at walmart like if food was a man i marry him same yolo [Music] gotta love that uh non-copyright youtube music baby get you dancing so i was scrolling down my instagram feed today that's where you made the first mistake right there and just felt like i had some things to say and i know that i'm probably gonna piss some people off but that's what i do best same i mean i'm not a therapist but same just ask my therapy clients okay are we ready to get canceled let's do this why can't i support the body positivity community at least the 2020 version well pull up a seat and let's sip some tea damn that is a big freaking cup dang girl and by t i mean water because i hate tea without sweetener and we ain't breaking our fast up in here no ma'am aren't these almonds so cute though oh my goodness i got them at costco a couple years ago and i love them drinking water out of a tea cup makes it taste worse or is that just me so let me start with a disclaimer i 1 000 support the idea of body positivity in theory for example same do i believe that fat phobia exists yes but not to the extent that some people do for instance my mother's sitting me down to have a heart to heart with me over my health and my weight because she doesn't want to be the one to bury me and my humble opinion is not fat phobic nor are chairs in theaters or planes or restaurants not fitting my 60 inch hips i hope that i'm exaggerating that number but who knows do i oh man so i mean this seems very reminiscent of things i've said in the past like i 100 everything she said so far 100 agree with right like i think that fat phobia does exist to a certain extent one thousand percent especially if we look into the medical field and like getting legit treatment for being an obese person or someone that is overweight like it is harder to get the same treatment and i do think that that's a problem but then when we go and say this seat is fat phobic or like stuff like that or these this thing is fat phobic because it doesn't fit me or like uh the the people that make plastic chairs are fat phobic because i've broken like i've broken a lot of them uh i think that that's where it just it doesn't hit for me at least i believe that societal beauty standards and lack of body diversity and entertainment can be toxic for anyone not just for obese people especially for people who haven't mastered the art of not giving do i believe that it's important for people to love and value themselves and feel confident in their own skin no matter what their size absolutely in fact that should be step one of any weight loss journey in my opinion but i agree but i think loving yourself and loving being obese should not be synonymous oh man yes this is oh this is so good and i completely agree i've said this before like you can like i've said in the past i loved myself enough to change but at the same time like even even when i was bigger right i loved myself but i hated what obesity had done to my body and what it made me miss out on not just because the roller coaster was fat phobic because i didn't want to go to these things because my size it hurt to stand up for that long my knees were hurting my feet were hurting were hurting like there was a lot of stuff that it wasn't just oh i'm i'm not doing this because society makes me feel a certain way it was like my body hurts i don't want to do this thing do i believe that all people no matter their size should be treated with respect and dignity damn right agreed do i believe that every person has the right to choose their size and not be shamed or bullied because of their body yes ma'am agreed do i believe the diet and fitness culture can be toxic the people in programs who are promoting unhealthy or crash diets or the idea that you have to be a size two or six to eight percent body fat in order to be considered healthy uh yeah but i don't dude this is oh this is weird i don't i don't know if she's like heard me talk before but this is like i've i have just as big and i hope you guys that have watched my videos have seen this but like i have just as big of a problem with the people that claim obesity is healthy in any capacity no matter what right your health at every size versus i have just as big of a problem of people that say you need to be super shredded and like are selling all of these bs diets and pills and shakes and raps i have just as big of a problem with both of them like i don't like any of that i want truth that's what i care about truth and both of those things i believe are not true so that's why i talk about them i feel like the diet and fitness culture as a whole is toxic because the fact is is that if you want to lose weight and you want to get healthy you're going to have to watch your diet or nutrition and you're going to have to exercise that's just part of the package do i believe this i agree with that as well wow she's doing a great job some doctors brush aside legitimate health concerns and go straight for the weight loss solution unfortunately i've experienced that i believe an obese person posting body positive pictures on instagram is not glorifying obesity so long as they are not actively and blatantly promoting obesity and unhealthy lifestyle habits of course if someone's just posting a pretty picture of themselves and saying they feel beautiful what's the problem oh so true man like one thing that i cannot stand when people will go to someone that is maybe overweight maybe they're obese whatever and they post a picture of them in a bikini or it's just a normal picture and some will come come come at them and say something about this isn't healthy blah blah blah it's like dude why do you feel the need to comment on this person's body especially when they're not even saying like my size is healthy or my size is best like they're literally just living their life and i i don't think that it is necessary to go and comment