Guest Speaker: Keith Moore | September 9, 2021

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how many you came last night you were here last night yeah good well the rest of you were glad that you are here and uh we had a great time last night looking forward to a great time tonight keith moore has been a blessing to this church for a long time he's he's been a a blessing to joy and i we've known keith and phyllis for years and years now at 30 plus and uh just have been involved with our ministry we we got in early on and if i'm not mistaken i think phyllis said we were one of like one of the first 20 one the first we were one of the first 20 supporters of their ministry that's uh that's like buying amazon when it first came out has been a wonderful wonderful investment so we're just so excited to to have keith back and appreciate them his uh his co-pilot mike candidate is here and mike mike's a houston houston boys all right so we we we bring him back just to kind of get him indoctrinated back into texas again just get some in his system get him some barbecue making make him last for a while but uh we're just so glad to have them and i just i hope you came expecting it's gonna be a wonderful night would you give brother keith moore a big hand clap as he comes [Music] god everybody happy well if you missed last night you missed a good one i'm telling you that we we had miracles here last night that's no exaggeration we had miracles and i think we ought to uh once again lift our hands and thank the lord for the miracles of healing that we had last night lord we thank you so much thank you that you heard our prayers thank you that you're so gracious and so good and you are forever the lord who heals us hallelujah you will never change and we're so glad of that we have the greatest healer there's ever been thank you for it thank you for it thank you thank you thank you hallelujah healing is always the will of god don't let anybody convince you that sickness is some kind of blessing in disguise or that god has a purpose of a disease in your life evil things come from evil source and god is not evil good gift every perfect gift comes from above god is good hallelujah and jesus a big part of his ministry is he went about acts 10 says doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for god was with him so the scripture calls all the people that had that were sick that got healed in jesus ministry said they were satanically oppressed sickness is satanic y'all with me church if you think well i don't know about that then that makes it impossible for you to have faith to be healed if you if you're questioning the will of god you can about that you cannot have faith to be healed and so if this sounds new to you or strange to you take exam take advantage of all the resources available one reason i'm so stirred up about it is that we got faith school that i teach on a regular basis and i've been going through all the uh uh 20 individual cases of healing so with me it's been healing in the morning healing in the afternoon healing when the sun goes down and i'm i'm full of it and i'm happy about it hallelujah and you want to the reason i say that is because it's available online at no charge if you go to and you can go all the way back to the beginning and there i mean there are hundreds and hundreds of lessons and they're in bite-sized 28-minute segments so we want you to take advantage of that the lord has really helped us and for all of you that have like pastor said have been a partner with us either in the past or currently then you have helped to create these things and underwrite them and now are sending them we just get a constant stream of testimonies into the ministry all the time it is so wonderful i mean they just every week they come with a stack of papers and it's from all over the world you know uh africa and europe and australia and indonesia and i mean everywhere isn't that wonderful no no generation has had the technology like we have and i believe it's a sign of the times that things need to be wound up we we need all these tools to finish the work because he is coming back i said he is coming back he's coming back um if you would go with me in the scripture this evening to the book of luke and i want us to uh well let me see go to psalms 115 then we'll go to the book of luke psalm 115 and let's believe god together to hear from him you you don't you're not limited to what i know you you want to hear from him he he speaks in situations like this the bible says that the uh the anointing teaches the anointing teaches in the environment of the anointing just like this right here right now you you start to see things and you'll start to get things you'll start to understand things you'll start to connect the dots and that's not a man or woman showing it to you that's the holy spirit that's the anointing it just causes you to see it and know it and in a situation like that like this things can be so clear to you and you think well i yes of course that's obvious and then you'll think well i'll never forget that and then maybe before the evening's over you're trying to remember what was that have you ever done that before well it's because you were more in the spirit at the time than you realized you were being in the spirit doesn't mean you're in a trance it just means you're more aware of spiritual things than you are natural things you're more focused and more concentrated on spiritual things than you are natural things and we need that's one of the reasons why he said don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together we need to come together in environments like this where we bring our corporate faith and the anointing is strong and in this environment in his presence we get answers hallelujah we we get direction thank you lord so father we ask for that all of us agree together as touching this and we ask for answers and help and direction right now thank you for your spirit who teaches us hallelujah and imparts to us and a supply of the spirit somebody say i receive it in jesus name in thinking about uh what i should minister here this week the lord prompted me i believe with this verse in psalm 115 psalm 115 12 it says the lord has been mindful of us think about that does the lord ever think about you huh are you ever on his mind well according to this he said he's been mindful of us and what's what was he thinking about he will bless us that's what he had on his mind when he thought about you was he thought about blessing you he will bless the house of israel he will bless the house of aaron he will bless them that fear the lord both small and great there's a lot of emphasis on bless bless can you count it bless bless bless bless right in two verses why he's the god of blessing that's who he is that's what he is and there's always more blessing to receive sometimes people they they learn a thing or two and that we've been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places and and uh there's been times i've been in interacted with somebody and i said well you know bless you and they said well i'm already blessed that's the wrong answer you are already blessed but you have not received it all and you are not walking in all of it come on are y'all with me and the correct answer if it's somebody you believe has some grace and anointing on them the correct answer is thank you i receive it right and and blessing is supposed to be much more than a remark after somebody sneezes it that's what blessing has devolved to in a lot of situations well what what is blessing look at the next phrase and see what blessing is tied to verse 14 the lord shall increase you more and more you and your children verse 15 you are blessed of the lord who made heaven and earth so there is this tie between increase and blessing can you see that look at it again verse 12. 