Bobby Lee vs Guests Part 1

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he's a great stand-up i've done um tours with him before i've done many shows with him we've been in battles we fought and uh where we scream at each other um but you know he's been in many battles actually he had an infamous battle with dan cook outside his apartment one time remember that [Laughter] ladies and gentlemen he's a headliner um he's from pittsburgh originally and he's a dear friend and i'll know her for i'll know him for the rest of my life his name is steve byrne give him a round of applause for your time all right welcome thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you're welcome okay yes um thanks for doing my podcast yeah i i feel like i've done it already you have yeah yeah has he done the podcast before oh you've talked about him so many times i have every episode i do talk about you a lot yes thank you yeah yeah have i said good things so no that's just some bad things no yeah those things get back to me but i yeah i know you though so i don't i know how you are so i don't oh how am i well even when you said like we've had our battles yeah okay i think i come at things from like uh like a pragmatic kind of like you know i don't get my emotions involved i think when we talk there have been times where emotionally i i'm confused by the decisions you've made but i just say you and me both yeah i've never like when we've argued i've never left a conversation saying you just burned a major bridge i don't do [ __ ] like that and i've said that you said that to me you said that to me as you walked to like a corolla and sped out of 30 miles per hour of the comet okay yeah my car has nothing to do with this [ __ ] kind of business i burn a major bridge hollywood power player bobby lee oh yeah yeah he knows i love oasis love oasis this is one of the things that irritates me but i again i like i don't i don't get i don't say you burn a major bridge i just go that's bobby his car your car broke down or something yeah i did your car broke down the same corolla yes yes thank you probably that night as you was leaving yeah yeah um and then i had a hyundai santa fe at the time in my beautiful car was it purple no it's silver oh yeah so the reason i thought was purple i'm not from minnesota so i learned to i said hey you take my car i'm going on the road use my car while i'm going who does that so i first of all think about what who does a comic a friend whatever a friend whatever a friend when you burn the bridge burn it it takes time to rebuild your lungs it takes time to rebuild right so so i landed my car i get back in my car and i go to uh play my oasis i go where's my oasis dvds not one not two like three oasis dvds i i call these i go cds i go bobby where's my oh i threw them out the window oh my god why are we because i told you because you don't listen to my car no i know you're you are no i broke you down and i left my car this is who i deal with i don't know i'm a bad guy but that's the thing i got another one you guys ready for another one can i defend like it's a flyer for some sort of [ __ ] nightclub or something you don't like oasis we watch it i like it now i love them now but at the time i didn't like them i thought they were like too poppy oh my god but i like them now i apologize how much money do i have 60 bucks nothing now okay worthless yeah all right so what's the second thing i did uh oh you want oh well i'm sure you now i have so many things that you've done okay good good what what you we'll go tit for tat good oh you wanna get tip for that all right all right let's go then this guy calls me right and he goes get it over because i was on a sitcom called animal practice uh-huh it got cancelled and um i was really hurt by it sure it was a really tough time because um i didn't have kalila at the time and um that was i called you the night of premiered i bet you don't remember that i know thank you i watched it i said congratulations thank you he doesn't make he forgets these things yes this next part right so i watched it so then he calls me go sorry about animal practice but you know i have a show like yeah sullivan and sons right because i was thinking about you know um you know writing a character with you in it like so reoccurring and it's going to be really cool and you know at the time ahmed was on it the wonderful and the multi-faceted owen benjamin you know what i mean just the pure talent that he is of course and i go yeah you're gonna write you know you know when somebody calls you for something like that you start you lay down in bed and you start fantasizing what it's gonna be like at the warner brothers lot you know what it's like rehearsing laughing with your friends you're actually working you're on tv with your you know it there's nothing better right and then three months later i find out ken jong is doing it did that did not did that happen you're you're old pal so my thing is is this okay i know why that happened no you think you know why it happened and you bring this up you're wrong oh you're tired right now your eyes are getting graceful that's my eyes are your eyes are grateful right you're tired let me it doesn't make any sense okay but we're on a different planet right now okay and we are so if you look at like you know whoopi goldberg's vagina right if she's using it i bet it's more goldberg than whoopee i bet it seems aggravating yeah yeah yeah but i'm sure if she uses it it looks fine that's all i'm not a scientist yeah but your labia is not a muscle yeah dude