Gunsight Ridge | COLORIZED | Action | Western Movie | Old West

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no matter where I ride Dale's Fortune seems to follow life is humble there's nowhere I can hide a demon Trails behind me and you'll find me when luck appears to go my way I'm through with hated [Music] despair is waiting foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Hank throw it on foreign any passengers for today's stage nobody told me but I'm only a relief man breaking a man took sick and they'd have to take his chances this is different I think you're probably have you read your ticket of course but that stage goes to Bancroft I know I live there there's no place to live around here I'll take your bag oh I wouldn't trouble you oh but never a day goes by without trouble for me but I don't know you you'll be forgiven for that and I'm not in habit of talking to strangers right you are watch yourself Hank young family has driving stage four you quit meal have a good trip Molly oh wonderful Hank thank you seems like I ought to place you but I can't can I be any help where are you from almost any place you can get and sometimes even further in what capacity well that depends on where I go no doubt you've got something quite special off a Bancroft depends entirely on Bancroft I can ask more questions and find out less than you than any man I ever knew kind of a natural gift thank you foreign [Music] don't lose your head don't worry about me [Music] put on your gut out of the box come on out aren't you going to use that gun get out [Music] foreign are you afraid to face us ually says give me a gut foreign Alex well it's Alex shut up face the coach here a fight for the road all right get in foreign Alex I couldn't help it it was an accident sure it was give me a lift it's gonna live High boys best horse in the territory let me get it open oh this sure beats hustling stages they know who you are Alex well sure but I'm leaving the country I'll catch up with you someday well you know that I'd never tell who you were you wouldn't want me to take a chance like that would you Alex I'm your friend I don't have any friends [Music] thank you all right oh [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] driver s foreign [Applause] Settles here help me put him inside I'll drive it in that don't reassure me you can ride or walk personally I don't care which well I have no family [Applause] thank you better ride up here with me [Applause] now [Applause] at least you could drive one of my many talents you were armed when they stop the stage why didn't you do something never argue with a shotgun my father would he's a good man then foreign I don't know oh what happened hold up I get shot in a way he's inside there you can read about my paper for a nickel give me my bag thank you you all right Molly yes Father you better go on home I'll send you back all right father goodbye and good luck to you my name is Jones oh Orion Mike Ryan let's hear about it you don't think you'd recognize this other fella if you saw him again huh I didn't get a look at him you said he taught something I'd love to tell him that thank you foreign [Music] [Music] over guns to strangers foreign [Music] [Laughter] I thought we sent you word to be off a street I got it well get on home man and make it quick I told you boys not to bring your guns to town you've been wearing that star so long you think you own this town you're under arrest you couldn't arrest my grandmother foreign take these to the dark Burns but don't leave town till you're here for me they all shoot holes in you they can't carve those be a friend over there too foreign do you know any good place to stay in town yeah there's a couple of boarding houses Mrs Bennetts and Mrs Donahue he keeps it selected very select but I know about people named Donahue hey hey Mrs Donahue that it is here I am well I can see that what then I'm bringing good news I checked the paper and I haven't got time to stand here and gossip with you whoever you are but you have a new border I have all that I want now are you sure Mrs Donahue that I am oh that's too bad for me well it may or may not be good day sir good day Mrs Donahue an honor to the house oh sure you've got the fine talk you have what's your name my name is Ryan ah bless me sir sure that's the king's name come in that belongs to the late Mr Donahue she never cleaned a suit for him no for me either I must have been pretty dirty here's a newspaper I publish Hmm got a one ad column you're looking for a job that Sloan's the place to go but don't give me as a reverend he remains an enigma to me [Applause] hello velvet Mr Ryan nice to meet you nice to meet you Mr Ryan and I were in that hold up before you heard about it yes they uh they didn't get your pants did they got everything else that's hard Luck it evens up in the long run mine does haven't seen you around velvet I've been up in the mind how does it learn so so too poor to pay and too rich to quit nice meeting you here's your soup Ryan Mrs Donahue may you inherit my money how long must I wait [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] evening evening [Applause] [Music] all right I heard about you my name is Clark Ryan Mike Ryan say is that thing loaded yeah nobody's ever tried to find out yet that's where I run this place I'm looking for a job what kind of a job anything with a bark on it well I'll keep my