The Try Guys Recreate Dramatic Twilight Scenes

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This entire video is comedy gold

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/toasty_bean 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I thought Keith did a pretty good job. It is funny he got Jessica on the quiz but makes so much sense considering his sassiness!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JazzTree 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ah, I have always loved these guys!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Loumany 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

This made me laugh so hard haha perfect recreations haha

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/thesarabelle 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is the video I never hoped from them but somehow really needed it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Kinder-Blumen 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
- I know what you are. (sweeping orchestral music) - Say it out loud. - Ah! - You imprinted on my daughter! - If you want someone to blame, try blaming those filthy bloodsuckers you love! (Zach exhales) (chair scrapes) - It's daylight but tonight it'll be twilight. (upbeat music) (thunder crashes) - Today we are recreating scenes from Twilight. - Twilight game time! - Sparkle, sparkle. (Ned giggles) - There will be stares and lip quivers and a bunch of loaded pauses. (cheerful guitar music) - Now, of course Eugene is not here because he's actually a vampire. - Here's the thing. There's nothin' more fun than gettin' so drunk you can barely walk and goin' to watch Twilight in theaters. - Okay! Keith, my boy! Yes! - I also secretly like Twilight kind of a lot. Me and Ariel would go to the theaters. And then we were watching it ironically and we were like, "What the heck? He imprinted on her baby? Oh my god. This changes everything." - I know the least about a pop culture staple from the group. This is a new feeling. I've only- - Imagine how I feel when you're talkin' about stuff. - I get it now and it sucks! - (Keith) Yeah. If I had to have our dream casting right here I'd say Edward, Bella, Jacob. Boom! Love triangle. - Now, see you're gonna be crushed if you're not Edward. - I'm not Edward after my name being Ned and everything, I'm gonna be real sad. - I think you'd make a good vampire. - I'd make a great vampire. - [Zach] I think you're gonna be a real good one. - So don't (beep) this up, Zach. (Zach howls) (Ned laughs) (thunder crashes) - All right, let's get into it. "Which Twilight character are you?" from by our old friend Sheridan Watson. - Ah! - Ah! - What up Sheridan! - Hey. - Hey, Sheridan! "What's your stance on love?" "Love love." That is me. - Like, "I don't know." (chuckles) - "I would kill for love." Oh, that's too aggressive. - Hell yeah. - I'm in between "I don't know" and "I get super attached." - Are you sure it's not "I don't know?" - I think it is "I don't know." (Ned laughs) I don't know. Okay. I don't know! Okay, I'm choosing that one. I dunno. (giggles) - "What about blood?" "It's there." "Like, yum." "Must. Fight. Urge." - "It doesn't bother me." "I want it now." - "Ew, Like blood blood?" - What? - (laughing) "I tend to bleed a lot." - I'm the bloodiest Try Guy; everyone knows that. So I don't just bleed a lot, I want it now. (Zach chuckles) Oh even more than you bleed a lot! You want the blood! - I want the blood! - Yeah! - "People call me..." Korndiddy. - [Keith] "Passionate" - [Zach] Mm. "Reserved" - [Zach] Mm-mm. - "Annoying" is possible. (Zach chuckles) I see comments. I see some people are annoyed by me. You know, that's your opinion. You're entitled to it. I don't call me annoying but people do. - I would never. - I know you wouldn't- - Yeah. - and that's why you're so sweet. - I think, by these legs you can obviously tell that I am the most charming. People call me charming. Might as well be a prince. Charming. - [Ned] "What's your favorite kind of meat?" - Ooh! (Ned chuckles) I love this question. - "Chicken" (chuckles) "Boar" Who would answer "Boar?" - Chicken boar! Boar! - "Beef" "Turkey" "Pork" "Deer" "Humans!" - All of these things sound delicious to me except for humans. But I don't know, I've never had humans. (Ned and Zach laugh) (chuckling) It's hard for me to know. - Humans have to taste good, right? Or else cannibals wouldn't be a thing. Like, could you get a human to taste good? Absolutely. - Stop talking about this. (Keith chuckles) - We can eat an animal but how dare we eat a human? - Yeah, it's grossin' me out. Yeah. - It's the same (beep)in' thing. Grow up! Eat a person! (Ned scoffs) - You could feast on my leg for a month. There's a lot of meat. - [Zach] Ugh! - "If you could have one superpower, what would it be?" "Extreme