your labia is not a muscle you cook you coo yeah but i know where honey comes from you know so we both win we both lose where did you say honey comes from what was your honeycomb the woods yeah in the woods but in honeycomb yeah honeycomb yeah where did that come from you kook you call me you want to call me goo gone i do not i didn't say it you guys edited that in there yes you did and we have it on [ __ ] factual files dude okay that's not a real thing factual style i like that though actual file yeah i make words up bro isn't there a drawing that's supposed to happen right now downstairs in the ship lobby can we [ __ ] get him a job that's getting out of hand the buffet is closed yeah ladies and gentlemen uh the buffet is closed well we were in hawaii a lot of people do look like you like the service people yeah a lot of filipinos work on the cruise ships you know there's no even in the hotel they all just kind of have your like bland look whoa it's not bland yeah why did you call me bland theo i didn't at all i feel like it's kind of an island mahogany i like that right but if you like worked at a you know in hawaii i could see it like an abc's like if you saw me in a hotel you know working there you'd be like yeah that guy's weird nobody can imagine you working i think that's the kind of thing that's so rude that you even say something like that let me say something right now okay let me i used to work on a farm did you know that an ant farm no no [Laughter] oh my lord that's cute that's cute man no man a real farm man oh yeah what were you guys growing dude honey corn dude oh really heard of corn yeah yeah i used to work at a farm i used to work at a farmer's market i used to work outside of pharmacy are you just saying things that have no i used to work construction i used to wait tables i used to do a lot of jobs did you really i was a hard worker okay i don't it's only when showbiz got into my vein that i haven't really worked one vein i believe that part you have one vein one way in one way out hey upper lip thin yeah dude my lips still growing dude unless lester holt has a very thin upper lip and he's got a good kick oh yeah yeah yeah he does have a fit there yeah have you ever noticed that about yourself when you look in the mirror though huh yeah but my bottom lip took everything yeah here's the thing about you too oh what about you two i hear bono's sick is he really really no i didn't mean to laugh he lost his voice well you just said here's here's the thing about youtube yeah here it is the edge is great that's what i was going to say oh okay i didn't know your [ __ ] bonnie was sick does he just have nodes or is he like sick he got a tracheotomy no way he is a traitor anything real the top story does say bono says he doesn't know if you two will tour again wait but he has a trach like he actually has a hole in his yeah remember that that movie no country for old yeah this guy had that gun that would shoot holes through doors yeah bono got hit he's got a hole in his throat i know but not from that oh not from an eric thing i think he just has a sore throat though sorry yeah i think he just has a sore throat all right guy no no country for old man no country for bono whoa he's got ireland i wonder if bono gets a morning bono [Laughter] yeah maybe he's a little old but maybe yeah oh wait he did have throat cancer in 2000 ha ha [Laughter] you're right you're right you're right but his second brush went but the second brush with mortality had nothing to do with his throat it was a high energy bicycle accident into his throat it was just high energy in the throat by a bicycle oh man was he laying on the sidewalk i don't know maybe they're like little tiny bikes health bikes yeah yeah ooh those hurt you also go to burning man right yeah do you go every year i went three years in a row i didn't go this year but the last three before that i regretted not going this year i really i wait i woke up every morning going why aren't i there and who do you go with uh first year i kind of went by myself and the second year i went with my buddy michael rosenbaum and then last year i went with my buddy dan and uh i think i'm gonna go next year you know it's funny i there's such a stigma you know on like just people who go to burning man in general like you know the la types but i never if there was a you seem like the perfect person to go to burning man with if i ever if i could ever think of anybody i would want to go with you seem like nope nope the right person she's not going with you but i already said she is yeah but she's selfish yeah i am selfish and when it comes to that dude why can't i take your girlfriend away in a camper for five days what's wrong with you hey guys guys that's my girl okay yeah what okay okay mr scrooge humbug did you just call me mr scrooge bro yeah why can't i spend a week in a camper with your beautiful girlfriend what would you do what would you do out there with her in the desert ask her what would you do with harlow williams we were just waltz around the playa i'd cook good food maybe you know hey wait you don't need to know i do need to know man because i know you out there they don't take money they trade services what's you want to get a sandwich you're going to sell her a little [ __ ] out what i don't i can't sell him i know just stop right now whoa bro you want a sandwich you're going to sell my little girl's [ __ ] out his eyes are brought to you for a [ __ ] meatball sandwich you won this round i know i didn't i know i didn't won this right and don't do that dude