eyes open it might not be too easy though for a stranger instead of what's going on around here yeah I saw with a paper this man had held up three stages in a row by himself that takes a lot of nerve Ah that's not as hard as you think Sheriff can't be everywhere at once maybe you ought to make way for a younger man about jewelry yeah I got Troubles of my own Mr Clark foreign [Music] [Music] you never know do you will you be quiet all wins you never told me you could play he could have told me eight wins spell the professor off honey I want to hear you shut up and you why don't you mind your own business take it easy [Music] my plans kind of personal with me that's all I understand [Music] Orion will he have a drink I will when I can buy you one I'm going out to the place where you were held up in the morning you'll come along and have a horse for you and leave from my place I'll be there I like to style with a gun yesterday where'd you learn to handle it here and there hey this is the place that's where he threw my gun looks like a stray hey I know that horse that's Alex's sorrow it's Alex all right you know that Bandit never killed before that I know of this was done deliberate and that sets downright evils well go identify you know have taken pride in keeping this County right I wanted it to be the kind of a place that people had liked and live in I thought I could quit with that record now this devil is loose don't you think it's about time you had some help we'll need Alex's horses [Applause] any room in here I asked Miss Donahue turbine I've seen that soil before maybe you knew Alex that's right it's Alex's sorrow did they catch him shotgun any idea who did it that partner of his the way it looked he didn't even give him a chance I guess they don't get much odds in that game he might have given him a chance yeah it might have how'd you come by that sort of I'm going to work for Tom Jones you're going to be a peace officer everybody's got to begin somewhere you uh going after that Bandits he got my money I'd like a chance to even things up I know what you mean any idea who he is oh if I had I wouldn't tell anybody I'd get back to the Bandit yeah that's right I understand that they're going to put shotgun guards on all the stages now he won't find it so easy next time be smart he better try something else yeah I guess you're right mind if I borrow some oats to help yourself tells me that feedback would you sure hey wait a minute that's my horse okay it's your horse that's all right boy let's start this job together foreign ly swear to uphold and enforce the laws of the territory and Faithfully perform all duties assigned you I do it's a mighty big County Mike I've got a couple of other deputies up North but I try to take care of everything around here myself you can see where that fella stopped the stages yeah you can leave him to me I want you to ride the county for a couple of days Mike I've been so busy I haven't been able to get out and collect the taxes taxes I'm not taking this job to collect taxes well that's part of the word I thought we were both going after this Bandit let's change your mind it's personal with me he stands against my record I want him for myself how is your tax list because you get 10 percent of anything you collect if that's any inducement to you well it's some I don't know though those ranchers are pretty cute about rustling cattle never can tell how many head they should be taxed for lazy heart bunch is the worst well for ten percent I'll collect from that bunch Bobby you're I've just sworn him in you'll know anything at all about him nobody else does I don't I I don't know who he is or or where he came from or what he's doing here a grown man like that doesn't have to roam around the country looking for a job like this if he does he can't amount to much well what I do know about him sure suits me the other Rosa Kildare when I get back we'll be walking together by the Light of the Moon now what do you think of him seems to me you're thinking a good deal more about him than I am [Music] where's the boss what do you want him for I'll explain that to him [Music] well that's Amber that shot you he's just a sure he's not sure if I am to eradicate let's eradicate him too you want him first yeah foreign Deputy Mr Withers how are things with you oh I got no complaints how about you but you've been accused of stealing cattle won't they ever get tired accusing me of that and they're about set to try something else who is Mr saber cool for one sabercool yeah he's missing about 300 head of cattle claims they're on your range huh well he'll have to prove it in court there's no appeals don't let him Bluff you buckshots no Bluff Mr with us well I'm no battler what do you suggest well maybe I can handle saber cool if you'd sign in writing that you own those cattle I could use it as your affidavit well that don't cost anything but clear yourself with everyone I don't want to come way out here again how many head do you claim to have all told uh 1200 dead you mean 600. 