compassion" "Reading minds" "Magic shield" Wait, what's a magic shield? - You know, (Zach makes sword clashing sounds) (Ned makes sword clashing sound) - Okay, well they don't have the one I want. (Zach coughs) - [Zach] Which is? - Which is levitation or any sort of ability to move objects. That's what I want, always. - "Turning into an animal" Animorphs! I love that. That sounds fun. - I'm pickin' "Seeing the future" 'cause if you can see the future, you can change the present. Change the present, change future. Boom! You can be anything you wanna be. - I've seen "That's So Raven". Never ends well for her. She always tries to fix the future and then the shenanigans abound and she (beep)s it up. - [Keith] The moment you see the future, there's no way anything you can do would not have that happen. - [Alice] Now you know. - Because you seeing the future is the inciting incident for you having knowledge of creating that future's existence. - Yeah, it really creates a lot of time paradoxes. Oh well! I still picked it! (Keith laughs) - "Which one is the coolest instrument?" "Guitar," "Cello," "Banjo," "Piano," "Flute," "Drums," "Saxophone," "Fiddle" (chuckles) - "Fiddle" and "Banjo" are not cool but it's cool if you like them. (Keith makes guitar plucking sounds) (Ned makes guitar plucking sounds) I'm gonna go with drums (makes drumming sounds) - Does Bella play any of those instruments? I could picture her playing a flute- - I don't think so. - because she quivers her lip and that's how you do a flute vibrato. (Ned and Zach make flute sounds) - I wanna say Edward plays some instruments. All the vampires have learned instruments just 'cause they're alive for hundreds of years. - Well, what else are you gonna do with the time? It's like quarantine! - Exactly! - I'm surprised they didn't have a scene where Edward was like, "Been alive forever so you want some sourdough I made?" - This starter is old. (Zach and Ned laugh) - "What's your favorite body part?" - On you or on someone else? - Oh it doesn't actually specify. - A lot of these I wouldn't normally say are a body part. I don't say a smile is a body part. Skin isn't a body part. - Now, I'm not a huge fan of the feet but they are the closest to the ankles. So, I'm goin' "Feet." - You could say they're the window to the ankles. (Zach laughs) - Ankles, they have joint custody over the feet. (Zach sputters) - Ah! - Oh! - You wanna know something upsetting? Two parts. One: we all have wikiFeet accounts. That's pretty upsetting. You wanna know what's even more upsetting? I have the least uploads of the Guys. And you know what's even more upsetting is that I checked to see who has the most uploads on YouTube. (Ned laughs) - Also, when Zach said we have accounts he meant they're pages. (Zach laughs) We don't have accounts. - Yeah. - Maybe he has an account- - [Zach] I don't have an account. - I don't have an account. - No, you're right. There is a- - Very different terminology. - "Where would you spend your dream honeymoon?" "South Africa," no. "Road trip," no. "Brazil" Mm, Brazil's got some hotties but honeymoons should be focused on us, so, no. - "Paris" Played out. "Southern Mansion" Hell nah. Too many bugs. - I would love to have a honeymoon in Italy. That'd be a dream honeymoon for sure. - Yeah, homeland. - Yeah, I'm gonna go Italy. - Okay, this is the last question. This is it. I'm hopin' for Bella (Zach exhales) but I'll take what I get. "What is your opinion on vampires?" - "I want to be one" "They're not all demonic" "Monsters" - "Burdens" "Powerful" "Gross" "Like, hot ones?" - "More friends, yay!" (Keith chuckles) Oh it's gonna be really hard to not choose that one. - Yeah, I feel like that's you. (Ned sighs) - I'm leanin' towards "powerful" though. I mean, that is my opinion on vampires; they are powerful. Superhuman strength, speed, agility, live forever. - I really resonate with "Like, hot ones?" (chuckles) Am I thinking of Nosferatu or am I thinking of Edward Cullen? Very different opinions on those two. One's a total hottie (Keith snickers) and one's a sparkly boy. (thunder crashing) - Are you guys ready to see the answer? (drum rolls) Okay. (Ned inhales in anticipation) Oh! Shit! (dramatic music) - He's not Edward. Oh no! - (beep), who is he? - I got one of the bad vampires! - Oh no! - She's good but she's intense. I got Victoria. - [Keith] No! - Victoria is like the evil vampire. She's the villain. (drum rolls) - Is it Bella? Survey says Jessica Stanley! (Keith laughs) - [Ned] (laughing) Oh no! - [Keith] It's her! (cheerful music) (Ned laughs) - Anna Kendrick! That's close though! That's a human! - That's a human! I'm- - So far, one vampire, one human. - I'm callin' it Bella! (Ned laughs) I'm callin' it Bella! Look, it's not Bella but it's so close to Bella that I feel like I can bring the Jessica Stanley perspective