like i just don't see the point in that now if they're posting a pretty picture of themself and including a caption like obesity doesn't lead to health problems eat all the fried chicken and donuts you want because it makes you happy working out and eating healthy is the opposite of body positivity because it means you don't accept yourself for who you are a skinny person ordering a salad in front of you is fat phobic yeah i've read that one before well that i have a problem with now that that's yup i mean i don't i'm gonna i feel like i'm gonna keep on agreeing with everything she's saying but everything she said so far i 100 stand behind for sure it's out of the way let's talk about why i can't support the body positivity community as a whole in 2020 and here it is summed up in one sentence body positivity for whatever reason has now become synonymous with fat acceptance on the rare occasion i get on instagram i have been shocked appalled startled amazed astounded dismayed stupefied okay that's enough laura they get it you are not a walking thesaurus oh maybe that's what i should be for halloween anyways the amount of posts i have seen from popular body positivity influencers that talk about how it is perfectly okay to eat whatever you want and however much you want and that being obese isn't a risk to your health and well-being is terrifying i'm sorry but decades of research says they're wrong the fact is millions upon millions of people die every single year due to complications and health concerns brought on by obesity the number i'm gonna speed this up just just a tad just a tad i'm sorry but it's a little slow spurs don't lie obesity kills end of story even if health concerns aren't present right now there's a 99.99 chance that they will be in the future can someone please that's such a good point like um the you hear a lot of people talk about like oh right now i'm healthy like i you know i don't have my my blood um my my blood tests are fine all of my lab results are fine but the thing is that's so frustrating when i hear that is one health is not only measured by blood tests and lab results like there are a lot of other things that go into overall health i don't think overall health can be measured by just a blood test or a lab result just like it can't be measured like a lot of people in the body positivity space by looking at someone right i agree with that i think there are a lot of factors that go into health and for me when i was 20 years old i was not healthy right if i went and got a blood test i probably wouldn't have had anything that was super crazy but i could barely i couldn't stand up for more than like an hour at a time my feet were always in pain my knees hurt like i had a lot of other issues that were degrading my health just because that maybe you couldn't see it in a lab result like i think there's more to health than just that explain to me how encouraging unhealthy habits and lifestyles that lead to things like heart disease cancer immobility diabetes and other debilitating sometimes lethal health concerns is considered body positivity i'm confused shouldn't part of body positivity be i don't know living in a way that respects our bodies as much as we demand respect from others see the thing okay what's crazy about this what's crazy about what she just said is if you actually read the book health at every size that's what that a huge chunk now i definitely disagree with some of the stuff in the book but a huge chunk of that book is about treating your body with healthy habits being healthy right or being like treating it with healthy habits eating in a way that isn't super unhealthy it's not it doesn't say you should eat a whole thing of pie just because you want to like it is not the same and so that's what's so crazy to me is that when you actually read the book it doesn't sit there and say like you should do whatever you want no matter what it doesn't matter like it actually does talk a lot about making the right decision in the grocery store in the kitchen talks about that a lot i'm sorry i do not believe in health at every size i believe that you can live a healthy lifestyle at any size but that doesn't mean that you're healthy and if you live a healthy lifestyle at any size i would say about 99 of the time that's naturally going to lead to weight loss oh she said it yes one i'll that's it's so true man like if you are genuinely living in a way that is healthy to your body especially especially if you are massively overweight like where i was at at the start of course those decisions i made to be healthier resulted in weight loss like i wasn't someone that constantly weighed myself when i first started losing weight like i literally didn't have a scale that could so i wasn't like constantly focused on the scale but i knew me drinking a two liter of soda not healthy right so i changed my habits essentially i don't believe that you can be healthy at any size especially when we're talking like 250 pounds and up and yeah fit fatty said i'm glad that you read the book health at every size now you understand where i come from it's the best thing i ever did for myself yes i am glad that i finally read it as well i listened to it but yeah sure when you're young and obese you're probably not going to have as many serious health problems if any at all but 10 to 20 years later especially when you've been indulging every craving you've ever had because body positivity you're telling me there won't be some serious health issues then sorry i call bull where's that from oh how i lost a guy in 10 days oh gosh has anybody noticed that it just seems to be like this common theme in our society to be very present focused and live in the moment yolo which don't get me wrong i am a mindfulness advocate to the extreme i teach it to clients for a living but there has to be a balance there has to be some