1200. we don't have them others yet shut up 1200 him I'll take your word for it just sign right there you are that's all I need slowed off my mind for a while there I figured I was guilty until you made it legal now I'll have to collect taxes on 1200 head taxes but he's only got 600. it says 1200 here I'll be 360 Mr Withers you're gonna let him treat you like that yeah they should let you keep it you might mention that to save a cool yeah hey come to think of it I don't believe I ever heard of this saber cool [Music] thanks your bets [Music] Ace wins six loses [Music] more wins eight loses [Music] [Music] six losers [Music] looks like my night so it goes [Music] you're not leaving are you yeah I saw the go of the Oriental maybe change my luck coming back don't count on it too late for work roses 9 45. it's my night off Mr Clark oh I forgot that [Music] thank you [Music] don't turn around inside oh go on don't turn around foreign [Music] hmm foreign [Music] that you put in quite a long day I'm used to it when you run a good town after some I've seen I'll try I don't know I gotta pick up a sack of Oats first I'm going up to mine in the morning good night good night chef foreign foreign [Music] no time for that what's on your mind Mr Babcock it's not only my mind Tom I know what this town was like before you took over and we all know how much it owes you but there comes a time when we all what are you trying to say George Tom we want you to resign at once resign with that fellow loose if you've been more capable you'd have got this man before he got my money now if you tell me who he is Mr Babcock I'll serve him with a subpoena this is not a matter for joking um we've left you to find out who he is but he's still loose but we don't want to be unfair to you but for the sake of the community I think you should step down and let someone else take a real pretty concern Tom about what may happen next in fact we want to be sure that it won't there's only one thing sure George nobody's going to make me resign I was elected to this office and I'm gonna hold it until my record is clear then we'll send to the express company for a special agent they'll have the authority to take the matter out of your hands until they recover my money the company is not concerned with your money Mr Babcock this fellow got some of their money they'll be glad to send a man to get that let me tell you another thing Tom you won't get elected again you agreed to this yes Joyce we have no other choice Tom could I uh have a little more time to catch this fellow week maybe Mr Babcock we hadn't any time Tom not another week not another day I'm not gonna beg gentlemen all I can say is if I have to quit with this man on my record I couldn't live in his town any longer couldn't even live with myself you won't have to send for an agent why not what do you want to do Mr Ryan I have no idea replacing Tom he's done everything he can we'll go on as he is work together shoots me I'm not so sure really well I presume Mr Ryan here is capable of judging what's best Tom you go ahead I'll have to rely on you gentlemen not to spread it around who I am we're not all fools I hope I well we better get back to work evening but you could have told me who you were how'd I know you were on the level yourself me and the lazy heart boys I suppose hello dear you shouldn't have waited up what happened nothing thanks to Mike well I guess I'll uh turned in we'll uh both go over the ground in the morning you better get some rest yourself you'll be all right now good night to you Mike sorry for what I said I've got a lot more than that to take up with you but you'll wait I will you will [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] um [Music] your touch is a girl always ready for company you don't encourage any should I there must be some easier way to make a living than digging into that Hill I thought so watch it why don't you hire some help I've tried it it's too expensive not enough money on it I didn't say that I buy and sell claims I'm working on the deal on this one now I'll give you some help nobody all right robotic where do you want it in the shack you and I got something to settle what do you want ten percent of what I got to collect some taxes from you oh how much do I owe in taxes 110 dollars give me a piece of paper and a pencil I'll give you an order on the bank clean me out thanks I get 10 percent anything else I can do for you when you come into town tonight I guess I'll buy you a drink you do that [Music] [Music] [Music] you can put the Jack there I was only trying to help Sheriff was looking for you you saw me last night I saw you last night too when 10 o'clock where were you over by the window you were going into the Oriental I said I was didn't I sure but it was 10 o'clock what about it took you a long time to cross the street do I have to count you for everything I do you never have of course you think I'm stupid giving yourself heirs you're not so smart yourself [Music] nothing come on let's have it I know you robbed the bank you won't do that they'd know for sure then maybe I would you fool I could have told them any time today [Music] was there a lot of money enough those stages too what do you want lots of things will be different with us now you won't have to keep any secrets from me it seems I haven't any oh yes you have why didn't you tell me you play the piano because it doesn't make any difference to anyone but me but you must have a reason and I want to know why you better tell me I stopped why because I wanted to be the best takes money for lessons I didn't have any you know it's like that Talent a lot of talent I tried to kill mine but I wouldn't die I hate it but sometimes I just gotta play let's go away I'll go anywhere with you let's go now we will