Guys Try Sexy Video Game Halloween Costumes

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- Isn't it weird, like, it's not upsetting to see my nipples until I'm wearing a dress. Then, ooh! (frightening music) - [In Unison] Halloween! - [Keith And Eugene] Today we're trying on sexy video game Halloween costumes! - [Ned] We're getting slutty. - [Zach] Just because Halloween this year isn't the way that we all imagined, doesn't mean you can't get a fun video of us trying on stupid costumes. - Exactly. We're going to come up with our own traditions this year. - [Keith] Whoa! Whoa! - [In Unison] We're going to level up. Our sex. - (beep) Sex. - Appeal. - Appeal. (The Try Guys Theme) - [Keith] We're starting with Mario characters. I will be Princess Peach. - [Eugene] And I will be Yoshi. (both make Yoshi noises) - Look, I know these videos normally are about criticizing the outfits, but don't you think this looks cute? - If I had a nickel for all my friends who put on a mustache and a red and green hat and nothing else, I would have probably about (computing noises) 37.5 nickels. - Honestly, suspenders, underrated, sexy. You could just grab somebody like this, right? (Ned makes Mario sounds) - It's a common costume, two sorority girls dress as Mario and Luigi, they're barely wearing anything. The funny sorority girls go as Waluigi and Wario. (Both make Waluigi and Wario sounds) - Not much space for my (beep) to go. - Is there ever? - Does it make my booty look good? (whiplash noise) - You know who kind of looks like Waluigi? - Hmm? - Miles. - [Miles] It's gamer time! As the resident gamer of 2nd Try, I'm here to sort of shed some light, and I have some sort of gamer facts. - The back says Superb Marcelo. - All right turn around, turn around, what does it say? Superb Marcelo! My favorite! (laughter) - [Miles] In Japanese, Princess Peach's name is just Peach instead of Princess Peach, which makes sense because Zach, your ass looks incredible. Like a peach! - I got it. - We gotta tape it man. - Whoa, Keith you're so broad. - This next one Keith's gonna love. In Japanese, the name has always just been, Peach! - Oh my God. Oh my gosh! - Let me just slide this on. Play your cards right I might let ya take it off in front of all your friends and family. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I kind of mean to offend, it is the craziest tradition we have. - For some reason they've decided it needs to be short. (knife unsheathing noise) (tense music) - Get away from me! - No, you're fine. - Get away from me! - I'm gonna cut the shorts. - Mario does not have scissors! - Okay, Keith, do you trust me? - Yes, oh my tail. - Uh, gonna cut. There we go. - Ah, I'm free at last. - Dude, you look good. - You look good. - I feel good. - I will say this is very much like it could either be for a 22 year old or a four year old. - Yours is actually very adorable. - I don't feel that slutty. - I think if you take the skirt off, it would be much sluttier. - Yeah, I think the skirt should come off. - Whoa, whoa, too much. - You know now... - Too much dong. - What are the turtles called? - Koopas. Koopa Troopas! (all exclaim) - I'll put a Koopa in your poopa. - Oh my goodness. - (vocalizing) I want to go down your pipe. - Oh, that was good. - What if you did a twirl, that might help. You're a princess. (sparkling noises) (laughter) - Do you think in this reality, Princess Peach, her little mushroom is just all the little (beep) boys? Mario's like her sugar daddy. - Mario, where are you? Does this look like a really drunk Peach? Like, and she's like waiting for Mario. She's like, she's like: Mario, I'm in another castle. - Wait, here. I'm gonna break your block. (Mario sound effects) - And then coins shoot out of his ass. - I don't know if I can picture a girl in this outfit who's not crying drunk. They're on the phone like: No I don't know, I don't know, Josh is being a dick! - Most (beep)able Mario characters. One, Birdo. Have you - Luigi. seen that girl suck? My god. - Mmhm, yeah, I get it now. - To be honest, when I was with Josh, he always gave me dry bones. - Number two, Yoshi. That tongue? (whoops) - Yoshi's known for sticking his tongue out and sucking in fruit. He's a fruity mother (beep)er. - Hi. - Saddle up. (Mario noises) (drum roll) (popping noise) - Whoa! Whoa! - [Ned] Up next, The Legend of Zelda, my favorite franchise, I played it a lot as a kid. - I just learned that the Spanish word sombrero is just hat. Not specifically that hat. Just the word for hat. - This is the stupidest hat I've ever seen. No, in what world are you gonna get sexy tonight, and wear this floppy sleeping cap? - [Miles] Gamer Fact! Zelda was actually