12 the lord's been mindful of us he'll do what he'll bless us he'll bless the house of israel he'll bless the house of aaron he'll bless them that fear of the lord both small and great how many know you've got to be in there somewhere right you're in there somewhere and it's his will to bless all of us the lord shall increase you why say that in the middle of talking about blessing because that's what the blessing does it increases that's what the blessing does god is the god of increase everybody said out loud god is the god of increase now that's not just my thought that's first corinthians talks about that that it's god who gives the increase what is it 3 5 and 3 6 and 7 along through there he says it twice that god gives the increase well uh you i mean you can see that in passage after passage after passage god is the god of increase it's his will that every good thing multiply he's the one that created seed and a seed is an absolute miracle we have grown accustomed to it but it is a miracle it is an astounding miracle that one little seed can become a hundred is that right it's it's astounding can become 20 can become 30 can become 50. you can plant a pea and you don't get a p you get pizza is that right you plant a corn kernel and you don't get a corn kernel huh you get what ears of corn full of kernels that will in kind produce after their own kind additional stalks and ears and you keep planting it and it just it will expand and fill up the huges of spaces that's what god has always done that's who he is that's what he is and that's what is happening in the earth right now hold your place here and go over to the book of james notice this somebody say thank you lord can you handle something that's a little more than milk huh something you might have to chew on before you can swallow it huh that's not everybody am i in the right place um james 5 james 5 and 7 he says be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the lord is he coming church he's coming well what's he waiting on what's he waiting on why didn't why didn't he come today why didn't he come yesterday read the rest of the verse behold the husband wadeth tells you what he's waiting on for what the precious fruit of the earth and he has long patience for it until he received the early and the latter rain be ye also patient establish your hearts for the coming of the lord draws near is he coming church why hasn't he already come why didn't he come in 1960 why didn't he come in 1930 right we're told why what's he waiting on we're told exactly what he's waiting on he's waiting on the precious fruit of the earth what is the precious fruit of the earth human salvations souls saved that is the precious fruit and will all you know what is there 7 billion people or something on the planet now will all of them do all of them have faith in jesus as their lord no sadly most of them don't then they won't be the harvest but those who do believe and are born again they are part of the harvest and god is getting a harvest from all the generations who have ever lived on the planet and he has and will have a people and god showed the result the end of it to abraham centuries ago come on are y'all listening or not he took him outside you remember and they didn't have one child not a one and he said look up in the night sky abram look can you count the stars now let's just stop right there who created the stars how many are there we we really don't have much of a clue it's amazing i read about a while back they had come out with some new uh telescopes that had better lenses and more power and they pointed them at an empty portion of space well it wasn't empty it's got all kinds of stars and galaxies the further we look the more there is and there are apparently billions or trillions of solar systems like ours that's a lot of stuff that's a lot of that's a lot of space my question is what's all that for what is all that far god never does anything for no reason and he doesn't create things that are barren and don't produce anything never this is one thing will help you to judge between right doctrine and understanding and not understanding god is the god of increase he's the god of fruitfulness if you see something that is barren and destroyed and bleak you can be sure of this it became that way god didn't originally create it that way something caused it to become that way and there's a whole lot happened before we got here there's a whole lot we don't know about don't need to know about right now but what we do need to understand is who our god is and what his will is and what his plan is because you and i are part of the plan we are part of this great great plan of god taking a people for himself out of the harvest of the earth now like i said most of this we won't understand right now but we under we need to understand the principles to operate successfully here and now because he never changes and the way that he way he has done things is the way he will always do things he is the god of increase he's the god of fruitfulness he's the god of more and more come on did you see that in psalm 115 what come on look at it again psalm 115 did you lose it or you still got it the lord the lord's been mindful of us what does the what does the almighty think about what does he almighty think about he he has thoughts he has plans one one of the most amazing things and it's something we need mind renewal about we think 50 years is a long time and it's not we think a hundred years is a long time and it's not the bible said that with god the psalmist says it and then also it says it in peter that a thousand years to him is like last night it's like a watch in the night it's like well what does last night seem like to you well last night right that's that's how god perceives the last millennia to him the past thousand years is like it's like what last night is to you and me amen and those that study these things they they think that a lot of this is of great great age talking about the universe and so it'll help us to to realize what what kinds of time frames we're talking about here and it'll give us perspective into how young we are when the scripture says my little children it's not a figure of speech we are little bitty we are so even if you're 80 years old you are very compared to him you are barely just getting started this life is the briefest thing we will ever do this is getting us ready for the next and this is deciding what happens next are y'all with me and god is taking to himself a group not everybody but a group and even he said you know people asked him one question uh when he was on the earth are there few that be saved and he answered you know there's a broad way that leads to destruction and there are many that's going down that broad path and there's a narrow way a straight and a narrow way that leads to salvation and few compared to the billions that find it so no everybody's not going to be saved everybody's not saved and it's not god making the choice for them it's them making the choice are y'all okay with me church can you can you stay on this line for a while i'm going somewhere the spirit of god's going somewhere what is god's will what does he think about your father who is in heaven sitting on the throne what does he think about he thinks about expansion hallelujah and when he thinks about expansion he thinks about you i said he thinks about you he's been mindful of us he said i know the thoughts and the plans i've thought about you plans to give you an expected end he he knows the end from the beginning he's got a plan or somebody said he's got a plan he's got he's got a plan and one of the most wonderful things that ever happened is that you are part of the plan you are part of the plan somebody say i'm part of the plan i'm part of the plan it doesn't involve you floating on a cloud playing a harp being bored being bored for thousands of years that ain't going to happen now if you want to play a harp on a cloud maybe you'll get to but how long you want to do that no god's got a plan i said god's got a plan and it involves you ruling and reigning with him in his eternal kingdom how big is that kingdom the thing he used to show abraham was space wasn't it that's what he used he said abraham look up in the night sky look on the seashore can you count all the grains of sand how many grains of sand are there how many on all the beaches of the world i mean is there a number that goes that high i don't know look into the depths of the furthest reaches of space to this day we have no idea how many trillions what kind of number beyond that stars there are with planets and systems and he said that's how many your seed will be well the seed of abraham according to galatians those who have faith in christ are the seed of abraham everybody that's ever been born again is abraham's seed go with me or not there's already millions of us but there's there's a lot more than millions of places and positions god is big is he or not he's he's bigger than the mountains he's bigger than the oceans he's bigger than this galaxy he's bigger he's bigger he's got some mega big plans and he needs a lot of help to run it to operate it and he's got his eye on you right now he wants you and me to qualify he wants to train us and it had to be in a challenging environment nothing else would work think about anybody believe that we have the armor of the lord helmet of salvation breastplate of righteousness sword of the spirit shield faith huh well what if there's nothing to fight you got all this gear and there's nothing to fight how can you be an overcomer unless there's something to overcome how can you be more than a conqueror unless there's an enemy can't be how can there be