when I say so new Deputy could be troubled you're not afraid of anything are you out of anything it's alive well we won't wake the dead will we talked [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what's up foreign foreign we don't want no more excuses we want some back pain trouble is you're all worn out with a long spell of intense in action go wrestle some cattle we done give it up till you get out and rustle some money well what do you think I'm going to the bank for well get going there and don't come back without it unless you're suffering from the funeral we'll see about this thank you everybody brings back are two bits cash that's dirty well what are we gonna do now [Music] foreign [Music] foreign sorry the bother you so early but I thought you might be able to help me sure come on in thanks just take a minute I forgot to ask what time velvet left the cobweb night before last mmm 10 o'clock maybe a little after because that's when I went upstairs it went straight over you see well sure I saw him yeah I guess that about finishes that I hey I haven't got a drink have you all right kind of peak good this morning yeah I've got another bottle how long you better Rosie two years next month that's longer than most girls stay but I expect you'll be leaving one of these days oh no I like it here wouldn't be on account of velvet would it hi Tom he's trying to sell the mine though he went up there today thanks well that hit the spot if I think of anything else I'd appreciate it Luke Wilson been in today not today when he comes in I want to talk to him anything new not a thing George did uh Rosa have any visitors last night just the usual velvet he's the cleaners off whistle you look here Sheriff fine thing when a man can't stay on his own ranch and keep alive your car hands yeah want to make complaints I'm making it right now won't be safe till they're all in jail I'll go right out there haven't we got our hands full here there's nothing right now that you can't handle by yourself well you want to take a deputy along I've been having to cut those boys down to size for some time be back before dark who wants to show us he still shares yeah that's it I guess [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] so much over there [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna get some rubber pick up some supplies from Clarksville where's that right where they built it where do you think it'd go foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] telegram for your father train held up at Soldier Springs the lazy heart bunch father went out to their Ranch they must have lit out before he got there and he ought to be back soon well I better get out there and get the report Mike when are you coming back tomorrow and count on a lot more of this [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign send these wires for me will you you'll have to hurry they'll be safe across the border they're 18 hours ahead of you and they'll have to eat somewhere well they can stop at Clarksville or Pinon I'd say Clarksville is near the border let's send the wire there and stop them the Clarksville there's no Telegraph up to there have to be on the call of the Angels can you tell me a shortcut I could take there is one I never heard of it was he they come down from the Hills maybe he can put me onto a shortcut amigo Park Clarksville Senor Camino Peru gracias you put me on a one you wouldn't think those cowboys would have treat a Tom like that it must have been devil drunk a high hanging to them four to one if you catch up with him there'll only be one fight won't there [Music] way so you two want to get married huh yeah I sure do all right join your hands your honor I'm looking for four men wanted for train robbery and murder assume can't you see we're getting married Mister big fun man have you seen any strangers no I haven't well they'd have to come here for supplies wouldn't they well I got some for sale I must have gone up through Pinon that's just up the road you have to go one place or the other what if they like to eat well it can't be far ahead of me Mexican put me onto a shortcut an old Indian Trail I need a fresh horse and I need to get married Mister now just a minute Arsenal cost you fifty dollars get it uh slim if they cut back this way hold them for me one of them's got a bandaged hand I'll be back well I kind of make it a rule to my own business they're worth a thousand dollars a reward oh thousand dollars sure is a lot of money that sure is a lot of money judge health and long life to you man he's a real smart fella taking out all Indian Trail up here already sure could use that reward yeah sure could oh let's see now all right join your hands you know if he took that shortcut he could get here ahead of him stands to reason they'd come into Clarksville that's right they might show up at any time let's get the guns you come here and wait a thousand dollars ain't gonna walk in here every day I knew something would happen Nash go outside and watch rescue fellas get out of sight now when they come in here you wait for me to give you a sign I'll uh I'll reach for something up on the shelves all right come on got it you stay here Tex foreign where are you going you tell I hear that's quite a ways what do you want let's start with tobacco all right put them up what's this for we got nothing in this territory I got to prejudice against murder we