named after Zelda Fitzgerald. - No way. - Yeah bitch. - Ella Fitzgerald, you mean Ella Fitzgerald? Who's Zelda Fitzgerald? - Zelda Fitzgerald! Zelda, the princess, is named after-- - F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife. - Really took away my thunder there. (laughs) - Link of course, a swordsman fighting against the darkness, one part of the Triforce. Known for smoking pot and fighting. - He's not known for smoking pot! - Breaking pots. - This though, this tells you where you store the goods. - [Zach] You can store so many condoms in there. - I got the jewels right here, baby. - Hiya! Hye! - Hye! - Hey, do you want to see my Majora's mask? - Girl, when we (beep), I turn into a wolf. (Keith making Link noises) - Oh, hey, you're Link. You're the Link to my ass. - Oh (beep). (Keith vocalizing) - (Eugene, singing) I'm just a Link girl, looking for a Zelda. Just want a pony to ride. Ocarina of time. (Keith sings Zelda theme) - [Keith] Holy, what is this? - [Rachel] It's Mortal Kombat. - No, this is Call of Duty. - [Eugene] It's Call of Duty. - More like Call of Booty. You know what comes out of booties. Duties. (fart noise) - Oh, how do I put this on? This is not very much coverage at all. - Gamer facts! Call of Duty is an advertisement for war. - That's true. - Yeah. That's right Eugene, Call of Duty, the franchise has been out since 2003, if my Google search was correct, is a game that takes money from the government to advertise war. - Are you (beep) serious? - Absolutely. - Really? - Absolutely it does. - I think this actually is pretty hot. You look great. You look like you're about to skydive, in the hottest way imaginable. - This is like straight into booty. - This is such a suit. - Oh, spank that. - Ow. (beep) Ow. Ow. - Like you could be Rihanna and you could be singin'. - Oh my God. That's the nicest thing you've ever said. - Soldier drop down and give me 20. - Okay. Uh. Should I try and like, twerk up on the wall? Let's do it. - Yeah. You're supposed to go, Shouldn't your butt be out? - Oh yeah! - Aren't you showing your dick to us? - Mm, that's what they call deep trench warfare. (Keith moans) - All right soldiers, we're gonna drop in at 0600 hours. And we're gonna, uh, have our butt attack the enemy. - About to go to sexy war. The battle of the bulge. - Drop down and give me 10, private. - Okay. - Okay. (laughs) (Keith grunts) - Lower. - I'm answering the call. - Call of what? - Of duty. (farts) (laughs) - I mean, I mean, I mean. (Eugene laughs) I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean. (Eugene laughs) - You squat, you need to poop. - More like Call of Duty whore zone. - I want you guys to be careful, okay. This is the future that liberals want. - You heard of D Day? What about double D Day? I hope you come on to my beach. - This is Joe Biden's America right here where we can't even afford full outfits for our military. Is that what you want? - Ooh. I got an involuntary discharge. (farts) - Mortal Kombat! - I thought you were gonna do this: Mortal Kombat. - No, that's not it, I'm pretty sure it's like Mortal Kombat! - Now we're gonna be Mortal Kombat characters. I'm gonna be Kitana. - And I'ma be her evil sister Mileena. I don't know if they're actually sisters. - Well, I'll tell you! Gamer fact! They're not sisters. One of them's an evil clone. - That's me! - Wow. - This one looks hot. - This one looks hot. - I'm just gonna say, like I'm on board. - Yep, already into it. - This is one that I'm down to sexualize. - This is the right time to dress as this character. - Yeah. All the Moral Kombat characters, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Jade, Mileena, Kitana, Reptile, they all got masks. - This is for (beep)ing. These costumes aren't for Halloween. This isn't for Trick-or-Treat, this is for like, hey baby, get over here. - You know what's really fun about wearing this though, is that if you're having sex, you get to scream, finish me! - [Rachel] Because they finish each other? - Oh Rachel. - This is great though. It does disguise my enormous wiener. Uh oh. (laughs) - I feel like my thighs do not fill this out appropriately. It's kinda falling off of me. - Everyone will comment super hot, even Goro. (whistling) I'd gore Goro. - Yeah so Mileena is not only a clone, but also a cannibal. - [Ned] I'm a clone and a cannibal? Is my fatality just eating Zach out? - Oh, I'm a cannibal all right. Oh yeah I eat people. - Definitely a meat eater. You know what I'm saying? - One thing you missed in the nineties was the Moral Kombat theme song from the film, which was this like crazy techno EDM-- (both vocalize) - Mortal Kombat! - Hey girl, you wanna button mash? - And