to the portrayal of Bella whatever-her-last-name-is. - [Zach] That's right. That's right. - What is her last name? - [Filmmaker] Swan. - What? - [Filmmaker] Bella Swan. - Bella Swan? - No. Shut the (beep) up. - God, what a terrible name. (drum rolls) - Here it is, the moment of truth. - Oh boy! - I am Jasper Hale! - (laughing) Who the (beep) is that? - You know! Jasper! He kinda strikes me as a vampire leader. Like, a very good vampire so that sounds the most to me the most like Edward. (laughing) That's true. It kinda sounds like Edward. - So, I'm in the Cullen family by association. - I think that is closer to Edward- - Damn. - Even though I'm a bad bitch of a vampire, I'm the bad guy of the vampires that we like. I think I have to play Jacob. - I think you do. - This is horrible. - You've kinda got a woofy body. - All right! (claps hands together) Let's get transformed into our characters for Trylight theater. Midnight Sun. - All right, we're gonna watch some of our scenes real quick so we can get an idea of what we should be doing. - I think his acting... I need to just be fixated on your neck at all times - Mm-hmm. - And you're kind of- - I'm just always speaking kind of at the ground. - The camera is insane in this scene. The subtext of the scene, it's not that she's on her period? - [Filmmaker] No! - No, I hope not. Jesus. - But vampires smell blood. - [Filmmaker] No, she always smells. - Oh. - [Filmmaker] Her human smell. - Her blood pheromones. - But why her? (clapper claps) (playful music) - [Filmmaker] Slightly less shifty. (Zach chuckles) - I think they don't get it unless I really overdo it. - Can I get more water please? - Can I get more rain please? (Zach laughs) - Ah! - [Keith] (laughing) Sorry, I got really shoved by that mic bag. - Ah. He really is a vampire. - I'm not- - Right in my eyes (Zach laughs) Jacob! - Yes? (crew laughing) Okay guys, I just wanna say we got it, that it's a wrap- (Keith and Ned clap) - [Filmmaker] Woo! on Twilight! You guys are amazing! - Thank you, everyone. Thank you to the crew. Thank you Actors' Equity. - This video is a lot like the FanFiction video that we did before except we're not fans of the fiction. (Zach laughs) (Ned chuckles) All right, let's do this. - I am a fan. (All laugh) (thunder crashes) - "Classroom. Bella's Scent." "Bella enters the science class. She walks in front of a fan." (fan blows) - Hi, Miss Swan? (door closes) - "I see the air then blowing towards Edward and he covers his nose from the smell." - [Keith] Oh. - Wait, what? - [Ned] Whoa. - [Keith] Does she stink? - Does she just smells really bad? - Oh this is like he's getting a boner. - He's getting a boner? - [Ned] Yeah it's like, "Oh, I can't smell her. I'll just go crazy!" - Here's a question. Do vampires get, 'cause they, do they have blood? But they can't have boners- - Alexandria's like, "Oh yeah." - Oh yeah! They can have bo-bos! - [Ned] "Bella takes her seat next to Edward. He's still covering his nose." (melancholy guitar music) (Petri dish scrapes) (Science teacher talks indistinctly) (Keith sniffs hair) (Zach grunts softly) - [Ned] "Edward continues to stare right at her like a serial killer." (Zach exhales) (chair scrapes) (school bell sounds) - [Ned] Damn. - So Edward is so overcome with bloodlust - Uh-huh. - that he must contain himself. - [Ned] Yeah. - This next scene is called (thunder crashes) "I know what you are." - "Exterior. Forest. Day" "Bella stands amid the trees, waiting. (birds chirp) Then, the sounds of the forest abruptly drop out." (eerie music) - You're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like you're from a different time. - Imagine putting these pieces together and being like, "I think I'm in a class with a vampire." - Yeah. That would be, I wouldn't put it together. I'd be like, "You're just really weird." (eerie music) - You never eat or drink anything. How old are you? - 17. - How long have you been 17? - A while. - [Ned] For whatever reason, in this scene, the camera is just going insane. (eerie music continues) - I know what you are. - Say it. - Say it out loud. - A vampire. - Are you scared? - No. - Girl, run! Run! - [Ned] Mm-hmm. - Then ask the most basic question. What do we eat? - You won't hurt me. (suspenseful music) - I don't like the subtext of, it's like, is this romance or murder? - I don't know. I don't know if they're tryna to murder me. Maybe they just have a crush. - I think, 'cause everyone's out there looking for dangerous love. - I'm not. - In your fantasy, wouldn't you want dangerous love? - Never looking for dangerous love. I want something secure, and guaranteed, and fun. - But that's what your regular life is. This is a movie. Don't you want some dangerous love? - I guess if it's a movie. - Let's move on to "We can't be friends anymore." This is where Jacob gets introduced. (thunder