effort put into looking at your decisions and how they're going to affect you down the line not just right now wow yeah i mean jeez um it's interesting like hearing a therapist say this stuff uh because like these are things that i i think about like pretty consistently um where she was kind of saying like we live in this in this day and age where it's like just do whatever you want right now right like make any decision you want right now and i think that while that does have good aspects to it there is also a dangerous aspect to it as well because like the choices you make right now you will have to pay the pied piper in a few years like that's just how it happens right and so i think it's important to make decisions for the now and try and live in the now but also understand that these decisions you make in the now will affect your life in the future as well and looking at the choices we've made in the past and their consequences so we can make changes now random fact that's actually an executive function performed by your frontal lobe i have like five flies that just keep like flying around me for no freaking reason that's what i get for opening up my door i'm not doing any burpees you can't make me guess that's the price you paid for trying to get some fresh thing i am all for loving yourself at any size heaven knows i love my body i have two legs that get me where i need to be two arms that carry two eyes that see two ears that hear and a brain that works most of the time some of the time on rare occasions i'm very blessed to have a body that gets me where i need to go and lets me enjoy the small pleasures in life and i could care less if the random person passing by me in the pasta aisle at walmart thinks i'm pretty or not but i feel like there's this idea that you can't love your body and want to get healthy and lose weight at the same time oh man yep like so true and it's it's frustrating how the the simple fact of trying to maybe improve certain things in your body can now be seen as some a negative like like people will see that and that's what's so frustrating to me is these people will make these posts that will like see other posts and then they'll make a post on their instagram saying this is harmful to me because of this when it's like okay well this person was just sharing their journey and they were sharing where they were at one point and now what they are trying to do to be better and like so the thing that's frustrating is that these people that say that there could also be someone that would talk to about them and say well your post is triggering to me because x y and z and then it can it just it can become this whole thing where it's like you can't post anything and i don't know i just i don't i don't want it to go down down that road where it's like anything you post anyone could be upset about and make you like delete it or like i don't yeah i it just i feel like it's a dangerous road to go down which just baffles me i mean if you love your child then you want to take care of them and treat them with respect right and just because you love your child doesn't mean that you love and support all of their actions especially those that are putting them at risk or at least that's not my definition of love so why wouldn't it be the same when it comes to our bodies kind of like a child our bodies are completely dependent on how we treat them wow and they either thrive or suffer in response sorry being a therapist has given me a new appreciation for analogies that's a great oh wow that's a really good one the one that i've never really thought of like when you hear a lot of the arguments that people with like at the health at every size will will argue it's like think about okay think about saying the same thing but doing the same thing with your child and feeding them the same way that you're eating and and like making it so they don't feel like they need to ever go outside and exercise and like being like no no it's totally fine like i think for the most part people were like no that ki like why why is this kid eating cake every time every every instance that they want cake why is this kid like that's obviously most people like that's probably not a good thing but when you say that about an adult or when an adult says it it's totally fine but when we talk about a kid it's like no no that's that's not okay it seems like there's a disconnect there as long as how much you love and value yourself or your sense of self-worth isn't tied to your weight and your size i don't see what the problem is and if your self-worth is tied to your weight then that isn't going to be solved by claiming body positivity and remaining obese it's going to take introspection and working on your mental health to try and figure out what triggered those beliefs in the first place and then working through and challenging those triggers which is why i now believe that mental health should always be a part of a weight loss journey agreed one thousand percent losing weight doesn't equal happiness it may increase your happiness to a certain degree in terms of improving your quality of life but it's not a cure all i guess what i'm trying to say is that weight should never be a factor when it comes to your happiness and self-worth which is why i support the concept of body positivity in general but weight should be a factor when it comes to your health and your quality of life beyond that i think it's perfectly natural to say i love myself at 380 pounds now it's i love that she was talking about that because i i this is something i've talked about and i've maybe i've fumbled over my words in the past but like i think that if you think losing weight is going to be a cure-all you know silver bullet that's not the way to look at it but that is not to say that if you do lose weight the quality of your life might improve and i think it it will