obedience and and faithfulness if you don't have a choice come on can you see that how do you know who you can trust now what we're talking about and i'm going to get ahead of myself a little bit and man this thing is expanding on me as i'm going i'm feel a 30-part series coming on [Laughter] but you're believing with me for tonight right you're believing can we get what we're supposed to get tonight the the thing that the lord is looking for and the thing he's going to reward is faith and faithfulness everybody say it out loud faith and faithfulness without faith it's what impossible to plea what does impossible mean there's no way there's no way you're going to please him with a prayer or an offering or works of any kind unless there's faith in it you can't do a thing extravagant enough you can't give something big enough you can't do something extreme enough that it's going to wow god remember he creates planets okay right stars i mean how you how are you going to write a big check and god go whoa that's big man that's a amaze are you kidding and yet and yet when people would exhibit strong and great faith the lord was impressed have you read it he would say i hadn't seen faith like this in the whole country wouldn't he say that he said man that's great faith why but what is faith another word for faith is trust trust you know what is what is hebrews let him say faith is the substance of things hoped for or expected it's the evidence of things not seen and he goes on through the entire 11th chapter and what do you see in case after case after case with enoch and abraham and moses and on and on and on they trusted god he would tell them something he'd tell them to do something and it would be things they didn't understand or they didn't see how it could happen there was all kind of contradictions that would tell them that it couldn't be so but they would believe anyway they would trust him in the face of seeming overwhelming contradicting evidence they chose to trust him well somebody say they chose to trust him they chose and how is it that you and i are born again how is it how many are confident that if you quit breathing right now and you fell off this chair you would well he's gone how many are confident you would go straight to be with the lord i want to see i want to say are you confident are you confident why what are you trusting in what you are trusting in the finished work of your lord and savior jesus you better not be trusting in how good you've been i'm telling you now we're laughing but there are people who are trying to think i hope i'm good enough to to make it well then you're probably not if that's what you're counting on nobody can save themself through their good works no you cannot this thing about you know meeting peter at the pearly gate it's it's a pearl and i don't think you'll meet peter when you get there but the idea is that peter will be there with the old-fashioned scale you know that's got the pan on both sides with the chains that you can weigh and they're going to eyeball you and weigh your good works versus your bad works and hopefully some people think that last couple of good things i did right before i died will kind of tip the scale in my favor and they'll go okay come on in you know and so you barely made it that's not going to happen i said that's not going to happen nobody is saved because of the good they did nobody if you could be then it wasn't necessary for jesus to come for your salvation and he had to come or none of us would be saved so how many will lift a hand and say i am trusting in jesus and what he has done for my salvation then you can be confident and assured that when you breathe your last you'll go straight to be with him you trust him but we hadn't talked enough maybe about the other side faith is us trusting him faithfulness is him trusting us are y'all with me i don't think i've ever used that phrase before in in my preaching faith is us trusting him means we trust him faithfulness means he can trust us and and he's looking for this there's a lot of baby christians around that are trusting god for their salvation and they are saved but they are not faithful and he can't depend on them for things that matter to get the job done to get the kingdom done he he's looking for men and women that will grow up in the lord that will develop that he can count on and when he wants something done he can tap them on the shoulder by his spirit and they won't argue with him they won't put it off for three weeks come on y'all listen to me or not they will do what he directed them to do immediately exactly the way that he directed them to do it are y'all with me friends these are the faithful these are the faithful and that is what the future positions will be based on is faithfulness have you read the lord who who portrayed the the the coming kingdom and positions by the parable where he said god destroy excuse me the the owner distributed to individuals the talents yes you remember this and he gave to this one a certain amount of talents and this one more talents and and this one and then there was a long season where they uh either employed them and used them or didn't and and what was the purpose of this they were to increase and multiply what he had given them isn't that right and the one that said i hid the one you gave me he didn't get any reward in fact he lost out but the other ones who said lord i put it to work and it's multiplied and now it's twice as many as what it was what did he say to him what did he say come on well done what what good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things i'm going to make you ruler over much this is what's going on right now this is what's happening right now what are the talents the talents are graces and opportunities and resources and just because you have all kind of grace and anointing and revelation doesn't mean you'll do anything with it you can sit on it you can procrastinate forever and the lord knows how much to give each person said he gave them according to their several or individual abilities you can see why he gave the guy gave the guy only one right he didn't do anything with that one right so it would have been a big waste to give him five because he'd have done the same thing with five that he did with one go with me to the book of luke are you all okay hallelujah what is faith church what is faith that's us trusting him what's faithfulness that's him us being faithful means he can trust us babies don't even think about this but as you grow up you should develop to where people can depend on you right people can count on you in luke the the 16th chapter hallelujah take a breath are you doing okay huh check check your neighbor make sure they're not asleep they don't want to miss this luke 16 half of this passage is about stewardship stewardship and it says in in verse 1 the there was a certain rich man that jesus is talking about had a steward now a steward you could translate that administrator or manager now a manager is not an owner the manager isn't the owner the manager is is has responsibility for handling the owner's goods or affairs that's what a steward or a manager is the same was accused that he had wasted his goods he called him and said to him how is it that i hear this of you give an account of your stewardship for you may be no longer steward and then the steward said within himself what shall i do can you hear all this emphasis emphasis on stewardship steward steward steward it's on managing and he said uh i i can't dig what am i gonna do i know what i'll do when i'm put out of the stewardship they may receive me into their houses he called his lord's debtors to him and you can see why he's getting dismissed because he's crooked and and he got them to falsify their paperwork and trying to set himself up for after he gets kicked out and the lord said there's a lot of things here but in verse 10 the master said you know why he's telling them this about stewardship he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much and he that is unjust doesn't do what's right and we could also say and is unfaithful in the least is doesn't do what's right is unjust and unfaithful in the much if therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon who will commit to your trust the true riches people have got things twisted where this is concerned you hear people when you talk about because he gets to talking about money money and material things in this passage and people have the idea well you know god doesn't care about that he only cares about spiritual things and so money and stuff doesn't matter you got it backwards god allows you to handle the less important things first and if you don't handle that well you don't get opportunity to handle the more important things