that's a [ __ ] human being right there man oh i didn't see that coming let's go to burning so two weeks ago he was playing ontario and he goes hey do sunday i go okay and then i never two years ago i was there when two weeks i was at the win whatever the win theater how many people that one was close to that was six thousand total seats yeah yeah sold out six months so what we've learned today is this what we learned today is this we've learned a lot of things today but we've learned that um that you know a relationship isn't a two-way street you know sometimes when you have two people one's more generous than the other and so i think by the facts of this trial and in this case right it shows that i'm the one that's being harmed i'm the one that gives and doesn't receive what the [ __ ] none of your listeners got that from this show not one [ __ ] person that's listening yeah they did got because they're sleepers they're my people that you're they're my [ __ ] fans they're my [ __ ] fans too okay and they get me you know after you know how to tell you this my friend i'll tell you this my friend what right what i can't do two weeks in ontario but i can sell out a weekend and those people that come to my shelves yeah they love me dude they love you and i'm giving them a message it has nothing to do with you what i'm saying to you people right is in a relationship one person right is more giving sometimes than the other person and the other person right being an island an island [ __ ] right being an island group they suck up the energy sometimes wow i've been to korea i've been all right i've been to the philippines too you want to talk about you want to see i beat you korean korea and i love and i love the korean i love your mud rivers and i love the fact those are my rhythms your girlfriend my bad baby yeah yeah the [ __ ] rivers that you will go ahead tell me about korea i love what you guys i love you guys too so much the 33 of the country that you can work with i love the fact that here oh man you're talking about that [ __ ] right now i'm just would you go to the flipping bobby what you guys get to do you get this much yeah and then this much goes to golf courses and the air bases yeah and then this goes to a guy that looks just like you right he owns the northern part interesting so enjoy whatever that is that that area down there in the south i want to see you guys travel together i want to see you go to the philippines with joe and maybe he can go with you he would be missing in the philippines i would see to it you know what i would love okay you know here's what this is what will help me what and i'm being real let's handcuff each other and go to korea in the philippines that'd be great i swear to god that would be so [ __ ] that'd be so funny all right so i'm i'm i'm at work right and uh work means the comedy store no i was on my television network oh i'm sorry thank you television yeah television network and the lady that's doing my hair and i'm like i just i don't know why i threw this up where were you last week she goes oh i took a week of my favorite festivals in las vegas so me and my husband wine and what kind of she's like a i guess you know sort of doom rock festival heavy metal okay right i don't pay attention yeah yeah and i go uh-huh she's like it's funny because there was a couple of comedians that went up it's like gigantic and she goes oh i just it just hit me what there was a big festival that we went over and did that's what you did okay go ahead why i didn't no in my head i forgot i did that and so when i complimented it you didn't even know what the [ __ ] i was talking about go ahead do your thing yeah so i'm like oh i go whoa who are the comedians and she goes well you know i don't like dice i love dice but sick dies he was okay a lot of women and i go okay but there was a girl before that went up and i go uh-huh she was very funny and in my head i dies and then when she he said there could only be one you know and i'm like it's my second ex-fiance yeah i know and i go is it and i googled you is it her she could that's her right so then when i see her you know later a couple days later i'm doing a podcast and i go in and i go hey interrupts the podcast i interrupted i just walked in and i go hey hair lady you know she was at the vegas and she said you you're great and you go uh-huh like you didn't i go thanks man yeah i know you that was you it pissed me off first of all you [ __ ] on it the whole time what you [ __ ] on it the whole time then gave the compliment like no way it can't be it can't be that somebody saw eleanor and she was good [ __ ] her i hate her that wasn't it no i wasn't going to say this though okay everyone say it and you're like i gave you a compliment i'm like you didn't give me a compliment she did yeah but i had that information i know but that information you just reiterated it to me don't come at me i know i'm just saying that i know you were okay i know but can i just say this though all right is it i didn't have to give you that information you could have kept it inside yeah but i want to make you feel good i want you make you feel good yeah and i go and i go i'm going to make this [ __ ] [ __ ] feel good right [ __ ] this filthy [ __ ] white [ __ ] and so i throw it out there and i just did i didn't like the response but that's all but you know we're good wait did it really hurt your feelings because i didn't mean to but we were on a podcast so you know i'm [ __ ] okay yeah you know i liked yeah i was kidding too okay good but did you don't