Guests interrupting the TigerBelly intro

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I love when this happens, it's like an occasional treat I look forward to every time.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/TheMeddleWall 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

Can someone make a video of Bobby's intros from every episode?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/peopleare11 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2017 🗫︎ replies
I've never heard what's up after don't talk yet I have not introduced you you're already [ __ ] it up all right number one you [ __ ] with my [ __ ] mics all right I love you but let me just do a proper intro all right all right three two welcome everybody welcome to another edition of the greatest we're the greatest we're greatest and the worst at the same there we go best for not yeah hey man I haven't even introduced you get there it's an intro I mean I have to keep I'm gonna give you respect okay but you know it's not time yet man okay what see nothing yeah all right welcome to another edition welcome to another episode welcome to life welcome enjoy listen you know live in the moment but also live in the future I live in the past it's all around us some deep [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up man I'm not even [ __ ] ain't brought your name up yet man because I'm tell you right now son god you're on my last [ __ ] nerve romance map all right you're the one guess that I got a guy where I get angry I've never been so angry I guess before I want to go oh my god I want to get him a beverage I want to do all these things right but I just want to gouge his eyes out that says he came into my [ __ ] plan start nasty mouth warrior I don't you don't talk you don't talk until I introduce you okay nobody who knows what the [ __ ] you are right yeah everybody knows me all right okay do the five four three again five we can't even five four three two one we got all kinds of things happening now we gotta climb like we got Gilbert me got me - we got George I forgot his name for a second and you got your cousin Brice back from where the [ __ ] were you into the wild your do I talk to that's all I really want I know but I told you to not say nothing until I [ __ ] introduce you dude he's looking five four three two one he does a [ __ ] thing dude all right all right hey man look at me do you know him good huh I will get into it you know I know I know what you're saying go ahead 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 welcome to you do the thing welcome - that's fine Jesus Jesus loves everyone in this room and the Lord is in this room right now I can feel it his energy and his uh it's the Lord his energy and we're all connected by a a man bro hey [ __ ] I told you not to talk and to introduce your life sorry that's okay he's looking at me welcome to another edition of the tiger Bali and that's what it is and I don't like I see you know it yeah and the thing is is that um you know I tell the guests to do certain things like just the [ __ ] up in Thailand to do some and they say things but it's fine because the thing is is that I want to let everyone in this room know that I'm still the captain of the ship and I'm still your leader and you do as I say well I heard there was a secret chord that David played and it pleased the Lord but you don't really care for music do ya know pull up pull up guys well it goes like this the fourth the fifth the minor fall and the major lift the baffled King composing yeah all right finish it nah you know what when you interrupted me during the song it made me mad why did you do that no no no you said you said you'd corrupted the worried but it supposed to be hallelujah but it was a second and it's called hallelujah during the song you name the name of the song yeah yeah I know it's the song I'm the one that looked it up alright you don't think I you don't think I know you don't think that I know what the song is let's start all over five four three two hey man bro I'm singing a song in the beginning I learnt from you don't interrupt me until I [ __ ] introduce you man help me mo create day okay MLK Day and I want to introduce wait a minute way II don't know that you're on it yeah want me to start over [Music] why everybody have the new guests [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] I said don't talk until I introduce you you [ __ ] no no start over how was my phone you start over go ahead five everybody ooh ladies and john welcome to Bobby Lee's podcast we've got all right [ __ ] it anyway um welcome to the podcast we got um we got Gilbert what's up we got my beautiful Queen Wow my princess kalila should be giving me a hard time this week guys oh [ __ ] every day something every day is something as of late and I just trying to like it's my driving or it's my sleeping at all everything anyway we got George - don't get angry yeah we got George Town USA we got my serial killer Finn lip white dude right here with the freckles and the big nose I love this guy right here man he's a legit white okay Joe yo and I got a special guest here denied dog she I don't do it wait up come to I'll do that one what's that I don't know I just made it up okay okay and we have I'll be by it myself yeah I'll do myself hey hey we got a um we got a real special guest tonight I didn't think that we could get this big but you know I would run into him at the Comedy Store and he'd be like yo B what's up I want to be on Taco Bell have it was all right you know that kind of thing and now he's here we have Russell Peters giving run look I stayed quiet the whole time it was very good he wanted to say something yeah
Channel: Mea Lelei
Views: 225,844
Rating: 4.8901958 out of 5
Keywords: TigerBelly, Bobby Lee, Fahim Anwar, Al Madrigal, Sam Tripoli, Theo Von, Steve Lee, Steebee Weebee, Erik Griffin, Ian Edwards, Ari Shafir, Russell Peters
Id: lGnJVlobokQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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