if he can't trust you with five dollars then he can't trust you with a church-changing revelation y'all with me or not do you see how people have got things messed up they've got them mixed up well that doesn't matter it does matter i said it does matter the natural things the material things matter a great deal do you know what the first murder on the planet was over an offering is that right the first murder on the planet was over an offering and that's that gives you some insight into still today why people get so mad if people are generous in their giving to god because it was abel's big offering he gave the biggest and the best that he had and it was nothing to do with trying to show his brother up he just loved god and the devil hates it so much and he is so covetous he wants all the money because he wants the control who wants the church to be broke god wants the church to be broke who wants christians to be so poor and so limited that no unbelievers looking on want to be one huh who who wants christians to be unsuccessful and limited and restricted i had a young man some years ago sit across the desk from me his father was a pastor all his life and then the young man knew he had a call on his life to follow in his dad's footsteps and he looked at me across the desk and he said i i want to have something in life i don't want to be broke all my life like my dad i just refused to live that way and he would not answer the call and to this day that was decades ago i guess he's just still running from god it's pitiful because nobody said he had to be broke to be in the ministry except the enemies influenced religious traditions the lord never told us we had to take a vow of poverty to serve him he gave us the great commission go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature how are you going to do that with no money come on help me out how are you how are you going to do that with no resources with no money you can't use the internet you can't use tv you can't use satellite you can't even buy a ticket and go somewhere and preach huh if you're broke enough you can't fill up your car to get out of town now we're laughing but i was there years ago believing lies that somehow being poverty stricken makes you holy and god likes it it's the enemy who wants the church broke it's the enemy who wants believers restricted and the key to more is everybody listening everybody the key to more is faithfulness faithfulness he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much is that true or not then what about all the people who say well i i don't i can't do anything right now wish i could but i can't because you know we got this going and we got that going and i just don't have it but you know as soon as i get in shape we're going to do more for the kingdom no you're not no you're not you're not going to get there people say well as soon as my ship comes in honey the ship ain't left port shipship is not on the way it ain't coming why why can you say that brother keith because in order to get things god's way you have to obey his principles and his principles are obeying him with what you have in your hand right now come on y'all with me that that's the key where you are what you have right now this pining away daydreaming about some big windfall uh soon can be delusional i said it can be foolish and delusional what do you mean by that brother keith well let me let me let the word say it for you hold your place in luke we're not done there and go with me to proverbs 13. how much more can you handle church let me huh a little bit we're talking about more how to get more well here's here's how you don't get it let's deal with that first this is what doesn't work proverbs 13 4. proverbs 13 4 says the soul of the sluggard desires and has nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat and this is your soul he's talking about the good news translation says no matter how much a lazy person may want something he'll never get it what does that mean brother keith desire can be a motivator it is not a producer you cannot want something into existence it doesn't work you can long for something you can crave something you can want something and it will never make it happen it takes more than desire to produce in the 21st chapter of proverbs proverbs 21. proverbs 21 and 25. 21 25 says the desire of the slothful kills him for his hands refuse to labor he covets greedily all day long but the righteous does what the righteous does what gives and spares not what's giving got to do with this everything everything what we're talking about is life changing if you if you get some of these things in your spirit and heed them tonight and tomorrow and the next day your life and your abilities and resources can be on a totally different level in a short time in the future are y'all with me this will work for anybody anybody under the sound of my voice in a short amount of time especially if the lord tarries his coming within a few years you could be handling resources that you never imagined that you would be coming through your hands and i'm talking about not something you got the wrong way through dishonesty or something i'm talking about god added it to you he added it to you he caused things to come together in your life and put it together and brought it together until it multiplied and you are at a totally different place in life materially and financially and he wants this he needs this because there are so many people who are never going to believe this the most church and peop church going people are never going to believe this and they're going to be lazy spiritually most of the church going world like what i call no-fault religion what does that mean no matter what doesn't happen it's not my fault it was the mysterious will of god huh and that is not reality but most people are baby babies spiritual babies and so they take no responsibility and and you they can't be counted on they're trusting on god and god for their salvation and they're saved when they die they're going to be with the lord but he can't trust them with ten dollars what do you mean they won't do what he tells them to do with they won't do it and if he can't trust you with one talent he's not going to give you 10. the key is can he trust you can he trust you listen to this the amplified it talks about the slothful man he covets greedily all day long but the righteous gives and does not withhold the english version says all day long he craves and craves but the righteous gives and does not hold back two or three different translations say it like this the good news in today's english says all they do is think about what they would like to have the righteous however can give and give generously all they do is think about what they what they want and that will never produce that won't produce i know um just yesterday something came up and a relief organization is helping people there in new orleans and i had our associate to check on it and what was going on with them and ask them what do you need and one of the things they needed was a a piece of equipment big heavy piece of equipment that cost you know scores of thousands of dollars and and the lord had already prompted us and and we said well okay the check will be there tomorrow from the church from the ministry and so they got it just like that well don't clap don't don't clap i'm not saying it for that reason i thought back 40 years ago when i couldn't fill my tank with gas and i'm thinking how you get from there to here to where we're we're sowing millions into preaching the gospel and into other kinds of things and because of our partners they're sowing and our people in the church they're sowing and we're sowing phyllis and i are giving and how did we get to the place where we could right because because people will say well i boy i would do it if i had it would you would you because according to jesus if you're not doing it now with what you have you wouldn't do it no matter how much you have let's see most people don't believe that they say well no no now if if i had millions i'd do something not if you wouldn't do it with 20. that's not my words that's his words it's not true it's just not true because by the time you got there how many understand no matter how much money you've got you can always spend more than what you got you got there's always something else you can go after and if your priority wasn't the kingdom when you had a hundred dollars how did it magically become your priority when you had a million when did that happen it didn't happen and so people would say well you know if god would give me more you're wrong i said you're wrong look look in the 17th chapter of luke are we okay luke 17 5 just on the next page over here the disciples looked at the master and