watch game of thrones no i don't watch that kind of stuff what do you mean just people fighting in the past and all of that wait i'm more like is that a historical document about the past is it something that really happened no it's not yeah i don't know elizabeth no it's not that kind of stuff bro well i'm not sure maybe i'll read up on it a little bit no no no no look at me no no no i know when you know what dude i'm tired dude i'm tired too man what time is it i know i know my arms hurt too no no you're going to do a couple more minutes yeah i am you're going to do a couple more minutes while i grill you okay grow away dude i will dude all right i am i'm tired of your [ __ ] wake up with the king honest dude's [ __ ] making burgers over here yeah yeah i'm tired of your [ __ ] right not good because you like to you know what you like to do you like to distract me i do yeah [ __ ] word games dude no i do not yeah you do no yeah you do techniques don't do that again either what is that take this away from [Applause] what i'm saying is daylight [ __ ] savings time in my [ __ ] right now i'm wearing glasses yeah but you know you look nice tonight no don't don't do that don't do that right now don't do that right now no what i'm saying to you is this okay this is this okay is that what i say that a lot right yeah i'm sorry no don't be apologize it's not a bad thing all right is it's a great show i think you'd really like it it's like i in terms of pop culture i think there's not a better show out there what tiger belly no i mean game of thrones oh yeah i haven't seen it i know you have it you see wow there's a groundhog i don't see what are you doing i know i'm no i'm not gonna let him do it he's not going to groundhog yeah you have a little different i know what you're doing defense mechanisms that you do right and then you try to divert me and i go oh yeah okay i guess it's like jedi mind tricks it doesn't work with me you're [ __ ] [ __ ] i didn't do it i don't see that yeah i'm not accusing you of doing anything dude oh my god i don't know you're not a dummy you're a bright young puppy you watch it oh what are these prescription pills on the table it's [ __ ] for my a panic attack yeah well yeah yeah it's actually high blood pressure yeah yeah i do dude i'm about to stroke out back off the t what is that uh drug that they're always putting in uh asian people's food yeah let's back off the msg daddy you out there [ __ ] putting speakers in your car and [ __ ] sipping on soy sauce dude back off wow that's actually good advice you should scale back on i'm gonna scale back on the soy sauce okay wow all right now we're getting somewhere all right but i listened right you gave me a suggestion i listened yeah i'm sorry no don't apologize because there's something to apologize for all right you're going to watch game of thrones okay i'll watch it every episode no yeah bro uh yes okay oh yeah yeah shouldn't have said okay yeah yeah you said okay and that's a promise how many episodes are there seven seasons [ __ ] man ten seasons to ten seasons in an episode 10 episodes and what's it about it's about the past the past about the past fighting i got [ __ ] [ __ ] to do man no no you're going to do it i'll watch some of it i'm so sensitive about that though i just don't get it yeah bobby i know you you play on the um on the funny all the time like you play on the funny but i it's got to offend you when because you're you're a shock comic like you you do like to say what's on your mind you do don't [ __ ] give me that look [ __ ] there's a bunch of words you said before this [ __ ] show started edit yeah yeah we do don't we do we not do we not have to edit a book okay okay i want to say this okay do we not have to edit a bunch of words you want to talk about you want to talk about [ __ ] that was said before we even started this thing no i will tell you something right now i don't want it i know but i'm going to tell you something right now dude all right i say [ __ ] up things like that so that i don't say it on the podcast so i can just get it out okay i'm purging it all right got it all right god man yeah is that my camera yeah yeah i also want to i would also want to say to you that um the first time we ever met yeah no no i i know i know you heard some things i said this is the only reason i'm here it is because your little [ __ ] tiger belly crew are being are being misinformed yeah what do they call you people the tiger bellies sleepers slept have been lied to yeah yeah what is the lie go ahead what the [ __ ] i saw this little clip do the rounds yeah you're sitting there in your little [ __ ] office with your sicker fans i'm michael bisping he just ignored me yeah he didn't get a picture with me or anything that's not how it went down at all shame on you no first of all michael i want to say this stand up because it doesn't look any different to sitting down you son of a [ __ ] it's like this you son of a [ __ ] it's like you leaned forward i was very funny very funny but let me see go ahead go ahead i'll tell you the way it went down give your version yeah and i'll give mine okay for the what are they called again sleepers sleepers okay so um every once in a while because you know joe rogan is a stand-up he's a long-time friend i've known him for 20 years 25 years um love him great guy but um so a lot of you know i'm a huge ufc fan so who's that little guy from sacramento that i like you're my favorite right you're our father man you nice guy we hugged this and that but then when i saw bisping michael you for