didn't kill nobody I hear a difference foreign [Music] here come on let's go let's go foreign foreign what can I do for you you've got four men here I want who are you I'm an agent for the express company well let's see your papers I'm sorry I'm not allowed to carry papers what's in this for you are you worried about the reward I don't take it I pay it all right you can take a look at them what are you doing here you know him sure I know him he thinks he does I was down in bankrupt looking into some stage holdups is that right Maybe they said he was a mining man this is the man I want foreign what are you gonna do with them Fellers there'll be some men by to pick them up I'm only interested in the money that's all I'm interested in myself where is it right here the company pays a percentage on this you know how much did you count it well sort of I make it out to be close to thirty thousand dollars wow never heard of that much money you get five percent sure beats running a store count out 1500 for yourself I'll take the rest well I'll give you a receipt for it well for fifteen hundred dollars count it up all right judge come here hey Nash keep your eye on that huh here comes that sheriff yeah maybe we better wait for him that ought to satisfy everybody put your hands up don't move I get in the back close the door after you come on [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] you better stay overnight with us get rested up you'll be over the Border if I do he's already got a head start on me by shooting my horse well you'll make good time over the Mesa but gunside Ridge will slow him down you'll never let go of that money I'll put my shadow on him say maybe you could use a little help from us I'm obliged to you but I have to do this myself taking the place of a friend foreign but foreign Put the gun down don't get many strangers around here anybody else around no are you folks they're in town I want something to eat I don't care what this but I want it now are you on the Run I know how you feel sometimes I feel like running too it isn't much fun living out here oh mama says it'll get better but I don't know foreign you know there was Robin Hood yeah I heard about Robin Hood and I know a song about Jesse James was a coward that killed him so I've heard you know I think you're an outlaw they're trying to make out like I did it they caught me they didn't hang me at the nearest tree that way they say they're next how many are after you I had nothing close enough to find out but I'm sure about one fella he did The Killing where could you go I need a fresh horse well you could leave yours here and and take one of ours right down the Corral I wouldn't want to go out there you help yourself to some more coffee foreign right back [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] please go on play something else there isn't enough time I got your horse foreign no one ever wrote him but me I wish I wish you'd tell me your name why don't you make up on the suit yourself it's everything I need thank you thanks for being kind to me foreign anybody here you stay right where you are mister don't move all right but be careful I wouldn't want you to shoot yourself I know how to shoot well I wouldn't want you to shoot me either anybody been here ahead of me no I'll be getting on then you've got to stay here why I know who you are you do thank you who am I know what's your name I don't have to tell you that mine's Mike Ryan oh I thought you knew who I was he said I didn't know what your name was how long ago was he here what do you mean that other fella I won't tell you anything about him he told you I was no good I guess he said A man was killed more than one you don't look like you'd kill anybody one or the other of us did it you can see that if I thought he did it to break my heart I wouldn't want that to happen but then I wouldn't want you to think I'd do it either so I'll bring him back and then you'll know the truth it's hard to know right from wrong when you're sure you do what you have to you'll be glad you did this when you remember all your life you're welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign foreign foreign all right velvet [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't give me is there anyone I wouldn't tell them how it was [Music] foreign [Music] I can't forgive myself if I'd done what I knew was best for you father he'd be here now you gave father back his pride it's all that mattered to him [Music] we thank you for it now I know he would Molly they've asked me to stay what have you told him I haven't told him I want you to stay then I'll tell him you will I will foreign
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 1,154,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colorized, Gunsight Ridge 1957, Joel McCrea, Action, Romance, Crime, Adventure, Mark Stevens, colorized western, Joan Weldon, free movies, free western movies, western movies, cowboys, ranch movies full length, full movie youtube, classic western movies, wild west, cowboy movies, western movie, western movies full length free, western feature films, full movies, full movie, best western movies, best westerns, westerns full movies, western movies full length, Free westerns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 36sec (4896 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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