they said lord 17 5 increase our faith give us more faith this is a prayer that's going up by the millions all the time not just give us more faith but in every area lord i need more i need more i need more revelation i need more light i need more anointing i need more favor i need more opportunity we need more money we need more stuff we need more we need more we need more give us more and notice jesus answer keep reading verse six jesus said okay come over here and line up i'm going to give you some extra faith huh no he didn't he never did that and if anybody ever tells you come here i'm gonna lay hands on you and give you some faith don't do it i said don't do it that's not how faith comes it's not how faith is developed what did he say what did jesus say if you had faith he immediately talks to him about what they have if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed now see they didn't say give us some faith what'd they say increase so they believed they had some and he's telling them you've already got what you need to get more if you had faith you would say what does that mean if you had faith you would use it and that's how you get more not through asking for it not through begging for it but through being a good steward with what you have using what you have faithfully is the key to increase it's the key to getting more i was thinking about you know us being able to sow that that seed yesterday i'm just thanking god thanking god for all our partners and all the church people and just just thanking god they were so excited they were talking about they didn't know how it could come to pass this and that and we said well what if you had the money in your hand tomorrow oh we could get it right now well then go get it i mean they're they're feeding people down there in new orleans right now this is good seed and the lord took me back rewind rewind rewind almost 40 years ago i'm a first year rhema student phyllis and i got no money no money i mean i'm talking about a five dollar bill to last the week you know and i missed lunch sometimes not because i was trying to be spiritual and fast it was just a choice between gas money and that i'm not complaining i learned how to believe god during that time and that you can't put a price on and at the bible school back then they required us to wear coat and dress slacks and i didn't have any dress clothes and before i get started in school i did wind up with um i wound up with two sport coats and two pair of pants so you mix and match right you mix and match and i had one pair of shoes that were anything close to dress that would go with it and of course you wear the same shoes all the time they wear out faster and so my shoes were really looking bad and i polished them and did what i could do but they just you know they just get to a point where you need new shoes and so i'm learning about believing god i'm learning he's my source i'm learning about sowing and reaping and so i i claimed money to to buy shoes with and i'm believing for it i'm expecting it and lo and behold through the mail unexpected channel comes fifty dollars and they said we thought maybe you could use something in school oh praise god this is my shoe money i'm excited about it i got my shoe money i went to school that day and then we had classes then we had prayer school then we had healing school and that was the end of the day but that was like you know i don't know what three four o'clock in the afternoon and so uh uh there's a mall about i don't know 15 minutes away i'm gonna go get my new shoes man i'm praying good that day in prayer school i got god has heard my prayer i got my shoe money and i'm i'm looking forward to this you know i'm just thinking hey the word of god works man the word faith works god works and uh while i'm laying there praying the lord brought to my attention this was our prayer school a group of us is praying in the auditorium and there was a young man who was speaking that week in the afternoon healing class and the lord brought him to my attention so i'm praying for him the service is going to start in just a few minutes and so it came up in my spirit he's believing me for a pair of brown shoes specific and i thought well okay lord you you brought me my shoe money i what are y'all what are y'all laughing about i i i'm gonna agree with him right now and i'm asking you to bring him his shoe money just like you you bro what are y'all laughing about what are y'all laughing about do you know what's coming now let you stop before we go any further you think you know what's coming why why would god do this if it doesn't mean anything to you it's not a test of your obedience it's not a test of your faithfulness is god trying to flunk us is he trying to disapprove no he wants to approve us for more come on can you see this or not he wants you to be faithful so he can add to you and then he wants you to be faithful again so and he wants you to to be faithful quickly and repeatedly so he can get you from here to here in a short amount of time but he it would be wrong of him to add to you a bunch that you're not going to handle correctly and that would actually take you away from him there's a lot of folks if they had a bunch of money and they didn't have to work anymore they would not be in church next sunday they wouldn't they just forget god it's happened over and over and over again so it came up to me again while i'm laying there praying on the floor he's believing me for specific pair of brown shoes i thought well lord you gave me my shoe money i'm i'm standing i'm expecting and then it came up from that same place where the spirit of sow him your shoe money and you won't lack for shoes and i quit praying and i set up now this is this is 40 years ago i'm young young i'm learning how to hear from the lord i i set up and i'm thinking about this and then i rebuke the devil i rebuke i rebuke the devil i said you sorry devil you're trying to confuse me and steal my shoe money you you're sorry dev i rebuke you i i bind you i took care of that and i got back down the floor and started praying again what do you think came right back up to me he's believing me for a pair of brown shoes the lord knows when we're babies and we don't know he's merciful it's be like dealing with a three-year-old you know he knows he didn't pay any attention to that and came back up and sow him your shoe money and you won't lack for shoes well i didn't realize it at the time but this 50 is not going to take me through the rest of the year i wasn't even thinking that way but is this going to clothe me for a long time no the lord the lord's endeavoring to cover me a lot more a lot further and he knows that this this is worth a lot more this fifty dollars at this point in my life it's worth a lot more as a seed than it is using to meet the need because he can multiply that into so much more he can he can do a lot with a little you know what he can't multiply nothing i mean a million times nothing is what nothing you can't multiply nothing when jesus fed to multitudes how'd he do it he didn't it didn't create out of thin air did it no what did he do you know what he said what do you have go and see oh come on your listening church huh what's the key to more in every situation all this dreaming and dreaming and wanting and wanting will never produce anything did you see the scriptures there in proverbs you're laying around feeling sorry for yourself about what you don't have i want this i want that i need this i need that will never produce anything in your life what's god's way what do you have now what's what's in your hand what's in your house what do you have right here right now now don't you don't just go do something with it you let him tell you what to do with it because you can waste your seed you can actually miss it giving you can miss it giving the wrong thing to the wrong people at the wrong time it's not just run out and give something no that's not how it works this is not just about giving it's about can he trust you come on you're listening or not can he trust you what to do what he tells you to do that's that's the thing this is the big thing can he trust you so what the lord is doing with me right there at that moment 40 years ago can he trust me with this 50 he knew that in 40 years he'd want me to be making decisions in our board on millions of ministry monies can he trust me with that what's the key how do we know he can trust me with him can he trust me with 50. come on can y'all see this or not can he trust me with 50. if i won't obey him with the 50. i shouldn't get a chance to mishandle millions because these are his holy offerings these are the people's seed they're obeying him in the sowing and giving it needs to be handled correctly righteously it's holy he's