the first time there i literally was struck i was just like oh [ __ ] that's michael bisping right and i tried to come up to you and i said you were very nice but i said hey man i'm a big fan and you were you know because when i walked i was at um the the grocery store and people come up to me and go oh you're very funny and i you want to be cordial right but i also if that person that said hi to me was josh groban right right okay and i blew him off right i bet that josh groban would probably be a little mad so he was at the comedy store where first of all i don't know who josh robin is okay so i've got zero context of what you're saying an opportunity is so when michael's business was there he said very nice but he kind of just walked away and i wanted some you know me did you ask for the photo no i didn't really okay but he did walk away though already it's and here's the reality yeah so and i'm not when i say this yeah by the way yeah by the way massive fan hence why i'm here hence why i drove up from [ __ ] orange county thank you did an audition and i waited for three and a half hours my vision was at 5 30. i was half asleep half an hour ago okay yeah yeah i'm just pounding some coffee now i'm drinking this shite try and stay awake and i'm very happy to be here you're a hilarious comedian i've never met you before i don't okay hold on i know you're getting to the point yeah yeah the long suffering mrs bisping that's at home god bless her she doesn't get out very often you know she's got three kids i travel a lot i took her out we went out for a nice dinner and went to go watch some comics and a lot of the time i'm not trying to say that i'm a [ __ ] big deal or anything like that yeah but a lot of time you stop and you take pictures and this and that and then after a while you've got to say okay because i'm here with my wife and i've done about 10 pictures in a row well she's standing there like a [ __ ] lump of cheese right doing nothing so then after that i'm like okay all right all right babe let's go in and then you after that i said i'm not sorry mate we're done picture time is over right you should start doing this now let me say something right so when you or not fair sorry if i didn't put a random stranger before my wife um i i i i'm so sorry you know i know you're the great one the great bobby lee and the comedy store is your house and you're totally right it is your house but we've never met and that's the mother of my children right you're you know what and the way it's okay i accept your apology get your [ __ ] english it's fine it's fine [ __ ] pause out of my face right you you weren't denied you weren't denied all right he was devastated though he called me immediately after he ran to the parking lot and he was like you can't you won't believe what happened i just got turned down well for one right but no but can i say say this please can i say this please go ahead you did give me a photo i did yes afterwards i remember i was talking about that yes with diaz and i walked up because when you were talking to diaz you know that then i seized my opportunity and we took the photo you know what i was just talking out of my ass right just talking [ __ ] or whatever yeah i'm not thinking that you're ever gonna [ __ ] hear it it's okay we're not gonna say i do it all the time if i was held accountable for every piece of dog [ __ ] that came out of my mouth yeah i'd probably be in prison yeah you know or or you know excommunicated from whoever i know and you know i want to say this too is is that because never let the truth get in the way of a good story right you know go out i feel like that's right write that down write it down i've never heard it before chinese proverb what is you with your asians right now man what do you mean with the yeah i mean it's a [ __ ] chinese brother i could never let that get in the way that's not like george st pierre that fight right was crazy don't don't don't let's not talk about that you're okay i don't want to talk about you but here's what i do want to talk about okay well i want to talk about you but i have a couple of other questions i want a favor and my favorite is the next time you do a gigantic show like a theater show whenever you're like stadium i would love these where's my dude [Laughter] it's right here there's this multi camera this multi i have offered i have offered every show that i've had i said bobby just walk on stage you don't have to ask you don't have to tell anybody just walk on and what do you say every time okay no you don't does he say that he doesn't reply he never replies you're a piece of [ __ ] i know and that's okay yeah yes that's my camera which one's my camera is it the one behind me or the one directly in front look in the mirror you look at that camera look at this one so what you tell me you tell me bobby sorry tell me all right so so what i'm saying to you right now people okay listen to me right now okay tell me and you have the facts you've listened to this podcast from beginning to end and be all right be honest and know in your hearts no in your heart listen to the facts and don't do it for fun right you know it goes on his side going on his side would only be for fun but you know he's a [ __ ] liar he's a liar this [ __ ] runs in there all over the world gigantic theaters right i've asked for [ __ ] some promotional help oh about being on like your podcast [ __ ] kidding me i promoted you didn't give me nothing and then last week here i have a netflix special can you can i do tiger but like oh yeah yeah i'll clear