crashing) - [Zach] "We can't be friends anymore" (rain patters) - Jake, wait! - Bella. - You cut your hair off and got a tattoo? - Go away, Bella. - What? - Go home, Bella. - What happened to you? Did Sam do something? Is that what's happening? - Sam! - Sam? - Sam? - Sam? - Sam's running sound right now. - Sam's tryna protect me. Don't blame him. If you want someone to blame, try blaming those filthy bloodsuckers you love, the Cullens. - What? I don't know what you're talking about. - You know exactly what I'm talking about. You've been lying to everyone. Charlie, but not to me! (Native American flute music) Not anymore! - Hey! - Jacob! - Look, Bella, we can't be friends anymore. - Look, Jake, I know that I've been hurting you. It's killing me! I just need, maybe... Just give me some time or something! - There's no way that was in the actual script. - Is that the line? - That's in the script or is that ad-libbed? That's horrible. Don't! It's not you. - It's not you, it's me? - It's true. It is me. - You know, I kinda get why Edward loves Bella. He can't resist her smell (lighthearted music) but it seems like Jacob just kinda likes Bella and it's just causing trouble. - Ned's like, "Well, actually, according to the film-" - I was about to "Well, actually" you. (Zach laughs) They're just friends. - [Keith] Then why is it such a problem? - They make out! - Because Bella is tight with Edward and the vampires and werewolves can't be friends. - [Keith] Oh. - Are they childhood friends? - Yeah. - And then she comes back and he's all hot now. - And then they got hot, yeah. - Do werewolves have bar mitzvahs? - Oh yeah. - They have a rite of passage where all of a sudden he's a man. - Bella, I'm not good. I used to be a good kid. But not anymore. Not me. It's over. - You can't break up with me. I mean, you're my best friend! You promised me! - And this is me keeping that promise. - Don't. - Go home and don't come back. Or you're gonna get hurt. (Ned grunts) - Jacob! - Bella is left standing in the rain. - Wow! What a scene. - It seems kinda pretty, at least visually, in the scene. - Yeah. And the water effects. (thunder crashes) - [Zach] "You imprinted on me daughter" - So, what happens right before this is Bella's holding the baby and then Jacob comes in and he's like, "Okay, that's enough." And she's like, "What's happening? Why is Jacob treating my baby like his baby?" - [Filmmaker] Also, they both waited until marriage to have sex. He was like a 100 year old virgin. - So they were... He was a 100 year old virgin? If the newer book was basically, "Edward Cullen is the 100 year old virgin" (Ned laughs) (Zach slaps thighs) I would be the first in line. - Oh boy. - Bella grabs hold of Jacob and throws him out of the house. - Ah! - You imprinted on my daughter? - It wasn't my choice. - She's a baby! - It's not like that. You think Edward would let me live if it was? - I'm still debating it. - I held her once. One time, Jacob. And now you already think you have some moronic wolfy claim to her? She's mine! (Keith punch Ned) (Ned grunts) (dramatic drum music) - It's fine, Leah. - You're gonna stay away from her. - You know I can't do that. - Gah! (Keith punches Ned) Ah! - Stop her, Edward! - He said it's fine. She's amazing, right? - You remember how much you wanted to be around me three days ago? That's gone now, right? - Long gone. - Because it was her from the beginning. It was Nessie who wanted me there. - Nessie? You nickmamed my daughter after the Loch Ness monster? - Hold the (beep) up - That's a funny line. So wait, the Loch Ness monster in this reality, totally unbelievable and not real, but vampires, werewolves, fair game. (snickers) - What's her real name? - [Filmmaker] Renesmee. - [All] Renesmee? (eerie music) You know me better than anyone. All I want is for Ness, Renesmee to be safe, happy. Look, nothing ever made sense before. You, me, any of it. But now I understand why. This was the reason. - How did you know all that? (Ned laughs) (laughing) How did you know all those lines? - I just looked at 'em. - Wow, amazing job! (sweeping orchestral music) (upbeat music) - Well, I learned a lot today. - Yeah, I learned a lot too. - Oh yeah. - I can't quite uh, articulate it. - I couldn't tell you why. (Zach giggles)
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,015,501
Rating: 4.9678297 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, twilight, twilight funny moments, kristen stewart, twilight cast, twilight eclipse, robert pattinson, breaking dawn, twilight movies, twilight characters, taylor lautner, new moon, vampire, bella, edward cullen, twilight movie, quiz, recreation, parody, sketch comedy, midnight sun, the twilight saga, scenes
Id: wNusKQL6zdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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