Gymshark is a Hypocrite

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what's that a new phillion video in my sub box or recommended about gym shark huh dude phillion and gymshark is like rice and beans it's like guac and chips it's like peanut butter and jelly you can't have one without the other a lot of you guys may be asking what's that white stuff on the top of my coffee it's [ __ ] it's just [ __ ] so what's happened since last time we talked about gym shark well ben francis the founder of gymshark is now a billionaire billion with a b last video i talked about how jim shark is using their assortment of juiced up pretty boys to peddle shitty home workouts to their gullible fan base more recently jim shark posted a picture of a woman who is not particularly ripped she's not being held to this crazy beauty standard that ironically enough jim shark helped create bravo gymshark i love me some nice hypocrisy you see there's a double standard jim shark where's your post about men where's your post showcasing a completely natural normal physique that maybe is not particularly crazy or impressive just a normal dude wearing your clothing you won't find them because they don't exist because gym shark is hypocritical i only bring this up because the men that you sponsor take copious amounts of steroids and get bodies that nobody can come close to getting the main criticism i have for jim shark in today's video is that only now are they trying to be an inclusive company and have representation of different sorts of people you know after the fact that they've built themselves up to be a billion dollar company by using actual ken dolls and barbie dolls as their models yeah it's a little hypocritical speaking of the pitfalls of endgame capitalism have you guys heard of an automatic masturbator this video is sponsored by cupid's rack the five-star rated adult superstore being stuck at home does not have to be boring anymore they have some seriously advanced toys for men women couples and they even have life-size dolls i mean they have these futuristic automatic hands-free masturbator machines you don't even have to do any of the work so take advantage of this down time and head on over to they've got some insane deals right now you guys can use code phillian at checkout to get 25 off store-wide a huge thank you to cupid's rack for sponsoring this video i cannot wait to stimulate my third eye all right let's take a look at jim shark's instagram page and i'll show you what i'm talking about with their posts because we are all both soft whilst also being incredibly strong one side is not weaker or less valid or less worthy both exist together perfectly beautiful words beautiful body beautiful soul nelly london i don't know about you guys but i'm never soft i'm always fully hard ok yo gymshark people aren't stupid people see right through your [ __ ] case in point d games95 says now we just need some pics of guys who aren't juiced to the gills if jim shark does that then i will be impressed and then what do you know jim shark responds get ready to be impressed with a little smirk face a little little sneaky smile a little cheekiness there you have it folks jim shark slyly admitting that all their male athletes are juiced to the gills i mean i called it years ago i've been calling it it's no surprise at this point a thousand likes on this comment in eight hours and then jim shark's response with 2208 hours tells me that this is a sentiment shared by a lot of people it also tells me that 1200 people that upvoted jim shark's comment and not the game's 95 comment tells me that there's a problem you guys ready for the fun part of this coffee tastes like i just ate a candle and i like it i swear it should be illegal to sell products to people on social media without disclosing something like you know like those disclaimers the mach 5 speed like after viagra if you have a boner lasting more than four hours then you must consult a doctor right do that for gymshark on instagram bodies like this are used for marketing purposes only nothing you can or do or say will ever result in results like this in the gym naturally please buy at your own risk and then we got daniel coming in hot he says now do one for men and jim shark respond saying we're working on it daniel and other people are like no you're not guys and jim sharp responds they're like yes we are honey cool that is awesome jim shark after exploiting the general public's perception of fitness by promoting an unrealistic beauty standard for men made possible by affiliate marketing through social media of juiced up freakazoids promoting kirkland brand lululemon gym workout gear for your company until it's worth a billion dollars only now do you want to listen to people that is awesome i'm with you guys you guys are taking strides i found this post to be quite interesting too black stories matter this october for black history month uk we're taking this opportunity to celebrate and educate we want to listen and amplify black british voices if you've got something you want to say doesn't have to be about the gym we want to hear it and then we got the top comment i've always seen this brand as a brand for white females and males only recently have i've been seeing black people on your page every marketing campaign has always been a certain look i haven't felt like i have been marketed to if i'm honest i've never really felt like this was an inclusive brand with 306 likes and then jim shark responds we wish we have gotten involved sooner but we are committed to making a real change going forward that's because jim shark was never an inclusive brand it was this elite club of hot people okay that was it jim shark is like an oil company pivoting to solar oh yeah we're green now you know why because it looks good yeah tell that to the dead seals and the wars fought over this [ __ ] i'm not saying jim shark is an oil company but i'm saying that the damage is already done you're telling me that after profiting for eight years off of men who use steroids now you care about a healthy body image for males get the [ __ ] out of here guys i gotta tell you something i gotta let you in on a secret come here do you know why jim shark is so concerned about being inclusive now in 2020 money jim shark's recent campaigns have felt so fabricated and forced it's ridiculous the bottom line is money the bottom line for any billion dollar company is money because if gymshark alienates a certain group of people and doesn't align their brand image accordingly to the public discourse that's lost profits and we can't have that in gymshark utopia i hope you guys have been enjoying my streams i've been streaming on youtube almost every day we play super smash we play valorant we play fall guys we play heroes of the storm check out my podcast at the sunday sauce available on all platforms if you guys want to hear me talk more [ __ ] every sunday follow me on twitter at third eye of truth i know it's annoying all my social media handles are different it's because there's posers in this world and everyone wants to be philly on it hey philly i'm pulled up [ __ ] your [ __ ] anybody wanna run up put em all up in a ditch puss boys no go better back up quick you punk don't flop [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ]
Channel: undefined
Views: 471,896
Rating: 4.9218712 out of 5
Keywords: philionfit, phil rusnack, gymshark, gymshark is a massive hypocrite, gymshark is a hypocrite, philion
Id: AHip-dBbssw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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