monday for you you [ __ ] thank you because i love you thank you you don't deserve it sometimes it's trendy you don't deserve it sometimes all right anyway anyway what do we have time oh that was an hour can we get through this unhelpful advice yeah oh my god how come you never watched the cartoon oh god i know how did you miss out on that he was too busy is that good yes gilbert look at me it's that good that i'm missing out i want all right you know what i'll watch that [ __ ] tonight if i'm not mesmerized if it's not live all during right the cartoon the next day he's singing all the songs around the house yeah but you already going to tell you what i think i'm going to tell you what i think it's about okay okay there's a man yes he's some sort of curse okay right and he turned into a buffalo whatever it might be yeah okay go buffalo all right it's a buffalo and then there's like a salt shaker [Music] a salt shaker right this is what i'm saying a salt shaker a light bulb there's a soy sauce right it's japanese yeah you know and a um old old-timey trash cans right they come alive yeah they start because what i assume that he was a king and those were all his like compatriots or whatever and there's some sort of curse they turned into salt shakers he turned into a goat right and they're bombed they're [ __ ] living because you can't live like a [ __ ] soul shaker yeah i mean you're just shaking you're walking around you know man people know you're when you're coming you know [Laughter] there's larry i suck at hide and seek yeah right right right and then you know the goat meets there's a lady okay a girl comes in into town she's fresh she's fresh into town right yeah yeah she prays right she comes to the you know the castle she meets this goat and she's scared at first right she's like ah man this is a good creature i don't want to be around it you know and then they fall in love and something happens at the end there's a bunch of songs okay the thousands of songs he sings yeah yeah and then at the end something happens where he turns back into human and they fall in love do i have the gist i feel like you've watched it and you're playing it off like you did it [Laughter] ask my brother i've never seen any of that [ __ ] [ __ ] bro why do you hate me just [ __ ] accuse me you broke your ipad you just accused me of [ __ ] um treason against against my [ __ ] speech my um uh race not my race my gender oh oh god the male gender i've never had don't ever accuse me of piercing looking for money okay over disney ever [ __ ] tell me so you might do i have the chest i just yes you're pretty [ __ ] good that's amazing yeah yeah i kind of just give more movies and see i know i want to see and um let's just bury the hatchet with everything okay i don't ever want to say it again okay in other podcasts yeah we're ending it now whatever because there's a lot of purity and goodness yeah that comes from you yeah i mean i haven't talked about you at all but you're the one that talks about me but so when you're saying we we bury the hatchet it you bear that you bear it you did it okay let me rephrase this is the screen cap of this oh let me rephrase that you better hatch it and this is what it is okay yes i you could have just let it go with that i could have said we bury the hatchet right yeah and then we could have just moved on to the next thing right yeah but then you had to add in right you bury it i don't you bury the hatchet i know whatever that's what it sounds like okay but you bury the hatchet where where where where have you ever been where you're like word on the street is burns talking [ __ ] on like where is that no because you have more of a rat pack style that is never happened but i don't you're like sebastian menosco in that way you guys have like a real like huh no you do i just keep to myself like right back like the red pack like a team yeah they're they don't you know me you don't rat your friends out you know like the mafia stuff right he has those things and i'm the guy that dies the five minutes right i get stabbed a thousand times by a pencil okay i mean just in the first five minutes of the movie that's how yeah because i'm a talker yeah i'm a coward right but yeah you know you know i'm okay yeah but let's just bury it now i'll bury the hatchet okay since you didn't you don't have a hatchet right i'll bury the hatchet yeah i'll bear for life okay and then you and i can move on yes right but you know watch it [ __ ] watch it dude i'm not afraid dude you know you know i love you though that's why you're here we you know i love you listen you have you do know that correct that's what you're saying for the fact that he does get especially triggered by you because i think he has a deeper love for you than he has for compared to other people because when he had you guys had that weird thing at the comedy story
Channel: TigerBellyClips
Views: 443,860
Rating: 4.8920774 out of 5
Keywords: clips, highlights, tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, khalyla, gilbert galon, podcast, khalyla kuhn, tgrbly, all things comedy, pd, jknews, tfatk, ymh, funniest moments, howard stern, off the record, tigerbelly clips, tgb, dvdasa, andrew santino, bad friends podcast, whiskey ginger, Bobby Lee vs Guests Part 1, theo von, jo koy, harland williams, eleanor kerrigan, steve byrne, michael bisping, david so, twitch fails, fortnite highlights, uncommon clips, bill burr reaction, redbar
Id: 9zAiTZmPNsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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