probably improve because there might be certain things that you couldn't do at your former size that you're able to do now but that doesn't mean that losing weight is going to make you happy it's going to make you fulfilled anything like that but i do truly believe that it it can't increase it drastically honestly it can increase the quality of your life which i think is an important thing and that's a that's a positive right that's a good thing oops now i just lost five pounds and i still love myself oh there's another 20 pounds gone and guess what i still love myself only now i can actually walk to check my mail without having a mini heart attack it makes me so sad when i read all of these posts by body positivity influencers who are just saying eat all the fried chicken and donuts and pizzas you want because it makes you happy what is it with me and fried chicken you want to know why it makes you happy well i mean it's delicious so that's why because it releases endorphins that makes you feel good which is why emotional eating is so common and why it's such a damn hard coping skill to break totally not talking from experience liar unfortunately not everything that releases endorphins and other feel-good chemicals are good for you i know that's a hard one to wrap our brains around but science is science i think alcohol drugs smoking anything like that but things like exercise being in nature spending time with loved ones and eating healthy foods like fruits nuts protein and an occasional piece of dark chocolate not only release the same endorphins but they're actually healthy for you so what i'm trying to say is food should not be your primary source of happiness and yes i am fully aware of sitting here in my almost 400 pound body with a history of binging makes me a tad hypocritical but i never once tried to convince myself that what i was doing was healthy oh my gosh dude like this is this is so everything that she is saying is i i personally believe is super true honestly it sounds like it's like me saying it i don't know i don't know maybe that's just me being full of myself but like if your primary source of happiness is food i do believe that that is a problem and i think that it is something that you can absolutely 100 percent change and you can find things that make you happy that isn't just food man so good or that my body was healthy i just didn't care there were things going on in my life taking up space and food has always been a coping skill that works well for me really well like if food was a man i marry him which is why over the past three to six months i have been working really really hard to build my awareness of my triggers and my emotions and my thoughts and build new coping skills because i wanted to give myself the greatest chance of success on my weight loss journey as possible i think there is a huge difference between losing weight because you hate yourself and losing weight because you hate obesity and the control that it has over your life and your body and your future man did she hear me earlier what's going on that's absolutely yes i agree 100 which is also not to say that you have to be a size two to four to be healthy either personally i plan on going by body fat percentage rather than weight or size to measure my success this time because that seems to be one of the best long-term indicators of health based on the research that i've done and according to my research 21 to 32 is the ideal range and i'm over 50 body fat right now you see my problem whoops and for my second disclaimer this video is in no way intended to be me trying to shame anyone who chooses to remain obese because that's their choice and their consequences to reap positive or negative now or in the future and i don't support shaming people for choosing to stay obese or posting body positive pictures on social media any more than i support shaming people for choosing to get healthy through weight loss and wanting to share their story and if i read one more comment that says that posting before and after pictures is toxic or part of a gross diet culture i am just going to post a video of me screaming and yelling obscenities for 20 minutes straight both of these things are toxic in my book well i mean i i mean i'm down for you to do that please don't shame me actually go ahead i don't really care shame away i swear instagram is just one large experiment to test out theories on hive mentality and confirmation bias and for anyone who doesn't know what oh my gosh dang she just whoa that was a that was a bomb right there oh my gosh hive mentality and confirmation bias wow i wow yes yes wow that was good information biases it's basically the human instinct to look for things that confirm our biases and lash out against things that don't because we feel threatened and oh man so what she just said how many of you guys have seen that play out on instagram and it seems like instagram is the worst social media when it comes to this type of stuff like this happens daily to me literally daily oh my gosh yes 100 queen is spitting sound familiar like i said earlier the only thing that i have a problem with is these body positivity influencers posting things that are blatantly incorrect and could lead their followers to experiencing serious health concerns down the line that's where i draw my line when it comes to body positivity and fat acceptance that said i also don't support anyone who promotes crash dieting or unhealthy methods of weight loss which if i ever inadvertently do this i apologize ahead of time basically i don't support sending inappropriate or unhealthy messages period especially those that aren't backed by facts one of my hypotheses is that part of what has led to this hybrid body positivity fat acceptance movement is just frustration with societal beauty standards i mean i think it's safe to say that a large percentage of