now the sexy version. (slower vocalizing) - Liu Kang. Johnny Cage, Sonya. - I do love Mortal Cumbat. - Ooh nice. - I do wish I had larger breasts cause that's like part of the game is that they had heaving bosoms. - How come the guy fighters don't have giant bulges? Give us the digi-dick. - Toonami code more like poon-nami code. - This is the typical way of children in old movies would stuff their little titties. There we go. (upbeat music plays) (all laugh) - [Zach] Ready, fight! - Roundhouse kick! - Super effective! (laughs) (punching sound effect) - Whoa! Ooh hit me again daddy! (laughs) - Time for our final sexy costume. Pokemon! - Oh my God. - Yay Pokemon! - Am I Ash Catch-them-all? - Great game, good introductory RPG for kids. - [Zach] Oh shit, am I little (beep)able Eevee? - Oh shit. I'm going to train that booty. - It's gamer time! Gotta catch 'em all when I'm not talking venereal diseases. - Okay. - Pokemon is an amazing series about a 10 year old boy with big dreams and an absent father. He decides to go out on his own in a terrifying world filled with giant and insane monsters with magical powers. Speaking of insane monsters in your balls, Keith, your ass looks fantastic. - Thank you, Miles. - This outfit is just a tail. - There's no body part, it's just the accessory. - Is that how this works? - What? Do you have it between your legs like a giant dong? - Yeah, it goes like this, right? (boinging sound effect) - You know that's not correct. - I don't know that. - I don't want to come out. - You look cute. - No, this is, this is, I swear to God, this is someone's sexual fantasy. We joke but this is I think an actual sex fantasy for someone. - Of course, and probably many of our fan's. - No. I feel like this is very sexual. I feel very sexualized. Some people like furries, some people like asian boys dressing up that way, and I am very exposed. - [Rachel] Flip the tail around! - Yeah make the tail your boner. - It's so bulbous. (tambourine shaking) - Also, this is a really botched circumcision. (knives clashing) - This is a sex party outfit. Are you gonna be the host of this frat party? - Yeah. Hey what's up? Welcome to Vermilion City. Am I right? Whoa! Pallet Town! - I'm really trying to cover up my Bulbasaur here. - Yo, you're looking good on a scale of one to two, you're a dos. - Gyarados, like the dragon. - Whoa that joke was Magikarp. - Eevee, come! Oh! - Ash, bruh. I heard you caught'em. - Oh, I caught'em all. - No, no, I heard you caught all of them. Yeah. - I caught'em all. - What were you doing? Were you putting your jiggly in the puff, or your wiggly in the tuff? - I don't wanna want to talk about it. I get all misty eyed. (laughs) - Bend over Ned. Ass Catch-em. - Oh man, look at that, its a WAP! (beep) - It's a wet ass Poliwag. - Damn, I'd like to take it for a Poliwhirl. - What type of Pokemon am I? The moist type. - Ew, God, ew. - I wonder if this is upsetting Eugene, because Eugene really loves Eevee, but he doesn't want to (beep) an Eevee, I don't think. - He wants to be an Eevee, getting (beep)ed. - Bruh, ask me what my type is. - Yo, what is your type? - Every type, just depends which rock I get off. - Oh! - Oh! - Oh, that's actually an intelligent Pokemon sex pun. - What if Pokemon was just about someone's quest to (beep) 150 animals? - Wanna go play with my pokeballs? - Yeah I'll play with your pokeballs. - Okay. I can Machoke you during it. - Damn, you're the Machamp. - Damn. Damn. - Penis go, come on. Get. Sorry. This usually doesn't happen. - Yo, you want a pokedicks? - Man, your pokedicks is huge! - It's full. - It's full! - Let me whip it out and we'll learn something. Beedrill is a bug type Pokemon. - I hope you liked all of our puns and we hope you caught them all. - Don't go out this Halloween, just stay inside, put on a costume, take photos. Halloween is mainly just people liking what you did on Instagram. So just have your own private Pokemon party like we just did. - Yeah, (beep) a pumpkin or something. (laughs) (The Try Guys Outro) - On a scale of one to two, Zappa-dos! - Damn, Mew. - Mew. - [Together] Mewtwo! (Frat Boy Laugh)
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,922,049
Rating: 4.9487739 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, sexy costumes, video game costumes, cosplay, halloween costumes, traditional costumes, sexy vs. traditional, halloween, halloween costume, sexy, unsexy, halloween ideas, costume ideas, super mario, mario and luigi, legend of zelda, call of duty, COD, mortal kombat, princess peach, pokemon, ash pokemon, pikachu
Id: kUmQnSv44BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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