the one who gave me this 50. he dealt with a person to send it to me and so now he's the one gave me the 50. now he's telling me i had already decided i should go buy shoes with it but now he's telling me no i want you to buy him some shoes so now we're going to find out if he can trust me i know i can trust him so i laid there and i quit praying again and i thought that's not the devil that's the same spirit of god that has led me for years the same spirit of god led me to go to school here i said okay lord okay all right so service started in a few minutes and i noticed he had some nice shoes on i mean man his shoes five times nicer than my shoes but what does that have to do with anything that the man didn't ask me for anything this the lord told me so what has that got to do with anything so i just i just you know quit looking at the shoes and and got through the service and and at the end i wanna i'm learning i wanna know am i getting this right and so i came up after service and and him he and his wife were about to leave go out the sideway and i said excuse me can i um can i ask you a question and and they said yeah and so i said or are you believing god for some brown shoes well actually excuse me it was just him standing there and he said say what i thought uh because i was a student at the bible school and i thought oh man they're gonna call the dean and tell them they've got a flaky student here that thinks he's getting things by the spirit and so he said what was that i said i i just want to know are you believing god for some brown shoes he said wait wait here just a minute i thought oh man i mean and he called his wife came over he said tell her what you told me i said i just want to know are you believing god for some brown shoes they both threw their hands up and said oh praise god thank you lord they just praised god for a minute and then they said it wasn't two hours ago back in the speaker's room that we joined hands and agreed together for some uh brown shoes he has some others but he didn't have the brown shoe well that was i i figured it out that was the same time i was rebuking the devil back in in the prayer prayer i said i said well i i said well uh here you know it's some money to put towards them and i gave them my 50 they they grabbed it they prayed over it they thanked me they thanked god and they left and i went out the door to my little pickup truck and i am shoeless and moneyless and i feel wonderful wonderful i feel like i'm floating about that high off the ground i heard from god oh come on y'all listening or not i heard i heard from the lord brown shoes specific i i heard something from the lord and i got it right and so i'm thanking god the whole way uh down and you know it wasn't i don't know a month or so i got a pair of shoes and then i got another pair and then another pair and then i'm telling you i would go somewhere to preach and people would walk up and hand me their credit card and say take that and go to the mall while you're here and get a pair of those exotic skin dress shoes yes sir this happened they'd just show up shipped to my to the ministry a pair of alligator shoes in my size what the lord what'd the lord say you won't want you you won't want sow him your shoe money and you see it was a seed he knew this is not going to get me through the rest of the year i need more than this but the bigger question was not about shoes because god had plans for me he's got plans for you come on y'all listening or not i said god had plans for me and the thing he wants to use me with bigger things he he wants but here's the question tell me the question church what's the question can he trust me how will we know whether he can trust me or not if i'm faithful in the little if i'm faithful in the little then he that's proof positive he knows that he can trust me with more and so he'll add to me thou the moment i quit obeying him then i don't qualify for any more any bigger this is a big part of what the tithe is about people fuss over the tithe there's all this kind of stuff people say well that's old testament and that's that's not well jesus said you should tithe have you seen that tithing is in the book of hebrews new testament i mean it's it's not about keeping a rule it's about the lord saying the tenth part is mine that means it's not yours and that means you are to ask him what to do with it church or you're with me or not and it it it's it's one of these things about if you won't obey him with that then you don't qualify for more and if you if you think well i don't know if i agree with you about that don't make it between me and you get your nose in this book come in there with me don't make it about the money make it about the word and it's not about the money it's about putting him first it's about acknowledging you have a source and without him you wouldn't have anything you couldn't do anything it's about honoring him with the firstfruits hallelujah can you see this or not this has always been a tithing was before the law during and after the law abraham tithed and there was no commandment to tithe this was before there was any law why did he do that why where did he get that he got that from god himself why was why was abel giving offerings this is this predates abraham and moses where'd they get that it's about trust can the lord trust you when he deals with you to do something would you do it will you do it without delay will you do it without arguing and what will happen is he'll there'll be situations where he'll put his finger on something he'll ask you for your isaac church you are with me or not huh would god ask you for your isaac yes huh he did he did he did abraham would he why would he do that it's the only way for you to prove you love him more it's the only way talk is talk till it comes time to act right and when god asks you for your isaac you'll find out things about yourself you go my that that's my favorite that's that's my thing that's my exactly yeah yeah and he's not trying to take anything away from you he wants to know can he trust you why is abraham in the book he said take your son your only son does he know what this means to abraham absolutely take him up to this mount offer him up to me the next morning early abraham loads the donkey heads out no questioning no that's why he's in the book that's right that's why it's called the friend of god why not only did he trust god oh come on church are you all listening are you listening but what god can trust him and when he gets to the point how how can you prove that there's nothing you won't give to god how can you prove it only by doing it that's the only way to prove it but when you do it breaks things it breaks limitations when you overcome selfishness you overcome covetousness the lord wants you to have things he wants you to enjoy things and money but he doesn't want anything to be even close to being as important in your life as he is not even close and the only way to get free and to prove that is by giving it letting it go releasing it obeying and trusting him that he's going to take care of you hallelujah come on lift your hands and say thank you lord thank you lord say it out loud lord i trust you i trust you come on say it i trust you i trust you lord i trust you lord i trust you i trust you and here's the here's the other side of it do you want him to be able to trust you does that matter to you it should be of the utmost importance to you i mean everybody around you everybody i mean your spouse your children your friends your family members everybody should know don't make me pick between god and you huh don't don't don't do that because i've already made up my mind i mean you pick me over god in a minute in a moment i will and if you want you've got changes to make i've seen people follow their spouse away from god man i've seen it it's sad it is sad i've seen people miss god over a house place he told them to move and they wouldn't move yeah but this is this is where i grew up and this is where mom and them are and i just said friend this whole place is going to be ashes real soon you ain't going to be here long enough to even think about it what all of this is temporary well it's home there is no permanent home down here we're just passing through haven't you heard about this and your good stuff is not down here he's gone to prepare a place for you and uh what a place your good stuff is is there so you can let this stuff down here go it comes it goes freely you've received freely you give it flows to you it flows through you you're with me church it's just stuff it's just money it's just stuff the only real value it has if it can accomplish something for the plan of god for god's people to help people that that's the only real value lasting value that it has do you