people who want to lose weight especially younger people want to lose weight because they want to better fit into that mold of beauty that society sets i mean yes i agree with that and on top of that i think that that is a big explanation um explanatory factor i guess is i don't know if that's those are big words but i don't know if they're right um as to why so many women seem to be part of the movement as well i.e feel more attractive or hotter and no shame here been there done that a thousand times over wrote the book at the t-shirt and for a few rare people that is motivation enough to lose the weight and maintain the weight loss but for most people it's not which just leads to issues like yo-yo dieting anxiety depression and just an overall negative mindset about what we can and cannot achieve in terms of weight loss and attractiveness so it's no wonder to me that people are fed up with the diet and fitness industries i can't blame them this is why i believe it is crucial to know your reasons for why you want to lose weight and sure feeling sexier and more attractive and being able to wear cuter clothes can absolutely be a reason but i personally believe that the bulk of our reasons should be centered around improving our quality of life because i don't believe anyone actually enjoys struggling to get up off the couch or having to take breaks every two minutes when you're cleaning or getting breathless after walking up five stairs no matter what they say on instagram which is why asking yourself what will i be able to do differently once i've lost the weight is so important how oh i like that i like that a lot what will i be able to do differently after i've lost the weight just think about that that's good my life improve what will i be able to do then that i struggle to do now what kind of things will i be able to enjoy more because it's those things that are going to keep you motivated and from a mental health perspective because therapist it's important to recognize that poor quality of life directly affects our mental health and i think you can only convince yourself for so long that you don't care about being able to tie your shoes without getting breathless or chase your kids around the backyard for more than two minutes or just go on a hike without pain sooner or later the things that you can't do or can't do the way you would like are gonna catch up with you also the hypocrisy in the body positivity community is just getting out of control the assertion that body positivity is only meant for overweight or obese women is beyond ridiculous first off i can't count the number of teen and young adult males that i have worked with that have their own severe self-esteem issues when it comes to their bodies man it's really it's really cool that it seems like more and more people have um have been talking about body positivity for males um because it it just isn't it isn't a thing you see much of like you just don't right like the whole gym shark thing uh a lot of people were upset because they seemed to post some women that maybe weren't fitting into the ideal beauty standards that they kind of created but they were there was no men up until a few days ago right until yesterday i think and so like that it just i i'm i'm really glad that more people are talking about it because i do think that it's important and i do think it affects a lot more men than people realize not to mention that i have all brothers so i have seen those issues up close and personal men may not face the same issues as women or be judged quite as harshly when it comes to their bodies but to say that they don't face their own pressures to look a certain way or have a certain type of body is to me just naive and ignorant and maybe it's just me but some of the most cruel and ruthless body shaming that i have ever witnessed has been female on male in fact i remember a group of girls telling a guy in my choir class when i was in high school that they wanted to have sex with him just so they could experience being squashed to death the fact is body shaming goes both ways and i personally just don't see it as a competition of who has faced the most injustice i believe that is a big enough issue and a big enough conversation that the mic can and should be shared with everyone the idea that thin women don't need body positivity as much as the rest of us is just stupid as hell it is human nature to find things wrong with us just because obesity is easier to see it doesn't mean that we are experiencing more or less than a thinner girl who is secretly battling her own self-esteem issues oh man yes i mean i yes i agree i mean it's so true like the argument that you hear a lot with the whole like um well if you're if you're overweight it's it's you can't hide it in a in clothes or whatever but i would almost argue that sometimes that makes it the shame feel so much worse because you feel like you can hide this thing i hear it a lot with people that struggle with having loose skin right like you feel like you look quote unquote normal with clothes on and so the thought of of anyone seeing you without a shirt on is not just scary but it is anxiety inducing it is genuinely terrifying and so like oh my gosh yes i 100 agree in fact that is my main clientele and i know for a fact that those self-esteem issues can lead to some pretty serious consequences we're talking cutting suicide risky behaviors the whole gambit the fact is self-centered negativity and shaming is not finite it's a relative and subjective theme that can't be compared and measured an obese person could be relatively happy with her body while a girl who's size four battles extreme social anxiety because she's been picked on her entire life for having a gap between her two front teeth we all have insecurities especially when societal beauty standards are always changing for all we know tomorrow it's