believe it church we're here for such a short time god's given us opportunities and some resources and if you'd like to have more tell me how you get it tell me you are faithful to do what he tells you to do with what you have right now right now right now i know uh this principle applies the same with revelation it applies the same with anointing it applies the same in every area when i was first started in the ministry i worked in the healing school at brother hagin's ministry and i wound up being the one to minister in the afternoons where he had been ministering and i felt so inadequate because you know he had this experience with god and he had this tangible anointing and i just got here a few months ago and still trying to figure out where the books of the bible are i mean it was kind of sad and so but i knew the anointing would make the difference and so i just kept pleading with the lord for more anointing more anointing more anointing not realizing that's not how he does things he doesn't give you more because you beg hard enough for it that is not how it works give me more give me more give me i did that for months and months not realizing i'm going the wrong way and finally one day in the floor doing it again it was time to lay hands on people that that thursday afternoon and i said lord you know give me more anointing give me and the lord spoke to my heart he said faithfulness keith faithfulness i thought oh yeah i know that's important i'm going to do a study on faithfulness and find out more but you know uh the service is just about 15 minutes what i could really use right now is some more anointing he said faithfulness keith faithfulness this went on more than once and and finally i i said lord i don't understand he said quit comparing yourself to anybody else to brother hagin he didn't start out with all the revelation and anointing that's in his life now he said i can do a lot with a little he reminded me of the little boy's lunch and how he multiplied it he said use what you have be thankful for what you have if you're faithful with it to use it to the best you you following me i'll increase it i'll add to it i realized my mistake and i set up and i began to say i turn to the scriptures in luke 9 and matthew and i begin to say the spirit of the lord is on me because i'm anointed are y'all listening or not i had to quit begging i knew i didn't have the revelation or anointing of somebody like brother hagin but i had something come on can you see this or not i had something what did he tell his disciples when they said increase our faith he said if you had faith like a mustard seed what do you do use it start speaking and use it that's how little becomes more how does one seed become a hundred come on help me out how how you plan it you gotta get it in the ground the greatest seed that has ever been sown is jesus he is the eternal word seed that god the father sowed into the planet you and i are the continuing harvest and multiplication of that seed hallelujah you and i so if god himself had to sow a seed to get a harvest no matter how much other people mock about this and make fun about this this is god this is how he functions this is how he operates this is how he has commanded us to operate and the more we pay attention to it the quicker we will go from where we are to a greater place from something even a small amount to more and more and more and so i quit begging and i begin to sit sometimes for minutes at a time and just say he's anointed me he's an i am anointed he's anointed i'm not comparing myself to anybody else i'm thanking god for what he gave me and i'm going to use what he gave me to the to the nth degree and as i kept doing that it wasn't long it started increasing it wasn't long here comes more revelation here comes more anointing here comes more revelation i didn't get it by begging i got it by using what he gave me endeavoring to be faithful with what he gave me look in the second corinthians please closing i think i'm thinking about closing does that count for anything that i'm that i thought about it oh somebody say glory to god what first corinthians 4 is what i should have said i don't know what i said but first corinthians 4 and verse 1 and 2. first corinthians 4 1 and 2. he's he said let a man account of us as the ministers of christ and stewards of the mysteries of god say that phrase out loud stewards of the mysteries of god uh years ago when the lord dealt with us to believe partners for the ministry and dealt with me to write a letter to the partners and and when as i sat down to write it this was back in the early 80s uh i thought well i know i don't want to ask for money and i don't know why i have to and i'm sitting there well what are you going to put in the letter you know and so i'm this is the some of the first partner letters i ever wrote and so i'm thinking about it i said lord i want to i want to give i don't want to ask anybody for a thing i want to sow i want to give and he spoke to me right there at my desk he said the most valuable thing you have to give is the revelation i give you did you hear that phrase the most valuable thing you have to give it wouldn't be money it wouldn't be any of that it's the revelation it's it's the light and revelation of the word and of my things that i've given to you and that's when we started making cassettes and putting them in the envelope and didn't anybody get any of those i mean the cassettes we we sent them all over the place all over the world hallelujah we got an amazing testimony i won't go into all of it but i shared with the pastors last night an individual was thinking about committing a crime and he was out in the woods hiding and as he was sitting there waiting he saw something sticking up out of the dirt and he reached over and got it it was a white cassette tape stuck in the mud well you know it had to be old and he looked at it it was one of our preaching teaching cassette tapes and as he lay there quiet i mean he's contemplating committing his crime and and he got to thinking about it and just looking at it and he decided he'd just wait on this crime and went back home and washed it off and it played and played the tape and repented wow well somebody sowed into the ministry is that right somebody's because we sent those out at no charge and somebody sowed so that that could happen they got a part of that there i'm telling there's going to be people yeah i mean you have sown into this church you have sown into these things you watch and see when you get to heaven there'll be all kind of strangers that'll come up to you and want to hug you and want to thank you and you'll go well who are you and you'll go they'll say thank you you you helped send this to me you helped send the gospel to me you have get this to me you oh glory to god you will be so thankful for what you had that you obeyed god and he and he could trust you with something that he told you to do he said stuart good stewards of the manifold excuse me stewards of the mysteries of god moreover it's required in stewards that a man be found what faith that is the requirement with all managers with all those who handle another's affairs is that we are faithful somebody say faithful and the living bible says it like this and this is this is a revelation here the living bible in verse 2 says now the most important thing about a servant is that he does just what his master tells him to do faithfulness is not working hard are y'all with me church people say well you know they've been faithful man they're hard workers they they'll do it the very best they know how that is not being faithful that's diligence faithfulness is what the living bible brought out if you're handling somebody else's things how how could they trust you with it you do exactly what they want done with their stuff you do it the way they told you to do it you never have a better idea you never just do it the way you think best you do it their way anybody know about you know art and somebody said that's a faithful reproduction what does that mean you can't tell them apart that means when they reproduced it they didn't take any liberties to change it they made it exactly like this one that's what faithful is we do exactly what he directs us to do and when he sees through our obedience he can trust us i'm telling you here comes promotion here comes promotion and the big promotions don't start till after this life the lord said when talking about that same parable he said to this person he said have uh you know authority over five cities have authority over ten cities there's gonna be cities in the future who's going to be in charge of them the lord wants you to be he wants you to be but he's got to know he can trust you and that's going on right now that's being proven right now stand on your feet everybody oh hallelujah oh somebody lift up your hands lift up your praises the anointing is here the holy spirit is here his presence is here oh just close your eyes and begin to thank the lord his plan is so big his plan is so vast and he's he's looking for those he can trust i want you to lift your hands and regardless of your mistakes in the past regardless of your your weaknesses and things that you've experienced god looks at the heart he looks at the heart and he can add to you what you need to make up the difference if you have a willing heart and mind so lift up your hands lift up your heart say that like forgive me lord at any point in time that i didn't listen to you didn't do what you said i that's not my heart that's not my desire i want to be someone you can trust that will obey you quickly and completely that'll do things exactly the way you tell me to that you could call me faithful that you could trust me i know i can trust you and by faith i say with your help i'll be someone that you can trust oh just pray in the spirit some just just chao cola plot and money thank the lord for hearing this prayer right now and doing the work in you work in us lord to will and to do of all your good pleasure you who have begun a good work in us thank you that you are continuing it on now and tomorrow and the next lord nothing is more important to me than pleasing you nothing's more important to me than obeying you caleb zona a plain we don't know who's given their heart fully to the lord or who is just trying to make god an add-on to their life you don't want to do that you want your you want to put yourself completely in his hands so say it out loud confirm or reaffirm commit or recommit yourself to him say it out loud every no nobody's silent now everybody you're breathing his air his life is in you uh you're created for him say it out loud father god i believe in you i believe in jesus jesus is my lord and my savior and i say lord everything i am everything i have everything that's under my control and in my power is available to you here i am use me here i am send me i am yours to command hallelujah oh hallelujah do you mean that do you mean that lift your hands and thank the lord for his grace and for his ability in you and through you and on you for this to be true throughout the rest of your life oh hallelujah in just a few days oh it won't be long in just a few days in just a few years you and i are going to be out of here everybody's going to be out here all of this is going to be over and we're all going to be standing before the throne oh hallelujah oh hallelujah and the master everybody's going to have to give an account of the things that that happened in this life and were done in the flesh not our sins our sins are washed away but it's time for the rewards it'll be time for the the positions and how many want to hear your name called oh what could be greater all the stuff in this life is just going to pale by comparison how many want to hear your name called huh how many want the master the master hallelujah the head of the church to call your name oh that's what i that's what i'm longing to hear i want to hear the master's voice i want to hear him say keith keith you've been faithful in a few things boy aren't you glad he didn't say everything he just said i'm glad about that part you've been faithful over a few things i'm going to make you now ruler over much enter into the joy of your lord oh friend what will go through our soul what kind of fire what kind of light what kind of brilliance will will radiate to us and through us and this is when our life and purpose really begins to come out now in what we're doing in his kingdom and his things and all the stuff that happened back here down in this dark curse-filled place it'll be in our rearview mirror hallelujah i heard these words my eye is on you i am mindful of you and i'm pleased with everyone whose heart trusts in me i'm guiding your path i'm directing your steps and the light is growing brighter and brighter the closer you get and all the things i have planned for you great things exceeding abundantly above anything you have asked or thought and i have said and i will do it to reveal the exceeding riches of my grace to you and with you throughout the eternal ages to come you are mine and i am yours and my banner over you is my love and our future is together and the glory will never fade hallelujah oh somebody say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord pray come on lift your hands praise the lord glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god i heard these words too don't be entangled with the affairs of this life don't be weighted down with cares of this life and and the lust for the things of this world don't love this world and don't love the things of this world because it is so swiftly passing away love the lord your god with all your heart all your soul all your mind all your strength all your abilities all your resources hallelujah and you'll see how you'll be my treasures how you are my jewels and how i will hold you in my hand and others will see that i have loved you and i have glorified you with the glory of christ hallelujah somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord let's lift our hands and thank him again thank you lord thank you for you thank you for choosing us lord thank you for choosing us thank you that we are your choice thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you that we are yours we belong to you thank you thank you thank you thank you hallelujah hallelujah we know we can trust him how many will say by faith i'm one he can trust i want to see a hand how many will say i by the grace of god i'm one he can trust i'm i'm one of god's go-to people come on say it out loud i'm one of god's go-to when he needs something done it's kind of what was that slogan about when it absolutely has to be there huh overnight what was it what is it but it absolutely positively has to who is that what is it fedex fedex but it absolutely positively has to be there they're saying what are they saying you can count on them all right right they're saying they are faithful you you ask them or paid them to get that there and they're saying you can count on us well when god absolutely positively has to get something done and if other people are not listening come on help me out huh does god have some go-to's in this church in this place oh you'll be so glad you you'll if that's true and it comes to pass that that's the case then you'll wind up privy to things that others are not you will get previews that others don't get and you'll be included in things that others don't get to be a part of and that'll just be in this life and in the next life it really expands well done good and faithful does those words bless you just hearing them come on see something in you knows that's what you crave to hear from your creator that's what you crave that's what you were made for well done good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things now be ruler over much many things enter thou is it going to be fun is it going to be happen enter into the joy of your lord hallelujah hallelujah pastor come before i start preaching again well that one was a life changer i'm just going to have you continue to stand if you would if you would like to support and sow seed into this ministry and i'm talking about keith's you can do that either through the ark and put a note on it and we'll get it or you can just simply put it to more life ministries and we'll make sure he gets all of it and uh i'll tell you what that was i was so worth i was coming and sitting here that that is the that is the best that is the best message i've ever heard on faithfulness in my life and i've been out this more than a couple of years longer than i like to think so um if you put on the screen guys through different ways you give there there's some envelopes by your uh by your feet there and then you can also give online we'll make sure we get all of it let's thank the lord for this time and we'll dismiss father we thank you as we sow seed into this ministry we're grateful for more life ministries and everything that it's involved in thank you that we get to sow seed and good soil and so father thank you for everyone that sows thank you for helping us be faithful with what we have and lord we give you all the praise thank you for what you've done in us tonight in jesus name amen amen we love you we're praying for you have a wonderful evening [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Ark Church
Views: 667
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 37sec (6817 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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