gonna be beautiful to have a gap between your two front teeth and i'm gonna curse myself forever getting braces and sure you could argue that these women are generally treated worse than thinner women which just exacerbates their challenges which is why i said i agree with the premise of body positivity that we should all be treated with respect no matter our shape or size and therefore our issues are of greater concern but again i don't know i guess i'm just one that believes that there's room for everybody in this fight thin obese male female especially when at the core most of our issues are coming from a very similar place and i personally don't believe that the only way to elevate one group's voice is to silence another we're all human beings we all have our own stories and our own traumas and deserve to be heard and if someone's story doesn't resonate with you then that's the beauty of it you can absolutely find someone who does oh my gosh yes exactly not every not every story not every post not everything is meant for every person like there are my this video right now is not meant for every person and trust me i understand that and i am totally fine with that it is so true like if something doesn't resonate with you that doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad it just means that it's not for you and that's okay without shaming and attacking the first person because their opinions don't match your own please and thank you and i also don't believe that body positivity has to come at the expense of health and healthy habits they can all exist in the same space i know it's hard but it's possible and one last thing i promise this war going on against instagram models for sharing their instagram versus reality pictures is uh a little bit crazy first off is it just me but i just feel that if you don't like somebody's picture you don't have to look is that really a foreign concept if i look at an instagram model's picture and i don't like how they're perfectly posed and how they're perfectly airbrushed then i just don't look i just know that wasn't meant for me second no one is responsible to change their content to make me feel better about myself my emotions and reactions are my problem yep nobody else's that's on me to figure out and could just mean that social media isn't a healthy place for me and i should probably cut it out of my life it's it's crazy to me because a lot of yeah a lot of the stuff is based on like when i hear people get mad about my posts or posts that are similar to mine it's never man this makes me feel a certain way what about what what is going on inside of me that i should work on to maybe make that not happen right it's never that it's instead this is making me feel a certain way so i need to make sure this person understands that this makes me feel a certain way and they need to either stop doing it or do it in a different way so i feel better about myself it's never how can i change the things inside of me that are causing me to feel bad sad upset angry about this post instead it's how can i make this person change to where i can feel fine about this post actually a really good idea says the girl who's posting her weight loss journey to youtube nice laura and third i don't agree with this idea that they should only be sharing their reality pictures here's what i think posting pictures to instagram for some people is like their own version of art and they should be allowed to share their art right i mean if i'm wrong please tell me but i just i don't know it feels kind of common sense to me i don't know and i also feel that it comes down to mindset when i see a picture of a super attractive woman i don't think god i get it i'm so ugly compared to her i think wow she must have really worked hard to get that body and keep it that way now that's the dedication i need in my life do they sell that at walmart it's inspiring to me a reminder of what can happen if i'm dedicated to reaching my goals but again looking hot should never be your only reason so please everyone can we just live and let live and be responsible for our own actions and reactions to things and i'm sure that there's probably going to be some troll that says that i can't understand the body positivity movement because i'm just a fat white woman can't count the number of times i've read something like that on instagram and all i got to say to that is first of all my dad was creel so do what that what you will and second unlike my weight i can't change my skin color although if i could i would because damn my legs basically glow in the dark could that rant have lasted any longer i'm sorry guys i had a lot of thoughts on my mind and just apparently needed to word vomit that folks is why i cannot fully support the 2020 version of the body positivity community which is why i just take the good parts and leave the bad comment down below and let me know what do you like about the body positivity movement what do you not like what do you wish would change as always if you enjoyed this video please make sure to subscribe and give it two thumbs way way up and make sure to hit the notification bell so you can join me next time bye everyone wow well i thought that that was a great video i think you guys should all go subscribe to her her name is laura lynn i'll have it obviously linked in the description um it was really interesting hearing hearing what a therapist had had to say about the stuff that i feel like i deal with um i deal with pretty much daily that was good [Music] obey the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig wags don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 117,498
Rating: 4.9487715 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, body positivity, weight loss, fat loss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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